Morrowind Mods Made By Bethesda!

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did you guys know that bethesda made mods for morrowind well they're essentially free plugins that add things like new quests armors things like that so i'll leave a link to download these mods in the description and what we're going to do today is we're going to check out some of the ones i downloaded and we're going to see what they're like and if you have a really good ear you might be able to hear one of the mods i've downloaded it's essentially like an ambient swamp plugin it's added a bunch of new noises like the swamps you can hear like some chirping and there were some interesting sounds in seating a while ago and what it also does is it adds fireflies so what we're going to do is we're going to walk around until we encounter some of the fireflies so we just have to walk around the swamp until we actually hear them they should be around here somewhere so the fireflies are supposed to spawn around these kind of swampy areas and see it i mean i'm not seeing them so fair would they be around here fireflies i am looking for fireflies i can't see oh they're there they might be a little hard to make out you know what youtube's compression and everything here we go some fireflies would you look at that that's nice the interesting thing about the fireflies is that they actually have collision so yeah look i'm stuck in like the middle of them you'd expect that they'd be like you know that you could walk through them but no i'm actually getting stuck in between them all so yeah that's the swamp plugin so next what we're gonna do is we're gonna make our way to aldrune and we're gonna pick up a new set of armor that's been added to the game i think it's like a gold armor set and it's specifically made for female characters although male characters can also equip it you'll see why it's made for female characters when we purchase it i have a female lord here and she actually doesn't look that bad you know considering morrowind's character creation i actually think the snore doesn't look that bad alright so i take it all drone we have to go i think it's smith's and aldrune that sell the armor so what we have to do is find some of the smiths female smith i think is what it said you can buy this armor in multiple places so if i don't find it here i can probably find it somewhere else i think the vivec fighters guild also sells it and we could just go to the foreign quarter i think is where they're located and just find out let's see female smiths female smits there's a general merchant but that's probably not what we're looking for smith is it you why is your door locked is it outside is it you oh it's probably you barter oh here it is the domino curis okay that's interesting do you also sell the gold curus at all okay so she doesn't sell the gold armor set it's actually pretty cheap considering it's a light armor it's light armor okay i don't have light armor as a skill so it looks um this is the ugliest thing i've ever seen in my life you know i don't want to say exactly what this looks like because uh youtube will probably censor me it looks like it looks like a suit i'll just say that oh my god this is this is abhorrent i don't like this at all i'm gonna take a second real quick to look up where i can buy the gold armor set we're gonna go to the fighters guild in vivec and we're gonna buy the gold armor because this armor is the ugliest thing i've ever seen my god we look like catwoman i mean we're also going to need good defense so i imagine the gold armor is going to provide a much better defense i it looks like heavy armor from the images i've seen just just take me to vivec please quickly i want out of this armor i want out of this armor the fighter's guild is in the foreign quarter i think let's see fighters guild is it at the top i hope it's here i have a decent amount of gold so hopefully we'll be able to afford the gold armor because if we can't i'll be very upset what i should have done is just traveled from the mages guild in balmora and then just teleport over that would have been a smart idea but i am not a smart person where's the fighters killed all right give me a second okay so it is in the foreign quarter i just can't find it are you okay gerd are you having a good day it doesn't look like it i know buddy just just keep trying you'll get there someday i know it's hard but you'll get there all i want is the fighters guild okay i'm gonna travel back to balmora lads i'm gonna be honest i hate vivec with a passion i'm gonna travel to belmora travel to the mages guild and we're just gonna warp because i can't be bothered there's gonna be so many people that were like you were so close to it yeah i just don't care this won't take two minutes all right just need to find the exit and that's gonna be its own goal in itself come on where's the exit here we go with fighter's guild i think all he needs to do is go to the very top of the canton uh can i buy it from you without joining one of these fellas sells it do you sell stuff you don't sell stuff uh who sells things do you sell things you do not sell things uh do you sell stuff better fine i'll join now oh please don't tell me it's you that sells the armor i don't think it is him this guy does sell the armor but we can't we can't get it at our rank oh my god um i guess we're not getting the armor are you okay this day is going horribly all right we're moving on to the next we're moving on to the next plug-in i came all the way out here for nothing okay this armor will just have to do i guess we're moving on to the next plug-in which is about entertainment in balmora so i don't know if we're an entertainer or we're looking at entertainers but we're gonna be entertaining i think let's see how this goes with our brilliant set of armor all right okay so we need to go to eight plates in balmora which is this little corner place right here i never really enter here much otherwise in morrowind but this is where the plug-in takes place okay now i think we just talked to this woman here hello i may be able to help or do you want to entertain the patrons i want to entertain the patrons okay so we're given a bunch of options here we can tell a joke we can dance we can play the drums we can juggle eggs how about i just tell a few jokes you told a few funny jokes at least you thought they were funny so why does everyone seem so angry i hope you have another way to make a living you lack personality speech craft and material no thank you you know that's the same thing my comment section say whenever i make a youtube video you lack personality and material no thanks so yeah our jokes failed can i dance can i dance if i want to can i leave my friends behind okay i ask myself do i like you enough i have to persuade her like me more okay there you go now can i entertain you've already entertained our patrons wait until tomorrow i have to wait a whole day to do that again can i entertain the patrons can i can i dance i'm gonna dance the hearty high kick you dance around and kick your feet energetically they look puzzled then embarrassed luckily you didn't hurt yourself you need a lot more athletic and acrobatic skill if you hope to please an audience and you don't actually know how to dance the handy high kick get yourself a proper bone mold shield and practice practice practice tell your friends about this place i will not this place is awful okay we're gonna play the loot this time you sing a little and play the loot they look sour and hostile okay this plugin is just kind of weird all i do is just dialog options are you serious so i collected some quarmer eggs and what we're going to do is we're going to juggle with these quarter eggs you toss the tree eggs into the air they fall right back down onto the floor bursting and shattering you and your audience right get out okay so that's it for the entertainment uh plugin would i recommend you download this plugin no not in a million years no this was awful that was terrible don't download that that is awful for the last plugin we're checking out we need to go back to see it in and we're going to be taking over a ford first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to get some proper defense oh my god this armor only has an armor rating of two i never saw that before okay we're going to need some much better armor i'm going to see if i can get the gold armor so what we're going to do is we're going to spawn in the gold armor because you can buy it from someone in ebonheart but it's also bugged because bethesda don't you know troubleshoot their mods for fexic so we're just gonna spawn in the armor okay so i spawned in all the pieces these are all the pieces of the gold armor which gives us an arm rating of 54. yeah this gold armor is really good it's worth 3000 gold 1200 1500 yeah this looks so much better than the armor we were given that actually looks proper and for our final plug-in we need to go back to see it in e yeah yeah special trip bring me home so yeah so far these plugins bit of a nightmare i wasn't a big fan of the ambient sounds i just think it adds a bit too much the fireflies are also kind of annoying since you can clip into them the entertaining plugin was abysmal that was one of the worst things i think i've ever experienced it's just like a weird kind of text adventure thing the gold armor is cool but it's not a full set for whatever reason the domino cures it's called domina the dominic curious looks horrible no one's gonna convince me that looks good and for our final plugin we're going to be uh storming a fort essentially this one seems interesting because it actually adds like a dungeon which is essentially this big giant fort so we're going to check that out and the cool thing about it is it's located just off the coast of sane and if you look at the map you can immediately tell like where it spawns like look at this there's like a land mass here that's like really cool and what we need to do is from see it and in we need to go all the way out to this fort which i believe is overrun by skeletons so i've done a bit of preparation this is what i wanted the gold armor for i i want some good armor going into this roni level one because this is a test save i'm going to be disabling all these plugins the moment i turn off this video because i i don't like them so i've done a bit of preparation i've gotten some good potions we have the armor i've also gotten a daedric weapon from revere so we're going to be using that to defeat the skeletons and hopefully we stand a chance i think this fort is going to be difficult in itself so i just hope we can do it so it should be off the coast here but it's not appearing on the map hopefully when i get closer to it it does appear and we're sadly going to have to swim all the way actually you know what i'm not swimming so i bought some potions of rising force which i'm going to use to walk across the water and we're walking very slow okay i just don't want to be swimming so hopefully as i get closer to the fourth it actually stares to pop into view hopefully it does i'll be interested to see what this fort actually looks like because i haven't seen it before okay i'm after falling down great i guess we're swimming the rest of the way the slaughterfish are attacking me that's great can you go away please thanks cheers okay we just need to get out to this small little island here okay we're getting close to it on the map but i still can't see it ahead which is a bit of a worry hopefully i install it correctly like it should be here and i can't see it uh maybe it just hasn't spawned in yet hopefully if i get closer it starts to spawn in it should be out here there's something trying to spawn in okay is that it okay here it is it's spawning in very weirdly it's like not spawning incorrectly at all are those the skeletons that's a lot of skeletons that's a lot of skeletons that's a lot of how am i gonna take out all these skeletons it's a good thing i bought a daedric sword uh this is gonna be a challenge this is gonna be tough it's a good thing i have some decent armor and a bit of help potions but yeah i mean if worse comes to words i can just enable god mode and walk around this place anyway but we're gonna try and not use consoles for the time being i want to see if i can actually do this so here we go let's let's storm the fort go away starfish okay i'm taking him out in one hit come on fellas i can take you out this is gonna be hard this is ridiculous are you serious this is insane this is absolutely insane okay i'm taking him out kinda okay they're after knock me down they're doing a lot of damage to me stop hitting me with arrows please okay so i've taken most of them down now it's starting to rain great rain is gonna make the video sound horrible stop hitting me with arrows that's the most annoying sound in the world oh because after knocking me down i took some of them down okay they're all following me okay come here to me there's so many enemies here okay they're knocking me down great screw all of you that was so annoying okay so i've been resting here for a couple of days and the rain hasn't stopped so i'm beginning to think that it just rains forever here which is a bit annoying because the rain is the most annoying sound effect ever so i'm just going to turn down the rain because we are not going to be listening to rain all the time i'd be happy to actually find the fourth part of this uh expansion is it in the middle of the ocean i don't think so okay there it is but there's so many more skeletons here okay this is going to be haired oh don't get knocked down that's the last thing i need come on take them out oh i have to get knocked down again great they've killed me there's so many of them how am i supposed to take them on if i can just aggro a few of them and try to lead them towards me that'd be fantastic okay come on come here to me i can fight you i can do this i'm gonna let them run to me okay they're shooting at me from fairway you know what there these skeletons are annoying what was that scream oh that was loud i'm gonna disable god mode once we get inside the fork but for now this is the most annoying thing and i just don't want to be getting knocked down 24 7. you know this is infuriating i get what they're going for but it's just annoying if they're just shooting you with arrows from far away it's the most infuriating thing especially when i'm getting knocked down every two seconds let me know if you want to see me do a challenge video where i take on this entire fort at level one with no cheats i think that's a good idea for a video let me know if you want to see that okay i'm after taking up most of them i think from here i'm gonna disable the console again and i'm gonna see if i can do this legit let's try and tackle this without cheats come here to me again knocking me down straight away okay and take him out one by one there's so many arrows here i need some healing to knocking me down is so annoying okay and there's more coming towards me just kill this fella just kill him come on you can do it you can do it you can kill him okay he's down thank thick i accidentally plugged out my microphone with my foot so i just took a quick break right there so let's don't be dumb like me and uh make your microphone plug it i like plugged it out with my foot that was weird okay we're gonna go into the fort now all right i just went in and that's the first thing i see that's cool he has swords stabbed into him that's interesting i have to put up the brightness okay here we are in the fort i can take it out it's just skeletons copy and paste it over 50 times in a row it's just skeletons like are you for real it's all just skeletons skeletons skeletons skeletons skeletons skeletons skeletons that are knocking me down constantly i imagine it's going to be hard to rest in here since there's just nothing but skeletons everywhere all right uh can we go upstairs here's the upper chambers let's have a look around here oh it's a rasp a unique enemy a rat these guys have armor steel cures i'll take that shield i'll take a shield i had to equip some of the some of the dominant stuff because uh i just need better armor defense i just equipped any pieces of armor i have so you know we're a bit of a mix and match uh yeah there's not much here is this just it okay so upstairs there's nothing can i rest here oh i can rest here so we have a place to rest that's good okay anything downstairs and all this fort is interesting it's probably one of the best plugins here but then again there's still not much to it you know because this keeps happening i keep forgetting also that i have a healing spell that i should be using oh maybe that's why i don't use the healing spells because they don't work there you go thank you uh do we want to go downstairs i suppose we do anything interesting down here the great hall ah for god's sake it's just all skeletons okay you know what i've had enough i've had i've had enough i'm likely gonna come back to this for like a level one challenge if you guys want to see that but uh yeah for now it's just skeletons it's nothing but skeletons you know i just can't be bothered but lads that was the plugins that bethesda made for morrowind if you enjoyed be sure to leave it on like and subscribe and i'll talk to you in the next video cheers
Channel: Micky D
Views: 202,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morrowind, morrowind mods, mods morrowind, morrowind mods 2021, morrowind mods bethesda, bethesda morrowind, morrowind bethesda, morrowind plugin, morrowind plugins, morrowind official plugins, morrowind 2021, morrowind lets play, morrowind playthrough, morrowind cheats, morrowind console, morrowind console commands, morrowind fort, morrowind firemoth, morrowind fireflys, morrowind gold armor, morrowind gold armour, morrowind gameplay, morrowind mod, mod morrowind
Id: TdQno199AJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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