Most Festive Wedding Gowns | Say Yes to the Dress | TLC

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Oh, my gosh. Oh. The process to buy a gown has been pretty discouraging because I don't want to be traditional. And for me, I feel like this process is very traditional. The gowns are very traditional. Ooh, that one's super sparkle. Ooh, this one. this one. I want that one. Yes! ANGI PRINZO: Oh, disco queen. Yes. NIKKI BARTNICKI (VOICEOVER): I love to be outside of the box. I don't want it to look like a bride's gown. I'm sorry. I know you're getting married, but (SINGING) she's your queen to be. Yeah. We work together at a radio station. We're here because I'm a little nervous that she might be a little ambivalent about picking anything. And we just want to make sure she's the most glam, amazing bride ever. Right. She has been a little indecisive recently. She's been a little-- - We'll see. - OK. Wait a minute here. Who's the bride? [LAUGHS] Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. - Sorry. Thought it was me for a second. NIKKI BARTNICKI: For a second. - Nikki? - Hi. Dianne. - Hi. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. I figured Nikki could go, you know, you know could be-- - Either way. - You're Nikki. I can be Nikki. Hi. How are you? - Dianne. Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. - And you are? - Jason. Jason. A pleasure. ANGI PRINZO: Hi. I'm Angi. I'm Nikki's friend. - Hi. Dianne. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Mother of the groom, Maria. DIANNE: Hi, Maria. Jill, mother of the bride. DIANNE: Mother. I can see. [LAUGHTER] Nice to meet you. - And you. Thank you. So have you come from far? NIKKI BARTNICKI: Chicago. Oh, OK. So we flew in for, like, 24 hours to-- DIANNE: Did you really? - --hopefully find a dress. Yeah. DIANNE: Oh, nice. New Year's Eve bride. Ah, New Year's Eve. Yep. My fiance's name is Nick. We've known each other for about 13 years. He was the nice guy that finishes last, and I was not interested. And before too long, I gave in. And here we are. We love to make each other laugh and make fun of each other, and it's just very carefree and easy. I'm gonna, like, start crying. I think what I love about Nick the most is how selfless he is. He always puts everyone else before him. He's, like, the nicest little person, you know, for me. [LAUGHS] DIANNE: OK. So the wedding is New Year's Eve? New Year's Eve. DIANNE: In Chicago? - Yep. - Yep. - Big party? - Huge. NIKKI BARTNICKI: Yes. - Huge? - Outrageous. - Outrageous. Oh, I love outrageous. Yes, outrageous. Black tie. Huge Italian wedding. Yes. Ah. NIKKI BARTNICKI (VOICEOVER): I've never had a good New Year's Eve. And so right away, when we got engaged, I said, I would love-- I want everybody to come to our wedding and feel like it's a black tie affair. There's blacks. There's ivories. There's golds, kind of what you would think for a New Year's Eve but on steroids. So we need a party on a dress. OK. We need a dress that screams. NIKKI BARTNICKI: Yes. - Well, yeah. I think I want something fitted, so everything's kind of sucked in. Skinnier, the better. And then maybe kind of bigger so I can just dance all night and not feel like I'm kind of constricted. And price point, just so I have a guideline. We never discussed it, so sky's the limit. Sky's the limit. No budget. You know that means? She could try on anything she wants. - Yes. - Yes. Yeah. OK. Nikki is here for a showstopper dress. These are like the dream appointments, because you get to show some of the most kind of exclusive and unique dresses we do have in the store. And I have a few in mind. How are you with, like, a very dramatic color, like, something like this? I'm open to it. This is my favorite. She takes me straight to the red dress, so I knew that Dianne and I are on the same page. You could see, like, a really good glam lip with it. JASON BROWN: I love it. - Right? JASON BROWN: The love it. A big belt, maybe? Yes. Mother-in-law's a little bit more traditional. So I don't know if she'll love the red. ANGI PRINZO: I don't think she will love the red at all, but maybe we can send her to go to the bathroom or something. And we'll just use that one. Yeah. DIANNE: I'm going to take Nikki with me, because I want at least a few of them to be a surprise for you. Oh, boy. OK. Nikki's always been a fashion diva, so I'm not sure what to expect. DIANNE: If you want sparkle-- NIKKI BARTNICKI: That's it. Yeah. Look at that. - See? - Yeah. So we have that. I think she'll start us off with edgy and then eventually work herself into traditional. Oh, I don't know. I don't think she'll be traditional at all. See that? It's very New Year's Eve. Look at that. I think she's gonna be very unconventional. Well, we'll see. We'll see. [LAUGHS] DIANNE: We'll start with the red one. - Perfect. - All right. [UPBEAT MUSIC] NIKKI BARTNICKI: I don't think everybody's gonna be on board with the red dress. I love that when I look down, the color pops. Mm-hmm. Like, you just kind of see that ombré of the burgundies and the bright red. Right. I think the mothers-- it might be a hard sway. [UPBEAT MUSIC] ANGI PRINZO: Oh. Oh. Oh. Wow. Yes. JASON BROWN: I love it. - Wow. So we started out with the red one. Yes. ANGI PRINZO: Aw. JASON BROWN: Yeah. It is beautiful, right? I love it. I love the color. Big hair, bold lip. DIANNE: Right? Non-traditional. It's beautiful, but no. I think Nick would be a little bit shocked. He's looking to see her in more of that traditional look of a dress. I think it would be amazing if you were going to the Met Gala or the Oscars or something. But-- NIKKI BARTNICKI: This is it, but it's not-- ANGI PRINZO: I mean, you'll look amazing in anything. And I mean, girl, red drama. I love it, but-- JASON BROWN: Right. The red is everything. ANGI PRINZO: --for the wedding-- She looks amazing, but I'd like to see more bling. Yeah. I understand. I love this dress, but it's not it. Maybe if the gown itself had had a little bit more embellishments, that would have been ideal. I'm just being selfish, liking the red. You do need sparkles. DIANNE: She does need sparkles. I need sparkles. DIANNE: Yeah. BOTH: Next. This is really pretty. This is like princess pretty. This is Disney princess pretty. So I'm going to put Nikki in a Pnina Tornai dress next. It's traditional, which I know her mom will love. But at the same time, it has lots of bling, which I know Nikki will love. What do you think? It's beautiful. It's very pretty. So immediately, I step on in. The satin feels wonderful. And we have the girls in black satin, so I feel like that would-- DIANNE: Right. Coordinate really nice together. NIKKI BARTNICKI: I'm absolutely loving the top. Like, the top is exactly what I'm looking for, so I'm curious to see what my family's gonna say. [SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC] Pnina and bling. Nikki, that you look like a New Year's Eve glitter ball. I love it. NIKKI BARTNICKI: I said this is like a Cinderella dress. ANGI PRINZO: Do you want to be Cinderella? I mean-- Let's turn around and show them. [ORCHESTRAL MUSIC] [SIGHS] NIKKI BARTNICKI: I love the Pnina gown, but I'm not getting the reaction that I want from everybody else. There's not enough going on on the bottom for me. ANGI PRINZO: Still not you. JASON BROWN: Plain Jane on the bottom. You're not plain Jane. No. I mean, I love that whole corset. And I love that bling, and you look New Year's Eve on the top, but I'm bored with the bottom. I think it's a mullet dress. [LAUGHS] Yeah. Like, cool on one side, not cool-- Business in the front-- BOTH: Party in the back. Party on the top, boring on the bottom. Borting on the bottom. [LAUGHS] DIANNE: Ready? Stop. This is the dress-- - I just got chills. - --I pictured you in. NIKKI BARTNICKI: I just got chills. Isn't that beautiful? It's-- DIANNE: It's gorgeous. Right? - Yes. Yeah. DIANNE: It has the sparkle. And the color is light, but you still have-- see? Contrast. NIKKI BARTNICKI: Yep. - Very different. It has texture. NIKKI BARTNICKI: I'm gonna to cry. I'm finally getting some real emotion out of Nikki, and I think we're on to something. [UPBEAT MUSIC] NIKKI BARTNICKI: It's so pretty. It literally looks like fireworks just down-- DIANNE: It does, right? NIKKI BARTNICKI: --my dress. Yep. - The whole dress is-- - Everything. - --sparkly. There's just so much going on, and I live for that. I feel like this could be the dress for my New Year's Eve wedding. Dianne promised me sparkly, so there better be some sparkles. That's all I got to say. Well, I have faith in Dianne. Some people I don't, but I have faith in Dianne. And I think Dianne is going to bring it. [UPBEAT MUSIC] ANGI PRINZO: [GASPS] Oh. Oh. Is that not breathtaking? [UPBEAT MUSIC] Is that not spectacular? You're stunning. I love this so much. It is everything that you wanted. NIKKI BARTNICKI: Is she crying? Why are you crying? Oh, she is crying. JILL BARTNICKI (VOICEOVER): I can envision Nikki walking down the aisle in this gown and everyone turning and being speechless. DIANNE: It is New Year's Eve on a dress. NIKKI BARTNICKI: But if I were to walk in, would you be like, that's a Nikki pull? That's Nikki, 1,000%. And everybody is going to be blown away. I see Nikki's face, and she just-- her whole aura looks different. She looks like an angel from heaven. Dianne killed it. JASON BROWN: There's sparkles. - Oh, you like it? JASON BROWN: You didn't let me down. Did you like the-- did you like the other one, though? And the fact that you just gave me chills-- Perfection. Absolute perfection. Perfection. Do you love it, Maria? I love it. DIANNE: Good. Can we put a veil on? DIANNE: Of course. It truly tells us who she really is. Aw. Aw. You look amazing, and I have thought about this day since you've been a little girl. [SNIFFS] It just takes my breath away. All of a sudden, they're wearing this fabulous gown. And your little girl is not your little girl anymore. And Nikki's gonna absolutely love you coming down that aisle, seeing you in that dress. NIKKI BARTNICKI (VOICEOVER): My mom's crying. I'm crying. I'm crying 'cause she's crying. Maria's crying because she's talking about Nick, which is making me cry. Not enough tissues for the room. DIANNE: Pretty. Right? ALL: Yes. Everything that I was looking for. It was, right? The style, it has character to it. It's different. And you could see yourself marrying Nicky in this dress? Yeah. And wearing it on New Year's Eve? Yep. Yep. DIANNE: Right? In Chicago? Yeah, 100%. So then I have to ask you, Nikki, are you saying yes to this dress? Yeah. She says yes. [CHEERING] Congratulations. I think finding the dress today is definitely something I didn't think was gonna happen. But it's New Year's Eve on a dress, exactly what I was looking for. It's perfect. STEPHANIE BLAKER (VOICEOVER): My name is Stephanie, and I'm here to find my dream dress. Stephanie? Hi, Stephanie. How are you? - Hi, nice to meet you. - I'm Debbie. - Hello. - Welcome to Kleinfeld. STEPHANIE BLAKER: Thank you. DEBBIE ASPREA: Congratulations. Wow, what is this? We're the jingle bell crew. STEPHANIE BLAKER: I have my mom with me, my sister, my aunt, and my grandmother. Tell me about the bells. This is what we're going to use to vote. So when is the wedding? It's Black Friday, the kickoff to Christmas. Oh, yes, yes, yes. I want it to be, like, the jump start of the holiday season. So you really want, like, a big holiday theme. Right. I see pine cones, and snow-covered branches, and little details like that to bring in the holiday spirit. Tell me what you're looking for. Something that's just timeless. OK. And how do you picture-- That's what she likes. OK. I, on the other hand-- My mom, she may be opinionated and thinks she's always right. I like that full, princessy look. And she's like, yeah, no. Every mother wants to see their daughter in a princess dress. My mom's opinion does matter to me. I wouldn't be happy if she wasn't happy. Where would you like to be price wise? - $5,000. - OK, come on. Follow me. STEPHANIE BLAKER: All right. DEBBIE ASPREA: When a bride says that they want the winter wonderland theme, I think of maybe some crystal beading, something sparkly, something that just makes it a little bit more in the holiday spirit. So you can take a seat right there. OK. How did you meet your fiance? STEPHANIE BLAKER: My fiance's name is Adam. We met five years ago at a friend's party. We talked all night, and we've kind of been together ever since that day. My wedding, it's going to be in Delran, New Jersey. I would like my dress to go along with the theme of the wedding, same winter wonderland-type feel to it. So we want something that's fitted, but we want something that's a little-- has embellishment on it. - Mm-hmm. Give me a couple of minutes. Let me go out and do some shopping. All right. NARRATOR: With Stephanie's winter dress request in mind, Debbie's off to find her own Santa's little helper. The perfect person I wanted to see. What do you need? OK, so bride's name is Stephanie. She's getting married during the holiday season, during Christmas. They have bells with them. They're ringing, like, Christmas bells. RANDY FENOLI: Really? OK. Yeah. We're going to know if they like it or they don't like it. The festive season. Hi. Hi. I heard bell ringing from across the salon. That's us. That was your entourage. Yep. NARRATOR: As the jingle bell crew gets ready, Debbie slips Stephanie into dress one. STEPHANIE BLAKER: Just step in? - Yes, ma'am. How do you feel about the shape? I like the shape. Me, too. What do you think your family's going to think about this one? I don't know if my mom will. I'm sure she'll like it. OK. But she's expecting, you know, the-- Let's go show them. OK. [MUSIC PLAYING] STEPHANIE BLAKER: When I see this dress, I'm thinking this is exactly what I asked for. I like that it's more fitted and then flares down at the bottom. And I like that it's lace, and it's like a subtle sparkle. DEBBIE ASPREA: Mm-hmm. It's like everything that I said. OK. I didn't hear any bells ringing. No, I didn't hear any bells either. [MUSIC PLAYING] [BELLS RINGING] DEBBIE ASPREA: That's a low bell. That's a high bell. I love it. And that's, like, an in-between bell. In the middle-- they're in the middle for me. The dress that she has on right now is what I think she wants, but I would love to see her in a princess dress. RANDY FENOLI: OK. I'm still looking for that-- We're going to have to put a ball gown on for mom. Yes. I'm kind of getting a little bit nervous. I hope that these jingle bells don't present a problem. NARRATOR: Now, Debbie hopes dress number two will please everyone. Here, let me help you out a little. You seem like-- you seem to be having a little bit of trouble. How do you feel? This is the first dress I felt, like, wow. Oh. RANDY FENOLI: When Debbie puts Stephanie in this dress, she lights up, almost like a Christmas tree. I feel like we're finally getting somewhere in this appointment. Wow, this is very, like, winter-esque. There you go, winter wonderland. It is. RANDY FENOLI: I'll bring up the caboose. DEBBIE ASPREA: OK. RANDY FENOLI: Woo, woo. [MUMBLING] Come on, ring the bells, ring the bells. Oh, my. This is the first dress I put on and I said, wow. I really love the top, and I'm surprised that I love the skirt. I really knew that that was it for me at that moment. Should we turn you around and let them see? Yes. [MUSIC PLAYING] [BELLS RINGING] Kind of in the middle. In the middle? Yeah, the middle. [SIGHS] But this is-- Too plain. Yeah. I'm feeling like she's sold, like, this is the dress. And I didn't like it at all-- not at all. STEPHANIE BLAKER: When I turn around and I don't hear the jingle bells going off, I felt upset. RANDY FENOLI: Should we put on the fur? You know, Stephanie really loves this dress, and I feel for her, because none of her entourage is ringing these bells. I want to jump in there and grab the bells and ring them myself. DEBBIE ASPREA: Are you disappointed that your family doesn't love the dress as much as you do? [MUSIC PLAYING] If they don't love it, then I guess it's not the dress. RANDY FENOLI: Stephanie really needs to hear those bells ringing, so it kind of feels like we've taken a few steps backwards here. [MUSIC PLAYING] Stephanie is really relying on everyone in her entourage to sway her opinion. I want to say, yeah, I would definitely get it, regardless of what my family thought. But I think at the end of the day, their opinion does matter to me. OK, how are we doing? Good. Good. When Stephanie put that dress on, she said, wow. So the only thing that's standing in between her and the dress is you guys. Right. How strong is she? I'm not sure. I don't know if she's going to-- I don't know. I don't either. I'll be just as interested as you to figure that one out. NARRATOR: Now Debbie puts Stephanie in a dress she hopes will please everyone. [MUSIC PLAYING] It's beautiful, but I'm comparing it to the other one. DEBBIE ASPREA: And? And I think I like the other one better. [MUSIC PLAYING] DEBBIE ASPREA: OK. Wow. That's really pretty. Wow. STEPHANIE BLAKER: It's really pretty. I really like it. I like it. It's a little more form fitting, but then I still get my poofy at the bottom. OK. I think we're going to have to go back in the stock room. One more time. DEBBIE ASPREA: One more time, yeah. - I agree. - Yeah, come on, let's go. STEPHANIE BLAKER: All right, let's go. Back to the drawing board. STEPHANIE BLAKER: All right. NARRATOR: Stephanie thought she found the perfect dress for her winter wonderland wedding, but a disagreeing mom is acting like the Grinch who stole her Christmas dreams. I didn't like it at all-- not at all. NARRATOR: As the search continues for Stephanie, mom has some words for the bride to be. PHYLLIS BLAKER: When I saw that she was unhappy, I felt like I needed to go and say something to her. DEBBIE ASPREA: Hi. - Hi. Come on in. I want to make sure that you know that it's about what you love. OK. I don't want you to feel like you can't get something, you know, if our bells aren't ringing the right way. - I want everyone to love it. - I know. I know. And now I'm comparing everything to that one. Because that is the one that rocks your world. And it's your world you have to rock. Her talking to me definitely put me back on track toward that dress. NARRATOR: After mom's kind words, Stephanie is ready to step back into the dress she loved. I think it's very winter wonderland. I just started getting giddy. [MUSIC PLAYING] Ooh. DEBBIE ASPREA: What do you think? I think I love it. You think you love it or you know? No, as I was looking at it, I just got happier, and happier, and happier. That's exactly how you should feel-- STEPHANIE BLAKER: Yeah. --in your wedding dress. What are you saying? I'm just nervous about the jingle bell crew. [MUSIC PLAYING] What do we think? How do we feel? [BELLS RINGING] That is music to my ears. STEPHANIE BLAKER: When I hear the jingle bells going off, it meant a lot to me. I think they came around. PHYLLIS BLAKER: When she came back out, I couldn't help it. I just loved it. Are we going to say yes to the dress? I'm saying yes! DEBBIE ASPREA: Woo. Let me hear some bells. Woo. NARRATOR: Stephanie will walk down the aisle in this $5,300 Lazaro gown. STEPHANIE BLAKER: I feel so happy. I'm so excited, and I'm relieved that I found my dress here. KATIE HARTIN: My name is Katie Hartin, and I'm here to look for my bridal gown. Hi, I'm Paula. So nice to meet you. KATIE HARTIN: Nice to meet you. Who do you have with you today? KATIE HARTIN: Today, I brought with me my mom and my dad, my sister, my best friend Megan, my fiance's niece Tiffany, and my family friend Camille. So Katie, when is your wedding? My wedding is January 4, 2014, and we're going to have a winter wonderland theme. I'm hoping today I can try on a fur shawl, maybe snowflakes on it wherever there may be beading. I'm just looking to look like a winter princess. So price point? About $2,000. I am a bargain hunter. I love to feel like I stole something from the store. So we're going to go and try on some dresses. - Good luck. - Good luck. Yay. When I think of what Katie wants to look like, I think of a big ball gown with lots of sparkle. Come on in and sit down. So Katie, tell me a little bit about your fiance. KATIE HARTIN: My fiance's name is Larry. We actually met back in high school, so I've known him for the past eight years. He's like my Prince Charming, and I'm so excited just to be with him forever. We're just really hoping for sparkle throughout the whole night. We want it to be like a fairy tale. All right, so I'm going to go get you some dresses, and then the fun will really begin. OK. NARRATOR: With a bride dreaming of Christmas, Paula enlists Randy. Great. I need your assistance. OK, great. PAULA H: She wants a winter wonderland-themed wedding. This is the perfect bride for Paula, because Paula is like sugar and spice and everything nice and the holidays all warmed up in a cuddly blanket. What about this gown? Ah. PAULA H: This, to me, speaks Cinderella. I think this is a winner. RANDY FENOLI: Well, hello, Princess. What do you think? This one is probably more of my style. I like the beaded top. PAULA H: Oh, good. NARRATOR: Paula hopes the first gown will put Katie in the holiday spirit. PAULA H: Does this feel winter wonderland to you? KATIE HARTIN: It actually does, and it's very nice and big on the bottom. [GASPING] [MUSIC PLAYING] Oh, my god. Oh, that's beautiful, Katie. KATIE HARTIN: I feel like a princess in this dress. It's stunning. How do you feel? She's going to make me cry. PAULA H: Beautiful. Get the tissues ready. RANDY FENOLI: Wow. Paula, what did you do to her? So Katie comes out, and everyone's loving it. They're crying, they're happy. It's like, OK, we're done. Did any other dress give you this feeling? WOMAN: No. No, but I like the dress, but I wouldn't pick it. [MUSIC PLAYING] RANDY FENOLI: What do you mean? I want to try on something also with, like, tight-fitting lace. I feel beautiful, but I'm ready to try something else. It's going to be really hard to find a dress for Katie if she cries in every dress. We're trying a different silhouette on Katie, because I just thought she should see all of her options. A little bit straighter, very sparkly. I like this, too. See, I don't know now. [GASPING] CAMILLE GUNNING: Oh, gosh, I'm going to cry again. There she goes to again. Oh, no, not again. Oh, my gosh, Katie. KATIE HARTIN: Stop crying. RANDY FENOLI: Wait a minute. What's going on? She's crying again. How are we going to know when you really love a gown? What's going to happen? I don't know. So how does this gown compare to the other one? I love the lace. I do like how it's fitted. So you like it better than the first one. I don't know. I feel beautiful. I think lace is very elegant. CAMILLE GUNNING: It's beautiful, and you look beautiful, but I like the full look. If you're really going for that princess look, then the other one really said princess. And it's the one time you get to wear a dress like that. So with that being said, how do you want to look on your wedding day? [MUSIC PLAYING] KATIE HARTIN: Like a princess. RANDY FENOLI: Before we tell you anything, what do you think? KATIE HARTIN: I love it. I love it. This dress is $3,300. Uh huh. I know you wanted to stay at $2,000. Right. RANDY FENOLI: It's marked down to $2,600-- OK. RANDY FENOLI: --and we probably could get a little off that. PAULA H: Do a little bit better. - OK. When they brought in this dress for me to try on, I was in awe. I couldn't wait to put it on. I was so excited. I like it. I love the top. The top is my favorite part. Oh, my goodness. It's beautiful. Yay. [MUSIC PLAYING] KATIE HARTIN (WHISPERING): Mom, it's a bargain dress. Oh, my god. So we found this dress. Love it. Oh, my gosh, Katie. So how do you feel in this? I love the top. It's so beautiful. And what about the rest of it? It's so pretty. [CRYING] DAD: That's beautiful. KATIE HARTIN: I knew it was the right one when I came out immediately. It's stunning. Do you feel like a princess? Just don't cry. You're a princess. Here come the waterworks again. CAMILLE GUNNING: Gorgeous. We have a little secret to tell you about this dress. This dress is actually on sale. So if you love this dress, this would be the dress. You would take it with you today. It's in perfect condition, and it is a wonderful price. So originally, the dress was $3,300. So it's now down to $2,699, but we're going to see what we can do. Everything is riding on this dress. NARRATOR: Now, Randy and Paula hope Dorothy can work some holiday magic. DOROTHY: Oh, Randy, Paul. Dorothy. RANDY FENOLI: How are you doing today? I'm doing great. Every time Randy's nice to me, I always know that he wants something. Yes. PAULA H: This our bride who has a budget. RANDY FENOLI: The budget was $2,000. Do you want to give it to her for-- Oh! [MUSIC PLAYING] We have some wonderful news for you. It's not between $2,000 and $2,500. What is it, Paula? It's $1,999. Woo! Yay, Mom, a real bargain. It is so beautiful, everything. It's gorgeous. Are you saying yes to this dress? Yes. [CHEERING] NARRATOR: Katie said yes to this $2,000 Pnina Tornai gown. Come here, Princess. I feel amazing. It feels so great to have my dress. I can't wait for Larry to see it. NARRATOR: Across the salon, Audrey meets the wife of an injured war veteran, who also has a set price point. Hi, Lillian, I'm Audrey. Hi, how are you? AUDREY: Welcome to Kleinfeld, sweetheart. LILLIAN HARDIN: My name is Lillian Hardin. I brought with me my mother Peggy, and Carla, and my husband Kevin. My husband and I are already married. We just did a civil wedding, so now we're going to have a ceremony for family and friends. How did the two of you meet? LILLIAN HARDIN: We met at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and I was his non-medical attendant. KEVIN HARDIN: I was deployed in Samarra, Iraq, and I was a medic. And I was there for 13 months. LILLIAN HARDIN: He was there getting ready to actually go home. KEVIN HARDIN: We were on one of our last major missions. We got ambushed. Anti-tank missile came through the Humvee, went through me. Had three pieces of shrapnel in my brain, almost took off my whole left hand and right hand. He had altogether 34 surgeries. Even to this day, I'm still going through rehab. I wouldn't have been able to do any of that without Lillian, you know? And I love her. They have gone through a lot, and they have stood by each other. They have held each other up. I think him and Lillian find strength in one another, and I think they're there to support each other. And that makes this appointment even that more special. AUDREY: As far as price point, where do you think you'll be most comfortable? Um-- We have a budget of $2,000. My name is Carla Marrero, and I help an organization called Christmas Can Cure. It's an avenue to be able to give something back to our veterans. The gown might be about $2,000, but I guarantee you will look like $1 million. Thank you. CARLA MARRERO: Kevin's mom had written us a letter and told us they really wanted to have their special wedding and weren't able to because of finances. So we're going to pay for Lillian's wedding dress, and we're going to actually put on their perfect wedding. Now they're going to get their full-blown, traditional wedding that they really, really deserve. What do you see Lillian wearing? She's always been my little princess. You'd like to see her in something princessy? Yes, I would. RANDY FENOLI: Generally, a princess ball gown can be much more expensive than your regular gown, because there's a lot more embellishment and a lot more fabric. AUDREY: His recovery is coming along. Yes. His spirit never breaks down. He's very strong. Wonderful. LILLIAN HARDIN: Thank you. AUDREY: Good luck to you, sweetie. Thank you. People have asked me before if I regret anything that's happened to me, like my injuries or whatnot. And things have a weird way of working out. Go to Walter Reed, meet the woman of my dreams. I don't know what I'd do if I never met her. I'm going to cry, because this poor boy was very badly hurt. And he is not the least bit angry. And to me, that's what makes you very, very special. I just want to make sure I can get them whatever they want. And if the dress is more than $2,000, if I have to put it in, I will. NARRATOR: With a heavy heart, Audrey is determined to find her the perfect princess dress. AUDREY: Here you go. Actually makes me look thin. I love it. MARGARET MAY: Look at all this. Wow. Come on up. [MUSIC PLAYING] What do you guys think? - I think it's perfect. - It is. It's beautiful. She looked unbelievable. When she walked out, I would love to have that feeling, like, at the wedding. Yeah. She definitely needs more sparkle. That's Lillian. AUDREY: More sparkle? I am a very glittery-- MARGARET MAY: She's very, very-- didn't give the wow factor. It's not my daughter. NARRATOR: So Lillian goes back to find a dress that will make mom happy. As she steps into the next gown, Kevin suddenly has a change of heart and heads to the back. KEVIN HARDIN: Now that we're having a huge ceremony, I actually want to be surprised when the actual ceremony happens. He realized that this was something more special than he actually thought it would be. [KNOCKING] AUDREY: Come on in. I don't want to look. Because after seeing how you looked in the first dress, as beautiful as you were, I really want to be surprised for that day. I think I should go out there and wait outside. - OK. - You OK? Yeah. KEVIN HARDIN: Babe. I'm fine. KEVIN HARDIN: Give me a kiss. I love you. I love you, too. He had the sensitivity to realize he wanted to be surprised on the day of their wedding. NARRATOR: Lillian gets into a dress that has everything she's looking for, but it's $900 over her budget. I really like this dress. MARGARET MAY: Wow. [MUSIC PLAYING] AUDREY: Ladies? I absolutely love it. That's the one. RANDY FENOLI: Yeah. Lillian found the perfect dress. The emotion that I saw is pretty amazing. CARLA MARRERO: It is beautiful. So is this your dress? I think so. NARRATOR: Back inside, army bride Lillian is facing a price dilemma of her own. She loves the dress, but it's $900 over her budget. Now, it's up to Randy and Audrey to work some magic. AUDREY: If I have to beg, borrow, or steal, I would have made it my business that she had it. RANDY FENOLI: $2,000 is the budget. DOROTHY: OK. RANDY FENOLI: How low can you go? Um, $1,599? Ah! DOROTHY: OK. RANDY FENOLI: She brings the dress from $2,900 down to $1,599. Miracles do happen. $1,599. Oh. MARGARET MAY: Did it work out really well? Yeah. Really well. We got it down. Fantastic. Wow. So is this your dress? - Yes. - Yes? OK. [MUSIC PLAYING] She looks breathtaking. What do you think when he sees you for the first time in this? I think he's going to be stunned. He's going to be shocked. Do you like the headpiece and veil? AUDREY: We got the price down. But when we came to the veil and the headpiece, we were still a little over budget. Randy and I just looked, and it's only a few hundred dollars, so we decided that we would split the difference. This is our very minor way of showing our gratitude towards them and for what they've done. The dress makes me feel incredible. She's gorgeous. She's a princess in it. Y'all I'm going to be on "Say Yes to the Dress," so help me pick out my outfit. I've been watching "Say Yes to the Dress" since I was a little girl with my mom. And so I've just imagined having this moment my entire life. So imagine me walking into Kleinfeld. I'm a country artist. I feel very, like, bridal and chic. I'm from Tennessee, so New York City is very different. A, B, or C-- which one? Help me out. I'm going to New York very soon. [MUSIC PLAYING] Say yes to the dress. Say yes to the dress. [CHEERING] My dad was in the music industry. He was a singer back in the '80s. And I got a guitar when I was 16. And it was kind of this light bulb moment. When I know it's the dress, that is when the guitar will come out. Ooh, that looks like snowy branches. Jenny, Jenny. JENNY TOLMAN: It looks-- Woo, hi. Oh, my gosh. Hi. How are you? I'm good. How are you? I'm Lisa. I'm great. I know. I know you're Lisa. [LAUGHING] LISA FUHRMAN: And you guys, who are you? I'm Mom. And I'm Katie, Jenny's sister. LISA FUHRMAN: Hi Katie, Lisa. Oh, my god. What a beautiful family. Thank you. LISA FUHRMAN: Look at these outfits. We've got our pop of fringe and our pop of rhinestones that I always have fringe and rhinestones on in some aspect. LISA FUHRMAN: What's the pop of this? So I have a pop of snow boots as well. Snow boots? I'm getting married in the snow in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. My fiance Dave and I fell in love in the snow. When we finally admitted our love to each other, we had the biggest snow storm in five years in Nashville that night. [MUSIC PLAYING] Yeah. We got engaged in the snow in Wyoming, and so now we're going to get married in the snow. He just proposed to me. WOMAN: I know. Congratulations. [MUSIC PLAYING] Our ceremony is going to be outside, so we're going to have a beautiful snow backdrop. But I need to have a dress that I can hide these under. As I'm walking down the aisle, I want to feel like a snowflake, like a womanly snowflake. Oh. Do we have a budget in mind? So I'd like to stay between $3,000 and $3,500. OK. We are going to find your wedding dress. I have no doubt. JENNY TOLMAN: Perfect. - Great. - All right? See you guys soon. LISA FUHRMAN: All right, let's go. Let's go. LISA FUHRMAN: Come on back. [MUSIC PLAYING] JENNY TOLMAN: Oh, yes. It's so pretty. LISA FUHRMAN: I saw from your profile that you had pre-selected dresses. I pre-pulled three of the dresses that you had saved. This is the Martina Liana. That's my favorite just looking at it. LISA FUHRMAN: Do you know what? Mine, too. JENNY TOLMAN: There's a Pronovias. I don't know if you guys have this one. LISA FUHRMAN: Let's see. JENNY TOLMAN: And this is the one that you're going to hate me for, because I know it's over my budget, but I love it. LISA FUHRMAN: Ah. It's over $5,000. JENNY TOLMAN: I think I'd like to just try it. OK. Just know that if you love it, you need to be prepared to either give it up or pay for it. That's true. OK. LISA FUHRMAN: OK? Got it. LISA FUHRMAN: I think that we should start with this one. JENNY TOLMAN: From what I can tell just by looking at it on the hanger, it has everything that I want in a dress. It's got the long sleeves, sparkle everywhere, the neckline with the illusion. So I am a little apprehensive to try it on first, because if I love it, then what do we do? You can't say yes to the first dress, or can you? Look at this. I'm dying. I love this. LISA FUHRMAN: We're done. I think we could be. I feel so beautiful. I want to cry. Growing up, I just always kind of felt like the ugly duckling out of-- out of the bunch. I mean, you saw my sister. What bunch? She's gorgeous. Growing up, people would look at her and be like, oh, my gosh, she's so beautiful. And then they would look at me and be like, oh, you guys are sisters? You don't look anything alike. Growing up with Jenny, I could tell that sometimes she had a little bit of a difficult time. KATHLEEN TOLMAN: She actually was very well liked. I think she just didn't feel like-- She didn't feel 100% confident in her own skin. I did not grow up beautiful. It took me a second to-- OK. She is very beautiful, but you are stunning, too. JENNY TOLMAN: Thank you. I'm a comparer, I think is what I am. I'm always like, oh, well, yeah, I can be pretty, but not that pretty, you know? And so I feel like I don't know, this dress makes me feel like I'm that pretty. You are. I'm very self aware that I have this insecurity about the way that I look. I mean, even a lot of my music, there's lots of songs like that, that are focusing on that woman narrative, where she's looking in the mirror and judging herself or loving herself. And so that's something I'm really trying to work hard on. So today, I would love to be able to look in the mirror and say, I love you, and I think you're beautiful. [MUSIC PLAYING] Wow. JENNY TOLMAN: She did too good on the first one. I'm like, wait a second. [MUSIC PLAYING] LISA FUHRMAN: What do you guys think? I like it. KATHLEEN TOLMAN: It's very pretty. LISA FUHRMAN: Isn't it stunning? JENNY TOLMAN: I feel so pretty. I love all of this. LISA FUHRMAN: Not all dresses have this kind of neck, and not every bride looks great in this neckline. A lot of people need the opening, but you're already long. This is so stunning. JENNY TOLMAN: I feel like it just looks like snow-covered branches coming off of me. [MUSIC PLAYING] I'm standing here, and I'm thinking, oh, no, I love this one. But my mom and my sister are both very reserved in their emotions. If my family doesn't love this dress, I'll be really upset. LISA FUHRMAN: Let me lay out the train a little. Can you turn that way, just so I can really lay it out so you can appreciate the beautiful drama? [GASPING] It's exactly what you were describing you wanted. LISA FUHRMAN: Her family's kind of indifferent to this dress. I would have liked to have seen a little more wow, it's gorgeous. Sometimes, if families don't jump on the bandwagon and show the enthusiasm, it could really destroy the appointment and make the bride feel like she doesn't want the dress. [MUSIC PLAYING] This just screams put me in the snow and marry me. And I feel like a beautiful snowflake bride. I feel like a beautiful snowflake walking down the aisle. LISA FUHRMAN: You see? Yeah, it looks really good, and I think this cut would really hide the boots, too. JENNY TOLMAN: I'm seeing that my mom and sister love this dress, but I also feel like they're a little apprehensive. LISA FUHRMAN: I have to be honest. With you, these boots happen to look good with this dress. Getting some emotion out of them today will be one of my challenges. She told me something in the dressing room that I was shocked about, which is that she told me that growing up she always felt like the ugly duckling. She had a rough teenage-- teenage years. Jenny went through a very-- having a lot of anxiety as a teenager. And now, like, I can't even believe that's the same girl. LISA FUHRMAN: Oh. JENNY TOLMAN: Terrible anxiety issues. And so the person that you see right now, you wouldn't even recognize who I used to be. Because it's-- 10 years ago, couldn't leave the house. Yeah, exactly. LISA FUHRMAN: You know what? You deserve everything and more. Those days are long gone, my dear. Say goodbye. LISA FUHRMAN: Bye. We're here, and we're ready to shine like a snowflake. LISA FUHRMAN: That's right. Let's go try on the next dress. JENNY TOLMAN: Let's go. Like, I don't know where we're going to go from here, but show me some more magic. LISA FUHRMAN: I will. I definitely will. And the good news is we put this on first, so now we use this as our benchmark. Yeah. LISA FUHRMAN: And if we don't like anything more than this, we know. OK. We'll see you in a minute. OK. That's very pretty. Yeah. Well, that-- That was a way to make an entrance. LISA FUHRMAN: That was a major, major hit. Yes, absolutely. OK. This is-- this is going to be hard to beat. Yep. But I'm challenging you. To be honest with you, I don't think that any of the dresses in the room are going to make Jenny feel as special as she feels right now or win her family over. So, you know what? I've got to go back and shop. Yeah, and it's over $5,000, but OK. She told me it was OK. It's over budget, but Jenny did show me a picture of it, so I'm going to bring it. But I'm going to bring her one more that's totally different. OK, I have some dresses for you. OK, so this is that Pronovias one-- JENNY TOLMAN: Yeah. --that out of your budget. JENNY TOLMAN: Yes, it is. That has very-- Out of your budget, Jenny. Remember. And very limited sparkle-- has some, but limited. Then, I found the most fabulous-- I, like, stumbled on it when I was looking for another one-- JENNY TOLMAN: Really? --dress by this designer Rachel Gilbert in your price point. JENNY TOLMAN: Ooh. It is so winter wonderland magnificent. JENNY TOLMAN: Oh, my gosh. Take a look. JENNY TOLMAN: [GASPS] Whoa. LISA FUHRMAN: Do you like it? JENNY TOLMAN: That's gorgeous. Wow, this dress is so different. It's just straight beading, and it's going to be a shock factor I think. LISA FUHRMAN: I want you to keep your eyes closed, because, I mean, I think you're going to think you look smashing-- JENNY TOLMAN: Thank you. --but I'm not sure that it beats the other one. OK. OK, you can look now. Oh, my gosh. It is-- it's stunning, but it doesn't feel bridal. I want to wear this to the Grammys someday. LISA FUHRMAN: Can you sing me like two lines while you're in your Grammy dress? (SINGING) I'm gonna love you till my tank is empty, till I've given all I've got, and I can't love anymore. Oh, my god. I have chills. This dress is just too costumey feeling. It's too much like Jenny Tolman the entertainer, which I love, but not for my wedding day. LISA FUHRMAN: So where do we go from here? We have the one out of the budget, this one. I warn you of one thing. JENNY TOLMAN: OK. LISA FUHRMAN: OK? You may love it. So, I mean, if you love it more than the other one, will you be OK with the price? Because that is the price. I know I'm breaking the cardinal rule, but I just have to try it, if nothing more than just to confirm that I love this first dress. Yeah, no I love the first one. Yeah. I don't think it's even worth going out and showing them, because I feel like in my gut, we already know which dress I want. LISA FUHRMAN: Let's put this one back on. JENNY TOLMAN: I know, I'm just-- I've been waiting this whole time to put it back on. - Me, too. - Let's be honest. LISA FUHRMAN: Yeah, exactly. [MUSIC PLAYING] Oh, you're back in that dress. JENNY TOLMAN: I'm back. LISA FUHRMAN: We simply could not find anything even close to beating it. It has everything that she was wanting. She was wanting a higher neckline, and she was wanting the long sleeves. KATHERINE MALINOSKY: And the buttons down the back. I mean, I feel like putting this dress on makes me feel like this, like, grown woman that is powerful and knows her worth. And I'm like, that's exactly what I want to feel like walking down the aisle. Do you love it as much as she does? [MUSIC PLAYING] Yeah. It's very pretty. JENNY TOLMAN: Are you going to cry? [LAUGHING] [MUSIC PLAYING] I'm very happy that she has found the dress that makes her feel good and that she wants to get married in. Maybe? Oh, my gosh. You are going to make me cry. What is this? I love it so much. I'm sorry. This is-- LISA FUHRMAN: I love that you're feeling-- I'm was not expecting this, but I wanted this feeling. I honestly feel like putting on this dress brought me to a whole new place in my life. It almost solidified the fact that I can let go of all of those insecurities that I've been holding onto for so long. Just know that this is what I want to walk down the aisle in. LISA FUHRMAN: So this is what it feels like. That's what it feels like. Give it a whirl. You got it. (SINGING) I believe in meant to be, from Tennessee to NYC. I've been searching high and low. And just like love, you know when you know. LISA FUHRMAN: Jenny. JENNY TOLMAN: Yes, Lisa? Are you saying yes to the dress? [GUITAR PLAYING] (SINGING) I'm saying-- Yes! [CHEERING] [MUSIC PLAYING] Yay! Wow, very beautiful. Stunning. Oh, I got the word. [MUSIC PLAYING] VAL JONES: Oh, my gosh. Walking into Kleinfeld's, this place is so much bigger than I thought it would be. Oh, that's nice. People are buzzing around. Brides are excited. Everybody's thrilled. I didn't really think much about, like, an ivory-- Yeah. VAL JONES: But that's really pretty. I've dreamed about this. It's exciting. It makes me feel like a princess in a fairy tale. Wow. - Oh. OK. Hi, ladies. How are you guys? Hi. Who is our bride today? VAL JONES: It's me. Val, nice to meet you. I'm Michelle. Nice to meet you, Michelle. And tell me a little bit about the wedding. Where is it going to be? When is it? The wedding is right around the corner. Gotcha. My biggest challenge here today is that my wedding is in, like, three weeks. So I need to like get in and get out in something that fits me. It's going to be in Juneau, Alaska. Wow. VAL JONES: We're going to get in a helicopter. We're going to fly up to Mendenhall Glacier in Juneau, Alaska. We're going to get married in the cold. It's going to be icy and blue and beautiful. My fiance Jack and I, we have a love affair with Alaska. And to get married on a glacier was the first thought that both of us had when he proposed to me. We decided to do an elopement, because really and truly, Jack is my one and only, and I'm his, and we just decided that it would be more special for it to just be us. And to marry him on a glacier in Alaska is probably going to be the most amazing thing I've ever done. I'm looking for a dress today that will be amazing on a glacier, that I can wear some crampons, little ice shoes, and that just looks amazing with the Alaskan landscape. Who do you have with you today? My cancer care team, and my-- so this is my plastic surgeon. Wow. This is my oncologist. MICHELLE CICERO: OK. And then these ladies, they work with my lymphedema with my arm that I have issues with. And then this is my friend. I work with her spirit. There you go. So we have our whole crew here today, friends that turned into family. I'm a breast cancer survivor. I've been in remission for almost six years, and I'm living every day of my life to the fullest. The team I have with me today, they are responsible for me being here today alive and thriving. Cancer sucks, and so I could not have done this without them. So we're shopping a little bit. What are we liking over here? - We love this one. - We like this. Oh, wow. OK. She has the figure for this. Yes, definitely. MICHELLE CICERO: Unfortunately, that dress is not available. So this is going to be a really big challenge. Her wedding is in three weeks in a spectacular location on top of a glacier. And we need to find her a stock piece today. We are concerned a little bit that I might be cold, but I'm not willing to cover anything up. You've got to show it off. VAL JONES: Yeah. A little cold on your wedding, that's OK. And what is the budget we feel comfortable capping it off at? VAL JONES: About $3,000. OK. So if you guys want, we can have a seat on the couch area, and you are going to come back with me. All right. [MUSIC PLAYING] MICHELLE CICERO: Dorothy, I need you. My bride is getting married in three weeks, so we need to stock piece. Dorothy is the best person to go to when you're looking for a gown. She knows the inventory in and out, and she's the head buyer of the store. This is a jumpsuit. This is so fabulous. Do you think she would wear a jumpsuit? Let's try it. She said she's open. DOROTHY: I have to tell you something. It's like it doesn't even look like a jumpsuit. Look at this one. MICHELLE CICERO: I could see her in this one, nice and fitted. She said she wants to show off her shape. DOROTHY: OK, good. MICHELLE CICERO: OK, so let me start with these. I hope she likes them. MICHELLE CICERO: I'm back. OK, so I didn't want to overwhelm you with too many, so I just pulled three for right now. OK. MICHELLE CICERO: And we'll kind of see what we're liking, not liking, and then we'll have more of a direction to go into. All right. So come take a look at these. [MUSIC PLAYING] So to be totally honest, the dresses that Michelle just brought in, I'm not totally blown away by them. I don't think I like any-- uh uh. I kind of feel like Elvis. It's hideous. I don't think this does a lot for me either. MICHELLE CICERO: No, I agree. Not flattering. I work out hard in the gym, and you can't even tell at all. OK, so I'm going to go shopping for some new dresses, OK? VAL JONES: OK. I'm hoping that there's more out there. She's got to muscle up and get me something good. MICHELLE CICERO: OK, I need you. How were those dresses? MICHELLE CICERO: No good. No good. VAL JONES: I want to go out and talk to my girls. I need a little pepping up, because I feel a little bit deflated right now. Well, we have tried a few on, nothing yet to like have you ooh and ah over. Val is being very picky, especially for a bride with a short timeline. But that's not a problem. It's a challenge. ELISABETH POTTER: If we could live lives with veils and tiaras-- so good. We would look good every day. Y'all are just trying to, like, spruce me up and get me all happy about the other dresses not working. Hi, ladies. Getting ready to try on some dresses again? - Yes. - OK. So I brought Val pretty much all of the dresses in her price range that she can take home today. So I'm hoping-- fingers crossed-- that one of these will be her dress. So what are we thinking about any of these? This one's strapless. It's pretty. We did bring these, which I don't know if you're going to love, but-- I'll try them. Um-- MICHELLE CICERO: Now, what do we think about this one? I-- it's not what I pictured. I feel like it might make me look a little boxy. OK. But I think we should go out and-- MICHELLE CICERO: Let's show them. We'll see what they think. If not, we'll try on one of the other ones. Yeah, I think we should go out. OK. [MUSIC PLAYING] Wow. Oh, Val. Oh, Val. Oh, my word. Oh. Oh, that's-- oh, that's so lovely. Look at you. You look like an angel. So tell me how you're feeling in this one. I feel like it makes me a little boxy. OK. I feel like it doesn't show off any of my hard work in the gym. It's making me feel kind of like a weeble wobble. OK. [LAUGHTER] VAL JONES: You know? OK, so let's turn you around. [MUSIC PLAYING] Oh. Val, it's beautiful. You're beautiful. You look really beautiful. VAL JONES: This dress is-- it's cute. I mean, it's fun, actually-- kind of dreamy, like floaty in a cloud or something. But that's really not what I'm going for. I really want to go for wow, what a knockout. I mean, you are a vision and an inspiration for others. When I first got cancer, I wasn't sure if it was localized or if it was already spread everywhere. And I didn't really even know if I'd have another birthday. And here I am getting married. Yeah. I want to try another one. Yes. OK, let's go. [MUSIC PLAYING] All right, on to the next one. Val needs to walk out of the salon today with a wedding dress for her Alaskan wedding in three weeks, and we don't have many other options in her $3,000 price range. This is Dennis Basso at $3,800. VAL JONES: This dress is definitely over my budget, but it's beautiful. And I think that everybody's going to like this one. I love the flowers on this down at the bottom. I like the form fitting a lot, you know, where it kind of cuts in here and then comes-- Cuts you here. Yeah, definitely. OK. Yeah, I like this a lot. We'll go show them. OK. Wow. Beautiful. So Val, what are we thinking about this one? I wasn't really a big fan of the whole mermaid-y thing. MICHELLE CICERO: Uh huh. VAL JONES: But I actually really like this one. I like the flowers trailing. And then there's a little bit of sparkle, which I think would be great on the glacier. MICHELLE CICERO: So what are your concerns? Yeah. So it's a little larger then-- it's going to need some fixing. It's going to need some fixing. Which is a negative, just because of my time. Yes. Yeah. The alterations are only going to add to my budget, so I'm going to be in quite a bit more, as well as I don't really have enough time to get this done. Wow. Oh, yeah. I mean, Val, you're gorgeous. You have an incredible figure. I'm worried about the alterations. Well, then-- And honestly, I don't really want to stress out. Like, this whole thing, the reason why the elopement is such a big deal, is because it's stress free. MICHELLE CICERO: It's all in her face. She's not feeling it. The bad is outweighing the good on this one. I agree. I think we should just get rid of this one, and we'll go back to the room and evaluate the dresses. OK. [MUSIC PLAYING] OK, so let's put this one on. VAL JONES: OK. MICHELLE CICERO: Like a glove. It looks gorgeous on you. It's showing off your shape. You have the thin spaghetti strap, and it has more of that bridal feel at the bottom. I really like this a lot. You know, I'm-- that's what I'm going for, like fit after 40. Fit after 40. Yeah. There's no alterations needed. What a relief. Ready to show everybody? Yes, I am. I am. I am. - OK. [MUSIC PLAYING] WOMAN: Wow. Yeah. That is incredible. That is. Oh, that shows off your figure. Wow. Val. Wow. Oh, yeah. MICHELLE CICERO: So we have more of a reaction in this one. What are we thinking? I like the symmetry right here. This is flattering. MICHELLE CICERO: How it's bringing your eye towards the center, OK. But I really like this hip part right here. The side, right? VAL JONES: This dress is amazing. I think it has all the right stuff. Oh. Wow. It's fantastic. It's powerful and elegant at the same time. Yeah, it's really beautiful. It is beautiful. MICHELLE CICERO: Oh, my god. I don't want to get on your bad side. This woman is rocking it. In this dress in particular, we can see all of the effort that she's put in to being so strong, and so fit, and beating cancer. She looks absolutely stunning. And even just the way you're standing and holding yourself, you can tell that you feel-- I like it. ELISABETH POTTER: --strong and good. Yeah. It is very beautiful. Yeah, this one's best. You look amazing. That's the kind of reaction I want from Jack, since it's just going to be the two of us. MICHELLE CICERO: OK, I'm going to have a headpiece. WOMAN: You're going to cry. [MUSIC PLAYING] ELISABETH POTTER: It's beautiful, Val. Wow. MICHELLE CICERO: How do you feel? [MUSIC PLAYING] Don't make me cry. [MUSIC PLAYING] Wow. Do you feel beautiful? Yes. Oh, my god, that's beautiful. Today's experience, I will tuck it away in my memory for the rest of my life. I feel like I've been on a huge journey, and all of you ladies have been with me. And I almost feel like this is the-- I've been climbing a hill, and I'm finally up at the top. Awesome. WOMAN: That's right. And I really appreciate all of you coming here to support me. ELISABETH POTTER: Wouldn't miss it for the world. VAL JONES: You've supported me through cancer, but I just wanted to share a joy with you and thank you so much. You're beautiful. MICHELLE CICERO: I think we have a question to ask you. You are? MICHELLE CICERO: Yes. What is it? Val, are you saying yes to the dress? I am saying yes to the dress and so much more. [CHEERING] This dress is amazing. I think it has all the right stuff. I cannot wait to get on that glacier and to say I do. [MUSIC PLAYING] [WATER FLOWING] Oh, man. JACK BRYANT: Oh, this is terrible-- disappointed in the weather. It would break my heart if we were unable to get married on the glacier. If they can go up in the rain, hopefully the visibility is OK, and maybe we'll get a window of time. The helicopter said that they could fly in a light rain, and so I'm just hoping that that's the case. I hope that they have the visibility to get us up there and down safely. I don't know, Jack. I can't even see the mountain. It's, like, over there somewhere. I'm so bummed. This is not what I pictured at all. I'm really worried. Everything's been so perfect until now, like a fairy tale. [MUSIC PLAYING] I really want it to be perfect for him and for me. But this is his dream, too. So it'll be great no matter what, but if we could make this one miracle happen, it would just be even sweeter. So I hope it will work out. I'm going to get ready right now, and I'm just going to pretend like this thing is going to happen. I'm just going to have the faith. [MUSIC PLAYING] I'm feeling like I look pretty decent here. I'm thinking I'm cleaning up pretty good. [MUSIC PLAYING] Hi, Alexa. OK. No, I understand. She'll be heartbroken. [MUSIC PLAYING] Val, I have some bad news. The helicopter company called, and they're going to have to cancel today. I'm really sorry. Do they think they can do it another time? MARYANN RAY: I am going to do my best to reschedule everything and see if we can come up with another time on the glacier. OK. MARYANN RAY: All right? I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. Thank you. It's disappointing because I had all these emotions already. [MUSIC PLAYING] [DOOR OPENING] Hey. Hey. VAL JONES: You look just like out of a magazine. Thank you. VAL JONES: You look nice. Thank you. VAL JONES: I came in here to tell you that we're not having the wedding today. OK. It's OK. VAL JONES: I have patience through all this stuff that I've been through. One way or the other, no matter what, we're going to get married, and it's going to be a beautiful Alaskan wedding. [MUSIC PLAYING] Yay! High five. Oh, my god. It's awesome. I think we're getting married today. It's beautiful. I woke up this morning, and I got so excited. I saw the sun come through the windows. I heard helicopters flying over, and I knew that today was the day we were getting married. VAL JONES: I love you. I love you, too. I feel great. It's exciting. It is not a dress rehearsal. Are you sure? We are really getting married on a glacier today. [MUSIC PLAYING] [DOOR OPENING] [GASPING] WOMAN: Val, you look gorgeous. VAL JONES: Do you like my boots? WOMAN: You've got your Alaska socks on. I'm in lovely Juneau, Alaska, and I'm about to be a bride. [HELICOPTER WHIRRING] JACK BRYANT: I'm feeling nervous, excited, heart's beating fast. I've been looking forward to this for a long time. Everything that Valerie does after her cancer journey means the world to her. Every moment that we share together is special to her, is special to me. [MUSIC PLAYING] I can't wait to marry Valerie, especially on this glacier. [MUSIC PLAYING] Seeing Val walk towards me, my heart dropped. I mean, she was stunning. VAL JONES: I am standing on a glacier, on this magnificent creation. I feel magical. It's a dream come true. Well, I'd love to welcome you on top of the beautiful Mendenhall Glacier. Jack and Val, may this kind of true love always help you keep the promises you are about to make today. May these rings always reflect the light of your love throughout your life together. I marry you with this ring. JACK BRYANT: I marry you with this ring-- --with all that I have-- --with all that I have-- --and all that I am. --and all that I am. VAL JONES: Jack, this ring-- --is a token of my love. VAL JONES: --is a token of my love. [MUSIC PLAYING] It is my great pleasure to pronounce you husband and wife. Please kiss your bride. [KRISTIAN BUSH, "FOREVER NOW (SAY YES)"] (SINGING) Forever now, Forever now take my heart. I love you, Jack. I love you, too, baby. We got married on an iceberg. Ha, ha, it's cold. It is. I love you. I love you, too.
Channel: TLC
Views: 1,055,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tlc, tlc shows, tlc full episodes
Id: L0u4uU2j5Bs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 59sec (3659 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2024
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