An Elden Ring Movie ► The Blessing of Despair

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before the Earth tree started to die it was considered to be eternal and before the old tree there was The Crucible a chaotic Melting Pot of primordial life that served as the old tree's Primal vital Energies it birthed creatures of feather breath tail and Horn aspects of this Crucible were considered to be divine that is until civilization advanced and those deemed Miss begotten were enslaved [Music] for during America's Golden Age aspects of The Crucible were deemed signs of devolution and those that harbored them Abominations [Music] many fell Omen had their horns excised and the few that survived were hunted by The Omen killers butchers of Twisted conscience then Godfrey and queen America herself gave birth to Omen twins if such Powers could birth Omen then could they really be so far from Grace was The Crucible not at the heart of the earth tree America's Omen children would not have their horns excised but they would be Shackled far beneath the Earth so close to the old tree and yet so far eventually America's faith in her own golden order waned the Rune of death was stolen the first demigod was killed and Lord Godfrey was exiled America would go on to shatter the olden ring spurring her children to action as the lands between lost its blessing [Music] [Music] my feet [Music] in the shattering war that followed only mikola would attempt to bring peace with his helic tree but the other demigods would fight for the shards of the Elden ring godric the golden would attempt a coup which failed forcing him to flee from lame Dill for a sibling had emerged from the sewers with the right to great power reichardt would commit a grave blasphemy and seek to Devour the very Gods just as he had been devoured himself and Princess Ronnie having slain her own flesh would hide away the Fate In Her Stars halted by radon said to be the mightiest of the demigods with no one as his equal but Melania would Journey South to challenge him though their War scarred the land itself there would be no Victor meanwhile Moog would emerge and rip melania's brother from the helic tree taking him far away to the seat of his coming Dynasty and so Millennia would return carried on the back of a faithful night to find her brother gone with all the helic tree left praying for his homecoming so in the end there would be no Victor and the demigods lingered without the will or strength to change their fate and the tarnished would return wild Exiles now led by Grace once lost to break the tenuous stalemate of the demigods a stalemate held in place by King Morgan defender of the earth tree and last of all Kings and this war continues in this broken world all would ask themselves Queen America at whom were you so angry why [Music] foul tarnished in search of the Elder ring [Music] emboldened by the flame of ambition died Flame Let It Be Market the fell in the years since the stalemate of the demigods Margaret the film has appeared like a Wraith preventing tarnished from picking off his weak Akin well Thou Art of passing skill Warrior blood must truly run harnessed [Music] luckily tarnish to no strangers to death and they will suffer against their foes as many times as it takes the Margaret we fought here was merely an omen illusion an extension of the man himself whose True Form resides in Lane Dell an omen King who would be despised by the populace if his true identity became known but now his only duty is to stop tarnished reaching the Thrones and the title of Elden Lord in the wake of the shattering the land itself has been scarred and the well-traveled roads have all been obliterated now sheer Cliffs jut upwards into ominous Skies the land of Leonia is even slowly sinking into a lake it's here that we find a man cooking prawn a black god named Bogart what are you looking at you trying to start some of me you're tarnished too ain't you can you see it then the guidance of Grace I mean I can't see it at all no more makes no bloody sense anyway I saw no name [ __ ] head like me she'll get called to the lands between cruel bloody joke you ask me maybe something went did so with it maybe he's been broke for a good long time many tarnished were called back to the lands between and here their crowns would be warranted by strength and little else because for all its claims to True order the greater will did not distinguish between the tarnished beckoned by grace their thoughts their Ambitions nothing seemed to matter and what better example of this is there than the dung eater a legend yes but one reviled by the masses up until the very moment that his grace was returned now the dungita torments the city of Lane Dell there's even evidence that he tortured someone at the Fortified manner where the true Roundtable resides it's Little Wonder then that his vengeful Spirit appears in our Hub World a place that calls to tarnished of all kinds whether they're Legends or otherwise I need to warn you about something a little while ago someone started lurking in the wing on the opposite side of the round table and I can hear from all the way over there the howling and wailing of spirits in fear of a curse I can even hear the repulsive Twisted malice in itself a plethora of spirits in an unceasing cacophony I can't even imagine how much suffering inflicted to who knows how many Souls not even the crafting caused anything like this to happen you should keep your distance I know you're strong but please [Music] have you ever felt the curse with your whole being the pox upon life itself feared and despised by all the reviled blessing [Music] apparently not you are but a lamb as strange as in a farm and ignorant of your own ignorance you no longer interest me be thankful of the whole serenity it is all that keeps your death and deformant at Bay the dung eater he certainly leaves a lingering impression his sword is fashioned from the backbone of a malformed giant his armor resembles an omen but with its horns cut off his form reflects the landscape of his mind that is to say he is suffering he is persecution but he only has the mind of an omen others are born with the body to match and are held to be a punishment for making contact with The Crucible they are called Miss begotten and Omen and denied rebirth via the Earth tree for in the lands between death is not the end the Earth tree is not just the dominant faith it is where all honest Souls desire to return to be removed from the earth trees cycle of death and life to many that is the worst thing imaginable that is the omen curse [Music] here in the fields of the Altus Plateau a second Omen illusion stands watch and it was here that a great battle was fought to repel godric the golden when he sought to return to Lane Dell and just down the way odd tree Sentinels grasped torches that were furnished by morgot himself to prevent black knife assassins from sneaking into the capital Morgan gave everything for the Earth tree only to see a golden light shining in tarnished eyes and despite morgot defending Landell against Rebellion blasphemy and assassination that Golden Light drives the tarnished to slay him [Music] a small dream in fear of the night the hands of the fell Omen shaft broke thee No Quarter it's hard to go through this world and not question the very Grace that guides you and so it is that many tarnished Fall From Grace once again [Music] Eric is tits you must be hungry perfect Bloody time in Ashley I got crab cooked up fresh there's something I should probably tell you the word of the dungita he's a Madman how's it out for everyone curses him goes around in his rank armor and all you see him though stay well away I was in the same jail as him once so on all firsthand he's a god forsaken monster not just some petty dog like me he's a killer kills people who curses the souls does all sorts of [ __ ] to the corpses to keep him cursed forever I see nothing more disgusting in all my years I've ever been more scared either rooted to the bloody Spot while he did that to my friend [Music] and I was seen here again never thought I would it was it was him no question that monster he's lurking around there despite the danger Bogart remains just outside of Lane Del his humble Ambitions delayed by his fondness for crap but you find a way inside past Leia and Leia of the city's defense isn't it kind of strange that even though the tarnished are guided to restore order that the very forces of order itself placed in your way you wouldn't have met him in your journey but there is a certain Noble who yet remains in the city a member of House Shanghai who makes no effort to hide his Prejudice welcome dear ghost after being out there it must be quite surprising to see our Capital cradled by the Earth tree showered by an eternal Wellspring of Grace the sights The Sounds the Luscious sense each precisely as they should be each eternal oh oh I didn't notice that you were tarnished now you mustn't take this the wrong way but you must leave the capital at once it is for your own good I assure you all things have their proper place we having been chosen by Grace were given this golden capital you on the other hand have your own home which is a far cry from here so far in fact that it cannot be further marred by your touch [Music] for all its Glory the city of lindel on the surface is like a thin layer of gold a coating that can be easily scratched away revealing the undercity beneath full of Horrors here in the sewers Omen are shunned all for the mere crime of being born simply because they were born with aspects of The Crucible that same crucible that was once the primordial form of the earth tree if only the people of lindel knew the true identity of morgot the Lord of Grace who now rules over the city [Music] do you remember back at Castle mourn that there was a spirit who feared his body being eaten by the Miss begotten to him there was nothing worse than being disgraced in such a way but nothing is worse than the seed bed curse which the dung eater cultivates upon those that he kills attend a pox Afflicted with Omen horns that afflicts the host in such a way that it ensures that the curse will be passed on to natural-born Children instead creating an infectious population there will never know Grace now White you have felt the curse or can smell it on you box yet tender apparently my seed bed is ripe and waited it was a brief respite I must say go on and shackle my corporeal flesh trapped in the sewer jail below the capital and so whether it's out of fear or admiration or sheer curiosity we descend below free the dung heater [Music] on the way to the dung eater's cell are the shunning grounds where we kill the omen in the only home that they've ever known [Music] defile more for generations to come [Music] who are you here I've been here long enough I will kill again and defile each corpse with care and just to be sure that when they're Reborn they'll be cursed along with their children and their children's children for a whole time to come laughs [Music] oh there you are pleased to see you you must have expunged The Omen from the Repository otherwise they're revolting screeches would still be affronting my ears well you've done us a fine service I must say the Earth Bishops will be very pleased to hear it no no no this is above their station if I explain that this was all my idea I could be granted audience with morgot Lord of Grace what a wondrous opportunity that have viscounters myself might be seen by the Lord of Grace the citizens of lindel are complicit in perpetuating the curse of the omen with this in mind the dangida's actions almost start to make sense for the majority of his seed bed curses can be found in Langdale amongst the populists that admittedly deserves it the most so there's a reason the dung eater is lurking nearby [Music] it serves me right flicking bloody end [Music] for a jumped up little [ __ ] with big ideas help me help would you make I don't want to get cursed just let me die I don't want to live like this not anymore so please defiled by the seed bed curse bug out is severed From Grace against his will the earth tree rejects his body and soul and so his grace is lost just like The Omen what a curse what a blessing [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you God will kill you and defall your corpse then the prox won't surely by your own [Applause] [Music] and where one day you'll get what's going [Laughter] [Music] all right mate want some more prawn do you never met someone with a taste for Broner can trust we'd make good mates I reckon I'll be seeing you [Music] kill our Lord he is a stained upon all things golden kill morgot hingley imposter [Music] graceless tarnished what is thy business with these Thrones ah godric the golden [Music] the twin prodigious Nicola and millennia [Music] foreign [Music] Luna princess Ronnie [Music] willful traitors or [Music] door all of our peace emboldened by the flame of ambition grave without my king Morgan last of all Kings stained by my curse such shedding I cannot bear thy part in this shall not be forgiven foreign curse is said to be stirring within you of course it is if you've willingly followed the dung eater this far so that at the end a new order might begin it's an ending defined by the curse that the golden order brought upon the omen and brought upon itself with a dead tree pockmarked sky and a festering population in his Insanity the dungator seems to believe that where his equal I guess how else could we hold on to his seed bird curse and fight him off as well there you are you warded off my blessing despite the curse stirring within you no one has succeeded in that before now I thought then it hit me that you are in fact May annoy I'm the dog eater it is my flesh the must receive the blessed [Music] yourself foreign [Music] I see the little tarnished [Music] foreign the great room in morgot's possession is the anchor ring it is the foundation upon which the others rely to make it this far two great runes are required but a third is needed to reforge the Elden ring gots [Music] the other demigods all heard what morgot was denied from birth the oak tree's Grace a mother and a fate to call their own but while morgot was Shackled deep below the Earth they threw it all away so even though he was born a graceless Omen child Moga tried to be the herd trees protector he was never loved and should never have learned love but nevertheless love the urge tree he did in death mogot's horns disappear perhaps it was one final Mercy from the earth tree too late but at the old tree we find our path blocked once more despite being led Here by The Urge trees very Grace [Music] I don't know astonished a tree ward off all Dane approach we are War [Music] m none may claim the title of Elder and Lord I Deeds shall be met with failure just us [Music] give me your blessing defile my flesh with the seed men curse again and again until it is done until a cursed ring coalesces the my one day before order itself countless I have killed and countless so I've defoiled and soon the fruits will be born hundreds will be reborn cursed and there'll be thousands of cursed children who bear tens of thousands more a few of those will be born just like me and they'll kill and they foil and bless him my stead the wrong fools my fight was the grandest most brilliant of them all [Music] or they sit upon them of course [Music] the creation of this mending Rune requires someone to defile the defiler creating a story that can be used to mend the Elden ring codifying these words of defilement into order itself [Music] this mending Rune of Despair only exists because of the hatred inherent in America's golden order it makes you wonder why did it have to be this way why did America demonize The Crucible [Music] a long while God that brief moment of tenderness between Father and Son raises some questions was morgot at some point shown love how did Godfrey leader of The Crucible Knights feel about the golden orders scorn of The Crucible we may never know [Music] long and hard did thou fight tarnished Warrior spurned by the grace of gold the Eldon ring resteth close at hand [Music] [Applause] alas I am returned to be granted audience once more [Music] upon my name as Godfrey the first Elden Lord enough of this kingly folly Thou Art [Music] [Music] all failed to stop you in the end a champion for The Omen the Miss begotten and despair foreign [Music] [Music] he your kid was coming originally those born of The Crucible were considered to be divine that is until civilization advanced and those deemed Miss begotten were enslaved but then they fought reveled in their accursed identity and so a new order was created one born entirely from the prejudices of the golden order that came before now all are cursed for Every curse accursed blessing the fallen leaves tell a story of how a tarnished became Elden Lord in our home across the fog the lands between are saved will look back upon us and recall the reviled curse that defined our age the blessing of despair
Channel: VaatiVidya
Views: 2,162,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guide, walkthrough, lore, dark, souls, dlc, bloodborne, story, vaatividya, vaati, vidya, from, software, sekiro, combat, elden, ring, demon's souls, remake, ps5, playstation 5, queen marika, demigods, great runes, radagon, godwyn, mohg, morgott, godrick, ranni, rykard, radahn, malenia, miquella, melina, omen, dragons, margitt, rennala, caria, liurnia, leyndell, elden beast, gideon, empyrean, scarlet rot, outer god, demi, gods, dung eater, animation, crucible, knight, misbegotten, shattering, cinematic, ending, cutscene, prepare to cry
Id: nvTM03_8elE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 45sec (2265 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 14 2022
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