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hello it's me back actually in the woods this time i figure first day of may 75 degrees ground temperature's just now 56 57 58 somewhere in there depending on where you're at um just got into the woods see a couple of larger billies right here we've been up a while um that guy's seen a lot better days too but i do have this guy right here [Music] i feel like this guy right here not bad at all all right um i'm just getting into this this is a lot of uh ash elm maple honeysuckle there's a few bigger oak trees back here but kind of mainly just find it scattered as opposed to associating with anything particular so uh good way to start we're gonna be checking out some different type of ground oh man i just saw that guy from ways away let's go down and look at him and i'll come back up here and start where i left off where was he at yeah right in front of me i never saw him down here just didn't know where i can get to him here he is saw him ways away all right let you know what we come up with all right i messed around a little bit in the deeper woods and uh came up on a few but it's still early in there i've seen some starts with some stuff but uh give it a week to come back it's not worth wasting my time came back out here to the open to these sycamores that i hunt there's a group of them over there along the woods line that i normally see some every year and they're just starting but they look like they're going to be some good sizings if i just uh have a little patience came a little bit farther in away from the wind and as you can see this stuff has been up prior to the frost it's gonna be cheated there's some more back here so yeah see a lot more over there actually let's just walk through them here and see what we can find it's kind of the purpose of this video here right that hole in the cap there that's a uh classic sign of the of the frostbite here is so right here okay how about this i'll just get all these cut down gathered up and then i'll let you know what we came up with all right all right here's what we got off that one tree best example off the back um those all came from right in here the front side of that tree normally goes equally as well went up found a few and they are about that big so been here a week it's a matter of feet i mean yeah the only thing i can think to explain is it's warmer right here than right there um don't know why but it seems like with the weather we've had around here it's a game of feet so um i guess if you're checking your spots that they always grow and you're not finding anything i don't think right now that particularly means anything um i guess it means they either haven't grown yet or they're not going to but i wouldn't give up on anything quite yet all right we'll keep going all right um new sycamore tree so you got stuff like that that's obviously just starting off uh i'm gonna leave him [Music] frost damage he's been here a while [Music] couple feet up got another nice specimen here another nice guy right here another big sycamore right there and i can see some mushrooms in between here and over that direction so let's see here anybody help me with where i saw that okay let's get the hat system working here okay [Music] he's coming back she's been here entirely too long another hole in the cap there he's nice yeah don't look at the back side of me also nice you can look at all of him he will not disappoint you [Music] okay i just saw one that was absolutely coast did anybody see that guy much better there's another nice one i think i saw the one yeah there he is here's one we've been looking for you that's what we're after um all right i had a battery issue anything about this guy he's the first one up this year gross thank you thank you mr deer okay [Music] definitely this is probably maybe the farthest i've seen these off of that tree which means the search area is gonna have to increase if they're not associated directly they could be 20 foot off in one in one direction all right and click this back on when i know what we got off this particular tree all right there's the tree we were just picking that's where we're at so far another honey sub honeysuckle certainly not there's another sycamore tree straight up on that guy a little double hiding there yes there's a grow man probably not leaving okay and then for whatever reason i can look out in here you can see this line going in the direction that i haven't picked before there's one there's a couple there's a nice three group right here all right go anybody see anything yeah there's a big one over there all right yeah do you know you're just out here yeah he's just out here all right on to the next live update here we're still going off the same two trees i'm getting to the point here oh 40 that i fall on i need you just to walk out here to the spot my my eyes can only take so much i'm uh i was planning on hitting in other words after this i do not know i guess it depends how long this line keeps going here that appears that it might be a little bit longer all right well i'll keep going i'll check in all right made it back to the car my eyes are done that was probably about two three hours i don't know how long it was it was a long time so we came up with i don't know three four pounds maybe not great not bad happy to have a slow year um we're just now getting into the wood stuff so got a couple more weeks i'll keep the videos coming appreciate you watching
Channel: Whisker_Biscuit_Outdoors
Views: 9,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morels, morel mushroom, morel mushrroms, mushrooms, morel hunting, mushroom hunting, outdoors, foraging, midwest, whisker biscuit, whisker biscuit outdoors, indiana, how to hunt, how to find mushrooms, how to find morels, how to get rich, how to make millions, youtube, youtube videos, how to make youtube videos, millions, become a millionaire, get rich quick, Kyle raines, Jake paul, Logan paul, outdoors indiana, bass fishing, catfish, crappie, crappie fishing, mr beast, minecraft
Id: yIuT-zKblbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Wed May 04 2022
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