Morphle the Video Game! | Morphle's Family | My Magic Pet Morphle | Kids Cartoons

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[Music] [Music] Professor we're playing space Pirate Adventures but something's wrong hmm let's have a look every time we're about to get the treasure this happens them is seems to have a bug [Music] what's a bug a bug is a small mistake in the game that prevents you from finishing this level I know how to fix it you and more for left to go inside the game and defeat the bug if you go stand over let's see here I'll make sure you end up in the game [Music] good luck foreign that's where the end of the level is [Music] that must be the bug morphle and what catches bugs yeah morph into a spot [Music] the pirate treasure treasure you two did very well you caught the bug and finished the level [Music] oh [Music] with Professor rashid's Diamond scene we are unstoppable [Music] [Music] we have to stop them morphle morph into a dinosaur superhero [Music] [Applause] [Music] there now you can't do any more damage no leg this is not how it's supposed to happen [Music] [Applause] [Music] great work Mila and morphle let's get them all together so I can zap them back into prehistoric times quickly pick up the Triceratops mortal [Music] foreign [Music] waffle [Music] quick to the lab we need to find out where he went [Music] there he is tumbling test tubes hang on morphle [Music] that should do it foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh what's wrong morphle I don't know but I'm sure she'll be back soon [Music] [Music] hello morphle oh dear what's wrong he's not here sorry foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] huh no morphle she's not here [Music] huh no morphle I'm sure she's around somewhere foreign not in my city come on morphle dry those tears Mila is waiting for you at home [Music] not so fast morphle you haven't checked the backyard yet surprise [Music] we wanted to throw you a party to thank you for being such an awesome magic pack every day is a magical day with a magic pet and good friend oh [Music] do you want to play along with us [Music] that looks like fun we'll play along [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] laughs [Music] hey that looks like fun too [Music] [Music] stop it cut it out guys I don't want to play what are you talking about this game is fun hey stop it she doesn't want to play with you [Music] yeah that's not fair we just want to play with her Pirates can have fun too you know but she doesn't rub them more for more into a whale [Music] let's get out of here pirate Hill [Music] do you want to join us in a different game yeah [Music] wow is that you and Aunt Augustine yup Mila we went ice skating at that rink every winter [Music] [Music] you can't skate on ice cubes morphle we need to freeze lots of water to make an ice rink a shrink we also need a magic pet who can freeze water I know just the one [Music] more full morph into an elephant so we can get some water for Apple to freeze awesome [Music] let's fill it up with water Judy's dry clean only sorry Mr vanderboos oh suck up all the water from vanderboost's yard [Music] Apple White Ash wink Doom [Music] oh no more full morph into a robot to save outmo Atmos magic power to freeze everything [Music] more full morph into a dragon to melt the ice with your fire breath [Music] no one freezes police officer freeze not in my city Mila and moth what on Earth is going on sorry Auntie we're making an ice rink in the backyard but orfle still atmo [Music] there you are full why did you freeze everything Elmo is tired [Music] [Music] [Music] morph into a helicopter [Music] [Music] oh [Music] yay I swing I forgot I don't have ice skates when you said you were making an ice rink I thought you might need these they were mine but they're too small for me now wow thanks Aunt Augustine I saw you wearing these in a photo they fit perfectly [Music] [Applause] hey Mila and morphle ready for our picnic yes daddy we're off to the park take good care of the magic pet center while we're gone bye bye everyone come on Morpho let's make it today magical they've gone now we can steal atmo and use the Bandit mobile to channel his freezing powers not bad you gotcha [Music] Atmos freezing powers can be Zapped through this tube well hello Madam m is the hot weather bothering you yes terribly how nice of you to ask freeze her much better run this looks like the perfect place for a picnic whoa whoa hey how did this ice get here it's the bandits they've got apple and they're using his freezing powers to make ice let's get them oh no they've Frozen morphle oh morph into something big well done Morpho now we gotta catch those Bandits before they freeze the whole city freezing not in my city freeze Bandits okay Officer free Earth look at my phone [Music] let's get them [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] ice cream truck let's make this an ice cream picnic [Music] oh no how do I know [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] follow me on Instagram [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] wow [Music] Morphin nothing [Music] I'm Valic [Music] o [Music] is done foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you Milo morphle you have to bring this egg to Uncle Mortimer before it hatches [Music] it has its new magic bed inside it quick morphle morph into a car [Music] good luck [Music] a traffic jam Marvel Dodge the cars now Dodge that traffic light [Music] oh no the egg is starting to hatch we have to be faster more full morph into a race car [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay we're here morphle stop no [Music] what does it do this Magic Pen is super super fast [Music] hahaha [Music] join the painting competition the most special painting wins an amazing award more full morph into a magic paintbrush hmm what do you think we should paint more full we have to come up with something very special [Music] how about painting a flower thank you [Music] not bad morphle perfect [Music] I don't think flowers are special enough to win the award more full how about an animal [Music] beautiful aren't they hmm still not special enough come morphle [Music] to find something very interesting our painting has to be the most special of them all [Music] no more full it has to be extraordinarily special hmm I know more book morph into a rocket [Music] okay oh no what are they going to paint up there [Music] whoa amazing [Music] [Applause] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] ladies and gentlemen this year we have two winners of the award and now it's time to reveal their work here we have winner number one and this is winner number two I told you we'd always catch you if you do mean things Bandits thanks Mila and Marvel if only we had our own morphing magic pet we could cause more trouble in the city look it's horrible can you get us out of here [Music] thank you oh no my cars how did you get out of jail not in my city oh no it's officer freeze oh quick or full morph into something big T-Rex I thought you'd be Freer a monkey hey give back my camera come and get it [Music] oh [Music] those Bandits used a robot to do this robot hmm we'll catch the mechanic Joe this is the bandage have a scary T-rex dinosaur a dinosaur and a robot how strange we'll catch them officer freeze [Music] those mean bandits in their naughty monkey put my camera up there let's find those mean Bandits morple a robot a dinosaur and a monkey I think those Bandits have orphal with them we'll catch them April Oh No It's Milan morphle quick or full morph into something big oh morph into a T-Rex too that's not big enough to a robot too I don't feel so good or full stop that okay [Music] tired now I told you we'd always catch you if you do mean things Bandits oh [Music] it's a magical day with a magic pet I'm so bored how can you be bored when we're having a tea party would you like some more teamula oh wow how can you drink tea when the room is at the bottom of the ocean what is happening we're exploring the ocean let's play along oh look out there's a shark oh no what do we do run I mean swim away [Music] oh no we're stuck more full morph into a bigger shark good job morsel [Music] that was fun [Music] well I'm just glad it's over now we can go back to our tea party monkeys love tea parties too a monkey whoa we're in a jungle after all [Music] not again more full morph into a monkey too [Applause] please get the tea set back thank you oh no a tiger more people help us morph into an elephant [Music] good job more fool thank you for saving my tea set can we get back to our tea party now look the floor is now lava [Music] foreign I think we're safe for now um guys there's a large uh vet coming this way [Music] Troy I just wanted a quiet tea party take this [Music] phew thank you morphle was a really exciting tea party well I guess it was kind of fun I'm really thirsty now oh would you like some tea Troy yes please hey there isn't even any tea in here [Laughter] [Music] point point [Music] have you found the ball why is it so heavy wait a minute the dolphin has our ball and this is a this is a pearl we have to get it back to the dolphin more full morph into a submarine [Music] that's the biggest pearl I've ever seen if you say so if we sell off a better that big we can finally pay off our ship that would be nice all right let's go get it where did the dolphin go [Music] there you are no wait we have your Pearl [Music] I don't think he knows we're not here to play tag he's getting away follow him [Music] he's too fast for us like this morphle morph into a speedboat [Applause] should we steal it now we have to wait for the perfect opportunity wait that's not a pearl that's our ball this is your Pearl [Music] oh no pirate that's right and we just stole your pretty Pearl this thing will sell for a fortune we have to get it back hmm I have an idea morphle morph into a monkey ready go going to stop that got it [Music] more full cats all right enough of this monkey business [Music] we win wait a minute this isn't the Pearl we just had oh no look at those colors shiver me timbers this one is even better you can keep that Pearl we found an even better one it's way lighter too so it's easier to carry let's go sell it now we can finally get the ship fixed [Music] foreign [Music] we have plenty of balls at home don't we oh we can play with the Pearl for now it's time to help me [Music] oh wow and that's how my animal mixer works it can combine all sorts of animals this would be great to create new pets for the magic Pet Shop watch this oh [Music] what oh no Professor Rasheed oh no I don't know how to change them back without Professor rasheed's help [Music] [Applause] no wait morph into a superhero morphle [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you Milo morphle over here what is it zookeeper canis my animals are all mixed up and I see your cat has a lion's head well my lion has a cat's head pause is that you hmm so the machine swaps parts of existing animals so to find the real Rasheed we have to find a duck wow to the park morphle and that's the physics of why people can't fly but ducks can pretty needy Professor machine Mila morphle let's return to the lab so we can reverse this nonsense [Music] that should do it now hit the switch [Music] wonderful now for the rest of the animals please don't change them back again people love them at the zoo I've never had this many visitors than I would very much like to raise them to be great magic pets [Music] look kids a dolphin How could a field trip to the ocean get any better than this Marvel morph into a buzz that can dive underwater [Music] thank you look over there it's a school of fish oh and over there jellyfish [Music] and don't fail and well hello Miss no way Miss ah a shark we need to get out of here move around it more full [Music] oh my this place is dangerous we should go back oh no it's the sea giant who are you calling a sea giant you tiny little man I am Neptune hi Neptune we're on an underwater school trip we were having a lot of fun until a shark showed up oh that guy he's not so scary but he's gone now so let me help you by making this the best school trip ever thank you [Music] yeah yeah [Music] is that safe safe as can be go ahead [Music] okay here I come [Applause] [Music] thank you Neptune we're making this trip the best yes Unforgettable my pleasure come visit me anytime [Music] we need your help my dad hurt his foot and now he can't deliver any of his Awards more full morph into a motorcycle [Music] wait you won this award come back [Music] are here to help Daddy you're right let's load up these Awards and get moving whoa morphle you'll need to be something bigger for that more into a dump truck [Music] look there's our first winner oh you get the award for the cutest doggy dog [Music] you get the award for the best surfer [Music] you get the award for the best mechanic but this says prettiest girl no morphle that's wrong given the award for the best mechanic no no no that's okay uh I'll keep this one no get the award for the best cloud monster [Music] I'm the only Cloud monster thank you so much Mila and morphle we handed out all my awards no Daddy there's still one more award to hand out the award for best daddy oh hello okay this one should go more full morph into a logging machine cut that tree morphlees [Music] yesterday's big storm pulled out many trees if trees aren't rooted properly they can just fall down all of a sudden and that can be very dangerous more for love coming oh no look [Applause] tumbling test tubes are you okay Professor Rasheed this is my latest invention everything I zap with it becomes very big or very small ah great [Music] oh no more full stop [Music] those trees don't have to be cut oh no morphica way too many trees my beautiful Forest is gone where the forest animal is going to live now it will take years for these trees to grow back wait I have an idea Professor Rasheed can we borrow your invention [Music] thank you [Music] remember Marvel we have to deliver this package that's insane [Music] ah meal and Morpher wonderful my new set of pins here you can have one too oh thank you you didn't deliver my package hmm do you maybe have something we can deliver together with orfle let me see I have these books that need to be delivered to your uncle Wilford but he's on an island far away that's okay we'll do it yeah thank you be careful not to let books get wet will do [Music] it's not a race Oracle or is it Go Marco morph into a speed boat more full [Music] be careful lordful we can't let the books get wet [Music] watch out for that huge wave morph into a helicopter mortal [Music] whoa what's this now [Music] we have two packages for you Uncle Wilfork yippee books but this was all wet I can't read it now or full I told you to not let the books get wet [Music] it's okay little man look I have a very fragile package for you to deliver to the bookstore you can protect Mila and morphle while they deliver it would you like that or full yeah [Music] are you ready or full [Music] see you Uncle Wilford no a storm is coming oh no the package [Music] great same colorful do run the package you can deliver this one [Music] let me see wow these are very pretty shells and I think you've earned this one [Music] hey kids be careful of others when you're playing sea officer freeze hey let's have a water fight as long as we're careful let's go [Music] three two one start [Music] laughs [Music] ah horrible has more morphle morph into an elephant foreign [Music] hey careful [Music] [Music] thank you stop it all of you look at the mess you've made [Music] uh oh you're going to put everything back and I don't want to see any more morphing on my beach yes officer freeze [Music] thank you [Music] we did it what [Music] I'm not on my beach Pirates [Music] oh now I'm all wet again [Music] no no the Pirates without more fools and or Fool's powers I take it back you can morph again to stop the Pirates yeah let's go thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] bye I'll get you with the water cannon more full and Door full morph into an elephant and fire truck again [Music] you did it morphle and Door full [Music] oh no look Builder Lawrence and mechanic Joe are wrecking the city why would they do that [Music] not in my city zapping with the Hypno Ray yarn [Music] follow us yes sir morphle more into a giant robot [Music] stop Lawrence and Joe from Wrecking the city morphle [Music] no more food help them wreck the city [Music] oh no morphle turned evil I love it because of this Hypno Ray everybody will have to do what we said [Music] oh no [Music] daddy we have to follow the bandits they hypnotized Marvel but how can we stop them when morphle doesn't do what you say [Music] here we go banditorn I'm sure it will work this time Mom there are two people here that want to tell you something if it isn't my good for nothing Sons I don't have time for the two of you right now the president isn't going to Blackmail himself tell her tell her your sons are the greatest baddies that I have ever seen in my city they are truly bad baddies what are you talking about my sons have never been real baddies and now they've even brought a cup to my house why you two are even worse baddies than I thought but mom tell us that we are great baddies yes tell us you are proud of us why should we you are just a little girl without your red blob everybody grab them huh [Music] why are these people following your orders hypnotize them people shouldn't do what you say because you forced them they should do what you say because they agree with you and for Wrecking the city you two are going to jail my sons are getting arrested yes Mom we get arrested all the time oh boys the two of you are real baddies after all I'm so proud of you guys did you hear that Stein yes I did yawn yes I did [Music] the city looks perfect again but come on guys it's time for bed now no no deck we don't we'll go to bed and you should only do what people say if you agree with them that's true but little kids do what Their daddies say just daddies and mommies and school teachers and the police officer and grandmas and grandpas uh let's see um [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] oh no [Music] what's wrong my bus broke down how am I gonna bring everyone to their work today but but I have to be at the police station they can't do without me [Music] oh no I have to go to the zoo who is going to feed the animals [Music] and I have to go to my ice cream truck without me there is no ice cream [Music] Muertos morph into a bus so we can help them [Music] yeah let's bring them to their work oh no so we can touch the lady on the street [Music] thank you Milan morphle [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you and goodbye you're welcome police officer freeze now we only have to bring the ice cream man back to his ice cream truck whoa what's happening [Music] [Applause] [Music] try to get out of the bean [Music] onto the bus [Music] Bellissimo you saved the smartphone yeah we did it more for everyone got to their work on time uh oh we're late for school [Music] oh look Marple it's a rainbow it's so bright and colorful let's go check it out more full morph into a unicorn [Music] let's follow the rainbow and see where it leads us [Music] hello YouTube Welcome to our magical world will you come play with us of course that sounds like a lot of fun let's follow him more [Music] please join us and have some tea and a cupcake oh thank you the Sun is setting so we have to put the stars in the sky will you two help us sure that sounds like a lot of fun oh but we have to get back it's getting late [Music] no the rainbow has disappeared how do we get back home now [Music] me and my friends can help you [Music] red orange yellow green [Music] blue [Music] wow this rainbow is so pretty thank you so much bye-bye [Music] foreign [Music] what's wrong more full scary hey there little guy it's just a harmless little spider look [Music] it's okay he's just curious I think he likes you [Music] you know what you could even morph into a spider yourself [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] oh no there's your giant spider wrong illusion [Music] oh wow what are you going to do morphle [Music] [Applause] [Music] ready when you are mournful [Music] what on Earth was that where did that big spider come from I think I heard it laughing that's crazy wow we are the lunch Bandits oh yeah give us your lunch but I don't have any lunch your lunch money will have to do then [Music] who's next [Applause] hey oh that doesn't look good save him morphle foreign [Music] give me back my sandwich no way whoa [Music] now let's get those Band-Aids [Music] Luke Stein the giant spider [Music] time to get out of here yawn [Music] amateur yeah [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you wow what a hero you've saved everybody and my sandwich and you're not that scary after all [Music] congratulations you have won this big baby plush toy foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay big baby let's have a big Tea Party [Music] foreign [Music] can you bring this baby plush to life [Music] hello Builder Lawrence hi there Ken and Amy help me at the building site all right we'll be back soon oh [Music] no [Music] giant baby tell the box is not a toy [Music] maybe he wants something to eat [Music] um let's bring him back to a NeNe more full morph into a bouncing ball [Music] thank you oh no more full morph into a kite thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] here Twinkle Twinkle Little Star you did it Marvel [Music] and Mimi can you please turn the baby plush normal again [Music] oh please hurry and Amy [Music] wow look at all these pretty dresses being a princess must be so great [Music] I wish I was a princess I wish I lived in your time this is gonna be fun bye Mila I think you will make a great princess I hope so come on morphle [Music] thank you [Music] what are you doing give those people their money back Bandits we are not Bandits we are sheriffs yes princess Leela and your father left us in charge while he is on his travels so we can take all the money we want [Laughter] [Music] well I'm the princess now so I have to help my people more full morph into sir father's suit of armor [Music] it is me sir brother give me back my taxes oh sir you are back of course [Music] okay Marple now let's give all this money back to the people that's not the real sir father it's princess Leela hello sheriffs I have returned from my travels me sir father yeah sure you can't trick us twice give me that beard oh oh I I mean off pull harder oh you two have committed the greatest of crimes in all the land pulling on the king's beard I shall have you thrown into the dungeon [Music] one more book I didn't know that being a princess was such hard work I wonder how Leela is doing in our time [Music] but style now that we have run away from the King we can never be sheriffs again Yes Y'all we are no longer the sheriffs from now on we will be the bandits ah yeah and our children and the children's children and now children's children's children and our children's children's children [Music] oh no I'm late for the official start of the election of Mayor Marvel morph into a car [Music] oh thank you Mila and morphle with this happen that we stole from Professor Rashid we can zap anyone into a deep sleep oh [Music] and with the mayor of sleep no one can stop us from winning the elections [Music] I have an idea this chain of office will be given to the next mayor and just like every year the only candidate is the mayor but where is he we will be the new mayors the mayor Bandits get its time when we become the new mayors we'd Promise free video games for everyone huh [Music] it's me the mayor when I become the new mayor again I promise everyone gets [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are running a great campaign Mr Mayor cleaner beaches are exactly what this city needs huh what's that we will really clean up the beaches [Music] whoops oops you need to help them more I mean Mr Mayor I'll help you let's set this thing to blowing oh no wow that was amazing Mr Mayor wow the mayor is planting more trees this is exactly what the people want we will cut down his new trees yeah with these giant scissors [Music] you need to stop them [Music] wow you saved us once again Mr Mayor and the elections are this afternoon the winner of the election and the city's new mayor is [Music] hello [Music] [Applause] huh [Music] no get that back you'd have to catch this first old man [Music] the bandits have stolen my time racer so that's what this is let's go do some crime through time oh no morph into a Time racer too morphle [Music] there they are time to crime in a different time Style [Applause] [Music] hold it but the bandits no butts my lady I am night pitarian Frost and you are trespassing and my medieval village oh no more into a dragon morphle [Music] just you wait you Dragon I'm going to get my real sword [Music] right over princess [Music] are you all right my little princess Yes dear father thanks to these curious Travelers [Music] me no I'm princess Leela and this is the father I'm Layla and this is morphle a pleasure to meet you both say do you perhaps know where those awful Bandits have taken our treasure hmm I might more full morph back into a big time racer [Music] that's right you better run no dragons in my city Village [Music] we're rich Stein yes maybe we can stop stealing now hand over that treasure you Scoundrels oh let's go John your luck has run out quickly the other car [Music] not cool [Music] you made this contraption good sir are you a wizard well no I'm a scientist how curious well if you have a moment it seems to thoroughly enjoy it here well you are welcome to visit anytime whenever you want my friends on the earth my sea which is of course the speed of light you're right now I think we will that is [Music] rain what a great idea to surprise princess Leela and Sir father with a castle Yeah that way they'll have a place to stay when they visit and with morphle and Professor rasheed's life Ray will be done in no time [Music] whoops they ran out of stones Marvel morph into a dog a dump truck [Music] see you in a bit fellas [Music] [Music] [Music] we need those blocks morphle [Music] oh I can't wait to see the look on princess Leela's face when we surprise them with the whole castle it's going to be the first castle they have ever seen there he is your train took a statue from my garden and my bus they took stuff from everybody oh boy we need to get to the castle fast morphle [Music] I want that statue back [Music] oh no guys you were supposed to wait until we got back we need to give all this stuff back to people [Music] morph into a wrecking ball [Music] Castle in this modern time [Music] yes we built it for you guys wow we missed having a castle so much well I'm sorry sir father and Princess Leela we have to take it down a lot of people's stuff got mixed up in there and they need it back oh [Music] [Music] it would have been so nice to have a castle don't worry we have plenty of material to build you a new one [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow this Castle is even better I can see my house from here I could see if you're home so we can play together glad to see everybody's happy I want that statue back [Music] [Applause] I wonder how the toy dinosaurs are doing more full [Music] into a pterodactyl great you are here to save me I'm stuck on this island and it's filled with giant monsters those aren't monsters they're the toy dinosaurs [Music] no wait it will eat you you're not scary they are my toys Professor rashid's light rays left them to life [Music] wow really into a T-Rex too [Music] this is amazing now let's play [Music] goodbye friends [Music] foreign not in my city zap him with the infiltrate yours letter knock down that building knock down the building good morphle morph into a giant robot so you can be as big as the buildings [Music] [Applause] but Mary from Wrecking the city morphle muffle stop Mary no morphle help her breakfast City foreign oh no morphle has become bad thanks to this Hypno Ray that we stole from Paola the scientist everybody in the city will have to do wrong please give us free ice creams free ice cream daddy the bandits are making everyone destroy the city how can we stop them I've got a plan [Music] we're the most brilliant baddies and it's all because of this Hypno Ray daddy grab the bandits oh hey hella get the Hypno ring I'll take this hey quickly unhypnotize Marvel [Music] Marvel and Builder Mary can you please rebuild the city [Music] officer freeze arrest those Bandits for Wrecking the city you two are going to jail why is everyone doing what Mila tells them to do yeah did you hypnotize them we didn't do what Mila said because she hypnotized us we did it because she had a great plan huh forcing people to do things they don't want to isn't very nice [Music] great work everyone [Music] oh no some of the magic pet letters have escaped and I only have a n q w v and y don't worry Daddy we'll find them is that one of the letters it's the D for Daddy any letters you catch with this magic hoop will end up back here [Music] [Music] morph into a race car so we can find the letter super fast let's make today magical R for race car B for bus C for car f for fire truck who else got it morphle P for police car and it's escaping [Music] escaping I wonder if there are magic pet letters here okay for kite ice cream oh I for ice cream good job morphle oh L for lion [Music] G for giraffes C for zebra e For Elephants morph into a helicopter so we can look on the beach [Music] thank you yes well done Marvel s for sand there you are you for umbrella letters in the tree Marple morph long arms to reach them [Music] great tea for tree now hoop the M for monkeys [Music] awesome morphle x marks the spot [Music] I think we have all the letters now let's go back to the pet center [Music] thanks for finding all the magic pet letters Mila and morphle every day is a magical day with a magic pack let's make today magical more full Morphin 2 me now put these on and we can play pranks on Daddy and our friends [Music] you look exactly like me more for Bismillah [Music] oh oh it's you Mila I didn't see you come down that's because I'm still up here yeah oh uh then you must be morphle [Music] hey Mila do you and Morpho want to play [Music] more for no here but me look like great let's go [Music] hi Mila hi what shall we play Mila you're great at thinking of fun games yeah okay Mila you're it hmm whoa [Music] [Music] thank you wow [Music] wait a second you're not Mila you're more full look morphle isn't with them so we can steal their toys great idea [Music] hey that's ours thanks for the hula hoop give it back [Music] Mila hey that's not nice [Music] what's going on get me down yeah there's two Milas hey come back did you have fun being me yeah [Music] oh well I'm moving Island and it's coming towards the city let's explore it morphle morph into a turtle [Music] come on they all look so sad at you me too look at this Little Rock it's all alone and it has no friends [Music] yeah it's not your fault you guys this is a living Island and everyone on the island feels whatever the island feels but why is the island so sad right now because one of its gemstones was stolen by someone living in your town [Music] who would do such a thing land hole what lucky pirate film the island has followed us all it's almost as if it wants us to take the rest of the gemstones but first let's put on our diving suits so that the Island's magical feelings cannot affect us okay oh those pirates always causing trouble you go and stop them do it yourself no you should do it morphle morph into a big angry monster [Music] thank you no more full a lion a lion big enough lionfish no it isn't [Music] it then you stop the Pirates all by yourself neither [Music] I'm scared Oh no you're scaring me [Music] [Applause] [Music] there you are I was so scared I wouldn't be able to find you we need to leave this island quickly [Music] I don't feel scared anymore or angry or sad huh looks more full the island is a huge turtle okay we're not gonna let them get away with this right morphle morph into a robot now let's see how they like it when they're scared [Music] I don't think this was such a good idea pirate Maurice let's get out of here pirate field [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't think you have to worry about those pirates anymore I've never seen them this scared [Music] [Applause] There You Go sir the monkeys are back where they belong thank you Milan morphle those naughty Bandits they are always up to no good hmm I wonder if they went home morphle morph into a race car [Music] those Goody Two-Shoes save the day again yeah but hey look at least we got to see penguins oh looks dying they are so cute yeah they sure are it's a shame we can't take them home why not we're Bandits we can take whatever we want oh Stein let's go home [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] was dead Lantern always that big I don't remember [Music] what was that oh no stein look ah the penguins are giant penguins oh no quick let's go after them thank you [Applause] did you hear that muscle here with me [Music] [Applause] uh um what how [Music] it's inkra it's magic power is that it can make things bigger and smaller did you do this we have to get them back to normal before they break something more full morph into a helicopter let's go [Music] gotcha hey get back here it's the bandits It's Milan morphle oh they have found one of the Penguins did you get the Penguins here well yeah but we didn't get them this big that's its fault we have to change the Penguins back to normal uh do you guys know where they went [Music] Bandits don't let him leave the city let's go [Music] good job let's go get the next one there it is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] before we crash into him [Music] [Applause] great job team let's get him back to the zoo wait a second Stein didn't we take four penguins foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's start building what is all that noise oh hello Mr vanderboos we're building a tree house it's going to be our clubhouse in a clubhouse in a tree what nonsense besides building a treehouse is really difficult there's no way you can do that I think we can do it Mr vanderboost you'll see now first we need to make sure all the planks are the right length okay hmm I don't think scissors are going to be strong enough more full morph into a song [Music] now let's put them together [Music] oh look at these amateurs Barky I think we need some nails for that Marvel more more hammer [Music] that looks nothing like a treehouse it hasn't even got a roof well that is not that bad I suppose and now let's turn it into a real treehouse [Music] it's actually a decent treehouse halt what is the password [Music] the password is morphle [Music] that is the most beautiful treehouse I have ever seen come on Marple let's go get April and Troy and have a party in our new Clubhouse [Music] let's go [Music] what's the password huh the password is morsel wrong that's the password for your Club if you don't know the password for my club well you can't enter hmm well our club will have a picnic on the grass instead of a party in the clubhouse [Music] hey there Barky do you want to join our club [Music] um can I can I join your Club too of course Mr vanderboos that's great then why don't we have a party in our clubhouse [Music] over here [Music] [Laughter] [Music] come on come on hey hey hey stop making so much noise Bucky and I are having a nap sorry Mr vanderboost we'll keep the noise down good oh we can't play no more how about we play the be quiet game what's that we carry on playing but we just have to be as quiet as mice [Music] over here I'm open yes huh yikes more full morph into a super suit [Music] that was too close let's get out of here morphle [Music] what shall we play now [Music] Dennis [Music] phew [Music] more full morph into a fire truck [Music] a few yeah Martha pull me back I think we should try another game foreign [Music] not again morphle morph into a tiger quick let's go [Music] [Applause] Ah that's better I feel great after my little nap [Music] too close I suppose you can have this for being quiet [Music] every day is a magical day with a magic hat thank you there's a crocodile in my apples oh no [Music] George yeah [Music] you get the award for me let's water this beautiful garden of our Sparky hmm wait a second this isn't a garden hose it's a snake [Music] we are now the scary animal Bandits we steal scary animals and release them in the city but Stein I thought we were released the Tiger [Music] oh no no need to help them morphle morphle [Music] tiger scary the tiger is scary for me too morphle it is very dangerous but you don't need to be afraid of the tiger because you can morph into something big so the tiger is scared of you instead I know just what would scare a tiger look a big T-Rex [Music] um of course but you should still do it because if we do something a lot you won't be scared anymore oh [Applause] [Music] now let's scare all the other animals out of the city [Music] [Music] [Applause] these scary animals are making sure everyone in the city stays inside so that we can execute our real plan yeah we are actually the fruit Bandits an apple a day keeps the doctor away so if we eat all the fruit in the city we don't ever have to go to the doctor again and the doctor is really scary we need to stop them morph into a big crocodile [Music] a big dangerous crocodile Bandits you don't need to steal all that fruit I used to be scared of the doctor but I went anyway and now I'm not scared of the doctor at all because if you do something a lot you won't be scared anymore really hello there you are please follow me inside he is not scary at all this time [Music] wow [Music] oh no more full morph into a superhero [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] phew thank you more for the superhero wow I saw superhero too awesome [Music] oh no wow we need to catch him [Music] [Applause] thank you morphle [Music] help no not in my sick [Music] let's bring the tiger back to the zoo okay [Applause] oh shoot [Music] [Applause] oh no quickly morphle get the tiger out of there feel [Applause] wow would you look at that Familia [Music] foreign [Music] you're more full [Music] good job morphle you stop the meteor you're a real superhero morphle [Music] you for a trap to catch morphle help oh no hmm [Music] or full stop it's trap we've caught you Marvel wait that isn't Marvel it's awful here's more full [Music] can you bring officer freeze here to arrest the bandits thank you what are you the bandits thank you awful thank you for saving us awful you're a real superhero [Music] oops [Music] more so tired [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no thanks awful [Music] [Music] good morning [Music] oh no [Music] all right no [Music] [Music] our first step [Music] s [Music] never have an idea [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] only ever play together I [Music] yeah my first score [Music] oh oh get it the ball stuck on the roof mindful Let's Help truly get the ball back [Music] no we need something with wings talking ah I can't reach the ball don't worry more full it's a dragon trying to like a Morpher oh don't worry Morpho Troy just didn't see it was you let's go after him to explain okay Troy are you here what is wow it's a dragon come back Marky what is going a dragon it's not a real dragon no dragon breathes fire in my city sure morphle is not a real dragon right morphle [Music] um [Music] more full come back daddy have you seen more full hi Mila I haven't I'm looking for our newest magic pet ampy it's gone missing are you looking for this ampy's magic power is that it can make any sound softer or louder and now everyone can hear us everywhere all right stop it right there no you stop it right there it's so loud Lilo [Music] foreign [Music] I forgot him [Music] this is fun Stein it is and especially without oh we don't have to worry dragons can't Kevin there is [Applause] [Music] ear protectors over your ears [Music] oh no now we worry Fly Away foreign [Music] [Music] what dragon isn't enough to catch us I'm not enough [Music] use your brain to trap the Bandit they called us died yeah yeah you cannot be that loud in my city you two are going to jail [Music] Mila ampy I'm so glad you're okay [Music] I was wrong about dragons I shouldn't have shooed you away [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] come on [Music] well as foreign [Music] mm-hmm as [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] mm-hmm [Music] ing [Music] look Marvel all those things have lost their colorful more into a magic paintbrush [Music] more full grass isn't blue it's green [Music] great morphle all right Boy [Music] [Music] watch what you're doing my light was green no my light was green that white [Music] those objects have no color just like me foreign [Music] so you're the one who has been stealing all the color from the city you shouldn't do that a world without color isn't fun at all [Music] right [Music] yeah that is funny let's paint some more animals in funny colors [Music] there you are chroma I was looking for you there are lots of problems in the city because you took away all the colors [Music] chroma paint everything back to its original colors again hi there somehow our fire truck lost its color morphle and chroma can help you with that no morphle a fire truck is always red just like you thank you so much morphle and croma hi Cloud monster [Music] [Music] it seems you were right please go ahead wow you've solved all the problems in the city already morphle and chroma make a great team together [Music] it sure does hmm I have an idea Chrome do you want a human companion that loves color [Music] amazing you are the perfect magic pet for a painter like me thank you don't worry Madam I'll have your car fixed in no time wait a second I left my tools at the garage I'm always so forgetful and I but don't worry I'll tow you there great you forgot to tell me [Music] [Music] can I play with your Mr action action figure two more full [Music] come take a look at this new magic pet [Music] wow what's its magic magic for Daddy I'll show you Shelly Pete put everything on this counter into your shell [Music] oops no Shelly peed that's more food put everything back again [Music] are you okay Morpho yeah [Music] that's hard work foreign is a great magic pet Daddy huh but where did it go [Music] oh no I think Shelly P took morphle's Mr action figure Miss action don't worry morphle we'll get it back morph into a search dog [Music] hey Mila and Marvel have you seen my electric screwdriver it was right here oh no Shelly peed must have taken it follow Shelly Pete's Trail morphle [Music] laughs who stole my hammer it sounds like Shelly Pete has been here too I seem to have misplaced my wrench have you seen it we're on the case Professor Rasheed [Music] hey mechanic Joe can you help me sure first I would need an electric screwdriver [Music] uh hello there oh an electric screwdriver just what I needed thank you now I need a wrench you have a wrench as well great [Music] now I only need a hammer you wouldn't happen to you have wow foreign [Music] [Applause] I wouldn't have been able to fix the bus without your help you are the best magic pet ever [Music] you wash Shelly Pete and you have the Mr action action figure did you take those other things from people without asking as well that's not good Shelly bead you should never take things from people without asking first [Music] great now let's give back everything else you too ah there is wrench thank you now we can get your other leg fixed car Robot [Music] wonder where that hammer is it couldn't have just walked away [Music] so you guys had my hammer kids these days no always taking whatever they want [Music] you're back ah there they are thank you you know Shelly peed if you would be my magic pet from now on you can hold all my tools for me so I won't forget them anymore thank you [Music] yes chilipede you can take that hammer I think you and Shelley peep will be a great team mechanic Joe yeah there's no better magic pet for a forgetful mechanic like myself come to think of it I feel like I forgot something else as well hmm what was it it's always the same with those mechanics they just leave you in the middle of nowhere and take all the time in the world into the seamless of things how to do it myself [Music] thank you [Music] ah [Music] I'm scared to get hit by the ball but you did great Troy you stopped it yeah hey kids we want to play soccer against you yeah uh okay great but since you are in a team with your friends we can play in the team with our friends right uh sure you could come out now wow uh-oh are you sure we want to play these guys Mila of course we have a great team too [Music] that's our goal and this is our goal okay let's start the game I'll be the referee um sure yeah okay the game starts in three two one [Music] that's a handball no it isn't it didn't touch his hands go it's 1-0 for team Bandit yeah [Music] Mila over here [Music] oh my God [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah I spoke [Music] [Music] [Music] thanks morphle [Music] it's 2-14 [Music] I was sure the gold was right behind me don't don't whip the ball again [Music] oops it seems our goal is now inside the Bandit mobile [Music] that's not fair Bandits are never fair let's go after him [Music] got it oh no [Music] yeah don't track that's great morphle [Music] you can't fly airplane [Music] how can we open aha that red button opens the glass beer hit that button more full [Music] yeah oh no I'm gonna score for team Bandit five [Music] good ah you're scared of a little ball I'm gonna shoot that was fun I can do this all day stop playing around morphle is coming back horrible help Troy quickly score [Music] what I scored oh no it's three two for team more full and the time is up we've won you did it Troy hooray yeah [Music] the forest is full of all sorts of different animals [Music] no no no there are no tigers in the forest they lived in the jungle but there are bees and ants living there and little bunnies oh [Music] I look like a very big bunny now morphle there are no kangaroos in the forest they live on the plains of Australia wow is that a fox [Music] yes Sarah that's a very beautiful little fox [Music] no no no no there are no monkeys in the forest you will never see any monkeys here well look monkeys [Music] these naughty monkeys escaped from the zoo when I told them it was time for their bath how will I ever find them here in this Forest don't worry zookeeper Kenneth think we can help a parrot [Music] Ah that's the first one [Music] a dog [Music] and the second one foreign [Music] I'm sure you have to take a bath but uh how about some ice cream when you're clean [Music] monkeys in this Forest how about that I think any animal could be in the forest when morphle is around [Laughter] [Music] good news media and morphle I've just spoken to your dad on the phone and he will be home in two days wonderful we've been having a lot of fun staying with you Uncle Wilford but we miss Daddy no worries he'll be home before you know it good night Uncle Wilfred good night Milan morphle foreign [Music] what's going on this isn't my street ah Mila morphle the strangest thing has happened some of the houses have moved around in the night can you and morphle put them back again sure thing uncle Wilford morphle morph into a helicopter [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] let's go straight to bed [Music] look at that morphle the police station is alive so that's why all the houses were in a wrong place quickly morphle morph into a plane so we can follow it [Music] um thank you [Music] this is not where you are supposed to be police station [Music] going to have to take you back or your owner will not like it when he wakes up [Music] [Applause] huh wait me ouch you were our house why are you here [Music] you were looking for us did you miss us oh I'm sorry that we are staying at Uncle wilford's house we'll be back soon and then we will be back as well now let us take you back to our street [Music] that's strange [Music] you're right morphle let's investigate more into a rocket [Music] [Music] oh hi Milan morphle oh why are you out this late shouldn't you be in bed [Music] we should but all the houses in the city are walking around because of that green smoke oh dear we've been brewing this potion for our own house and didn't realize the smoke would be that strong but it's done now take a look at what it does foreign [Music] hello everybody wow hello Mr House Mr house could you take our friends to their home I think they've had quite enough excitement for one night it will be my pleasure [Music] thank you [Music] am I crazy or were you walking around just now [Music] ah Mila morphle it's great to see you again but what are you doing up this late oh boy well we're off have a good night good night bye-bye uh good night well Mila I believe you've had quite an adventure while I was gone we sure did but let's get inside our house first so it won't miss us anymore [Music] Love Is in the Air in the city well for most of its citizens [Music] oh good job more fool [Music] thank you you like offer you but you only cause trouble [Music] here you go Happy Valentine's Day oh thank you [Music] oh no me land more for help it's awful oh oh no more full morph into a bat yeah [Music] drop her now no I didn't mean now now are you all right Milady oh yes thank you [Applause] hey where did Orville go [Music] huh why no one's like a person or full no stop that [Music] morphle morph into a monkey bring it [Music] here let me get that for you [Music] [Music] we're full now you've done it more full morph into a triceratops [Music] [Applause] [Music] or for what's going on you're so angry nobody's like her awful [Music] if you want people to like you you have to be nice to them first [Music] nice yeah nice like this here you go more full Happy Valentine's Day [Music] oh over is that for me thank you very much oh that's really kind of you you like an awful now yes definitely [Music] thank you awful [Music] everybody's like also oh well and look he got everyone into the Valentine mood take it back Love Is in the Air for all of its citizens [Music] you're never going to catch me for pleasure [Music] oh hey we're full Russell win no warful that wasn't fair but did he want to play with us you can't use any tricks though yeah awful pay all right I'll be it ready thank you [Music] I've almost got you hey that's not fair I said no tricks so you can't morph either [Music] I know but if we team up I'm sure we can tag him morph into a race car as well [Music] we're coming to get you or full [Music] [Music] you're it [Music] foreign [Music] use your propellers to blow away the clouds morph into a submarine waffle [Music] [Music] now morph into a speed boat [Music] oh Dad [Music] Mila more full over here oh it's Danny you've been playing all afternoon so I thought you might like a refreshment [Music] s no or full first we're going to have a break here have an ice cream wow the medieval fair is so cool looks like the whole city is here today and wearing costumes too our night costumes are the best write more full yay Customs crash terms my friend don't have a costume for one the dragon costume oh silly you don't need a dragon costume when you can morph into a real dragon [Music] oh a real dragon wow so cool [Music] laughs [Music] looks like that musician is hogging all the attention Yorn let's steal her instrument and show everyone what real music sounds like yeah the next song goes out to all the dragons out there [Music] thank you [Music] did you hear that morphle [Music] what's wrong April a giant monster just stole one of my and it went that way oh that sounds scary horrible more into a robot [Music] hey what's this [Music] Mila morphle a monster just dropped my store oh he went that way we're on the case hey where did this money come from let's go see how my chickens are doing I'm out here [Music] a job monster just stole my eggs what am I gonna do what am I gonna do hey was this money here oh [Music] no no it wasn't [Music] me I think the monster left it maybe he wasn't stealing at all look morphle a trail [Music] what do you think it needed all those groceries for my phone no no ah look to make a birthday cake [Music] here you go two small robots as ordered excellent what was that oh nothing thank you bye-bye huh have you brought everything yep [Music] oh look it's the bandits look it's the Bandit no oh Martha [Music] never mind the fall we're going now come with me oh purple [Music] Martha do you want to play another game no okay do you want to go home no um do you have any ideas no more Morpho get those ice creams you're acting very strange morphle you don't even want them more no all you say is no no no no Daddy Marvel's being weird now Mila that's not a nice thing to say hey morphle do you want some ice cream no ice cream that can't be right what huh see this morphle isn't real the bandits Morpho you get the ball now yeah [Laughter] [Music] hey daddy over there oh no it's Mila's Daddy hey Mila what are you doing uh you know girl stop s more full over here [Music] well okay then you do that bye bye Mila bye daddy now for some more Mischief morphle painful wall no morph into a police car no a fire truck no an elephant fan no [Music] into a robot [Music] everybody [Music] that was spectacular let's see what our heroes Mila and Marvel have to say you caught the bandits once again you must be super excited morphle can do anything he's the best magic pet ever close up on the emotions this was Charlotte's scoop or pry news [Music] Milan morphle can you help my ball is stuck on the roof of course morphle more into a fire truck [Music] amazing Mila and morphle just help this boy get back his ball the one thing that makes him happiest tell audience how does that make you feel uh okay I guess oh I can't wait to see what they will do next please tell the viewers all about what you are doing right now we are setting the table wow setting the table and setting a great example for kids all over the world [Music] not again what are you going to do today we're not going to do anything today morphle morph into a race car [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] a speedboat exciting [Music] when did you first develop your deep love for the ocean how did you never mind more full morph into an airplane [Music] surely she can't follow us into the air uh wait I still have more questions to ask you foreign oh no we need to help her [Music] thank you for saving me Mila and morphle if you hadn't followed us this wouldn't have happened I hope you learned your lesson I sure did that was spectacular I for one can I can't wait to see what Mila and Martha will do tomorrow oh no [Music] more full morph into a vacation home [Music] starter vacation oh yes two weeks of relaxing and reading foreign do we have everything we saw action all right toys [Music] do you really want to take all that stuff you never know going to [Music] Captain Mila All Aboard liftoff [Music] well Captain Mila where do you want to spend our vacation [Music] come Marvel let's play together with this ball [Music] oh that must be my stomach I must be getting hungry [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh no more food more back into a house [Music] well the jungle seems a little dangerous Captain Mila we need a different location puppet desert [Music] dog Mila I think the desert is a little too warm you're right we need to go somewhere to cool off more full morph back into a house [Music] foreign [Music] no tigers and it's not too warm outside yes but it's really cold and slippery oh no we have to save him more full thank you [Music] thanks morfa okay I have one more location I want to try but it's going to be a surprise all right Captain Mila let's go [Music] hey this is the beach close to home yes it is no tigers not too hot and not too cold it's perfect [Music] oh no Marvel are you all right hmm I know what will cheer you up um ah my invention is done come and see I've invented a youth serum which I will demonstrate on my assistant [Music] oh that's so cute [Music] tumbling test tubes oh I don't know how to take care of a baby you have to take her to her daddy while I make an antidote oh good grief laughs [Music] Daddy [Music] um hungry [Music] [Music] [Music] where are you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hahaha [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] hey morphle boy am I glad to see you I had the strangest dream I dreamed that I was a baby isn't that silly [Music] all right good morning [Music] good morning ah you're making me dizzy [Music] what's wrong well one of the kangaroos attacked me that's what's wrong [Music] who wants an apple [Applause] [Music] one for you one for you [Music] what hey that's not nice [Applause] [Music] what's wrong zookeeper Kenneth I think I saw a green morphle he sprayed water in my face when I was feeding the elephants that sure sounds like awful we'll find him hey elephants do you know which way or full went [Music] thank you let's go more bull please [Music] hey there little guy what are you doing over here [Music] are you okay Builder Lawrence yes yes I'm fine just don't let him get away with it [Music] okay Oracle should be here somewhere [Music] that was awful quick after him that Oracle is too good at hiding from us I don't know what to do morphle [Music] hmm that gives me an idea morphle if we hide he will get bored and come looking for us oh [Music] foreign [Music] thank you gotcha you didn't think we would give up that easily did you how about we try to play hide and seek without scaring anybody okay you better hide because here we come [Music] pictures [Music] [Applause] you've been slimed I'll miss the bandits yeah and we're gonna slime the whole city no don't tell them the plan you fool we need to stop them morphle not in my city me land morphle what do you think you're doing we need to catch the bandits you need to clean up all this slimy mess you've made but we now let's clean the Slime up quickly [Music] yay now let's stop those bandits from sliming the city [Music] there they are oh look they're going to slime police officer freeze spray their slime away with your trunk [Music] huh you two are making a slimy mess again clean it up but we now okay Officer freeze [Music] yay lean again [Music] thank you we need something that can reach the high up slime morfo morph into a fire truck [Music] yay we did it Morpho but now we gotta catch those Bandits let's go nothing hard we're both bless them with water no so it was the Bandit sliming the city all along yes yes I was trying to trust sorry Mila and morphle I jumped to conclusions and thanks for cleaning up the city now I need to clean up the streets of bad guys that's okay at least we caught the Slime Bandits every day's a magical day with a magic pack foreign [Music]
Channel: Morphle's Family
Views: 291,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cartoons for kids, educational videos for kids, funny cartoons, mila and morphle, morphe, morphle, morphle cartoons, morple
Id: 2j2yXpTt3M0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 216min 53sec (13013 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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