Most Unbelievable Moments Ever Caught On Camera !

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ever seen something so incredible you wouldn't believe it without proof well get ready to be amazed today we're showing you the most unbelievable moments ever caught on camera so without further Ado make sure to subscribe and hit the bell and let's get right into it sometimes you just have to slap some sents into someone even if they may be a big scary hippo Red Bull's known for their insane stunts but jumping from space is just a different level of crazy even for them I wanted to be the first human outside of an aircraft breaking the sound [Music] barrier this cargo truck carrying cash crashed on the freeway spilling money everywhere what would you do if you found thousands of dollars just on the freeway if you thought water couldn't change colors think again it's magic have you ever thought about how scary it must be to be buried alive you would never think someone would do it on purpose right well until you meet David Blaine because he vol arily spend seven days underground in a transparent coffin together smiling and that made all of this work now that's definitely a man with a strong mentality if this guy was a professional every bull fighter would be out of a job flying looks pretty exhausting for birds and this feathered guy decided to take a little break by riding along On a hand glider [Music] meanwhile this guy somehow managed to open a gate straight to the underworld oh wait is that fire wait put it back put it put it back that's literally the entrance to Hell most likely inspired by seeing planes fly through tunnels in GTA 5 stun pilot Dario Costa took on the challenge in real life making history as the first person to successfully fly a plane through a [Music] tunnel his daring feet is now a permanent Mark in aviation history seriously these people eat danger for breakfast lunch and dinner you can't talk about crazy stunts and Unforgettable moments without talking about Tom Cruz the guy's a legend for doing his own stunts and this one from the last mission impossible movie might be the craziest one he's done [Music] yet and of of course don't try this at home this guy skydiving skills are Next [Music] Level this might be the craziest parking job I've ever seen this pizza is so long it could play in the NBA if you can't even tie a simple knot then this guy's skill will definitely make you [Music] jealous dogs are man's best friend and apparently can even take over the wheel when man needs a breake don't believe me well just look at this good boy everyone challenges their fears of in different ways but Alan Robert takes it to another level by scaling the world's tallest building the Burge Khalifa and the truly shocking part is that if the government wouldn't have forced him to wear a safety line this crazy Daredevil would have climbed without [Music] it I wonder if he also climbed s like Tom Cruz you know for normal people like me sitting on a roller coaster is scary enough as it is but for this guy that just doesn't do it anymore okay so how do you make a roller coaster even more frightening well you got to become the roller coaster and set a world record at the same [Music] time [Music] they say parents develop a sick sense but I didn't know that was true for pet parents too oh my god get back try oh my God oh my [Music] God lighting your parachute on fire sounds ridiculous but professional stunt man Troy Hartman thought it sounded like a great idea [Music] and again it goes without saying this was done by a professional so please don't try this at home have you ever seen a bird nesting on a buffalo's head it might seem unbelievable but this has actually been caught on camera several times and even if it looks strange it's also surprisingly cute a combination of luck and quick reactions saved this woman from a massive tree that randomly fell right in front of her path have you ever seen a lightning ball well if so you're one of the lucky few so a lightning ball is a rare and mysterious phenomenon that usually appears during a thunderstorm scientists are not sure how it forms but they do have some theories one theory is that lightning St strikes the ground and vaporizes some minerals in the soil those vaporized particles then stick together and form a ball of silicone that floats in the air oh yeah one more thing it can also travel through walls and windows this waterfall looks like if you go near it you'll be swallowed up and taken to the bottom of the ocean but actually it's just an illusion and it's completely safe to swim over [Music] it these workers had to stay overtime to wash their boss's car so they came up with what they thought was a genius idea to use the excavator I don't know who but someone's getting fired for the way they stack these [Music] iPhones backflips are always pretty risky but backflipping in ice skates is so dangerous it's actually illegal but of course rules are meant to be broken and sua bonley decided being disqualified was worth becoming a moment in history fo landing on the back truly amazing and here she even performed the illegal move once again at the Olympics but this time time she was not only disqualified but also received a big penalty despite this she still won the hearts of fans this is why I'd recommend you always wear protective gear when ax throwing without a doubt that would have been a very unfortunate accident luckily she ducked at the right time and no one was injured when this seal saw a bunch of fish on a boat he decided it was a free buffet just for him the guys on the ship tried to scare him off but he just ends up enjoying the shower with his [Music] meal turns out posing for the camera can be pretty dangerous especially if there's a shark behind you a c cucumber eating is the weirdest thing that you'll see today [Applause] have you ever wondered what would happen if you detonated a nuke in the ocean well this is what happens and there are no words to describe the sheer Terror of it this dust devil easily did the worst pitch invasion of all time it seems like mother nature wasted play time so its favorite team could win why blow rings with a vape when you can do it [Music] underwater this moose slid just in the nick of time and looked pretty funny while doing it [Music] this drone is just minding its own business on its way to give some poor guy their morning coffee when it sees something is it a plane is it a Superman oh wait no it's a bunch of birds and they want to kill the Drone and steal his [Music] coffee or CU maybe the Apex predators of the ocean but they make time to mess around with us humans every now and again too oh my [Music] God oh my God no way oh is this sloth incredibly Brave or just very stupid watch as it strolls over this Anaconda like it's a [Applause] carpet [Music] wow never knew sloths were that cool apparently no animal is a cooler pet to have than an elephant I wouldn't blame you if you thought aliens were invading us but luckily this is just a very rare phenomenon seems like Harry Potter isn't the only guy whose mail gets delivered by owls [Music] having the element of surprise can be a great advantage in a boxing match however leaving the match is not really the kind of surprise you want to get bring an end to opponents in quick fashion and Curtis has walked out of the ring wait cannot believe I've never seen it before he walked out of R he's not fighting I've never seen this before in my life have you ever seen the night sky lit up like the sun suddenly appeared if not then you probably haven't seen a meteor fall at night it's actually incredible how much light one meteor can produce from so far away practice is extremely important for basketball players but you might want to take it a little bit easier than this guy the river of five Waters looks like like something straight out of a movie Sometimes reality can be more creative than [Music] Fiction what's cooler than a beach a glow-in-the-dark Beach of course these are caused by bioluminescent planked which blow when they're mov so much that's not the Red Sea parting again it's just a bunch of crabs everyone knows Stephen Curry is awesome at basketball but what you maybe didn't know is that he's also awesome at golf are you kidding me are you [Music] kiding if you ever needed proof that trees are alive here's a video of a tree actually breathing to prove it to you you're hoping and now witness Denmark's black Sun a phenomenon where countless blackbirds move at the same time with such Precision that their formations block out even the sun which of these clips shocked you the most let us know in the comments below and be sure to drop a like And subscribe with notifications turned on thanks for watching and we'll see you next time
Channel: Novella
Views: 1,634,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: novella, caught on camera, caught on tape, captured on camera, unbelievable moments, shocking moments, moments, best moments, incredible moments, incredible moments caught on camera, most unbelievable moments, moments caught on camera, viral, top 10, try not to laugh, amazing people, moments you must see to believe, if it were not filmed, 2023, epic moments, rarest things, best videos, selection, mind blowing, most unbelievable, incredibel moments
Id: fiCxNpM6mRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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