MOST LIKED Singing TikToks 2023

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in this video we're going to be looking at some of the most liked singing videos from Tick Tock in 2023 I'm ready to get my mind blown [Music] nice [Music] cool voice yes okay [Applause] hey oh that's some projection right there [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh that is happiness hey hanging out with her the other day [Music] why do I think that this is right [Music] that's crazy why do I know what the flowers sing like advice good nerve [Music] sorry this is one of my favorite things though whenever you sing at like a school assembly or something everyone just looks like they're zoned away they're not there you know what I mean [Music] that was good I like that teach teach go back how to use hi hi this is Jackson's video I could have my Gucci um [Music] that's on I made you look at this Nickelback becoming iconic was not on my 2023 bingo card they've always been iconic I'm sorry to say theater kids man [Music] let's talk about you and me let's talk about all the good things and the bad things these guys love Glee so much okay chat why are we thinking cringe sweet cringe it's real bad you don't have to think it's cringe okay that's not what I mean I don't know why my cringe meter is so sensitive yeah we're having fun yeah exactly that's what I mean like I don't want to hate on it but it does upset me by the way welcome back to another video my name is Joel from roomy official I picked up let's talk about sick speed you already turned off the video that's fine that's fine [Music] Hands on the Wheel oh wait they're not driving [Music] that was great love that great singing [Music] oh that's fine that's a good idea [Music] foreign [Music] Ah that's hilarious I like that a lot so apart from enjoying these tick tocks how are you doing really if you're anything like me symptoms you're scrolling or watching videos in order to escape from something for a long time I thought that I was mentally bulletproof but then out of nowhere a few years ago I had a really traumatic experience it entirely knocked me out and left me without motivation without energy and to be honest I'm still working on getting back to where I was even years later without therapy I don't even know if I would still be here today to be honest if you're struggling with difficult feelings or thoughts or just want to be mentally stronger for the future I know I do I strongly recommend today's sponsor betterhelp who offer online therapy for a bunch of different issues to me the hardest thing about therapy was to actually get started and keep doing it and they make that a lot easier with how easy it is to access and schedule it's also cheaper than therapy in an office and I like that because I know a lot of people say that they can't do therapy because of price whether you're dealing with difficult stuff right now or just wouldn't be happier improve your yourself and have a solid foundation for when bad things you know eventually happen I strongly recommend therapy and better help you can get 10 off your first month at roomyofficial I'll link that in the description as well that's better roomyofficial I know it's a sponsor but I genuinely want the best for you guys I recommend this wholeheartedly and thank you better help for being one of my absolute favorite sponsors now let's get back to something but who cares [Music] theater kid in training still cute she gives Jack Black energy she doesn't it's the eyebrows and stuff right a little bit of the face shape [Music] what's the word yes I've just realized this I think Jack Black is obviously like a theater kid type but like he's so over the top that he's like a parody of a theater kid does that make sense it's so pizzazzy that becomes ironic and that's what she's doing as well I love it it's great [Music] that's the confidence I wish I had [Music] [Applause] that's nice they look the same [Laughter] [Applause] this sounds loud that's fine they're just messing around just having a good nice [Music] good oh that's nice very operatic oh Alexander Stewart he used to do a lot of YouTube cover stuff [Music] [Music] I wonder if they're just auto-tuning the audio that they're recording on their phones again I don't care about it it's always as awkward the in-betweens of like this we're singing into our phones but there's like plow through the compilation okay we'll do it I'm having some fun though that Call Me Maybe moment was awesome [Music] oh she's just melting [Music] impressive hey chat what do you think that people watching this video should do regarding their merch oh people are saying in the chat to buy the merch people are crazy in the chat I can't believe they really want you to buy it guess you're gonna have to stop and start [Music] [Applause] [Music] confessions so something that was interesting here is he's actually kind of forcing an impression of the autotune that I think is kind of cool that stuff you can hear in the original song that Shawn Mendes think that it's like auditing that does it but he's kind of forcing the exact same thing here that's something that a lot of people talked about that like the new generation of singers have only grown up listening to people use autotune so therefore they're like doing impressions they're kind of like the steps changes between notes and stuff and this is a typical example I would do more of a slide like baby there's nothing but he's like kind of developed again I can't even do it it's interesting [Music] thank you for playing it's a beautiful day looks like Tyler the Creator [Music] I like the Reverb and stuff [Music] what's he doing [Music] super auto-tuned like produced sounding but that's always been a very successful way of making like music content has always been to live on like the edge of like is this real or not and I've definitely done it in the past as well so I'm not one to complain about it but it's quite obvious to me as someone who has worked with autotune a lot in music and stuff that like this is heavily tuned [Music] foreign wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] coffee making singing it feels like [Applause] there is so much space between get that creamer in there she sounds good [Music] what's up [Music] oh I didn't know he had Tourette's [Music] it's gonna be hard to tour like that hopefully it doesn't come up too often ever able to sing golden hour without making mistakes uh-huh let's try to do it for the first time it was just to love us we was it was just to love it sitting in the car listening in the blindfolding Joe brochure no it was just a lovers sitting in the cars falling for each other you can always guys feeling super childish no Dylan clever it's gone for my mother like where are you tonight got no I live by I was all alone with the love of my life those lyrics are good I've never read them before [Music] I felt like I built up a new appreciation for that song with the lyrics I think it's a great song Jake absolutely killed it with that song oh oh oh oh mommy she's cute [Music] her tone isn't bad okay guys could care for songs that shouldn't work together but do one of my favorite series to do on this channel and you are looking great you would look even better if you watched more of my videos oh
Channel: RoomieOfficial
Views: 331,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roomie, roomieofficial, joel roomieofficial
Id: zv5GIDofdkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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