Most Exciting 2024 TVs | The TV's We'll All Be Talking About

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now that the dust and hype of CES  is settled let's talk about the   most exciting TVs coming out in 2024 but also  let's talk about the real reasons we should be excited welcome back everyone I'm Caleb Denison  and I say this every year because some things   just never change CES is a hype Fest that  that's just what it is all the shiny new   gear and especially the TVs are very exciting  in the moment and I think we love that about   CES that show is not the right time for  me to try and be pragmatic I can barely   manage to keep up with all the model numbers and  associated specs as I shoot video live from the   show floor but now now we can be a little more  pragmatic we can take some time to have a chat   about which TVs are the most exciting and the  less emotionally charged reasons why why they   are exciting in some cases it's because they  are borderline controversial you know for as   controversial as a TV can be anyway also  stick around to the end because I've got   a couple of bonus entries I'm excited to  share with you okay let's hit this list   following the order in which I saw the TVs  at CES which means we've got to start with LG now it would be fair of you to guess that I'd  be starting this list with the LG transparent OLED   TV properly known as the LG Signature OLED T but  I'm not don't get me wrong that TV is ridiculously   cool and I hope I get to spend some quality time  with it but for as cool as it is that is the kind   of specialty TV that only a handful of wealthy  folks are going to buy so exciting yes totally   will I review it I sure hope so but I want to  keep focused on TVs that you out there watching   right now are likely to buy and I don't see the  OLED T being one of them okay I guess I actually   did start with that one after all didn't I I  digress what I really want to focus on are the   LG G4 Gallery Series OLED and its Wireless partner  in crime the OLED M essentially the same TV from   a picture performance perspective it's just that  the OLED M happens to come with LG zero connect   box and has an ever so slightly different form  factor because of it the new LG G4 is exciting   because it has the latest gen MLA or micro  lens array wed panel in it now I don't expect   a revolutionary increase in brightness here but  I do think that because this new MLA panel is a   bit more efficient There's an opportunity for  LG to bump up the average Picture level just a   bit leading to higher overall brightness and maybe  take their foot off the gas with their protective   auto brightness limiter I'm also excited to see  how LG's new Alpha 11 processor improves some key   picture quality factors like upscaling and clean  up of low bit rate and bit depth starved streaming   content in short I'm excited to see how LG's best  OLED TV stack up to Sony's we go on and on about   Sony's awesome processing let's see how close or  maybe just how different LG's latest processor   looks in comparison that alone is going to make  OLED TV reviews this year super fun now I'm not   discounting LG C4 OLED here I think it could be  a strong competitor this year but I'm trying to   stick to the most exciting TVs and for me that's  the LG G4 and by extension the new OLED M Wireless models next up is Samsung first off guys a little  behind the scenes narrative here Samsung's First   Look event was dizzying in its scope Samsung had  so much to see there it was hard to rep my brain   around it all but also Samsung was definitely  spending more effort hyping up its latest top   tier OLED TV the S95D as well as its futuristic  transparent micro Led Tech than it was most of   its other TVs I want to be super excited for the  latest crop of Samsung Neo CED TVs and indeed I   think there are going to be some interesting  software features built in but from a picture   quality performance aspect I don't know how much  of a Leap Forward they're going to be over the   2024 models could be a lot I just don't feel like  they talked about it a lot we'll find out but if   we want to talk excitement we have to talk about  two main products from Samsung the first is the   new S95D OLED there are two notable changes for  this TV in 2024 one it's going to have Samsung   displays more efficient and slightly brighter QD  OLED panel that's the Gen 3 panel and two This TV   has a new anti-glare implementation that I think  is going to be very polarizing for TV enthusiasts   and if you didn't see that obvious pun coming  from me well you don't know me very well well   do you now I don't expect the S95D to be notably  brighter than the S95C any more than I expect   the LG G4 OLED to be notably brighter than the LG  G3 I think to detect any brightness changes we'd   have to stick the S95D right next to the S95C and  even then I think you'd really have to look hard   for the brightness differences and we will do  that here I'll be sticking the S95D right next   to the S95C on this channel Smack That subscribe  button so you don't miss it but the real reason   I'm interested in comparing this year's Flagship  Samsung OLED against last year's Flagship is to   see the net effect of the new anti-glare Tech  that they've implemented in this new S95D and   you may be surprised to know that it isn't to  validate the effectiveness of this anti-glare I   can tell you right now it is extremely effective  like otherworldly good no I think we need to see   what tradeoffs if if any are made with this new  anti-glare implementation some folks already hate   the idea that the S95D may be less glossy and it  would be fair to be concerned it may not appear   to have specular HDR highlights as intense as the  S95C since anti-glare almost always causes dimming   of the picture just ever so slightly but I'm  optimistic that the slightly brighter third gen   QD-OLED panel might make up for any drop off and  brightness caused by the new anti-glare treatment   yet still we need to talk about whether the lack  of the glossy screen is really a liability and we   want to see if the screen itself in full light  appears to be closer to pitch black I think a   big part of the reason Samsung has done this is  because some folks were not fans of the fact that   the QD-OLEDs blacks could appear gray in a light  soaked room I think that what's going to happen   is that folks who need that anti-glare because  they watch and bright rooms a lot will want the   S95D and for anyone who wants the glossy screen  and isn't concerned about a grayish panel or   anti-glare because they usually watch in a light  controlled room anyway they'll want the s90d which   will be less expensive still I do expect some  folks to be very vocal about not having an option   for a glossy screen in the S95D never mind that it  makes no sense to offer two different skews of the   same model the other Samsung TV I think we need  to watch out for is the 75 in version of Samsung's   micro LED TV Samsung has not promised that this  will be for sure a model that you can buy in   2024 but I have a feeling it could very well be if  it is we are going to have a ball testing it out   jury still out on how expensive it might be though  still this is the most normal person size of this   new display Tech and if it becomes a consumer  level television that's exciting and I think   a very big deal next in order would be Hisense  there are three Hisense TVs I'm excited for the   most obvious is the 110in UX though perhaps not  for the reasons you might think I'll get to that   and the other two are the U8N and the U7N so let's  start with those last two the U7N looks a lot like   2023 is U8K and if I'm no Hisense that means  you'll be able to get U8 performance this year   for last year's U7 prices that just that would  shift Hisense's value proposition into overdrive   but the U8N I mean this may be the TV to beat  this year I suspect we'll have to compare it to   Samsung's QN90D and TCL's QM8 and whatever Sony  comes out with which I'm getting to shortly but   also we can't talk about Hisense's 2024 TV lineup  without talking about the monstrous 110in UX model   which promises 10,000 nits Peak brightness with  some 40,000 local dimming zones for its mini LED   backlight array now let's toss aside that Hisense  is clearly in a Specs war with its chief rival TCL   and just focus in on those numbers 10,000 nits  is a lot 40,000 zones is a lot those numbers   sound very exciting but what I'm really excited  to see is how Hisense handles all that power   specifically I want to see how Hisense's high view  picture processor handles the incredible demand of   40,000 local dimming zones I want to know how it  handles upscaling content to look good on such a   huge screen and perhaps most importantly how is  Hisense going to handle the ability to get up to   10,000 nits now we know that Peak brightness will  only be achieved in very very small highlights but   what about the brightness range leading up to that  how will Hisense map the TV's brightness when it   well exceeds any HDR content that's available  for us to watch today at best we can get a few   titles that have been mastered at 4,000 nits  how's hense going to choose to display that   content with a TV that can go so far beyond the  source materials information now if you recall   from my 85in UX review Hisenses processing was  the weakest link in that TV now the stakes are   even higher so what kind of processing progress  has Hisense made that's what I'm excited to see next up is TCL and the two TVs I'm most  excited for here are the new QM8 and the new   QM89 the latter of which is TCL's monster 115in  TV the largest direct View tv to ship to the us   as far as I know capable of 5,000 nits of peak  brightness with over 20,000 dimming zones I mean   first of all I got to wonder will TCL ship me  a 115 in TV what will that look like here that   alone is exciting for me at least and I think  you're going to love seeing it too but also how   will TCL handle those 5,000 nits how good is the  control over those 20,000 zones that's half the   brightness and half the zones Hisense is claiming  for its Flagship but in a bigger TV now honestly   I don't expect there to be a big performance  Gulf between the TCL QM89 and the Hisense UX   so that conversation about how specs don't tell  the whole story I don't know that there's ever   been a better example on display for that argument  at least that's what I'm suspecting but most of my   excitement is over getting to find out if you  haven't figured it out already we're going to   be talking a lot about peak brightness dimming  zones and the use of mini LED this year and TCL   and Hisense are going to be at the forefront of  that conversation but frankly I think the TCL qm8   is the real TV to watch this year from TCL and  seeing it do battle against the Hisense U8N is   going to be a treat real quick in the comments  let me know which one you think is going to win   the TCL QM8 or the Hisense U8N we'll circle  back later this year and see how good we were   at that [Music] prediction next up is a TV we  did not see at CES in fact we haven't seen it   at all technically it doesn't exist it doesn't  have a firm model number either actually we only   know of its potential existence thanks to a  special trip I made to Tokyo I am of course   speaking of what ever Sony's Flagship mini LED  TV will be in 2024 now I don't think Sony is   going to break any nits records or local dimming  Zone count records and I don't think it needs to   with Sony's processing and their new backlight  Tech I think this Flagship mini LED TV from Sony   is going to be the toast of 2024 that's a bold  prediction I know it but I'm 100% comfortable   with it the question is is this the mini LED TV  that really challenges OLED we're going to find out okay now honorable mention needs to go out  to Roku which did not exhibit TVs at CES but   I'm holding on to some optimism about its new  Pro Series that it announced just before CES   I really hope that that is a super competitive  TV especially for Roku's sake now as promised   I've got a couple of bonuses to share I know they  aren't TVs but they're TV adjacent so let's just   go with it first SVS has a new flagship speaker  lineup called Ultra Evolution now I didn't get   Chris and Zeke out to SVS's booth with me  so my iPhone footage is about the best we   can do here but I am telling you these have all  the makings of a game changing speaker lineup I   can't wait to get some in and review them both  from the audio file perspective as well as the   home theater perspective then and I think this  is a pretty big one Dolby Flex Connect now I   have a full report on it coming out soon that  I don't think you're going to want to miss I   think we're going to see this tech implemented  in some Hisense and TCL TVs this year and I'm   stoked to see how it's implemented this year but  it's really where uh it's going in the future   that I'm most excited about I will say right now  that it has some pretty awesome potential though   that's my list thanks as always for watching  everyone what did I miss was there a TV shown   at CES that you think I should have included  let's talk about it down in the comments while   you're down there consider giving this video a  like and sharing it with your friends I'll see   you on the next one and until then here's  two other videos I think you might like what is that sound
Channel: Digital Trends
Views: 126,575
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Keywords: 2024 tvs new model, 2024 tv buying guide, 2024 tv reviews, new tvs 2024, new tvs 2024 model, new 2024 tvs, best tvs 2024, best tvs ces 2024, best tv ces, best 4k tv 2024, sony tv 2024 model, ces 2024 samsung s95d, samsung s95d tv, lg oled tv ces 2024, best tv ces 2024, new oled tv 2024, new lg tv 2024, new lg tvs 2024, best smart tv 2024, 2024 sony, 2024 sony tv, 2024 samsung tv, 2024 samsung 8k tv, 2024 lg tv, 2024 lg oled tv, 2024 lg oled, 2024 lg g4, lg g4 oled
Id: QjWPq33J7UE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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