More Prep Required - 7 Days to Die - Alpha 21

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foreign [Music] [Music] hello everyone I'm Brittany Fox and welcome back to the zombie apocalypse playing some more 7 days to die tonight as we continue our adventures here in Alpha 21 trying not to get uh dead this time I feel like I've died I think once every stream so far possibly twice the first actually I think it might have been twice the first stream and then once everyone since I feel like that's where we're at uh we've built a hornbase last time we played um the last time I played I guess since it's uh sort of me playing everybody else watching but um I built the horde base last time and it uh it kind of worked but it also uh it also needs some some tweaking so that's it out there just across the road from my regular base hopefully the proximity doesn't ever become an issue with like the zombies and stuff I don't think it will as long as I'm over there they shouldn't come anywhere near my house um but it needs a little tweaking to sort of refine it get a little more reinforced I've got too much wood on it still there they did knock part of it down last time everything went okay but it could be better so I need to work on that uh it's the night of the excuse me the night of day 23 I have another horde night tomorrow um so that'll be fun all the all the good stuff is cut has happened for us all the good stuff um it's uh because of the start of the night time I think I'm gonna work on trying to build some farms and stuff up here uh we'll make a little bit of use of the time here overnight welcome everybody's here in the chat so far if you're watching on the channel afterwards welcome as well as always a huge thanks to everyone who's clicking on that join button to become a channel member thank you all very much for the support and a special thanks to our top tier mistakes are made members that were highlighted right at the start of the stream um I've got a A small collection of seeds downstairs I kind of wanna get more stuff need like more blueberries and I don't know other things I don't even know what I have I've got some Yucca I've got some blueberries I think I have some corn uh but I want to do some crops up here uh I have a hammer too I think I might even have a little bit of a tier two Hammer I think oh tier three actually a tier three Hammer I should probably also consider making an ax so that I don't have to keep using this uh Stone one oh my God I gotta get tier five fire attacks okay let's do that it's gonna take 60 Iron I've got plenty of that or that's good also need leather duct tape I always need duct tape but I have a lot this time okay boom big bad fire ax with a win yeah it is live it's in experimental so you have to go into the the betas and choose that so when you're uh when you're in Steam if you uh if you right click on the game and then uh go to properties and then choose betas uh you can find it that way um I have a level one iron pickaxe and I can make a level five now so I should probably do that too so we can get that replaced we're gonna get some significant upgrades here if we can that would be all right uh what do we got here for for baseball bat I can make a level five baseball bat it's only one step up from what I have now or what about a steel Club steel Club I can only make level one that's weird hmm bow options wooden ball I can make a tier five I need glue for that though which I don't have uh but I did get some more some more water so with some bones I could make some or my bones there we go I can make some glue speaking of the water glued just in time to run out of wood whatever I'll make like eight of them ah wrong button the odd levels do take an extra mod yeah so the level five I love you dropping another mod for for the ones that I have a mod that I can actually use in them anyway um that'd be all right I guess like I what have I got on my bat right now I have two mods in my bat right now you know I could slap another one in there I guess uh what have I got in here modify this we'll take out our fortify grip those are still crafting because they take forever how's this game still at Alpha ah they just keep calling it Alpha at this point the game's been out for so long it's not really an alpha anymore I I think in some ways it's just become like uh an internal joke for them to keep calling it an alpha because it's been kind of Forever at this point it's it's not really an alpha anymore I guess I already forged all my iron I thought I had a little bit more accessible but I don't so that's a thing and I still haven't got around to organizing it maybe you should do that with a mirror in here I've only got 79 wood though I gotta chop some more trees before I could do a whole lot all right let's put all this away for now I'll deal with what I can get here so the boat requires Crossbow parts leather glue I don't think I made enough glue because I need a whole lot of duct tape also all right I can't make a new bow just yet it takes too much what about the crossbow though what's the crossbow like Aaron crossbow I can make a tier two of that thing and I'd have enough duct tape for that one I don't know if I don't think I have enough forged iron though oh there we go there's one bye okay nice slap that down here we'll scrap this sucker see that I am finally upgrading things you have a mini mine next to the horde base Diggity Diggy what's this mini mine oh yeah I started to just dig a little hole over there for iron you're right I could go get more there I thought I had grabbed more iron but I guess I must have thrown it in the smelter because I don't have it kicking around here anymore unless I'm just blind which is also equally possible just for the record there it is 524. I had plenty told you it was possible not only possible though it's probable didn't feed me last dragon not liking until you you do I thought I did die at last time Ashley didn't I could have sworn there was something random that got me last time I need to make repair kits too uh duct tape iron repair kits so I made all this glue but it's not gonna it's not gonna do any much good at the moment if you did it was ever bad doesn't count oh is that how that works actually I'm not positive I died I feel like I did though I have this vague memory of not being alive strangely enough um so what did the level five bat require duct tape what was it the duct tape uh I mean I have enough to make it on let's make a level five why not why not where's the duct tape did it wait Did I use all the duct tape I'm either blind or I did use all the duct tape gotta make a little more I think it was three right it was three wait why can't I grab that still foreign you don't have the necessary resources to craft this what are you talking about I've got three duct tape lots of leather I've got wood oh 60 Iron 60 iron jeez who made this bat [Music] ridiculous all right well so much for that uh well I was gonna do gardening but once I take to make the garden boxes here uh Farm bot Farm block there we go wood running flash nitrate power lots of clay soil uh I've got lots of clay we have nitrate we have rotted flesh so we can make a bunch of these start with like eight of them can I make a better spear I don't think so I'm gonna make a level two what have I got we're even atmosphere a little two I haven't even used the spear yet actually okay modify this we can take the bunker Buster out slap that in here okay that's a good upgrade uh this thing sells for 26. that's not very much I'm just gonna scrap it get my materials back instead wait a minute do I have to keep those things on me well this is crafting I have a sneaky suspicion I might need to nitrate rotting collection clay soil uh clay here we go [Music] and now I should have enough to make the bat except I think I put the stuff back because I'm smart that way duct tape iron oh come on baseball bat oh I used up all the wood God dang it you really got to get a better situation going for my wood I guess this little sheds outside of the range of my uh land claim block [Music] you're sneaking up on little jerk back up stamina okay you wait there I'm getting stamina back all right so much for that well the thick 44 flag yeah it's really cool I like it it's a shame the reason why it's in the game but it was a very cool thing for them to do so I totally support that let's chop a tree down some wood out here [Applause] we gotta watch out like am I like a horde of dogs will come running in here again he's trying to play duck duck goose I've never seen like it must have just been a glitch that the door was showing open for a second because it looked like the zombie closed the door to stay hidden but then he just he started beating on the door anyway which sort of sort of gave him away a little bit maybe he's not very good at that whole like hide and seek game he was always the larger kid and he could never fit in the good hiding spots and that was an adult he's just well dead adult he's just trying to relive his youth oh I should have done that oh well damn enough is a problem I need stamina uh I don't need to check that anymore I said I want to track the baseball bat oh good enough all right we're good I was around here though I might as well chop more trees since I used an awful lot of wood just recently it's almost daytime anyway just remember to substain life you got to plant some more trees because I've chopped a bunch of them down and I don't wanna I don't want to strip the area bare and then have to go too far to get wood [Applause] was The Horde last night in game or this night it's gonna be this coming night on the 24th it'll always be a number that's divisible by three so this would be the eighth horde night because they come every three days there's more iron here too about Goose goose duck you plan on playing any of that crypto Fox it's uh better than Among Us Goose goose duck oh no I don't think so not familiar with the games I'm gonna go with probably not I don't know what's uh what stage is it well let's just say it's not exactly at the game stage it should be on day 24. because there there may have been some unintended unintended moments where I wasn't alive anymore I don't want to call them deaths but I definitely wasn't alive for a bit uh my game stage is uh 39. uh don't become a time soon where the uh the day number is gonna be higher than the game stage of the rain I'm going yeah unscheduled sleep session that's right unintended closing of the eyes and such uh pound some bacon and eggs here too while I'm at it I guess so it's definitely award night again tonight I need to bones we can make more cobblestone you expect unscheduled sleep sessions tonight rut roll [Music] there's that guy I'm not saying I want you to be dead I just want you to not be alive anymore taking some time dead for tax reasons that's right it's uh it's a tax scheme don't worry about it it's fine I use the term scheme Loosely there uh uh all right I don't have my bike so I don't want to go too far away it's too much of a pain to have to run back I do need to get some more rock that is lead a lot of lead back here probably should have labeled that point on the map for the for the iron but it's all right we'll do our uh we'll do our iron mine out by our uh horde base instead keep digging that one down needs more supports yeah so a few things I need to do with it today so I need to upgrade uh more stuff to Cobblestone and the end or cement if I'm able to get there uh but I don't have a cement mixer so that'll be problematic um but I need to get uh I need to get more cobblestone so that we can uh reinforce some more things uh I need more uh more supports on the on the the beam that the zombies have to walk along um I'd like to have a storage box over there so I can keep some stuff stored and I don't have to constantly run back to my base to get things that I forget you know just some basic Supply as a lead for horde knight uh and it'd be nice to get some sort of like a some sort of a roof covering or something on it as well that I can deal with uh deal with birds I know do birds hit spikes like if I if I cover the roof with the bars and they put spikes on it well the birds fly into the spikes and get themselves not alive anymore well look they do themselves in because if so that'd be great yes they will oh yeah we're gonna do that then no I was gonna put more frames down but uh I want to make I want to close this out a little bit more so I have a little bit more confined farming area I believe I only got two of the frame blocks though make a might as well make a bunch of them over at it um all right I guess I can I'll just plant them over here okay farming plot somewhere I have seeds what have I got blueberry seeds we've got potatoes oh yeah we need the potatoes oh yeah mushrooms pores didn't even know I had mushroom spores just take a look in here more often I guess uh we'll just stick these on the wall there we go usually use a shotgun turret for the birds well I'm not at the point where I have any robotics so shotgun turret is out but if I could get them to fly into uh into spikes that would uh that would certainly help okay we got uh more iron we can do here [Music] oh I forgot to plant those uh shoot I have to plant the seeds that I was carrying around so I could get rid of the like regrow some trees and get the stuff out of my inventory no more deal with it later uh uh I probably don't need the wrench at the moment keep it on me anyway for now okay I've gotta go deal with uh I gotta go deal with starting to get some stuff fortified thekari with a super chat get red flowers for Red Tea then drink two for longer stamina regen uh certain foods like soups give uh thirst stamina and fills you up more oh oh okay we got company the mini horde it's the pre-hord horde oh how'd that Miss leave my wall alone and off with their heads okay lady come on ah oh now he's doing it he's like can't shoot me okay we got it thank you for the Super Chat by the way uh yeah I did make some of the um some of the red tea earlier I don't know if I ran out of the flowers or not there's a ton of flowers back here but I can't remember why I stopped drinking I know I drank it I drank all of what I had and then I I think I had just run out of uh if you run out of flowers so I didn't make more uh which actually reminds me I also need to um it feels a little like overkilled you know what hold on can I I can't I hate that you can't put your weapon away and just punch when you don't have an inventory spot open I'd rather just do this rather than dump a whole bunch of stamina into like chopping these things with a fire racks which seems a little bit like Overkill if you ever gardening at home music with fire ax that's not the way you should do it just for the record foreign faster oh is it right we'll have to use the knife again next next time how'd that Miss hello listen it's in my nature to disbelieve my missed shots okay that's how it is take that nature I've got everything on the bike right now no good the bike is empty uh I should have some water up top side now even it's only two what's going on there what happened it's two anyway a red tea picked all that up schmap stuff around here schmap I'll leave the clay in here for the moment actually I should probably the clay with me just in case I decide I need more Cobblestone than what I have probably be better just to have it on me all right 8 20 in the morning day of hoard we gotta uh gotta get some work done so when you only have missed shots do you display oh wait I left all the I left all the liquid behind the sun crafting red tea [Music] oh it takes forever just give me one or something maybe one will do for now it changed a few things around oh my water filter mud and a bucket yeah but I don't have water filter mod yet I'm aware of the hole you can drink water with the water filter thing but I don't have one [Music] do do okay so this is our lovely horde base uh there's not a lot to it it's very simple zombies show up zombies Die that's how it works but I deposited all like things into the storage box and one of those like things was my Cobblestone I just made because I'm smart at least it's not a long ride for my base to the chord thing I left it at home 392 that's actually not that much I'll take some cement with me too maybe important thing here is going to be that the uh the walkway stays up because that's the thing that keeps them from attacking the base part of Standing on yeah we're gonna put a couple extra supports in here to support this thing um uh that way if they break if they break one of them it shouldn't um shouldn't be enough to like cause any serious problems foreign like right here I guess it's not exactly equidistant but whatever it's close enough okay so that can go there obviously later on when there's stuff blowing up more these are gonna cause a problem because a single Foundation piece is not really great when there's things detonating around here doing block ends of block damage but it should work okay for now what shape was it was the center Pole right I'm gonna need to go top side to get that other thing what a super chat it's grabbed your channel after you saw two streams with Brian I've been a member of his channel for almost six months and I wanted to share the love while he's on vacation well thanks zakari oh I forgot he was taking a vacation hopefully uh he and the family have a good time while they're away thank you for the uh the super chats that's great I'll have to see if Brian's down for uh continuing that play through or not yeah we didn't really talk about it when we were setting it up for the stream it was mostly just uh I was like hey I'm doing the charity thing do you want to like jump in and play well I chopped the right one okay now we need the um we need that t-shape that would be right here there we go Beauty I'll say the three month members it's been binging your Oni playlist uh trying to learn how to play keep up all the good work playing games and having fun well thank you ah good old oxygen included classic no those are all fine this will make all this into concrete or not concrete cobblestone just increase the likelihood that it's not gonna get wrecked by the zombies okay so that's all good um they did a little damage to the stairs down here I don't imagine them attacking the the second tier up of the stairs but we'll just get the bottom one set up like so not sure how those blocks got damaged but we'll fix that up uh should probably do any repairs we need along here they did a little damage when they were banging on this stuff before but not not too crazy amount actually the damage is it was really minimal considering they had free reign to smack the building for a little bit [Music] not too bad ah good deal I'll go upgrade these ones or not all right I ran out of uh ran out of cobbles already I do keep the clammy so that's a good thing we can make some more it's gonna get more Stone yeah be careful with the old only vids the game has changed a lot yeah it really has changed a lot some of them uh some of the tutorials I did are still relevant in terms of just the general approach to things but there's a lot of like the finer details they changed as they implemented New pieces of equipment kind of tweaked around with different settings don't forget to upgrade the other post oh did I not upgrade I want to go back and look I gotta make more cobblestone foreign Cobblestone rocks those are gonna go pretty quick oh yeah that might need a little upgrading doesn't it there we go better better or bestest that's a sharp pickaxe my God well it's got a uh it's got a special uh bunker busting uh tip on it too which appears to be made out of gold which really doesn't make a terrible a lot of sense to me because you'd think that would be problematic from a durability standpoint and squishing his standpoint too foreign so if they happen to break through in the bottom when they get in there I can shoot them from up here at least uh uh these things they probably don't really even need to be reinforced because the the zombies won't really be shooting them well if they do shoot they just go right through the bars and they won't really be hitting them because they're sort of way off center line oh took her head off poor zombie we're so mean uh okay we need a storage box Secure Storage chest I should probably have something here like I said to like give me some overhead cover from this zombie birds or whatever uh let's see we need some get some poles here I guess I kind of want something I can hide behind also if I need to you know just briefly foreign higher figures with that one's out of range uh all right I need to make some more frames 25 more of those we'll do for now where's our Corner bars now uh I don't know maybe let me get out of here uh there are yeah oh this is a full corner ooh hold on throw a little rotation on this thing yeah oh yeah the whole Center posting sort of messes with it doesn't it um because it's actually occupying the block space hmm I was trying to avoid just making like a giant cage but I guess in the long run it might be better in the short like just to for now to make a big cage like 50 more of these blocks or whatever um so these I need to pick up and then we can rotate this thing around and stick them on the corner like so come on no this is such a pain what happened Don't Mess With Me game don't feed the fox in the cage yeah that probably makes more sense I'll put a door over here I guess so I can close this off I drew so let's let's commonly known door you see classic Drew perfect and upgraded though okay shapes can I put uh if I actually choose These Bars I should be able to do a rotation on them let me okay I gotta reset the advanced rotation oh I screwed up there we go I gotta get a pineapple to actually do this though that's a nuisance ah come on why they gotta make this so hard okay uh maybe if I just did this the right way and I put some bars on the ground here first I can create a walkway up for myself there we go there stick them out like that it's gonna take a lot of frames uh I may not have thought this through very well I do want to still be able to shoot zombies like throw through well see that I know this isn't going to work because if they get down close to the wall and I've got this all caged in I actually can't even oh shoot don't do that things are gonna fall uh I won't be able to shoot the ones that are right at the base of the the building because I can't actually aim down that that's sharply I kind of need to put a walkway out here maybe I'll just um instead of filling the whole thing in maybe I'll just do the corners I'll leave the sides open so I can lean out to shoot and we'll just cover the top basically so you can throw stuff through the scaffolding ladder yeah that's what I have here um I don't know how risky it is trying to throw stuff through like uh with my luck I try to throw a malt off through and that would be the enemy foreign not really in a super big hurry to test that one out it might work I don't know oh wait I need uh I need that corner piece again this one here there we go I'm just gonna build these up for wood right now since I don't really have enough Cobblestone what time is it it's already 15 15 47. that takes so long to make things in this game because it helps when you actually have a plan to start with instead of like trying to do it on the Fly uh okay so how can I more readily support this uh I guess I can put like a beam in the middle or something foreign okay and then I'm gonna switch this back to that fence shape Mike is this thing case sensitive what's going on here there we go I'm gonna run out of time again all right let's make a catwalk with the bars and Scaffolding and put the bars at the end of them yeah I could do that too so like so I can snap out over the side you mean and shoot down I mean hopefully I won't have to do too much shooting downwards at the base of the building anyway if I keep them from Wrecking the uh all right oh crap another five wood oh that's a problem I'm not gonna have enough to do everything I want to do here um let's go ladder okay nope I definitely need to go get more wood um this is my bike times at 16 46 man cutting this close again one of these days I've actually had to plan ahead and do this when I have more time you demand to add your own cutouts with images that would be cool yeah what's up did you mix a match the big bar frames the little bar ones I'm not sure I understand what you mean let's talk about like uh the scaffolding bars or whatever that I used mixing and matching with those 1700 already it's almost gonna have seven days instead of is it a three right why am I sneaking I don't know just because when he Crouch down it seems to use less stamina also makes the hit quieter well the intent was to put spikes on the roof but I'm not gonna have time we uh we sort of uh we sort of consumed all the time again oh look at this overboard in my ladder is actually I really only need one ladder all right so the idea here being that I'm gonna put uh a ladder to get up to the top so that I can deal with that oh that's interesting foreign 's gonna get a little bit dicey when things start shooting more like when we get a whole bunch of cops and stuff hopefully it'll be all right for now well that was indominus thank you blame oh shiblami blams uh all right this I wonder if I should actually now that I've done this I wonder if I should make the uh the bent bars of the sides so that the birds really gonna try to fly under the roof will like hit at that bar level foreign ammo or guns or anything I'm not I'm not at all prepared for the the record night to start yet I'm still just trying to get the basics set up on my base here thank you I got enough oops I actually managed to walk down it okay I don't have a I'm not gonna have a chance to deal with um spikes of the roof for tonight but that's all right we'll get uh let's get a storage box set up back here oh my God would you let me rotate there we go oh there we go I was stand too close okay let's put uh let's stick this stuff in here for now actually that's not gonna be any good here ladders can stay here bars and stay here actually they can't I need those Gonna Fill In side over here so I don't have zombies jumping through the opening on me okay 1900 I'm gonna go get my stuff forgot about your workbench but I forget it not prepared a typical cryptic Fox stream hey stop accurately describing me I don't like it inaccurate descriptions only please thank you very much all right uh uh this can go away that can go away I'm Gonna Keep The Honey on me do I have feathers in here I don't think I do right there's my handgun and I actually want to modify this one get this out of here look at that one behind we'll take the bullets I didn't really plan for ammo instead we we may have a problem with ammo because I didn't really plan for it uh I actually have 315 rounds that's not bad oh oh actually I'm fine what am I thinking I don't even know what I'm thinking that's what I'm thinking my bombs that was it 1937 we got time still got time take a repair kit I've got honey just a few things in case I happen to get injured I can store the extras in the the storage box over there actually Rams moonshine melee damage sure why not recog range damage warp bites or damage mitigation I don't really care about that so much don't need antibiotics and things I don't bring a cast too just so we're prepared I rolled my handgun all right attempt to reload that gun oh I gotta fix the bat where's those repair kits I was gonna make that level five bad and then I got distracted so for now we'll just hit the bottom oh repair this one or that too like 51 arrows but I don't have any feathers so I can't make any more Cass is like a better version of the splint heals a broken arm leg more quickly than a splint does and perfects protects her against further injury um shoot yeah I don't have any feathers in here well Brett this will do for now I guess we'll be using more bullets than arrows this time I think did I put the mods back on things I think I did foreign ly never the best had the best accuracy I've ever seen never missed a single shot that's me 100 accurate all the time twice as accurate on Sundays uh I'm gonna put these bars on the back hello I have birds come at me from behind like not paying attention what the which what have I got left 92 thank you good enough hopefully we'll see what happens this may be uh maybe disastrous but it should be fun game stage is still so low because I got myself killed a few times I'm not really anticipating a lot of trouble we'll see what happens maybe we'll even try out the spear a little bit stab with this thing through the bars I think you're actually stems from the fact that potatoes have so many eyes hey that's that could be true you people who were mocking me you just didn't understand the potato problem it's kind of when I could see a nest I could steal some others from but not seeing any Slaughter yourself up barbecue sauce zombies hate that oh yeah [Music] he walls himself in any way knock on a way out I gotta I got over here we can get out we're over there I can get out not really walled in and I got my bike down there if I have to like jump and run just need some zombie bears yeah good old zombie bears yeah I really rather hope we don't run in any of those they're they're too tough those zombie bears up they have too many hit points man they're mean and ornery thinking if a bird comes along and they try to come just below the roof they bump into those bars and maybe not get in here give me a chance to kill them before they become a problem all right and about a wood here they come foreign oh get out of there jerks what are you doing I'm just standing there letting them all piled up over there oh for their heads oh come on now don't be messing around with those yeah you go move along now they're doing good stuff what ain't bug this is my uh this is cryptic Fox professional aiming skills right there that's what that was and down I was trying to crawl through stop that I don't approve [Music] jeez foreign so bad she literally jumped off that see you buddy I didn't have to kill them they'll just jump off oh now they're good and messy down here leave that alone we're guys confused down there up take SIMs you don't have any on me we got like the uh this stuff melee Damage Done region all right let's try this Dev I can't go wrong with 400 damage or whatever oh God I'm oh God I'm drunk okay maybe you can't go wrong oh oh that's bad there's two over look oh which one do I shoot oh God double vision's bad uh why did I drink the booze seemed like a good idea at the time I took his leg off oh dog oh Lord oh this is so hard to look at oh what is my life I can't even oh one away sweet I can see you again I can ride a bike again back it up ah the dogs don't fall as readily as the other zombies do that's for sure there's another dog the jumpers are here level up yeah it's already almost done it's amazing when having a low game stage will do success achieved get back here you gotta get dead you're not dead yet yeah you're dead all right that one perfect oh well almost perfect I didn't realize I broke this I think we had some extra support beams there could have been problematic what do reinforce it right now ah well this was a good time for me welcome Susan okay so that went uh that was a plan that was perfect everything was everything was awesome uh scrap that another level six Stone shovel we get rid of that I guess I'm just gonna leave here and I'll leave my handgun and stuff here too since I don't I haven't been using it in uh what about like looting and such uh so we'll leave the bullets here with the handgun that's only the pipe bombs here a few meds can't hurt although I'm disinclined to use the uh the alcohol again since that was such a mess I'm perfect though never tell cryptic the odds that's right because I won't understand him anyway what do you mean what are odds oh wait you mean the opposite of evens I got it okay like more trees we're good there uh I already have level four so those can just be sold this could be sold I don't use the armor for the military armor so that can go keep a little Yucca juice on hand oh I should leave the hammer there too I'm not gonna use the camera well actually I might use the hammered home still when I'm building things at least not the double vision again that was really hard to look at I don't know what it was like to watch on stream but it was kind of giving me a headache I left my bike oh you're right there's another bag on top thank you I got about that one I'm gonna go with that little mean little zombie they were cheating I didn't read the rule book or something what I can't loot it through the bars what's up with that nice too many times Devolution was the game I thought it was me yeah nope you haven't been drinking that much Greg well maybe you have but in this instance it definitely it definitely wasn't you [Music] kept looking back and still had double vision after oh yeah that was brutal I wasn't I I I I've never really used that one before I guess I wasn't expecting that intense double vision that was crazy that's some good stuff the trick is the drink will watch the streams of the double vision cancels it out you try to get the uh duplicate images overlap each other a little bit better so it looks a little bit more a little bit more understandable that's a good tactic it's better if you take more of it yeah is this Gabe's drinking more I think there's actually um is there a book you can read that makes sense you don't get all messed up vision from drinking alcohol or is it only beer that it improves what hard mode looks like what do you mean by hard mode you can set like different zombie difficulty levels like I have on I think I have the zombies on Nomad which is like one step up from the regular level could patch a bathtub liquor when you taste it immediately and go blind yeah that sounds about right okay uh I want to put some of this food away because I don't need all those all these canned goods on me and they just take up space maybe the Yucca juice it's all set there those are for the Trader foreign lock pick mechanical parts and forged iron I don't understand the mechanical Parts part of this but whatever I got a few of those I'm gonna make some lock picks look at them going uh can I make that tier five baseball bat now [Applause] Ironwood leather duct tape [Music] laughs all right let's read something fall down upstairs I was like what the heck was that it's a burglar I missed a Super Chat oh sorry uh uh scrolling back scrolling back oh man I missed a whale there we go takari with another Super Chat crossbow is better aiming mechanics and can equip 2x scope it's Brian's go-to yeah the crossbow is really good I don't have enough uh duct tape and glue and stuff right now to get it I was gonna craft one but um then things happened and I didn't have the materials takes a bunch of a bunch of glue and duct tape to make it I did make a little bit more glue uh I guess we could whip up more I'm definitely gonna need more glue so we might as well just make as much of as I can there we go still happens with these oh it's a super chat with no message but the very first one thanks Dylan appreciate the Super Chat girls are practicing gymnastics they better not be my uh my youngest one is sick I don't know with what but she's kind of trying to quite the fever it was she was not a happy camper today let's just say uh all right it's just the wood I'm short again because I made a mess of things uh I need to plant some more of these seeds so I have trees I can lock down close to home just knows the thick 44 Banner yeah we put it up the other day a couple streams ago I enjoyed the neeb's channel I think their videos are awesome and so you know like like anybody else who was a fan I was uh sad to hear of his passing I don't think that makes him contemplate your own mortality you know I kind of watched Wapner definitely definitely not from Kmart yeah any of the ones that end in 99 Cents I wouldn't say Super Chat is usually something that's being done through uh Apple so if somebody did an iPhone this apple takes a particular cut I'm gonna put those 99 cent endings James the eight month member message Yay eight months of Sweet Sound of Fox's manly war cry AKA girly screams oh God they're gonna kill me thank you for the eight months of support and for recognizing my extreme manliness with uh you know the Brave war cries designed to strike fear into the hearts of my enemies of course I feel like oh God he's gonna he's gonna cry again we can't kill him it's it's just too pathetic that's when I strike first one I've given forgot message uh you're one of the best YouTube channels I watch gotta love just hanging and chilling well thanks Dylan I really appreciate it my friend is Mr Fox's eyes roll back in her head when you start talking like this yeah depends what you mean by her eyes rolling back in her head [Laughter] if you mean like rolling her eyes uh that's I don't know probably a lot Fox's death whistle uh [Music] did I not park a bike right here [Music] I wrote it out to the trees oh God listen No One claimed that I was super intelligent all right [Laughter] I was like did it clip into the ground or something but no it was uh it was my stupid that's why I have a teacher that says you cannot you can't save me from my stupid for reasons just like that uh I also forgot to chop trees when I was up there you know what I'm gonna deal with the wood later we'll deal with that later I'll get it on the way while we're doing other things I'm not gonna waste time going out there to chop trees again specifically I do want to change this back to regular blocks so in case I need it as a way to get away so we got that uh I've got a little bit of water we can turn into whatever I was gonna make that bat but screw it level four bats pretty good for the moment they don't need it that bad why don't I only end up making one glue oh whatever let's go things salute stuff to see junk to do once we hit up we should do the hospital today chicken ah come back here I need your feathers and your eggs even though eggs are gross oh you know what oh crap I got off the bike and it changed the orientation where I was looking now I don't know where the chicken went how did I okay yeah you know what screw you chicken I don't have the Glock 9 the Eagle Eye chicken sniping ability clearly here we go holy that is one fast chicken just wanted to kill a chicken for grinder loud a good eye doctor Death Wish are you gonna upgrade The Horde base to cement yeah I don't have a cement mixer though so we gotta get that too I guess oh I can make a cement mixer all right we'll have to craft I want to go back let's go play in the hospital for now there's definitely nothing dangerous in here that looted you chickens and bunnies are safe they are I would never harm a bunny or a chicken well sick as a heck I can't seem to catch the darn things maybe we should eat more eggs it'll make you think like a chicken buck buck wait a minute I thought it was the front door entrance on this place oh wait wait it's the emergency room entrance isn't it [Music] why'd the chicken cross the road because clearly cryptic was no threat that's why oh they changed this around wasn't it the emergency used to be on the side of the building I thought and there was like a stack of bodies there you could shop up for like nitrate or whatever all right stuff in there yeah this can stay in here let's go see what the hospital has find out what the doctor ordered what I missed probably trying to get a shotgun at some point too I got a pipe shotgun at one point but they're just they're so terrible who's slow reloading old school Super Chat why play in the hospital when there's a perfectly good busy highway to plan oh this is a five I didn't even notice this is a this is a five difficulty building here's hoping we don't get dead foreign so that I can fix this gun to ah might be able to do it well see what happens try to sneak around a little bit so they don't uh don't wake up the locals too much right over her head I tried not to wake them up she's burning she's burning hey get out of the burn Clinic lucky is not you today with Nursery yeah I didn't miss every shot but a couple of those bow shots should not should not have been misses but I've botched it oh well what are you gonna do we can take the elevator no it's locked of course is locked crush the sand huh I got so used for making cement isn't it that's no way to treat our healthcare workers right well if they weren't so murderous I wouldn't treat them that way [Applause] a little bit of water here hopefully paper I don't always get the dirty toilet paper in these things I don't have any uh oh coffee I could use that I should actually see if I can make coffee I've got it's uh I've got some of the coffee grounds back at the house I just don't uh I don't know if I have the recipe to craft it there's the dirty toilet water I was hoping for welcome to the Borg I know we can get nitrate from the bodies but not my not my priority at the moment I don't understand where's the zombies concerns me that I don't see them one laying right there on the table oh God dang okay they're at the door now it's a tarp okay that's a lot of zombies kind of want them to break the door a little bit so I can shoot through it but yeah oh there's one more of the jumpers there too rain at opening can shoot you for crying out loud there it is oh that's a big one I'm really glad I closed that door [Applause] looks back my arrows thank you I know them to hold on to them for me they're nice all right what was in here is this actually a through room or just a little store room oh wait this is where you can climb up to get into the ceiling potato ES that's white it certainly was he was very pale in color you're not wrong we've had to mention the drop ceilings well I uh when I looked up it didn't look like drop ceilings so I I wasn't expecting them to just fall in that way it looked like it was just like a cement ceiling or whatever Ray glue what are they doing testing motor oil there like what how this works is an embalming fluid turns out it makes them very flammable one cornmeal all right so far so good I haven't got myself killed yet up to Ashley Chagrin I forgot I was gonna leave that water behind with the intent to turn it into uh more tea there's an ammo pile under the desk but I can't actually see it dilute it going on here searchable box in that storage room oh I can look at mine [Music] that was all right and a supply drop oh you're right this box here's Surgical this junk but I'll take it uh I actually want to repair this thing since I have pipes available now it did troll me there was an ammo pile under there thought maybe I had to break the dust to get to it but apparently that wasn't it hey I got some wood Mo Power Electronics I do not remember there being a tunnel in here it's been a long time since I played scrap scrap yeah I was just checking to make sure there wasn't something that was gonna come running out of the tunnel as soon as I started smacking on this thing uh harvesting tools and repair tool crafting steel tools quality one okay it's in here I didn't think that would be the only one it wasn't dang it oh right over his head burn you sucker taking all that stuff actually I want to open up this door foreign anymore okay uh what side of the hospital does this come out on oh right oh perfect sweet okay I wanna I wanna like create a storage box out here oh stamina it was dumb [Applause] unload a bunch of the stuff that I want to carry around with me somebody can't loot that military gear yeah it'd be nice like if you kill a zombie that's wearing military stuff if you actually got a chance to loot it I would be all over that pretty much everything in here I don't uh let's keep the wood in case I get some feathers uh scrap that don't need this I got any repair kits let me leave those okay nice let me do it for arrows 49. it's been those Deep Pockets carrying on that air right serious pocket storage action there it must be wearing like the ultimate cargo pants even his pockets have pockets which actually reminds me I need to make some more pocket mods for my for my stuff I need to get some uh some of the clothing pocket mods I have The Odd Couple of Pokemon's going but none of the uh none of the clothing ones okay foreign oops that was the wrong I didn't mean to hit that well they're awake now I love being able to shoot through the door [Applause] [Applause] I didn't get back very many arrows that sucks now I see why the cafeteria food's always so bad it's all made by zombies oh God oh lift that one all your chairs are belong to us they only want to check my blood pressure my brush is rising let me tell you my door is locked we're still in the basement of this place right I didn't go back upstairs yeah basement okay [Music] she's dead [Music] oh I tried to put an arrow underneath sorry doc all right green zombies jello not the jello zombie oh I would wreck the stairs I meant to do that yeah I know there's a supply drop but we're in the hospital right now you know how it is when you get into a hospital you're stuck here for hours all right first floor I mean I forgot just how big this POI is let's go to the door that's open first I guess what do these give when you wrench them down I just want to give you a physical so to remember turn your head and cut off yeah I don't want to know where they're putting their hand though no zombie fingers or belong there okay okay if there's a way to waiting room it wouldn't be a waiting room okay fair enough I can't I I can't think of any scenario where I've gone to the hospital for the emergency room it has been less than three hours foreign this way we're gonna hear the glass oh God came through the roof on me there's more of them thank you that takes care of those where's the bird [Applause] geez ah suck it there's another one still Oh I thought I shot him [Applause] okay they did minimal damage everything's fine actually I should knife these things so I can get some feathers off them okay come on questions sir your arms still attached to your shoulder you have to wait till everyone that doesn't have their arm attached first yeah exactly something like that if you're not bleeding you're not that much of an emergency you know it's not that I don't get the reason for the prioritization it just sucks having to wait iron arrows okay whip up a bunch more of those so where the zombie must be outside that I'm hearing I wonder when it'll decide to try to break in it's locked it's also locked nighttime is already approaching too oh I don't want to marrows I might have to uh if it would clear this floor we might have to roll on home oh God come back in the next day oh I think I might have taken a mission from the from the trader too then I still have to do okay this door right here is the one I want oh come on come back [Applause] oh God there's a cop in here what are you doing in here to the knee oh crap they got in come on oh yeah oh God that's gross bad burn you sucker oh wait he's gonna blow up isn't he [Music] there he goes gross well I got one of my arrows back at least okay this door here goes out to where I put my storage box how convenient okay uh 1914. um okay maybe what I'll do is I'm Gonna Leave the storage box here for the moment let's take the bike and hit up that supply drop where did that thing land oh God it's way over there that might be farther than I thought 1923 and we'll see what happens yeah oh no the fuzz wow mad tricks need wood anyway I guess yeah I have uh I have all of 11 wood so now that I've crafted uh more arrows anyway I did get some wood in there from just collecting chairs and scrapping them down but hold on a second can't drink coffee when I'm on a bike let's see our viewers back didn't wait for more than 20 minutes of the waiting room then leave the hospital for three weeks I'm not sure which is better oh well there's that foreign bikers that's right just call me the Tony Hawk of zombie biking do a barrel roll I can pop wheelies barrel rolls are a little beyond me too lame for those foreign I don't want to get on my bike and like get accosted by a wolf though oh shh move the stupid bike there's a bear down there there's a bear oh boy oh boy turn the bike turn the bike holy what does it take to get this thing up the hill this is crazy okay uh oh my God why am I riding a bike up here this is stupid oh crap that worked I'm gonna deal with this bear these things are tough man oh and a wolf too how is that not dead good grief I don't think the bear knew how to attack this thing perfect as you can see he's a lumberjack he's okay sleeps all night and his arms all day give me something good for all that effort well I had a pie in it can't go wrong with pie pie okay let's get the bike and get out of here it was a weird way to go about it but we got her done it was a berry pie that's right oh The Lumberjack will be fine he just has a splitting headache needs to sleep it off a bit but I really should focus on today I guess is trying to get some better Wheels riding around in this bicycle has been a real pain in the butt wow okay Matrix uh it's better than walking but it's uh it's not significantly better than walking I guess that's not true it's way better than walking but it's just it's getting tired so I'm having to do all the deal with the stamina all the time we need something we just throw fuel in and I don't have to worry about it yeah 20 points of the bike trick okay what job trees well I'm gonna try to do it closer to home so that uh if I need to I've got a place to go and preferably without any zombies like right there they're gonna run at me how was that for seriously [Applause] the instant I got off my bike he was there he must have been following me it's a freaking zombie conspiracy man foreign eggs too [Music] eggs the shame eggs are so gross I can't shoot I can't see the zombies or the tree you paused for a second like she wasn't sure if I was really there ah come on it's my shots let's even get closer to the hospital without getting overrun uh I would like to unload that storage box no we died all right sweet that worked out perfectly right one pipe I can't take all right whatever fine all donations this hour go to Fox's egg fun uh it's my fund uh whose explicit purpose is the destruction of all eggs feel free to donate where are the hot furries not here ain't no furry I ain't hot either Texas yeah maybe they're in Texas Maybe [Music] uh foreign of eggs for you yeah I can't uh I mean I used to eat them when I was a kid but I just can't now it's all my mom's fault I'm blaming on her uh let's get some more water going here gotta plant those trees I should probably put these uh parakeets back for now I got some of that wonderful bare steroid there testosterone extract there for making steroids wait if you make them for Bears does that make them bearroids instead of steroids firing minds want to know not for any real reason but just because uh where's the nails there they are okay I would like to make some better storage boxes in here these ones here that we can actually like write the names on or whatever or put symbols on or something I got a separate writable storage box is it the one I want teams are the same whatever whip up a few of those [Music] oh wait I was gonna make that bat wasn't I uh uh this and that I got enough wood this time yeah okay finally got that grafted how big are these again I just tucked them in here oh I can't because the whole block size thing kind of think I might want to take this wall down make my storage area a little bit bigger just don't stare at the bear listen the Bears don't care if you stare that's why they have a Care Bear stare carabaroids come to the dark side we have cookies cookies you had me at cookies yeah enjoy your share your favorite egg recipes gross she's got a permit for this renovation uh well no see the thing is I was gonna do it but then I realized there was all this paperwork and I you know it wasn't exciting for me and so I figured I would just do it and then hopefully the neighbors won't report me and then no one will know that way I can get the renovation and not have to deal with the permitting you're not allowed to bake anymore did you make magic cookies and somebody didn't like it that what happened I suspect that's been happening this stuff's still growing still okay now this storage box I have attached to move this thing search no last I got a nuke it it was on this wall though I'm pretty sure I couldn't break the wall without breaking it I'll be ran off with the paperwork now homes will have to make it right hey see look I'm doing this on purpose so that homes will have to show up I can complain that some contractor screwed me or something but really it was myself foreign all the value in homes and kitchens and bathrooms but what happens if you destroy the bathroom I feel like I might have wrecked my home value now we'll never get good resale prices the new home design bad open bathrooms sure they do open concept everything else why not bathrooms wait how do I oh I gotta I hold down hold down e to write the name on it right yeah all right so this would be meds in here uh uh let's put uh of weapons in here built the med situation here first all the drugs oh I actually got a shower head what okay what happens if I smelt the shower head do I get do I have iron for that no don't put that in there there I guess I'm gonna get iron a bit that's interesting uh I don't need glass I can just go on the floor because that's when everybody leaves their broken glass right bandages okay grab my weapon stuff here actually I'll make that one like weapons and mods and like ammo supplies and stuff I think that's needed for the parts of it all okay all that stuff [Music] actually I want that because I'm still carrying the weapon around um thanks for the right floppy welcome to the stream anyone who's dropping in from floppy stream um I don't know how to subdivide my stuff here clubs oh actually you know what I've got a we'll do a vendor one too this one could be my vendor box uh it's the Italian vendor box the bendore a lot of swords in chat welcome everyone from floppystream thanks for popping in foreign boxes over by where I'm cooking so I know what should I make this one like Parts Maybe I can put like I don't know pipes and things in here I'll put the rags in with the meds because we use those for bandages and such still tool parts I don't know buckshot I never know how to subdivide a couple things is easy enough but let me get in all the other more Troublesome things steel tool Parts uh we'll put that here in parts I guess I'll put the uh put the silver nuggets in for the vendor what's duck out yeah nothing so far today so far so reasonably okay let's just say We're not gonna say good but uh wait this box here I'll make Construction I can put I don't know like wood and stone and all that kind of stuff in there so like cement and stone and sand all that junk would if I ever actually collect up some the rest of this stuff I don't even know I guess I'll just put it in parts for now grab all this we'll stick it in somewhere uh that's a mod this can go in like crafting junk maybe I should just called it miscellaneous I'm putting like everything in here all right good enough for now it's daytime we need to get on the move get some more stuff done uh I'll put the hammer in the construction box need more bacon and eggs more eggs always running out of eggs outside my house last night zombies wouldn't stop moaning Brains Brains so I went out there and gave them a piece in my mind oh my God [Laughter] they're remarkably quiet afterwards the heck what happened there I was using this leather trunk for storage and now I just looted it and got new stuff that was super weird it re-popped but it shouldn't I have I have it set up so that that stuff doesn't happen I mean I'm not gonna complain but that was weird super strange No Good Times uh well I got ergonomic grip mod what's that too for me decrease stamina uh let's put that in the ax oh I can only have one grip mod at a time there I guess uh we'll put it in the pickaxe then all right sweet free multi I've done complain yeah I know well whatever like I said I'm not complaining it's just uh it's weird very weird all right I took a job from Jan that I hadn't done we got a tier one clear down here uh let's maybe go tackle that today is Day 26 [Music] . I got one more one more day to hordern right was it it was day 24 the night of day 24 I had the last horn so I think it's the day after sword sword sword sword don't know but floppy swords in the chat thanks Liam welcome to the Stream appreciate the uh the sword spam day 27 sword night yeah yeah okay I was thinking like wait a minute Day 26 that's divisible by no no day 27 I have it set so that it's uh um every three days there's a there's another horde because I generally stream for three hours at a time but each day in the game takes about an hour so I figured that that way every stream there'd be at least one horde night uh now because the way that the time overlaps and stuff happened we ended up with The Horde night at the end of the first day in tonight's stream so we'll have uh we won't get to The Horde night I don't think uh tonight for the next the second one anyway Bobby of the Super Chat sword thanks Lobby appreciate the super I know you can clap ropes now does the fire pole work in the firehouse uh no I don't think so I think it's just a poll unfortunately still I didn't know you could climb robes in the game now thanks Lobby you can copy the block sheet while holding a building block yeah I forget to do that all the time me and shortcuts just they don't go well you know uh I don't want to track this writable storage box there we go and Raptor gets us wet what's this now funny not recall this game was called seven days to respawn loot I turned off salute respawn it shouldn't have come come back at all weird very weird I would think too that having my land plane blocker would stop respawns but I don't know strange sure it's fine uh okay so this was a uh clear Mission tier one clear yeah I don't think those uh workbenches are even worth ratcheting anymore I don't think you get um forged iron out of them anymore is this really a clear mission was there gonna be like one zombie in here this house is like falling down oh sure the screen door is unlocked but the inside door is locked of course it was a second thought this basement's bigger than I was expecting it to be oh I missed ah come on oh he's running good rags does not appreciate home invasion oh God you know what I left my new bat at home get that level 5 BattleCraft and then I forgot in the workbench oh I think it's great it's bigger on the inside it's yeah took the TARDIS the trouble with these ones too is that with the floor above being so wrecked like the likelihood for zombies to just drop in and say hellos somewhat higher what there we go with the old throat shot that's another vehicle one grab this stuff how many books do I need still to craft a mini bike or do I actually already have the stuff for it oh my God I gotta make a mini bike oh no wait never mind I need 20 of the vehicle books uh I'm currently at 19. I need one more okay this house is a mess where's the door is locked that wouldn't you be like a tram like I'm gonna jump in that bathroom and then there's gonna be a zombie in there oh I guess it could have come through this way after all one more book one more book to go I'll keep that one Stella why not oh you know what I didn't bring my dukes with me oh well not really in desperate need of anything right now though a little bit more ammo wouldn't hurt it must be in the Attic oh there you are hiding in the corner but I'll address this place uh uh oh there he is like one left all right that sucked wait a minute what am I going here got myself all turned around what bumped me that I fell that way that's gotta be a breakaway floor there like you got to go to the loot and then he drops down again okay no there he is okay Mr Complete get out of here let me also doesn't even until he still he sees Jen as that water purifier mod yeah there's probably truth in this I'm gonna have a little bit of money just not like a lot it's all right it's gonna be worse uh I don't need the metal spikes mods we can sell that to her as well the Buckle we can sell too I already got that one okay back over to Jen's people kind of reward we get for this it's a low level quest for her unfortunately I built up all those quests doing the ones for Joel we got into the tier two stuff and then moved farther away from Jewel so she's the closest Trader right now the bright side look a little water again yeah well the um uh with the Dew collectors we've been getting a decent amount of water now it's not really a problem anymore I don't know how she's got this little island sanctuary in the uh burnt land did I empty the bike no I didn't I still have things in here um uh ten percent chance cause a bleeding wound on regular attack let's kind of go in a bladed weapon though I'm not using one right now and I already have one in my ax that's no use to me shotgun parts will keep we'll keep the scope I don't use military parts so we'll get rid of those crud probably would have been a good idea to empty out the blank earlier is it a schematic oh right it is thank you no harm in knowing that I guess you're looking kind of rough don't spend it all in one place they fixed the camera it doesn't zoom in on her chest anymore [Laughter] feel like they were watching the stream or something uh uh ooh armor Pokemon schematic no I already know that I don't really care I mean the glue is probably the best option here of all things the wood splitter mod would be all right for the ax but I feel like uh man let's get the wood splitter mod why not any more jobs Jen I want to go like uh well 386 meters North if you do this for me thanks son thanks son let me down moving on I can buy all this stuff foreign steroids I got a ton of steroids right now so we'll sell her some of that we could be your dealer a connection for goodroids don't need any of that stuff uh scrapping robotic drone morale booster mod schematic you could put like a teddy bear out on your drone it was probably tens of thousands of size with them changing the camera thing it probably uh those books I already know scrapping for fun improved Salvage tool crafting skill no shoot they don't have the vehicle one here I need the one vehicle book I should make an iron shovel to replace that stone when I have a duct tape I'm gonna go through a lot of duct tape I feel like I want some duct tape high power 762 ammo interesting ooh level 4 hunting knife it's 5200 I don't know that kind of money I don't even know if I have that much back at home I bought a whole bunch of stuff I want to get into like doing some of the electric trap things I've never actually built them in this game I want to do something like that at my base all right I don't really know anything else over here right now and tell your Daddy yeah yeah my friends my friends already know about you don't worry yeah I have book bundles in the mic I've got uh but one of them is for uh shotguns or something and I don't know what the other one is I don't remember let's see what we got crafting skills well I mean if I get lucky with the graphics go one nope trap crafting skill sledgehammer uh Cruise bows and then we got the bundle of random ranged mods 100 chance to a leg on a bipedal Target comes quickly and I'm saving quickly increases accuracy when firing from the hip installing any firearm or crossbow oh Sandy Forex scope mod I've got a couple of those now actually two of them conveniently right here on the bike actually I want this pie that pie in my face in my face funny she said she's like all of her jobs are in this town that's like right here like prevents are great most uh everything else will send out demos same for blade traps it really can't stop yeah so what I'm thinking of doing is having a um so along that um that bar that I have the zombies Walking On I want to put posts on either side that don't connect to it and then have the wire like zigzagging down the uh over top of that uh that bar so that as the zombies walk along and they'll get zapped so close to the mini bike I need one more book thank you oh yes one more bucket we can get ourselves a mini bike I've even got all the stuff to make it already pretty much scene crafting I was looking over it where I needed to go and I would never you know what never mind it's fine Professional Driving skills on display you two can learn to rap like this just join the cryptic Fox School of Driving Insurance not provided oh you heard me [Music] uh so does it retrieves the supplies Mission gonna find those White River supplies oh they're on this level too it's convenient I thought I saw a gangly little charred arm there oh God I missed ah crud stupid zombie let me back my bolt where'd my bolt go I know I missed him I don't see where the bolt is oh well School arriving day one here's the keys good luck yeah no give me some credit I mean we teach things like how to bat Flames off your body when you've uh crashed and you're on fire already uh the number you need to call when you have an accident you know all that all the good stuff how to not take any fault when uh when you crash the car uh I've got a lot of Bones right I'm gonna get rid of those too oh and I wanted to put this mod in the ax we might as well do that so that I get it out of here save that space I've got points I haven't used what am I doing Five Points I haven't used good grief I'm so smart let's do shotgun hobo uh I'm gonna put some more points into strength because I want to get Pummel Pete up higher I need the level five for strength that's level five I will repeat level three I've got one point left without a minor 69er it was way down that doesn't involve just like I guess again just gotta drop in like hey you guys I feel like that drop there was designed to have you land on the trash and make a noise so they would come out but I just happened to miss it responsible for a spike in uh some statistic charts somewhere but no claims no responsibilities over such incidents that's right no one knows what's causing it but we know oh yes we do is that might as well drink some Yucca juice clear up my inventory a bit clean water don't help too um I don't know how much rotten flesh I have back at home I used a bunch of it to make the farm plots but I don't remember if I used it all up or if my limiting factor was something else at the time I was making it that's right the important things we're not starving enough to need the cornmeal shouldn't need the bone either uh and this thing I can scrap that'll get room there let's grab the pipe too actually oh God back off geez I'm not that handsome I forgot I didn't walk through that room already I dropped in from above not great that was friends oh back off early yeah all right we're good I think we need to make a crossbow just because of all these bows are bolts I've been collecting door's unlocked who's in here oh buddy oh you sneak [Music] it wrecked ah dang I'm standing getting up on that shelf in the first place nobody died up there who now learning that's right she's trouble that lerlene you gotta watch out um I don't really need the bandage we'll scrap that toss it rather electrical wiring whoa whoa so I should pay attention to that uh crap what that purse oh crud I didn't think the thing would collapse if I was ah no oh come on reload reload why wasn't I loaded dang it okay I almost got myself nuked I thought the uh the spots that had something on them that was lootable I didn't think would collapse if you stepped on it turns out I was wrong imagine that first time for everything I'm Blue but I have the toilet what movie is this this is seven days to die I have special ammunition used to breach secure blocks like doors and safes oh there's another thing you could do in this game wait a minute did I just scrap that baseball bat probably should have sold it potato reloads that's a new one well I forgot to reload apparently I'm good at that sometimes okay I have a very full inventory but we got the job done for Jen we just gotta get it back to her now preferably alive that would be nice there's a key there to open the door but here's what's in here oh literally nothing all right it's just for the zombies ride open up it's back to Jen movie had zero decided zero ten reviews Ashley I bet I got injured doesn't that count for something I go the right way yeah make sure to check out the mailbox the blue mail drop boxes the newspaper holders for books yeah I have been checking them we're still one book short of being able to make the mini bike kind of irritated by that when we roll back through that town I'll check for other mailboxes I haven't looted finally I don't know why I'm tracking the mini bike handlebars but I am [Music] for one half out of ten for near misses I eat the pie already I guess I didn't buy surprise redacted redacts no it's all she almost died last night wait you almost died what is now you don't mean Jen do you almost died but we saved her life she should show us an appropriate uh reward hi Kurt so you are quite the daring Adventurer I am a daring Adventurer thanks for noticing uh all right duct tape feels like the thing I want here even though actually 100 rounds of nine millimeter ammo is pretty darn good I think I'm gonna wind up digging that because it's 100 rounds of ammo even though I actually wanted the duct tape uh fetch buried supplies 596 to the east I'm gonna go more like and I'm gonna go south that's definitely not South 596 to the east let me do that one I guess oh this is a dangerous one try not to um radiated what radiated didn't tell me that before I took the job Lady Gaga come on um I have nothing to sell her actually we need motor two parts nope nothing to seller oh this there we go sold our money oh I'm gonna hold on to that Grandpa's awesome sauce is awesome uh uh I have nothing else to sell it right now I hope you get feeling better I hope I get feeling better too wait a minute what made you say that do you think I'm sick I'm not sick that was like a some weird backhanded insult kind of thing six bird nests above confessionals in a bag on the high beam what's this now oh that one's actually in the uh credits all right it's in the blighted area or the burn Force biome that's all right we're gonna leave that one for now anyway it's already 1800. last time she said you didn't look well yeah I don't know I think she's subtly indicating she's not interested you know she's like frankly sir you look like your face was on fire and someone put it out with a wet brick I said thank you kind of you don't notice okay so that mailbox I just checked so that one's definitely not on the roster uh uh pretty sure I checked the mailbox over here but we'll take a peek might not know there's two of them right here actually this one just had a mission in it so this mailbox might be reset can't find your pants no problem we got you covered literally read this book on how to make your own denim jeans skirts and overalls just what I always wanted make my own denim skirt I didn't check this one metal chain mod it's like an industrial town they don't really have all that many houses with the mailboxes I feel like you're having an existential crisis that's random because and when diluted already come on come on come on Club grafting dang it went for trying some days I need one freaking book just trying to drum my business you don't look so good here's some medication that'll be 500 Dukes yeah you might be right layered might be part of her marketing strategy existential crisis because he had no eggs wait I passed the blue box the newspaper holder I did oh my god I didn't even notice they're pretty fast to lower book drops but Quest rewards aren't worth fixing yeah I don't know I mean you got Dukes for the quest Rewards or whatever but so where were the uh where were the where's the blue box the newspaper stand and stuff wait is this what you're talking about this this kind of a blue box it's a rolling trash bin though that's oh clue where was the newspaper stand thing oh wait is it over here on the street curb yeah there we go I did roll right by them thank you here's a 25 chance because I was bleeding although I don't know what bleeding a zombie would accomplish uh certain blade schematic I'm just gonna read it [Music] 100 chance to Ragdoll the enemies Blackstrap coffee with a hundred striking out on the one book I need from Australia well hello to all of you who might be down under right now oh let's go with the super jab def cam better be triple digits we haven't died at all tonight thanks to the Super Chat though death free although we're not debt-free overall because I've had seven deaths in total on this series that's why we're only a game stage 74 right now spear props are great though it's just amazing yeah I haven't uh I haven't really used this beer too much I I haven't put it I should maybe put some points into it I have a level two Stone spear but it's uh you know level two it's not obviously super great foreign I cannot find the book and if you need a book on building or modding motorbikes check out your local auto repair shop well I'm not sure where the nearest one is actually there might be one on the far side of town I think there was uh something over there Steven it with a super chat spear requires accuracy well we know that's not a good weapon for me then I'm much more of the panic firing and flailing kind of player you know I use those sorts of tactics Spears are fantastic even Max difficulty now if you have Max Spears you can handle virtually anything well they've got an added reach to them right I have a good night Ashley sorry I didn't feed you any deaths this evening sorry not sorry I was going by I'll get a little bit of wood foreign yeah I can't throw them anymore I did like throwing them that was always fun I get power attacks but Spears can Pierce through and hit four enemies bonus re oh you can have four enemies with him okay that is pretty good get them all piled up in the door or something and uh I literally can't even pick up the pine seeds get them piled up in the door and you can just like impale them all like a big shish kebab Good Times home again home again jiggity jig let's go unload well the crab he's not using a stone ax no I replaced it earlier in the Stream I had a level three Hammer I was like well I'm not gonna part of the reason I I uh held under the stone acts longer was just because I was using it like a hammer also but I was like well I got a level three Hammer here now so might as well use it and then if I have that then I'm definitely going to need to use an ax so I did we built one when I realized I could make a level five act so it's like oh wow gee I should have done this a while ago not that that was awesome sauce has got to go in the vendor box uh uh two parts gunpowder duct tape Bull hats let's take those mushrooms are ready to harvest too I wasn't putting all the rotten stuff was it in here give me that maybe I did use all the rotten Meetup I thought I had more of it for some reason all right apparently not oh this is uh this is for the vendor our bike emptied out here upgrade the baseball bat yes so I have the hate baseball bat already crafted right here I just forgot it at home when we left uh so we'll get the mods out of here we'll slap that into our brand new level five baseball bat leaves a spot for one more mod um throw a barbed wire mod in there with it I think can you do that I might not be able to modify oh you can flaming barbed wire wrapped bat baby suck it I probably should actually uh 251. um if I was smart it would have like the weighted mod so I could like get more knockdowns but I guess it's all right all this these mods can go in here actually let's put the crippling mod in the in the pistol where's my pistol I made a level three pistol it's only level two it's weird [Music] this one had a level three isn't the spike mod better it might be I don't know if I have it though hold on I did have the spike mod is it gone I sell it oh there it is uh metal Spike mud successive hits lower enemies armor rating 20 versus the uh the barbed wire which what causes bleed modify 20 chance cause bleed 40 with power attacks I don't know if I don't know which is better whatever holds second we'll set the spikes in it looks meaner that's for sure there's a much meaner looking mod right there all right sweet oh it's in the horde base yes thank you so reminds me I don't know why this is here so let's take that drop our bullets off over there too and The Malt off I should never repair kit here I think I'm sure repair and sell the pistol if you have a chain mod it's so much fun I have the chain mod actually I think oh no I don't I thought I had it that was a motor toolbox I was seeing holy smokes after midnight it is yeah it's quarter after midnight I gotta I gotta call it a wrap hear that too it's it was it selling for 250 before what's it so once I fix it 347 that's pretty good all right sweet uh it is after midnight I do have to crash for the night I got the whole work thing in the morning uh when we come back next time it'll be horde night or Horde day I guess we'll have the whole day or whatever to get ready the base is already largely ready I just have to like I don't know make it better or something it's working okay and they're doing exactly what I wanted them to so now I just need to make it a little more effective for birds and stuff too but uh thanks everyone for coming in tonight I really appreciate it thank you also for all the super chats this evening very generous of you all thank you thank you uh tomorrow night we'll be playing a game that game was gonna play hold on oh yeah stranded alien Dawn there's a new update coming up for stranded alien Dawn they're adding another biome the jungle biome uh that update comes out on Thursday but I do have access to that a day early so we'll be checking that out tomorrow and then I'm calling it audible on Thursday I was going to play stranded alien dawn again however I also I'm getting uh access to the uh uh the next DLC for power wash simulator so I'm gonna have a chill stream on Thursday night I think we're gonna do some power washing Under the Sea cleaning SpongeBob SquarePants stuff I'm gonna toy around with that anyway but thanks so much everyone for coming hey I really appreciate it I'm as always cryptic Fox I'll see all of you next time [Music] foreign foreign
Channel: CrypticFox
Views: 10,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CrypticFox, Gameplay, 7 days to die, lets play 7 days to die, 7 days to die gameplay, alpha 21 gameplay, alpha 21 update, 7 days to die alpha 21, 7 days to die part 1, 7 days to die ep 1, 7 days to die live stream
Id: 1WWfc03RKrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 165min 21sec (9921 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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