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[Music] oh [Music] it excelsisly [Music] [Music] amen you may be seated good news of great joy for every woman every man this will be a sign to you a baby born in and bethlehem do not be afraid [Music] a company of angels glory in the high [Music] [Music] do not be afraid of my soul my soul magnifies the lord my soul magnifies the lord he has done great things for me great things unto you a child is born unto us the sun is here [Music] let every heart repair his throne let every nation under heaven oh come and worship and do not be afraid my soul magnifies the lord my soul magnifies the lord he has done great great things for me my soul my soul magnifies the lord my soul magnifies the lord [Music] he has done great things for me great things for me of his government there will be no pen he'll establish it with his righteousness and he shall reign on david's throne and his name shall be [Music] [Applause] this everlasting father [Music] wonderful counselor everlasting father [Music] so [Music] [Music] magnifies the lord and my soul my soul magnifies the lord my soul magnifies the lord he has done great things for me great things for me my soul my soul magnifies the lord my soul magnifies the lord he has done great things for me great things for me my soul my soul magnifies the lord my soul he has done great things for me great things [Music] [Music] thank you amen good morning and merry christmas as well to you um go ahead and pull out your bulletins as we'll jump right into the announcements this morning uh first off i want to remind you about our homeless relief kips that relief kits that you can purchase down at the thrift store which is located on whittier boulevard not too far from here where we encourage you it's obviously getting cold out and so what we do is we put together these homeless relief kits that have blankets they have uh socks and and different things to keep them warm and hygiene kits and they're they're made to either go to a woman or a man so they're just ask whichever one that you prefer or get both and then get a couple and put them in your trunk and have them ready to go and when you see someone that might be in need this time of year just you know pray that the lord would use you go out and hand it to them and let them know that jesus loves them maybe pray over them and let the lord use you through that that opportunity to be able to bless someone in that way so you can get those at the thrift store during their open monday through saturday i also want to remind you guys christmas is obviously this week we're not going to be having midweek studies on wednesday nights for the next two weeks due to the holidays but we will be having our christmas eve service this thursday 4 p.m and 6 p.m please grab some flyers invite them invite friends and neighbors and co-workers if you can and take advantage of those opportunities to to let them know that we're going to be worshiping jesus here uh so that's going to be available to you and then uh the following thursday will be new year's eve and so we're going to be having our services at 7 00 p.m that evening so please join us we definitely want to hear the gospel message go out and people get saved as pastor jack was was praying we definitely definitely want to see people come to know our hope which is jesus christ this christmas season definitely with everything that's going on i also want to let you know that all the end of year giving so tizen offerings if you want them to be recorded in 2020 you're going to need to get them into the office or online uh by the end of this year so december 31st that'll be the last day anything received will be recorded into uh the following year if after that point uh that also goes for our missions change jars if you've never even heard us talk about our missions change jars we have these little uh these little jars that you can pick up at the the chapel store over here uh and you can fill them up with with just coins that you collect through the year uh and all they do is they go towards our missions department and programs and our supported missionaries around the world and so if you're looking for a way to dispose of your change in a way that changes the world catch that then go ahead and grab one of those jars and when they're all full go ahead and submit them to the office or the chapel store and they'll be recorded if you put your infra information on there those also will be recorded into your tithes uh for that year as well and then lastly our growth classes we've been taking sign ups over in the foyer over here and online for all of the different growth classes that we're offering in january it starts january 3rd it's a four-week commitment where they meet on sunday nights and it's just a great opportunity to kind of dive into a particular topic that we might not necessarily get to do from behind the pulpit it's a classroom study you get to ask questions and so it's a really great opportunity for you to grow in a special unique way in the lord into something like i said that wouldn't necessarily be covered in here and so please grab a flyer look in your bulletin as well see the classes that are being offered see where the lord might be leading you or prodding you to go and sign up either in the foyer or online father we thank you so much for just the many blessings that we have to know that we're your kids that we're your sons and your daughters and that we're a family knit together because of uh the work of jesus christ on the cross for us and so father may we live in that hope that you've given us lord especially this week with christmas uh on thursday lord may we just uh exude the joy that a believer should have because we do indeed have the hope of salvation we have that promise of eternal life and we have a joyful life that we can live today in response to those promises lord jesus and so would you have your way with your kids this morning would you bless this time of getting into your word would you bless this time of worship as we praise our savior and so lord we also come this morning with our tithes and offerings seeking to to extend our worship to honor you with our lives with everything that we are is yours lord jesus and so would you just give us grateful hearts uh for all that you've done for us this this year lord despite all the craziness you've been good and lord we can just bank on that every single day and so may we live in that truth uh this very morning it's in your name we pray amen [Music] in the bleak mid-winter all creation crawls for a world in darkness frozen like a stone a light is breaking in a stable for a throng and he shall reign and he shall reign the king of kings and lord of lords and he shall reign [Music] if i were a wise man i would travel and if i were a shepherd i would do my heart but poor as i am i will give to him my heart and he shall reign forever forevermore and unto us the child is born the king of kings the lord of lords and he shall [Music] the one who made the starry skies the baby born for sacrifice christ the messiah into our hearts to our fears the savior of the world appears the promise of eternal years christ the messiah and he shall reign forever forever and he shall reign forever more forever and he shall [Music] unto reign a child is born the king of kings and lord of lords and he shall reign [Music] [Music] oh holy night the stars are brightly shining it is the night of our dear savior's birth long lay the world in sin and ever [Music] a thrill of hope weary soul rejoices for yonder breaks a new and glorious [Music] says [Music] when christ was born divine [Music] holy [Music] one another [Music] shall he break for the slave is our brother and in his name all oppression shall of cease in grateful chorus raise me with all our hearts we praise his holy name [Music] [Music] says [Music] when christ was born divine whole night all night [Music] who hear the angel voices all night divine one night when christ was born [Music] night [Music] oh father we reflect this morning upon the birth of your son jesus and as we study your scriptures having looked back at at christmas through the eyes of mary and now this morning through the eyes of joseph may you reveal to us maybe a hidden story that we've never even realized before to get a true glimpse of what was happening during this time that your son would be born with a plan and a purpose to die so that we might live what a relentless pursuit father for salvation of mankind that this was your ordained plan and so we thank you this morning for the birth of your son jesus so that we could be saved may we always remember in our hearts father the sacrifice that you've made for us that began with your son's birth so as we reflect and we look upon your word father speak to our hearts in a mighty way and bless pastor jack knows he comes to teach us it's in your great holy name and all god's people said amen amen [Applause] all right let's open our bibles this morning to matthew chapter 1 verse 18. christmas week got here quick and then it kind of took a lifetime to get here with all of the challenges that i think we have as a world face this year the changes that has invariably brought to every life a election that was at best contentious a divided nation lockhounds or no lockdowns eat inside outside with a mask without a mask don't stand on your head all kinds of stuff pretty excited to see this year going away yet in the midst of of all of the uproar and frustration and difficulties the rock of our salvation stands strong and one thing that hasn't changed this year is that jesus is still the lord he came to save he continues to do that and we have a great god who sits upon a throne of our lives i'm sure you're all familiar with the christmas story at least parts of it it's interesting sometimes listening to people tell it that the biblical account sometimes seems to get cloudy i don't know if it's just sometimes they tell the story with for folklore and it's been kind of too often added to it and you get some weird ideas but i think i just looking back sitting down i've spent the last 40 years of christmas telling the christmas story to somebody usually from a pulpit i'll tell you what you can run out of angles to run at it with from every imaginable kind of address that we spent when you're looking at the census and how mary and joseph were forced to comply and imagine living at a time when you have a nine-month pregnant wife and you have to travel 80 miles on a on a donkey or else we looked at the many prophecies over the years that jesus fulfilled and how those prophetic words over time were signposts in history to to the fact that no one should miss him he was clearly marked by one prophet after the other we've looked at the shepherds in the fields the announcements that they were privileged to hear from the angels we've looked at the condition of the barn in which jesus was brought forth and the challenges mary faced having to bury a son at such a young age in such difficult conditions we looked at these guys those guys the magi who had to show up maybe a year later with gifts that really spoke of the work that jesus had come to do we looked at anna and simeon who both showed up at jesus's dedication and spoke words to him about his work and his purpose for coming his influence and his impact we looked at the young couple's flight to egypt one year and how god protected jesus from herod who had ordered the slaughter of innocent children after hearing the birth of the messiah from these guys the magi who came we looked at jesus's upbringing in nazareth one year we turned to galatians chapter 4 and we looked at three verses verses 4 5 and 6 which said that jesus came at the right time because there was a time god had chosen that he that he was the right person he came for all the right reasons we spent a year in isaiah chapter 9 looking at the divinity and the humanity of our savior a child that is born a son that is given one christmas we we went over chapter 1 verse 10 of john which says he came into the world made by him and yet the world did not know him we went to chapter 10 one year i've come that you might have life and that much more abundantly one year we spent four studies just looking for reasons for christmas from john's epistles one year we went to isaiah chapter 1 verse 18 and 19 and 20 and looked at the message we entitled i think last year a white christmas how that even though our sins make us like scarlet we could be made white as wool one year we spent talking about jesus being the light of the world i've run out of ideas so last wednesday we we met and we talked about marriage i mean marriage christmas from mary's perspective we if you weren't with us go check it out it is a unique kind of view for for christmas through her eyes she was a blessed woman with great faith humble maybe 14 years old amazing young lady who surrendered herself to the will of god great lessons so i thought this morning we might take a look at christmas through the eyes of joseph which is why we're here because this is about as much as you're going to get on joseph in the bible this thursday evening we're going to spend time talking about the manger pretty interesting picture we pastors have the privilege of doing weddings and funerals during the year but weddings are a lot more fun and we require people that get married here to go through six months of pre-marital counseling because doing a wedding is easy getting someone ready for marriage can be a lot more difficult and we want to be sure that the folks that look to us are we give them everything we got usually those premarital times go smoothly there tends to be great joy and expectation occasionally you run into problems that need to be resolved or and even periodically we've said to people you should probably not get married just now just to be perfectly honest they usually don't listen to that and for most folks that are getting married every waking thought at least for the months leading up to the wedding at least for the for the bride is spent with marriage details it's just you know we see girls coming in with books this thick phone numbers and appointments and well i don't know what you do guys just kind of hey where do i stand that's about all they do but the girls playing and i can't imagine that it was any different um for mary and joseph you know usually folks that get married here it's kind of like you talk to them years later and it's like that's where the memories start right i mean the way that you had the plan and the and the thrill of the unknown and i i know that it would almost guarantee that joseph and mary's relationship was fixed up by their parents it was just the way things worked common practice but but imagine into all of that joy and planning and looking forward comes this unexpected turn of events one that mary and joseph could not have imagined or anticipated some kind of a shocking ordeal and an unexpected pregnancy a situation that would for both of them require god's special revelation to clear it up i read a story a couple of months ago of a woman in melbourne australia who had bought a christmas tree and was decorating it with her family when they found a three-foot tiger snake which is one of the most toxic animals on the planet in her tree it looked like tinsel fortunately no one got bit they found it got rid of it and they had a good christmas i guess but i thought about that i thought you know for according to our bibles there's always been kind of a snake under the tree of humanity where satan looks to take us out started with adam and eve there in the garden satan beguiled eve adam came along and god met with his fallen creation and declared to them the consequences of their sin there was going to be death a loss of life in his kingdom but with the snake bite the first one came the first promise of redemption jesus would would be sent the lord said to adam and eve i'm going to put enmity between you and the woman between your seed and her seed he's going to crush your head even though you bruise his heel one day a woman would bear a son and that son would would bring power and authority to crush the work of the serpent and to eliminate him from the picture that's what christmas is the promise that was about to be fulfilled in a very unexpected way and we get this very amazing story and we get to look at it through the eyes of marion through the eyes of joseph verse 18 says now the birth of jesus was as follows after his mother mary was betrothed to joseph and before they came together she was found with child of the holy spirit and joseph her husband being a just man and not wanting to make her a public example was minded to put her away secretly while he thought about these things behold an angel of the lord appeared to him in a dream and said joseph son of david do not be afraid to take to you mary your wife for that which is conceived in her is of the holy spirit and she will bring forth a son you will call his name jesus he will save his people from their sins all of this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the lord through the prophet when he said behold a virgin shall be with child and bear a son call his name emmanuel which has translated god with us and joseph being aroused from sleep did as the angel of the lord commanded took to him his wife and did not know her until she had brought forth her firstborn son which he called jesus i think joseph is is rightly the forgotten man of christmas i was talking to tom about him picking songs for this morning and you know wanting to have those things that focus our attention on christmas there are thousands of christmas songs but i'll bet you can't come up with ten that have joseph's name in there joseph is kind of the quiet standby stepfather he really wasn't involved with anything he but yet he's a part of the family and he gets the responsibility i'll highlight this a little bit further for you maybe you haven't thought about it there is not one world word of joseph's recorded in the bible not one he didn't say a thing apparently but here he is this is matthew's gospel it is the most in-depth report of him there are s eight verses yea joseph way to go buddy eight verses that bring us to the fulfillment of genesis 3 as the lord said this child that would be born would defeat the devil who had been snagging man for years through sin i suspect that his first christmas was far more cataclysmic than any christmas we've ever experienced eight verses three parts two verses that tell us what happened before his god-given dream four verses that describe the dream two verses that describe his actions after waking up i assign three words to them confusion clarity compliance notice verse 18 the birth of jesus follows or is as follows but this is all about joseph betrothed to mary before they were together found to be with child joseph a just man not wanting to make a public example of her had minded to put her away secretly in less than two verses we watch a young man with all of the excitement of a coming wedding to a girl that he loves and probably has loved all of his life or at least known all of his life go from joy to bewilderments and and incredulity to absolute confusion over the news and where she had her explanation you're pregnant yeah who did that who's the father oh god yes come on mary in their days marriages had two stages the first stage was in hebrew called the kirishim it means to be engaged or betrothed it was a relationship that lasted a year the second part was the chupa it is the wedding day or if you the the celebration the you know the the final kind of act of of them coming together during the kirishim the the year-long engagement relationship the couple was considered to be married if you wanted to get a divorce you'd have to get a legal paper that allowed it a contract and even though the parents arranged it they were officially married the only thing was there was a physical intimacy restriction for that first year they lived apart there wasn't no consummation if you will physically of the marriage so this was that time of that engagement period or that betrothal period as the bible calls it notice in verse 19 that joseph has already called her husband and in verse 20 that mary is already called his wife but yet we read verse 18 before they came together very easy to kind of find where we're at during this engagement time joseph is told about mary's conditions now like i said we went through luke 1 26-56 wednesday night we were told there that it was in the six months of the pregnancy of mary's cousin elizabeth she would bury a son named john the baptist who would be jesus foreigner elizabeth got pregnant she was way too old to have kids you might remember the angel told her husband as he was serving in the temple that he was going to have a child he was so well he was excited but he didn't believe it and so he was told he couldn't speak now that would be you can't speak until the baby's born and so he had to go home and i guess do sign language but but needless to say uh when elizabeth was pregnant for six months mary the virgin engaged to joseph and betrothed to him married in that sense received a visit from the angel gabriel who delivered some rather unbelieving and kind of startling news told her she was blessed among women she was going to bear a son who would be the messiah the the one who would rule forever and mary went i'm a virgin how's that gonna work out and his answer in a nutshell was it's a god thing the lord will do it she humbly and and and such a young girl said i'm his slave i'm his servant he can do with me whatever he wants i'm i'm willing and the angel left well mary stayed with elizabeth her cousin for three months until john the baptist was born in fact when she showed up that six-month pregnant woman had that little baby bouncing around in her belly just at the reason the response to mary's words that would be his his calling announce the coming of the messiah so mary's words of faith and availability she she stays for three years three months she sees the baby through and then she goes home we read in luke 157 she goes home 56. so that's where this sort of story picks up mary is at least three months pregnant she returns home she hasn't been home or around and then she has to have a meeting with joseph and she has to lay this whole thing out well i had an angel talk to me and explain about elizabeth the words of isaiah were about to be fulfilled a child would be born and a son would be given so for three months mary had kept this to herself she was able to come to terms with it i guess i don't know i don't know how you come to terms with but she was definitely pregnant and then she had to come home and tell joseph who now gets it kind of unfiltered and right away and so verse 18 here towards the end joseph the excited expectant groom learns of mary's conditions and here's her explanation and and it floors him sexual purity was held in high esteem by those who love the lord joseph and mary obviously practiced that well and it floored him can you imagine his position confusion betrayal his relationship has been violated and yet verse 19 he's a just man loves the lord loves his wife didn't feel any kind of vengeance or a need to somehow expose her to ridicule and censor accenture in the in the society so he he entertained the idea he was mindful he thought that maybe the best thing he could do was to just maybe move away and and just not expose her and just let this thing pass kind of away from the eyes of the people that would have an opinion about it now he didn't have very many options i mean everyone knew them it wasn't like you could hide this was a small little town by jewish law adultery or fornication required death but nobody was practicing that any longer it was on the books but no longer public shame would have certainly destroyed her so he decided to secretly try to get away for her benefit now put yourself in his shoes for a minute there was no christmas story yet no christmas cards with magi the new testament wasn't written and the most important relationship of your long life has just fallen apart and the explanation of your would-be wife is too preposterous to repeat to anyone so what happened well wait till you hear what she said mary like i said had received the angel's explanation she she took him at face value she believed what she was being told i mentioned yesterday or wednesday you know the nation of israel had not heard from god in 400 years no profit no prophecies no miracles no healings we have no record of it just goes dark and then here comes this time that had been predicted and in a culture and in a society of pretty much unbelieving religious people you find these two teenagers that are just in love with god and both of them both mary and joseph submitting themselves to god's plan with very little information other than an insurance in their hearts that god was god but he's the one who gets to hear this story so in the midst of all of that conflict joseph i don't know how many days he had to to to stay up at night and walk around his room and wonder what to do now joseph is in that dilemma but joseph hasn't had three months to process it and and mary received a a a face-to-face meeting with the angel joseph would get a visit in his sleep he wanted to come up with he thought he'd come up with a solution that was merciful and yet heartbreaking but before he can implement his plan god sends the same angel gabriel to joseph in a dream it's almost like gabriel showed up and goes hey joseph chill out man you're in matthew 1. we got to get you to luke 1. so the confusion gives way to clarity verse 20 while he thought about these things behold an angel of the lord appeared to him in a dream the angel said joseph son of david don't be afraid to take mary to take you mary your wife for what is conceived in here is of the holy spirit and she'll bring forth a son he'll call his name jesus he'll save his people from the sin from their sin and then the quotation thereof from the book of isaiah god with us emmanuel so joseph lays down to sleep tries to sleep mind mulling over what he is facing the betrayal the hurt what comes next and eventually he nods off and god begins to speak to him scientists tell us that we all dream i remember having someone in school try to explain to me that dreams are a way that our subconscious deals with the conscious realities of life i don't know if that's true i sometimes think it was the pizza but according to at least people who study such things rem sleep you know everybody dreams but sometimes dreams just take seconds you feel like you've been there a long time but apparently not god has used dreams in the bible in fact since we're with joseph the old testament joseph got a couple of very famous dreams that got him kind of in trouble with his family you remember he he dreamed that one day that that his family and his his brothers would all bow down to him and he in his you know youngness and his he was naive he just went to his family said he had a dream what is about what he ain't gonna believe it you guys are all bound down to me shut up joseph you know it didn't go very well and yet eventually as joseph was made second in command by the pharaoh during a time of great hunger they did come to bow down be him and he became kind of their deliverer well here god sends a angel to new testament joseph facing a dilemma that he needs to have clarified and so the angel kind of shows up to give him a pep talk notice he calls him in verse 20 the son of david which is a pretty important title the angel i think begins by reminding joseph that he was a descendant from the house of david to whom i've been given this promise of a one that would come to sit and to rule from david's throne forever would be the messiah the savior it was israel's hope it was their proud heritage joseph you're going to have to provide for and raise a son that will have a legal claim to david's throne so don't be afraid or stop being afraid is literally the way it reads is in the present tense so young joseph was more than a little hesitant to go through with this the child that she has conceived is indeed god's work it is indeed a god thing you can you can believe it to be so and the very same message that mary had received three plus months early is now given to joseph he'd been afraid what would happen if word got out what would happen to him what would happen to mary what about their family but he was a just man he loved god he wanted to do the right thing and the angel assures a just young man that this is the fulfillment of god's promises to david that the pregnancy was a work of god's spirit and so he gives him in verse 21 and some instructions she's gonna have a baby name him jesus meaning jehovah is salvation and then his his purpose for coming his his goal his his plan he's going to save his people from their sins his his name defined his mission joseph you have the easy part take her bra as a bride you don't even have to come up with a name and for further clarification the angel or matthew or or the writer i don't know which how that works here in verse 22 turns to the scriptures this is the fulfillment of isaiah chapter 7 verse 14. virgin will conceive bear a son he'll call his name god with us biblical reasons for their experience biblical assurances of what god was doing but i have to believe this was one tough christmas for this young man amazingly verse 24 says he complied he wakes up he does what he's told by the angel and he goes forward with the consummation of the wedding except that he didn't have any physical relationships with his wife until their firstborn son was born and he did what he was told he he called his name jesus so we don't know how long was left on the espousal period we don't know if it was two more months or two more weeks not sure how much she was showing in her pregnancy when they finally had the big ceremony but it wasn't an honorable place for him to be except he believed god was doing a work culturally he didn't feel like he was in the right spot spiritually he was in the right spot i think maybe you feel like that a lot you walk into the world and you know you don't fit in but yet you're doing the right thing you're representing the lord so there was some significant cost for joseph in a terms of a public standpoint ridicule for sure judgment by the neighbors alienation i mean we all you have to do is read through the through the gospels and you hear the the opponents of jesus saying to him things like well at least we weren't born out of wedlock like you i mean it was well known in town and joseph kept his head up he served the lord he didn't buckle up under the attitudes of the people he believed god he believed his words he took a step of faith he responded by great faith to an unbelievable situation as his wife mary had done i suspect that the dream was easy compared to the reality of having to step forward joseph did not know his wife until the idea of a perpetual virginity of mary is a catholic false doctrine not supported by the scriptures matthew 6 matthew 13 other children are mentioned but throughout all of these short little vignettes of of experience both from mary and joseph comes the real purpose for christmas it's his unexpected appearance it's his coming in fulfillment of the promises both mary and joseph found peace in this very difficult time because of the scriptures and how that they were fulfilling what god had said the truth when laid next to the prophecy of isaiah moved a just man like joseph to do the right thing even if it meant public shame and and public ridicule in genesis the snake had come to lure men to their death but here in the gospels the son of god had come to deliver man from his sin to bring us back into god's kingdom into a relationship to crush the head of the serpent though in in terms of how he had to do it he bruised his heal he had to give his life joseph was a tremendous man of faith sometime later he would hear from the lord again to move his young family to egypt after the magi had shown up and herod got wind of the fact that the the king of the jews had been born not knowing how earlier that had happened he gave an an order that every child two years of old and under every male child would be slaughtered in that area to be sure he didn't miss he threw the net out wide and god moved joseph and mary to egypt when herod died came the word from the lord go home and then he went back up to nazareth where he would become a carpenter or joseph was a carpenter we don't know anything else after verse 25 we know nothing else about joseph history says in jewish writings would substantiate i think from all that you can gather that joseph died young that he kind of disappears early from the scene that jesus the eldest son became the i won't say the breadwinner but the one that would take care of us his mother and his and his siblings siblings um we found mary sporadically in the scriptures she's in the company of the of the ladies uh from time to time she's at the cross with john with with great horror in her heart she last appears at the upper room in acts chapter 1 waiting for the outpouring of the holy spirit and then she too drops out of sight because they were they were both vehicles for jesus's arrival and presentation but he's the answer he's the hope he's the way and the truth and the life and without him no one gets to the father so as beautiful as the christmas story is his purpose for coming is the best he can save you from your sins these two young people were are amazing in in their example they they get lost i think in the story poor joseph he gets no credit for saying anything but he was as faithful as he needed to be in the place god put him he did well and god used him greatly so we have a good reason to celebrate do we not father this morning as we sit together we're so thankful for your son so thankful for the christmas story for so thankful that you give to us a hundred ways to to look and understand and think through and and appreciate and marvel at your work we thank you for joseph's examples so understated in many ways and yet what what a difficult task he was given and he was given it because he was faithful to you and he took on the challenge with integrity and with faith with humility he did what he was told he obeyed the lord in the hardest of times and so did mary his mother lord this christmas may we be those men and women that obey the lord we are certainly living at times where the upheaval has driven people from church from fellowship from the bible have watched nations look to themselves rather than look up and the the only thing we we know for sure is that you're the lord you rule over the kingdom of men and your will be done in earth as it is in heaven may we find that peace and that rest with you and may we especially at this time the church rise up and preach your name to a world that is terrified that their life might end too soon be glorified god and if this morning you are here and yet your hope of heaven is a formula that does not include jesus you should you should probably think again because jesus wasn't born he wasn't sent to be you know an alternative one choices a b or c of how to get to heaven he's the only choice he's the only name he's the only way to life sin brought death satan's lies to even adam introduced death into the human race god made us god is judging mans for his sin he's a holy god but god is also merciful and christmas would say here's his best intention he wants to give you life and he'll pay the price for your sin but you have to have him to be your lord your savior if you want to embrace him receive him this morning then the purpose for christmas is is completed in you you meet jesus he washes he cleanses you he comes to live in you you become his his dwelling place and the the handwriting of of law and and judgment against you for your life is washed by the blood of the lamb christmas call his name jesus he shall save his people from their sin he'll do that for you this morning you can come and pray with one of the pastors you know the day you get saved what a day it is what peace you'll have what joy you'll find so come this morning may this christmas week be new life for you and then come back and join us on thursday as we celebrate his birth shall we stand [Music] oh the lord for you alone are worthy for you alone our we give you all the glory we give you all the glory oh come let us father thank you for your son thank you for our hope thank you that our names are written in heaven and there's no record of our wrongs and one day we'll be welcomed well done good and faithful servant enter into the joy of the lord prepared for you before the foundations of the earth but until that day get us busy lord for you we pray to accomplish lasting things in jesus name amen god bless you guys have a great christmas week we hope to see you thursday
Channel: morningstarcc
Views: 454
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 72dnuU7ATNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 40sec (3640 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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