More Walking Foot Quilting with On Williams Street - 3 Easy Grid Quilting Designs for Beginners

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hi I'm going to see with um William Street and we are here to help you become a more confident culture through piecing quilting to even picking the right thread and this week we are going to do some walking foot quilting so walking foot quilting is one of those methods that is a lot easier to use if you are not a free motion quilt or if you just don't have the desire or the talent so I love to be able to work on my projects to design to piece to applique to do all that part of it I don't love the free motion quilting side of things I just don't have that my brain just doesn't have that my sister says it's just like drawing on fabric and my brain just does not do that my friend doesn't draw on paper very well so walking foot quilting is perfect for me because I can still get those projects completed had some fun designs to them and not have to worry about going outside of my comfort zone too much so this week we're going to talk about three different designs and they're all going to use a grid setup to start off so it's going to be three completely different looks when we're done but they're all going to use the same grid to start with and a couple of tools that we're going to use for our grid for our marking is we're going to use a butter knife and you're thinking a butter knife for quilting trust me we'll get there and then also having your rulers you want to have your rulers on hand and then a marking pen is another option that you can use in place of the butter knife so this is our quilt block that we are working on designing these are some minis that we've created and put together and we want to go ahead and get them finished up so we already have our quilt sandwich so we have our backing fabric our batting and then our top fabric and for this one we're going to do a very simple grid so this one is a crosshatch grid and so we've got two different rulers that we can use for this this ruler I love it's just a 1 inch ruler if you want to do like a one-inch crosshatch then you can just use this to you do your guides all the way down we're actually going to do a little bit bigger of a crosshatch so we're gonna do a two inch so we want to rule er that's a little bit bigger so we can mark those lines and for this one I'm going to show you how we're going to use a butter knife in quilting so we're gonna start by laying out our ruler right here along this edge it doesn't have to be exactly straight we know that sometimes our tops get a little off and we fix that in trimming before we do the binding so don't worry too much about that just keep it as straight as you can and we're going to use the backside of our butter knife and we are going to just mark just kind of press that nice and tight along there and then you're gonna see that that's going to give us just a nice line that we can then follow with our quilting so we're gonna start off by marking our marks all the way across and then we'll switch it around and do the marks going the other direction okay so now that we've got lines going one direction we want to go ahead and switch around for the other direction so on this one you don't really want to line your mark up to the side of that because you want to make sure your grids are an actual grid so lying a your ruler up right along one of those lines and then go ahead and make your mark going that direction that's going to help get you a nice good solid grid as you go across your quilt now that we have everything marked we've got a nice even grid across our quilt top we can go ahead and take this over to our machine and we're going to get this quilted so we'll just follow these lines that we've marked and get this completed so with our walking foot quilting we're still going to want to start with this center line so that's you want to always work your way out as you're doing your quilting otherwise you can potentially end up with a bunch somewhere and you want to make sure that you're not having seems that you're then having to to spread out and and have issues there so we're going to start right here at the top do a line all the follow that all the way down and then we'll move over to the next line and follow it all the way back up now on this I'm just using white thread you can use thread to match the quilt or the project that you're working on so that doesn't show up as much if you want to but we will actually want this to show up so that you can see what the quilting looks like [Music] now that we finish this one side of the quilt we're going to going to have go ahead and just sew down the outside you don't need to worry about pulling this off the machine to move over to the other side to the other half of the quilt just sew all the way down around the edges [Music] now that we've got the grid going one direction complete we'll go ahead we'll go around the corner and start on the other direction so now our grid is complete you can see we've got a nice quilt out of just a little bit of texture to this a couple of tips that I want to point out specifically with walking foot quilting and this is something I do I'm always told my mom and my sister they tell me it's a walking foot not a running foot I'm really bad about that I like to run with my walking foot so I always try to make sure to mentally slow it down especially if you're like coming to these points and then you can also just add some tension to the bottom portion of the quilt as you're sewing on that down and I'll help with your puckers so you won't have puckers in your quilt so kind of keep that in mind it is a walking foot not a running foot like I use it and having a little bit of tension pulled at that bottom end will just help a little bit with those puckers so now we are ready to move on to our next technique okay so this one again we're going to mark the same grid on this quote that this one is going to be a chevron design and when we're finished so we're going to use a one and a half inch grid for this you can really use whatever size a grid you want if you want something that's got tighter quilting or you go smaller if you want it to have looser quilting then of course you go bigger and we're going to take our this one this time we're going to use our heat erase pen so this is one that is specifically made for fabric you want to make sure that any time you're using any type of marking pen you want to test it on your fabric somewhere to make sure that you're not going to have any issues this one is great it comes off when we ain't iron it so we'll go ahead and align our first line up to make our mark and then just draw that right on the fabric so we've got our first line ready to go and then we'll go ahead and just use that to mark our one-and-a-half inches and we'll go all the way across [Music] okay now that our grid is all marked out we're going to take this over to the Machine and sew our Chevron so what we're going to do and again I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna start in the center it's best to start in the center and work your way out so you're just going to go from corner to corner to create our chevron throughout the clothes okay so we've got our machine go ahead and put your kneel down and really since it's a small grid I'm just going to go ahead and eyeball from corner to corner as I sell this and then lift it up and go back over to the other corner and then just go all the way across the row [Music] so now we have our Chevron all quilted on there and again you can change the width the length whatever you want to do on these if you wanted at all Chevron then just change how your you're doing your grid on that and you can get lots of different varieties of ways to do that so for this last one we're also going to use again the same grid but we're going to do it a little bit different we're going to do a one inch grid and we're going to use the quilting for this direction of the grid so we will need to draw one in the center but for the rest of them we won't need to so we're going to line it up make sure that we're lining up along that quilting then to try to get it as even as possible [Music] we'll go ahead and mark this all the way across so for this design we're going to go ahead and we're just going to sew the straight lines going this direction and then we're going to go in after that and put in our zig zag so now that we've got our lines completed we can come back in and add our Chevron's so we're going to just go from our corner to corner up and use these quilting lines and when we get to the middle we're going to use that line that we add it in here and go back and forth the other direction in the next line so that we've got a fun design [Music] so now we're going to go the other direction so we're going to come down to here and we're going to come back down to here and meet the point so it almost is a little bit of a diamond with the line in between it [Music] this one is now complete and you can see we've got our Chevron's with our lines in the middle it adds some really nice texture and is really fun to use and you can use this on any type of quilt block it doesn't have to be something with the straight lines where you're utilizing that is one of your grids like we did you can just draw your grid just like we did on the other two and use this on any project we have one grid we ended up with three completely different designs and you can change these up you can make them bigger you can make them smaller to fit whatever project that you're working on and all we needed was our walking foot thank you for watching us this week please remember to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to see what we're working on you can subscribe to our newsletter and get access to our subscriber library with lots of fun tutorials and don't forget to like our videos so that you don't miss any of the next ones coming up and we'll see you next week [Music]
Channel: On Williams Street
Views: 21,290
Rating: 4.9346213 out of 5
Id: PuJKyo7qF_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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