Dinosaur Easter Eggs - Learn Colors with Morphle | Cartoons for Kids | Morphle TV

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[Music] [Music] I'm pretty sure dinosaurs had really big eggs that's a great idea let's paint some dinosaur egg [Music] and it has the name hello Triceratops can we paint you're a [Music] [Music] your Easter Egg is painted oh do you want us to paint your egg as well [Music] let's start painting mortal [Music] [Applause] [Music] look more for oh that's not a triceratops but a pterodactyl baby don't worry mortal and I will bring your baby back to you morph into a helicopter [Applause] [Music] Roquemore fool oh sorry pterodactyl we switched the eggs here's your baby [Music] here's your own baby back [Music] yeah let's take it back to its mother [Music] [Applause] and right on time look we are going back to our own time there you are it seems the Easter Bunny left you a present are you ready to paint some more [Music] you're being very thorough police officer freeze I have to be two police commissioners will drop by to see if I'm doing a good job as a police officer everything has to be perfect well then we won't keep you good luck thanks guys [Music] why are you not wearing your official cleaning no cleaning at cleaning hat I'm sorry you must be the commissioners welcome the good police officer has to know all the laws yes I believe I do sir we'll see about that Oh a red light why aren't you singing singing a police officer at the red light should be singing too late another law I didn't know no eating while on duty so many tickets I'm afraid we're going to have to take you to jail why would they arrest him boys into a race cars [Music] hey Mel and Marshall what happened to you as it turns out I don't know half the laws I'm not fit to be a police officer that can't be right we need to get to the bottom of this mortal [Music] [Music] no hats in the bar move into a bush no picnics with a blanket or near a tree or with the basket [Music] with Peter Freese gone we can do anything yard loss time so they meet up all those strange lines you can play at that game [Music] oops sorry you will be sorry once I find where is it here it is when a person bumps into the police commissioners the police commissioners should keep walking okay come on you're [Music] there you have to leave their bag of loot at the door of the police station and go inside they now have to take off their fake mustaches and call out weird the bandits the wait this doesn't make any sense it does to me you're under arrest [Music] poor fool morph into a train [Music] have fun it to Beach everyone [Music] [Music] the line is missing as well where could it [Music] the bandits must have stolen bags let's find them what did you do with all the animals huh what animals the animals that were in the cards that has disappeared you mean the cards that have disappeared like dad [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] but where's the third monkey uh-oh he's gone missing don't worry we'll find him again there you are it's not fun to be alone is it now that you're together again let's find the other animals they must feel just as alone and sad as you did just know if you find them you can call mournful [Music] Oh more food more traps right underneath the thing here correct now let's black beat others [Music] wow that looks great lion yeah now we only need to find the two round it's much more fun to all be together now let's go to the beach [Music] yester let's go look for eggs [Music] awful don't get any closer Mila that's a crocodile in yes I'm sorry morville I don't know where else to look for eggs Kenneth just the guy I need I've arrested a bunny for littering it was dropping eggs all over the city but frankly I don't know what to feed it well some carriage ought to do the trick let's check it out more full you have to let him go I can't do that Milla this bunny is the biggest litterer in the world he's leaving his garbage everywhere around the city and that's a crime you want us to hide these Easter eggs for you because you can't do it you can count on us morph into a helicopter mortal [Music] ah huh more eggs hold it right there Mila I'm very disappointed in the two of you you are throwing your garbage everywhere and you know littering is a crime littering these are Easter eggs they won't be left around because kids all across the city will collect them opening these are pretty nice actually can I have another one I'm sorry I arrested you Easter Bunny I didn't realize you were leaving magical eggs for everybody [Music] novel morph into a car [Music] look mortal this is our picnic basket no no no horrible first we have to go to the forest that's where we are going to have our picnic [Music] [Music] this looks like the perfect spot [Music] [Music] [Music] monster [Music] look at this that's great joy I can't get into a helicopter that way you won't get stuck in the bushes [Music] thank you more phone the trip today I'll tell you when we get back [Music] morphic can you help me out okay now I was working on fixing this hole in the road when our painter just drove into it I was just driving and all of a sudden my steering wheel was gone and I drove straight into this home and now I can't get out anymore [Music] morphic no the control wheel of my plane is in here either where could it have gone [Music] Marfa Marfa [Music] oh no it's the baby we're not just the bad it's weird a steering wheel back no without my steering wheel I can't steer and we'll hit a tree for sure I don't want to get stuck in plans again the bandits stole our steering wheel we need your help yeah that's not working anymore you helped me again more phone did you help other people as well more full that's all right Warfel they are very sweet line [Music] but and you found my planes control wheel great [Music] it was a bit chilly up there but I've never seen the city from up there I've got so much inspiration for my next painting [Applause] I'm really tired more full my can you help me get up to our bed more full [Music] [Music] thank you I would never be able to dance this well without my dear magic pet sound board oh thank you with sound Birds magic power it can sound like anything at 1 yes including music I am so happy to have him [Music] not in my city yeah that's police officer freeze run room I'll have to write you a ticket oh man number that time you went with police officer freeze mournful it was so boring that's not police officer freeze your oh I'm a magic pet it's so cute Stein that sounds just like me yeah let's steal it you're what do you want to do with this time first we take care of officer freeze I have just a plan [Music] officer freeze don't turn around it's me the mayor but why can't I there is no time the mountain giant is committing heinous crimes how now what did he do he is moving rocks without a permit town now that's a crime if I ever heard one you got him good Stein yeah with Salford in the Bandit mobile we can use its powers ourselves mm-hmm and now it's time for the second part of our plan [Music] whoa plane is hard work all that Daddy we can have some ice cream [Music] I have some icecream I'm behind you but don't look let's play a game okay close your eyes and follow my voice keep going straight no turn right a bit where is he going and okay we're almost at the ice-cream ice-cream but to get the ice cream yeah I need you to move into a wrecking ball [Music] no I'm not just smash the door of the bay no don't smash the door of the bank more full Oh rifle you'll be wrecking ball to smash the button on the paint it will be alone [Music] thank you more for we've lost let's flee you're okay Stein that wasn't me oh wow a moving island and it's coming towards the city let's explore it more fall into a turtle [Music] it's all alone and it has no friends [Music] it's not your fault you guys this is a living Island and everyone on the island feels whatever the island feels but why is the island so sad right now because one of its gemstones was stolen by someone living in your town who would do such a thing [Music] what not a pirate film the island has followed us all it's almost as if it wants us to take the rest of the gemstones but first let's put on our diving suits so that the island is logical feelings cannot affect us always causing trouble you go and stop them do it yourself you should do it more full move into a big angry monster [Music] no more fool a lion isn't big enough magnifique no it's fine then you stop the Pirates all by yourself I'm scared no no you're scaring me it was so scared I wouldn't be able to find you we need to leave this island quickly [Music] I don't feel scared anymore huge turtle oh we're not gonna let them get away with this right Norville [Music] let's see how they like it when they're scared [Music] I don't think this was such a good idea pirate Maurice let's get out of here pirates you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't think you have to worry about those pirates anymore I've never seen them disappeared oh that's a really big joy yeah I just found it hidden behind a tree I want one of those magic Easter eggs true we would like an egg too maybe the Easter Bunny hid more eggs oh let's have a magic Easter egg hunt we will gather to those digs we'll see about that mournful morph into a racecar [Music] [Music] [Music] so not all the eggs have toys Indian oh [Music] you just wanted to give a hug [Applause] [Music] found one yeah I wonder what's in there I'm sure this is one of the last ads I hope it's something good what it's empty no sign there's confetti in there I can't find any more eggs more full [Music] Wow we're so high another a golden egg that is the last egg in the whole city please [Music] it has rings [Music] [Music] morkul get in front of these a [Music] now blue Philip the crowd in the air [Applause] now be a kid see where we are and we can [Music] you caught the edge let's see what's inside that was fun [Music] do you want some chocolate as well thank you [Music] I found the next time and we're about to find many more yawn okay fire up your never-ending supply of Easter eggs let's see what's inside hmm I guess not everything inside is special keep him coming yawn that's more like it [Music] let's see if we can find more in this city morph into a search dog more pool [Music] the garbage dump are you sure mournful a [Music] teapot I wonder if there are more [Music] what's going on here oh dear cats [Music] [Music] more into a racecar more fool [Music] let's give him some surprises your [Music] that was disappointing how about guess what [Music] [Applause] [Music] one into a rocket [Music] moving to a tiger [Music] [Applause] and it's hey stop it right there whoops [Music] you're free and you're going to jail let's play hide and seek okay Mila and more fool you are going to hide and I will try to fight you was too quick mortal morph into a car and hide between the other cars [Music] [Applause] [Music] what a creative idea I think you were really smart to more pool yeah I have to get going bye bye no it's your turn to seat [Music] you can think of something more fun there you are we need your help but where's Mila the bandits are robbing the grocery store they're getting away with all the groceries we need your help I think it should be something strong and big what about a dinosaur [Music] what oh no that was too big what about a mouse [Music] [Applause] [Music] now we also have more this is our lucky day starting I don't really know morpho I don't think I'm good at this either hmm you know Marfa I think you should believe in yourself and you will no one to morph into you did it more fool thank you for saving my groceries Morpho why don't you take this cake with you as a gift [Music] [Music] how did you get that cake happy easter mr. mayor did you find any eggs yet I don't think anybody has yet here take a look at this note hmm what does this say this year Easter will be a lot more difficult I've hidden the eggs in hard places good luck signed the Easter Bunny that sounds interesting right mournful yes interesting we haven't been able to find any eggs how about mournful and I look for the eggs and bring them here that would be great milla thankful morphs into a hot-air balloon be careful now kids if I were the Easter Bunny where would I hide the egg now you've done it humans you had no right to litter our planet Wow easy mr. alien what's going on one of your earth pets came to our planet and started putting weird objects everywhere could you please show it to us mr. Aryan sure if you promise to clean it up will do Marvell morph until haunted [Music] there you see that weird furry creature just dropped them off here and left its the Easter Egg Easter eggs what's that when it's Easter the Easter Bunny hides eggs for all of us to find and inside the eggs I'm pregnant that sounds fun let's go find some are is this an Easter Egg Easter Egg is this an easter egg hey let go of my head we're sorry we haven't found any more Easter eggs in space maybe we can try earth again I will look around space some more see you in a bit huh I hope he's able to find some real Easter eggs and not just rocks again [Music] there you are did you find some eggs but I don't think we found enough for the whole town oh there you are Mila had more folk it's the alien I found some are tags oh no not more rocks you didn't you found real Easter egg here have an easter egg for yourself - Thank You Mila but I've already found my favorite Pig and it's right here morpho morph into a toy dinosaur [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] tumbling test-tubes I accidentally dropped this Liferay that I was going to present at the National Science Conference and it snapped your toy dinosaurs to life but it broke and I can't zap the dinosaurs back again hmm Mila can you look after them while I fix my life ray of course professor Rashid I'm sure we'll have lots of fun together great I'll be back as soon as I can [Music] okay toy dinosaurs while we wait for the professor to return let's play a game [Music] now let's play tag you're a t-rex [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that was fun but now I'm tired yeah we should get something to eat oh I know let's have a picnic there we go that took longer than expected but it's fixed now let's go back to the toy dinosaurs right away I hope nothing bad has happened while I was gone [Music] her tumbling test tubes [Music] hi professor do you want to join the picnic we've been having great fun Thank You Mila but I think it's time to SAP the dinosaurs back into toys professor Rashid I don't think the toy dinosaurs want to go back to being toys they've been having much more fun as living dinosaurs yes Mila but the city is no place for dinosaurs hmm oh I have an idea maybe zookeeper Kenneth has a place for them [Music] [Music] Wow what's this are those giant toy dinosaurs yeah professor Rasheed accidentally zapped them with his lavery do you have a place for the toy dinosaurs to live zookeeper Kenneth well the zoo only has one place for big animals and the elephants already live there but during my travels I think I spotted an uninhabited island where the toy dinosaurs could live let's go there right away marvel [Music] this island is a great home for you but we need to go home again as well i toid dinosaurs [Music] Mortal morph into a big trap we need to bring all these machines to the new building side [Music] [Applause] do the new building safe [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] not in my city here we are the new building site hey there's a truck here already yep that's the only truck we didn't have to bring it came by itself it's a robot dump truck that we got from Professor it's all Chiron builder Lawrence all your machines fell from your truck and it's causing mayhem in my city you are right the truck is empty what do we do now [Applause] Norville and the robot gun truck could go find all the machines yes that's a great idea purple morph into a dump truck - let's play a game whoever brings back the most machines wins [Music] okay more phones let's find some machine [Music] the robot dumptruck Benji's first machine but we'll get the next one [Music] look more flow those people are stuck in the cement Marvel morph into a champion [Music] [Music] [Music] you're not big enough snorkel walk into a bigger dump truck [Music] look more full the robot dumptruck also found two vehicles whoever finds the next vehicle wins [Music] is the wrecking ball Oh No the muddy bandits got a little bit [Music] that's true house we are no longer to muddy bandits we are now the wrecking bandits and we are about to wreck this house that's our house Norville morph into a robot [Music] the reckon magnets will strike again we will help you rebuild your house we should stop the game and work together [Music]
Channel: Morphle TV
Views: 12,063,702
Rating: 3.5276694 out of 5
Keywords: cartoon, learning, preschool, vehicles, cartoons for children, dinosaurs, morphle vs orphle, scary animals, vehicles for kids, super hero video for kids, videos for kids, superhero, for kids, hero, monster, icecream, baby, children, learn, kids tv, compilation, super hero, wheels on the bus, morphle tv, fun, animation, kids videos, trucks, bus videos for kids, my magic pet morphle, english, cute, magic, morphle, super, vehicle, kids, kids video, toy, police car, toddler, jail, animals
Id: yLM3i0TP13k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 26sec (3926 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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