Morphle’s and Orphle’s Magical Sleigh Race | Christmas Special | My Magic Pet Morphle

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hi everybody merry christmas hey morphle i'm recording a christmas message shall we that's okay merry christmas everyone [Music] this year we have so many presents i can't bring them all to the city on my own wow don't worry santa we are here to help morph into a sleigh [Music] [Applause] to the city huh after that marvel [Music] wow be careful orful [Music] [Music] we are almost back to the city [Music] congratulations orfel where are all your presents [Music] now i will never be able to put all the presents underneath the christmas trees in time we're sorry santa oh awful let's see who can find the most presents and bring them back [Music] so [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] oh you've served christmas thank you wake up mila morphle and orville it's time to unwrap presents oh no looks like we didn't find our presents last but not least i couldn't have done it without your help [Music] oh no not my beautiful hat [Music] mr mayor what happened oh leela it's terrible i was just walking around in our beautiful city thinking mayoral faults when someone drove by and stole my hat don't worry mr mayor we're on the job morphle morph into a search dog [Applause] [Music] hold it right there i saw who took the hat it was you morpher all right what's going on here there you are you see give me back my doggy are you saying morphle stole from you morphle would never do that yes he would i just bought a birthday cake when morphle drove by and grabbed it from my hands are you all sure it was more full yes well well morphle a criminal not in my city i'm going to have to take you to the police station morphle no no please he didn't do anything looks like they're gone you can come out now jordan they all think mortals know their stuff oh this must be our best plan yet yeah let's do some more more for no creamy now don't worry morphle i will prove you're innocent no give me back my apples so the bandits took all this stuff i can't believe it morphle took all my apples don't worry sir we've already caught morphle but it happened just now outstanding police work if i say so myself morphle didn't do it it was the bandits i saw them with my own eyes now now mila you can't go around blaming everything on the bandits bye bye now [Music] morphle i know who did it the bandits stole everything but no one wants to believe me but i can't do it without you morphle muffle [Music] but i have an idea can you still hear hmm give me back my tools marvel sounds like trouble go down morphle [Music] don't worry joe we're on it what another more food [Music] she's too fast she's going to catch us we'll see about that [Music] no no no [Music] not so fast now are you turn around quickly huh again [Music] [Applause] we've done it more full [Music] quiet yawn how did you get out of jail morphle trying to hide all your stolen loot i see that's not more full those are the bandits hey wait a minute this isn't morphle that's what i've been telling you all along all right already you've caught us uh oh i might have made a slight mistake i'm very sorry i doubted you morphle of course you're not a criminal and in light of your outstanding police work i'll make you honorary police officers it was fun pretending to be more full right stein it sure was morph into a plane yawn no you morph into a car stein [Music] oh milan morphle i'm so glad you wanted to help me today it's no problem we really like to paint that's great now these are the four cars we need to paint [Music] and here is all the paint we're going to need okay can you get the green car over here sure more full morph into a tow truck [Music] [Music] so great the customer wanted this car to be blue so we're going to paint it for it [Music] wow you are really good at painting morphle okay next up is the yellow car we need to paint it purple [Music] yellow car me neither mechanic joe must have gotten it wrong [Music] where is the car more full no yellow car yes morphle there is a yellow car there you do know what color yellow is don't you of course we do okay okay you must have missed it oh well if that's what you want [Music] stop it mila and morphle what are you doing we are painting your yellow car purple yeah come on i'll show you where the yellow car is at well i'll be there really is no yellow car the car that needs to be painted purple is this one i'm sorry you two i was sure that car was yellow oh well let's paint it purple [Music] that looks great now i've made you some lemonade [Music] did you hear that oh look at the color now it's yellow am i going crazy that explains it all chroma can change the color of anything he touches right chroma uh-huh so i'm not going mad oh no the customers will be here any minute quickly tell the other two cars back here [Music] chroma can you help us paint the cars the right color great okay this yellow car needs to be [Music] [Applause] purple this orange car needs to be green can you do that as well [Music] oh no the customers are almost here [Music] [Music] and this card needs to be yellow [Music] wow it's beautiful phew you three really saved the day thank you morphle morph into a christmas reindeer [Music] [Applause] [Music] i don't think this will be a white christmas morphle but i know someone who can help us with [Music] that hi atmo can you make it snow in the city so we can have a white christmas [Music] let's start here [Music] ah snow [Music] now let's make it snow in the whole city [Music] what are you building morphle snowman wow that looks fun [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi professor rasheed is something wrong hi mila and morphle it seems like we will have a white christmas after all this year but this is just way too much it's causing trouble in the city oh but don't worry professor rasheed atmo can melt away some of the snow oh no atmo is gone [Music] ah i have an idea with my latest invention i can zap those snowmen to life and with their brooms they can sweep away all the extra snow [Music] wow great [Music] [Music] this is going great but do you know who can get rid of the snow even faster a giant snowman morphle morphed into a bulldozer to collect snow for the snowman [Music] hi big snowman there is too much snow in the city can you help us clean up all the extra snow [Music] hey [Laughter] [Music] hey [Music] what was that let's see what's going on [Music] morphle oh no if that giant snowball hits the city everything will be covered in snow again we're full robot [Music] [Music] oh no smartphone wow santa and atmo [Music] oh [Music] oh it seems we got back just in time atmo was atla with you santa yes when i saw admo could create snow i asked atmo to help bring a white christmas to lots of places all over the world living snowmen wow yeah with atmo gone the snowman helped clean up all the extra snow but with all the extra snow gone the snowmen don't have a job anymore well i could use some help on the north pole getting ready for christmas what do you say do you want to help me look at that yawn everyone is so happy on christmas eve oh we will probably just get cold again this year wait a minute we always get cold for christmas because we act like bad guys so so so let's be good guys just for today that way santa will have to give us presents right you mean we'll be getting presents this year if we act nice yes yawn yes let's get started [Music] oh no it's the bandits more fool morph into a dinosaur all right let's scare them away mila and marvel don't you scare me like that thank you for helping me cross the road bandits merry christmas merry christmas mila and marshall don't try to scare too many people um bandits what are you doing this christmas we're the good bandits because only good people get good presents from santa instead of just cold [Applause] what a great idea we will help you oh well isn't this a christmas miracle thank you so much for helping with the christmas tree bandits well i'm off marrying somewhere else thanks again bandits no thank you mr mayor the tree looks amazing you did a great job bandits thank you can we help you with something well i could use some help delivering these candy canes we can do that oh yeah you bet [Music] and some fried trouble oh yummy stein i hear santa's at the big christmas tree giving out presents [Music] thank you santa merry christmas sarah santo santa we are now the good bandits yeah do you have any presents for us of course here you go bandits this must be a mistake we were good bandits this christmas are you sure good people don't steal things oh no oh come on we tried so hard we really want to have good presents this year yes not call again please we'll do anything anything all right if you give back everything you stole you'll get a present from morphle on me really all right [Music] wow bandits since you did bring everything back you can have our candy canes as a present oh this is the first time we got good presents on christmas isn't that sweet well it's better than coal merry christmas yarn merry christmas time [Music] shhh stop it right there you thief stealing on christmas eve the nerves wait i'm not a thief i'm santa right you do know santa always carries presents don't you but i just dropped those inside look the other presents are right there [Music] an accomplice what just arrested a criminal the real santa is going to think i'm a good boy for sure more full oh what are you doing over there muffler here and norrish look i think that's santa's blood but where is santa mila yeah santa is nowhere to be found and there are only a couple of hours left until christmas morning [Music] you and me have to help santa out more full by giving the presents to all the children marvel morph into a reindeer [Music] let's go and save christmas [Music] this present is for sarah and this one is for sarah's parents great next up is april's family the next presents are for troy and his mom and for zookeeper kenneth and all the animals oh see see i told you we would get presents look stein i got coal me too this is the last one it's for police officer freeze who's there oh hi officer freeze marvel and i are here to bring you your christmas present great thank you miland morphle hmm let's see what it is a new pair just what i needed i just had to use the only two i had you catch a bandage no morphle it's someone in a red suit with a big white beard and he has a reindeer as an accomplice that sounds an awful lot like oh hello morphle why did you arrest santa that's not santa he hasn't even got any presents and santa has presents yes it is look oh you really are santa i'll get you out i'm sorry i put you in jail santa i just didn't recognize you without a present don't worry peter thanks to mila and morphle everyone still got their [Music] presence merry christmas everyone [Music] let's have a contest and see who can build the tallest tower of snow all right me and sarah against morphle and mila atmo will you be the judge let's go [Applause] more fool more into a digger [Music] oh no they're way too fast what do we do hooray for atmo [Music] great job morphle now let's check on april and sarah [Music] hi milan morphle what how did that happen oh i see you helped them a little didn't you atmo let's go check out their tower sarah [Music] look yawn that's a really cool tower and there's no one inside do you think we can take it definitely [Music] your tower looks wonderful mila thank you we hey who threw that [Music] we did [Music] ah no fair morph into a robot and stop them morphle [Music] hold me stein [Music] not again [Music] [Music] hey bandits you can have our tower if you want yes we will take your tower come on yeah enjoy your new tower [Music] [Music] let's pull a prank on daddy oh yeah morph into me [Music] great now put on these clothes look exactly like me yeah okay let's prank daddy [Music] oh oh it's you mila i didn't see you come down the stairs that's because i'm still up here but ah then you must be more full yeah [Music] hi mila do you and morphle wanna play [Music] [Applause] [Music] great let's go troy didn't see it was more full hi mila what game shall we play mila you're always so good at thinking up fun games yeah dad okay mila you're it what [Music] whoa [Music] wow now you only need to tag sarah but where is she um i'm in the tree i don't think i can get down anymore [Music] [Applause] wait a second you're not mila you're more full oh thank you me morphle well well it seems more full isn't with you uh oh it's dying isn't that morph without morphle we can tease you all we want you you're so small let me go you can't do anything [Music] where did that ball come from [Music] ouch what's happening let's get a waste time [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's me looking us alone you pranked them good marble [Music] i'm so bored with that morphle let's find him [Music] huh [Music] hello today morphle and i will show you different colors there are several basic colors red yellow blue green orange and pink morphle morph into a paintbrush [Music] now let's paint animals that have these colors red is the color of a crab [Music] and a ladybug and yellow is the color of a little chick or a dangerous leopard a blue animal is a whale and [Music] turtles are green and frogs are green as well a goldfish is orange and the tiger has orange fur and pink is the color of a flamingo and of the axolotl you are really good at painting marvel [Music] [Laughter] [Music] has four settings off lenient strict and very strict you should never turn this dial to very strict why not professor no problem let's see what robo-freeze can do you seem like good kids now let's see if he can stop crime with the bandits causing so much trouble i could use some help with my police work more full morph into a police car [Music] perfect [Music] be sure to leash your dog oh sorry officer have a good day young lady oh thank you [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] be careful not to kick the ball into the [Music] not flowers my city you get a ticket what but [Music] oh my ball oh no something's wrong robo-freeze must have been turned to very strict look wow you get ticket for walking on grass i wasn't even walking on the grass you were going to what we have to turn the dial down yeah [Music] oh go after it morphle [Music] oh no there it is [Music] try again morphle [Music] unacceptable this has to stop but how i have an idea we need robo freeze to come to us more into a megaphone [Music] stop you're getting a ticket no more fool [Applause] [Music] phew you did it milan morphle [Music] oh no maybe two peter freezes are too much look more full there it is the greatest water slides ever yeah hmm that's a pretty long line good thing we brought our tickets right morphle well where are they um i don't have them i thought you took them they must still be at home on the table well well well did you hear that yawn looks like mila doesn't have a ticket yeah no ticket needs no slide so please move out of our way we do have tickets could you please hold their place in line while we go get them no way we're not going to help you if you leave we can go on the slide first oh yeah hey morphle i have an idea you go pick up the tickets and i'll keep our spot [Music] get back quickly morphle huh that's not fair hey everybody this girl has no ticket she shouldn't be in the line is that you marvel could you help me real quick [Music] okay i'm trying to build a bookcase but i can't find my saw anywhere could you help me morphle okay go for help [Music] but i can't build a bookcase with these can everybody who has a ticket please raise their hand what's the matter mila no tickets oh no [Music] what oh not in my city [Music] morphle you were breaking a lot of rules back there muffle shall we but morpho needs to go to mila first that's no excuse morphle you need to slow down [Music] twice ago yeah that's better hey there mila do you have your ticket no she doesn't well you see [Music] tickets please yawn give him my tickets but i thought you had him oh boy [Music] come on come on let's go good morning is dada unicorn yay [Music] come on morph into a unicorn marvel cool you two look exactly alike yay [Music] huh look morphle it's builder lawrence let's surprise him hi kids [Music] hiya morphle you look great [Music] amazing [Music] wanna give it a go marble [Music] whoa you are a great unicorn marvel huh oh you are a great unicorn too unicorn more french [Music] come on guys let's go on an adventure bye builder lauren bye kids [Music] oh wow [Music] let's go there hmm [Music] i wonder what's inside [Music] hello dragon [Music] oh no the dragon lost one of her babies and she can't leave her nest [Music] it must be the little dragon we saw outside [Music] don't worry dragon mortal can help baby dragon here we come hmm let's see oh hey mila mila [Music] look it's the baby dragon [Music] huh [Music] hmm bye dragons [Music] did santa come by your magic pet store am i going to get a magic pet daddy i'm not telling mila santa business is secret business why don't you check your present to see if it's a magic pet wow so what is it it's nothing are you sure yeah there's nothing there why don't you look again wow wow wow the present is a magic pet it's called morphle and i'll show you why hi morphle morphle morph into a cat [Music] wow i have a cat morphle morph into a horse [Music] [Music] this is the best christmas ever [Music] you're the best gift in the world morphle you can morph into anything i want morph into a tv [Music] you don't like being a tv morpho yeah muffle think boy [Music] hmm more full morph into yourself [Applause] ah so that's you so what would you like to do [Music] okay i'll show you some fun christmas stuff and then you'll tell me what you like the best we can make a drawing for santa or we could decorate a christmas tree [Music] or you can make a snowman [Music] more full morph into a digger [Music] now put a snowman here [Music] yay it looks great [Music] you're so many christmas presents in one world and you know it's the best present i got kicker nope hurry nope cat no morphle the best present is having a new friend oh whoa [Music] wow what's that [Music] santa hi mila oh no santa i'm so sorry we hit you with the snowball we were just playing yes and playing in the snow is a lot of fun but look my sleigh broke now i won't be able to bring gifts to other children santa you gave me my magic pet marple as a christmas present remember he can morph into a new sleigh hmm that seems like a very good idea mila morphle morph into a sleigh for me you're a magic pet you're supposed to morph into whatever we want ah yes that's true mila would you mind asking moreful to morph into a new sleigh marvel morph into a new sleigh for santa and now add wings to the sleigh [Music] and now add jet engines and become bigger so the reindeer can sing the sleigh too okay marvel let's go [Music] merry christmas
Channel: Morphle TV
Views: 3,245,158
Rating: 3.6956778 out of 5
Keywords: morphle’s and orphle’s magical sleigh race, christmas special, brand new, my magic pet morphle, cartoons for kids, mila and morphle, morphle tv, presents, christmas, adventure, stories, santa, snow, race, racing, kids show, kids tv
Id: gqeWOmpSaas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 18sec (3738 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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