More Unwritten Rules Of Valorant

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welcome to another video and today we're going to talk about the unwritten rules of fellarand in felleren there are some rules that you have to follow where nobody talks about these are some basic rules to keep the balance in the team morality to prevent losing rounds in a very dumb way and so you know what you can expect from your teammates in the first episode i talked about a lot of these rules for example closing the door on a scent when you are the first one to go always very important and of course when a teammate is looking at you wiggling he wants your skin so drop your skin to him but the main reason why i make this episode is because someone in my team broke a very important rule sometimes you want to be sneaky and you take the zipline in the middle of the round when you do this you can walk on the zipline and then you don't make any sound but when you see an enemy on the other side of the zipline and he doesn't see you don't shoot on him your gun will be very inaccurate and in this round viper didn't see us but the first one shot on him and then fiber made the triple kill don't you know why are you shooting oh spike carrier killed fun fact if you die with the spike in the middle of the zipline it just spawns back in the spawn good to know the second rule is about the first one who goes in the first one who goes in always check the corners the thing is if he doesn't check the corners and people are pushing behind him they also not gonna check the corners and i'm almost sure we all been there so we all know what happens next not very nice my friends now the second person in line the second person in line should refract the first person if he dies here's a good example sage was here the first person to push so she checked out the corners sadly she died so i immediately came to reef record easy-peasy kill and of course the last three are for supporting with kills killing cameras tripwires and things like that and just using their utility like flashbangs now a rule about offering an agent when you see someone offering an agent but he doesn't lock him in yet don't look in that agent he clearly wants to play that agent so don't be that guy but if you really want to play that asian just ask friendly can i play jet please and about being that guy don't be that guy that kills the last one if someone gets four kills when someone out your team gets four kills there's only one guy alive you just camp in a corner and let your teammate kill the last one don't steal his ace you are a bad guy unless of course it's an important round now another rule if you are bottom fragging don't rage on your teammates sometimes you just don't have your game but please don't blame it to your teammates when you are bottom fragging you have no right to rage sorry my friend and don't use excuses like i'm only a sentinel you are duelist you're supposed to make more kills that's not true my friend when you want to talk the only two things you can say are information or apologizing on twitter i ask you guys for some unwritten rules and this next one is from the big man keo himself if you agree to a knife fight and you pull out your gun you should be automatically de-ranked three times that's true my friends when you agree to a knife fight and you pull out your knife don't pull out your gun that's you can do that that's just not possible you just gotta be confident in your combat skills i believe you my friend and another one from twitter never reject friend request um yeah is that a real rule now if you want to push beyond ascent you never hook the wall and rush immediately as the barriers go down the reason for this is because 9 out of 10 times enemies are throwing molotovs arrows flashbangs immediately when the barriers are going down this will split your team and easy kills for the enemies we don't want that so big tip look at the lineup of your enemies of course if they don't have molly or arrows you can rush immediately and look a little bit at the playstyle of the enemies some people don't do it but most of them they will now something for sage there are two walls that you just have to place when you are rushing something the first one is on split you just got to place your wall over here so if your team decides to rush b don't be the lurker let someone else lurk you have to play chihuahua over here it's too strong and the second one is on icebox this wall is very strong people won't be able to see you from nest and they can't push you when you are planting the bomb very nice my friends when you know the enemies are behind the smoke and the enemies know that you are on the other side of the smoke you just got to shoot sometimes when you play with fendo you have 25 bullets just go for seven bullets you know maybe you can get a sneaky kill oh just keep in mind when you think they are about to push and you don't have any coffer don't shoot all your bullets up because when you don't have coffer and the enemies are pushing you while you are reloading not good my friend music don't play fellarant while you are listening to music i know i know a lot of people are doing this and i even catch myself sometimes doing it but i would really recommend to not listen to music during the games because of course it makes it hard to hear the steps what you can do however is when you die put on some music calm down get in the zone and when the round starts again put off the music and fully focus my friends another thing that you actually shouldn't do is look at the scoreboard a scoreboard will only distract you for example when you see yourself at the bottom you get insecure and maybe you're gonna miss more shots or of course when you see yourself top frigging you might think oh my god i'm doing everything my team is doing nothing and you will get tilted but i would never know that because i never took frag oops when you want to main an agent you have to learn at least some lineups of course you don't have to be average jonas but some lineups it's like you have to know that and it's not even hard to learn a lineup just search for like a fish on youtube or something and you know the lineup in between the rounds especially the post plant lineups those are the most important lineups in my opinion now on for ko when you die in the chao ult you have to give information to your teammates that's pretty logical right just don't ask your teammates to revive you in the middle of the round however when everybody is dead then you have to ask your teammate to revive you especially jet because jet got a pap me nice nice that's one also there remind me 4k also if you like this video this far feel free to give the like it really helps growing my channel and i promise next time if i play with you in game i will revive you my friend about yet always when someone has an operator and they don't want it they always drop it to jet i honestly have no idea why it's like an unspoken rule maybe because most of the time jet players are operator players but back in the day when i did the road to diamond series with jet only i got a lot of operators thrown to me without even asking for it but hey i don't complain easy kills for me now some rules about skins the first rule when you buy a butterfly knife you have to upgrade it you're not gonna play with like a plain normal knife you know you bite a bit of life knife to do the tricks of course so you have to upgrade it well on the other hand you have the banana knife aka the karambit and you don't can upgrade that one when you upgrade the banana knife the animation will get worse like you see in the clip that i stole from you're not justin hey thank you one more rule about skins you see this skin the smite phantom this one and actually all the smite skins you are not allowed to buy even though you like these skins you are not allowed to buy them if you are wondering why just ask westjet or something now let's go to breeze at the start of the round as the defending side you're never gonna open this door i never did this i've never seen someone doing it so you will also not do this i have no idea why but like did anyone open the door as a defending site in the start of the round if you ever did it let me know in the comments down below now some quick ones from twitter never push through the smoke without fleshing out the smoke or knowing what's behind it otherwise the chance is very high you will get one depth when four people out of your team go with one gun you have to buy the same gun for example for odin's you have to buy also an odin for operators you also have to buy an operator it's called peer pressure my friends and it's fun i guess on the attacking side after you win a round and you still have some time left always plant a spike this way you will get more credits for your whole team very nice of course you should not insta look but when you insta look and when you install look a duelist never blame your team for not picking smokes or things like heels don't use an odin in that match when you are tilted don't play competitive when you are tilted you need to chill out a little bit you know and competitive does not help you with that and of course the most important rule is try to have fun blah that's so cliche mr lowlander yes it is cliche my friends but it's the truth we all play this game to have fun so of course try to have fun my friends anyway thank you so much for watching good luck with all the ranked games and i see you in the next one peace oh
Channel: MrLowlander
Views: 4,630,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Valorant, valorant tips and tricks, valorant tips, valorant tricks, valorant rules, valorant rules and regulations, valorant improve your game, valorant tips aiming, valorant aiming tips, valorant gameplay, valorant tips all maps, valorant unwritten rules, unwritten valorant, things you didn't know about valorant, valorant tricks and tips, valorant tournament rules, valorant things, things about valorant, valorant new agent, valorant new map
Id: 9jSzbXK32IU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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