Most Unappetizing MasterChef Dishes of ALL TIME..

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you better believe that Master Chef has seen a million in one nasty dishes in its day and today I'll be going over just that honestly though for some of these nasty doesn't even do it justice because when your dish gets the judge is asking these kind of questions did you taste your wife's dish I did not you better believe you screwed up but how do we even get here in the first place well let me take you back to episode 3 of season 3 when 36 eager contestants fresh out of the auditions were put in the same room to start their run at the title you are the top 36 well done each of you have got a 1 in 36 chance the home Cooks were just one challenge away from making it to the top 18 where the real competition would begin and in case you glossed over the two numbers I've given you so far that's half the crowd that was going home obviously nobody wanted it to be them but they had a hell of an obstacle to get through if they wanted that honor but that wasn't all the surprises kept coming I hear the beeping around me everyone's oooing and awing and I have no idea what's what's going on I'm well Christine it wasn't just you literally nobody knew what was happening least of all Monty crazy looking robot machine oh my God this is insane thankfully even though it took them like a minute to get there really patting out that run Funtime hog guys they eventually eventually reveal the challenge ground beef if we see 36 Bland Burgers we're going to scream and you're going to go home yeah the contestants had to transform 2 lbs of ground beef into a showstopping dish in just 60 minutes and while that might sound like a lot of time believe me it's not not if you want to get every inch of that meat surface area cooked that is but first it was time to get their hands on the main ingredient for the day this big giant machine and we this big bowl and they have these big levers and they're getting ready to pull this sludge down and all I kept thinking was like Pink Floyd The Wall in Ramsay's own words the possibilities are Limitless but time is not so when time actually started the contestants were keen on making the most of it this competition can be won or lost in this first 5 minutes this is where you set the ground rules down right yeah halfway into things the judges stepped into the arena to get a sneak peek at some of the food they were going to have privilege or complete shame of trying says it's all at War has he told you what he think I'm not even thinking about it I don't know what he's doing he's on his own up thank you and before long everyone got plated up and ready to go make this count 3 2 1 and stop however when it was time to deliver the verdict well that verdict never came instead the judges divided the contestants into three groups Mark that is the second time that day that nobody knew what was going on I'm totally confused there's like two groups up front but there's still a bunch of us left first up they called two groups of 12 to the front I'm looking at their group and I'm looking at my group I'm freaking out because I've come so far I just can't let my dream be over and one of those 24 lucky Souls made it straight into the top 18 straight to the m chef kitchen on the other hand the second group was devastated to discover that they were being sent home right on the spot no pageantry no nothing their time was just up and of that group I really felt sorry to see Joel go the soldier with big dreams of opening his own restaurant disappointed but the restaurant Germain will be open and I will definitely send an invite out to Gardner Ramsey yeah kind of a shame if you ask me but wait I feel like I'm forgetting something here oh yeah what about the third and final group of 12 so this group was called forward with their dishes in hand Joe then asked four contestants to step forward but what did this mean were they in or were they out we just weren't sure about you we are going to take a closer look at your dishes well the judges decided that they were actually in the mood to do some judging I know imagine that so first up was Anna she walked up to the front with her Beef stuffed onions with raisins toasted walnuts and horseradish cream and while she looked anxious as hell Joe kept his feedback shortened to the point it's interesting as for Ramsay well I think you already know how hard it is to impress him nice flavor it does work but I want more color the inside has to look as delicious as the outside I understand well that wasn't too bad I guess but before you knew it it was AJ's turn so The dude walked up with his oret pasta broccoli Rob and fennel meatballs and this time Graham decided that he wanted to be first at bat there was a nice little spice I think adding that sausage was a good idea I think you did a good job thank you yeah it's literally always the seasoning isn't it anyway in the end Anna and AJ found themselves standing besides each other just waiting to hear their Fates man to make things worse Joe decided to add to the tension I will invite you to say goodbye to each other right now because there is a separation about to happen well nothing not even Joe could come between this couple the two of them hugged it out and wished each other the best knowing I'm going to be saying goodbye to my wife very emotional but the decision was made AJ Anna you're going through to the kitchen congratulations yeah it was a Bittersweet moment splitting the two of them up but hey that's the nature of the game this isn't a participation trophy kind of competition anyway not all hope was lost between the two of them because Anna had some promises to make I am determined to kick some butt in this competition both of us win that trophy that is my goal so you must be wondering how did that go for her well this was Christine Haw season so I'm sure you can Hazard a guess anyway I'm going to go over her journey in an upcoming video because it's actually a lot more interesting than Christine chewing her up and spitting her out now that being said if those relatively tame dishes send all those people home then riddle me this how in the hell did this contestant even make it to episode freaking five just hoping the judges see my talent I'm just definitely not ready well call it the times changing over the years are just pure luck but this all went down during the first Mystery Box challenge of season 12 though it's kind of interesting that 19 contestants made it to this stage in the game since only 18 made it to episode 4 in season 3 well semantics anyway getting into the meat of the matter Emily got to sit out on the balcony and enjoy her safety and well I can't say she didn't earn it immunity across that last challenge but Emily do not get too comfortable up there next time you will be down here cooking not even going to go into the fact of how I absolutely despise the whole immunity pin thing this season but at least it's not the kind of thing you can hide and pull out when the hell ever like on Survivor anyway complaints aside Emily isn't who I want to talk about here rather it's that big ass mystery box but never in my wildest dreams did I imagine this was going to be under it what's up guys how's it going say hello to sha O'Neal honestly I should get around to covering his season 7 Journey one of these days oh well for now though Shan came back to Las Vegas to start his own restaurant and believe me this dude was here to give even the judges a run for their money most competitive cities anywhere on the planet right I'm competing against you so yeah absolutely now to stand out from the competition Shawn had to come up with a brilliant strategy to make his business work built into the fabric of Vegas the cocktails share the Limelight with the food and with that I guess you have a fair idea about where this challenge was going to go we want you to embrace the spirit of Las Vegas use Spirits as ingredients in the dishes you'd make this evening so everyone had a bottle of the good stuff under their boxes in all sorts of varieties and at this point it was all about lock which at the very least was on brand I've never even seen this before hand buff before you knew it they were Off to the Races 8 7 6 5 one person stumbled just about as spectacularly as humanly possible look good which reflects on me as a chef honestly you'd be forgiven for mistaking that mess for the remains of a cake after a second grader's birthday onage got to it it hadn't even come together but you have to give it to her I mean despite the mess Kate still had hope but I got everything on the plate not just any hope mind you but High Hopes we sure she didn't chug the whole bottle of booze she got well maybe she was banking on someone screwing up worse than her do you feel that your dish is complete there's one element wrong so I decided keep it off the plate anyway when it was time to reveal the bottom three I don't think the judges had to give it much thought what happened here is this rock uh definitely is this the constructed dish or did you just rip the top well leave it to Joe to take a jab at the very first opportunity he manages to find but what was Kate's comeback uh it's deconstructed but because it's un undercooked well let's see if her dish can do the talking for her she presented stone fruit spiced cake not sure if you can even call it that but anyway she decided to serve it with some bourbon caramel sauce and cremme fresh Chantelly cream and who boy did Ramsay have some thoughts plat reminds me of a dish that's been sent back to the kitchen when someone's finished the dessert well I can't exactly disagree to make things worse the cake wasn't even cooked all the way through if some bits were crispy others were still the same consistency as when they went into the pen in the first place now I could go on and on and on about every little detail that Kate screwed up here but let's give aone the honors one beautiful dessert here there's just a lot of technical flaws and I think you know that as for Joe well the matter I mean when you de construct a dish to try and hide that the components are undercooked and raw it's kind of a disaster What followed next was probably the quickest decision that judges have ever made on this show Bar None you assembl bits and threw them on the plates unfortunately just didn't work please place your apron on your bench and say good night thank you thank you yeah and that's how k who finished fourth in season 8 mind you left the competition 15 positions lower than previously oh how the Mighty Fall but hey at least it didn't cost her the title things that is most important is your personality a theme park is a place for entertainment even if the food isn't really that great people they still be excited about the yeah as crazy as that sounds we're now heading to nottsbury farm and one contestant was pretty stoked to that theme park this is like a dream come true I work at a theme parks I'm really excited that this is our first Team Challenge turns out Dora actually worked at an amusement park well she wasn't the only one excited everybody was until they heard the shocking news all of the people coming through these Gates today will be fed by you yeah it's one thing cooking for a massive crowd but anybody who walked in the door you can't even plan for consistency you just got to go go go but leave it to the judges to help make this absolutely insane challenge work and part of that was putting D in charge of the blue team who was still gushing about her memories of spending a whole lot of time here how long we be working at theme pop almost 10 years you should be setting your team up for Success well let's hope that she can translate that nostalgia in the actual results now the menu is actually pretty simple two dishes for every guest that came their way a burger with onion rings and klaa and a classic from across the pond fish and chips the actual fun part here was that the guests would cast their votes by wildly swinging a sledgehammer at an old timey Bell strongman style you absolutely love to see it but again like Graham said literally everyone was going to need to be fed upwards of 500 Hungry Mouse to feed and to make things even more stressful if a team failed to play play to guest food within 10 seconds of their arrival they'd automatically lose that vote you go without saying but both teams had their work cut out for that all right who has experience on the grill I need to know that first who has Grill experience so we're going to go with a classic burger and we're going to focus on the sauces that we're going to put on the burger when things kicked off Carrie who is running the red team was on fire from the jump as soon as the judges said go the entire team was working like a well-oiled machine as team captain I'll only put everybody where they will allow them to shine meanwhile well I wouldn't be surprised if Dar wasn't still lost in thought for all the nothing that was going on over on her side of the stage I'm questioning dar's decision asking who wants to do what and that's not what you do as a team captain she was so lost in the sauce that dar's pep talk was more about smiling and pleasing amusement park visitors than actually cooking yeah something tells me that all that Nostalgia wasn't really working in her so it didn't take long for things to really go off the rails for the blue team we need Burgers to do by myself dere I know you're working hard thank you so much all Dara did was run around shouting inspirational phrases like you'd see on a crappy post or your boss made you hang up in your cubicle that is to say they didn't exactly well accomplish much of anything and Derek wasn't shy about pointing that out but she hasn't organized anything shouldn't cooked anything well can't argue with that and the drama wasn't limited to just the two of them Tommy had his sight set on his Nemesis for the season sweet innocent Katrina there stop stop okay can you honey you've got to do this fast he couldn't handle her slow motion movement especially when she was in charge of the batter for the fish and onion rings although he tried his best to communicate with her she got flustered in yelled at him to leave her alone and admidst all this chaos daro was just floating around in the background head in the clouds like you absolutely cannot make this up they were just so so much worse off than the red team who were still absolutely killing it by the way even though Ramsay thought that they went a bit overboard with the three sauce options for their burger hey can't argue with their results unlike dar's team who had managed to prepare 45 count them 45 burgers and not a single scrap of fish for those of you keeping score at home that's 4.5% of the approximate work budget that they needed to push through and it had already been this long to make matters worse though when they actually had some fish to show for themselves Katrina immediately dropped an entire tray of the STA are you okay fine oh man you okay Katrina yeah a ComEd of errors that it even put Shakespeare to shame and Ramsey was at his wits end and boy did he make that clear in no uncertain terms I go straight to a pressure test this is insane and add insult to injury nobody on the blue team was even smiling anymore so dar's entire purpose up to that point had been a complete waste if it wasn't already thankfully though Dan Derek and Claudia stepped up where Dar either wasn't willing or able to Dar is really not doing anything so I drop everything I'm doing and run to the back of that station get that fish in that fryer and get it cooking they started cranking out plates and things finally seem to be looking up for the blue team for once dery has burgers in once we have communication front to back however the feeling was shortlived you haven't forgotten that this is a disgusting dishes video right stop stop the fish is wrong so how about a disgusting dish and Ramsey's reaction here was straight out of Hell's Kitchen get your together cuz right now this is dangerous but that was only the beginning of the blue team's downfall yeah I haven't even gotten to the juiciest part yet the butter is too thick nothing's cooking in it why cuz all this flow's gone in there it's just like a big cement mixer with only five customers left D continued with her forced as hell smile and kept trying to keep Morale on the exact exact same freaking way she'd been doing all day just for you that's it guys that is it Anyway both teams managed to finish the challenge somehow still there can only be one winner a winner they revealed with about as much pump in circumstances they could muster but for all that Showmanship the answer was honestly pretty obvious than you 59% honestly I was expecting it to be a clean sweep for how piss poor the blue team had been doing up to this point andara was pretty broken up over how badly things had gone despite more or less being on her home turf I'm pretty devastated that my teammates and I have to go into a pressure test especially because that means someone's going home well later on when the blue team walked into the kitchen for their pressure test Dar started listing off all the people who did things right they all listened and I delegated Dan was in charge of our chip was very quick with what he was doing Olivia did I thought great with the SLO yeah she was trying to save face no ifs ands or butts about it but Christina quickly brought her back down to earth time to really face the fact that you guys are down here facing a pressure test because you lost and the next thing you know accusations started to fly Tommy started tossing barbs at Katrina claiming that she had met his attempts at communication with total dissatisfaction and disdain well Katrina a fired back accusing Tommy of hammering away at her and refusing to listen yes yeah not as upset as the customers were yesterday correct God I love watching a bunch of losers bicker but here's the thing that I felt was unfair out of the 10 chefs on The Blue Team only five would face the pressure test and guess who got to decide that who are you choosing Elsa saving Elsa and when people needed her she was there for them but Elsa Dar is saving her friend instead of the people who really worked hard yeah like Katrina said the politics on display here were Beyond obvious now cut to Derek glaring straight at the lady of the hour who was waiting to see just how selfish she would end up being Captain I need an answer he but Dar surprised Everyone by actually doing the right thing she saved HED who then volunteered his tribute and generously gifted her immunity to Derek well all that being said it was time to get into things Rich perfectly cooked pastry gooey frosting a classic American breakfast treat now Tommy Katrina Dara HED and Olivia had 45 minutes to make a dozen cinnamon rolls to fill an entire box with them and when they got busy with that the judges absolutely roasted Dar for her choices there's no reason Katrina should be down here she's really in an emotional state right now that wasn't even the biggest issue here everyone else had gotten started baking but Dar well those rolles are too big they're not going to be yeah it was just not her day and that showed in her food this guy was in the Box some Anis flavored cinnamon rolls with lemon and icing and leave it to Ramsay to be the canary in the coal mine for the other judges this this touch here is salable the anise the lemon zest the cinnamon icing nothing could save her dish not from ramsy or from Christina baking Fe that she is these are not that exciting and these value and although Dar had that same forc smile on her face she knew she was cooked the person that is safe tonight is Tommy but hey her exit interview was actually genuinely positive not like the fake stuff she was spouting during the Teen Challenge it's been such a tremendous blessing and an honor to be here my fellow contestants go in there and you show them what you've got yeah if I can even be half as graceful as her in defeat well I call that a huge win but getting back to the losers here if you can think of more times when contestants served a mediocre food on Master Chef make sure to get in the comments and believe me I know you you know and I know you know that Sasha Shelly and cutter serve up mediocrity even at their best but I've spoken about them to death at this point so let's keep things fresh yeah but before you go don't forget to drop a like subscribe and turn on my post notifications in order to be the first in line for my newest videos but until then why don't you check out this next video right here it's even better
Channel: Film Traveler
Views: 4,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gordon ramsay, kitchen nightmares, hells kitchen, master chef, gordon ramsay kitchen nightmares, ramsey, gordon ramsey, hells kitchen best moments, gordon ramsay hotel hell, ramsay, gordon ramsay best insults, chef ramsay, hells kitchen moments, hells kitchen chefs today, hells kitchen chefs, masterchef angry moment, chefs from hells kitchen, 2023, Film Traveler
Id: tJrybCyzVxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 52sec (1372 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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