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hey everybody it's party Elite and today I want to take a look at upcoming citybuilding games releasing in 2024 that I'm most excited for I'll include a couple of management Sim and Tycoon games here too but we'll almost entirely focus on citybuilding and I'll have another video releasing shortly that focuses on strategy games of all kinds Forex RTS turnbas tactics and more as always I'd love to hear your thoughts on these and if there's anything you think I should be keeping an eye on let me know in the comments also I'll have time stamps below so you can jump around as you please and if you like any of the games you see make sure to add them to your wish list it's a great way to keep up to date with the games and it's also a great way to help Indie developers out especially simply because of how visibility works on Steam and also I'm pretty sure it's quite motivating to see a bunch of wish lists come through another way to stay up Tod dat with the games listed in this video is by subscribing to this channel so feel free to do that too real quick before we begin I want to quickly mention that some of the games in this list are published by hooded horse who I'm affiliate fated with I wasn't asked to include them or anything of the sort but I wanted to mention this in the interest of transparency after all the reason I chose to affiliate with them in the first place was because they're publishing some of my most anticipated games so I feel like that kind of tracks for more information on the nature of this affiliation you can check out the video Linked In the description below with all that said and with no more time to waste on an intro let's begin War hospital is one you've possibly heard me talk about a few times now and it's finally got a confirmed release date of January 11th taking us to a different perspective of War than the usual War Hospital puts you in charge of a British Field Hospital in the midst of World War I and has you taken command of the Medics on the French front you'll be hiring staff managing their working hours and assignments and then having them administer treatment to wounded soldiers so that you can then make the call on whether to send them back to the front to HQ or to relieve them from Duty decisions you make go beyond simply trying to heal the wounded as quickly as possible with you responsible for procuring and managing resources upgrading your camp and even determining how and when to treat Soldiers the game will often bring in moral quandaries supplies are limited and there's a war to be won after all you'll engage in side quests you'll try to improve relations with key stakeholders in the war and you'll deal with requests from the locals and soldiers alike how you navigate all these decisions will be reflected at the end of the game and with multiple endings there should be a decent amount of replayability here War Hospital looks like it's going to take a very different approach to a setting we've only just recently started seeing more and more games in I can't wait to check it out new cycle promises a challenging survival city Builder following the collapse of modern society The Early Access release promises a campaign experience two playable scenarios that start the player off with Advanced settlements and a sandbox mode where you can choose between two biomes impacting the availability of resources the harshness of the rougher seasons so on and so forth there are a few things in particular about new cycle that have me especially interested the 40 or so different resources and the production chains that come with them is one thing asking you to produce what you can locally trading with people from other regions to help Supply what you can't but beyond that I'm a fan of how the game asks you to manage the people in your city split into three different categories each is able to perform different tasks and work different jobs this much is familiar territory but apart from surv drivers coming around and joining your Camp the only other way to actually get your population into the different categories is through training them up not simply by fulfilling their needs at one level as is common in the genre what's more each category can be managed separately when it comes to tackling their needs and wants rationing water food clothes and more will impact the morale of each individual strata of society ultimately impacting how efficiently they contribute to said society as a whole the arithmetic is impacted by the number of people in each tier asking you to balance the more numerous lower strata's needs against that of the less numerous higher Strata with one being able to fulfill more core needs and the other needed for higher levels of operation harsh weather demands from residence and The NeverEnding struggle of managing production chains in the interest of surviving after the apocalypse is always a fun time Life by you is an interesting Beast slated for release on the 5th of March looking like this Sims on copious amounts of steroids as a life Sim you're able to take charge of well your character's life and do everything that entails chase a dream career fall in love raise a family engage with a whole world of opportunities as you build your dream home and office and even town if you so wish truth be told everything I've seen about life by you makes me question if it's a video game or simply an amalgamation of modding tools apart from allowing you to make your C custom character and family and home as can be expected from a game like this it also allows you to create custom conversation trees custom quests custom in-game assets to a very fine-tuned degree and it generally gives you access to customization at a much finer level than I think I've ever seen before the game's reveal trailer boasts an outfit Creator a recipe Creator a town Creator event Creator Quest Creator and much much more and the UI all very much looks like an editor interface in many ways not that it's ugly but in terms of how the sort of layout all plays I guess I'm a little confused to be perfectly honest but I'm extremely curious as well and I can't wait to see what the game play is actually like when life by you releases later this year Synergy is set to release in q1 of 2024 and I'm really excited to get my hands on this gorgeous survival city Builder you play as a group of survivors on a strange alien planet and learning about surroundings is Paramount to your survival building field labs to study the local Flora in the hopes of learning ways you can exploit what's available in the interest of your Colony looking for sources of food water research and raw materials with which to produce tools and other Advanced Goods to work with all while struggling against disease fatigue and of course extraterrestrial threats and what you can't accomplish locally you'll hope to accomplish by traveling to other points of interest on the planet searching for additional knowledge and opportunities coming across more survivors and potential trouble alike what I find particularly fascinating about Synergy is how focused it is on the idea of ecology and biomes with each individual tile having a set of properties ranging from temperature to humidity to organic matter and more determining exactly what it's best used for with different biomes offering entirely different opportunities to the player Synergy looks absolutely gorgeous and it seems to be dabling in some very unique ideas which is always exciting to see Mana Lords is set to release into Early Access on the 26th of April and after a few years of waiting watching the developer make progress from the first reveal until the release date announcement late last year it's clear that manal Lords is a very special kind of game primarily a city Builder with military elements layered on top manal Lords Embraces history as a primary driving force in making many key decisions but doesn't forget that it's a video game and that it needs to be fun alongside the Innovations it's bringing to the genre organic gridless City Planning really pushes you to try something a little different while the very realistic approach to the movement of resources asks you to take into consideration the distance between key points of your production chains for example whether it's trees being felled and individually being dragged back to storage one by one or its deer needing to be skinned and butchered after a hunt the flow of goods and people is something to behold across a sizable number of production chains even the way manords handles housing allowing citizens to establish small businesses or maintain chicken CPS and vegetable gardens in their yards is completely different from anything I've seen before and it fundamentally changes how you think about City Planning being a bit more accurate to history population is also handled differently here where men women and children from the same family are able to take on different tasks from the same building building having you assign families rather than individuals creating a better depiction of the division of labor your citizens will shop at the local market for goods they need be it clothes or shoes or bread and your Trade Post will allow Merchants to come from afar to buy and sell Goods as you need and want and when the time comes for war you'll assemble your personal retinue mercenaries and the citizen militia alike arming them with the equipment available in your town and sending them off to fight and die against Rebels and enemy Lords alike this creates another interesting layer where the economy can grind to a halt when you rally the men away from their jobs and should they die the impact of their loss ripples throughout your production and Supply chains what's more you actually fight these battles in real time commanding units into formations using terrain to your advantage flanking holding The High Ground and otherwise hoping to break the enemy's will before they break yours M Lords is promising a lot of very interesting mechanics in a way I've never experienced before and I cannot wait to see it finally release Lara Summit kingdom is set to release into Early Access in early 2024 after a very solid nextfest demo last year this is a game I've been looking forward to ever since I came across a random Reddit post about a few years ago now Lara's unique angle when it comes to city building is equal parts simple in its description and complex in its implications you're building your cities on a series of mountains developing upwards on each towards the summit where you're looking to build a summit Temple doing so involves managing limited space across the multiple levels of height each with its own set of resources and limitations you'll need to take care of your citizens needs across multiple strata of society acquiring resources and Manufacturing goods for them to use while dealing with the logistical gymnastics where you need to move raw materials and finished goods between the different levels of the mountain when a game with a unique core conceit really Embraces it to impact even the most basic aspects of the genre I pretty much instantly fall in love and you can see this dedication to the theme maintained across the board in a few different ways in Lara from the cultures inspiring the architecture to the resources you'll be engaging with and the goods you'll be manufacturing and even from a sort of in-game challenge perspective for the players where entire game mechanics have been built around things like Avalanches that build up and potentially come down to wipe your city out if you haven't built built in ways that can help minimize damage I'm really looking forward to seeing just how complex Lara Summit Kingdom gets and what the devs have in mind during Early Access I cannot wait to get my hands on this one Foundation is finally going to release into 1.0 sometime in 20124 after 5 years of active and fruitful development since its Early Access launch back in 2019 seriously if you haven't looked at the game since it launched into Early Access go back and take another look to see just how far it's come Foundation is another medieval city Builder that promises organic gridless city building and uses what's known as desire pads as a way to influence how your city develops While most city builders will have you place roads to prescribe where citizens must walk in Foundation your building placement will determine where and how citizens walk having them trample grass down into paths as they do so efficiently placing the entries and exits of buildings as you lay out expansive cities becomes especially important here and with production chains that involve physicalized Goods moving from building to building through the production process you can imagine just how important efficiency truly is here apart from these organic aspects Foundation also has a modular construction system for more Landmark type buildings such as keeps and monasteries where you can Custom Design epic structures as long as you have the resources to build them you'll manage the flow of taxes you'll pass edicts you'll attract newcomers and you'll host fairs and festivals all while pursuing various Ambitions and aspirations for your town across the massive list of goods the huge procedurally generated maps and the tech Tre that you can progress through by fulfilling objectives to appease the various Estates of the realm there's a lot Foundation has to offer that I'm looking forward to diving into as it heads towards its 1.0 release Kaiser Punk is set to release in 2024 and I'm extremely curious about this alternate history city-builder SL Grand strategy game set during the 20th century first off I'm keeping this in my city building list rather than my strategy and tactics list because it feels like citybuilding is the core around which every other game system is built with that said let's take a look at some of these systems the devs break it down into Colony building Grand strategy production Logistics and causality apart from Grand strategy and causality everything fits snugly into the usual expectations of a citybuilding and management game with a system of progression a tech tree and around a 100 Goods that you can Farm mine refine and manufacture you need to manage production chains and keep your workers happy using said production chains to provide your nation with military and economic power with which to defeat its enemies creating Transportation networks within your city and with the front line of the war will be an essential aspect of the game since a well-trained army without supplies isn't worth much and I'm really curious to see how this interacts with Merchants Smugglers and trade deals with other factions within the world as you're doing all this you're also engaging with the aformentioned GSG mechanics forging alliances conquering territories to acquire additional bonuses and assembling armies capable of fighting across air Land and Sea I'm curious to see how all these mechanics come together and the way the devs Describe the impact of cality in their November 18th Dev diary has certainly piqu my interest an aircraft being shot down over your city might crash and set off a Munitions Depot that's some really interesting intertwin of the two layers of gameplay and I'm curious as to what other fascinating byproducts this real strange and interesting combination might bring Tavern keeper is slated for release in Q3 of 2024 and it's the upcoming game from greenhart games the folks that brought us gamedev Tycoon just about a decade ago if you've been following this channel for an extended period of time you'll know that I have a pre-existing love for any type of restaurant management game and that holds true for Tavern keeper especially as it Blends your typical Tycoon management aspects with really comprehensive design and customization tools and it claims to simulate details that can combine in unexpected ways something I'm always intrigued by you'll hire and manage staff looking out for their health and well-being and happiness you'll design the layout of your Tavern adding rooms as needed you'll stock up on ingredients and Ale and ultimately you'll try to please the various locals as you try to move on to bigger and bigger taverns expanding your options of meals drinks rooms and services the screenshots and gameplay we've seen so far show a lively game with personality and a sense of humor without sacrificing the actual management aspects of the genre I'm sure there are many more details to come over the course of the year and I'll definitely be staying on top of it as it happens hav keeper is looking like a real good time for fans of Tycoon and management titles Roman Triumph survival city Builder is an intriguing title that I'm keeping an eye on slated for release in Q3 of 2024 it seems to do everything it says on the tin can and it's a Roman themed game and it's a survival city builder then you realize the Fantastical approach the game is taking alongside the they are billions angle when it comes to the survival portion of things and things get even more interesting you're tasked with building up your city and the defensive structures around it Harvest resources process them build up homes walls ballistas towers and More in order to create a sustainable society that can defend itself against the hordes of Barbarians as well as the Hydra minur Cerberus and the Gods themselves you'll need to keep an eye on citizens needs and happiness and you'll pursue technological advancements to help keep them safe as the external threats to their survival get stronger over time with procedurally generated Maps over 50 unique buildings a religious system to help you appease the gods and more mythical elements besides Roman Triumph looks like a fun survival city Builder coming out later this year Nova Roma is slated for release sometime this year after being revealed early in 2023 and this follow-up title from from the devs that brought his kingdoms and castles takes us a little further back in time to the Roman Empire you play as an offshoot of said Empire looking to establish your own Presence by building up cities across massive Maps managing the flow of resources across said maps and meeting the needs of your people across a variety of categories this is all standard fair in the genre but where Nova Roma especially stands out is its focus on water simulations not only will you be engaging in traditional Roman Classics like providing fting Gladiator games and races appeasing the gods and establishing laws and policies with which to lead the people which you'll also build great aquaducts and dams and reservoirs to harness the power of nature providing your citizens with water to drink bathe in gaze upon in the form of fountains and more deal with inclement weather and how it's impacted by the land with terraforming and construction going hand inand to control the flow of water that can on one hand help your citizens Prosper or on the other bring about an untimely end Nova Roma is looking like a beautiful city Builder with a distinct style an interesting set of unique features and a setting that I'm always excited to delve into workers and resources Soviet Republic is slated for release into 1.0 sometime this year after a very impressive Early Access period and it is hands down my favorite modern era City Builder I've been playing it since early access first began and I followed the game through countless major and minor updates and workers in resources is a great example of how early access should look the game puts you at the head of a fledgling Soviet state and though it's a city builder in genre in reality it's a nation Builder given the size of the maps and how you'll build multiple small towns and cities around sources of raw materials to establish massive Nation spanning production chains dealing with global markets imports and exports into different currencies and of course the needs of your citizens apart from managing core needs like food clothes Electronics healthare alcohol entertainment Athletics etc etc you'll also look out for people's loyalty to the party as it can impact their efficiency at work and the likelihood of criminality there are so many interesting simulations going on in this game with such an impressive level of realism and attention to detail water needs to be pumped you need to worry about the current being carried in power lines the demand for heating fluctuates with weather children can end up orphaned education determines skill level and availability for various jobs tourists come seeking specific activities and travel accordingly transportation is intricately simulated as well with trains planes and Automobiles as well as buses trams gondolas and choppers all available to move people and cargo alike and using Transit hierarchy is absolutely essential in making sure workers and resources alike are getting to where they need to go while you can tune difficulty and level of simulation to your liking my personal favorite to highlight is the a realistic mode where you'll see things like construction simulated in a way you've never seen before locally acquired resources need to be transported by the appropriately equipped vehicles to a construction site where local labor forces build the structures up over time across multiple phases of construction with the help of cranes and excavators and more all of which must also be procured either through local manufacturing Industries or foreign import and if you want to locally manufacture those Vehicles you can absolutely spend the time and money building up the appropriate Industries to do so Electronics Plastics iron steel fabric Etc and of course the means to transport the materials between them all and I'm only just scratching the surface imagine that same level of simulation and complexity across everything you produce from food to alcohol to private vehicles to public transit vehicles to the very roads your citizens walk and drive on of course again you can tone down the level of complexity if you want but the fact that the option exists blows my mind and I cannot wait to see the game finally release into 1.0 this year Republic of pirates is slated for released in 2024 and this city Builder feels like an homage to the ano series based on everything I've seen so far with a pirate theme applied over top which is just all the more reason to get excited boasting over 100 buildings worth of production chains a narrative campaign around 30 hours long a sandbox mode diplomacy real-time Naval battles and some pretty complex looking Logistics Republic of pirates is definitely an ambitious project set in the Caribbean islands and the latest Dev diary from the end of last year was a promising look at all the moving Parts in a little more depth if the devs are able to pull this off we're looking at a solid new historical City Builder from the era I'll definitely be keeping my eyes on this one Earth of Orin is a gorgeous City Builder that's simply coming soon according to its team page and I'm quite excited to see exactly how it plays the modular construction system in this medieval city Builder looks extremely powerful and intriguing with the option to design structures with moving Parts being of particular note and between the Steam page and the developers Twitter account there are a lot of interesting ideas in action here not only will you have to manage your people's happiness and trust in you as a monarch but you'll also be responsible for establishing politics laws religion and culture all while exploring a vast fantasy world to seek out opportunities for trade friendship or perhaps War you'll directly control your citizens tax tasks establishing structures and production chains for them to work with while also tackling the acquisition of resources and the manufacturing of goods either entirely locally or with the help of trade the steam page boasts branching paths in the narrative campaigns that provide an opportunity for replayability challenges like disease crime and banditry as well as hostile kingdoms and a creative mode for those looking for a Sandbox to build in from day night cycles to weather patterns that impact how the city operates to varied biomes where you'll need to to take local considerations into account Earth of Orin sounds Innovative in quite a few ways and I cannot wait to check it out frostpunk 2 is slated to release sometime this year continuing the compelling story that the first game kicked off and continued through its DLC said approximately 30 years after the end of frost Punk's main story the sequel promises to increase the scale of operations in the game signifying I suppose how Humanity has begun to adapt to its new reality with this increased scale comes increased responsibility as you manage entire specialized districts and operations between them and as you establish a council to help oversee the laws and policies of this growing slowly fracturing Society with multiple factions with different solutions in mind Frost Punk 2 looks like it's going to take the solid foundations of the first game and make some suitable changes that fit the narrative development without taking too much of what made the first game feel interesting away there will still be moral quandaries Amplified now by the demands of of embold golden factions and you'll still find yourself trying to balance the needs of the people against the crushing reality that Society needs to exist in we don't know too much about this sequel just quite yet but what we do know has me excited and I cannot wait to check this out Norland is listed as coming soon though the devs are currently running some play tests that will determine if the game is ready to release into Early Access soon this is one I've had my eye on for a while now and I can't wait to get my hands on it instead the medieval colony simul that has a ton of innovative ideas Norland puts you in charge of a small town situated in a much greater world and asks you to develop it care for its people train its soldiers and engage in war and diplomacy with its neighbors a multitude of personality traits relationships and character archetypes to explore is one thing but the way the game divides your citizens into peasants and Nobles giving you Direct Control Only Over The Nobles is an interesting approach you have to Dole out tasks whip your peasants into shape and even act as judge jury and executioner as you train your Nobles and have them explore various Technologies through Reading ancient TOS need to arrange marriages raise banners heal wounds and stay safe against scorned lovers and jealous kin alike the storytelling potential is really quite amazing here and I'm curious to see how it all comes together over top of the usual elements of the genre production chain management needs management City Planning etc etc from the promise of a complex economic simulation to the ability to make your own culture and manage your own religion to the storytelling focused approach I'm really excited for this one Metropolis 1998 is listed as coming soon and the demo that's currently available on Steam is extremely Bare Bones I'm very intrigued by this one visually both in terms of UI and in-game visuals it hearkens back to the mid90s reminding me of the likes of sim town and I'm quite intrigued by two key elements here one is the sheer level of customization and the other being the promise of scale a simulation that can handle over 100,000 people and vehicles is an interesting promise paired with a complex simulation of citizens going to work relaxing eating sleeping Etc but looking back at the level of customization here you can build everything in your city custom from the ground up sure there are pre-fabricated buildings available if you want but you can otherwise instead just lay each residential office and commercial space out specifically how you want it choosing where the bedrooms and bathrooms plotting down driveways deciding not just where people go to do their groceries but exactly where inside said grocery store they might go for different bits and Bobs it feels like an insane sandbox to play in and I'm going to keep an eye on this one because of the sheer level of customization alone Starfall protocol is listed as coming soon though their Kickstarter was targeting Early Access in March 2024 and it was previously being marketed under the name nebula a colony management game that has you traveling the stars and settling on planets to to support said space fairing Starfall protocol promises a lot of interesting intertwining mechanics featuring complex crew members with individual physical and psychological traits abilities needs skills Health long-term memories and relationship building capabilities alongside massive star systems to jump between investigating individual planets to find suitable Landing spots from which to explore and seek out valuable loot resources and even aliens to engage with there's a lot going on here you'll be farming and crafting and researching to keep your Colony healthy and growing as you come across various factions in your travels building relationships through trade and diplomacy embarking on missions and forming alliances over time in ways that will directly impact the Galaxy at large in any given playthrough as you work through what sounds like a narrative campaign Starfall protocol is definitely a very ambitious project and I'm really excited to see how it turns out there you have it folks a bunch of citybuilding management and Sim style games to look forward to in 2024 if any of these have caught your eye remember to go wish list them on Steam as that's a great way to support the developers and help bring more attention to their games keep your eyes peeled for my video focused on strategy games coming out soon and don't hesitate to subscribe to keep up to date with all sorts of city building Sim management and strategy games alike as always a massive Thanks goes out to all of the channel members and patrons who've been supporting the channel on a monthly basis yall Keep Us Alive and running smoothly and of course a big old Thanks goes out to each and one of you for watching until next time cheers
Channel: PartyElite
Views: 141,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new city building games 2024, city building games 2024, new strategy games 2024, new strategy games, new city building games, new city-builders, new games 2024, strategy games 2024, new cycle, life by you, synergy, manor lords, laysara summit kingdom, kaiserpunk, tavern keeper, nova roma, workers and resources soviet republic, republic of pirates, earth of oryn, frostpunk 2, norland, metropolis 1998, starfall protocol, partyelite, city building games, city building games pc
Id: EH-44B0CD08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 39sec (1719 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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