Morgan Freeman - The Shawshank Redemption -Montage rehabilitated prisoner - 40 years

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so we see by your file you've served 20 years of a life sentence yes sir you feel you've been rehabilitated oh yes sir absolutely sir I mean I learned my lesson I can honestly say that I'm a changed man mm-hmm no longer danger to society that's God's honest truth so Dom says here that you serve 30 years of life sentence if you you've been rehabilitated Oh Astley without a doubt and I can honestly say I'm change man no danger to society here God's honest truth absolutely rehabilitate him please sit down Ellis Boyd reading if I'll say you've served 40 years of a life sentence you feel you've been rehabilitated rehabilitated well not let me see you know I don't have any idea what that means well that means you're ready to rejoin society I know what do you think it means something to me it's just a made-up word the politicians were so that young fellows like yourself can wear a suit in a time have a job but do you really want to know am i sorry for what I did tonight there's not a day goes by I don't feel regret not because I'm in here because you think I should I look back on the way I was then a young stupid kid who committed that terrible crime I want to talk to him I want to try to talk some sense to him tell him the way things are but I can't that kids long gone this old man is all that's left I gotta live with that rehabilitated it's just a [ __ ] word so you go on and stamp your form Sonny and stop wasting my time because I tell you the truth I don't give a [ __ ]
Channel: Sasho Vran
Views: 5,459,165
Rating: 4.8941355 out of 5
Keywords: Morgan, Freeman, best, scenes, from, The Shawshank Redemption, how, to, get, out, of, jail, fast,, ever, made, ..rehabilitated, prisoner, awesome
Id: cGo5rXUAH2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 32sec (272 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2009
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