The Shawshank Redemption: Choice Words

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if I didn't care more than words can say if I didn't care Would I feel this way? if this isn't law then why do I through And what makes my head? and while my Mr.. Dufresne describe the confrontation [you] had with your wife the night that she was murdered It was very bitter she said She wanted divorce in Reno. What was your response? [I] told her it would not grant one I'll see you in hell before I see you in Reno those were the words you used, Mr. Dufresne according to the testimony of your neighbors. [I] was sobering up I got back in the car, and I drove home to sleep it off Along the [way], [I] stopped and I threw my gun into the royal river. I feel I've been very clear on this point Well where I get hazy is where the cleaning woman shows up the following morning and finds your wife in bed with her lover riddled with 38 Caliber Bullets How does that strike you as a fantastic [coincidence], Mr.. Dufresne, or is it just me? Yes, it does yet you still maintained you threw your gun into the river before the murders took place That's very convenient the police dragged that [river] for three days and nary a gun was found So there could be no comparison made between your gun and the bullets taken from the blood-stained corpses of the victims and that also Is very convenient? Since I am innocent of this crime, sir. I find a decidedly inconvenient that the gun was never found We have a beautiful young [woman] and her lover lying dead in each [other's] arms They had sinned but was their crime so great as to merit a death sentence [a] revolver holds Six bullets not eight [I] Submit that this was not a hot-blooded crime of passion that at least could be understood if not condoned now This was revenge [of] a much more brutal and cold-blooded nature he fired the gun [emptied] and then stopped to reload so that he could shoot each of them again an extra bullet her lover right in the head You strike me as a particularly Icy and remorseless man Mr.. Dufresne it shows my [bludgers] to look at you By the power vested in me by the state of Maine. [I] hereby order you to serve two life sentences back to back one for each [of] your victims something said We see by your file. You've served 20 [years] of a life sentence you feel you've been rehabilitated. [I] mean I learned my lesson I Can honestly say it will change man? No longer danger to society that's God's honest [truth] How'd it go? Same, Ol shit different day Yeah, and how you feel, I'm up for rejection next week [keep] [it] [funky] again Basically your man you missing me for five packs already for five There must be a con like me in every prison in America I'm the guy who can get it for you [there] near anything within reason Yes, sir. I'm a regular Sears & Roebuck And it came to Shawshank prison in early 1947 for murdering his wife and the fella. She was banging You speak English, but Shake I've seen such a [sorry-looking] [heaping] maggot shitting all my life Smokes a coin betters choice smoke put me down for two all right? Who's your horse that little sack of shit Eight eight from the front he'll be first bullshit. I'll take that action [ya] me chill. You're out some [smoke] [son] Let me tell you hey when you're so smart, you call it. I'll take Good chuck fat ass there the fifth one from the front put me down for quarterdeck I Must admit I didn't think much of and the first time I laid eyes on him Looked like a stiff breeze would blow him over That was my first impression of the man, what do you say ready? The tall drink of water with a silver spoon of his eggs Vodka never [happened] damn cigarettes, that's a rigid pet all right who's Gonna prove me wrong Haywood digger Steve Lord will brave souls rule number one no, blasphemy I'll not have the Lord's name taken in vain in my prison When do we eat you eat when we say it shit when we say you shit? And you piss when we say you this you got that you mega dick motherfucker On your feet, [I] believe [in] two things discipline in the bible here, you'll receive both but your trust in the Lord your ass belongs to me Welcome to Shawshank the first nights the toughest no doubt about it They march you in naked [as] the day you were [born] Stand Burnin and half blind from that delousing shit they throw on you and when they put you in that cell And those bars slam home That's when you know it's for real Old life blown away in the blink of an eye nothing left, but all the time in the world to think about it most new face come close to Madness the first night somebody always breaks down crying happens every time The only question is who's it Gonna be? The boys always go fishing with first timers dream, and they don't quit delay real someone in my fat ass Talk to me Boy I'll introduce you around Make you feel right at home. I know a couple of big old bull queers [that] just Love to make your acquaintance firstly that big white Mushy [Buddy's] [cool], [I] Don't belong here And it's badass I know my mother What the crisis is happy horseshit? You'll be telling them with my baton up your ass What is your mouth fucking fat barrel of monkey spunk? I ain't gonna count to three I'm not even gonna count [to] one you will shut the fuck up or I'll sing you a lullaby [son] of a bitch [I] hear so much as [a] mouse fart in here the rest of the night I swear by God and Sonny Jesus you will all visit the infirmary every last motherfucker in here His first night in the joint and dufresne cost me two packs of cigarettes. [he] [never] made a sound That's nice and ripe Jake says thank you. Oh no. No here he comes one of those Fine morning in it come on set them down. Oh, I'm all lined up here. Just like a pub pretty good of course line just and sky Yes Richmond Virginia smell my ass Every smells my tea red eyes a terrible shame about your horse coming in last at home But I sure do love that winning horse of mine, no I believe I all that boy a great big sloppy kiss when I see him once again, miss I'm a cigarette instead Anybody come at you yet? Anybody get to you yet hard again I like that wasn't until [a] month went by that. He finally opened his mouth to say more than two words to somebody As it turned out that somebody was me wife killing Banker [I]? Understand you're a man that knows how to get things I'm known to locate certain things time time we [rock] hound [he] [still] wasn't my old life. I'd like to be again on a limited basis well Maybe you'd like to sink your toy in this I might his skull no sure [I] Have no enemies here, [no] Wait a while word gets around Sisters [are] taken quite a liking to you Don't suppose it would help any if I explained to them. I'm not homosexual neither are they have to be human first. They don't qualify Bull Queers take by Force, that's all they want to understand If I were you, I'd grow eyes in the back of my head Thanks for the advice. That's free. This is a specialty item Riscos a price goes up It's making it even ten bucks Tentative they do catch you with it. You don't know me. You missed my name. We'd never do business again Not for shoelaces or a stick of gum now you got that I? understand Thank you [Rick] I'm sorry, right Why did they call you that? [maybe's] because I'm Irish I can see why some of the boys took him for snobby he had a quiet way about him [a] Walk and a talk that just wasn't normal around here He strolled Like A man in the park without a care or worrying world Like he had on an invisible coat that would shield him from this place Yeah, I think it would be fair to say I [liked] andy from the start Get this in your eyes it [blinds]. You [mommy] [ah] shh? You fight better than me I? wish I could tell you that andy fought the good fight and the sisters let him be I Wish I could tell you that but prison is no fairytale world He never said who did it but we all knew things went on like [that] for a while prison Life consists of Routine and then more routine I do believe those first two years [were] [the] worst [four] and I also believe if things [are] gone on that way This place would have got the best of it Well this bigshot, lawyer calls me [long-distance] from Texas Say yeah He says sorry to inform you but [your] brother just died [oh] Damn, [Myra] I'm sorry to hear that. Oh not He was an asshole and off years ago [freakin] for dead anyway so anyway this lawyer fella says for me brother died a rich man oil wells and shit supposed to a million bucks a Million bucks yeah fucking Incredible how lucky some assholes get jeez louise. You're gonna see any of that 35,000 that's what he left me Dollars yep, holy shit. That's great. That's like one in the sweepstakes. Good night Dumb shit, what do you think the government's Gonna do to me? Take a big wet bite out of my ass is what? horrify me terrible fucking lucky crying shame Some people really got it off And you nuts keep you eyes on your mop man, and it may be enough [to] buy a new car And then what I gotta pay tax on the car Repair Maintenance Goddamn kids [Estrin] either take him for a ride all the time uncle Sam [puts] his hand in your shirt squeezing your tickle. It's purple. Isn't true the man danny. It's a great debt some brother shit right Mr.. Hadley Do you trust your wife? oh That's funny You gotta look funny or sucking my dick with no teeth what I mean is do you think she'd go behind your back try to? Hamstring you That's it step aside, mert this fuckers having himself an accident [he's] [a] smart banker would kill his wife aren't you? Why should I believe a smart banker like you so I can end up in here with you fucking hey? I don't need no smart wife killing banker to tell me with a bear shit in the buckwheat Of course not, but you do need someone to set up the tax read gift for you that'll cost you a lawyer for example Butterball Watson, best it's You get the forms I'll prepare them for you nearly free of charge I'd only ask three beers apiece for each of my [co-workers] Coworkers get [in] this bridge hate it I think a man working outdoors feels more like a man if you can have a bottle of suds It's all in my opinion sir What do you do me staring at back to work work? and That's how it came to pass, but on the [second-to-last] day of the job the convict crew that tarred the plate Factory roof from the spring of 49 wound up sitting in a row at [ten] o'clock in the morning drinking icy cold Bohemia [styled] beer Courtesy of the hardest screw that ever walked a turn at [Shawshank] State prison pick up while it's cold ladies the colossal prick even managed to sound Magnanimous We sat and drank with the sun on our shoulders and felt like for you men Well, we could have been tearing the roof of one of our own houses. We were the lords of all creation as for Andy he spent that break hunkered in the shade a strange Little smile [on] his face Watching this drink his beer [ches] and there's a game of kings what? civilized Strategic and on total fucking mystery. [I] hate it Maybe let me teach you something and a we couldn't be kind of friends. Oh man Yeah, I guess what are you in for? hard on James you innocent only Guilty man in Shawshank Where's the Canary? How did you know, how did I know what so you don't know come? This is where the Canary is done Quite a surprise dinner woman see my [arse] a Johnny Let's quit surprise ah wait, wait wait wait Here she comes It's the part I really like this when she does that shit what I hear I know I've seen it three times this month Gilda are you decent? I understand you're a man that knows how to get things Yeah, I'm known to locate say anything at the time of time what you want Rita hayworth, what can you [gather]? So this is Johnny Fair I've heard a lot about you. Johnny here Take a few weeks weeks. Oh yeah, handy. I don't have a stuff down the front of my pants right now I'm sorry to say but I'll get her Relax Take a walk. [I] gotta change the rear [I] say [aha] Ain't [Chicken] Scream Let's get this over I'm gonna open my fly and you want to swallow when I give you the swirl And when you swallow mine, you gonna swallow roosters. You don't brokers nose I think y'all have some to show for it anything you put in my mouth you can I lose no? You can understand You do that. Not put all [the] inches of the steel in your ear But you should know it's sudden serious brain injury causes the victim to bite down hard In fact I hear the bite reflex are so strong. They have to pry the victims jaws open with a crowbar Well you get this shit already Not a read you ignore her fuck me you shouldn't [boggs] didn't put anything in [hand] his mouth and neither did his friends What they did do is beat him within an inch of his life And it's been a muffin infirmary Boggs spent a week in the hole time's up Bob It's your world [Loss] What? Where she called never sex? two things never happened again after that the sisters never laid a finger on andy again and boggs never walked again They transferred him to a minimum-security hospital upstate to my knowledge. He lived out the [rest] of his days drinking his food through a straw I'm thinking andy could use a nice welcome back when he gets out of the infirmary Sounds good. Does [I] figure we owe him that much for the beer man likes to play chess Let's get him some rocks the horse apple Bullshit [oh] watch it petrified Heads up toss themselves. What's you therefore for you know not when the master of the house come? Mark 13:35 Always liked that one But I prefer I'm the light of the world He that followeth me shall not walk in Darkness, but you'll have the light of Life John Chapter 8 verse 12 I hear you good with numbers [a] [nice] Man should have a skill pretty clean some contraband here, but nothing to get that [twisted]. I need to derive you this Salvation lies within yes, sir [Norton] wanted to size andy up Ain't that a kick in [the] head. I'll give you the dime tour easy-Peasy Japanesey, so Mr.. Deakins And then and this has it Mr. Dakin you want your son's to go to harvard or yale he didn't say that is my [witness] a thief They can just blame for a second when he left himself silly and afterwards he actually shook and east and I asked Shook his hand Hey I near sold myself what all happened [was] the suit in the [diet] a little jiggly hula Gal on his desk He would have been Mr.. Dufresne if you clean making a few friends. I randy [Lo] insect friends, I'm a convicted [murderer] who provides sound financial plane. It's a wonderful pet to have Got you out of the [monotone] [did] [it]? Well might do more none How about expanding a library get some new books in there? How do you expect to do that? Get new books in here Mr.. Dufresne if you please last a warden for fund [son] son son the six Wardens have been through here in my tenure, and I've learned one immutable universal truth Not one of them born Well [whose] [ass] [cole] wouldn't pick her up tighter than a snare drum when you ask him for [funsies]? Perhaps I could write the state senate and request funds directly from them Far as they're concerned only three ways to spend the taxpayers hard-earned when it comes to prisons More walls more bars more guards. No, I'd like to try with your permission. I'll write a letter a week They can't ignore me forever sure can yes, sir, and it was a regular cottage industry well, no you tell me It's just one second he's finding out coming Knifes ready bitches. Look good Talk Mother's right [the] target out got down to the salt [our] [town] folks you're not gonna hurt him word we all know that even [heywhat] knows that right heywood sure I know that sure you know why you're Not gonna hurt him because he's a friend of yours and because brooks hatlen is a reasonable man. That's right this right He's all right guys. Yes Crazy Old fool goddamn here cut my dog shit Hey what you [had] worse than shaving what the hell'd you do to set him off anyway? I don't do nothing I come in here to say fairly Well means crazy's a rat in a tin shithouse is what oh hey well, that's enough out of you [I]? Already had you [should't] in your pants. Fuck you. Do knock it off brooks ain't no, bug it's just Just institutionalized Institutionalized my ass the man's been in here 50 years hey were 50 years outside is nothing Just a used-up con with arthritis in both hands proper couldn't get a library card if you try You know what? I'm trying [to] say Red I do believe you're talking out of your ass You believe whatever you want floyd, but I'm telling you these walls are funny First you hate him And you get used to Enough time passes you get so your depend on [you] send you here for life That's exactly what they take Part that counts anyway Maybe I should get me a gun and [rob] the food way, so they'd send me home [I] could shoot the manager laws that it sort of like a bonus [I] Guess I'm too old for that sort of Nonsense anymore, [I] Don't like it here. I'm tired of being afraid all the time I've decided Not to stay I doubt they'll kick up any fuss Not for an old Crook like me I doubt they'll kick up any fuss not for old Crook like me Ps. Tell Haywood I'm sorry. I put a [knack] to us through hard Feelin's Tell [us] you tell me fuck stick They're all addressed to you the library district has generously responded with a charitable donation of used books and sundries We trust this will fill your needs we now consider the matter closed, please stop sending us letters Good for you, andy. [oh] [I] took sex here's a Little pinch a loaf [I] come back. This is all gone, right? And it got two weeks in the hole for that little stunt on [your] feet Hey, look who's here? [I] stroll and You couldn't play something good Huh, hank Williams's own they broke the door down before I could take requests worth two weeks in the hole easy. It's time I ever did. Oh shit no such thing [as] easy timing all right a week in the hole like a year damn straight I'm Mr.. Mozart to keep me company So they let you tote that record player down there, huh? She's in here in here We taste on my friend Hope it's a dangerous thing Hope can drive a man insane It's got more use on the inside better get used to that idea I boxed it so Dom Says here that you serve 30 years of life sentence. If you've been rehabilitated [without] a doubt And I can honestly say I'm change man [okay], [knit] to society [hear] God's honest truth [thirty] years Jesus when you say it like that you [wonder] where it [went] and it was as good as his word In 1959 the state senate finally clued in to the fact they couldn't buy him off with just a two hundred dollar check appropriations committee voted an annual payment of $500 just to shut him up And you'd be amazed how far end it could stretch it [so] carving Trade skills and hobbies goes under educational stack behind you count and monte cristo. That's cristo. You dumb shit by Alexandre dumb ass dumb ass dumb ass Hmm do mom you know it's about, huh? You like it. It's about a prison break. We'll be able to file that on the educational tool, oddly By the year Kennedy was shot and they had transformed the storage room smelling of rat turds and turpentine into the best prison library in New [England] no free ride But rather a genuine progressive advance in corrections and rehabilitation these men can learn the value of an honest day's labor while providing a valuable service to the community and At a bare minimum of expense to Mr.. And Mrs. John Q taxpayer of course Norton failed to mention to the press that bare minimum of [expenses] a fairly loose term There are a hundred different ways to skim off the time and old my lord how the money rolled in we're providing a valuable Community Services You be sure and thank mazing for this bonfire And behind every state II deal behind every dollar earned That was andy keeping the books To suits for dry cleaning [to] better [whatnot] yes, sir [telling] they over starch my shirts again They're gonna hear about it for me big charities you a portland way Governor's Gonna be there hmM I'll dress this When we can't bake what shit? He's got his fingers in a lot of pies from what I hear two years and a half of it You get scam Jam room dreamed up? Kickbacks Honest Kickbacks It's a river of dirty money running through this [plate] a channel filter it funnel stock securities Tax-free Municipal I Send that money out into the real world. I wanna come to back cleanest of Virgins honey butter cleaner That time Norton retires I've made him a millionaire you [ever] catch on no, he's gonna wind up in here wearing a number himself All right, I thought you had a little more faith in me than that no no I know you're good andy, but all that paper leaves a trail He's gonna lead [to] somebody [I'm] sure it is but not to me. I certainly not to the warden Randall Stephens Who the silent silent partner? He's the guilty one your honor the man with the bank accounts. What [who] is he he's a phantom an apparition? second cousin to Harvey The Rabbit I Conjured him out of thin air He doesn't exist except on paper Did I say you were good? Sit you a room [brand] You know the funny thing is on the outside as an honest man straight as an arrow I Had to come prisoner to be a crook Money instead of sheets. Well I work cheap. That's the trade-off Tommy Williams came to Shawshank in 1965 on a two-Year stretch for B&E That's breaking and entering - you Cops caught him sneaking TV sets out the back door of a jC, Penney young punk Mr.. Rock and Roll Cocky as hell Hey, come on. Old boys over like molasses me. Look bad. We liked him immediately Perhaps, it's time. You tried a new profession what I mean is You don't seem to be a very good thief. Maybe she try something else yeah, well what the hell you know about a component? Something lit a fire under that boy's ass Just thinking. Maybe trying for my high school equivalency here. You helped a couple fellas with that I Don't waste time with losers. [Tommy] I Ain't no Goddamn loser You mean that yeah? really mean [live] Yes, sir. I do good because if we do this, we do [it] all the way 100 percent nothing here fast thing you see Don't read so good well You don't read so well I'll get to that boy found brains. He never knew he had And des started him on his course requirements. He really liked the kid gave him a thrill to help a youngster crawl off the shitty But that wasn't the only reason Prison time is slow time now. He needed a new project Tommy was it well Well, it's for shit We still fuckin here my time with this bullshit looks probably not as bad as you think yeah, it's worse I didn't get a fucking thing right might as well been in Chinese. Let's see how the score comes out Yeah, well, I'll tell you how the goddamn score comes out Two points right there. There's your goddamn score goddamn cats crawling up trees. [five] times [five] is 25 Fuck this place Fuck it Smart Fella, Annie why does it come just be a banker on the outside? What's he in here for anyway? Berta the hell you say It wouldn't think it to look at the guy Caught his wife in [bed] with some golf pro breezed him both What? Though four years ago. I was in thomaston on a 2 to 3 stretch Stole a car this dumbfuck thing to do About six months left to go get a new cellmate in [the] [elmo] blatch Big Twitchy fucker Kind of [roomie] you pray. You don't get you know what I'm saying six to 12 Armed Burglary Said he pulled hundreds of jobs hard to believe. How strong as he was and cuddle out fart. He jumped three feet in the air Talked all the time - that's the [other] [thing] he never shut up places you've been Job she pulled women he fucked even people he killed People gave him shit. That's how he put it so when I like a joke, [I] Say to him. I say yeah Elmo. Who'd you kill? So he says I got me this job one time bussing tables at a country club So I could kiss all these big rich pricks that come in So I pick out this guy Go in one night into his place He wakes up Gives me shit So I killed [him] I mean this Tasty pizza was with its the best part She's fucking this [prick] Sears [golf] property there. It's some other guy some Hotshot Banker [he's] the one [made] [Benetton] I Have to say that's the most amazing story. I ever heard what amazes me most as you were taken in by You think he just fall to his knees [and] cry yes. I did it I confess Oh, and by the way at a life term [-] my sentence Can you be so -? What did you call me obtuse is it deliberate? It's not you are forgetting yourself This meeting is over sir if I would ever get out I would never mention. What goes on in here I'd be just as indictable as you for laundering that money Don't you ever mention money to me again? You sorry son of a bitch not in this office not anywhere get in here a month in the hole The longest damn stretch. I ever heard of all right, so my fault. Oh bullshit You didn't pull [the] trick and you certainly did convicted. Well, you saying it andy is innocent I'm mean for real innocent. Yeah, I looks that way sweet cheese board of education Single Rich mailed like you did you're gonna open it You're gonna stand there with your thumb up your butt thumb up my butt sounds better smokes ready Come on. We threw that away, please Yeah, well shit Right here. That's what [the] man said We got a situation here, [I]? Think you can appreciate that Tell your son this thing really came along and knock my wind out It's got me up nights. That's the truth the right thing to do Sometimes it's hard to know what that is You understand Would you [be] willing to swear before a judge and jury? Having placed your hand on the [good] [book] [and] taken an Oath [before] almighty. God himself just give me that chance That's what I thought I'm sure by now. You've heard terrible thing Man that young less than a year to go trying to escape Broke at [Matt] Lee's heart to shoot him truly did everything stops It's on the mill [sterling] your skills nothing stops nothing You will do the hardest time there is no more protect you from the guards I Pull you out of that one bunk hilton and cast you down with the satellites You'll think you've been fucked by a train in the Library gone sealed off Brick by Brick [all] [of] us a little book [Barbeque] in the yard to see the flames for miles With that surrounded like wild engines Understand me catching my drift Or am I being obtuse my wife used to say I'm a hard man to know like a closed book [planed] about it all the time She was beautiful [I] killed her I Am pull the Trigger I Drove her away. I don't make you a murderer bad husband, maybe I feel bad about it if you want to but you didn't pull the trigger and I wound up in here Bad luck [it] floats around gotta land on somebody It was my turn. That's all I was in the path of the tornado didn't expect that the storm would last as long as I think you'll ever get out of here One day when I got a long white beard and two or three marbles rolling around upstairs. [they] let me out Tell you where I'd go? so hard to nail so little place on the Pacific Ocean You know [New] Mexicans say about the recipie See it has no memory say what to nail a Place like that I could use a man that knows how to get things Outside all you need is the yellow pages Hell, I wouldn't even know where to begin Pacific Ocean Yeah, I Scare me to death something. I'd be I'm an institutional man now It's like brooks [ponds] Well the underestimate yourself. I don't think you gotta be doing this to yourself [andy]. This is a shitty pipe dreams I Mean Mexico is way to hell down there, and you're in [here], and that's the way it is [I] Guess it comes down to a simple choice really get busy later You get this he died you ever get out of here. Do me a favor anything It's a big hey feel up near buxton. It's got a long rock wall the big oak tree at the north end It's like something out of a robert frost ball It's where I asked my wife [to] marry me I Went there for a picnic [and] they love into that [oaken] They said that wall you'll find a rock that has no earthly business in a man named [Hill] No, I'm telling you the guys Was talking funny? Really worried about him We got to keep an eye [on] him that's fine during the day, but at night. He's got that cell all himself oh Lord he asked me for a length of Rope Rope six feet long Every man has his breaking point Lickety-split want to get home get my stuff down the laundry and shine my shoes. I want to looking like mirrors It's good having you back andy I've had some long nights in stare alone in the dark with nothing, but your thoughts time can draw out like a blade That was the longest night [of] my life He's right get your ass out here boy you hole up the show Don't make me come down there. I'll thump your skull for you. [dammit]. Do friend. You're putting me behind [I] got a schedule the cake you better be sick, or dead in there. I shit you not You hear me. [oh]? my holy God Start with that friend of his food him What do you mean he just wasn't here? Don't say that to me. Hey Don't say that to me again, [but] sir. He wasn't I can see that. Hey Think I'm blind Is that what you say? Am I blind hey no sir? What about you you blind? Stands a reason he'd still be here in the morning. [I] Want him found now Tomorrow not after breakfast now spend well Well what I see you two all the time you're thick as thieves you are He must have said something also horny not a word Lord, it's a miracle man Ivan vanished like a fart in the wind nothing left, but damn rocks on a Windowsill and that cupcake on the wall let's ask her maybe she knows what [say] they're fussy britches feel like talking ah [guess] not why should she be any different? This is a conspiracy [that's] what this is one be [damned] Conspiracy and everyone's in on it in 1966 Andy Dufresne Escaped from Shawshank prison all they found of [him] was a muddy set of prison clothes [a] bar of soap and [an] old Rock [and] damn near worn down to the Nub I Remember thinking it would take a man 600 years to tunnel through the wall with it Ol Andy did it in less than 20 and ice age here? million years of Mountain building their Geology is the study of pressure and time? That's all it takes really pressure and time that in a big goddamn [coaster] And [II] crawl to freedom through 500 yards of shit smelling foul as I can't even imagine [oh] Lady I just don't want to that's the length of five football fields Just shy of half a mile The next morning right about the time raquel was spilling her little secret [a] man nobody ever laid eyes on before Strolled into the Maine National Bank until that moment he didn't exist except on [paper] All told he blew town with better than three [hundred] and seventy thousand dollars a warden Norton's money Severance paid for [Nineteen] Years [I] Wasn't there to see it, but I hear byron Hadley started sobbing like a little girl when they took him away Norton had no intention of going that quietly I Like to think the last thing that went through his head Other than that bullet was to wonder how the hell andy dufresne ever got the best of it Andy dufresne who crawled through a river of shit and came out clean on the other side Andy dufresne headed for the pacific Sometimes it makes me sad though and to being gone. [I] have to remind myself that some birds aren't meant to be caged their feathers are [just] too bright and When they fly away the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up does rejoice But still a place you live in is that much more drab and empty that they're Gone I? Guess I just miss my friend Please sit down You if I'll say you've served 40 years of a life sentence you feel you've been rehabilitated rehabilitated Well now let me see You know I don't have any idea what that means Well that means you're ready to rejoin society. I know what you they could mean something To me, it's just a made-up word The politicians were so that young fellas like yourself can wear a suit and a time have a job What do you really want to know? Am I sorry for what I did well, I? There's not a day goes by. I don't feel regretting Not because I'm in here because you think I should I? Look back on the way. I was then a Young Stupid kid [who] committed that terrible Crime [I]? Want to talk to him I? Want to try to talk some sense to him? telling the way things are But I can't that kids long gone It's old man as all of us left [I] Gotta live with that Rehabilitated it's just a bullshit word So you go on and stamp your form Sonny and stop wasting my time? Because I tell you the truth, I don't give a shit Personal break boss you don't need to ask me every time you need to go take a piss [just] go understand [forty] years I've been asking permission to piss I Can't squeeze a drop without Say-so There's a harsh truth to face No way, I'm Gonna make it on the outside terrible thing to live in fear Brooks Hatlen knew it knew it all too well All I want us to be back where things make sense where I won't have to be afraid all the time Only one thing stops me [a] promise. I made [to] andy Dear [read] if you're reading this you've gotten out and if you've come this far. Maybe you're willing to come a little further You remember the name of the town don't you? Say what to nail I? Could use a good man to help me get my project on wheels. I'll keep an eye out for you and the chessboard ready remember red Hope is a good thing. Maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies I Will be hoping that this letter finds you and finds you well your friend Andy Get Busy living or get busy dyin That's goddamn, right? For the second time in [my] life. I'm guilty of committing a crime [a] Roll violation of course I doubt they'll toss up in a [roadblocks] for that not one old Crook like me I Find I'm so excited. I can barely sit still a hole a thought in my head [I] think [is] the excitement only a free man can feel a Free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain I? Hope I can make it across the border I Hope to see my friend that Shake his hand I Hope the pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams I hope
Channel: William Tordella
Views: 2,397,744
Rating: 4.7604628 out of 5
Keywords: The Shawshank Redemption (Film), Shawshank Redemption, Shawshank, Supcut, edit, editing, language, choice words, words, colorful language, clips, Morgan Freeman (Theater Actor), Tim robbins, Frank Darabont, colorful phrases, phrases of speech, Castle Rock, Stephen King (Author), Rita Hayworth (TV Actor)
Id: accOHNw_qX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 12sec (3312 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 03 2014
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