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today we are playing Uno valhara this Uno game is a little different because we are also collecting treasure at the same time the more cargo you collect the more you can attack and sabotage the person's Uno deck welcome to Valhalla everyone are you ready to fight and collect treasure the best casino battle ever oh no actually I'm collecting all the treasure um oh great I only have eight I will be walking to eight then we're saying shut up ah let me see if I'm able to collect anything gold please I swear she's gonna take all the treasure boxes [Music] she has three cargo already um wow okay listen now we should team up and get rid of gold no I agree yeah [Laughter] I lied the Treasure's mine all right Draco put down a red put down a red and you'll help me out but I want treasure oh I can't get it um come on red that's all I can do I'm sorry are you serious ah it was that or I skipped your turn wait discard all cards in your hand lunar you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna start out I feel like picking on you funny because you looked at me funny are you serious I have like 10 cards whatever I'll fight you what is it I just need to beat you I'm suspect well I'm gonna pick the highest card let's fight easy what that was too easy do you know I was gonna pick my favorite color gold because I suspected you'll just pick yellow great I'm just moving on the map for fun with my gun picked blue all right Luna no turn for you come on what kind of tricks should I play this one and I'm gonna pick my favorite color gold why don't you change it to Blue not your favorite color I hope you have something no um I challenge you girls in your face [Music] wow I finally got a piece of treasure for me and another come on go faster and another for me what the how much treasure do you guys have I got since I'm on a street because I'm queen of Valhalla I'd like to spar again why does she keep fighting with everything can't win the game by sparring gold gold don't spot me I literally have 11 cars just go fight lunar oh no hello and hi help hello Guild take this you'll never guess what I picked is it yellow with your color is everything your favorite color now I said it's not my favorite color clearly ah okay that's it you guys are annoying I use the raven what is that and I want to travel to one Oh I thought she's gonna go for the flag wait what there's a Flag treasure and I'll change it to Yellow wait where's the flag I just went to yellow four oh oops I just wasted no turn for you lunar nah thank you Draco for helping me start another battle you okay you know what I don't think you can beat me watch my deck girls you don't got this in the bag I do you got this in the bag no you don't you picked you picked my favorite color your cards ending straight in Valhalla favorite color my favorite color betrayed me okay let's throw in there's nothing on nine oh five hello Red Gold hi ah she already took the treasure wait guys you should look at draco's hand he only has two left you might call Uno uh-uh I don't even have any cargo ah go again Draco oh no wait lunar what the no no okay good I thought you were teaming up for a second that was my yelling please I need all the cargo you know what give me a one I'll take two cargos nice what shall I do as Queen of all come on Uno faster the suspense battle me and this time I'm gonna pick this color yeah your favorite color yeah wait that means yellow wait Luna's Car just got burned oh she just lost her cargo r-i-pee now that Luna is extra tilted and salty like the fun flag you guys always get scared of birds and she discards birds have the ultimate power my luck only have one careful Luna or what or I will battle gold what new Traders hey I did not say we were an alliance I said funny yeah it's true I'm kind of sad over here oh great now you can call him I'm assuming Draco made an alliance yes no [Music] how did you know Draco made an alliance with me because I'm sad look at all the cards I have when did seven like 10 seconds ago into the video God you have not been listening it's true I I know why look at all the gold in her eyes it's because she has too much cargo she's money crazy oh I think she's gonna play Yellow guys and a low tier card too oh yeah you lost Draco has a red card Draco has a red card I don't think she knows how this works reverse it's okay she's gonna keep fighting do it again wow that was the kind of you so now I will return it to you wait are they Draco I think they're working together I have no cards oh my gosh she gets to fly anywhere again great wait raid steel two car goes from an opponent Luna I just helped you you gotta pick it from my friend yeah I'm quite Petty Draco attacked me too many times I have no cargo how dare you Savvy um Luna that was pretty evil whatever I guess I just gotta slowly get my cargo back guys play some cards you know what I'll go to sleep I'm gonna win draco's red someone change it no it's red we have to change it wait Luna you gotta throw cards at him or something I can't change it I don't have any cards you guys someone throw cards him Draco lunar peace do I just fight him I will battle I like how you all forgot you could battle shush tracker lunar oh he has a weak card s I only have red no I'm gonna win victory for the poorest ha happy beat everyone wow well really that's what you get for stealing my cargo okay so I see how the trick is I just need to collect treasure and ignore all of you and not be friends no alliances I'm salty because I'm supposed to have that gold beautiful frame Draco has around his Avatar gold it's because you lost the king I won and I conquered all the land lunar Uno would you like to make an alliance with this sad green Clan I love a lion okay giving me I will give you one piece of cargo okay hand it over once I get it from it from Draco what a literally oh whatever you only get one anyway well huh you know what Jocko no playing for you oh you guys are being mean no we're not so we're taking Draco you already won who cares two Luna we're only green okay yes only green totally only green I'm totally Draco are you part of the greenness um yeah totally part of the green okay first off you are liar now you don't get to see because you skipped my turn um I'm sorry don't we I have no more dreams well what the Luna come on I'm sorry I have no more green fine I'll put down a seven to take some treasure I'm gonna give you some nice delicious delicious what the wait why are cards delicious my kingdom we eat cards I was afraid that's kind of messed up that's messed up Jacob guys can I have one more cargo so I can fight someone please I'm such a sad Clan you know I'll try to like 50 hair gold yes pity me thank you um I will use a three so I can collect that piece of gold thank you very much now what I'm going to fly to the Father's Day oh please don't steal from me you have some wait who stole cargo from me no no no no it was gold gold gold no I didn't I didn't know I did it thank you I thought we were alliances lunar how dare you frame me hey Luna you said you're part of my alliance that's it she got two cards left um yes that's it lunar it's over for you I fight you lunar um challenge you with this yeah it's probably come on come on come on lucky guess I guess Luna beat me great I just wasted my turn and now I'm Gonna Fly again stop flying away whoa from my cargo prepare to be flabbergasted oh Draco has Max cargo okay UNO card let's go with blue I'ma take a card because I have no cards okay don't do it gold oh God sorry I have sorry huh please please guys bye-bye all my blue cards this match well not and yet God really lunar you're ruined it I thought we were we're Alliance why are you doing I told you I had no alliances I lied all along oh and I knew you're gonna pick your favorite color I I don't have one part left Luna is pure evil great I have to do this please okay you guys have all the cool cards and I have this trash cards this is unfair basic Uno cards what do I go put bread down red um red red red red red red anything yeah yeah you know what gold I have a guess that you don't have yellow no she does have yellow how do you attack it battle her battle her ah here we go again really Justified this match will not be ending okay it will never end the game keeps going on and on Jazz green whose side are you on Luna I'm on no one's side tracker oh there goes all my yellow cards great I have no well you know what I'm gonna pick a card well that was stupid oh my gosh how many bird cards do you have I swear you guys whoa she just matched Dragon we all have a lot of cargo now yeah except for me I think it's because this game's been going on too long ah nothing okay both of them are just gonna fight now we need to stop you die with my full power attack and prepare for this tornado attack oh please you guys just make yourself oh I hate you oh Draco could call it no I'm scared that's it Draco stop him stop him I can't um I did fight you man a fight Draco and this is my best one main character vibes you think you can win it's the main character from the game so yes wait what wild cards are like the worst thing to attack with he has a wild card here funny another chance thank you gold um you want me to fight him again actually no I'm scared it's okay he has red so what do I fighting with yes I don't know you fight me with blue no no you have to match he's lying I have yellow let's go check that Jacko wow okay now I need to disperse my cards and get rid of him you know I need a flag let's make it yellow seriously let you fight no more we are back till ends here Draco while it's ending for you no my Wild Card sucks I'm not using it oh you think I had red I hate you Jacko I'm gonna battle too we gotta even out the place okay gold what the heck I didn't even do anything draco's only two oh it's just sitting there okay Luna doesn't like that yeah I don't like that here and simmer in my Uno deck well let's see she has red good point you're not supposed to snitch on my desk well well well it looks like we're going down to the last bunch and I need to throw out some cards let's go to I want to go to five hmm Ben come on you know what I'll throw this down and let's get rid I'll go to five that's right supposed dispose whoa and we'll change it to blue because you're not blue right oh thank you thank you thank you so much uh-oh I'll give you your turn back because I'm feeling nice oh thank you Jacka I think yes blue oh oh wait I wish I went to two oops I forgot come on girls blue blue I got blue Luna he doesn't have blue he's bluffing me blue I only have blue oh that wasn't very nice I was nice to you and gave you back your turn oh I took too long rambling it's like an evil villain Jaco let me get this cargo I took too long rambling Jacko continued to ramble extra slowly okay let me win guys come on Wow it doesn't have to be like this Revenge that's right I'm salty you didn't let me sit there and chill you had to fight me so I'm fighting you back okay I'll do this card and I remember you saying you only had to leave yellow oh wait the only person you can trust is yourself wise words Draco but it looks like I all right being evil so now you gotta lose your turn okay that's what I was gonna do but oh okay that's so ow the pain the agony and I'm impact because I don't have any cards but Revenge Revenge but he has two cards left gold oh yeah it's okay just get Draco okay oh well I'll use these two cards to get revenge I'm funny now I know Gold's deck colors don't yeah come on hurry up don't say it what that's the only card I have oh gosh you know what you know and let's change it to red okay she has red she definitely has red battle her yeah I don't have red I don't have red yeah she didn't battle well I don't have cards to battle um go go gold you don't need to battle me what the heck gold I say whatever you're gonna live what card you have in your deck you won't see I don't think she has green oh red yeah red someone needs to stop her yeah go now Gold's in the lead oh thank goodness I'm in the lead now what should I do what should I do I pooped you're rude you're rude you like Vikings remember Draco pass on the rudeness I ramble too long again so what I learned is Draco shouldn't be an evil villain because he just talks too long then no one cares Draco I will return the favor flavor actually I return the flavor green she has green all right gold we have two chances to battle her oh really why am I always fighting her that's it green wait do I have to match the green or not no no don't match the green that's the green gold gold match the green huh you stay there you stole all my cargo goals and you burnt it to the ground for not returning my kind favorite with a kind well I'm passing on the kind favor of heading to the flag oh wow still two cargos he has four no no no that's two pounds sorry yeah sorry girls if you I Can Fly hey cargo you have okay that's good oh that was kind of lame whatever I'll take it reverse okay thank you lunar now I can finally her kind gestures no no [Laughter] you see how evil there I got now I could also Target funny because she took my cargos all okay is it me I was the only thing gold doing is fighting she's literally been fighting everyone she's not even playing she's an aggressive hiking great I'm back to square one [Music] ah I'll never have the matches um under that do again oh yeah this is all right I'm stealing from gold that's not what you gotta do okay um I will battle who you asked gold really yeah she's tired I don't want you to be able to bathroom mm-hmm fight take away her Treasures Burn It To The Ground so she cannot fight okay I mean everyone she has no no he's bluffing yellow and green yellow and green yellow and green yellow Christmas come on oh I don't have a six five is not oh wait five people oh I have like 20 cars you know what girls no I'm sick of you fighting that keeps me happy in this game why don't you take it away because you're being annoying with that girl and I have to take it away I'm gonna get revenge seriously Draco see I returned a favor now truth okay right agree I want that treasure for myself lunar what car does he have oh he has a lot of cards blue Draco every color come on kygo delicious okay you really need to stop eating your cards I agree Draco if your clams eating cards I don't think that's very healthy of you man yeah he's just gonna sit there and eat all the oodle guys addiction or something I can't stop eating Uno cards alive well maybe if you didn't burn my cargos we would have three it's okay we don't need three you can fight lunar yellow she has yellow everyone [Laughter] she has yellow don't let her leave the Box how does one beat yellow just don't play Yellow don't let lunar mallow funny why didn't you battle her it's fine that was my trick boy oh my gosh okay yes gold you did Draco knows you have yellow leaves yeah yeah yeah yeah you're not gonna win this time I know you're a trick ow ow ouch that was painful ah all this battling is getting me Mighty hungry [Laughter] you should steal from funny she stole who should I steal from who stole from uh not me you and you didn't even battle with it okay all right reverse gold you go battle who you please please stop battling can we just play UNO now can we just put down cards please right laughs you look like you have a lot of cargo Jacko she's put down yellow she put down yellow no what I'm smart bye-bye cargo please I'm so tired of battling I just want to put down cars I don't know you think she's gonna find out the cattle more okay you should battle funny or lunar please for cargo looks nice over there she's just stealing at this point why I like I'm gonna use my lucky collar now and Dad I didn't mean to burn down your uh Cargoes sorry not sorry oh wait Luna has two cars oh what did I do has green you know what this means Vikings we all fight time I don't have enough turn I'm gonna she has yellow she's a lion she's a liar and she has yellow um okay I'll go four four s gold you have to bring home the crown she has yellow wait just uh just play it just keep it on green she has the yellow right I'm not gonna battle this round I'm gonna take a break lunae draw you better not have green light after you're joking oh man I have all these cards I guess I can just go collect treasure now I mean you 've just said you can eat it Taco you could just treasure collector um I would like to go to the only place I could go eight I'm off break Duty so I'm gonna battle oh my gosh takes so long can you please foreign I have this you like gave me too much power you stop oh I'm literally unbattleable stop stop it but I wanted your cargo oh no oh my God oh okay um I can't battle here so someone else I'm really bored of battling her battling Bunny and gold you have to stop lunar you're like the only ones you can have to battle her please Luna I chill guess what card I have and if she has a wild card we're all dead oh no it's over for you I'm putting out my favorite color blue died what color does she have oh wait she has red oh yeah I changed hmm well I guess I shouldn't waste my you know I have a power to battle so why just not battle right that's just a waste of battling oh my gosh oh my God why you keep battling me because this is tiring I literally have a perfect defense card I don't know why oh shoot I forgot you had that part I have a rainbow card you can't battle me clearly you've been playing for this for too long finally something that will get rid of all these guys in my hand thank you that wasn't that that was literally three cards please get me out of here I don't want to sit in a room but she keeps battling please leave since um you're saying that everyone gold don't do it please go so fast you're gonna battle again because I don't care why and I'm gonna pick someone else because Draco has an ultimate okay gold dust can you beat this what do you have excellent It's a yellow eight it's a yellow eight it's a seven how they have a lie to me rap the consequences guys can you block Gold's turns out of your cards yeah she's oh no sadly come on Uno again yeah Uno for that third time sorry funny Draco I have to battle lunar he's literally don't battle but you told me I shouldn't battle anymore yeah but you have to battle her yeah you have to battle we've been here for like almost 30 minutes you should just battle her for too long oh my gosh foreign okay well I guess I have to do this he has a blue car yeah you suck please I want to get out of here and the Vikings played all night long did they ever leave this table leave I have to go home I need to use the what's the olden day word for bathroom oh wait what happened I told you I'm so good that you didn't even see me okay okay you can battle funny we have two battles I don't wanna battle you want to go home do you want to go I want to go home you've been battling that she has yellow you don't get to not battle if you let me three I'll buy you dinner please no one wants your dinner funny she has blue blue Draco you see that yeah I see it I see it no one is leaving this battlefield without a battle okay okay she has the flu I was thinking this stupid game just let it end you can never escape the Uno table this is the most exhausting Uno game I've ever played no wow oh wow all the energy is done we don't can't fight no more I can't fight no more I'm weak you see how um comic got three oh please Luna please well there's one person that loves to fight with this stupid and that's Draco Your Privilege has been taken from me you know what I can give funny more power at least for the next turn don't worry you still have more cards you still cursing her giraffe no no it's because it's because it's because gold has two cards so you can use them on her oh too weak to fight as a viking I am I cannot fight now she has what I'm gonna I don't know she it's probably yellow all right so she has yellow lunar you can battle her yeah yeah you can keep this game going on come on just let me win already Luna come on place your cards gold everybody here there's too much there's too much treasure on the map we just I'm sorry funny Luna can we reverse this entire day sadly I don't have a reverse card s [Laughter] a challenge in your face in your face Draco I lost everything my cargo McLean six no crackle lost his cargo you have yourself I know I'm dramatic Steel Two cargo she can power move around please I can't turn the game around oh wait only I can fight now thank you okay you took my power privilege now how we're gonna defend ourselves huh you can't she cannot that's hard all her colored cars at the same gold just put down your card there's only a couple of treasure boxes left oh here she goes oh here she goes oh now we have two extremely next goals Rich cargo people now I can fight oh I could discard all my green cards well don't mind if I do wow uh having four cargos is nice it's a nice life I live well I'm just gonna go fly over here Draco don't don't steal I don't really do have anything I guess I'll just Taco hurry up she already used her turn up I think I'm gonna drop my yellows I don't think she has the yellows and I need to get rid of the menu no funny just battle her oh yeah no I want to just cut all of this yes I just you know what I'm sorry don't waste it don't matter sorry girls I gotta fight oh it's like blue blah blah blah blah blah oh that's blue gold gold oh that came to Forever I am the winner I'm getting lunch applied I'm leaving [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 1,858,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, uno, uno funny, uno funny moments, uno gameplay, uno multiplayer, uno itsfunneh, uno funneh, uno krew, uno game, uno reverse, uno reverse game, funny uno
Id: stas6tvCnX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 3sec (2283 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2023
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