Morphle and The Magic Pet Flu - Morphle | BRAND NEW | ABCs 123s | Morphle Nursery Rhymes

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whoa careful mortal telefax has the magic pet flu so you'll need to keep your distance for a while [Music] well you get sick daddy only magic pets can get the magic Pet flu telefax and i will stay inside to make sure other magic pets can't get the flu don't worry we can still have fun inside right telefax i wonder how that happened I think drama has the magic Pet flu as well don't get too close more full [Music] hi mr. painter hi chroma I think you have the magic pen blue chroma so that's what it is chroma started sneezing right after a big bubble popped in front of her you [Music] should stay inside until you get better so you won't make any other magic patsick we can still have fun at home think of all the paintings we can make [Music] let's see where it came from [Music] builder Lawrence you should take Annie me home it has the magic Pet flu Oh No it must have gotten sick from one of those bubbles in the air let's go back home and get you better Annie me let's find out where those bubbles came from [Music] look marvel it's bobba bobba you need to go home and stay inside I don't think boba wants to go inside let's go after it more full oh do you feel good enough to chase after boba [Music] Oh you need to get inside boba when you're outside and sick you're making lots of other magic pet sick as well including more full and we can still have lots of fun at home right more full see boba playing inside can be fun as well [Music] let's bring it to the garage mournful morph into a toad trap [Music] with these fears we have become driving pirates I think land pirates works better Maurice [Music] this is great if it's me that's powerful [Music] we'll be back probably Thank You Mila Hank my fellow Oh No the car's engine is gone Oh No we'll bring it to the garage to get it fixed [Music] [Music] I'm mechanic jell-o there are more cars with missing parts I wonder who would steal all those things stop them they took my award it's the Pyrates give us your hat come on [Music] it was a water balloon [Music] it's not working with all the exits we took our ship is too strong to be stopped my dad showed them pirates he'll oh man ah huh we should stop them from driving more fool take all their wheels off [Music] [Applause] oh no stop that [Music] we've stopped you pirates and now I'm taking you to jail Wow since they're so good at mechanical things why don't we have them fix all the cars instead the cars fixed I really enjoyed this pirate Maurice well I have seen enough wheels for a while Thank You morpha it's great you will always help everyone you can [Music] please come back down mister pauses ah Martha can you help me mr. paws knees is stuck in the tree and I miss holding him in my arms can you bring us together again I didn't mean together like this if you two hadn't stolen my police car you would be in jail already we don't mind y'all morville oh it's great you're here can you help me bring these bandits to the police station [Music] Oh No why Marvel wait for me to predict mission he didn't put us in jail Stein yeah let's run away oh hey more --fill can you help me lift these crates they're really heavy [Music] oh no more fault not all the way to do roof yeah you aren't mortal what happened your red friend put me in the tree and ran away that can't be right I thought that no do I know what I saw [Music] Marvell where did you leave the bandits we haven't seen the bandits I saw you taking them to the station more phul will catch the bandits again mortal morph into a robot [Music] the joke has gone on long enough more --fill please put the crates back down again Marvel was with me all day daddy really but he looked like more full and was read like more food apart from those green spots of course green spots of course it's awful we need to stop him more full [Music] hi morville can you help me make some room here has painted himself ready oh let's clean him up mortal morph into a fire truck now you won't be able to fool anyone anymore Oracle thank you real morphic come on mr. ice cream man two ice creams please of course Mila what the flavor do you want well what is the best flavor the best flavor I'm afraid that I don't have it you see the best flavor was made by my grandfather he used to travel all over the world to collect one very special ingredient a flower is so sweet it would make the ice cream taste like nothing you've ever tasted before we could get that flower for you where can we find it that is the difficult part every year it grows in a different place hmm but my grandfather left these notes they might help your search looks like we have some traveling today more full more into a helicopter these notes point us to the jungle mournful let's go there okay let's use our nose more full morph into a search dogs great let's check it out [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah it's just very [Music] [Applause] [Music] we have to be more careful more full [Music] looks like they're carrying some sort of sugar let's keep looking [Music] [Applause] I'm not sure the Flowery in the jungle more cool oh I smell it too horrible [Music] mmm it smells wonderful let's return to the ice-cream man it won't be long now [Music] here you go the best flavor Wow it's very delicious ice cream more I'm sorry muffled but that was all the ice cream I couldn't make you can clean it the spoon being a news reporter seems fun let's film our own news broadcast [Music] into a camera is it working yeah let's go find some news I rely more for pride joy do you want to be on the news yeah I can show off my new toy okay I'm Mila from Miele and more full news I'm here with my camera more full we are tapping to Troy who have new toys yeah I do I only got it yesterday I want to be on the news as well yeah then we'd be the news bandits exactly and I know just how we can do it and you can also do this we're over here thank you for showing us your new toy Troy now we're going to look for more news in the city yeah we've got bandits we're busy we didn't get on the news time we just need to steal some more stuff we have new news of ice cream what is going on ice cream man well I have got the new flavor of ice cream for all of you it's called Sparkle ice cream how did he make this new ice cream I started with the sparkles of course but only the rarest sparkles tasted the best so I had to go to the sparkle mountain to get them that's great mr. ice cream man guess what we just did we're busy presenting the news bandit let's go morsels [Music] next on the news is telefax he has the magic power to teleport anywhere he won Mila we should really get on the news we have already found news fine if we can't get on the news we're just going to steal the news [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] you're not in my city [Music] there's more news my pet and best friend morbo he just saved me from those bad feelings we're on the new study yeah do you know who else is on the news today no who is it hello again bandits [Music] [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Morphle's Nursery Rhymes
Views: 3,257,125
Rating: 4.0299048 out of 5
Keywords: 영어동요 모음, boo boo song, best kids songs, children songs, yes yes playground song, yes yes playground, playground song, kids song, nursery rhymes, rhymes for children, songs for children, kids video songs, kid songs, kindergarten songs, toddler songs, education, children learning, sing-along, sing-along songs, best nursery rhymes, rhyme, morphle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 44sec (1244 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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