Morphle vs Orphle Superheroes | Cartoons for Kids | My Magic Pet Morphle

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[Music] oh no more full morph into a superhero [Music] phew thank you morphle the superhero wow i [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] thank you morphle [Music] no not in my sick let's bring the tiger back to the zoo [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] quickly morphle get the tiger out of there phew [Applause] wow would you look at that the media [Music] meteor [Music] awful now the meteor is heading towards the city oh no stop the meteor morphle [Music] good job morphle you stopped the meteor you're a real superhero morphle let us go nuh-uh we need you for our trap to catch more fool [Music] [Music] stop it's a trap we've caught you marvel wait that isn't more full it's awful here's mortal [Music] ortho can you bring officer freeze here to arrest the bandits what are you the bandits thank you thank you for saving us orfel you're a real superhero [Music] hmm this giraffe looks a little sick more full oh mila marvel it's terrible all the animals have caught the animal flu and have to be taken to the doctor we can help you zookeeper kenneth morphle morph into an ambulance [Music] come on in everybody you will be feeling better in no time at all [Music] are you not happy we brought the animals to the doctor zookeeper kenneth well of course i'm happy about that mila but this afternoon a lot of people will come to the zoo but there won't be any animals to show them hmm i think i know what to do about that let's go to the zoo more full morph into a kangaroo what a great idea mila this might actually work look grandma a kangaroo oh that's lovely dear let's see what this cage is supposed to have it says tiger hmm i don't see any tigers morph into a tiger [Music] oh there you are zookeeper kenneth where is the giraffe uh i think it's up one of the trees it likes to do that you know [Music] wow that was amazing [Music] [Applause] monkeys hey is there anybody home no elephants that's strange [Music] quickly you need to become a monkey no an elephant is more important [Music] do [Music] what an elephant it says here you're supposed to be a monkey [Music] did you say elephant where is it [Music] you need to morph into a dolphin and a lion [Music] where are the parents i can't find the rhino are the crocodiles still asleep more full you need to morph quickly oh my what an amazing animal [Music] that's the coolest animal ever nice work more full [Music] and that's where i found the most beautiful flower of my bouquet too bad i didn't put them in water wonderful uh i mean the story too bad about flowers next up to tell about her weekend mila yay my weekend began very peacefully i was playing with morphle when suddenly mila it's terrible asteroids are about to hit the city and we need you to stop them it sounds like trouble more full morph into a giant [Music] robot [Music] super mega kick [Music] now super mega cartwheel [Music] you're my hero and that's mine marvel is so cool sure sounds like an exciting weekend mila who's next oh i'm just getting started oh mila the bandits have a huge dragon there's no way i can arrest him now [Music] morph into a robot again let's warm them up a little use the super ultra heat shield morphle [Music] no way no you dumb dragons [Music] my hero it just keeps getting better are you sure it happened that way mila you bet and i'm not done yet and that heat shield amazing that dragon is probably still cowering in a cave somewhere [Music] [Applause] hey wait that's my car more full [Music] robot [Music] we have to save it more full super mega car smash [Music] i'm sorry mila but purple space bunnies really well that's what i saw recess children oh god kids these days such lively imaginations [Music] oh dear that kangaroo is so cute marvel morph into a kangaroo too the kangaroo is one of the bounciest things in the whole world in fact we've studied it for our latest invention the world's fanciest bouncy ball look wow what are you going to use it for professor rasheed use it for i hadn't thought of that actually i guess i usually don't really think ahead but anyway it's really cool look it's so bouncy that once you throw it it's almost impossible to catch wow it is really cool toppling test tubes i didn't think ahead again how am i going to catch it now oh no we have to get that ball back i'll go get my hovercraft go after it morphle [Music] not in my city [Music] we have to get that ball back [Music] amazing [Music] oh [Music] [Music] look that baby bird is falling [Music] the ball that hit you is the world's bountiest bouncy ball we are trying to catch it but it's hard the ball just keeps bouncing to the next place hey marvel that's it we should think ahead then we can predict where the ball is going to bounce to next look first it will hit that mountain then it will pass through those hoops then it will go through that loop and then it will fly high over that mountain top here it comes it hits the mountain goes through the hoops now it goes through the loop here it comes jump morphs [Music] [Applause] thanks to you i have learned how important it is to think ahead tumbling test tubes i forgot to fill up the gas tank [Music] well hello mila and morphle what are you two up to today we're playing with morphle's favorite toy mr action mr action is really great and always helps people in need except for the bad guys of course like professor evil oh wow how about we step into life so he can really help the people in the city put it on the ground morphle i am mr action [Music] professor evil my enemy [Music] hand over that device oh all right well that was easy oh no [Music] time to help the city fall [Music] [Applause] we have to get that life right back morphle quickly more into a superhero too [Music] this calls for action don't worry ma'am i've got this get out of here catch it leave this woman alone [Music] thank you morpher [Music] and you're the worst [Music] [Music] [Music] i'll take that boys that definitely calls for some action [Music] wait what here you go honest citizens but those are the bad guys lying never pays peter freeze [Music] oh no you don't [Music] oh well [Music] [Music] mr action why are you holding professor evil are you his henchmen no no no this is professor evil professor evil is a toy just like you used to be mr action this is professor rasheed and he shouldn't be a toy oh no thank you for your explanation tiny blueberry girl but how can i fight professor evil now i must become a toy again myself no one can stop me now misha actually oh no what's the hold up you've caught us already yeah yeah i'll be there in a minute don't worry madam i'll have your car fixed in no time wait a second i left my tools at the garage i'm always so forgetful am i but don't worry i'll tow you there great wait you forgot to tell me can i play with your mr action action figure two more fool [Music] milo morphle come take a look at this new magic pet [Music] wow what's its magic power daddy i'll show you shelly p put everything on this counter into your shell [Music] oops no shelly peed that's more full put everything back again [Music] are you okay more full [Music] that's hard work [Applause] i think shelly pete is a great magic pet daddy huh but where did it go [Music] oh no i think shelley pete took morphel's mr action figure [Music] muffled mr miss action don't worry morphle we'll get it back morph into a search [Music] dog hey mila and marvel have you seen my electric screwdriver it was right here oh no shelly peed must have taken it follow shelly pete's trail morphle [Music] hmm huh who stole my hammer it sounds like shelly pete has been here too ah mila marvel i seem to have misplaced my wrench have you seen it we're on the case professor machine [Music] hey mechanic joe can you help me sure first i would need an electric [Music] screwdriver [Music] uh hello there oh an electric screwdriver just what i needed thank you now i need a wrench you have a wrench as well great [Music] now i only need a hammer you wouldn't happen to you have wow all done wouldn't have been able to fix the bus without your help you are the best magic pet ever there you are shelly pete and you have the mr action action figure did you take those other things from people without asking as well that's not good shelley bead you should never take things from people without asking first [Music] mr action great now let's give back everything else you took ah there is the wrench thank you now we can get your other leg fixed car robot [Music] wonder where that hammer is it couldn't have just walked away [Music] so you guys had my hammer kids these days always taking whatever they want [Music] you're back ah there they are thank you you know shelly peed if you will be my magic pet from now on you can hold all my tools for me so i won't forget them anymore [Music] yes shelly peed you can take that hammer i think you and jelly peep will be a great team mechanic joe yeah there's no better magic pet for a forgetful mechanic like myself come to think of it i feel like i forgot something else as well hmm what was it it's always the same with those mechanics they just leave you in the middle of nowhere and take all the time in the world and do the seamless of things how to do it myself you're being very thorough police officer freeze i have to be two police commissioners will drop by to see if i'm doing a good job as a police officer everything has to be perfect well then we won't keep you good luck bye-bye thanks guys why are you not wearing your official cleaning app no cleaning hat cleaning hat sorry you must be the commissioners welcome your good police officer has to know all the laws yes i i believe i do sir we'll see about that a red light why aren't you singing singing a police officer at the red light should be singing at me as a happy policeman [Applause] too late another law i didn't know no eating while on duty [Music] so many tickets i'm afraid we're going to have to take you to jail why would they arrest him more into a race car hey melinda what happened to you as it turns out i don't know half the loss i'm not fit to be a police officer that can't be right we need to get to the bottom of this morphle [Music] no hats in the park [Music] moving to a bush no picnics with a blanket or near a tree or with a baskin [Music] with peter freeze gone we can do anything yawn yaw stein so they made up all those strange laws two can play at that game [Music] oops sorry you will be sorry once i find uh where is it let me see no not that one ah here it is when a person bumps into the police commissioners the police commissioners should keep walking uh okay come on john [Music] they have to leave their bag of loot at the door of the police station and go inside they now have to take off their fake mustaches and call out we're the bandits uh wait this doesn't make any sense it does to me you're under arrest
Channel: Morphle TV
Views: 6,024,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morphle vs orphle superheroes, orphle, morphle tv, brand new, cartoons for kids, my magic pet morphle, team up, bandits, kids videos, kids show, mila and morphle, adventures, stories, superheroes, superhero, villain, hero, comic
Id: peHtg4NVg_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 26sec (2066 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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