Morgott, the Grace Given - Elden Ring Boss Lore Explained

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from the outset of your arrival into the lands between you are directed by the light of grace to stormville castle to fight and overcome the first shard bearer of the game godric be grafted but before you can reach him before you can even enter the castle you are met with one of the most interesting sympathetic and imposing characters in the game standing in your path is the first real boss of eldon ring margat the fel omen when we first come across market we know next to nothing about him he is someone who looks down untarnished and sees our search for the elden ring as contemptible vowing to be the one to extinguish our flame of ambition he stands as an obstacle to be overcome without much more significance but we can learn a bit more about him even this early in the game if we acquire an item from patches the item marget's shackle provides some background a fetish bathed in golden magic shackles were used to bind the accursed people called the omen and these ones were made to keep a particular omen under strictest confinement though faint the shackles still retain vestiges of power enough to trap the once-bound market on earth if only for a short time here we have the first inkling of margate's background as a member of the cursed race of omen and he is a special omen at that who is kept under the strictest level of imprisonment but as for why he stands in our path or his motive for so actively wishing to squash us we know not when he falls he does not drop any item of insight just a talisman pouch but his fading dialogue is of interest of the night the hands of the fell oman shall brook thee no quarter ominous to say the least it sounds like margaret is not done with us and may not be dead which is something a keem player may have noticed by the overall importance his design seems to exude he just seems too important to be simple fodder before the godric fight the rest of the message about the hands of the fel omen is likely to be forgotten by a player on their first playthrough i remember thinking how poetic the language was and then promptly forgetting it the rest of the game which is fair because we don't get an actual explanation of what it means until a late game area where an armor set reveals the so-called hands of the fel omen are actually the knight's cavalry their set reads the knights cavalry who now wander the dim roads at night were once led by the fel omen and were deliverers of death for great warriors knights and champions here is our second insight into this special omen he led the menacing band of black knights to defeat and deliver death to great foes the story of our simple first game boss inches deeper and deeper as we make our way towards the capital more of the story unravels the sword's monument near the outer wall battleground grace tells the historic tale of the second defense of lane del the fel omen stacks high the corpses of heroes yet the urge tree remains unshaken another testament to the might and ferocity of margat he is once again described as defeating scores of not just random nobodies but heroes stacking their corpses high all in successful defense of the erd tree and its capital city landell perhaps this is the scene we see in the opening cinematic where marget is seen crushing a red-haired soldier the voluminous red locks are evocative of radon and the gauntlets match perhaps a young radon took part in an attack on the capital only to be halted by the fel omen and as we the tarnished make our way to the golden city we learn that the fel omen is not yet defeated a golden urgery sigil erupts at the feet of a commoner which then transforms into market he again insults us in familiar fashion little tarnished wretched flame of ambition all that good stuff once defeated he falls in a puff of golden smoke dropping the viridian amber medallion a precious jewel which houses primordial life energy again we learn little his fight here only confirms his dedication to protecting the capital and the erd tree once we actually reach the inner city the omen's story really begins to unfold the surface of the urgery capital may be golden and glorious but below it resides a sinister darkness under the city lies the subterranean shunning grounds the forest residence of the omen the race referred to by margaret's shackle these beings are cursed with horns and growths born outside of grace so the powers that be forced them into the sewers to suffer out of sight out of mind the omen baron a doll of an omen child tells a bit of their story it reads omen babies have all their horns excised causing most to perish these fetishes are made to memorialize them it concludes with one of the child's cries please don't hate me or curse me please even their weapons attest to their subjugation their cleaver reads the pattern etched upon the blade is the remnant of a deteriorating malediction or curse indeed when bestowing a weapon preparations must be made for taking it away the order used the omen for their strength but all the while kept them downtrodden and enslaved after all the order also had omen killers in its ranks men who hunted the omen and who wore masks carved with the image of evil spirits that haunt the omen in their nightmares the order never relented their enslavement of the omen never giving them an ounce of hope the omen were or rather are truly tortured beings with such a harsh existence bestowed upon their kind it's a wonder that margate defends the order and its city with such passion to learn why this is the case we must ascend from landel's subterranean sewers to its highest heights to the entrance of the erd tree where we can expect to find the lord of landel morgot the grace given rising up from staircase to branch past the visage of godfrey and the black knight assassin at the queen's bedchamber we enter the court of the elden throne and we are greeted by a familiar voice graceless tarnished and at last we learned the true significance of margaret the fel omen that he is no one but a secret identity of morgot the omen king the veiled monarch the grace given morgot calls out the other shard bearers who used to have seats in this court he names them traitors oh since the shattering they have waged war and only morgot has stayed to defend landel and the urgery but in a world where omen are cursed and omen killers are soldiers of the order the king of langdale could never be known to be an omen so he fought as margaret the fell while secretly acting as lane dell's ruler as a mysterious figure seen by no one that is why gideon ofnier calls him the veiled monarch he never lets himself be seen in the role of king he is only ever visible when acting in the role of margaret the omen morgot stands in our way believing tarnish to be unable to repair the elden ring in this fight we see his true power he shatters the covering of his sword which is actually his accursed omen blood that he had previously recanted it's his true power that he has been holding back and during the second phase of the fight he rebukes us for forcing him to use the rest of his curse's power which fills the arena and stains the circle of golden thrones thy part in this shall not be forgiven nowhere better than here do we see the conflicting personal identity of morgue he is a son of queen america and godfrey first elden lord but he was born as an omen his royal blood could not overrule his curse at birth and like all other omen he was locked away but unlike the others he was still royalty after all and a demigod at that his horns were not removed we learn about his peculiar case from the regal omen baron which reads omen babies born of royalty do not have their horns excise but instead are kept underground unbeknownst to anyone imprisoned for eternity they are not mutilated just locked away forever maybe retaining the horns gives them some access to latent power found in the omen blood we know morgot was locked away from what we read in his shackle which does work against him in this fight too but at some point he was able to break free from his imprisonment and amazingly did not enact revenge on those that sealed him away instead he fought for the order and became the most ardent defender of those that would have kept him chained in a dungeon through his many defenses of the erd tree and its order morgot earned the title grace given despite being born without grace he earned worthiness in the eyes of the golden order and as we defeat morgot we realize yet another layer of his selfless action morgot's dying breaths reveal that he fought and defended the erd tree even with no hope in sight but a four the tree wards off all who dana approach we are we are all forsaken none may claim the title of elder lord i deeds shall be met with failure just as i morgot knows no way to fix things to repair what is broken to correct the shattering we as tarnished may go on to burn the urge tree to remove its thorns and access its interior but morgot either did not know that this was possible or could never bring himself to commit such a cardinal sin committed to the order as he was despite believing he had failed he still fought on and defended the urge tree to his dying breath and many times over morgot proved his worth as margaret the fell he defeated scores of heroes and led the knight's cavalry in defense of the order he intercepted the tarnished at stormville and before us at least prevented their meeting with godric at once both protecting godric's great rune from being taken and preventing godric from growing stronger by grafting more tarnish he defended landel ceaselessly earning grace despite his cursed birth his rune attests to this fact reading this great rune is the anchor ring that houses the base and proves two things that the omen king was born of the golden lineage and that he was indeed the lord of lane del and even during all of this he defended the entrance to the three fingers with a seal guarding the urge tree and world from being burned and destroyed by the frenzied flame morgot could have righteously turned bitter and rebelled against the world that shunned and imprisoned him like his twin moog he could have become infatuated with his cursed blood and been consumed by a lust for power wishing to wipe away this unjust world that would have been fair for him to do it would have been understandable instead he chose to try to better the world he saw he became defender of what he viewed as the source of life in the lands between in the end he could not fix the broken world nor did he write the injustice that plagued the land and the people of his blood perhaps the path he took was destined never to offer him these opportunities to actually better the land but he found something to fight for and he committed himself fully to it while the other demigods fought each other and marred the lands between morgot stood steadfast in his protection maybe if more stood with him a better outcome could have been found but that was not the case from a prison sewer to lord of landel morgot rose he was not given justice he was not given love instead hardship was his only birthright but even then he still found a way a forlorn path to call his in the end his remembrance tells his story though born one of the graceless omen morgot took it upon himself to become the earth tree's protector he loved not in return for he was never loved but nevertheless love it he did there is more to discuss of the omen the dung eater the age of despair ending and of course morgot's interesting twin moog lord of blood if you want to see more of this lore explored consider subscribing to the channel it lets me know that people want to see more and it will keep you abreast with my newest uploads with that i hope you enjoyed and feel free to leave a comment about what you thought of morgot's story thanks for watching bye you
Channel: MadLuigi
Views: 664,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elden, ring, elden ring, elden ring lore, lore, lore explanation, tarnished, ranni, grace, marika, lands between, godrick, godrick the grafted, grafted, lore explained, lore explain, godwyn, godfrey, elden lord, morgott, margit, omen, fell omen, grace given, mohg, boss, leyndell
Id: w07G7rDeXLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2022
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