New Jungle Biome, New Threats! - Stranded: Alien Dawn

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foreign [Music] Fox and welcome back to Planet Bob we're playing some more stranded alien Dawn tonight and of course every planet we ever land on in video games is is always playing a bob so that's where we are there's a new uh new update coming out tomorrow for stranded alien Dawn that adds a new biome to the game the jungle uh it has some some new tools and stuff you can craft in it uh there's a new character that's added to the game that has some new abilities and stuff uh and there's some new threats and stuff as well I think you have to like battle a little bit more illness and stuff in this one so uh we're gonna check out the jungle um the jungle biome tonight as we start a new gameplay I'm gonna do the the military Mission since I failed so horribly at it on hard difficulty during the charity live stream we're just gonna go for regular difficulty uh military campaign and we'll check out the new uh new biome and stuff and see what it has to offer but welcome revenues here in the chat so far or for those who are watching the channel afterwards welcome as well that's always a huge thanks to everyone who's clicked on that join button to become a channel member I really appreciate the support and a special thanks to our top tier mistakes for made members that were highlighted at the start of the Stream uh big thanks also to Frontier for providing me with the code to access the uh the update a little bit early so we're getting in a day early it comes out on June 29th of course we already have the game on Steam this is a uh actually I don't know if there is a Costco but I think it's a free update it'll be out tomorrow just gonna double check the store to make sure I'm not speaking out of turn um uh Mr Page there we go long time Watcher first time caller will welcome caller yeah so it's just a it's another free update to the game so if you have the game already uh you'll get it there or if you're interested making up the game you can get it on Steam as well um same set of scenarios are here we have uh you know random Crash Landing trading posts or military Outpost let me go for the military Outpost since that worked so well last time so we'll try on Military outposts under the region it's sobrius and this is where the new uh the new tropical jungle region is this is sultu tropical region covered with dense jungles swamps rivers and hot beaches um we can change the Moon and stuff but I think I'm Gonna Leave it just in Concordia because uh it's been a while since I played I don't I don't want to crank up the difficulty too much we're gonna leave it on medium difficulty and we need a different seed it says Front Lake but I think we need to be instead on Planet Bob see what that does to my seat hopefully puts me in a decent spot not a tweak any game rules or anything either okay so we have a total of six uh six people for this uh military Mission the new character is uh uh um this one here Melody a revered expert in the field of neuropathic medicine Melody found herself Lost in Space after an accident severed all means of contact with her clone Planet driven by a Relentless longing to return to her people Melody Embraces her role as a Guiding Light and healer her wisdom in ancient medicinal arts and profound knowledge of Herbal Remedies brings Solace to those she tends to well these passing day her resilience grows stronger as she searches for a way to reconnect with lost family and friends while preserving their ancestral wisdom and carrying the weight of their Heritage now the important thing with her is that she's got this healer trait that she never fails um when she's trying to heal somebody so that's pretty sweet uh and then she also occasionally motivates others by others increasing their manipulation efficiency which is kind of cool she has like no combat skill which is maybe not the best thing for this mission except I'm really good at getting people hurt so uh let's just pull everybody out of here we're gonna get uh some combat oriented people we want Connor uh as a Connor so I think it's Sora is the one that yeah she's also the sniper to shoot twice as twice as fast with a ranged weapon so I kind of want those two in my in my group in particular now she's a vegetarian which is gonna be a challenge it's a you know I struggle with feeding people in this game for some reason I don't know why Jayla uh split personality occasionally switches traits with an alter ego oh that sounds fun has permanently increased happiness makes others happy when playing music oh I mean aside from the alter ego thing that sounds like it could be useful to say use uh use death incoming for the seed oh too late too late vegetarians can go eat grass if only I could beat them more grass get the meat like grass soup or something we want Melody because we want to play with the new character so we'll bring her in uh I usually bring in Quinn I'm really good at getting him killed but he has zero combat so I don't know if I want to have like a bunch of zero combat people not that he can't improve but Talus says uh 25 more movement speed 100 Health recovers twice as fast he's a glutton but uh we'll take him hopefully we can just produce enough food it is the jungle so I feel like it should be food heavy read out you think we should bring in Rita where's Rita these aren't in alphabetical order I kind of wish they were oh wait no they are I know how to read Rita Natural Curiosity has a chance to field observe unknown species during Expedition so that's handy uh has a permanently increased happiness it says some combat skills that's all right what do they got going for construction ability here two zero zero two one we're gonna be a slow building group of people that's that's what's gonna happen here uh we have room for one more person who's a good construction person vegetarians cryptic Fox is additional food for non-vegan survivors oh fair enough we need uh we need somebody who's good with construction [Music] because I'd kind of like to get some good some good building skills we have a Healer we have combat people probably not somebody who's on their deathbed already combat in capable we're definitely not breaking him Rockets you go to for construction where's Rocca oh construction five nice construct structures and devices twice as fast as permanently decreased happiness oh well we'll get my world anyway why not it's not like they're not gonna get eaten alive by bugs anyway all right that'll be our crew so we've got uh Connor Melody Rocca Rita Sora and Talus and hopefully they'll survive longer than the first day or two we'll see what happens I'm pretty good at getting people killed in this game you're definitely gonna need a doctor yeah well so we have the the new character is a doctor she's got uh she never fails in her healing attempts is nice not necessarily that they're going to recover but she'll never fail on the attempt what are we sitting down here so this thing's gonna circle around I guess uh it's gonna draw us right in the clearing here all right moving on around us here we got some plant life there are some new plants in this biome of course look at these giant trees here these purple leaf thingies you these uh whatever these are these puff things look some of these trees look like they're from Dr Zeus these ones here what is that a glowing tree all right we'll go somebody to observe that okay so we did normal difficulty level well it was Conor got a question mark is he questioning me already you better not be all right because we're doing normal level we actually have uh we have equipment for everybody just kind of novel so everybody can start out with uh with stuff uh [Music] uh you're looking into like so Melody we'll give her a pistol Ronka I can't remember what is what his combat was like seems to me it wasn't great but we'll give him a pistol one of these things uh Sora is the other one that's really good at combat so we're gonna give her the uh the other sniper Talus can have a pulse rifle and that leaves Rita who can also have the pulse rival I guess there we go 60 of the time works every time that's right Alex like I said it doesn't solve the issue of like if they're just too injured oh we also got armor well all right everybody get armored up hopefully it's not too hot with the armor on let's see what happens I guess okay what can we do here so I've got uh one thing already identified for them to to check out let's scavenge this because it's nice and close that's handy got some B-side back here so we got uh we got palm trees now tropical trees we also have tall palm tree so let's observe both of these get those taken care of uh want to go on a like observing spree what are these ones over here the kill your palm we'll observe those two and then I'm looking for the yeah these are these under here these purple plants big leaf plant I'll observe that too everybody everybody gets work observing things they're all very observational this does not look very defensible here I'm not sure I'm happy with my seed placement for defensiveness oh I wonder if we can like build in here it kind of this big rock in the middle occupies a lot of space but it would give me some hard walls that the bugs couldn't go through maybe we'll set up shop in front of it or something but that's a little far from our crash site Connor buddy what are you doing to me here manage activities everybody should be able to cut uh everybody should be able to mine everybody might as well be able to observe go do something Connor stop being lazy yeah go observe a thing he's like it's a plant this has got leaves a Korean Firearms the 17th mother message been a few weeks but glad to see you live we'll welcome Ocarina of arms they also have armored pants and helmets to put on they do synthetic boots pathetic legs oh yeah suit up people not sure why I didn't notice that I know why I didn't notice it I didn't click on it like I said I hope it doesn't result in them being overheated everybody's everybody everybody's wandering back to get their clothes and say sent them all away but now they gotta return that's all about it's power and stuff I don't care about that we don't need no stinking power I kind of want to set up here let's Maybe there's a lot of animals right here though Train's a little uneven too but I like the idea of not having to defend every side you know what about this look at this giant tree here let's see what this thing oh we'd also go up here I think the bugs come up to us so the flying ones would be able to get us but the ones that come on the ground could only come from One Direction up this slope right here all right people get up here and chop trees cut it all down it's maybe not the most convenient for getting supplies though because they'll have to um all right hold on hold on I'm changing my mind I'm changing my mind cancel orders um I don't think there we'll have a bad time getting resources up there they'll have to run a long way out to go get them I think I like the idea of being over here instead let's set up over here tell them to like bloated insects hopefully nothing uh dangerous over here but whatever kill your palms get those down wildly plants Rock chunks and rocks get it all people get it all [Music] uncheck simple priorities so you can uh set order priority uh I should do that actually oops not the schedule I don't care about their sleeping schedule yet shameful priorities okay so uh we want specifically Melody to be super high priority for healing I'm good with everybody else being able to do it but I want her to be like top priority for it I don't know I'll organize stuff in here I guess as I go I never really know how to set them up ahead of time it's over here no the train looks cool what are the deals with these giant trees oh I actually like paused it how do we make I'm gonna go up in the air can't really I like these little uh Stone arches and stuff it's cool very curious what the deal is with those giant trees too I have to research one of them [Music] swamp infection AKA swamp bugs yeah we're gonna we're gonna have an issue I think with uh some infection and stuff people are gonna get sick there might be like a space age version of malaria or something here I mean who knows [Music] as soon as they finish um investigating these over here I'll have them relocate over to here observe that too while we're at it keep chopping people speeding things up a little bit fog's on fire not yet but I will be eventually I'm sure I'm pretty good at setting myself on firing games he didn't have room for a lot of production energy production and for the beacon the Beacon's huge uh uh I'll take your word for it I have no idea what that's about so when we played the um the military campaign during the charity stream I had it on hard difficulty we played for about three hours fought off a couple waves of uh insects and stuff but it didn't end I want to say well [Music] was not the most positive of experiences let's say but I'm just thinking like if I have this back here then there's even if I don't build into this other side over here right away I can expand there maybe at least gives me limited directions that the bugs can come at me from [Music] it's not epic but it's a little something a little something space dysentery oh yeah we're totally getting that when setting priority levels it goes uh left to right yep I'm wearing that higher the number the more they'll do wait the higher the number the more they'll do it no the lower the number so if you have two level three the first one will take priority than the next one ah so okay I'm aware that it goes left to right so people will do healing before they'll do cooking for example um the higher the number the uh the higher they prioritize it to sort of the lower number the more priority it is so two is higher priority than three my scavenge did another another armor jacket thing my poor people there I'm making them walk a long way here let's maybe stop Scavenging this for now finished scouting stuff here let's cancel this too actually oh that's already 44 . what about this blowing tree I already partly done that they've already started on this man okay I was hoping I can cancel some of the jobs and just tell them to come over here but they seem disinclined to do that okay oh oh okay so look at purple leaf in order to make some uh some shelter that's going to be a priority I guess you need some of them bigly plants we need that something serious that's right Connor go get it Discovery sausage Palm wait a minute they have sausages it's a fruit bearing Palm the fruits are very peculiar they have a muscle-like tissue and tastes so convincingly like meat the vegetarians wouldn't eat them the Palm itself grows slowly but still may be worth it to plant some for more reliable supply of meat unlocks harvesting Palm Meats planting sausage Palms the number of jokes that spring to mind about planting sausage Palms just none of them are appropriate for here it's gonna be they're gonna be working well in a Nightfall because I don't have any kind of a sleeping spot for them maybe you should have just built something initially to give them shelter from day one tropical tree cut down for wood gather your uh I got some of it's nuts for seeding okay good you do that get some uh shelter yet yes let's cover tall palm tree palm tree can be cut down for some wood I gathered some of it since blah blah blah okay same as the other one really probably just gives more wood I guess let's go ahead and make a purple Leaf shelter uh uh we'll do this like right here I guess we'll triple them up it's efficient materials okay so we need to definitely get more of those purple leaf things uh we got a whole patch of them over here big leaf plants got those I need to plant some of those closer to here too I guess if I can Palm meat if I was a Survivor I'd turn the cannibal yeah tasted much like meat vegetarians won't eat them yeah hey Christian how you doing since you're in the jungle is there a wild wacky tobacco around uh well I mean there was uh you know that's a good question I don't know in the core game before this update there was uh tobacco what is this cone mushrooms all right not just any kind of mushroom those ones are Coney skip them some bed set up too all right grave beds perfect uh uh I guess we'll go with just ground for now because it doesn't seem to have any any difference from the uh I can't leave one awesome to catch you live for a big welcome mft it's like having a new resource for shelters yeah it's cool they seem to be relatively plentiful too which is nice there's a lot of these Palms here oh my gosh we're gonna Palm meat for days of you know until I cut them all down you know I'm gonna wind up doing now we got one shelter good work Connor uh we also need a campfire we'll just set that in front here Okay so we've got sausage Palms dandelion trees let's finish those so oh wait a minute do I get the pop-up there it is decided to name this weird the weird glowing balls tree dandelion tree because of its resemblance to the well-known plant this tree is delicate trunk and branches feeding nutrients to the spores of their ends if handled properly these four clusters can be broken down and used to make medicine or maybe even tea all right so it takes 10 of them to make medicine and 20 of them to make five of the T they're nice uh aren't these even harvestable yet some of them are might as well collect some of that I have no idea what the grass is good for but uh we'll cut down some giant grass [Music] four of them have sheltered beds two of them don't have beds at all and they also don't have a shelter naturally where even are they right now oh they're over here [Music] come on people get to work get that stuff back home you can go to bed oh never mind sun's coming up again already sucks to be them they worked all night I don't observe the cone mushrooms yeah but they're way over here I gotta I gotta get somebody over there the short term they can deal with the rations but we need to get some other stuff going on uh uh I need um I need a shelter for storage [Music] let me build housing already that's cool let's go with uh plank sticks wood interesting water planks it's the same thing just a different look it seems same insulation value same structural value all right let's uh we'll do our little shelter over here I guess oh that's not gonna work [Music] it's a little storage building here maybe actually I'll do a storage building slash Workshop here [Music] gotta have a window in here too [Music] first shelter it turns into map storage yeah plank foundations are weaker though are they [Music] like it doesn't it doesn't show a difference but I did floor what is integrity 70 bikes are Integrity 70 also like are they are they actually strong support versus average support oh maybe that's just about the size of the building it'll support on it Nano will boot nanobot booster shot now but I have a handy little thing and then about uh uh get rid of us not needed here all right use the shot took the last 10 days let's let him use it I want to get everybody the dose they'll suffer to it looks like an oversized that house Wow might be all these Critters back here hopefully they don't get violent when I shoot them because I'm going to shoot them it's not really an if situation I don't want them eating my stuff though either which would be problematic what else we need we're gonna need uh a place for them to dine so let's go ahead and we'll make another shelter for that um um what happens if I do back to back does it end up open on the end like on the Connecting Point oh it does there we go perfect that's what I want to hear we'll throw a table how much wood I got 92 wood I got more Stones we'll make them out of stone I guess there we go want them to have a place to eat that's out of the weather at least doesn't counter start getting agonizing pain until death like two years if he takes a shot uh uh maybe but I'm not We're Not Gonna live for two years it's fun I'm pretty sure he does uh he does suffer pretty bad those Nanobots are not a nice thing you know so close but they haven't finished that bigly plant over there it happens if I pick one that's over here will they study it cancel the cut and observe that one instead and then I'll cancel their observation over here oh I already did perfect I'm sending them way over there when we got one right there um let's get some of these fancy oh manure oh score Harvest some sausage Palms while we're at it [Music] these trees are gonna be a problem they're uh they're a food supply I don't really want to chop them down [Music] all right tall palm trees let's go with the tropical trees and the Fallen trees we'll cut those up I don't want him having to chop these things back otherwise I'm not going to put on a defensive wall no laugh at the diver Dave release uh I should actually play it they so they had I think it was three chapters in the game or something during the The Early Access period with the update coming out it's gonna have like seven chapters I should play it some more but um it's hard to fit everything in yeah I was waiting for them to get the building finished so I could throw a research bench in here uh I want to put a workshop like a workbench and a research engine here uh science research desk wooden give it a little spin stick that here actually this might block the door I don't know how it's gonna work bench hopefully that doesn't block the door if somebody's there that would suck and throw some wooden shells in here too storeroom of stuff got a shirt by sora's combat prowess very nice by Raptors we're gonna get like nuked at some point here just wait I'll be busy setting up and they'll be like ah I got you I might uh I might start off first for the early waves not even bothering the wall I might just put up a couple Towers to have the people go in the towers they make a fox plague on them I'm not sure how to make a plague but uh sure we can do that why not right we can make plagues all right uh uh put some torches in here because light is a good thing I guess can't see Cloud will eat me there we go a little bit of light there I don't know if I should have light in the sleeping quarters or just stick it on the wall in between Maybe I'm gonna try it can there we go acquire's wall it's not yeah well let me put that between them I guess whatever they got a campfire it's fine I can make do is made to your call I've worked tomorrow and play some more games yeah yeah I wish I could sadly that work thing is always there I need to secure some vegetarian food like the mushroom soon yeah I know I know um I wish there was something closer but I'll have to make do I guess get all this stuff out here I have all these rations here I need to get dealt with I don't want those rotten to go in the field when they want a meal they gotta run all the way to the center of the field just just to have a little snack oh yeah I haven't set up to observe already they just haven't done it yet so there's that at least I should get somebody's Scavenging over here too what's this no big bug plant or not plant this big bug hanging out in the plants set up stuff to cook well we don't even have I don't know what we have here yet so if we go with uh quick recipes we can make meat soup what have I gotta buy raw meat materials oh Palm meat all right so we got I've got a fair amount of that we can make uh we'll go until we have five of them in storage one thing I wish they would do is make it so you could prioritize the way they would eat food so like if I want to save the rations for last I can't tell them okay eat everything else first and then eat the rations although I probably should uh wait we should probably should set up their food consumptions they don't eat uncooked stuff um bleeding zero per hour okay is that the Nani business versus here we go uh uh some raw foods let's don't eat raw foods do the same thing for everybody [Music] because I don't want them messing around with my uh [Music] stuff uh not the patterns of the bulky animal like the art of the nah nah so I named it enough even the face of the animals resembles the famous artists despite its sharp claws this animal is a peaceful herbivore which usually runs from danger judging from its size it will probably be a good source of meat I feel bad for it but the survival the fittest in this world tamagnos have researched not statue 40 Stone okay so we can uh we can tame stuff that's fun okay research what do we got going on here so we're going to need oh light Max that requires a lot of stuff a lot of stuff I'm not prepared to get to yet uh so lightning rods because I have a feeling Lightning's gonna be a problem so here's the tool smithing this is new with this update now that we're here we can create Kinston include emergency rations and a portable bed roll which we can use for exploration beyond our initial location additionally we can improve our tools to optimize their efficiency in mining chopping and harvesting plants so we're totally going to do that uh I've got to work on that weapon Smith think I'm not super worried about right now because we have guns and such [Music] refrigerators let's work on pickling and maybe palm oil animal taming can't hurt maybe spaceship deconstruction so we can get some parts out of that oh wait I can't let's oh I got it all full never mind it worked people okay I want to set these up for storage raw Foods cooked meats Fabrics Etc that's all fine uh let's go ahead and set these though so that we don't store raw food cooked meals Electronics apparel weapons tools medicines other items here I pretty much just want my construction materials out here let's go that way I want to put it all inside we were given a special Mech core as part of your starting supplies oh maybe giant Street I decided to call this massive tropical tree Giants tree it could be cut down for a substantial amount of wood doesn't look like it would be a uh would be profitable to farm it this would take a long time and space to grow interesting Discovery glutch loaded insects those aren't new discovered purpley does examine this towering big Palm I couldn't help but be captivated but it's wide sturdy purple leaves didn't take long for me to realize that these leaves were ideal for building shelter their thickness and sturdiness making them perfect building materials well the trunk isn't great for building structures it could be broken down into sticks ideally for kindling of fire to keep us warm on chilly nights decided to give This Magnificent plant a name that perfectly captured its name its nature purple leaf a very creative of you [Music] look at the temperatures out here it's about like 40 degrees 40 Celsius anyway short raw food above cooked food health inspector is having your restaurant shut down more rain let's maybe give them uh uh target practice out here for leisure like Robinson can't make so we start getting medals and such uh I'm not worried about farming just yet I might have to cut some of these trees down just to like knock back the knock back the woods a bit [Music] them chopped choppity choppity antibiotics might be a good thing to do yeah definitely so the antibiotics we need the um the fermenting containers too right so production never put a chopping block out yours in case too I don't know if I'll need it but we'll see 40 Celsius nice day then 40 Celsius is pretty darn hot especially if they're adding humidity on top of that 'd be pretty warm ansible relay highly sophisticated artificial intelligence system capable of establishing faster and light communication between dozens of planets requiring the colonization of new Galactic sectors of the Seattle world see this is stuff that I haven't built with I didn't play for a couple updates there's some new things in here oh I should do uh drawing rack out here too stick that over here how many hours played IRL in this game ballpark figure uh for me hold on I'm gonna check my library uh oh not that many actually apparently only about 26 hours for me still a noob relative to people who put like hundreds or thousands of hours in the figure out is like I guess I have to change priorities in the activities list for people to rearrange stuff a little bit I'd like them to move things around more mundane task like lighting up torches flying fuel devices opening Windows rescuing Barry and carrying away dismantling handling loading so does handling include putting stuff away because I'd really like someone to put things away they don't seem to be prioritizing it though scavenge mine cook craft tailor assemble nope the liver how long items and materials to storages and devices okay so that's the problem we need to uh need to get somebody working on delivery Let's see we had a couple people doing this maybe I might speed up the process of moving some stuff around risk a meltdown Connor what Connor he's sleeping where's he sleeping where the heck is he asleep oh okay he's not asleep at he's going to sleep I got it that was foolish it's not Delirious did you right now pick a better way to do that maybe foreign back here that's gross okay we're going to get rid of these animals at some point they're gonna stink up the joint with all their manure haven't played in six months but uh I don't want the priority number higher to get things done no the lower number makes them do it more so if you go into activities so yeah this is a three and it says if you left click it increases priority right click decreases if I left click it goes down to a two gotta go the other way it goes up to four or whatever so it's uh it's a lower number is higher priority except for fertilizer and liquid fuel though yeah except can't do anything with it right now the moment is just gonna be in the way I should probably start giving them all their own little houses too my little wood houses um to look at Community setting here instead three by three house for each person maybe okay work fans can fix that where's the workbench crap expanded his healing uh slop mix slop from any raw food I guess that's for feeding animals let's make some uh some dandelion healing Maybe like five of them on hand or something oh I need to research this bark stuff over here [Music] they still haven't researched the uh the mushroom that's way over here oh what is that scream succulent all right observe that too need some Stone or how's it going against four by five or five by five to get the spacious room is it so three by three is not gonna be good enough that's what you're telling me as I just dump all the wood on the ground they're like what are you doing try four by five see what else see how that works how do you change this the direction of the stairs again uh rotate says zero X there we go it's a big room for one person good Lord plan on playing Starfield yeah I'd like to play Starfield it's just a question of uh how much interest there is in it I guess [Music] do you know the detentions of space they need for the dimensions of the space or are there how's it just temporary four by five is the minimum for spaces better to understand so I guess we'll put it in that size that's huge though I have to build six of those that's gonna be it's gonna be quite a lot but I guess I could do the other ones in like a straight row and just give them all individual doors Maybe it's gonna take a lot of materials though up these down too I guess while we're at it uh uh sausage Palms give those a chop raw red meat so I guess the the I wonder if I can hear the Palm meter if it just stays the way that it is I don't think they didn't put anything on there but it doesn't mean anything yet so exciting for Starfield yeah hopefully it's good hopefully it's good yeah sausage Palms are that's really if they're plants that produce fruit that are very meat-like in nature and they happen to look like bananas or sausages it's a real sausage fest down here all right I've got people a risk of meltdown uh can't build beds I guess I haven't made haven't made any Fabrics uh uh purple leaf cloth two days to learn that wow that sucks all right who do I want prioritizing research looks oh Talus is the one we all do in that so Talus you focus on Research buddy get through some of that stuff hope you learned to make a snack for them it's called sausage fingers we're gonna make pigs in a blanket or something sure it'll be fine [Music] let's see if I can put defensive structures back here um fortifications wooden [Music] oh I hate that I okay that's a problem I hope that considers it like closed off because if not that would suck the angle that I'm in here is gonna be a little weird [Music] [Music] there we go I can go into the Rock on that side but not on the other side weird [Music] don't eat spacious bedrooms a regular 3x4 uh and a small is two by two what if I want a spacious bedroom S three by four so wow let's let's make a longer longer structure for this other one so I have I have five more and I have to fit in here if I do three by four it's gonna go 15 wide [Music] that's pretty wide I can't I can't even see it so wide there we go four by fifteen would give me the width I need [Music] uh the trouble is the stairs are gonna be in the way [Music] nobody I only cancel the part of that come on no not draft uh uh floor construction cancel we'll do smaller structures I guess six by four I can't rotate the stairs uh housing stairs wait door what door there we go with the divining wall in between them governors of walls maybe hallways as well well I was just playing to put doors all on the outside so they don't have like interjoining rooms and then inside I'll just do uh a wall made out of you know planks or whatever just draw that between the oops what happened there yeah that's fine so they drew the wall just draw the wall in between the two and then they're good I'll do a couple more of those and they'll all have like individualized rooms and fox invents the duplex yeah [Music] Chase I can't make them proper beds so we can do a sleeping spot and a purple leaf we'll just put those inside for now [Music] let somebody get a big room at least uh that's gonna need flooring too I guess otherwise they're gonna think they're living in a cave for some reason because they're super picky these people ceramic tiles require Stone that's good why not get them floors are easy to clean up after fermentation barrels we want because we can make antibiotics with that [Music] put a couple of those out here insufficient materials wood oh God we've got shot more trees uh how about these ones over here okay those are pretty far because they're all kind of far put those down yeah took my research uh research was in progress they're working on taming right now the next thing is uh purple leaf cloth which would be handy oh give me kimchi now we know how to preserve vegetables we can take it a step further and start fermenting a delicious meal made from the jungle plants that are not usually edible such as purple Leaf and Dandelion spores we need salt to season them and then store them so I gotta get my hands in some salt but we can learn how to make kimchi that's cool it seems like it's worth doing that's good for the vegetarians too [Music] uh um this Camp management one I'm confused about here to stay but mere survival is not sufficient we must come together and establish strategies to maintain separate camps unlocks construction of area Flags to delineate restricted zones for work and habitation not really entirely clear the deals with that it's two spaceship deconstruction while we're at it night goggles sweet electronics for that [Music] um where would manure go if I had manure it's not really a crafty material it's not a construction material though either have them like collect up the manure manure unknown well let's upset go observe the manure like look I found corn [Music] they had lots of the game half the stuff I haven't ever seen before if you look at the jungle map though yeah it's cool it's uh well I mean it's hot because it's you know it's oh she's 23 right now oh people are going on at the risk of meltdown already getting the oil press going in here maybe [Music] a little crowded space in here I feel like I should have made this bigger I always regret when I make things really big though if I get some of the beds moving and start using some of these uh here for like smaller production or whatever if you deserve a bunch of the stuff in your vicinity yeah a whole bunch of it actually trees and things observe this grass some of the buggy things we've observed these dandelion Palms are interesting [Music] dandelion trees I guess there oh yeah there is one of those Power Cell things get myself a Mech do you want to gain that wall behind you while I was thinking that just blocking it off for now um so that I wouldn't have to necessarily worry about stuff coming at me from behind right away I think it's time to do some hunting too fry out some meat on the drying rack oh Connor's vomiting Carter what you do buddy what's your problem migraine this is the stupid nanites they used there we go ranching okay I've never actually done any ranching in this game animal spots animal feeders I'm not really in a position to feed these things yet I can't even feed my own people so I'm not going to worry about actually ranching them just yet but [Music] uh food crops purple leaf yes I want to grow purple leaf over here [Music] tobacco it grows best in lome it looks like so we'll plant it over here I guess nice big field of purple leaf [Music] because how's the baby animal if you'd already observed those hippo like creatures I have yeah these are the uh the Noth they produce a meat and hide containing them requires [Music] whatever that is some sort of vegetable or something if somebody chop this thing down this plant is growing when cut you get 235 wood out of it it's a good chunk of wood foreign [Music] chop that sucker down we're not here to coexist with the planet we're here to dominate it they can be used to making medicine um you can also make a tea out of them and uh they're used in the recipe for kimchi apparently too pickled vegetables uh oh aggressive animals incoming uh [Music] where are they coming from the side over there they're Flyers I want to get uh a little little defensive Tower in here what are you huge purple mantis that seems not so great insufficient storage space but but I don't have room to store but why does the food still out here uh who's freaking out oh stop crying go gotta go back okay oh I guess I shot that thing and scared it it's running now I don't understand why they didn't store the food come on Connor you've got them penned in there you can't run away there we go way to murder him [Music] he's got the sniper he's got the long range shooting too should probably tell him to stop hunting that thing [Applause] all right good oh rocker got oh he's crying I think it injured he's sitting in the field here crying come on Rocka look you may not like this planet yet but it's home you got to set up here man stop crying it's going well my people are melting down they're crying we're shooting animals around us everything's fine first wave of insects is coming in it's probably gonna be a problem sure it's all fine though I'd love to know why they're leaving the rations in the field all right everybody get recruited fall back I mean they're well armed so we've got that going for us at least rocket stop crying what are you doing oh they leave him alone all right fine be safe oh there's smoke in these things my dude starting with the sniper rifles this early in the game he's a little like cheating you know yeah way to Nuke that thing okay undraft everybody they're all undrafted congratulations somebody observed this risk a meltdown Dallas oh my God I gotta get the more entertained or something are you not entertained I hate that I don't have a bed yet let's go right for him yeah oh good we got somebody sick what's your problem oh leg infection I don't have any enemy oh boy we got a problem I don't think I could even research antibiotics yet uh uh [Music] anyway Alex uh I gotta find grain before I can make antibiotics where's the grain again is this the grain over here that's blade grass giant grass give me grains there's one way over here so I'll leave you play actually these all in qualify oh wait oh wait there's a whole bunch of them over here I'm gonna just send them all the way over there we can just gather these ones rock is being very helpful oh yeah he's spending a lot of time crying in the field shift up and click to select all callers oh thanks I was just I was shift clicking them as opposed to shift double according insufficient storage area I need more storage this is uh a problem I did not anticipate running into right away um this guy's got lots of Reuben inside let's put storage in here there you go I thought about that maybe we're looking the wrong way everyone just sit down and pretend you're working that'll fix it yeah 100 probably sleeping in here it doesn't even have an owner they've got a comfortable room and what are they doing they're sleeping out here uh let's give this one to Talus we'll sign it to Talus because he's having a bad time where was this bed out here rocker Melody I was sleeping right now oh God they're drying some stuff so that's good build a ward number two they hold 15 clothing slash weapon items all right uh uh storage double wardrobe let's take a room in here uh I also want I want lots of Windows in here I think it's important for them to have some light in this place be curious to see if there's like a winter season in this uh in this biome am I gonna have to contend with cold or are we pretty much I wish I could copy them copy what I have here just like have them duplicate it could be handy too yeah uh uh housing door would it's next we'll put the window at the back though so they're not like looking right into the neighbor's window that'd be just weird and creepy when you realize Winters minus 40 degrees Celsius in the jungle that'd be something because I actually watch you play games where you're constantly dying no it's just a function of when she can be here there's a couple games she specifically avoids like uh when I'm playing blizzard games otherwise uh you know this isn't like a it's not like a paid job or something she's not my employee he just helps out when she's here and you know praise for my death a lot needed ton more wood you're short almost 500. yeah I got them queued up for doing wood over here but I guess I need to put some priority on people chopping with I guess because I just haven't haven't done that they're doing other things right now um Conor's pretty good at cutting so let's make him a two and we'll do same thing with Sora and Talus get them focused on cutting then maybe I should do the same thing for mining because they're both they're all into the whole physical thing [Music] sure about the staggered insulated double wall between living units for soundproofing oh yeah yeah 100 we'll get right on that we don't want them to have that much luxury we'll never want to go into combat I think I'm gonna make uh a dining and cooking area over here it's our Stone right now 192. I'm gonna make this one out of stone [Music] maybe I shouldn't that's really high uh 347 Stone oh what is that seven what sleep parasite an unknown parasite is causing me fatigue and drowsiness for now there is no cure but a skilled healer may be able to think of something oh was that Talus that got the parasite sleep parasite Grease the need for Sleep uh rest from Full sleeping cycle minus ten percent well that's great bring on the Sleep parasites I guess It's A New Nightmare yeah you gotta beat the Ashley quota oh don't worry we'll get our people killed just you wait I have no Pro with this game I only have like 25 hours in it just enough to know that I don't know all that much uh let's get Melody focused on observing do the same with Talus when he's not busy doing other things but I want him doing research too [Music] nobody can also do research he's got brains if you click on something you can move it move right now foreign ERS oh down here move oh I could have copied it oh wait a minute could I copy a whole structure is that a thing no can't copy the whole structure uh uh we'll move some things let's move some beds inside look at people sleeping indoors if I can revolution has begun he calls it a parasite but I didn't know sleepiness is a parasite your laziness was a parasite well listen uh maybe it is maybe all this time you've just been misunderstanding fertilize and then fertilizer though games like this I have an overwhelming urge to want to keep giving them new jobs meanwhile they haven't even finished all the jobs I already gave them and then I get frustrated that they're not working fast enough but I just keep loading work on them like some sort of weird Taskmaster it's like I can't help myself [Music] [Applause] flare shielding the star of this planet's already emitting a men's electromagnetic radiation any solar flare would render all our scavenged or improvised CPUs operational and operational I don't have any CPUs yet oh you know what uh uh forgot I wanted to make um craft tools there we go harvesting tools good luck charm craft a mini good luck charm that will make its carrier happy I think a couple uh a couple harvesting tools and we'll make I'm still looking on materials for the healing bomb uh we'll make a couple good luck charms too oops Yeah so that way I can give the better tools to uh who is it like Conor Talus and uh uh Sora I think it was the people that I have uh like Mining and cutting yeah so Connor connoisseur and Talus I can give them the tools I wonder if that replaces what they have equipped tools are a new thing that's um that's something that's in this update oh there's the spot for the tool there so I can give them a special tool to improve their their stuff some of the other people will try to give them charms and make them happy one to four square things can be moved all right I'm gonna I'm gonna break this down I think get my materials back out of it [Music] probably sleep a lot so if they want to sleep every day or something God the nerve of these people [Music] palm trees cut those down tropical trees fallen tree I'll get all that fancy Lumber [Music] there's a little dandelion scores I guess [Music] thank you I don't know how many I have hold on raw foods 75 dandelion spores uh uh I don't know how many it actually takes in the sport oh raw vegetables 100. so never mind we can't can't even bother with this [Music] we don't even have enough alien trees Harvest those two let's be successful he was donating heavily to cryptic Fox yeah that's how that works I love her videos any tips for a new YouTuber uh have you already started if not then step one would be starting because most people fail on that phase they just failed to start oh it's uh it's a YouTube's a lot of trial and error you kind of like to figure out what works for you in terms of like what kind of games you enjoy playing if you're doing gaming in particular what games do you enjoy playing getting comfortable with yourself making content signing if you're gonna do the streaming versus or uploaded content find out what uh you can actually generate an audience for but it's about medicine look the big flying insect seems to be peaceful and easily scared I decided to name it hunting fly well it wasn't all that peaceful when it was attacking my base this game's lies man Scissorhands demolisher geez with a name like that see the huge genetically engineered madnesses in the zoo once but this creature's something else the Scissorhands I've named it has razor sharp front legs which shred its victims into pieces in an instant four legs make it fast and agile traits which get further enhanced by its remarkable senses on closer examination I deduced that it's antenna assistant detecting movement around it Jesus Scissorhands Demolisher I mean that's that's an appropriate name don't forget to add your door and stairs to your dining room oh where are they oh you know what I think the storage stuff was in the way uh all right that's gonna be important door making out of wood stick around the end give him a couple Windows here too foreign can we name one Edward absolutely began I don't know if they're tameable I mean they're pretty violent sounding suspicious materials and sufficient storage space man I just I'm lacking for lacking for the basics right now you know I don't think he would but I'm out of stone completely uh there is Stone over here line up these Rock chunks that'll give me some more stones you gotta have the stones for it tame it and send it to harvest box ever played any of the aliens games off stream it's not if so not what what do you think of it depends what you mean by aliens so I played uh on stream I I played Alien fire team [Music] um what was that one England game we played it's not we played Dark Descent just the other day it's really good it's more like a strategy what was that what was the horror based one Uh crap my brain won't work alien isolation yeah we played alien isolation that was good freaky made me poop myself double click on the stone pile and highlight all nearby oh look at all these tactics people telling me here oh well all the same type I guess ones that are a little smaller not so much it's all right [Music] still haven't studied this grain plant out here sure would be nice if you guys would do that holy finally finished the wall in here nice okay they're gonna need light uh uh because light is gooder by the door let's actually do the same thing over here while I'm already planning to do it there we go [Music] new discovery this isn't Terry hooray we searched purple leaf cloth working on the kimchi research right now the availability of Mech cores we are now able to create mechs however bringing a small self operating so I'm it's the mental ability for that I need smelting but I haven't actually found metal to smelt so where do I find that I mean I guess we could break it down from the ship or whatever when we start breaking those like disassembling the wrecks over there that research is still pending Valley is having a meltdown stop crying Melody you're studying plants you got the easy job although she's ravenously hungry burnout where's the is the food still sitting in the field out here this is so annoying why won't they pick up the food early on I wanted them to pick up the food but would they put the food in there no they wouldn't put the food in here they left it in the field is the end game to get off the planet or something so we're just we're setting up a functioning settlement and in this particular game mode um it's a military base one so there's uh there's more combat involved when we get like attacked and stuff we've only had one attack so far but the use button is it just disables their ability to use it or not so like if I highlight it for example and I if I uncheck it now it says they're forbidden to use or carry it but if I check the box it says they can it says we have incivision storage but even when we had it they didn't move it kind of annoying Sam that's sand I'm just saying you know what I'm saying foreign probably if you sign their work uh their work hour yet to give them rest time no I haven't bothered with their schedule probably would help with their whole cheeriness if we gave them some relaxation time we'll give them all some relaxation time at the end of the day um they've got anything time I mean that qualifies right everybody gets uh like six out well seven hours of sleep at night we'll say go that way everyone prioritizing considerably like well yeah sort of so the the uh deliverer I have Melody she was set up for priorities same thing with raqqa and Rita so now he's doing other activities but raka and Rita not so much I would think they go and do the deliver things but they're not transporting all of materials of storage and devices so they feel like they should have done that but they just haven't really been oh oh Melody oh she's eating then she ran all the way out to the field to get herself one ration to come back sit at the table and eat the ration good job Melody you're a real trooper that's great wonderful work [Music] nobody's I need something on priority cooking too activities who's our primary cook I mean O'Connor again but he's busy doing other things Melody's busy doing other things Rocca arita's interested we have a Rita on cooking still good that insufficient storage space notification seems like 3D Oni it's more like a 3D Rim World actually very much like room world like crazy amount of similarities including be able to eat your own people which is his own unique problem please butcher these things cancel The Butchery order survivors to butcher yeah butcher them good get them out of here they're making a mess of this place I don't need corpse laying around I'm gonna drop bugs you know small bugs not the big ones [Music] just drop the Temp Storage longer for now which one what who we'll talk about this out here maybe the issues that I just I took out uh I blocked him from storing meals out here it could have meals I guess I think uh quick meals other yeah emergency rations so we'll leave it so they can store emergency rash Ledger maybe they'll carry them over I'm gonna have to move them inside when they get them here kind of thing they're one meat they'll spoil right away with the bugs oh speaking of brought it away the following resources right away resource Decay and running some reason Decay with time and will eventually run away you can slow this progress by providing Proper Storage such as shells yeah oh well that's what it is I gotta get them out of the way though even the bodies there doesn't seem like a good solution oh my God working on construction feels like everyone should be able to construct you're not doing something go build a thing prioritize him for it except he's gonna have a meltdown which isn't helping yeah I know we need flooring in the cabins I'm still trying to get cabins built so the flooring is important but it's maybe not as important as actually having a cabin um this one has a floor in it I haven't done one in here yet um let's just move these for now I'm gonna replace these with a proper beds later [Music] for now we'll get them actually sleeping indoors maybe that'll help with their mood a little bit new discovery flatulence to the sound yeah Let's go people build those buildings and such actually they're largely done now um okay I'm gonna deconstruct this get those resources back I'm gonna move this thing it's better to uh I don't put it over here get it out behind the stuff so like people aren't shooting at it over there this is going to move too down the middle what about the last building here so I have uh I have five five places indoors one two three wait that's four how do I end up with so many beds I built an extra bed that's why Rita sleeps there Melody sleeps there araca Connor that one's shared so let's give this one a rita Sora okay so Sora Rita it's a shared bed [Music] just move this bed for now [Music] stick it in here for the moment that's dangerous somebody could just walk right across there like Sora on her way to eat about for not having flooring is worse than sleeping in the shelter is it well again I just want to give them all right whatever okay we'll prioritize flooring ceramic tiles I could sleep on the ceramic floor let's look at her Leisure so we can do statues cool decoration let's do uh Scissorhands we'll put it up here by the uh crafting thing hopefully somebody's decent at artwork and they can actually actually make that thing this last bed send a Melody so sign this to Melody and then this one I can deconstruct this too you get my materials back stature Tombstone probably basically the same thing now you finish the Wardrobe oh the water's done yeah thank you uh um so we can set this to handle parallel weapons of tools and then we'll set this to not have that Barrel tools and weapons oh I also crafted some tools I meant to give them to people and I've kind of forgot about it nope nobody pronounced it yet just I don't have anybody prioritizing crafting uh uh jeez everybody's somebody's big on Crafting tells like I'm doing more research and cutting should actually step him up off of cutting so he does more research so I was on research and Mining so that's fine uh Rita is on cooking but there's not a lot of cooking going on so we also could put Rita on Crafting but she's only got a one point in it raka's interested in crafting this will go that way for now oh man they built that thing fast cool decoration something anyway we hope you're season wise we're in the wet season right now looks like we're gonna deal with a dry season so assuming food will be a challenge someone messes the other day I think it was weird yeah so on Discord there's been a bit of that going around just know that I don't randomly message anybody so if uh if you get a random message from me it's probably not me when in doubt just ask in the general Discord people definitely say that it's not me uh I need more wood top bombs trackable tropical trees and Fallen trees let's go into that too while we're at it I kind of think the next wave of bugs are gonna come soon too we're already on day nine [Music] could happen you tell it wasn't you yeah it's a little bit weird yeah my buddy Nate had that issue too somebody was impersonating him sending people messages or whatever how somebody gets entertainment value out of that I don't know but clearly somebody is that would be the last house we need there still can't make this stuff I need uh let me out here how do I make like textiles or something no wait I can make those over here can I crafting cloth out of purple leaf there we go I don't like I think like 40 of them or something I don't have anywhere that much purple leaf I have like nowhere to leave brought it away 389 oh [Music] okay so the purple leaf rots away that's that is definitely [Music] definitely worth knowing wow okay I need more purple leaf [Music] dough for having people do what they don't want is negative to mood is having them do things they're interested in positive mood Maybe could be a thing I guess anything ever rots if you don't have a roof over to except Stone really is that what the problem was I had them outside well the metal probably doesn't either too right although I guess maybe it corrodes [Music] the meals over here even though I greenlit putting them out here Discovery greencom good Discovery the seeds of this tall leafy plant cluster together in a cob and seem edible thus I'm gonna call it green cob used to many ways cooked pressed into oil distilled into sweet syrup or moonshine and moonshine even using the production of antibiotics such a simple thing it's a vital for survival can I research antibiotics now no I can't I guess because I haven't collected it yet I've only researchified it can we uh we Harvest this please Great Harvest that fancy grain cob it'd be nice to plant some over here too actually raincoat makes a smaller field about to run away I don't know our sausage meat no not the sausage plant I guess I over harvested [Music] uh okay this bed here can move into here [Music] so that was not that he asked me if I was a Trader or a Trader yeah if you got messages from somebody who look like Nate and you weren't expecting them it wasn't me same thing with me if you're not expecting a message from me and you get a message from me it's almost certainly not me I don't randomly message anybody on Discord it's not something that I do in General on the internet when you get random messages you're not expecting you should default to being suspicious Connor's got a risk of meltdown now too Connor what's your problem buddy he's feeling are you feeling unloved said the nanites in your head are the nanites making you do it I don't know if they actually need room to get behind the seats or if they can reach them even though there's a something in the way there and it looks like they can but started uh storage chests storage space for resources could not fit large construction resources but uh I'm gonna put shelving in here specifically just for food I also need light in here I guess fox said let there be light and there was and it was weak and fickle just like him a little parquet floor in there okay butter non-edibles uh oh they finally did the skin bark so that's fine okay what about trees I saw somebody over there researching the mushroom oh Melody's over here observing the stream succulent I finally got that underway I'm terrible about keeping people happy in this game to build a dartboard uh nope I need uh uh fabrics and leather it looks like which is weird because it seems like they've got stuff over here oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait do I need the Taylor bench in order to make leather I don't think I do do it morning lines want to know we'll find out soon enough I guess instructing access to another thing great uh look you got oh wait if I put a production piece in there they won't like it right I think I got these tables moving I can put some stuff in here too this Little Shelter but they're still drying don't need the Taylor wrench for it all right storage chests are nice outside because the account is having a roof I mean it said so with the storage chest though did it not say cannot fit large construction resources but what qualifies as a construction Reserve like a large construction resource is it all of these uh uh 72 Days 12 Days 12 days yeah all this stuff breaks down I need to put that in a cover here new resource leather there we go it finally dried I'm gonna make leather armor but we're already armored so that's not really a big deal nope we got our next insect wave coming oh from that side oh that's not that far um okay how quickly gonna build some quick defenses here I thought it was gonna be perfect but if I could just even get something here um it's fishing materials I don't know if I would oh come on chop this stuff down it's close they're busy constructing shelves right now like defenses we don't need defenses forget it the fence do not stop Flyers no but the if I have people Behind the Walls shooting the Flyers that's okay it's the uh the ground-based ones that I'm worried about of which there's gonna be five in this wave so eight Flyers the humming Flyers they tend to get there first because they're flying lost Harvest what the falling plants have lost their Guild are no longer harvestable no I need those grains [Music] something like that don't be like that okay and here I want just food stuff [Music] I would prefer that they not store food in here or in here [Music] put it all in the dining area thank you defenses are for people who want to live what is that how that works like people aren't decided what they want yet you know things here have not been glorious yet there are a little questioning whether they really want to be here foreign oh crap didn't even get anything done okay so uh Connor draft you go here draft all these people too and get them into the Central area of the camp I guess I've just got that sniper so he can shoot from long range at least but see the Flyers get here first so we can we can cut them down relatively easy okay Flyers oh that one's got back up it's like I'm getting out of here these people are crazy oh they're on a line of sight I guess the building's in the way a little bit that sniper is great Melody oh no Melody oh crap I forgot she was gonna run through there oh she's getting ganked a little bit run Melody run run Melody run yeah sniper support that's where it's at I completely forgot she was way over there I could have left her doing her thing she would have been fine okay everybody else you come over here shoot those things there we go minor problems just minor problems uh everybody got undrafted Melody's awaiting treatment I want her to treat herself she's the one who's like the medic [Music] forbid the Survivor from going to bed and waiting for treatment nope can I not have her treat herself deserved by Thomas wasbell 's gonna help her I guess healing Melody where are you going Hill self wait he's gonna run over med kits because that'd be an unfortunate thing to have to do [Music] okay no stop stop stop you're doing to me here wait for treatment in the sleeping spot you do that then Talus is gonna treat her he helped Connor after all I don't know what was wrong with Connor he was in the tower shooting stuff yeah I guess going to get the meds but oh now he's not doing it that's who's treating reserved by rocket Chad this time he's running out to get something what are you what is he getting where are you going oh they're out here what am I oh geez [Music] I do not understand why they aren't picking these things up I don't understand it I can't even like force them to do it you can right click on those and force them no I can't I right clicked it nothing happened I'm right clicking right now there's nothing happening I cannot make them pick it up do they need special storage no tree you can you select someone and then right click it oh is that what I gotta do I gotta pick someone first where's uh Connor's eating we're just getting whatever here Rita let me do this for me I need you to do a thing pick these up [Music] all for stay kids it's weird that I gotta actually manually tell people to do this though I feel like they should just do it already because it's part of their job do your job [Music] is there a task party list like that no need there is yes if you go into here and look at the activities you can the delivery is the the one where they pick up things and move them so it could be just they've been overwhelmed by other priorities because it's the farthest one on the right it's the one they're going to do at least frequently but like some of these they've been I didn't have them like on like cut jobs or whatever and they were still not doing it I might just have to pick someone in particular and tell them it's their like their their main priority toxic ash oh good just thinking to myself we haven't had enough toxic Ash today my minions yeah HR says they must attend four hour ration hauling training sessions first sounds about right blasted HR why are you putting the food out here uh why you do this to me this place is set up for food uh not the workbench I want to put uh uh the tailoring bench on here anyone else can we go to your soldering bench I don't have electricity so that's another thing oh I should make one of those put this inside here oh good Melody's got the Sleep parasite now too hooray all these dead insects out here why is rocket hardly moving stomachache shortness of breath [Music] why minor abdominal pain indigestion constipation vomiting cause by the consumption of rotting food what in rotting food do I have to specifically tell you people not to eat rotting food laughs I thought the rotting stuff just like went away on its own oh no huh it's rotting on the Shelf I don't understand how to make it go away oh Connor your own floor brilliant sleep in a leather bed that sounds comfy nothing says ultimate Comfort like leather beds a grief all the toxic Ash make them throw up oh that would do it I guess there are multiples the same assignment property do they do the ones to the left first yeah I'm aware if there's a job there that's pending that activity anyway like I could set somebody to two on two different things but if there's nothing to do of the one that's farther left they'll do the one to the right leather bed sounds like medieval prison life it doesn't sound Pleasant that's for sure I feel like sleeping in leather pants like that doesn't sound fun either oh Rita is into farming [Music] let's get some farming going I guess if I can get past some of these um some of these jobs that I have around construction and everything that are like impairing people's ability to do other stuff that would be great [Music] about to run away 114 food rations ah come on [Music] I I literally come on I can't even get them to put the things away okay hold on activities everybody get that delivery going everyone deliver go now [Music] about time so I know oh they're already rotting well that's wonderful perfect everything's awesome antibiotics uh I don't even have the ability to research them yet nope let's say the requirement find produce grain I did find it but at least they observed it they didn't haul any of it in yet still have it all selected out here for them to get be nice to get all the bug bodies out of here [Music] let's look at the camp organized it'll be I can change the priorities again they went they had that one Oregon Trail very quickly yeah yeah I know I need to harvest it I know I'm trying to get this stuff sorted first so the food I already have doesn't just go bad sitting out here in storage it's super lame I guess I should put construction materials under a roof like if I build another little roof thing over here I'm gonna put my storage thing in there [Music] wait I don't want that uh cancel that there we go however the hand plant are also rotten yeah so my plan is gonna be to put um put storage stuff in here so we do like a stockpile in both sides in here then I can move all this stuff underneath the roof and then those things that are hopefully will no longer be considered exposed and then they won't rot on me see what happens you're finally going and getting the stuff so that's good it's been laying out in the field here for 11 days except they're doing it during the ash event which is maybe not the smartest thing [Music] I just want them to get the job done [Music] the speedway to specify rotted food I don't know it though yeah I don't uh I don't know how to get rid of the rotting food eat soup other it just says it just says like other but I want to get rid of the stuff that's rotten in here it doesn't like come up as a thing or anything okay they're all taking a break now uh okay I'm gonna change it so that um they're not all super focused on that anymore actually Connor can stay focused on it why not Melody I want her to focus on Research again crafting and construction for him so let's just make that a two cut in mine like that too also then towels I have on mining and research maybe not make him a two for mining look at the atom on the shelf and tell them to unstore it so if I click on it though Boop is it like you can you you can't really pick like the individual item I don't think if I gotta cook meals emergency rations if I unstore it then it will unstore all of it oh God it's all going bad that's great it's fabulous it sat in the field so long it should have been like indefinite food but I've managed to find a way to ruin it that's a skill right there never say I'm not a skilled gamer it's not the right skills that's all it's like the eyeball storage Lots four of six oh just like it shows what's there but oh throw away there we go shelf life 11 percent there we go throw that away uh uh well see some of these things it's it's questionable right I mean if they're gonna if they're gonna get sick eating the rations it might as well get rid of them all [Music] gross remember watching someone's playthrough where they had the same thing happen they eventually figured out how to specifically yeah well you kind of can so like let's say let's say on the Shelf I had half a pie like a pile of good stuff and a pile of bad stuff [Music] does it specify what's good and what's bad no it does actually it actually sorted it's throwing out only the things that were bad okay so that's good it lumped the ball in is like a single group of things [Music] okay that's cool I approve lost Harvest 10. [Music] look anybody can do harvesting [Music] we uh [Music] everyone can Harvest foreign [Music] there's four stacks of stuff here it's only showing three of them because this last shelf for some reason is classified differently [Music] it's weird [Music] yeah it kind of does weird did we learn a thing no we don't learn things stop that I refuse to learn it's not in my nature discovered Shrieker [Music] those are not new cure plants this planet appears have incredible healing properties that's why I call it cure plant it can be cultivated and uh we can Harvest antibiotics from this plant when it's fully grown oh my God really the phone where's that cure plant over here where was that I know I was back here by these mushrooms there it is Pure Plant [Music] Harvest that stuff that's gross some of that too [Music] there's a good meltdown Rita I can't keep my people happy doesn't matter what I do we're never happy give a little give him a punching Pole dartboard would be good [Music] find some cure plants uh 40 growth soy loam silts soil still to grows better than silt it seems yep girls bear and silt all right so right over here I guess it's fish materials I ran out of leather that was quick uh look I found some leather oh actually I can get the um Harvest this stuff too I haven't told them to do this yet skin bark will like let me uh make leather too you forget about that what about my happy charms I don't even like crafted them yet let's find out uh tell us nope I still have orders like waiting to do this stuff let's get some of these things down a little bit who's my Crafter [Music] oh they're both prioritizing something else um I'll make Nicaragua focus on Crafting [Music] cover Buzz shroom these cone looking mushrooms don't appear to be poisonous upon ingesting a small sample that caused a tingling sensation on my tongue shortly after that I felt a surge of energy as I got a boost of adrenaline adrenaline that's why I call this Buzz shroom he uses to make tea or process them into energy stimulants unlocks harvesting mushrooms planting mushrooms and stimulant tea okay so that's a problem I thought I was gonna get something vegetable related there that I could feed to my vegetarians that was not the case uh but can we make kimchino ferment kimchi takes 100 purple leaf and 100 dandelion spores I only have 76 of one and 150 of the other made purple leaf much much purple leaf man it's way over there It's gotta be some closer than that I keep losing Harvest too what's going on with that I'm gonna put a gate in this thing back here because my people when they're walking around have to actually go all the way around uh uh at first I didn't think I would need it but they aren't actually Gathering stuff back there so I probably should give them something if I could find a spot to put it there we go I've ever chewed on coca leaves nope definitely not too many coca leaves growing in Southern Ontario skin bark what are these names uh well it's it's getting like bark thing yeah we have skin bark the survivors name themselves it's not their fault they're just not all that bright [Music] put a floor in the kitchen they're getting Nemo oh are they I keep forgetting that I forgot they didn't have a floor in here housing flooring let's do stone Paving in here we got Stone available I feel like they should stop complaining a little bit you know [Applause] there's a good place about the furnaces I guess I could put them in here two of those built [Music] solar panel so I oh I have 52 Electronics what all right we can get power going in here actually now what should I do with the power 3D printer construction materials consumes energy used for the production of carbon nanotubes food fabricator transforms energy into Quick tasty and Chef's meals what yes please give me one of those good cooking we'll uh we'll be cooking the fast and easy way uh I'm gonna need uh I'm gonna need power here over this thing I guess throw a wind turbine in here maybe a little battery backup [Music] hope you're doing family or you're safe for the wildfires yeah they're not anywhere near me we're getting the the worst era right now I guess the Toronto area I guess was listed as like having the um [Music] um the worst air quality in the world or something today or yesterday or whatever it was just wonderful but yeah the fires anywhere aren't anywhere near me we're just getting this disgusting smoke smell s like a campfire outside so sick of smokey area right let's finish harvesting tools oh yes uh okay so Connor oh one of them anyway good Connor harvesting tool there were three people I wanted to get to do I think it was Connor Talus and Sora maybe is that what it was no they got they have more of them still to make [Music] more stuff rotted away on me uh okay this here I don't want no food no cooked food Fabrics or anything this should be yeah actually what am I doing copy restrictions case restrictions and then relocate the stuff in the cover aggressive animals species seems aggressive a dead specimen maybe procured observant studied we've got uh a whole lot of ground-based things coming they're gonna come from this side let's get a gate in here [Music] trouble here is gonna be I gotta run around this thing uneven Terrain I can't uh [Music] they're never gonna get that built in time but if I could at least get some of it done that'd be all right uh let's get a couple more Towers set up here too I want my people up off the ground because these ground-based insects or a nuisance mubaro the 27 month member renewal thanks blue Morrow appreciate the support hopefully everybody hurries up uh activities let's get some more people on construction for the moment Sora Connor all you guys get all you guys were unconstructing quickly please help they construct the right things it's Mission storage space what oh wait what's going on in here ah come on [Music] the shelf for some reason is in two parts it's got like different sets of instructions on it stop complaining about air quality and breathe through your Gill like the rest of us yeah yeah thank you I have Connor probably yeah that's another idea uh let's draft him where are they wrote that way [Music] [Music] to poor guy's hungry I drafted him sent him off into combat what's going on Connor should you not be shooting or something wait what freaking rude mothers bleeding out what happened foreign I think the animals fought amongst themselves the whole the whole thing's gone all right well uh you're undrafted good job go back and do some other work got in a fight with the other animals and they killed each other off I didn't have to deal with it look at this thing suck it shrieking brood mother unless we got stuff out here we can butcher now that's funny when the animals do the work for you that's that's the way it should be that's really funny a fox long time no see Mrs Place hey Isen how you doing welcome back how much scrap metal have I got uh apparently none all right so let's how much point to fire that up there's nothing to actually fire up I love that the uh there good good resource good luck charm okay um who would have prioritize than what so Sora I want to have one of the harvesting tools Rita I guess planting well planting and cooking and stuff for Rita Construction all right what's good Melody one of the uh oh I don't know the good luck charms ready actually where did the electrons go did not say I actually completed electron new resource good luck charm small hack for handcrafted Talisman that makes its carrier slightly happier where does it go though would have thought it would be a tool there it is she was because it was being transported wasn't accessible they had to like put it in storage or something I guess or what I'm out of wood man just chop all this down get all the trees out of here we don't need no sticking trees oddly plants sausage bombs cut those down hit down the knife too if it gets in your way uh sausage Palms cut she really wanted to know where they put the good luck charm when it's equipped uh no let's not go into diesel on that this game feels a bit like only a random group on an alien planet they do the things they want blah blah yeah it's uh it's like 3D Rim world has a lot of the same mechanisms as uh as room one of those two uh okay so this I forget do I actually have to connect with power lines I do uneven Terrain okay so that would let me people like print stuff here I guess green porridge veggie soup meat soup so we can do uh uh I mean they're all the same value basically you know what we'll focus on uh focus on keeping um stock three uh maybe I'll just do it so that we have like until like three or something I'm Gonna Keep half the food around as veggie and half the food around is meat so there's a higher likelihood the vegetarians will actually get to eat thunderstorm oh I don't have a oh no I don't have a lightning rod set up that might be important I guess look at that weather about to run away 100 more of the uh sausage things 76 purple leaf oh yeah cryptic loves lightning it's great when it burns my stuff to the ground lightning strike so we're really gonna get that lightning rod set up go hold the lightning rod it's electrifying the roads have kind of stabilized a little bit oh geez tell us got hit by lightning he's only in moderate pain how is that possible he just got blasted [Music] the whole body lightning strike that should fix him his sleep parasite I feel like let me go and deal with that guy he's [Music] there you go he'll rescue him I've never seen the characters get hit by lightning that's awesome [Music] built like a bull yeah it's blasted by lighting is that Minor playing merely in Flesh Wounds that's craziness you think NPCs would learn not to Stand in the Rain well the NPCs don't really learn much of anything they only really do what they're told even that sort of uh questionable sometimes [Music] that's harvests uh I'm probably doing well the whole harvesting thing oh stop harvesting this stuff power device food fabricator yeah because they need to finish this this construction pole here or uh electric pole rather his vision storage space of what not for one meal vegetarian no I like uh definitely dogs definitely definitely not oh they can't reach that um all right well let's move the stove over one we can finish that floor tile [Music] if he doesn't develop the white hair stripe like the guy in The Great Outdoors are going to be disappointed do beds need to be assigned sometimes um they're all sleeping in a bed right now oh wait oh my God no this one's not hold on they're still sleeping on the regular floor cots because I didn't get rid of the uh floor cuts when I built the beds you're right the beds did need to be assigned since they're all sleeping on the floor like chumps [Music] oh my God [Music] so disorganized green that should definitely cue the parasite the lighting's up yeah I feel like it uh yeah the fabricator is not connected to the power right now I need this this electrical pole to be connected so that it will hook up I think that's how that works [Music] yeah what a noob what a maroon [Music] need more wood gotta chop more trees people chop them sausage Pawns oh they're finally bringing in some of the bark making purple leaf cloth okay uh I don't need this stuff set up here anymore we've got the healing stuff stored away so that's good it's probably kit this is like we were gonna send people farther away they'll actually like sleep out because they'll have their own bed roll and stuff with them not super good about that can I make uh quick recipes cooked emergency ration what I should do is make this stuff because they're gonna have a good shelf life right and get rid of the emergency rations that are here I got enough power going too I can also uh um consider setting up a fridge or something in there actually I don't know if that's gonna be in range of the pool I shouldn't maybe cancel that for now [Music] you don't have the maps for the Triple no I need wood and I've been I've been throwing all the wood into the fence right now so it's a bit of a problem but that's okay they have other ways to get food right now though maybe not so much the vegetarians but what's sora's deal sleep parasite stomachache the mood was a meltdown it's fishing food variety it's dark soaked wet that was dark why is this room dark I don't have a light in here [Music] I haven't built lights for all the rooms but I guess I didn't the whole truck around those Darkness around here where do they poop wherever they feel like it just like the animals they're uh uh there's a poop right there that's from the animals oh we still haven't observed the poop huh somebody observed them anywhere before it fades away it's been raining a lot it's gonna wash it all away on me where they move depends the spider that got struck by lightning is now a dollar store version of Thor yeah he snaps his fingers and he gets little Sparks well people get past sleeping you get to working again I think you can actually make umbrellas for them too eventually in this uh insect fat emergency rations uh um you felt fabricator Matrix matrices matrixes refrigerators would be good let's research that graphene solar cells [Music] they strengthened during this house alarm when while punching poles and Mining Ross contributor a strength nothing surpasses the effect of some good old power lifting hydroponic racks let's grow 100 product rack we'll need a few basic materials like metal bars and grow lights over instead of using water we'll be using soil grower plants the key to success is ensuring proper aeration and monitor the pH levels of the soil well the hydroponic rack we can grow fresh herbs and vegetables year round with the need to farm for farming pesticides how about they grow on that uh uh what else they should have them research maybe we'll do the uh long distance travel this needs scrap metal of which I have none so I can't even build the lighting Ron that's great meet printer yeah I'm not sure how they can call it 100 if it doesn't use water well I think what they were saying was on the in the terrain they're gonna use the soil I don't know it is a bit weird yeah maybe it's just a weird description uh there's some other deconstructs discovered manure you've learned how to poop Everybody Poops graphic of liquid fuel manure and a workbench yum about an extensive observation the object that concluded that is indeed the byproduct of common metabolic systems known in many worlds as manure however this one seems to be secreting small amounts of flammable liquid that could be collected and used as fuel I'm going to use this fertilizer as well yeah but fertilizer just doesn't sound as exciting as like lighting a bunch of stuff on fire please chop these trees down I don't know what they'll do with the manure are they just gonna like stick it in storage Now is it going to stink up the joint of my storage area it seems less than ideal if that's the case to achieve it you know Jack yeah starting that Jack hold it in just put it in storage but it doesn't really affect them oh that's good they'll put it in the fridge well I mean it gets cold and sealed away is better than sitting on a shelf like getting all funkified I suppose oh really level up cooking good job Rita way to do something quasi-productive [Music] nice under roof and so my the stuff in the storage should last indefinitely now once now that I've let a whole bunch of stuff rot away at least we got that resolved new recipe poopsicle it's like a fudgesicle only much more fragrant [Music] well they're gradually making progress let me speed this up again it's more people nobody's starved to death that's a small miracle in and of itself researched insect bats so I was gonna make the uh spoiled press actually [Music] and all the lights constitute being in the way insufficient storage space for what Palm meat too much Palm Meat Man no pun intended [Music] you don't have to keep your gates up with a automatically open and close them when they walk through uh yeah I just didn't bother closing they start automatically open [Music] wait are you reading my plants this is an herbivore damages since the gas you get insect meat out of it this animal species is untameable it's too primitive for domestication [Music] video These trees respawning okay average growth 27 percent uh uh these are grown I don't have to go 75 percent 66 but they got full growth rate so that's good this was only 60 growth rate unfortunately it's not the right type of soil what are you I'd leave plant observe follow the tobacco the battle new recipe Harry Bomb me don't ask how you harvest it what in the even what cry what foreign get busy with the veggie soup come on [Music] come on Sora you can do it go eat there saved her life Mad Skills I'm really glad I had some vegetables to cook with I didn't think I did I was pretty sure she was gonna die right there he's alive though everything everything's fine prices averted and the food production thing is ready [Music] foreign they're just leaving on the floor because I don't have enough room uh storage fridge oh right I forgot the fridge is huge uh okay let's move this stick that in the corner I'm guessing I can't move the whole storage thing nope dang [Music] I can just print their own meals now [Music] and he's shooting out the window that's the ultimate lazy what kind of gamer hey how's it going stranded Fox I know what will happen well nobody's died yet so that's something we've managed to avoid it so far yep nobody's yeah yeah actually it's not here tonight to ask about the death but uh no one of my people have died so far and so through some strange miracle we've managed to avoid it for the most part uh I'm gonna put up some more of these towers so that I have different defensive positions I can send people to if the bugs come along I don't hopefully even attack the back of this thing but I'm sure maybe consider having them there too I guess [Music] that all this delightful stories in here they finally did something with and now I need them to like put it all on a fridge instead how's our battery doing charge 37 okay we need we definitely need more power production if we're gonna have a fridge it doesn't reach very far does it it's too uneven over here I can't even place it here on there oh I don't have the metal for it I got metal scraps you put the fridge outside uh you know I don't know actually foreign [Music] it's like right on the right on the threshold of having enough power but not quite enough the wind's not going enough I wish they could like if you could set this to like on demand instead of like keeping a certain amount of stock stop and rather they just use it when they want a meal like walk up use it and then immediately eat whatever they made I'm just cooking the meal and then just putting the stuff on the floor because there's no room to actually put it anywhere else there we go emergency rations start whipping these things up foreign crash started admitting an automated high frequency security signal the codes are characteristic of the military modules signals either coming from a ship's defense system or onboard reconnaissance vessel I don't have the balloon set up to do Expeditions yet food Fabricators like Star Trek it takes about a day to make a meal oh really no that's less enough that's less an optimal I guess oh we got uh we got company and one of the stuff that's going bad actually I want to put the fridge in but I I need to get more power production first I guess oh they got metal where they get the metal from over two hours no dead survivors foxes like it yeah right I mean I had one person get close to starving but look they're even reasonably happy I don't know why maybe because their work level kind of got slowed down a little bit for them they didn't have as much to do they're all reasonably in good shape they have nice little rooms to sleep in you know they're not like epic or anything but they're they're doing all right suffering from food variety right now but uh other than that some of them actually have no negatives at the moment food variety does seem to be a problem though this cabbage somebody finally did that did they yeah one more Scavenging together good good slow progress but we're getting there I feel like they're not as frantically busy doing things anymore which is nice um okay in the spot that's not too crowded I guess actually it doesn't really matter if the balloons inside I can put the suits on the wall with the hot air balloon out here [Music] however some dandelion trees [Music] if it arrives back congratulations sucks but it goes out MSG was a 19 month member message what difficulty level you playing just uh just the regular difficulty this time around so we did the military Mission again this is the new um the new biome in the game that comes out tomorrow this is the the jungle bio but I just went with the uh the mid-level solar eclipse one to save oh my God really oh it's only my solar panel being affected though oh cool I never noticed that before aggressive animals they're gonna come from that side this time all right so like if I have the sniper in this Tower I can put the laser rifles closer maybe you should put another Tower over there just in case [Music] you really upgrade this game well since it first came out yeah there's uh there was not a a ton in it but they've been constantly developing it over time this latest update comes out tomorrow and it adds in like there's a new character the new bio some new threats wait a minute coming in for the tackle ready or do they just add to it what's going on oh yeah they're coming uh all right everybody's drafted Connor you get up here uh I want the laser rifles here actually I want uh so I go yeah it looks the Rings they can shoot at with that thing that's great where's Connor you lose your butt two come in here they break through you need to be ready oh my God where were you it's way out there [Music] can I really get up there you're they're not shooting the people in there so they're not shooting the stuff out of the walls smoke the big thing foreign I think we're all right remember when I said I should probably have a tower back there oh people go they're in now [Music] oh the one's running away this is the broken wall I can shoot him through the opening okay so it's just this one left it's uh it's already wounded and bleeding a little bit but it's not exactly doing a lot sure are ugly these things trigger approved mother tame it was awesome approaches you can try to pacify it with a pacifier oh it's Wrecking my wall stop it all right feel the gate open to lure them into One Direction yeah that's what I was doing when I played before but literally every time I play this game there's uh opposing opinions of what I should do and what I shouldn't do yeah hurt though so that worked out right we fainted them off and didn't take any damage so I'm gonna call that a victory because I don't know what else to call it uh group items one of those what's going bad on me I there's so many of these sausage fruit things they finally finished the recipe you're right it does take a long time that's crazy I'm gonna set up this one in here to allow for emergency rations and then I'm gonna cook the emergency rations and stick them over here I want to put a fridge in here I think I have to break the Shelf down to do it though because I don't have room and I'm gonna need a little bit more power than what I'm getting in here there's a charges up okay during the day but then it's gonna deplete a lot during the night time gonna click faster do all the things quicker why aren't you doing the things also works into Flyers well the Flyers aren't that big of a problem at the moment because they can shoot at them from anywhere I don't have to have people on Towers or anything to get them the problem sort of becomes the ones that uh they're on ground level and I gotta get people up out of the into the safety area you know [Music] Expedition so I thought there was more than one Expedition oh there it is security signal two days crash out to make an automated high frequency signal characteristic with spaceship's uh defense modules everybody's got the Sleep parasite how the heck do I cure that [Music] I thought I had somebody who has a benefit when they're on uh Expeditions I can't remember who it is um [Music] intimidating sniper eye impeccable healer natural healer destruction structures twice as fast as a chance to be able to observe unknown species during Expeditions so we'll probably send Rita I mean it is it's a long Rita showing your Expedition [Music] takes two days the last game someone just figured out how to fix it it was gone the Sleep parasite oh okay well it did say something about like someone medically might solve it wasn't really clear at all about how that was going to go about but it's all right looks okay it is uh farming with now she's on Expedition [Music] oh man no wonder there was to do any research I've already finished it uh uh oil extraction signal flares musical instruments maybe do some of that thing freezers when prices are just not enough for long-term conservation food one needs freezers let's research that distillation lets me make alcohol and Brewing let's do some Brewing [Music] it's hard people through all the things uh well actually I want to put a another crop here put some some of the uh skin bark up here make a little easier to gather that what's nice about the this location is there's not a bunch of like wild animals trying to eat the stuff I'm planting seems to be largely fine I can't complain about [Music] observe those things didn't make fridges they just skip straight to freezers it's probably a good idea let's get another wooden pole in here kind of want to locate my solar panels over here [Music] not that I have a ton of scrap metal but we're at 113 at least now with striped freezers yeah [Music] Expedition Discovery coconut palm there's a gaze at the Towering Palm I spotted clusters of sizable spherical fruits nestled in its Crown I plucked one and sliced through its rugged exterior as anticipated the tough skin revealed a coconut-like shell our nourishing milk and a delectable sweet core I christened this majestic palm the coconut palm the name befitting its essence unlock harvesting of coconuts and planting coconut palms nice we can get coconuts the swords failing at the harvesting over here [Music] uh I need them to put Greens in here okay batteries not charging a rate of 67 drink today so that's good consumption's only 20. so that's good it's covered poisonous Scarab yeah they're reasonably stable although Talus is not happy again can't keep that guy happy he's determined not to be a pleasant fellow uh what about Tasty Recipes can I make any of these things shoe Roots no I'm gonna get melons and stuff which I haven't even found oils and fats are making bread that'd be all right Chef's recipes need even more stuff so we're not doing that a little hot drinks tea dandelion spores 100 chance to get minor pain relief on consumption oh sweet yeah let's mix it with that [Music] I'm gonna whip up some of that fancy tea he was struck by lightning that would make me pretty grumpy I guess that's fair it's I mean it was a little while ago though you should probably get over us being struck by lighting at least a little bit meltdown of current happiness Falls hungry tired and unrelaxed but that's not my fault well maybe actually because I don't have a schedule with a break in it for them I'm actually given like a really relaxation time in the middle of the day from that one hour relaxation in the middle will like make them happier suspicion complete impressive sight greeted me as the balloon near the crash site the oval shaped metal silhouette of an almost an intact Armory Bay in the middle of a smash debris and ruined Forest still burning violently animals trapped between the flames and trying to flee many more lie around already dead I suspect that if left as is the inside of the Armory Bay will build up pressure from the Heat and bursts free barbecue butcher as many animals as you can put out the fire so we can visit and search the place later we free barbecue would have been good but wait what happened there something running away tools running away that's weird I didn't realize the tools could rot that's strange uh coconuts I want to plant some coconuts then we're gonna plant some lime after I can't have coconuts without lime 75 growth what is that growth out here so he likes this the loam soil [Music] there's our coconut field I guess it's struck by lightning 6666 66 times yeah yeah that's what it is we're gonna get them some decent TV time um I suppose probably make their rooms nicer too right I put like other furniture or something there does that add to the oh we can throw up a wedding arch people can get married used for relaxation let's do like uh leather armchairs or something living in the lap of luxury folks oops I definitely don't have enough materials for this Furniture chair makers out of cloth [Music] let's make some Veggie leather [Music] my room's too small lies well they're not getting the luxury benefit or whatever but they're getting like something out of it look if I pick up who's at Connor oh Mission target practice slept in a private bedroom so they're getting a private bedroom buff they're just not getting like the ultimate bedroom buff this one might be who's this raka spacious bedroom is the double the benefit 18. I was just trying to get something built so they had shelter and stuff because at the time they were sleeping on the ground now they got spaciousness private bedrooms with roofs and or Windows mirrors on the ceilings that's right glass floors and marble statues skin bark towels leather carpet [Music] [Music] it isn't charging around so that's good not really consuming a lot of power here yet where's the bar with the disco ball had a shoe box yeah oh I didn't realize I had turrets unlocked already I need metal alloys we gotta get more metal scavenge Connor we needed we need a bad more batteries yeah you could put more batteries in here I guess [Music] I've got very little power consumption right now though it's just that food processor or the food synthesizer or whatever it is but we won't put a freezer in so that we can uh freeze food and have it stop going bad on me once we get that freezers anyway right now we just have the fridge now that it gets a debuff when doing construction oh really foreign impeccable healer natural leader power forbid consumption of certain things no it's fine Board of construction this is such a bore time remaining one hour she doesn't like construction apparently use air conditioning big freezer room uh I haven't built a zipper room with that I guess good extract animal fat somebody animal advance I got it's ronstick meat and cloth I have 77 raw insect Meats so not really that much vegetable oil pump oh palmy oh my gosh I can get it from the Palm Beach I'm gonna let that stuff go bad like a lot okay let's make a whole bunch of this that's gotta last longer than uh longer than the actual stuff does unsqueezed 145 this one's maxed out so yeah yeah we're definitely over producing right now but that's okay it'll give us spare capacity work with a little bit [Music] another 16 to 20. I wonder if uh do they automatically substitute veggie leather fighting hmm hopefully does crafting veggie leather over here yeah Leathers are grouped together the same thing okay it's terrific metal what you talking about Furniture chair oh it takes metal alloys oh crap used to put my alloys want to do that darn it didn't realize they took nether I thought they were wood I guess I should read the directions a little more carefully when I'm making stuff yeah but we all know I'm not going to more rain all right our community's growing nicely we've got it all walled in I've got some defensive points everybody's decently well armed they're well fed everybody's got shelter I didn't get anybody killed but it is midnight I'm gonna have to call it for tonight I gotta work in the morning uh but thanks so much for coming to hang out tonight I really appreciate it this update for stranded alien Dawn is out tomorrow that's uh June 29th I guess today if you're in the Eastern Time Zone since we just crossed over midnight so if you want to play it yourself it'll just update automatically when they release the update and you can play around with the new uh the new biome and stuff but uh thanks everyone for coming I would really appreciate it I'm as always cryptic Fox I'll see all of you next time foreign [Music]
Channel: CrypticFox
Views: 30,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CrypticFox, Gameplay, stranded alien dawn, stranded alien dawn jungle, jungle biome, lets play stranded alien dawn, stranded alien dawn gameplay, stranded alien dawn military mission, stranded alien dawn ep 1, stranded alien dawn part 1, stranded alien dawn live stream
Id: 3oLqRtg2lfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 183min 29sec (11009 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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