🇻🇳 Ultimate VIETNAM STREET FOOD Tour in Hanoi (Cheap and Delicious!)

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today we are going to take you on the ultimate street food tour in hanoi and because we're not experts in vietnamese food we have asked a local food expert to join us and show us the ropes we are going to taste smell and learn all about the fascinating food culture here in hanoi hey we just left the office of the hanoi street food tour and we met our guide wendy who will be taking us on a food tour in the old quarter and just in front of us here is the old gate that is the entrance to the old quarter in the past the real hanoi is much smaller than now yeah and there were five gates that lead to hanoi and this is one of the gates oh yeah the other four they were all bombarded this one the last one left but we don't farm it we have to have to harvest it from the nature and now this time of the year now the sandworm will just float up and people have it yeah we definitely haven't tried this one before did you say worm worm later we pass the market if i see that i will show you okay and we don't have something like this in thailand for sure so it's a mixture of worm and pork but you can't see like the whole worms because they kind of like blended and dissolved into a little patty and they have like dill yeah lemongrass leaves ginger leaf orange skin sounds delicious it's quite juicy and it has that like the aroma of the dill you can't really taste the worm it tastes like minced pork it's almost like an omelette yeah it has some egg as well it's like a herb omelette because i really like dill this is delicious so we were worried that we might be leaving too much left over during our food tour but wendy just said that we don't have to worry because the restaurants collect the leftovers and the farmers will come and collect them and use it to feed the pigs i at first thought they would just resell them no that's why i suppose you're so worried sometimes it can be intimidating when you get to a new country and you don't speak the language like how we are in vietnam so that's why we think joining a food tour is the best way to get to talk to the locals but also get to know the culture of the city so i'm in the old quarter originally we have 36 streets and now you can see a lot of the streets the name of the street begins with the one hang like h-a-n-g and the second one is the products they sell in the street for example this street is in hang chieu which means the mat street and you can see they sell mat everywhere so in the old quarter we also have like our silver street fish sauce street sugar street many things if you want to say hi hi so if you want to buy something you go to that street get out of the way so we're walking down this small little street here and it is where all the merchants come to eat and what we mean by merchants is that there is a wholesale market the biggest one called dong xuan market where people come and just buy goods and they resell it in the countryside or in other shops and wendy was saying the merchants are the best eaters so that's why this street is full of delicious street food okay this is where we're gonna sit yeah yeah first is the drink is a lime tea so one is lime tea and one is kumquat tea kumquat is much smaller this one you see yeah and lime is bigger and which one is more popular the lime tea yeah you can see when you pass by the the places where a lot of young people sit down and drink something and eat sunflower seeds while chatting with each other that's lime tea this is super refreshing what what is that what do you have this is kumquat tea you can change and try it lime tea is delicious too this one is delicious too and how much for this look at the smoke coming out must be really hot grilling those skewers in this weather the first one is bun cha bun means vermicelli and cha means pork so we have two kinds of barbecue pork here the first one is pork belly and this one is minced pork and it's wrapped with lo lot leaf you know lo lot leaf no it's um the same it's look exactly like betal leaf but the betel leaf we chew to dye the teeth into black color yeah this one we just eat so now you can add some chili and some garlic pickle in vinegar yeah so one tip for you when you go to eat in a strange shop is that you add some garlic in vinegar in the food yeah so because you don't know about the quality of that sauce and this one will protect the stomach yeah have to do that but so far we've been really lucky like we haven't gotten sick or anything yeah but that's a really good tip add pickled garlic we had bun cha before is this one of the best one the char is what makes the difference the char in the meat and then in the soup is what makes it so good yeah because the lady was just sitting there grilling them until they like nice and crispy for you okay you'll have to try this this is really good i have a question about the basket of vegetables do they give it to other table if you don't finish it it depends on the shop like we are only the first people that come and you can see that because they deliver a lot we just sit here so um this is not the reused one so don't worry so there's a tip always eat the top half because it's fresh the bottom half is like the old stuff in it unless they pop the old basket on top of the new basket so you can't tell what is the name in vietnamese okay here's the tofu this is banana isn't that weird we actually had snail soup before the very first night when we arrived in hanoi there's definitely snail in there what did you order first night oh man i'm not sure if this is a good idea snail is like a vietnamese specialty right a lot of people like to eat snails here okay let's see if it's good this one is much better than the first one we find it has like a shiso leaf smell and i can get the aftertaste of the snail it tastes like dirt tofu is good i had it before i haven't see if you eaten the snail yet i'm nervous i leave it last it's so slimy see that yeah yum why do you have to eat it separately if you're scared do you like snails such a weird texture slimy and crunchy you can take a little bit of everything yeah yeah mixed together it doesn't taste like dirt it's just crunchy yeah wow and it's not slimy try it by itself please that's not how you're supposed to eat it you're supposed to eat in the yummy way which is like mixed together so how much was our total 110 000 dong. okay let's go so you probably noticed that we are not taking our wallets out to pay oops because as part of the food tour we pay initially which is twenty dollars a person if you're on a group tour and thirty dollars the person if you were on a private tour and all the food in this tour will be paid for by the tour guide let's see where else wendy is going to take us it's a red jellyfish you don't need like to finish the whole thing i just buy one and then you can try this let's do it okay i'm a bit scared about this one it looks like it looks like raw beef yeah this one looks pretty um interesting and but we can do it right we can do it let's do it so yeah we are being nervous about this but there's a lot of people eating here a lot of locals so it's probably really really good okay take a seat you're really close to other people why do vietnamese people like to sit really low we don't like to sit really low but because like this one this kind of stool is cheaper and it's more flexible you know that is illegal right yeah so sometimes the police will come so that's much quicker for the owner to take everything in that makes a lot of sense because it's so much easier to uh hide them yeah remove these ones quickly so all the like street food so setting up tables like this and stools are technically not legal this thing you can easily fit any people like you don't have a big table and it's a really small number of people right it's easy for us we're short oh my goodness i'm not sure about this one it's raw isn't it i don't know if it's raw but look at the jellyfish look at the black dots oh so it's a red jellyfish and they pickle it with some type of herb make it red like this and we will eat together with herb and um tofu coconut and then dip everything in the shrimp paste you look concerned you take a leaf and then you put a little bit of everything and coconut and then you just go like this and then eat open the mouth this place is very famous wow you're so brave i'm proud of you okay i just want to make sure i'm keeping it down first the jellyfish for me the texture is a bit weird so i was scared about the shrimp paste but actually the shrimp paste was fine it was the texture of the jellyfish is like new yeah for me i don't think i don't think you can handle it so you put some of this but that was very good though the one i just made hey this is more expensive than pho this set here is 60 000. but um let's move on okay how was it was it like it was better than i expected but it's not my favorite uh food in vietnam but it's okay because wendy said it's also not her favorite so it's just something that to try right yeah and do you think it was a good choice that i didn't uh try it yes because i know when you cannot handle it you'll probably vomit all over the ground and then we'll probably have to pay more money to clean it up very accurate i have a question i see a lot of older people smoking that bong yeah is it like uh marijuana or is it like just it's more like cigarette but it's much stronger sometimes you can see the video of the foreigners they smoke that and then they fall fall down oh because it's so strong they want you to try but i suggest no i like that we get to walk a lot get a chance for our food to digest so what are we eating so we have normal food here we will have a chicken noodle but it's without the soup dried chicken noodle yeah is it dry pho ga yeah so this type of noodle is pho and then we have chicken we have a special kind of sauce and then we have bean sprouts we also have um this one is the fried shallot and different kind of herb as well so now you just mix this up and eat together and now we also have this chili paste that's gonna go well with the noodle can you eat spicy more more okay more this one is spicy and then we have more garlic vinegar a lot of vietnamese food is sweeter than other cuisines that's why they have to add a lot of like lime and vinegar and like chili to just balance the taste a little bit no because we have a bitter life so we have to sweeten everything i got it all wrong this is the first actual table we have used during this food tour okay the first stop you even have to stand yeah oh we did everything we stood to eat yeah we sat on the stool now a proper table okay is that right i said it right yeah i think this one is an easy one to like to enjoy i saw the way the lady shredded the chicken she's just like use her hands and tear everything out when you take the chicken it tastes better this looks better too it has a better texture too yeah hand torn chicken noodles you know like the one who always has the carrier on their shoulder yeah to sell noodles yeah so like the whole big pot like that on one of the carrier thing and now she carry around here in the old quarter like for 10 years before she can open the little restaurant here it's glass noodle and then they mix it with some some more seasoning so the flavor is more intense yeah and then we have fish cake beef tofu and some vegetables looks very good very nice noodles are very flavorful she's been doing this for over 10 years so she has definitely perfected her recipe my friends what a small world okay we gotta get back to uh wendy here bye we'll see you guys later small world hanoi is not that big this one also a normal dish for us yeah if you go to the market you can see that they sell a lot and we should eat this kind of food with rice at home so this street is like the food they they sell the ready made food so people who they have no time for cooking they can come here and buy some and bring back home to eat with rice silkworm this is not too weird for me because we have this in thailand too it's different from the one in thailand they pop in your mouth but they're very salty quail egg oh this one's good and the pork this is my favorite this with hot steamed rice would be so good this one i like very good now i want you to try some ice cream we have mung bean ice cream we have young rice ice cream we have lemon and mint ice cream what do you want i want lemon and mint ice cream oh very safe choice i'm gonna have green beans right okay mung beans and green beans the same one can you please have one with us so this is not your normal regular ice cream shop this is the first ice cream shop in hanoi you can see it says since 1958. the mint ice cream is this color and then the bright green is lime so you have to bite it to get both flavors different right i like yours better we have two more stops to go today that was our first dessert we have one more dessert and we will end our tour today with coffee so i ordered for you the pandan leaf um jelly with yogurt and now another one you can choose but this is dessert yeah it's like breakfast okay yogurt is like breakfast ice cream coconut and sticky rice it's like all combinations of texture you get the sticky chewy sticky rice and you get the soft refreshing coconut ice cream you get the crunchy roasted coconut and you get like stringy crunchy texture from the fresh coconut very good that's a really big bite you need to take a little bit of everything you gave her too much sticky rice but how was it though it's very good i think i like the yogurt with the pandan jelly because the pandan jelly is really good it's like nice and firm and crunchy and what are these ones again another type of jelly yeah and it's a little sour so it's kind of refreshing this is our final stop we are going to the original egg coffee shop right here okay gotta walk through this tight corridor here so this one is the original place where they invented egg coffee you know that before the french came to vietnam we didn't have any coffee or milk and that coffee was too bitter so vietnamese didn't like it and um uh mr.giang the one who invented egg coffee at first he worked in a french hotel in hanoi one time he ran out milk so he replaced milk with egg and make egg coffee and then he realized that with the egg coffee is like more accessible to all the vietnamese people like it's much cheaper every family they have chicken so they have eggs so it's much more affordable than milk that's such a cool story yeah it's so creative yeah you can take the picture of the family the man is the one who made egg coffee because you know the coffee is much heavier than the egg that's why always in the bottom and if you mix it then it's still in the bottom so the correct way is to fold it oh wow you can still take the coffee up but it doesn't break a lot of the bubbles like we need to keep the texture of the egg yeah and then you spoon to try some egg cream first and if you like you can drink to have more of the coffee yeah wow such a beautiful way to eat it i do like egg coffee though it's so creamy it's like eating custard when you get a lot of coffee though it's very bitter this is the right way to eat egg coffee right yeah you have to leave the foam so the egg coffees were 30 000 each and you definitely have to try them if you are coming to hanoi it is just one of those items that if you don't try it then it's like you haven't been to hanoi yet so this was the last stop of our food tour we tried so many amazing things we want to say a big thank you to wendy from hanoi street food tour for showing us all the different street foods and teaching us about the local cultures in vietnam and if you want to do the same food tour we will link the information in our description box below thank you so much for watching and as always have a wonderflo day we will see you in the next one bye bye bye bloopers i also have a question what does this mean in vietnamese um we can do it oh can you do me a favor yes can you hand me the camera please oh thank you thank you bye-bye thank you we'll see you guys later bye you're good let's do this you
Channel: Flora and Note
Views: 536,360
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Keywords: The Ultimate Vietnam Street Food Tour in Hanoi, hanoi vietnam, hanoi street food, vietnam street food, vietnamese street food, vietnam food, vietnam travel, vietnamese street food hanoi, vietnam travel 2022, street food vietnam 2022, hanoi street food tour, street food hanoi, vietnamese street food tour, vietnam, hanoi, ha noi, travel vietnam, vietnam vlog 2022, flora and note, flora and note youtube, vietnam 2022, hanoi travel guide, best food in hanoi, vietnam now
Id: OOxxv7XQIXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 57sec (1617 seconds)
Published: Sun May 15 2022
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