Most POWERFUL And Magical Weapons In Mythology!

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from a dagger that can destroy the world to a cursed sword here are 12 magical and powerful weapons from [Music] mythology number 12 Green Dragon Crescent blade wielded by the legendary General Guan Yu in the 2 and third centuries ad the green dragon Crescent blade was said to be a guanda a traditional Chinese weapon that resembles a hird a giant of a man Guan Yu asked his blacksmiths to make a pool arm that combined The Chopping power of a sa with the length of a spear believed to weigh as much as 45 kilg although some sources say it was no more than 18 kg no normal human would have been able to use it effectively luckily that wasn't an issue for the general Guan Yu wielded the green dragon Crescent blade while defending Liu B the first ruler of Shuan deified after his death as a sort of Chinese God of War Guan Yu blesses those who show loyalty and Brotherhood traits which defined him in his life number 11 hunting and nagling the two swords of bolf hunting and nagling came to the Gish hero in different ways unurth an underling of the Danish Lord rothgar lent B wolf hunting it was already an ancient Weapon by that time and said to have never let down a warrior who wielded it however in be Wolf's fight against Grendel's mother the sword was unable to harm the monster in any way nevertheless Beowolf later returned fronting with nothing but good things to say as it was useful in every other battle the Epic doesn't explicitly specify where nagling comes from deriving from the word for nail Legends describe nagling as a fine and ancient sword when beol fought his final battle with the dragon de Reen he chose to take nagling unfortunately much like hunting nagling failed the hero in battle by breaking in two although this time it was because B Wolf's hand was too too strong for the blade number 10 gay bul given as a gift by AI the mother of his only son the Irish mythological figure culain wielded a unique spear named gab buul its name translated as Barbed spear notched spear or belly spear tals describe it as having special barbs all along the shaft when gay bulk pierced a man's body these barbs opened up making the spear nearly impossible to remove without killing the victim a few Vari of the myth also give the spear seven different heads each with seven barbs of its own in addition ay supposedly fashioned gay bul from the bone of a sea monster the coin Ken which perished fighting another sea monster another unique quality of gay bul was the way it was used held by the toes it was kicked upward piercing the victim's groin cucula used gay buul to kill not only his foster brother fiad but also his own son conla who whose identity was disguised from him during their fight number nine The Taming sari translated as flower Shield taming sari was the fabled weapon of the legendary Malaysian Warrior hang Tua it was a Chris an asymmetrical dagger with a specific blade pattern Legend says that it was also the first of its kind ever created the sultan recognized hang cha as the best of the lamana or Admiral by giving him the weapon according to Legend the weapon had Supernatural power including making the bearer Invincible taming sari was unique and that it did not have a sheath hang tuah considered his enemies body to be the only appropriate sheath for his weapon jealous of the favoritism showered on hang Tua various members of the Court spread rumors about him which must have been pretty nasty because the sultan started clamoring for his head the bendahara or chief minister tasked with carrying out the execution instead hid hanga repaying an old debt thinking he was dead hua's friend H jabat began slaughtering everyone he could find eventually the bendahara revealed his hoax the sultan pardoned H tuah but ordered him to kill H jabat with a heavy heart H tuah killed his friend with toming sari after a lengthy battle throwing the dagger into a river after he was done kind of similar to Excalibur returning to the lake number eight rui jingu bang rui jingu bang was the weapon of choice for son Wukong The Monkey King hero of the Chinese novel Journey to the West rui jingu bang was an iron rod imbued with magic translated Loosely as As You Wish Golden Ring clasp staff the poetically named weapon was normally about 6 M long however if the user chose ruie jinguang could go from being as small as a needle to as tall as the heavens themselves the iron staff could also make infinite copies of itself and fight independently obtained at the water Crystal Palace of the Dragon King of the Eastern ocean the weapon allowed Sun wuk Kong to protect his feeble Master xan Zang on their journey in search of Buddhist scriptures The Dragon King who believed it to be a simple metal rod bestowed rui jinguang upon Sun Wu Kong this weapon was said to have been the pillar used by U the great to measure the depths of the great flood of China and to eventually end the flood number seven Graham one of many legendary weapons in Norse mythology olog Graham was the name of a sword wielded by sigard the hero and central figure of The volsunga Saga originally possessed by his father Sigman the sword was broken into two pieces during a battle Sigman gave the pieces to his wife hoping they might serve his unborn son someday regen sigar's Foster father eventually reforged the sword for him creating a weapon so strong it could cleave an anvil in two as payment for fixing Graham regen instructed sigur with the task of kill killing faffer Region's dwarf brother who had transformed into a dragon after killing his father over some cursed gold after first avenging his own father's death sigor went to fafnir's Lair and killed the dragon with some tips from Odin to win the fight sigor then cooked fafnir's heart because regen wanted to eat it sigor tasted the heart with his finger to make sure it was done after the blood touched his mouth he gained the ability to speak to birds he overheard four Birds talking nearby and learned of Regan's plan to kill him for the treasure seeing the guilt in the dwarf's eyes sigward beheaded him on the spot number six croia Moors according to a medieval Legend Julius Caesar most famous of Roman emperors wielded a sword named croia Moors during his time as general in the Roman armies Legend says that the sword Shone brightly in the Sun and could kill anyone it managed to hit hence its name which means yellow death in Latin supposed ly Roman gods Smith Vulcan made it himself and it originally belonged to the Trojan prince anaas who received it from his mother the goddess Venus The Story Goes that it fell from the sky and landed on the future sight of Rome with anaas hearing the words with this conquer in his mind how Caesar got it from anaas is a mystery but he had it with him during his conquest of Britain where the British Prince nus was said to have taken it in battle for a brief period nothing harmed nus but he later died from a wound sustained by the same sword the sword was buried with him number five Tire fing Odin's grandsons baerami captured a pair of dwarves named dealin and Duran as they left their home one day they would turn to Stone if they did not return home Before Sunrise the king forced them to create a sword which would be called Tire fing in exchange for them to be allowed to go home the dwarves did as the king wanted but they decided to curse it whenever it was removed from its sheath it would kill kill someone in addition it would commit three terrible deeds and be the cause of zam's death a Berserker named iron Grim ended up fulfilling the last part of the prophecy by cutting off Za Lam's hand and killing him with Tire fing eventually IR Grim's granddaughter hervor vowing to be a viking set out to retrieve tying which had been buried with her father that sounds manageable but his grave was on a haunted island unable to find Reliable companions hervor Ed on her own binding and summoning her father's Spirit until it gave her the sword the spirit spoke of a prophecy that herver ignored tying would cause the death of everyone close to her it came true when hydri the brother of herver son Ang gantar wanted to see the sword he unshed it and the blade promptly killed anent number four shahor in Sumerian mythology the god nerta wielded a mace called shirur not only did it possess the ability to speak but it also offered the god advice on powerful enemies gathering information wherever it could shirur was able to do this because it could also fly leaving nerta to deal with other issues translated as Smasher of thousands it was extremely powerful in the God's hand and was also capable of flying around the battlefield to spray Venom and Flame shirur features most prominently in anora's battle with assag a demon so evil that fish boiled alive in his presence born from the union of Heaven and Earth Assa created Stone demons through a union with the mountains and fought against nerta the god triumphed over his enemy falling in their first battle but ultimately killing the demon number three shoat shoat was an atic mythological serpent hito pole the God of War the Sun and Human Sacrifice wielded a weapon also named shatal the weapon symbolized the Rays of the sun hitop pole used shatal to destroy his older sister the goddess coil shauki who was angry with their mother for getting pregnant just to clarify their mother was pregnant with huul pole their mother accidentally became pregnant while sweeping at cpic where she spotted a ball of feathers and tucked it in her waistband even though pictures illustrate who eats lley with a spear and a snake in his hand the snake was most likely a spear thrower known as an atlatl although the word shatal does translate as turquoise serpent when uly slayed his sister shortly after being born he pierced her chest which might demonstrate the mythology behind the practice of Aztec heart sacrifice number two pashupatastra the pashupatastra is one of the most powerful weapons in all of Hindu mythology this legendary weapon used via the Mind eyes words or a bow can eradicate all living beings and destroy all of creation it is only meant for large enemies and is the personal weapon weapon of Lord Shiva the God gave it to the warrior Arjuna to use during the mahabarata war knowing better Arjuna refrained from using the pashupatastra lest he destroy the entire world number one Excalibur Excalibur is the legendary sword of King Arthur in some stories x-calibur and the sword in stone are the same thing the sword also known as caliburn was the famous sword forged in mysterious Avalon known as the steel cutter Arthur obtains the sword by pulling it out of the stone therefore becoming the true ruler of Britain however in later Legends Excalibur and The Sword and the stone are considered separate in later Legends the sword was gifted to Arthur by the Lady of the Lake when Arthur drew his sword in battle the blade would blind his enemies its Scabbard also had powers of its own that would protect the bearer from all injury Excalibur served King Arthur for many years until he was mortally wounded during a rebellion led by his nephew mrid Asing Arthur Lay Dying he ordered his trusty companion to throw Excalibur and its Scabbard into the lake the Lady of the Lake raised her arm from the water and took the sword back thanks for watching be sure to subscribe and click here for more videos see you next time bye
Channel: Origins Explained
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Keywords: origins explained, origins, explained, most, powerful, magical, weapons, mythology, powerful weapons, magical weapons, magical weapons in mythology, powerful weapons in mythology, mythological, mythical, mythical weapons, weapons of mythology, legendary, legendary swords, magical swords, ancient weapons, top, top 10, top ten, top most, list, facts
Id: 1Mxh-n9ohaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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