Most Incredible Moments Ever Caught On Camera | Best of Summer !

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to start off let's look at a clip featuring some less than perfect timing not all heroes wear capes some of them carry pizza boxes oh oh you better oh my God Jagger oh my God Jagger [Music] there what's the worst cargo that a truck could accidentally shed all over the freeway well how about Cold Hard Cash literally insane this is insane oh my gosh what am I supposed to do if I [Music] stop sometimes you stand in the perfect place to make something look disgusting when you want to stop your bike but your bike has other ideas let's start off with the most well-timed bit of profanity in Internet history don't like this don't like this at all hello Mother no no way so what do you think nice baby you want this close to being [Music] single you've heard of people blowing smoke rings well how about water rings these days a woman can't even walk down the street without being attacked by [Music] poultry that's not a slanted table this guy's just the trickshot King Michael Jackson would be proud of this guy's moonwalk this guy's got more strength and balance in two fingers than I have in my entire body now this might appear to be lucky but wait until he tries to drive out of there you can't park this huh another can't there are seven floors in this parking garage all of these [ __ ] spaces why did this fing single fing lot have a pipe leak these guys practice on their own but in a mirror we don't know what was in this guy's wallet but we're going to take a wild guess and say that it wasn't [Music] something tells us these two guys spend a lot of time [Music] bowling get it get it when it comes to perfect timing twitch users are King ah [Music] a how do you time it so perfectly nobody can play chicken quite like a family of deer and now here's someone with the complete opposite of perfect [Music] timing if you ask a crocodile for a selfie then they're usually happy to smile I know this sweet little moment is just like the beginning of a romantic [Music] comedy oh so you can skillfully pilot a helicopter to within a few inches of some power lines huh yeah okay I suppose you're pretty good you're about to witness a bull having a what the heck just happened moment in Japan your coffee Barista also has to have a degree in Fine Art this expert helicopter pilot can hover just inches from the water's edge without crashing with a little help this dog can jump 20 ft in the air if you're this talented you can make even surfing look [Music] sexy to summon Spirits you need a Ouija board to summon Mario you apparently need a ping pong t table did you hear the beat Mario there as you'll see this guy has great aim and way too much time on his [Music] hands you've heard of Thor got a thunder well this is his kid the most casual way to score a winning shot [Music] ever before you use the laundromat you should always check your [Music] pockets for [Music] Dynamite this doesn't look like a safe way to demolish a wall but it does look like a good way to flatten your head which one do you think is cooler flipping [Music] oo or [Music] dancing the one thing this Red Cross team weren't expecting to save was footage of a meteor onto their hard drive most Border Collies are used for hurting sheep but I suppose we all have to start somewhere [Music] this buck sheds his antlers like it's just some kind of annoying wig when you shoot some hoops in the wrong hoop when your stunt is so impressive that even God takes a picture of it what are the odds of this guy catching that picture especially after it's been thrown by a tiny Mozart this kid has a natural Talent for [Music] Crime ah there's nothing like a nice relaxing [Music] bear DHL will always get your delivery there on time unless you steal their bands [Music] there are two outcomes of this scenario a bear with an arrow through its neck or a man inside the [Music] bear if this guy had taken one step back this video would be age restricted for graphic content what are the odds of this what are the odds book being on display like that when a trick shot isn't supposed to be a trick [Music] shot nothing was going to stop this Crow from eating this cookie the odds the moving trrain the laws of physics nothing [Music] this Norwegian physicist is so passionate about physics that He makes himself part of these dangerous experiments this is one dash cam you don't get to see very often a jet fighter landing on an aircraft carrier in the middle of the ocean when you're trying to photograph four jets in formation you got to give them pointers to get them all into frame when you're a trampoline spotter your quick thinking can save lives even Robin Hood would think this shot was impossible nice shot when your name's Mr doodle you'd better be pretty good at doodling even so it took him around 2 years to Doodle over his entire house there's nothing more romantic than being married in The Great Outdoors the scenery the breeze a bear violently killing a moose oh my God two tips from a Kimbo don't drive the wrong side of a major highway and if you do always check there isn't a cop car right behind [Music] you here at a Kimbo we appreciate Ninja level skills like this when your lunch leaps out of the water then you just have to do the same sometimes even blasphemy has perfect timing this guy timed his fall in the location of the bucket perfectly sadly his dignity was late to the party this guy is clearly part robot the squirrel brought a bit of joy into this delivery guy's day although it also made him look like a giggling Maniac when they opened the door [Music] God even beluga whales know how expensive an iPhone is these days if you're going to drive this insanely fast then you'd better have some insanely fast brakes if another car blocks you in it's useful if your car can disobey the laws of physics with just a random pole and some old mattresses this r Russian kid demonstrates a natural talent for [Music] gymnastics this man snuck up on this bear and kicked it and the results were not good there's a fine line between extremely skilled and just showing off this kid must just be The Reincarnation of Bruce Lee they say there's no such thing as beginner's luck I beg you differ sometimes your bike just wants to keep on racing it had clearly been listening to ey of the tiger beforehand somebody loses their hat in this clip and somebody else gains a new one this car tire is related to Liam Nissan it will track you down it will find you and it will be reattached by you here's some Precision oil removal catching this wood in a four Court jug without a funnel and not making a big ass mess are slim but never zero as some people age their reflexes just get better you get the feeling that these cops might get out and start performing a dance routine this is the kind of quaint little town where you can always bump it to someone you know or almost run over a kid who who suddenly appears out of [Music] nowhere no voice over needed this guy says the exact same thing that we're all thinking oh sh do you want an example of precision parking well here you go many people have dreams of being world-renowned soccer stars but some of them end up working at Subway when the track you're racing on is so dangerously wet that you end up [Music] surfing when this guy took the job of security guard at a zoo this probably wasn't one of the things he thought he'd have to deal with this man designs axes and here he is demonstrating them perfect for all your 80s slasher movie needs this guy pulls off a pretty sweet maneuver but I can't help but wonder why he didn't just drive around the boom gate when you want to bowl two frames but you're short on [Music] time yes this farmer proves that his hoe ain't loyal this guy must treat his golf balls pretty well they just can't wait to come back to [Music] him many years ago the Chinese developed the ancient art of kung fu so that future Generations could win it [Applause] Jenga when you're incredibly talented at basketball but only from very far away man I hate oh when you're accidentally caught on camera being unbelievably [Music] cool here are those cars driven by highly synchronized dancers again what Aon when the parking barriers are chivalrous enough to remove women's coats for them in order to be a demolitions expert you also have to be pretty good at Domino [Music] know when you tell your son that he gets to keep all the cash he can catch you don't usually expect it to go this well you know how we just mentioned Domino's well here's the scooter version some birds get very nervous when they hear a doorbell tisue happened to you B Shad let's face it 2020 has not been the best year when you complain about 2020 then God agrees with you param nobody wants to see a politician hit by a fast moving train do [Music] they anybody remember what are we solving you sir what are we solving a good no Bridge no worries this excavator does the impossible and hops over a gas pipeline with eats [Music] this real world Ninja can flip from handstand to pushup and back again without breaking a [Music] sweat this is the secret to winning rollerblade limbo if you become very powerful in the football World then you can make random video graphics appear from your fingertips when everyone wins the game oh oh you got that was amaz this lecturer offered to give everyone 100% on their encouragement every Sportsman needs frisbee skills boss [Music] level when the guy behind you not only has great reflexes but also has his best as hands duck oh is it shark you're going to film someone making a Coke and Mentos bottle rocket then you should probably be wearing something more protective than a camera missed the top oh here's a guy who knows how to succeed then fail then succeed again this fisherman has the kind of bow skills that make Robin Hood look like an amateur [Music] oh B fishing ain't easy there's no chance of getting both heads and tails in a coin toss even less chance if you use a dollar [Music] bill no way if you're going to imitate UFC star Conor McGregor and it's always a good idea to double check that Conor McGregor is not driving past you [Music] it's weird but something tells me this Domino pyramid was constructed by an Italian plumber when you pull off a sick front flip Dismount just walk it off like it's a regular Tuesday guys oh my God who needs pedals when you can ride your handlebars like a skateboard and somehow not fall off [Music] this is how you use teamwork to sail over High walls it's nice to walk around a sophisticated European city the culture the night life the seagull eating an entire rat he made one mistake with this paper PL and that was making it look more like a homing pigeon the hardest shot in Bowling by a kid who might not even know what it [Music] is the world's most expensive and most dangerous bottle opener real rock and roll players don't stop playing no no matter how many of their hair follicles catch on [Music] fire as you can see it was fine in the [Music] end in order to catch a wave you need to have yep you guessed it perfect timing when you accidentally discover that you're awesome at something good job here's an example of completely accidental perfect timing which could have gone so much [Applause] worse when your gymnastic moves are so on point that planet Earth decides to provide the flash for your photo yes fish are like buses you wait all day for one and then two come along at once you're kidding me it's the first time I've ever done that that is insane yes it's a bit weird seeing a man slow dance with a crocodile but who are we to stand in the way of true love the thing about missing Wheels is they're always really Keen to be reunited with their owner and if you look to the left of the plane you'll see um the planet Earth if you're going to go fishing for cops then a donut is obviously the perfect bait I mean you might get arrested but hey that's a small price to pay for comedy what you get arrested for back off back off who do you think will win in an arm wrestling match the bodybuilder or the arm wrestling [Music] Pro every time a bird throws away a piece of litter into this environmentally friendly Gadget they get a piece of food maybe we should try it with humans but using Burgers and Fries instead most scooter tricks are pretty cringe but this gets two thumbs up this skater straight up defied gravity for this altitude burning trick mounted to a skateboard this wheelchair skater has no brakes just giant balls here's someone breaking the world record for most balloons burst simultaneously by arrows it's probably best you don't invite this guy to your kids birthday party have you ever wondered what powers a ferris wheel [Applause] well forgot my tools again wouldn't life and work be so much better if we all had a robot assistant is there any law against going into a store dressed like this well time to find out if you're going to ride a motorcycle then try taking some gymnastics lessons too they can come in very handy you know the emergency break well always remember to put that on two facts pigeons can play dead and pigeons are smarter than cats when a bear is 1 second behind you It's always important to have a friend there to film it and to not help you at [Music] all this is what happens when you try to feed a monster fish it decides it wants your hand instead apparently a true natural motion machine can't be built unless your mother nature this woman decides she's had enough of this swing just a moment before the sea decides exactly the same thing you don't know how to down oh my God oh my [Music] God when your grandpa makes you look like you've got the strength of a 93-year-old [Music] if you call a professional to remove a bees nest and he uses a trash bag then yeah that's probably a red flag and so is the way he Sprints away from it some people would give anything to take part in the tour to France and some people are a bit well different this guy came dangerously close to face planting in the snow this scooter Rider's first jump was already impressive but the point of view of his dropping makes me scared of heights not only can this kid pull off a loopd loop but he kicks out an upside shove while upside down when you're a pro basketball player this is how you warm [Music] up this guy spent the rest of his life trying to convince people that he meant to do this camera if you're this good at volleyball you have to cross over into other sports to keep yourself amused synchronized jet ski dancing how to take your clothes off in the most complicated way possible when you catch a pizza and assume you must be Spider-Man here you can see somebody's smartphone narrowly missing the water and the contents of their stomach might just be following oh my God that's my plane and that that's my bag watching your bag sitting on the runway when it should be in your flight is kind of like watching your child being taken away from you okay I'll put it on my flight Pro tip from a Kimbo cobras hate [Music] sushi you get it oh you got two oh my God oh my God when a group of you gang up on a massive fish but then his big brother shows up this oneeyed squirrel can't see the dog to his right and this oneeyed dog can't see the squirrel to his left when this dog shocked itself on an electric fence it also managed to prove that donkeys have a sick sense of humor here's a guy who knows how to get a job done quickly and have fun while he's doing it yeah if you saw this old man at a kid's playground would would you expect [Music] this the most skillful way to take any corner is definitely sideways when Hornet threaten this guy's bees he takes care of them in a style that our akimbo ninja would thoroughly approve [Music] of the police told this guy they wouldn't give him a ticket if he could make a halfcourt shot disclaimer the same thing won't work in a court of law could the man who touches this guy's shoulder be a gardening angel caught on camera this is a move that professional snowboarders call an accident why move something heavy when you can do some Precision rolling here's a serious case of perfect timing this guy was lucky enough to have this boat come past as his boat was sinking luckily they rescued him and he was fine this guy's car survived in perfect condition although the same probably can't be said for his underwear this gives new meaning to the phrase bumping into a friend you're about to witness the most impressive display of throwing away trash ever committed to film in the bin on come on come on come on come on my this is a perfect example of fail upwards this driver is either very precise about measuring the height of his load or very lucky the girl about to take this shot is completely blind and the crowd went silent so she could hear the tapping of the [Applause] hoop when two people are in love they sometimes start having very similar [Music] thoughts if you're ever out camping and forget your lighter all you need is a motorcycle to get it going if you're a hardcore snow order anything is a ramp if you're brave [Music] enough this guy proves that just because you're wearing a suit doesn't mean you can't pull off epic scooter stunts yeah this looks impressive but what you don't see are the 50,000 discarded cards piled up just off camera skill luck or a background in limbo dancing this Dad tried to prank his son and the prank turned into a very expensive [Music] backfire when you and your guinea pig are in sink in a parallel universe this trick has gone wrong and they both have a very serious concussion Landing a plane on a windy day is not fun and it's even less fun for the [Music] passengers this was such a close call that you have to wonder if that was a ghost deer don't fish hard fish smart perfect size perfect weight perfect timing when your fashion choices are perfectly coordinated with complete strangers [Music] we're not sure who's more talented here the pitcher or the catcher when two roombas fall in love even when you've lost your dignity you still need to eat is this crocodile annoyed at this drone or has he just always wanted a drone who needs a kayak when there are just logs lying around [Music] everywhere the lack of reaction when this dude makes an 80 foot shot over the house makes me think he kind of does this stuff all the time Johnny Sins took a day off Charming the lady to pull off this spectacular flip over a [Music] house when circus acrobats need to sit down and relax this is how they do [Applause] it when a high school basketball coach gets asked to prove his skills then the pressure is on but I think we can all agree that he delivered a knockout is always an exciting result in boxing even if it's you who's getting knocked out although sometimes you're not the only [Music] one when we talk about high-speed chases there are usually cars involved well not this time just a cell phone thief and a cop down down when dance critics use balls this guy wasn't hanging around to find out what came next if this car had landed slightly differently it would have done somersaults that could put an Olympic gymnast to shame and speaking of gymnastics here's this year's entry from the pigeon world if this guy had pulled that stunt a second or two later he'd be doing stupid motorbike tricks in the afterlife when you've just done something cool you make sure the camera knows it your Hat's just as good at gymnastics as you are you're about to see the makings of a high school legend [Music] just a monkey roller skating along minding its own business if you need something to keep you going on your morning run then imagine being stocked by a mountain lion Tiana Tiana oh my God oh my God oh my god dad best parachutists don't need skyscrapers or planes to jump from they just need a little wind and some determination [Music] this BMX rider pulls off a wicked stunt that has to be seen to be [Music] believed you get the feeling that this guy studies physics just as much as he plays darts [Music] the average cat's reaction time is significantly quicker than a snake and here's the proof it's always a nice feeling when a bad shot turns into a trick shot dude you oh one of those TVs where you can physically interact with the Stars Sean are you okay sry Man superhero reflexes caught on [Music] camera this sound is so satisfying it should really be in an ASMR video if you're running around like a stupid person always be aware of falling raccoons what here's another akimbo Pro tip if you're going to completely destroy your gymnastics equipment make sure you do it at the very end of a workout oh my God what just happened this guy's so good at table tennis that he doesn't even need two arms sometimes a soccer team gets short on money so a player has to double up as a goalkeeper this bowler clearly has his own Poltergeist helping control the ball when you find the biggest stick in the world but you just can't seem to take it home with you these bees suddenly fall to the ground when the lights go off do you know why let us know in the comments by the time this guy finished his painting you could really believe a caged bear was about to rip his throat out still that's art critics for you did you think invisibility was the stuff of Science Fiction well look at this if you don't have have any whitewater rapids in your local area the spillway from a dam works just as [Music] well I can't tell if I'm more impressed with this guy's onewheel jump or the fact that he did it all without a helmet you know it's an exciting soccer match when the entire crowd starts cheering for a paper airplane well at least it hit one of the players always respect the Umpire they have the power to just put the ball in their pocket and take it home Easter egg hunt a little late right into his pocket did he just hand it right back why not if this guy's not very good at video games then the irony would be too much not the best place or time to be taking a nice relaxing stroll this is some impressive driving unless you're the people standing on the top they're probably not that impressed this phenomenon only happens at a certain time of the year in yosity National Park so not only do you need to have perfect timing to see it but also book accommodation this guy could possibly be the world's greatest basketball player and possibly the world greatest [Music] physicist only the most dedicated alcoholics can do tricks like this with their beer when people use their kung fu skills to win a Jenga we're going to assume that this ring is a giant magnet and this guy is made of metal when your team is so desperate to win that they employ one of those special Sports pigeons this is the kind of thing you can really only see in a war zone the one thing you do not want to see your Seafood doing is this some of us lay off the accelerator when we hit a bend in the road not this guy elevator not working no problem I have this guy instead [Music] [Music] hey with this expert trick shot this guy's awarded three points when the guy you're mugging at gunpoint turns out to be your buddy a how sweet this guy has perfected a shot called threading the needle but hasn't quite perfected choosing t-shirts and shorts that don't [Music] Clash remember this part of your driving test no me neither this is a driving expert showing us how to get out of a sticky [Music] situation this is a seriously impressive dance move especially when you look at their Footwear Arsen vanger is not only a world class Football manager but also a magician this is why you should always pay attention to people who shout look out for that [Music] hole luckily this skier was absolutely fine you have to be a good driver to crash this great S one more akimbo fact for you some volcanoes are up as soon as you say their [Music] name wow this guy's putting was so precise it won him $10,000 and if that's not enough to make you want to hug a tiger I don't know what is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this cat has psychic powers and hates motorbikes this is an incredible catch and an incredible waste of [Music] beer what you're about to witness is a fish with a Death Wish no not the small [Music] one this this flying fish could give the average bird a run for their money or even the average superhero when you've learned the perfect song for the [Music] occasion for some reason the rght brothers never considered this approach the limit of my Slinky skills involved watching the small spring toy climb down the stairs this guy is on a whole other level when you're this flexible you can do the splits with no hands from the shore to the brake line This skim Surfer manages to catch away from the sand like it's [Music] nothing luckily we here to Kimbo our already highly trained ninjas but if you'd like to learn some tricks straight from Mortal Kombat then give this guy a call this guy belongs in The Matrix not on YouTube do you think you're good at drinking games well this guy is at God [Music] level perfect timing yes health and safety approved no this is not what you want to happen while you're speeding down the [Music] freeway here's the cat with the world's most powerful psychic [Music] abilities got his [Music] Chopsticks remember in the Karate Kid when Mr Miyagi was trying to catch a fly with chopsticks well even he would have thought this was impossible cuz the youing you're about to see some Indiana Jones level stunt work here and a sidekick who doesn't know what's going on when a bad shot turns into a trick [Music] shot now this guy isn't even trying if they time this even slightly wrong then neither of them would be smiling here's a master class on how to pretend something never happens do you ever find going to the gym is a lonely experience well try [Music] this sometimes it's nice to take a jog around your local streets but other times you just get bored of running on the ground a camera pole was thrown from a 30t high High platform at the same time as a diver did his thing check out the result you're so good you can play without legs eyes and only using one [Music] hand if you can catch shuttlecocks before you know you've caught them then you might be playing too much bad [Music] Mitten dogs are a man's best friend that's why they sometimes spit stuff at you [Music] oh yes it's always good to have plenty of breakable glass above a volleyball court when you throw your cap into the crowd but the crowd doesn't want [Music] it maybe not perfect timing so much as years and years of training trouble at home [Music] when the anger turns to [Music] Joy even when you're surfing you have to watch out for muggers this guy manages this skid so well it looks like he was popping by for a polite visit you're looking for a definition of teamwork then look no further you got be the guy on the right has clearly done this before the guy on the left however has clearly failed every other time if Robin Hood had been into axe throwing this is exactly the kind of shot he'd be famous for when you've been working with the same puppet for many years you eventually start to have arguments very very public arguments this is as close as you can get to a crocodile and still live to tell the tale if you're finding your diet a bit boring then you should get in touch with this woman she can show you how to make an edible cartoon this is what Purgatory looks like for a pinball machine after a traumatic few months facing death at the age of 37 this guy got engaged got a new job and won a new car on a scratch off ticket and when this TV show asked him to reenact that moment for the camera this happened I just won 250,000 I'm not joking you're not are you I just won 250,000 when you ask a random old man if he remembers a legendary football match and then you find out he was in it fifth round and it was shown on a big screen at anfield at the same that's right do you remember it I do I played in it did you I was a goalkeeper for Liverpool really yeah oh well that's a stroke L me meeting you yeah sorry can you remind me of your name Tom orange these hoop tricks are impressive but not as impressive as the trick at the [Music] end who could have guessed that the high point of the game would be [Music] this we've seen a few clips of cop cars showing up with perfect timing and now here's one with an [Music] ambulance even parrots love drinking games did when you're so angry you kick the onscreen Graphics here's a basketball that's decided it doesn't want anyone to win jumps over the backboard and that's where it's going to stay this robot is designed to help people Park in tight spaces let's just hope it never learns what road rage [Music] is after 2500 years this sarcophagus was open for the first time listen to the a struck sounds of the crowd when table tennis and bat mitton meet this is the result if you get really good at skateboarding you might you might eventually get your own caddy sometimes even gravity enjoys playing a prank on [Music] people this incredible technique is known as hydro dipping look at the amazing result this lion s clearly realizes that this hyena is no threat to it I wonder why we don't need a doctor to tell us there's nothing wrong with her reflexes [Music] where do they have robotic mobs cleaning up the court between games only in Japan what are the odds of this guy catching the same ball in the same way twice guy ended up catching that ball in his hat maybe he should audition for Groundhog's Day that the same guy hot in his hat come on unbelievable Pro tip from a Kimbo don't carry a fridge around like this that's it just don't this is impressive but how long did he spend practicing this doesn't he have a job to go to or something this clip either required hundreds of takes or this kid has freaky Supernatural Powers how to fail and still come out winning dinner time with acrobats and from that day forward this guy would always claim he did that on [Music] purpose right place right time new shoes how about that fan in the right place this is a crash course and had a crash in style this guy slipped and fell he managed to save himself by quickly using his icex talk about perfect timing good stop this chimp appears to be taking the most unenthusiastic shower [Music] ever it's amazing what you can get your body to do if there are three gold bars on [Music] offer this is possibly the first ever footage of someone getting scared by a hair some birds just know when to be romantic [Music] when you miss the dunk but the universe is on your side oh and it goes in the windows on this train fog up when passing apartment buildings which is great if you spend all day doing rude things a crawfish that's just asking for some spare change some money take it oh [ __ ] this goalkeeper celebration was anything but perfect [Applause] [Applause] timing good driving isn't all about winning [Music] races sometimes cars without drivers are safer than cars with drivers [Music] luckily this guy was wearing a helmet but for entirely the wrong reason huh flip it behind your back three times the pizza flipping skills are strong with this one when the trick works a lot better than you thought it would there can't be many hotels in the world you can dive straight into the sea from your balcony we here at a Kimbo appreciate ninja skills and this guy is clearly the ninja of the Bulls world to miss either to be honest very close to splitting the two red bulls and getting to the Jock It's what the target is oh look at this oh that is [Music] ridiculous time when you know your friends really well you develop really inventive ways to to demean them [Music] it and here's a ninja with a tool [Music] Bel this tree and this car have just died of natural causes but this human narrowly avoided joining them when your skateboard decides to drive you to the hospital the trailer from the new Netflix series when tires attack when your slide game is so strong that you overtake everyone 40 years ago Rick Winters broke the world High Dive record at 172 ft and yes he is completely insane isn't it enough that you had to lose the game without this kind of humiliation here's an Undiscovered soccer and basketball genius who doesn't wear shoes oh my God coming back to ninja skills for a second you've heard of the Ninja Turtles right well here's Master Splinter if you're going to be good at this sport then you really need to deny the existence of gravity if you're terrible at basketball you can't be bothered working on on it then why not let the hoop do all the work for [Music] you just in case you've forgotten how powerful lightning is brother I just [ __ ] and this cyclist narrowly avoided a falling tree branch and the other guy well let's not worry about him here's another scene from when tires attack hang on this clip should be in our idiots doing idiotic things video in this family grandma has to do everything cooking cleaning dragging the cobras back into the [Music] wild so at what point did they think they weren't going to get wet [Music] exactly when this child fell into a zoo enclosure this silverback gorilla immediately started to comfort him when you fail to stop the other team's star player and also accidentally make him into a gymnastics [Applause] star this is known as the most perfectly timed shot in television and you know what we here at a Kimbo really have to agree that I think we all know that this isn't a stunt this is someone who badly needs a toilet this woman went to Great Lengths to explain how her soccer playing rooster could make p look like an amateur sadly the reality didn't quite live up to the expectation I mean we all try to cram some extra work in during our commute to the office right when the world's most excited cow turns into the world's most annoying cow proof that cats always land on their feet our third and final clip from when tires attack coming soon to a streaming service near you why spend Years Learning to paint when you can just get this wall printer to do it for [Music] you this stranger things Halloween display in planfield Illinois turned out to be even Stranger Than stranger things itself Leonel Messi proves that he's not only the world's greatest footballer but also the world's greatest Pepsi bottle [Music] stacker if you're a demolition expert then you can get the buildings to do most of the work for you this guy has completely lost control of his car but in the coolest way possible [Applause] yes it's the end of the video and with perfect timing we're going to do exactly what you're expecting us to do and ask you to subscribe
Channel: Akimbo
Views: 4,430,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: akimbo, must see moments, caught on camera, instant regret, instant regret compilation, people, funny fails compilations, try not to laugh impossible, funny fails videos, unexpected moments, fails of the week, fails compilation, try not to laugh challenge, tik tok fails, moments caught on camera, security camera moments, caught on video, weird things, security camera fails, caught on security cameras, impossible odds, lucky people, perfect timing
Id: GmIC1N7OjtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 39sec (3519 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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