Morphle and Orphle Find Candy Corn! Morphle's Halloween Special | @MorphleFamily

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[Music] [Music] can morph into anything I want the Halloween candy magic pad [Music] [Music] still not finished almost [Music] looks like we'll be winning the halloweeniest house contest again this year bikie I love dressing up for Halloween what are you gonna be more full a bunny is cute hmm maybe try something spookier wow [Music] too spooky [Music] [Applause] no trick or treat after we help Daddy to decorate candy not too much more full or you'll lose your morphing powers for a while sometimes the dark seemed scary but there's nothing to be afraid of look some light will help us see and feel better [Music] it's just Door full sorry you're full we don't have any candy yet so we can't give you a treat no treat trick I'm over here treat [Music] trick more full morph into a T-Rex to scare him [Music] thanks morphle you saved me [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're the best Halloween Bandits yeah and there's nothing spookier than stealing other people's decorations foreign [Music] with all these we are sure to win the prize for halloweeniest house [Music] ah who's this daddy she's candy Ray I think she likes you [Music] is she a magic pet too yes she's staying with us till we can find her a new home oh I almost forgot don't say the word treat your candy rain why daddy if she hears you say that on Halloween she'll turn anything she looks at into candy that sounds fun yes but not if she turns you into candy yummy Mila we won't say it I'll finish hanging the lanterns then you can help me with the other decorations hello candy Ray I'm Mila and this is my magic pet morphle hungry how about a juicy Apple trick or treat [Music] candy apple more full what did you do [Music] remember say treat [Music] oh no our Halloween decorations have disappeared they were there but now they're not guess we won't be winning halloweeniest house this year don't worry Daddy I have an idea we'll get you some more powerful help again we'll need some [Music] um some pumpkins hmm where do they grow the farm maybe farmhand Felipe can give us some we need something fast more full morph into a race car laughs [Music] [Applause] Felipe Felipe boo I've been waiting all day to scare someone in my scarecrow costume it's great Felipe you really fooled us yay Halloween is my favorite holiday what can I get you guys got any pumpkins sure over at the pumpkin patch there's plenty left you gotta go through the corn maze to get there I'll show you the way wait for us [Music] more full oh hello chicken Mila morphle Mia more full morph into a giant so I can see you more full there you are hey you guys candy Ray it's awful trick a treat [Music] what's going on orphal said a word that one candy right hears it she turns things into candy so she turned my corn maze into a candy corn maze oh amazing so what's the word Rock shark [Music] um more full morph into a giant robot too cool [Music] [Music] [Music] get me best Halloween ever more full don't eat too much candy remember [Music] [Music] phew I for no more you lost your powers because you ate too much candy [Applause] Oracle why did you take candy Ray or forget the trick or treat oops [Music] wanna come with me hello [Music] thank you [Music] these pumpkins will look great with all those decorations we stole we are sure to win the halloweeniest house contest now the bandits are stealing all the pumpkins more full morph into a helicopter let's go catch those Bandits huh [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hands aren't big enough more full morph into a helicopter with really big hands [Music] we need to catch them before all the pumpkins are gone I have an idea trick or treat you're a gummy bear banded Stone so are you abandoned yawn help I can't steer with these gummy paws we need to catch them morph into a spider to spin away [Music] been a web to catch them more fool foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] for the halloweeniest house contest now it's time you're going straight to jail huh Gins are all wrong for no help Daddy hmm maybe April can show us how to make some decorations she's the best at making things [Music] more full morph into a race car to get the April Speedy fast foreign [Music] [Music] oh no hmm oh [Music] wow oh now look what you've done we'll never win [Music] foreign [Music] April hi Mila and morphle and who's this magic pet Candy Ray sweet hello candy Ray do you know how to make Halloween decorations sure I can show you how come on in my craft supplies are in the basement oh foreign [Music] [Music] I think the supplies are in here maybe over here hmm third time's the charms gotcha [Music] you fold the paper like this then cut it like this for the eyes and like this for a happy pumpkin and like this for a sad one wow whoever try [Music] great job daddy will love these I'll tape them do we have enough yes and there'll still be time to trick or treat oops I forgot what is it candy Ray turned you into a gummy bear Mermaid with her magic powers oh my goodness we need to tell Daddy he'll know what to do [Music] like and smell Victory already [Music] we're just in time daddy we made some decorations that's great and you found candy Ray [Music] I know you said not to say the special word but I did and now April is a gummy mermaid oh my yes you are aren't you [Music] well done for owning up it's important that you told a grown-up before things got worse bro it's all my fault it's okay she'll be back to normal at midnight that's when candy Ray's Powers end yay this is the coolest Halloween costume ever I can bounce till then let's hang up the awesome decorations you all made before the contest ends yeah [Music] hey give that back [Music] [Applause] well watch this Marky oh just trash oh no what shall we do now hmm I've got an idea come here everyone [Music] whoa I'm hungry let's do some candy there you are freeze Bandits [Music] you're under arrest [Music] and so the winner of this year's halloweeniest House contest is wow is is [Music] come on it is with great pleasure that I award you this trophy for the halloweeniest house wow awesome I have never seen anything like it remarkable I couldn't have done it without you all home sweet home [Music] daddy daddy we're going to go trick or treat do you want to come with us no sorry Mila I'm going to search for the magic pet spookler spookler it is said only to appear on Halloween and uses all sorts of crazy magic that's something I want to see for myself sounds cool I hope you get to see it candy yes morphle we're going see you later daddy bye bye give me your candy oh my those awesome scary costumes let me see ghosts now won't my mommy and everybody this is not a drill there's a real ghost ship on the loose turn off your lights close your windows and lock your doors that sounds pretty serious more full no candy let's go morphle we're not going to let anyone ruin Halloween huh it's real keep a pirate feel that dark magic pen is not going to get away with our ship magic pet [Music] look more full that must be spookler the magic pet Daddy was talking about morph into a spider and follow them [Music] [Music] hey look at me I Can Fly you're a ghost yeah of course [Music] this is great no wall is gonna stop us now from getting all the treasure in the world come pirate field [Music] daddy said spills wears magic will only last one night do you want to be a ghost for one night two more full woohoo [Music] [Music] hmm if we can't touch anything how are we going to collect candy no candy says daddy if he wants to help us oh spookler oh everything is so quiet whoa whoa ghost ugly daddy and he turned us into ghosts for one night oh wow that is pretty amazing but now we can't hold anything so will you help us collect candy okay Mila [Music] thank you [Music] morph into a ghost foreign [Applause] [Music] you're really scary [Music] [Applause] here you go thank you thank you I love Halloween yeah our first story waffle candy [Music] oh thank you [Music] a scary tiger [Applause] hey you can't just take our candy [Music] what is going on Orville scared us then stole our Halloween candy let's go after him [Music] phew a lot of candy [Music] oh no you took all the candy for the magic pets [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] morph into a shark foreign [Music] you can't just take candy from people or full but if you give the candy back we'll go trick-or-treating together [Music] thank you orfield [Music] our candy foreign are you ready to go trick-or-treating or full [Music] a treat oh here you go you did it or full yeah [Music] time to decorate the house with these scary decorations morphle [Music] can you tie this rope to the roof morphle [Music] no dear I've been so busy with my inventions I completely forgot it's almost Halloween I'm far too late to still buy Halloween decorations gone sold out sold out sold out wait a minute this looks promising real actual scary cursed Egyptian batgard sarcophagus can be delivered immediately now that's what I call Quick Service no wait come back [Music] thank you so much have a great evening that's it keep still [Music] Professor Rasheed do you need help Mila move oh that would be wonderful can you catch it more full [Music] let's get it back to the lab this video back where you belong hello huh is anyone there I can't find the light switch the mayor what are you doing here I don't know the last thing I remember is the large bat and a bright light oh dear I think the batgard turned you into a bat bat God yes well you see I ordered this actual cursed bad God sarcophagus online and I'm beginning to suspect it might actually be cursed then we need to find that bad God as soon as possible [Music] thank you none of these bats is the batgard where could it be [Music] oh no [Music] while I catch the professor foreign [Music] don't forget the Ruby [Music] don't you think it might be dangerous to give him back the Ruby well there is a 30-day no questions asked refund but it needs to be complete [Music] it's Halloween Halloween I'm dressed as a vampire do you know what you are going to be more for more ghost I can almost see through you but aren't you afraid of ghosts yeah Marvel's afraid of ghosts let's show our costumes to the other magic pets yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] Atmos stop it's just more full uh is everything okay it's a ghost come back it's just more full ghosts aren't real [Applause] [Music] oh no don't worry more fool we'll find them and explain that you're not a real ghost yeah ghosts aren't even real leave more full alone Mr vanderboos afraid of ghosts [Applause] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] oh no the city is haunted yes listen don't follow us [Music] that wasn't me [Music] yeah even the trees are haunted [Music] come here hmm the first don't worry morphle that's not a real ghost no real nope I'll show you [Music] don't come here [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] look more full don't come here scary ghost yeah [Music] hello magic pets what are you doing we are trying to keep the ghost away that isn't a real ghost it's more full oh you scared us morphle but you three scared the whole city with their powers you were just like a real ghost are you thinking what I'm thinking more for [Music] ouch ghosts aren't real I am a real ghost what is happening laughs and this is cootie oh what a cutie and when he's happy yeah monster no no way oh shucks what's wrong daddy well the one thing that cootie loves the most is to scare people but when he does people run away and don't want to be his friend [Music] but tonight is Halloween night people will like it when you scare them yes cootie maybe you should go with Mila and morphle to trick or treat yes we're going to have lots of fun [Music] der Boos oh those your Halloween costumes they're not even scary no wait oh I'm sorry cootie but I don't think Mr vanderboost likes Halloween anyway let's keep going [Music] oh look at you so scary [Music] what are you supposed to be [Music] a wonderful costume I haven't been scared like that in years yay thank you very much [Music] mommy they stole my costume what who did we did we are now the Halloween costume Bandits yeah and this little guy's costume is by far the scariest we wanted [Music] this time it won't come off nah we need to go on Marvel morph into a spider [Music] all right no please it don't hurt us [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow you saved everybody's costumes I'm sorry I called you a monster earlier do you want to be my companion [Music] it's Halloween more full morph into a scary zombie [Music] let's play a game the team who collects the most candy wins [Music] whoa trick or treat here you go [Music] wow that was really scary wow they're really scary [Music] yeah more full morph into a dragon [Music] wow wow you two are so scary [Music] foreign [Music] so much candy let's take it yeah [Music] foreign oh wow here have some candy [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh oh no what happened let's go find your candy more full morph into a monster truck foreign look a trail of candy wrappers let's follow it [Music] look they have your basket this is the best Halloween yeah [Music] let's get your candy back I have an idea [Music] this way oh oh no you can have all our candy [Music] you have your candy bag well I think we have a winner [Music] quickly hide [Music] whoa we're practicing for Halloween Daddy what did you think um yes very scary but please save it for Halloween when people want to be scared all right come Marvel let's play outside [Music] what was that monster [Music] into a T-Rex to protect us more fool [Music] I don't see the Monster anywhere but I think we damaged the car more full let's bring it to the garage to fix it [Music] hi mechanic Joe we accidentally damaged this car can you fix it certainly Mila let me get my tools foreign [Music] hey what are you doing [Music] oh no my tires after them morphle I sure hope that monster isn't following me [Music] are you all right Mr Mayor no I'm not all right you're playing with tiles while there is a monster in the city it's not a monster but a tiny magic tent we're going to look for it now [Music] Chinese you say it's just a tiny monster so we don't have to be scared let's catch it yeah foreign [Music] what are you doing we almost caught it I think you're just scaring it oh I'm sorry little guy and you should know it's not fun to be scared unless it's Halloween [Music] here you go [Music] are you ready to come trick or treat with us and Mimi thank you let's start with our neighbor vanderboos [Music] trick or treat when if you want any treats for me you better show me your best trick [Music] that's it better luck next year Well I'm sure the next house is a bit more friendly that was actually a pretty neat trick you are going to help me ruin Halloween [Laughter] [Music] candy [Music] what's the meaning of this hmm [Music] scream you you ruffian [Music] give us back our candy [Music] aren't those the bats you brought to life and Mimi don't worry we'll catch them so you can change them back more full morph into an airplane now pick up an Amy and get her close to the bags [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] morph into a tiger and let's catch it [Music] [Applause] who optimized Lantern this will look wonderful with the others only the skeleton is left now morph into a helicopter [Music] over there morphle [Music] but I wonder why they were acting so mischievously because I told them to this was so much fun from now on I will try to ruin Halloween every year that is so mean yeah well what are you going to do about it wow [Music] do you want to come trick or treat with us baby I'm sorry guys but my mom never lets me trick or treat come on dear [Music] oh oh well too bad let's go morphle [Music] I'm sorry Phoebe but you're a witch and you know what happens to witches when the sun sets on Halloween all witches become evil yeah right who even believes that old story bye bye and thank you wow look at all this candy too bad Phoebe couldn't come with us [Music] [Applause] [Music] well morphle that was a really great costume don't you think oh huh posture no those can't be costumes oh no [Music] we need to find out what's going on morphle morph into a giant spider and follow the candy foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] after that morphle [Music] foreign [Music] Phoebe are you okay I'm more than okay I haven't taken my sleeping potion and now Halloween's night has made me evil and I can do anything I want scare them away candy monster [Music] that won't scare us more full morph into a giant scary skeleton oh [Music] maybe a zombie would scare it more full oh I know what would scare a big pile of unhealthy candy morphle morph into a giant frightening piece of broccoli [Music] [Applause] [Music] Flappy Bat Wings it's too healthy for my poor Candy Monster [Music] [Applause] [Music] I need to get some sleep dear Phoebe no no foreign [Music] who Could That Be [Music] hey Phoebe do you want to help us deliver this candy to the other children did you collect more candy than you could eat yourselves last night um Florida well I think it's very nice that you want to share it with the rest of the children thank you Mila [Music] foreign [Music] oh my oh now that's a costume have some candy YouTube thank you wow you really scared her more full more from a surprise story [Music] hey there little guy what do you think of my scary friend what did you do little guy I feel scared the pumpkin under award for the scariest pumpkin goes to the war is so scary [Music] it's not safe there are pumpkins everywhere well of course it's Halloween my awards are trying to get me [Music] something more full let's explore [Music] I'm scared off of my ice cream ease it out don't hurt me look more full oh no science it looks so scared [Music] all right no more full wait ah [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] but I am your friend morphle hmm yeah and I need a friend to help me get out of the tree [Music] thank you morphle that was very brave you helped me even though you were scared [Music] I think I figured out why you use your powers on people you're scared of pumpkins I know they look scary but they're just decoration see [Music] best friend [Music] I am a scary witch isn't Halloween fine what are you going to dress up as morphle no no how about a vampire [Music] that looks great morphle now we can go trick or treating [Music] oh aren't you too scary [Music] here you go have fun thank you [Music] hey Mulan Marvel I'm a real dinosaur [Music] oh can you change into a bat as well yeah vampires can change into a bat like this oh Marvel is a real vampire you can find you and Marple you are really scary vampire morphle yeah ah so scary I have a treat for you too [Music] you're a real vampire this is an award for the realist vampire my British vampires [Music] and we have so much candy already give it back give it back real pirates we'll plunder everyone's treasure tonight how much candy have they got a lot and a box of apple juice give them back their candy more fruit one two three [Music] Pizza vampire Juice drink your Apple Juice thank you morphle the vampire [Music] this is the last house I hope you two are the last ones today I hear there's a real vampire around and I don't want it to fly in Marvel vampire why not yeah [Applause] [Music] the vampires can stand garlic let's see how you like this [Music] I defeated you vampire this is not a real vampire it's more full oh more for no like a decent candy that makes sense [Music] yummy now get off my land [Music] foreign [Music] have you finished tidying your room I'm waiting to clean it um not yet Daddy morphle morph into a digger to tidy our toys [Music] oh no I forgot to do my school art project and it's still tomorrow let's do it together more full morph into a paintbrush [Music] Mila morphle wanna play I have to do my art projects maybe just for a while oops now look what you kids have done my garden is a mess can you sweep up the leaves please sorry yes Mr vanderboos morph into a broom to sweep the leaves more full Mila morphle I need your help there's an emergency in the city I don't know who to help first I wish I could help you all but there's only one Mila but there can be more Milas with magic pet doublers doubling Powers [Music] doubler please multiply me one two three four times [Music] what media morph into a police car morphle [Music] [Applause] not in my city you're under arrest for attempted cake theft [Music] glad you're here can you deliver this beautiful cake to Troy's house please of course doubler can you double me again please [Music] morph into a police car again morphle let's deliver this cake morph into a race car [Music] huh wait [Music] here you go thank you so much more morph into a broom more full morph into a digger more full morph into a ball [Music] more full morph into a police car morph into a paintbrush [Music] I'm sorry morphle I'm the real Mila can you please finish all the other Milas [Music] okay we've got important work to do thanks for helping us Bandits now we have some time left to take you to the police station I'm the strongest superhero I can easily lift up this car Let's help him out [Music] I'm a superhero too and I Can Fly [Music] help help but he only wants to play he won't bite he is that thing out of here [Music] leave that woman alone Mister whatever [Music] thank you very much superheroes who can I thank for this what are your names I'm we can't tell you we are the mask superheroes and we have secret identities [Music] give back those Awards but I never got any awards in high school oh yeah now I am officially the number one ballet dancer laughs [Music] okay okay here are the awards back no no you can keep that one it says best at getting caught we are Champion Stein yeah we are standing here with the people that saved all the cities Awards we have one question for you who are you we can't tell you we are the masked superheroes and we have secrets on Troy I'm April [Music] hi glitter pug can you turn me into a more fool again foreign [Music] have you seen oh is that you Milo yes I want to practice morphing so I can help more full on our adventures great idea can you turn me into a morphle tool me too awesome now I can look for dinosaurs as a dinosaur foreign [Music] it's easy to get into trouble when you can't control your morphs a little more full I'll stick to my trusty rocket morph whoa oh flying is tiring but not with rockets whoa ah wow [Music] this looks like a place dinosaurs live [Music] really good at this morphle I'm okay I'm okay I haven't seen a single dinosaur [Music] maybe I should morph into a dinosaur myself [Music] what was that [Music] we need to find Troy but the baby I'll keep the baby monkey safe don't worry [Music] foreign [Music] no dinosaurs here either [Music] [Applause] why are there no dinosaurs I'll help the elephant you go after Troy [Music] thank you [Music] hi morphle have you seen any dinosaurs there are no dinosaurs here because they lived in the past you're the only dinosaur here and scared all the other animals oh oh [Music] hi monkeys are you looking for your baby let's bring you back together [Music] I'm glad everyone is okay [Music] I'm really sorry for causing all this trouble I just wanted to play with Dinosaurs [Music] [Music] hold it right there [Music] hi there fire truck duck those losers and come with us hey we need our truck to get to a fire better start running then yes we are now the vehicle Bandits and with this life Ray it's easier than ever we've got to stop them morph into a race car we need to put out a fire now wonderful morph into a fire truck [Music] to the farm no more trips for you you Sunday driver why you you revelate time to clean yourself up [Music] thank you I don't know what happened I was flipping burgers and all of a sudden a fire broke out let's go after those Bandits morphle [Music] more food those Bandits have stolen my ambulance and I need to bring this lady to the hospital [Music] ah a quiet day in my city no traffic violations anywhere huh cars without drivers oh not in my series wait what bye bye now let's get those Bandits [Music] stop it right there [Music] wow it's like you read my mind let's get those Baddies [Music] oh no you don't Vehicles stop them flying over them morphle uh-oh Vehicles join forces and become a mega robot we are beautiful oh boy no stop it no [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] there's only one ride left for you and that's a ride to jail [Music] [Music] morph into an elephant [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] how did my room turn into a jungle all of a sudden let's check on Daddy downstairs [Music] steady thank you for the nice pictures you can move along now [Applause] [Music] [Music] well that was something special oh thank you for saving me I can't wait to develop all these amazing pictures hey give that back [Music] hey everyone what do you think of the new Garden I've created with Papa jungle my for this it looks beautiful Daddy but Papa jungle's magic let's turn the whole house [Music] maybe you went a bit too far he's on the roof into a big monkey [Music] Papa jungle you need to stop this jungle is getting way too dangerous oh [Music] let's keep it small this time Papa jungle [Music] oh a butterfly [Music] yay morphle morph into a tunnel for them [Music] thanks enemy that was fun anemi's powers to bring things to life never ceases to amaze me look it's you and Amy only in the meaner world can mirror and Amy come out and play with the nimi I do not think that would be such a good idea Mila the mirror World Magic pets powers are well different and sometimes they can cause trouble in our world I'm sure will be fine come on out relax okay let's go more full morph into a race car yay [Music] well do you think you're going come back here oh my that's not good let's see if the mayor has finally replied to our complaints about the magic pets [Music] did I say complaints what I meant was yeah [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] no way I need to go to the hospital to care for my patients ah more for one erase [Music] uh oh we gotta stop in Amy after the mortal [Music] let's say firefighter gerbin more long arms more full [Music] huh if real and Amy is in the mirror world then that must be mirror Annie and out of control we need to get mirror and Amy back where he belongs okay [Music] manini [Music] and I've got some tickets to ride I still need to go to the hospital and I have a lady to save I don't have anything to do I see creams are for everyone [Music] the Christmas present Bandits use my time machine to steal a T-Rex from the past [Music] we are no longer the Christmas present Bandits now we are the dino Bandits Marvel morph into a police time [Music] [Music] not so tough now eh now this is our city [Music] laughs [Music] well boys welcome back to my city [Music] look more full the T-Rex hurt his knee Marvel morph into an ambulance a big dinosaur ambulance [Music] hmm I don't think this is quite big enough [Music] Morpher morph into a crane [Music] foreign T-Rex [Music] laughs who's ready for a fun little story me me waffle once upon a time there was a brave night named Mila Mila the night reporting for Duty she wasn't alone she brought her magic armor with her oh fantastic together we are unstoppable morphle the king of this land asked Mila and morphle to meet him in the woods I can't wait to see why the king wants to meet us maybe the castle is under attack by a dragon or an evil Knight has stolen his horse foreign the more the merrier [Music] right let's go see the king [Music] welcome good night so what's the problem Bandit Bandit Giants oh no problem unless you call these cupcakes a problem I baked them myself a cupcake not yet little one first we play with this ball a ball I didn't become a knight to play with a ball [Music] [Applause] no what are you doing morphle oh interesting fear not King Daddy we will save you how with this sword it turns everything it touches into a chicken [Music] haha [Music] let's throw some boosters into the mix [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] help flap your wings you're a chicken oh right foreign are you okay king daddy well apart from being the chicken I'm fine but I miss my sweet smelling cupcakes how will we get them back not a super super ones long ones noses whip watch noses without words do you have a nose that can smell cupcakes ah you want a pig's nose little piggy says what what that was weird never mind that can you smell my delicious cupcakes oh yes this way [Music] I found you [Music] well this is not really how I imagined this story would go but don't you think this was way more exciting than playing with the ball well I guess you're right and I have a little surprise for you in the real world cakes [Music]
Channel: Morphle's Family
Views: 1,097,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Morphle, cartoon, mila and Morphle, cartoons for kids, baby tv, dinosaurs for kids, morphle tv, educational video for children, morfol, wheels on the bus, vehicles for kids, cartoons for children, Little Baby Bum, toy, dinosaurs, learn, magic hero animals, monster, super hero, learning, fun kids video, kids tv, toddler preschool animation, animated series for kids
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 35sec (5735 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2022
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