MOS 17C Cyber Operations Specialist
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Channel: USArmyRecruiting
Views: 78,528
Rating: 4.9043279 out of 5
Keywords: Cyber Warfare, Technology, STEM, Army Jobs, Computers
Id: ev2j6KFZ-Ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 26sec (266 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2018
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
They keep showing “scary code,” it’s just the first few lines of part of the Linux kernel. But I guess if you’re mostly a Microsoft shop that would be pretty scary.
I feel like a better recruiting video would have said: “DUTIES INCLUDE: managing Fortinet WAF products/implementing and managing FortiGate/implementing and managing FortiAnalyzer/implementing and managing FortiDB...”
And the officer variant is basically “have lunch with fortinet sales managers”
[Laughs in REDACTED]
I was just at drill and we were talking about how the Army and our parent command doesn't understand us and anything about cyber. The first 20 seconds confirms this
bullshit. "bad" hacker isn't wearing a hoodie.
Calling bullshit just because not a single one of those screens had reddit up.
Much better 17C video:
seize the cyber high ground hooah
Who types with nails like that?
Terrorists are not only stealing ur CIA n00dz, but wearing your thrown away PT hats! Stolen valor!
Is JOC that dark because they need all the power for those sweet Dell machines or because some MAJ fucked up with the coffee maker?