45 Shocking Moments Of Idiots In Cars Got Instant Karma | USA & Canada Only

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join us on this roller coaster ride through unbelievable driving mistakes let's embark on a journey teaming with surprises twists and a healthy dose of head shaking disbelief this video is made for educational purposes and contains significant original text commentary the amateur video shows the tractor Trail are stalled on the tracks in Locust Grove Georgia as the double stacked freight train approaches there's no way trucks can fit over trains but they'll try it all the time the incident occurred in Texas after the truck became stuck while trying to cross over the tracks glad no one was injured wow a massive semir truck was Laden with cargo as it traveled through a town in British Columbia Canada the semi then swerves into the waiting traffic at the red light slippery roads are no joke it's a reminder to slow down and drive like there's black ice around every corner no going too fast and can't control it best they hand their license back now half mod n couldn't believe me a distracted driver caused an incident in Rosenberg Texas it's difficult for big rggs to avoid it good to hear everyone safe drive with caution in icy conditions for a Merry Christmas everyone there everyone's okay as it approached a line of stationary cars it appears the driver showed no attempts to stop the speed of the bus was not slow either so the driver could not do much oh no did that driver just forget about mirrors mirrors are there for a reason there is probably no deceleration Island in front of the roundabout it is clear that when a driver of the car perceived the risk he tried to accelerate but this was no longer sufficient to avoid the problem it's great luck that they are fine what a tremendous amount of luck it would take for an object of this size and mass Not to cause a massive incident driver gets spun around by a semi-trailer while trying to overtake the truck but who's in the wrong wow that pole is built for tough I was supposed to see how much force it absorb like nothing the complete lack of awareness in some people is absolutely frightening ohy I hate it when people stop cars trying to turn and cross on a dual carriageway when there are no stop signs or traffic lights this has happened to me at the intersection I had the right away but someone ignored the sign I understand there are unreasonable speed limits everyone ignores the warning signs and the speed limits posted breaks on stationary traffic or red flags car Crossing should not have proceeded if unsafe wof one truck thought it could play chicken with another grateful that everyone is safe yikes they tried to navigate that winter obstacle course but the snow had other plans I wonder if they were on the phone the police it looks to me like they do notice and try to pull over but they think there isn't room with the on-ramp coming up keeping going for whatever reason and there goes his tire bro he could have avoided that he had plenty of room anyway Applause goes to the driver with a camera he slowed down so we wouldn't run into it oh my the driver of a Fiat who was exceeding the speed limit noticed the Lancia car turning left in front of him too late it's a terrifying experience but it's nowhere as bad as I thought it slid down slowly without flipping over and over and came to a stop quite calmly what do you think is going on break failure or sleeping oh seeing that situation was not good the large truck behind quickly break and turned into the other direction oh dear maybe this is how the bus fire starts have you ever witnessed someone driving the wrong way if you can't feel that you don't need to be driving oh no the red semi- appears to have approached the corner traveling too fast a bus flew off the road to the territory of the house and rammed Park cars keep your eyes peeled folks you never know when a car might pull a disappearing act and reappear right in front of you what is this we had a lot of space the police took away his driver's license cops like sure you can come into my lane that's a $90 entry fee well someone lost their driving job think the incident happened due to Failure to observe the following distance if it is observed it would have been a nice and calm Saturday for both parties what I see on the road is nobody cares I prefer to put the car down on the weekend I see this will be the secret a long life in the future driving isn't a Tik Tock Dance Challenge keep it steady on the [Music] road it's funny and sad at the same time the people are so irresponsible oh dear that guy's driver's license should be revoked well this is not the first time that someone tried to retaliate like that has anyone ever been a victim of road rage well they hop back into the truck and drive away like it's just another day in the neighborhood you really couldn't feel the vibrations of the oncoming train if only the conductor would try to stop him do not imitate [Music] this oh no I think both of them are at fault in this casee the train can completely avoid it and sugarcan trucks can stop it's better to wait for the train to pass completely before proceeding got a bad feeling when this driver saw the white truck not slowing down so he didn't move and he was correct no how can summon be so turned out as to plow into all of this but still keep their Lane even after the truck is going backwards seemingly without any braking please drive carefully bro what is he thinking hope everything works out with the insurance and all that at least everyone is fine the wreck happened in Ringold exit in Georgia a car hauler headed south pulled into the lane of a USPS tractor trailer the USPS then crossed the meting and collided with another tractor trailer headon luckily everyone is safe the incident which was captured on a CCTV camera showed the bus attempting to avoid an oncoming vehicle and going off the road hope everyone is still safe oh the chase was difficult a man from GTA posed as a very real [Music] threat they did a good job but it took a long time time who do you think is wrong let me know in the comment below oh the driver narily avoids a head-on collision as an approaching vehicle comes quickly around a blind corner and mounts the grassy Bank never attempt to breake check the trucks folks who is in the wrong in this situation let me know your opinion in the comments below oh his current judgment indeed saved him I hope the driver of the sand and gravel truck will be fine a vehicle collided with a separation causing the entire vehicle to overturn on its side and scrap metal contained in the truck fell to the ground pray everyone is okay this is the moment the speeding car smashes into a taxi at the traffic lights in Turkey pay close attention to your surroundings and be prepared to stop at traffic [Music] lights oops he knew it but he just kept driving it's ridiculous to continue driving like this oh no he was driving on the shoulder of the road using the shoulder as a shortcut or to pass slow moving Vehicles is risky don't do [Music] that snowy conditions demand extra caution in severe weather consider staying home or using public transportation here's the moment a truck plunged off the side of the bridge into the Charles River in Western Massachusetts luckily the driver was able to get out of the cab before it became partially submerged underwater this is the moment bamboo sticks impaled a car after falling off a transport truck safety on the road requires vigilance and careful driving everyone my thought looks like a brake failure it almost even looks like he intentionally steered into the wall to help stop the car but the physics were not in his favor today a truck driver miscalculated the height of the fairing on top of the cab of his truck ignored all the signs and the flashing warning signal and confidently challenged the can opener Bridge do not imitate this people skimp on maintenance and a lot of skimping on undercarriage maintenance can end up like this thankfully no one got [Music] hurt a dear he's overtaking at a bend and on a single Lane Road stay in your lane bro when a man turned left he collided with with a passenger from the opposite direction causing his vehicle to flip over fortunately both parties were not seriously injured many people think tailgating is okay don't tailgate especially don't tailgate people that can give you a ticket for it yeah do it please yes there we go [Laughter] yes oh man keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you to allow for adequate reaction time be slow oh that truck was going rather fast for approaching that curve almost looks like the truck might not have even noticed glad everyone is okay it's unbelievable this driver was drunk driving on one of Mexico's most dangerous roads don't do that guys a drive recorder captured the entire incident which involved an almost head-on Collision on a curve at Nisha pass it's extremely scary to drive recklessly like this hey man that's not a good idea that such actions are unsafe the incident became possible due to the separation of the wheel of the Vaz 2114 car which was moving earlier in the extreme right lane luckily everyone is safe so that is Too Close while it's a relief to avoid an accident it's essential to reflect on such experiences and consider them as reminders to drive safely always stay focused to use signals and drive responsibly to ensure a seamless and accident free Journey do not imitate this always check blind spots this simple habit can save lives thankfully all of them are [Music] okay [Music] really he is stopping before getting out of the traffic lane this is why you keep your eyes on the road do not change lanes suddenly or without proper signaling plan your lane change well in advance oh man the car in front yielded to a pedestrian so the car behind can't break in time never tailgate and always anticipate sudden stops then he fled the scene of the [Music] incident in North Little Rock Arkansas an SUV hydroplane and crashed due to wet road conditions if hydroplaning gently ease off the accelerator and steer in the direction you want to go I don't understand how this could happen hard to say oh you won't believe what happens what a Pity the car is really ancient H it's okay if you step on the wrong foot so don't bother people put away phones and focus on driving mate pay attention to the road and surroundings checking for oncoming traffic and proceeding only when it safe is crucial folks defensive driving especially at intersections oops by the way can someone tell the brand who is to blame seems the truck driver tried to avoid the other truck in the left lane but collided with this vehicle instead wow how is the semi-trailer balanced can anyone explain to me I think truck drivers need to learn to be patient when changing lanes the train not having time to leave the city caught fire near the station the fire occurred due to a break in the high voltage contact wire [Music] the driver of a Toyota Land Cruiser Jeep overtook standing cars in the oncoming Lane and tried to cross the rails in front of an oncoming train do not imitate this whoops maybe someone fell asleep or was texting with a girlfriend it won't be a problem if you don't cause trouble to others it wasn't even possible to break which is the fault of the truck has anyone encountered a similar situation no it's amazing to be able to collide and run even if a wheel falls off but it looks like the driver parked illegally who is that fault hey man what are you doing stay attentive avoid distractions and being cautious especially during overtaking maneuvers no that trailer was already leaning before the curve the load already had shifted was so poorly secure to begin with the fact that a car can drive fast on a straight road does not mean it can handle it in a corner especially an SUV hopefully he got over it and learned a lesson without such video evidence it would difficult to accurately determine the circumstances of the incident based solely on eyewitness testimony bu yourself a dash cam folks to prevent such incidents always obey traffic signals approach intersections with care oh no you could have avoided that by steering left earlier wow this time they may have learned a lifelong [Music] lesson the hot weather in Florida can be unforgiving they keep their speed low but it still wasn't enough for this heavy load well that didn't even try to look bad this is why we should have a dash cam guys again running a red light I witness this every day on my way to work do not imitate this the driver in the black car made a mistake but ultimately the incompetence of the silver car seemed to cause the wreck wow the lightning is so scary this is a case for an 8,679 125 repair claim unbelievable the amount of damage such a seemingly minor incident can cause what's wrong with you it was fortunate that no other cars were involved if your car plows into a guardrail turn on your hazard lights and if possible move to a safe location call for assistance and Report the incident no now it just needs an arm to reach out and cut their license in half after the Collision it's too close the suspect LED officers from West Chicago and Warrenville Illinois on a Pursuit culminating on the i88 where he struck officers Vehicles multiple times before coming to a stop and being taken into custody he's indicating he's stopping he's indicating he's [Music] stopping well he got a [Music] ticket oh right lanes are ending due to construction and traffic it's slowing down I guess this guy didn't get the memo here is a prime example of how rubber neckers are bad failed to move to a lane over safely when an accident down the road caught the [Music] ey the Subaru lost control with the trailer and collides with a wall and southbound Mi glad he's fine a truck drove through the city for over 3 minutes without breaks the situation was saved by the coordinated actions of long-range Fighters one of the cases when the Euro miraculously avoided a collision how lucky it was that the magic brakes of the uro were on the side of the car this time actually surprised the RV driver didn't Panic good situational awareness I guess the other car ran a red light but the driver Shelby should have seen that coming oh no luckily no one was hurt the driver said hmm H I didn't see the red traffic lights it's not my fault people do not imitate this the simple answer is people don't pay attention while driving please be careful out there everybody thank God no traffic was coming in the opposite direction ction and the driver managed to keep it upright and not get involved with other cars on the road this dash cam captures a learner's car that lost control and smashed the curb luckily no one was hurt you will never forget that lesson this driver had a fairly good control of the truck and just like that I got that on video fortunately no no one was hurt and this guy stayed on the road looks like the trucker couldn't break in time fortunately no one was hurt no that is scary I think he needs frequent car maintenance luckily no Collision happened the boom was terrifying thank God no one was injured well he needs to change lanes at a slow speed and with a turn signal do not imitate this clearly there is a long line of traffic blind intersections do not worry no one was [Music] hurt be careful with traffic from all sides do not IM itate this guy looks like someone was in a hurry to turn left failed to yield to oncoming traffic don't do this everyone nationalism Center the white car driver ignored a sign prohibiting u-turns causing the car behind to collide into the vehicle do not imitate this this is why you don't run red lights because you could cause a vehicle collision that could have serious consequences that's why we need to slow down and pay attention when going through curves like this luckily the driver was safe as you see the truck blows a tire and Spins out of control on this busy highway thank God no one was hurt driving safely on Snowy roads is important don't worry everyone was okay poor car he appeared to be [Music] hurrying that's definitely a tornado wow the energy of those things oh my God the red car crosses red turning to yellow lights before turning to green lights fortunately no one was hurt oh no the sudden event gave them no time to avoid the incident please leave a warning signal before turning around this video captures a trailer swaying can cause loss of control when driving fortunately no one was hurt in this case oh no he needed better judgment it's better for both drivers to slow down so this won't happen glad nobody got [Music] hurt no one should get distracted while driving luckily both of them were [Music] fine you can even see the driver passing through the green light pound the brakes as soon as they see the cruiser thankfully nobody was injured pay attention when driving oh my God glad nobody got hurt the driver ought to retake a driving course in my opinion when driving on slick surfaces use caution luckily no injuries oh my goodness my heart felt like it stopped pumping thank God the black car was safe [Music] maybe he should take a driving lesson again do not imitate [Music] this thank you for watching videos from start to finish share your favorite moment in the comments below if you've enjoyed this video please show your appreciation by hitting the like button and subscribing to our Channel see you next video
Channel: WELUCK
Views: 4,169,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: idiots in cars, instant karma, idiots in cars compilation, dash cam, dashcam, trucks, motorcycle, moments, cars, idiot, karma, #weluck, weluck
Id: fppn6W7S5ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 25sec (2005 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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