Is Sony Really Abandoning OLED? How To Find a Calibrator? | You Asked Ep. 26

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On today's episode of You Aasked. How  do you find a calibrator these days,   what's the one thing folks aren't talking about  when it comes to giant 100in plus-size TVs,   will we ever get a TV that can produce all the  colors and is Sony really quitting OLED. Welcome   back everyone I'm Caleb Denison and this is you  ask the show where I answer questions that you   ask in hopes that I can help you and others  who have similar Tech questions if you've   got a question for me please send it to you  asked and let's see if your   question gets picked to be answered on the show  first question isn't so much a question as it is   a comment but it comes as a reply to last week's  episode that centered around projectors it comes   from Daniel Kelleher who said the one thing no one  talks about is where the center channel would go   if you have a 5.1 or larger audio system with a  100in TV you would pretty much have to put your   center channel on the floor or ceiling even a  soundbar would be extremely low to the ground   as the TV takes up pretty much the whole wall  so audio is very compromised if it weren't for   that my next video component would be a TV Daniel  also shared these images of his setup and noted   he uses an acoustically transparent screen so he  can get his center channel behind the screen when   it's dropped down and it's also already below  his TV when not using his projector well first   first off Daniel awesome setup I'm having  trouble placing those speakers though are   they kef it's the cabinet shape that's throwing  me off anyway what can I say but you're right   although now that we're talking about it we can't  say nobody is talking about it anymore can we but   that's thanks to you so let's do talk about it I  think Daniel brings up a great Point here folks   one of the challenges with large screens whether  it's a TV screen or a projection screen is that   the bigger the screen gets the lower or the  higher the center channel speaker will have   have to be placed unless you use an acoustically  transparent screen where the sound of the speaker   can go right through the screen just like it does  in a commercial movie theater and I've experienced   this challenge myself actually I think it's an  especially big challenge with ultra short throw   projectors the projector often goes where a center  channel might go and even if you mount the center   channel directly below the screen there's always  the chance that if you don't have it all set up   just right the center channel could block some  of the light from the projector or if the speaker   has a gloss finish could end up reflecting some  of the light coming from the screen there are a   number of challenges with large screen formats but  at least with some projector setups like Daniels   an acoustically transparent screen allows a center  channel to output sound closer to where the voices   and actions appear on the screen we call that  anchoring the sound to the screen so what's the   solution in the case of a really big TV you can't  put anything behind it so you'll indeed have to   put a Center Channel above or below the tv not  necessarily right at the ceiling or all the way   at the floor but close now fortunately the brain  is pretty good at making accommodations at least   in my experience if you let your mind relax a bit  you can get to the point where the suspension of   disbelief isn't just ruined by having the dialogue  Come From Below or above where you see a person's   mouth it's extraordinary how your brain will  make it work for you if you let it if you can   let go of your frust ation that the speaker  is just above or below the image your brain   will associate the sound with the image but I also  know folks who just can't do it so what then well   I'm just imagining things here but with an OLED  cell or possibly even micro LED screen you can   turn the screen itself into a highquality speaker  that's directional enough to be effective you may   have a center channel that isn't perfectly voice  matched to the rest of your speakers but at least   the sound is literally coming from the screen in  that case some of Sony's OLED TVs do this right   now but for any back lit TV that isn't possible  the TV speaker system would need to become a big   priority in the overall design it would need  to have a sound strip at the bottom and audio   processing that essentially lifted the sound using  psycho Acoustics to make it seem like the sound   was coming from that screen I think that can be  done but it's going to take time money and intense   on the part of the manufacturers guess now is the  time to start asking TV manufacturers to make the   audio of the TV a big priority for home theater  enthusiasts and frankly that doesn't seem like a   big ass to me since these are super premium TVs  and already cost a small fortune might as well   go for broke while you're going broke and get a  decent audio system out of the TV too outside of   that it's going to be a compromise which in the  end isn't a ridiculous ask home theater systems   are riddled with demands for compromise aren't  they next question comes from Nathan mcra who   writes I recently built my dream to me home  theater and I'd like to know I'm getting the   best visual and audio experience how can I go  about finding a calibrator in my area furthermore   in your opinion do you believe having a home  calibrator come out is money well spent or can   you get away with the built-in Auto setups Nathan  I am so glad you put this question in front of me   this week because I've been needing to offer some  help around this for a long time I get asked all   the time how do I find a calibrator in my area  or one who's coming through my area or willing to   come to me now first off everyone I want you to  know that I understand and I want everyone else   to understand this too Google is not very helpful  on this you can be an ultra pro certified googler   and come up with bub kiss when trying to search  for a calibrator next thing I want to do is call   attention to the fact that display calibration  whether for a TV or a projector and audio Cali   calibration are two totally different things and  it's not uncommon to find a calibrator that does   displays but not audio or vice versa obviously  it'd be great to find one person who is a legit   expert at both but even finding legit experts in  the first place can be a little tricky the next   important thing to know is that and I want to be  careful about how I say this but audio calibration   is less let's say resource intensive than video  calibration audio calibration is easy easier   and less expensive to DIY than video calibration  simply because the tools to do audio calibration   are less expensive the art of audio calibration  is still a very specialized skill and I'm not   here to say audio calibration is easier than  video calibration but I will say that from a   cost perspective it's less expensive to get the  tools you need to perform an audio calibration   and from there it's all about how much willingness  you have to educate yourself online and just get   the job done video calibration done well requires  very expensive tools you can get by with patterns   on a disc or download some files to a USB instead  of buying a really expensive pattern generator but   ultimately you're going to need the software I  use cman by portrait displays exclusively and   you're going to need at least a colorimeter and  even those run into the thousands of dollars at   the low end with all of that understood you  can understand why it will be easier and less   expensive to have a pro come out and take care of  it for you but how do you find that pro well I'm   going to drop two links in the description one  is for an ABS Forum thread that has a running   database on custom installers listed in order  by the US state in which they operate the second   link will go to the ISF database of calibrators  that's Imaging Science Foundation by the way now   you don't have to have an ISF certification to be  a good calibrator and you also aren't necessarily   a good calibrator just because you have ISF  certification but it's a good starting point to   at least find names and businesses from which you  can do some research into reviews of their work   and that's the key here look up reviews of the  folks you're considering using you don't want to   hack plumber working on your pipes you don't want  to hack calibrator doing a meh job on your system   either another approach is to go to the cdia  website and look for contractors there cdia stands   for custom electronic design and installation  Association and CEDIA puts on an annual trade show   that I sometimes attend it's actually one of my  favorite shows they run ongoing education seminars   certification trainings you can probably find  some CEDIA certified experts in your area through   the CEDIA website just to get you started you  could also try calling local home theater shops   in your area even if they aren't in your city a  home theater specialist shop in your state may   have calibrators that they work with or can make  recommendations on on calibrators they know that   can come out to you now there are some automated  systems you can use Samsung offers one that works   with an app for their TVs it does a pretty good  job but that's just for Samsung and on the audio   tip lots of AV receivers come with auto setup  systems I'm not a huge fan but some people just   absolutely swear by some of them so you can give  that a shot but if you want to know you're getting   the absolute best a pro will provide that for you  and let me just say that I'm hopeful that we can   cultivate a new new crop of calibrators soon I  see home entertainment enthusiasm On The Rise and   we're going to need new blood in this profession  and soon it's a very Niche career opportunity but   a good one and a fun one if you ask me and by the  way Nathan props to you for putting all that time   and effort into building your system I'm proud of  you man James duberry writes a common stat for TVs   is percent of color gamut so I asked the following  one how long if ever will it be to see a TV that   reaches 100% two why is there a vast section of  green tones that's always outside the Triangular   measurement area thanks for your question Jamie  I love it so first things first what is color   gamut color gamut is a term we've come up with  to describe the range of colors that a device can   display or record relative to the total range  of colors that is within the visible spectrum   usually we see this visually expressed on a chart  like this where the sort of triangular color blob   represents the visible color Spectrum that's like  all the color we can see and the actual triangle   within it represents the color gamut that's what  the TV or monitor can display or the camera could   capture now there are a bunch of different color  gamuts and they've been given some names on the   low end we have the ntsc color gamut which was  developed in 1953 as a standard for broadcast   television then we move up to srgb also known as  Rex 79 which is the standard that we have for SDR   TV these days then Adobe RGB then there's DCI P3  and then at the top the one with the most colors   in it is Rec 2020 who developed and defined these  color gamuts is another video for another day for   now I think it's important to note that in TV  anyway we tend to talk about re 709 for SDR   and then either DCI P3 for Cinema or HDR TV and  Rec 2020 is and has been sort of this Holy Grail   color gamut for the last several years right  now the rec 2020 color gamut is still the big   audacious aspirational goal we're getting closer  but the best consumer displays right now like the   Sony A95L managed to get to the low 90% area for  coverage which is kind of a big deal because for a   long time we were stuck down in the mid-70s there  are some prototype displays that did get to 95%   but they were prototypes I'd like to think that  we are maybe I'm going to guess like 5 years or   so from consumer displays pushing the rec 20120  envelope that's just a guess though I'd love to   be surprised and see it sooner than later now as  for your question about green why is there so much   more green outside the triangle than the other  colors I'm going to be totally transparent and   tell you this kind of color science thing is just  over my head what I do know is that the human eye   is more sensitive to certain wavelengths of light  than others so that might increase the visible   spectrum around the green areas I also know that  TVs use red green and blue color primaries and   that each of those colors is represented by a  very specific number on an X and Y AIS in order   for the red green and blue to combine to make the  most amount of colors possible a specific value   or number of green must be assigned and I imagine  that particular value that particular green leaves   some of the other green Spectrum behind and  that's as far as I'm going to take that but I   appreciate the question because you've gotten me  curious and I'm going to take every opportunity   that I can to learn more and now the one I think  you've all been waiting for a question that I   had a feeling was going to be a thing despite  my frustration that it never should have been   in the first place uh Chris you got to toss in  some SMH memes in here would you you cannot be   serious the question comes from alah Ro Rodriguez  who asks so is Sony really abandoning OLED they   had the best on the market what guys Sony is not  abandoning OLED please calm down look I'm not here   to play a blame game but here's why the question  that never should have been a question has come   up a YouTuber I respect very much why am I being  koi here I'm talking about Vincent too published   a video titled Sony plans to ditch OLED and use  mini LED for 2024 Flagship TV here's why now I   would argue the problem that has arisen should  not be attributed to that headline the problem   is that some folks didn't watch the whole video or  any of it and understand what Vincent was actually   saying instead they took to the forums and win  all keyboard Warrior and started spreading around   misinformation by paring that headline out of  context and well it stirred up a bit of traffic so   some other folks started hopping on the bandwagon  to try to get in on that traffic or rack up those   views I encourage you to go watch that video we'll  link to it in the description but also here's my   take Vincent and I were at the same press trip as  guests of Sony in Tokyo part of what we learned   there is that Sony is leaning hard into its mini  LED backlight technology and is targeting a mini   LED backlit LCD TV to be marketed as its Flagship  now I don't have time for a debate on what the   term Flagship should mean but what I would will  say is that what you consider Flagship to mean   and what the marketing gurus at corporations like  to use the term Flagship for are often going to be   very different things I mean Samsung never called  its cutie OLED TVs their Flagship still don't I   don't think but I think a lot of TV enthusiasts  would say uh no sorry Samsung your marketing team   is wrong the S95C is your Flagship TV Sony isn't  quitting OLED I just think they made the A95L   OLED so good and the QD OLED technology is it a  place where incremental generational improvements   are fairly minor that trying to cram another  OLED TV into the pipeline in 2024 an A95M or   N or whatever just doesn't make sense also keep  in mind the A95L came out late in 2023 and some   would argue it looked and performed like a TV we  would expect to see in 2024 anyway now guys Sony   has an opportunity here to re established some  dominance in the mini LED TV Space by coming out   with the mini LED TV so good that it just trounces  the competition that is going to expand its sales   and that's just good for the company the A95L is  practically selling itself right now it doesn't   need help it swept most Awards and shootouts  across the globe most of them the x90l x93 L   and x95 L they didn't get nearly as much attention  in 2020 3 as that OLED TV did and I suspect we're   going to be talking a lot about the new versions  of those TVs in 2024 so again Sony not ditching   OLED they are perhaps just not making it a massive  priority for 2024 even Sony isn't crazy enough to   take the best TV of 2023 pull it off the market  and say you know what we just did that to prove   we could and then drop the mic and walk out of the  room thanks as always for watching everyone what   did you think of this week's episode please let me  know down in the comments don't forget to like And   subscribe I'll see you on the next one and until  then here's two other videos I think you might
Channel: Digital Trends
Views: 136,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tv calibration, home theater, tv calibration video 4k, tv calibration tool, tv calibration for gaming, tv calibration worth it, sony a95l, sony oled 2024, home theater setup living room, home theater speaker calibration, home theater calibration, color gamut explained, color gamut vs color space, what is color gamut, p3 color gamut, srgb color gamut, bt 2020 color space, sony oled update, sony tvs 2024, new sony oled 2024, sony mini led, sony mini led vs oled
Id: Qa4bxVrO95g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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