Expanding the Airship - Forever Skies

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foreign hello everyone I'm cryptic Fox and welcome back to Earth or at least some version of it this is the dystopian future Earth Here In Forever Skies where we have to stay up in the sky and stay away from all that evil dust stuff that's down below that's ruined the whole planet uh foreigners guys came out today uh so big thanks to the developer for providing a key so as we could play this uh I did check it out early the other day we're gonna continue on with our gameplay and uh make our Airship a little bit bigger and a little bit more comfortable I think today as we continue to progress along with what story there is in the game so far now the game did just release in Early Access there's going to be a number of updates coming to it so uh this is not exactly a finished product just yet uh but that is coming welcome everyone's here in the chat so far if you're watching on the channel afterwards welcome as well I'm gonna continue our game in progress uh we're on day eight I guess not that I know whether like the days actually matter all that much in the game aside from there being a day night cycle present here like I don't think there's like an escalation in the game based on the day or anything uh I think it may be more like based on on how we sort of progress through it hey Krypton Fox I'm finished above snakes awesome old school Community is decreasing diseases might become more severe um is it just me or does this look worse than when we were last here there was an update but I don't remember seeing anything about it being coming worse maybe maybe it's just because of the weather we came in in the middle of like a rainstorm or something all right one sec this is one of those games where if I tab off it goes quiet but I gotta tweak a setting here sorry sorry there we go anyway this is our little Airship that we have so far so we have two of these uh little fan things that let us uh gain more altitude oh I actually have three of them I guess I put one in the back too I can't climb over those really that's weird um so there's three there's actually one at the back two our Center section is really only made up of four pieces we have the cockpit and then three of the the body components and so far I only have the one engine but we're gonna take care of that and maybe do something more with a little bit more engineeration as well um I kind of want to move this onto those windshield if I can it goes on here but it just it's so it's so awkward let's let's put it up high so it's out of my field of view but now when I when I look up it'll be a little bit of an easier reference point uh there we go uh so there is actually a larger um there's a larger cockpit that we could make I think whatever so we got the small cockpit right now there is a large one apparently it's 75 pounds so we have to be conscious of the weight I don't even know how much my ship weighs right now does it show me if I look at this thing is there something on here that tells me what my ship weight is 244 on my uh my mass maybe is that what it is never really actually paid attention to that as I was playing around with it before uh but I'm pretty sure the uh the The Mask or the weight of your ship is going to affect like how high you can go and how quickly and whenever and maybe even how much fuel it takes to move it around I don't know uh while we're here let's get some of this copper and stuff that's sitting on the sitting on the deck over here and again all them valuable resources you know top right corner all right hold on I'll take a look oh I guess I'm hungry uh boiled ink bulb because all that gives me water that doesn't even give me food oh okay we need to get uh we need to get some food I don't think I have any food in storage oh wait or do I I got a grass cricket that we can boil up in here oh it's rotten food now ah come on those things are really good too they have like really good food value and stuff oh I left it in there old school with a super chat cannot give it a more power cotton she'll Shake ourselves apart damn it Scotty make it happen anyway um okay well that's that's a that sucks uh machine parts we got some glass oh you know what there was something I wanted to research in here that required glass oh this extractor thing oh no it was energy Crystal and I haven't figured out where to get those yet where do I get an energy Crystal can I craft energy Crystal I suspect not but we'll check uh in here circuit board polymers Transformers no energy crystals okay so we gotta find those still I guess those are a thing we gotta do uh I really need food so I'm gonna take the ship out here so you're saying up like upper right corner still not understanding where you're talking about or was it something when I had this out that would show me oh there it is shipload oh my God thank you I see what it is I'm not blind you're blind probably me this blend oh God I got a lure on there already too we haven't uh we actually looted here yet I don't think I think we just landed and then I called it a quits for the stream last time when you take an elevator you're far far down the energy crystals uh okay from nuclear from the nuclear vessel captain we're detecting a nuclear vessel now the moment I walk away that's when it's ready all these things here that have these hatch marks on them too I can put walls and stuff there I just haven't bothered because I don't know it's open it makes it easy to walk okay we'll get that going while we make a little snack here little snacky poo it rotted as he moved it yeah how was that for timing right I wondered whether it was already supposed to be in a rotted state and it just like updated when I moved it maybe I don't know the Super Chat I feel like I've seen this before it all feels very dirigible at least it could pull all that hot air to good use oh thanks Dustin it gives me lots of lifts lots of lifts uh raise that up beep come on I'm gonna die of starvation here uh I have dirty water on me so we should put this to use this plant oil on me too I don't even know what it's for yet actually that's not entirely true I know I saw a crafting recipe that needed that finally got a live stream Hallelujah welcome William glad you're able to catch a stream I assume I must be like uh late at night or something over there man everything we eat in this ship is boiled that's really gross that gave me a good amount of food actually wow I'm doing with water yeah water's good dirty water is also good so we'll clean up more of that this thing needs more luring I assume you work all the time oh I see I see it's always something always something well welcome to the stream just the same that was a red light flashing over there it's got the purple one here this is our mission one that that's pointing us to I'm not sure what that red one is over there perfect timing [Music] and sleep yeah I gotta get some sleep too well let's grab the food out of here put it back to ship up and set her down again because I haven't finished looting here perfect don't catch some z's occurs to me I probably should have drank some water first I wouldn't have a better rest it's not critical don't even look at that I'm not critical you're critical let's grab another condenser membrane here uh food behind here too if we can get that going uh rights so I have dust lettuce oh I just drank the water how do I split out I guess I can't I gotta just send the whole thing over huh all right well we'll boil that snack on this thing we're good to go Bob's your uncle and such I literally just got set up to loot now a Storm's here come on I need to make a new scanner so I need a machine part for that machine parts I wish I could play this on Console already the weight is gonna suck yeah it's always hard when you're waiting for something to come out on console all right we better I better get this thing off of the uh off the deck here if we're gonna have a storm rolling in oh crap I ran into fuel uh that's problematic like a synthetic fuel healing fuel we got biomass fuel something to make now but that takes water so I don't really want to do that we'll just make synthetic fuel reasonably cheap I've got a fair amount of synthetic zombie right now all right let it rip the front of this balloon is like sticking way out so I think when I when I start to build more I'm going to build forward so that my cockpit is closer to the end of the balloon I keep getting thrown off by the uh the amount of like balloon that's in the way there I can reach that oh man I almost didn't okay hopefully we're low enough that we won't get struck by lightning hey you guys sure oh I want that but I can't reach it I need my blasty blaster I've got to get the little wrist mounting Blaster thing but let me Harvest materials without having to go all the way back to the ship all the time it'll be very helpful you know that's what I need oh boy okay well I guess we're going in there now we're fine we're fine Travis with a 22 month member message great content keep up the awesome work well thank you Travis thank you for the 22 months of support that's huge that's not just a little that's a lot yeah poor guy has no stamina because I never let him sleep I was like I thought that was some kind of worm thing fortunately it's not I'll take the batteries from here good sir wasn't up there definitely stuff down though circuit board yeah I need machine parts oddly enough I was finding a whole pile of them at the start of the game and then now I'm not really finding them too much helium fuel nice all five of it oh I've got this other scanner here I guess uh I don't really need this I can just throw that away we got in here lavaro with the five gifted memberships thanks blue appreciate the support thank you very much uh repair patch no repair patch take data card machine Barn technical uh metal wall requires Airship layer Okay cool so I could build metal walls now I could build one stick so you need like synthetics and stuff to make those ones and finally some machine parts I needed those some glass here I could use too you live in a cardboard box does your cardboard box have Wi-Fi oh I was like what is this it's the scanner I threw away you know rabbit lives in a dog house he's not even married we're gonna live wait wait does that become a record or like a reward for you have to get married if they put you in the doghouse is that what happens thanks for clicking the join button welcome to duplicate thank you for the support tool charger uses solid state batteries to charge basic I literally built a new scander like a moment ago dang it ship is loppy floppy like is it lopsided are we talking like sloppy because I could go with the sloppy but I don't know about Lobby I think that balloon core automated insect catcher oh that takes one epoxy I have epoxy in here somewhere let's research that sucker in the meantime we'll make our upgrade station tool Charter I need uh I need a transformer for that I thought I had Transformers somewhere oh maybe I used them all ah crap I did have Transformers at one point that craft a Transformer yes I can I need uh three of the electric elements like electronic elements we got eight of them here that'll work Transformer chat well it's always wanted to ask uh for this please uh jump off the edge but save your items in a box I'm not too cruel well yeah clearly he's been seeing Ashley's comments on prior streams I can't put everything in the Box um oh gosh Travis with a super chat you're trying to make your ship holy since it's a cross that's what it is it's also got lots of holes it's a double meaning there double meaning all right I need a I need another storage box because you know storage boxes are life um because I don't have enough room to put my stuff in yeah I need a plastic too those control click will split it oh oh just split one off that's handy okay good wasn't sure it would be one or if it like split the snack in half but it was one and that was good thanks to the super chance everyone hey Senor fox question have you played subnautica already I have yeah I played the original subnautica I never played the finished version of it oddly enough I played a lot of it while it was in Early Access and then I never actually played the final version um and then I also played subnautica below zero and I did finish that one out so funny enough I guess the answers both yes and no uh I have I did play it I just never finished it um put these in here I don't know what happens with the materials I don't know what happens with the materials they have on me that um are more limited how about two chips in fight suit no I can't put two types of fuel in there that sucks I think the rest of these are full I need to research a bigger box if possible Transformer uh machine parts I definitely don't want to lose any of those okay here we go it's not my fault it was a super chat it's kind of anti-climactic you can only fall so far before it just like instant kills you Travis with the five gifted memberships thanks Travis um so I don't know what I lost uh um it doesn't look like I lost much unless it actually took stuff out of my storage box in which case I would suck I don't think it did don't think it did um I've looted everything here except for the remaining copper which uh probably would come in handy so if I can get my shipping close enough I'd like to like to get some more of that copper why can't I go up uh ah I was hitting the wrong button depending the space bar but that is not the right button for the record oh I think I damaged my ship I just bumped into a ladder there I'm still not at quite the right spot if I try to harvest from the one that's like fire over there oh I can not on fire anymore all right uh water oh we're grind this bottle I put those away I was like where's my bottles they're in here helium which probably makes more helium fuels just so I can get that out of my inventory don't calories level me you boil dust lettuce and I'm gonna get some z's gotta get my energy level up for once I haven't had like Max Energy in this game since I started you are decreasing Raptor and their viewers just joined hey Raptor thanks for the raid appreciate it welcome anyone who might be uh popping in here just now from raptor stream I saw a raptor playing this the other day he's like way farther here than I am I think uh I think Raptor he already finished the uh the story on this didn't you oh God I'm I'm hitting my ship on something I I hope that doesn't do a lot of damage no Community is decreasing that is way more in my face than I thought it would be hold on I gotta I gotta move this thing let's hope it would be like a little bit more visible yeah that's better oh God that's really in my face now though have you made the ring catcher yet I did uh you know what I probably should check it this is it right here oh it actually okay so you get dirty water out of that too huh yeah so I do have one like I said I need to make a better use of it it probably is uh better than the um better than the condenser because it doesn't take an extra part to use it although it does rely on actually raining no there's that catch I guess the water needs to be spanked why is it a dirty water it's gonna get he's a spanking what is the Earth all underwater in this no no so this actually is um some it's called like the dust or whatever it's some sort of weird disgusting Radioactive or like uh [Music] um like virally active substance that's like destroyed the planet and so humans have left Earth and we're coming back now to try to reclaim it but it's a hot mess obviously it's up to Fox well thanks Lunas welcome welcome everybody I don't know if I'm up high enough here I think I might be skating in like just I'm already at Max altitude but I might be skating in just a little bit too low to land at the right spot on this building which is problematic because I uh I don't know if I can reach anywhere decent to put another fan on my ship [Music] explore the surface lift located oh yeah surface lift why Isis pardon oh wait I can land over here this will work good we're good oh these look like uh sea cans over here something from a shipping port oh appropriate you have to do two O2 tank what's that dude gonna be upgraded so the O2 tank I think is for when we go down below the Dust uh I don't know if you can upgrade it or not I'm not really that far into the game Uncharted area the preliminary analysis started the preliminary analysis started you say analysis completely the center of the underdust all right you know what I didn't bring was uh extra food I probably should have caught something before I landed uh oh crap okay I gotta quickly catch some food and then we'll land again I'm assuming I have to be in the air for this to work maybe that's the wrong assumption you send Wally down to clean this place up that's right Wally's a good cleaner upper he's very non-judgmental for a little robot guy too now I know why what your Kink is so we can give you better stuff to what I'm super confused damn it please I don't know what I said earlier but and both concerned and Confused works way better when you actually turn it on you're not prepared for this do more looting lies we're so prepared uh the crossbow oh why wait a minute I've only got one polymer left don't I yeah what's it take to make polymer so it's a foreground conclusion that I just don't prepare for things uh and that usually leads to my demise but for me that's half the entertainment value we got the moth I need polymer not much is coming up this High though dang damn it all right I might actually have to loot some more of them sort of lacking a few a few key supplies here right now I don't like the idea of actually having to prepare but I might have to get more fuel going you don't really need the crossbow right well I haven't really found anything to shoot with it yet aside from that one bug that was like poisoning me when it bit my leg or whatever a bow would have been handy for that I killed it with my knife but you know stuff happens all right let's just see what happens what's the worst that can happen we got ourselves killed maybe there's something lootable on this uh on this platform that'll be useful I'm gonna bring some food with me though I'm taking this fuel out and sticking this one in foreign food with me I have a decent amount of water all right who we find around here gonna be something good on this thing apparently they had a medical station here can I go down the Rope oh wow I'm not gonna try to go down that thing still nothing restored data each day I look up at the sky I count the Stars hoping to see one more than usual it must be there choose to believe in it not everything is lost one day I'll see something that could be a space or a station orbiting Earth I'll get proof that we still have a reason to have hope it's all I need uh well I don't know how old that message is but I feel like your answers may have or your questions may have gone unanswered your prayers or whatever we got in here come on it's a terrible jumper try it for science I already tried the falling thing for science it didn't result in anything other than my immediate death I didn't even get to fall very far it's kind of anticlimactic actually something popped up there I'm guessing I can't jump that far but let's try yeah definitely not and he doesn't he doesn't Vault onto things either all right battery all right computer doesn't have power and that is located up there wow group think you might survive the fall remember it's for science I'm telling you we did the jumper science earlier every time I die you lose like 20 of your stuff your disease is my coming home or severe under dust research laboratory our Labs stand fell into the smog the mounts broke off and all the equipment went to hell all the tools including our only virus sample analyzer people were lost they need to assemble the team to try to recover the most precious things there were a few volunteers because it's impossible to breed down there they'll just the mass clog up after a while fortunately we have a prototype oxygen bottle that lasts longer still need the hand extractor to get through the debris I pray we don't hear those voices out there again oh okay so oh crap so I can't do this anyway because I don't have the hand extractor yet although here's the oh whatever here all the Lockers in here that are just empty that's weird organic printer small oxygen tank Daisy dust huh okay I can't do this no I can't do this yet anyway because I don't have the uh the hand extractor to find crystals down in the underdos will I let's go check what's the worst that can happen death I laugh at the face of death you move the lockers to your ship uh no I can open them but it's not giving me an option to pick them up I could disassemble them it looks like because they're sparkling underdose ruins of a bygone civilization covered in green dust The Cutting Edge technology of times past is hiding somewhere in these Mass tombs of cities and states many things have long been looted but the hardest to find items are waiting for someone to give them a second life that's a different video game isn't it nice crystals right there take energy crystals 100 crystals and biomass baby polymer yes Plastics where's my O2 indicator oh there's in the center okay wait just to double check if I go back in the elevator does it automatically refill yes it does okay good the boxes oh I'm gonna do that too I guess oh they're large storage crates ah I'm smart also the organic printer we can scan I wonder if that means I can make large storage boxes now what are you Daisy dust okay that's what's needed for the oxygen bottle in production this place is super gross man old canned water first aid thank you and scan that thing oxygen levels at half it's not low subjective all right let's uh let's refill my oxygen before I wind up dead but the stuff you find the crates yeah right what's over there anyway old food ration yeah right now what's funny is we're breathing through an oxygen tank but we still like coffee gag as we get out of there wait why can't I I just want to get in there and get the stuff Transformer nice Optimus Prime confirmed warning oxygen level is low oh what are you ice do hypothermia booster it's different well they gotta restore power here requires Crystal battery okay I'm gonna go get air oh there's water here I left my bottle behind I want that water oops all right morning grab your brisket sandwich brisket I don't think I even remember the last time I had brisket it's been forever don't get me a smoker there's a ladder going down there oh green colander yeah look at all this stuff okay I got a crystal battery nice man I hope there's an upgrade to the oxygen tank because uh the socks are just like I have sucks okay uh uh old food rasher could stay here don't say crossbow bolt I don't need [Music] no I don't need ships repair kit either when you get to the ship make sure you research the new stuff you found yes that too oh there's another thing here that needs a battery oh crap two spots that need a battery I only found one so far these damn blockades I'm so close if only I could somehow make those metal walls above disintegrate there are ways to uh way too heavier man I can see that there's something behind them okay if you say so I get my hand disintegrator thing going I'll probably wind up disintegrating my hand warning oxygen level is low oh that's what that is it's an oxygen station okay see what the crystal batteries in to activate the oxygen stations that's cool what's that glowing thing apparently just a light like a bio light warning oxygen level is low I'm gonna drink that old isometric isotonic drink we'll get some energy back what's this now listen I got married don't give me that go to the uh go to the ship and read uh which battery you found sorry another back seat what I found the crystal battery but I actually already used it probably should just probably should have scanned it first all right we'll go back and uh scan what we've got we might have some things that we unlocked as a result of this plus but now that I got those uh Crystal things I can research the um the hand extractor comp a I'm waiting for some kind of tentacle monster to Papa that would be my luck we found this cool thing oh tentacle monster all right hand extractor we've got that going finally now that I scanned that storage box can I make a bigger no still just a small one cool high efficiency Fuel Long usage time for powering airships engines go to the synthetic biomass and helium that's cool upgraded tool charger there's the crystal battery so I can make that now I don't have any other random things that I can research oh although the uh I did grab a green colander so I can research that thing uh let's go here let's go get that colander before it rots on me you can't extract hands off the dead no I lack I like corpse hand extractions capabilities trying to learn how to do it have a nice but we need to know where to chop you know it's gonna need you let's take this stuff too I guess running away from the tentacle monster and then fall face first into a huge hugger Pond that sounds about right cutting off hands is hard work they're on pretty tight you gotta cut in the right spot it's sort of like when you're when you're breaking down a chicken you know you're gonna get all the right spots huh so I can't uh I can't actually research any of the raw components that I brought up this time seems like a shame to me okay the extractor requires polymer Crystal battery in a Transformer uh Crystal battery I should probably research I need to find a way to store some stuff here oh look rotten food how about that all right watch for the food I brought up here hey Casey doesn't require solid state battery uh there we go 10 glass sales I need we got that okay that filtering model will be handy once I get it made anyway foreign some water all right so I need a crystal battery Transformer I have already I just gotta make the crystal battery I guess anyway we're gonna make a crystal battery from oh there it is no one of the ears polluted your tossing spoiled food off the edge listen pollution definitely didn't get our world in this state well I mean it probably it might have played a role might have played some role okay I'll concede printing completed okay now I need uh one of these whip up an extractor printing completed very nice okay so now I can build I can scan I can extract I gotta get the crossbow so I can shoot what do I need to shoot things polymers machine parts and metals so I can do that uh anyway where's the machine parts oh there we go if I'm too short dang it I have a I can make machine parts I can make them in here burn fossil fuels wait that doesn't rhyme in our defense well it's probably no defense we just destroy the planet in this game and it's fairly certain that's not defensible those boxes are so impractically small they really are these are like the little tiny boxes and it's just it's a bit it's a bit much how small we are honestly foreign another bolt somewhere already printing completed is research bigger storage uh there doesn't seem to be an option to research bigger storage right now I scanned it but it didn't really give me anything so our options are a little bit limited uh um motherboard how do I make a motherboard copper circuit boards okay how many circuit boards have I got two uh Also let's see what else we got in the storage boxes here yeah you can't stack the storage boxes either which sucks oh there's the other bolts um sadly these uh dust Daisy things don't stack that's on upgrade bench not research bench oh maybe Maybe I gotta make that upgrade bench quit farting in your suit when you're run I don't know what you're talking about that just gives me a little bit of bonus power that's all don't judge me hydration level is decreasing your hydration level is decreasing all right what do I need to expand on this ship I would like to move my cockpit forward if I can last Metal's in synthetic wow I need a lot of synthetics for that so we've got the rooms we've got the ladder rooms we've got uh uh difference wall and flooring options fancy railing which I probably need since I let myself fall off the ship once wasn't my fault I don't know whose fault it was but it wasn't mine Plastics oh I hate these tiny little storage containers must has bigger ones oh yeah I don't have anywhere near the kind of materials I need to make my ship bigger right now dang it all right more bolts metal and synthetics of course they're all out of range yeah well for now I'm gonna um let's go bring some stuff down I guess well actually my inventory is still full there's like no point ah give you storage Envy yeah I gotta make uh I gotta make more storage so oh I don't have synthetics yeah all right well um so I know there's uh that red flashing light that's over here maybe we'll go hit up that thing we'll come back here after I get some more stuff where did I see that right there it is over there let's go that way I think that's a place I haven't been yet put that set on there do a little gathering on the way dang it thank you it took a synthetics now all right that gets me to uh 83 synthetics I'm gonna lower our altitude here a bit [Music] [Music] if we decided early to look like Sky tumbleweeds and they kind of do yeah except they're obviously made of synthetic materials since we're harvesting synthetics out of them they're like giant plastic Sky tumbleweeds there we go Uncharted area temporary camp Towers used to maintain communication between distant points they also helped airships safely navigate through space a potential source of basic resources and device blueprints I like device blueprints see studies menu oh under dust variants okay Garden variants these are the ones I completed radio tower variants so maybe I can find more radio towers I guess look at that that's way better we got glass and stuff now um except my inventory is really full kind of a problem it's based on Weezer plotting I knew it I knew they were out to get me rotten space tumbleweeds oh I love how it deletes the wall in between so you actually get a larger room instead of like a bunch of small little squares I can get behind that printing's completed let's maybe move some of these storage boxes if I can hopefully I can do it while they're full stick them on the sidewall over here maybe uh all right all the random things in here that definitely don't need at the moment keep the food on me that'll come in handy actually I probably should eat some now that I see my my food total and keep it with me by putting it in my belly heal him I don't need on me uh I think I have to empty these things before I can move it or do I I was sort of hoping it would uh let me pick it up while it was still full no such luck hydration level is decreasing I recognize these are not organized but I'll think about maybe eventually getting around to it possibly sometime which Loosely translates into they're not gonna be organized you just have to get used to it okay let's see what this place has to offer nice to make my ship bigger still over here this is much better make your filtered bottle I probably should yeah save me some processing time has a random stuff in here we're kidding about the basic supplies that's cool hello nice sketch alive hey Mr Brady and I'm Malcolm yeah I recognize the time I tend to stream is not always the most convenient for people you know time zones being what they are and such you're welcome oh no no no don't go down the ladder that's trying to pick a Plastic Man just fell packs of trash yay I couldn't pick up the bags of trash feel ripped off now that's already got my inventory almost full when I snatch the glass in here this is where my lack of organization comes to bite me in the butt um somewhere in here I had electronic parts there they are to Blendtec lure is this thing loaded is now uh let's take this out of here we'll put my battery here so I got both of them in the same place Plastics there you go that's better much better you only have to wonder since the world's already gone to crap why didn't they just leave bags of trash over the side yeah they could have just kicked them off the side you're right I see no reason why they should have left him there unless they were trying to irritate future generations with their callousness and lack of students lack of cleanliness how great a storm coming take a loop quickly and get out of here before my ship gets nuked on me come on bags of concrete dagger you thank you Rex soft cushion a comfortable pet bed wait a minute we got pets in this you remember the forests only vaguely oh crap [Music] oh it's way up here I wonder if I can get struck by my lightning or if it's only my ship all right it's Fierce man I left for a first aid kit that wasn't worth it you make the notes well the trouble is I have them all mixed up right now I don't have them sorted in terms of like oh this box has this this box says that so the labels will be kind of useless at this point okay let's get the ship off this platform before I get it nuked almost like that it's how far down I am but uh what far down did I go open the database can't nobody higher right now because I'm underneath the platform so that rules that out it's just a little low it's still good it's still good tool Charter wait I've got the um there was a station here I wanted to make the upgrade station five polymer one motherboard three Transformers and the motherboard required oh circuit boards the almonds and scrap all right I might I might have enough to make some of this two Transformers though hmm wait let me guess old school you just started and your airship's already way better than mine is that what you're gonna say is that what you're gonna say you're hurting my feelings uh um camper parks trunk of Parts copper parts okay so I to make the motherboard I need one more circuit board oh I didn't focus on making my Airship way bigger I was exploring to start with I only added a little bit to it at first I want to expand the ship forward actually printing complete okay that's the motherboard I made um I need one more Transformer and oh I need more polymer too I need plant oil I have that here somewhere there it is looks like a little stack oh whatever uh another polymer dude what a second pound station the rear shift to make sure you have clear structures yeah that would be a good idea essentially have one of the like a small bridge at the back I want to make a larger bridge at the front but okay I need one more Transformer now any wall stairs you have saves from lightning strikes it does that work does that have the ship gets like just blasted by uh lightning and did some pretty good damage to it but it's recently watching some of your playthrough a fan of Youth seems interesting so far it's not a bad game actually yeah I like the the graphics in it are pretty good there's lots to explore and do uh the story's not finished we're um we're already bumping up against that in that particular game but uh the exploration is fun and it's got some good building and stuff in it too put a bridge on four sides why don't we just make the whole thing Bridge it's cool because the bridge doesn't have to necessarily have the ship controls in it just like a shaped block surround the whole thing with Bridges our lighting Rod's not an option well where would you ground it to or on an airship I feel like that would be a oh I only can research the cushion why haven't has that much metal in it I don't know but all right we have upgrade station now how big is this thing what's oh that's big um well that's inconvenient it's kind of a lot bigger than I thought it would be my storage boxes are in the way okay oh okay so there's the ottoman insect catcher upgraded turbine upgraded engine engine for Transformers and polymers all right so I need um I need a lot more stuff before I can get those that's just a different printer basically than this thing all right I'll have to do for now I guess uh storms pass we can get out of here I don't like how close that screen is I can I can't I can't settle on a place where I want this thing to be located at least that's that's reasonably easy to read there but just don't like it on the front glass because it angles it too much I guess that'll work uh okay so we can go back over to the under dust thing [Music] got out of Battle Bridge like in the center of things let that take over the boil button on that thing say Size Doesn't Count what your wife tells you 100 plus watching 122 likes 121 actually someone unclicks I don't think they liked your message I have a lot of clean water on me right now it's kind of crazy and there's more dirty water already waiting there that's awesome get them boiling you see me boiling a mutant moth did you put your radar at your feet uh you know that's a good question I'm not sure it's fairly handy on the left-hand side there I just have to go bear in mind that when I'm looking at it I'm not looking in quite the same direction but uh it just says position yeah you can't put it on the floor so that does seem to be a thing if I got rid of the football and stuff there I probably could right now my bridge is a little crowded because I have a bed jammed in here that'll work for now uh I do need to rest before we go back down so let's do that get my energy level back up blue bar with the five gifted memberships thanks bluebarro trying to make some good cook yum yum yeah I imagine it's probably a little bit Dusty you know that's I don't really see that being the most delectable dish but options are limited up here and over Earth or whatever you want to call this place uh I'm gonna leave some of this water behind because I have way too much of it I also don't need all these repair kits I can stay here I'm keeping the crossbow bolts on me just in case I was gonna stay here too recently empty inventory this time get a smaller balloon that can detach from the main one with a bunch of extractors on it that'd be cool I actually so I extended the size of the balloon I moved it Forward not realizing what was happening when I did it I made it's got It's got a little bit too much forward balloonage you know it's a it's an inappropriately awkward balloon now wait a minute I can rip these things apart can I check the metals out of those I gotta get that charger made too because I don't have it set up at the moment as I wear this thing down we're gonna have charging problems careful that was a structural poster what's the name of the ship um the SS dirigible I don't know how you maximum flight altitude yourself I'm gonna put this on the upper edge of this thing maximum flight altitude reduced it's not really reduced it's just on a diet okay I need to uh I need to move the engine here too oh I gotta empty it first I don't have my synthetics on me so where I have this thing placed right now is not ideal um given it's going to be what are you oh the rotten food uh good I can't I can't refuel this thing from inside the ship here I'm gonna have to relocate that still I guess I could put a little platform on the back here and then I would be able to do it catwalk I need more synthetics for that though okay it's looking a little more spacious in here it's not quite so cramped and put on the side which the uh might become more severe yeah I couldn't uh maximum flight speed you put it over here I guess do on the other side also I guess eventually way more room than I had it's still not perfect but uh uh let's move this thing too actually oh I gotta take the water out stick this over here maybe we could move my bed stick around the middle of the ship no it's better than nothing for the moment I guess yeah okay I'm exploring oh wait I came back someone to make uh came back because I wanted to make the um the recharging station tool charger ah but I need circuit boards for that in a Transformer okay I don't have enough but I I don't have the materials I need Rod of some type an inanimate carbon rod then add a door on the wall so you just have to open it and to reveal yeah level is decreasing your hydration is decreasing SSN windows so the hard part if I close up all the walls then I get pretty poor visibility for like the size of the ship but I guess it's not that bad make oh yeah shoot I forgot about the uh can I go back up I forgot to make another Crystal battery for that other oxygen station this one but the other ones I don't have so much uh let's appear pretty sure that's the wall he was talking about not be able to get through Tori all right oh that's not scannable Crystal battery wait I got into the lab and all I got me was a stinking battery we get a t-shirt too we've got a purple plants that's cool what do we find here examine the virus carrier virus sample analyzer unless a tonic drink will take that what's this new life forms of short data get to the laboratory the dust has changed the world it's amazing uh the new species have evolved so quickly we should study them maybe we can learn oxygen I could stay here longer all right oh I don't have a battery for you uh I gotta go down to the other one all right we're gonna get in here wait a minute how did I get in here oh God I gotta get oxygen there it is that momentary panic when you're sure you're gonna suffocate oh I almost fell okay we're fine everything's fine prices averted the ladder was almost camouflage there man meant to do that all right let me get more get more air here what's up here oh we got lots of food and water and stuff that's definitely not a problem and jump there all right I think that's it for this lab area in here I forgot I had a light another crossbow bolts nice I am definitely gonna need to get my hands on that recharge station and more of the batteries here Vine heavy industrial plant with edible fruit all right I'll try it I got a meteor Bean oh shoot I gotta get back to the oxygen come on oxygen police critical all right we're good oxygen is like batteries it's not included yeah especially if you play clay games that's interesting blockade objects locking mechanism corroded by harsh conditions can be easily destroyed with a suitable tool like that kind okay drop the ladder okay that's cool I guess I created a like a shortcut to get over here oh this is okay it's the side of the elevator you all right uh meteor Bean edible plant it's evolved into the dust when cooked and eaten it releases potassium oh it's cool I guess uh I hope the energy drink eat them off wait did those crystals regrow back there or did it or did I just miss picking those before I think I'm out of my scrambing them warning entering into toxic Zone see that plate you hit uh uh next to the elevator no this what this one over here I think it's just uh it's just metal though it doesn't like open up access to anything I'm trying to limit how much I'm shooting the uh the wrist the wrist extractor manual extractor what do you want to call it hand extractor uh just because I don't have a charger for it right now I'm gonna get over there [Music] oxygen level is low your oxygen level's low I want to miss that stuff I missed crap warning oxygen level is low hmm somehow there's a way to get out where that ladder was but I must have to like climb somewhere else first you may either Mars just don't eat the worms or any bottles of tequila you fine that's in mezcal I just pickled at that point sure it's fine even if it does look kind of gross okay hold on we can walk up this thing if I can get on it come on you can do it there you go I'm getting a lot of the healing kits God don't fall don't fall back I'm stuck foreign crap where's the oxygen thing it's right here that's right I fell come on I'm gonna die God I got right to it and then I fell oh I just lost like 20 of my stuff that sucked dang it I think I had finally seen the thing I was looking forward to let's just like drop but no I don't know where that was we got here just in time yeah absolutely yeah couldn't make an auction well I have one oxygen tank I guess I could make another one so we could swap them out oh uh I could have dropped here actually well now I thought this was the area that I restored the oxygen thing in but I guess not hey I can't figure out how to get over there I ran like right by the uh the thing my drone calorie level we finally they had a random event where you had something with your knife they would just dribble themselves yeah that'd be great let me all over that can't extract that thing huh I feel like I'm missing a trick here every time a crypto box dies oh wait a minute can I just go around the elevator there we go okay this is the area I was looking for thanks Give It Up whoa whoa whoa that's a violent plant I don't know if it'll attack me through the floor I'm worried about this morning am I wasted my crossbows here I can't take the bag either that sucks maybe I gotta hang it with a knife crossbow attack I shot it but it didn't seem to do anything today we'll get him with the old chipper Chopper I said Sonic energy drinks to do well uh uh I might have run out of food down here it's gonna be my next challenge I think actually I think I'll put some in storage so we're probably fine nice another battery I can go right in here perfect can I get through the door uh where was Oh I thought it was I thought those plants with the blue things on them I was getting something I could eat but I guess not foreign my extractor's out of power 15 food minus 10 health so I'm gonna it's just a little damage it's still good I wasn't even gonna slash this thing I don't seem to be able to slash this thing either I do not want to get grabbed by that that looks really mean exploding the tunnels graph virus sampler analyzers all right so I've got to go into the tunnels because I gotta get by that flower somehow they look kind of mean oh there's multiples of them in there oh I got the vertigo virus No Good Times I gotta go back to the ship he's a special virus research to get past the flower you need to make the two virus research stations yeah I'm headed back to the ship now anyway blast those whatever they call those treat my vertigo illness too while I'm at it I love how you hallucinate when you got that one the vertigo virus so the text comes in all garbled use hypothermia juice I don't have any I'm hallucinating it just wants a hug that's the problem though it did hug me now I've got an infectious disease got the plant version of the herb ah um say something about hot termites under ribs uh let's see viruses at the vertigo virus boiled potato another grasshopper or dust Daisy oh wait I can take a dust Daisy to cure myself do I have to cook the dust Daisy first I think I made a mistake probably shouldn't have just eaten that we'll boil that that's probably the solution there sadly Miss go just wanted to stop by and say thank you for the amazing content well thanks Mr Reaper glad we will drop in oh it said causes for the dust Daisy oh I gave myself the illness that's good times why don't I read things properly viruses vertigo virus oh yeah I see boiled potato's the only thing that solves it oh potassium actually so that um this thing here gives potassium when cooked so the meteor Bean will take care of it that's fun I wonder who could we research here virus and stable analyzer so I need uh two electric elements down here somewhere Euler there we only have three all right so that's good kind of ridiculous number of these uh [Music] okay so boiled dust Daisy gives me plus 20 food so I guess you just don't want to eat them raw so guess isn't that surprising um somewhere here I have I thought more of these Transformers but I might have used them all up I guess cool Transformers oh yeah I didn't make the charger first um so the charger is located here I need circuit boards for that oh we're down here all right circuit board electric elements I need copper and synthetics synthetics are like the bane of my existence I just constantly need synthetics yeah I literally can't make it right now the virus was neutralized the virus was neutralized that's fun hey Chris about another O2 tank too well I don't know there's much Point going down there until I can deal with those plants um the trouble being that I'm really low on like electric elements and circuit boards and such I gotta go find that somewhere we might have to say a lot from here again and find a different spot to stock up on certain supplies and we got nearby here the turbine we already were at I think I don't actually know for sure I just want to go in here there's not a lot around this Tower man I need to gather some of these thank you give me more you're not gonna wish a little windmill so we hit up a couple windmills that's right I got copper and stuff there I don't really see like mechanical or electrical parts I think it's gonna be 75 synthetics the storm is coming oh of course there's a storm coming yeah I'm gonna have to go to one mill get more copper I think based on what I'm gonna wind up using here uh uh electric elements let's get this ship actually I wonder how close to one of these structures I have to be to get the protection for being near it because it hits the tallest structure that's in the area but I don't know if I actually have to be under the platforms or if I can just like fly close to it and get the same level of protection thank you my Plastics hydration level is decreasing let's do the thing oh man there's like a lot of plastic oh metal Plastics dang it all right well I'm screwed I definitely have to go to a different Tower just not gonna have enough materials right now crud Community is decreasing diseases might become more severe your immunity is decreasing well shoot did I still have stuff in the elevator I thought I grabbed it already we'll check I thought I'd already grabbed it but I might not have Lord knows I have a memory like a sieve so it's perfectly possible I left it behind yeah hyper terminal drink that lowers the heat sensor to pass the white flower the flower axon body oh yeah I don't have uh it was that uh hypothermal hypothermia thing right whatever it is I don't have access to it yet yeah you can make plastic but I need like a ton of the uh ton of the synthetics for that yep definitely forgot all that stuff in the elevator and those nice empty boxes right there oh my God I did something right actually remembered a thing oh that looks a little damaged right there we have some repair kits and deal with that look at the rest of the gym is fine I must have smacked into something with that corner know the other boxes oh my God you're gonna maybe run all the way back over there I didn't put anything in the other boxes kind of fun would you play the game logically I don't do logic tell you I didn't use these other boxes see it's all empty stop messing with me wasting time on streaming man I'm not looking for the concrete no a lot of synthetics wow all right so we are here there's a windmill over there that I looted already I need one that I haven't looted it's this thing it's pointing to right here oh that's the encampment thing already hit up so that's fine [Music] there's another windmill over on this side we'll go over that way with a double flashing Beacon thing is over there that sucker on autopilot oh look the uh the dust change color instead of being green it's all red now it's crazy ones with a red triangle you haven't grabbed the battery from the tower yet oh is that what the deal is so I probably already grabbed this one that's over here then thank you so if it's the red ones then I'm definitely going to the wrong spot I only have a good I have a good map on here the heck so let me look around that's weird um so you're saying the red ones are the ones I haven't grabbed yet it's weird to me I never that actually Cruise command the pilot and find the vessel well enough but where are all the amenities oh it's already the uh the pool is closed right now for repairs uh later on there'll be shuffleboard on the poop deck that's where we do the pooping I swear I was over there already and not over this side wait if the lights are flashing then I haven't gotten it yet right because when you grab the battery doesn't it turn the lights off let's find out that's where you swore I'll get spiked by these giant Thorns here [Music] let's see elevator box is all over again yeah don't mess with me all Rage Quit shuffleboard on the poop deck what are they using never mind never you mind it's a very adult version of the game ah these giant plants are crazy man immunity is decreasing diseases might become more severe you're a dang liar um no need for that other circuit board oh is the Plastics I needed right we've got a bunch of synthetics let's make some Plastics and there oh wait they only got five Plastics that's not great jump on those spikes listen I've been stabbed by my wife's rose bushes before I really don't need to jump on any spikes okay hey Troy how you doing completed [Music] we'll definitely need the copper that's here I have to make sure I harvest all that can I shoot with this thing all right sit her down okay wow I got a lot of copper on me now um so that let me make oh I need the electric elements the electric elements come on I know I had something earlier okay circuit board full charger nice yeah that uh a hand zapper thing taken care of hand extractor printing completed okay tool charger hopefully they don't have to feed the oh the tool center probably requires a battery too doesn't it oh wait a minute what no shoot I don't have walls to actually stick it on it won't let me put it on the frame of the the uh thing here I guess we can stick it over here that definitely needs a battery okay and then use charger foreign things going on here extract requires the advanced tool charger oh frig ah you killing me RG good olds for your charity streams by the way well thanks RG yeah it went pretty well we uh between the stream in December and then the stream we had the other weekend we raised a total of eighteen thousand dollars for Covenant House Toronto so that was kind of Handy all right I like the game so far uh it's pretty cool so far but um clearly I need to pay more attention I need the upgraded dual charger for this thing and I just used up all those materials oh my God part is tool turn this tool is charged with crystal batteries wait so this thing's shorter the crystal battery lightweight can be carried by hand oh I guess it makes sense because I had to get crystals for it well crap all right let's uh let's loot around here because wasted all that opportunity yeah so far it's pretty cool I'm pretty early in the game still so there's lots to be discovered still many more mistakes to be made still expanding on my Airship a little bit here we've only got a little bit a little bit of additional whoops space on it so far one circuit board [Music] that's right learning for smirk people listen if you've never played the game yourself and oh crap that never happened you didn't see that for the record I didn't I did not make that jump thank you see another gambling we're exactly where we were meant to be did the Legends actually work ornaments a lamp once used to decorate the apartments it has no practical use but makes you feel Cozier oh never mind leave that behind takes up too much space I already got one [Music] there's a few of these lanterns around here a card short railing care about railings let's try paying attention is boring you don't need to pay no stinking attention that one already looted all right I guess that's it this is a small Tower man not much here I did get a couple of circuit boards I need but I was like a copper here too I guess that it was still worth coming I feel like I almost fell there okay there's more copper to be had in here I got to position the ship so I can actually get a shot at it though called a leap of faith apparently it was not the moment to make a leap of faith though I swear there was a third one in there [Music] got it all right some copper can go away all right so what do I need for that silly another charger thing oh I don't even have it uh I can't even build it I don't even have it unlocked yet electric elements crystals a one circuit board waiting for the circuit board again Plastics in something electric opponents and plastic uh but I'll have two electric elements right now dang it my inventory space again God dang I was really hoping when we scanned those boxes in the elevator they would uh give me access to plans to make a larger storage box okay so that one was a dud uh uh we want to go let's try next door and see what happens here oh I was like why am I having trouble moving here was because I was stuck on that thing [Music] so there should be basic supplies over here [Music] you seem so angry Taco Bell nearby oh there was Taco Bell all right what do you think all this would happen out here that was Taco Bell a tragic accident really look at the map you'll notice red triangle is gone I didn't notice a red triangle on that one in the first place to be honest got a blue triangle now I guess once I grab it the triangle turns blue [Music] hydration level is decreasing it's always decreasing well Africa been inventory spot just drink all the water a game show me the good stuff oh almost missed might have been bad could have been a longer fall than I planned on I'll say this place is good for plastic wow there's a door on this one crap I gotta blast it I don't have my hand thing charged up I gotta go back to the ship that sucks let's see if I get any of these other ones first that's why there was something on there oh I'm full join Project Oxygen you too can get oxygen join project brief sometime all right I gotta come back after I get more room um I guess I'm gonna have to make another one of those silly little storage boxes because I just don't have enough room for things come on I think I got most of it there all right storage box small storage I gotta get a little about some inventory here though I got no room to even pick the thing up after I grabbed it uh Transformers oh I got a condenser membrane instead grab that for a brief moment I couldn't understand what that sound was then I realized it was that water condenser outside okay uh this can all go in here such as it is let's see what that other building has out around oh my God let me out of here you got the big box pooper yet no or I'd be making the big locks ah man almost didn't make that jump how's my flashlight key going off I swear I'm not hitting the button to turn it off all right that's it that's all this place is cleared I put the Plastics over here when your character runs he sounds like me going upstairs you guys win in really easy doesn't help that he's tired but all right I gotta be more electronic components so that's good I got a good a good Hall of electronic opponents at least not a terrible chunk of plastic on there which is all right I guess um let's make some more hydrogen fuel helium fuel rather I mean synthetics I don't know where I put those or did I use them all okay I used them all the storm is coming yeah crap I don't want to hit this thing going too fast but there we go this place clean from the like Carolina there was copper on the floor um the Thunder's loud man I forgot what I was doing I was making something thank you oh let's see what it takes to make that uh upgraded thing upgraded charger member message 15 crazy months thank you for the 15 months of support that's amazing anyway how do I get the upgraded charger I thought oh it's not ready yet we need another circuit board oh shoot I just want to feed myself I don't have a lure thing I left I left it behind on there what do we need to make the lure metal I got metal here somewhere that was the plan but I haven't quite gotten there yet I didn't make this Advanced liver copper plastic and Sun melon oh right the sun melon foreign starve to death even if I get food now I don't even know if I can get a bag quick enough took that sucker what benefit does the advanced lure give I think it's supposed to capture larger insects so maybe more food value out of them but I don't know I haven't made one yet seems like that would be the case anyway just uh lure so attracts better catch in the dust six of six durability 10 to 20 catch time where this one's three of three durability 20 to 30 catch time so it catches faster and it has longer durability so you can use it more times but take Sun melon which I don't have I have a lure in the bot in the Box do I yeah all right take your word for it a very old might yeah there it is right there ironically the box that went to to get the metal to make the lure have the lure already in it yep I am the most observant player you'll ever see that's right I don't get struck by lighting I strike lightning various other nonsensical statements all right I wanted this circuit board um this back first called kitis Rising job law against starve anyway no way we're not gonna starve I already jumped earlier in this game thanks a Super Jam though three electronic elements and 15 Plastics uh put them over this end those are machine parts Plastics anyway did I use that much plastic sorry there we go [Music] yes I paid for it dance monkey he says dance memory sharpest attack and perception good as a hawk that's right hahaha I specialize in all the brains moves more specifically go test gravity listen we've already tested it several times it's not like we don't know that when I fall I go splat the worst part is it's not even like a like a fun death animation you just it's just like whoops you're dead and I lose 20 of my stuff I didn't know the med because let me use them even though it wasn't hurt which is kind of nice uh okay so now no it's not on there where's it's gonna be over here now right upgraded to a state I'll say ah motherboards Where'd I get the motherboard from before build my water I better sleep I guess I'll send energy here need to go to Fox hey Gene how you doing night this old man's going to bed because my back's pain have a wonderful stream every night Dr Death Wish thanks for dropping in I stepped that back good results and rigorous testing all right look fine rigorous testing Bonsai you just die it's not even like it's an interesting death your character doesn't go Splat like fall 400 miles to the surface of the ground or anything it's just just Diamond air split dead I lost some stuff I'm thrilled by it ah what was I doing oh yeah I need to um I need to find another point to travel to oh look look the red thing is still there even though I definitely grabbed the uh definitely grab the battery this time sure I did yeah see the light's not flashing anymore but the Red Arrow's still there that means nothing red arrow is confirmed mean nothing what are those question marks that I'm curious about I have questions about the question marks something just hit my ship give me your synthetics oh those things okay where's that uh lure we had in here [Music] it's probably great body of cryptic's dead clone bodies yeah exactly I'm just leaving my body littered all over the place here it's fine lure path obstructed oh okay crap it wasn't wasn't entirely paying attention feel depleted just as I got here thank you I've got to get larger storage this is brutal foreign Ah that's right we totally want to like manually make games more challenging as opposed to just playing challenging games you're on to my Horrible Secret Sun melon there we go I can make that fancy lure now assuming I can get to it before it goes rotten on me this time oh almost fell dang it the one panel I didn't blast is the one I needed to actually get in there [Music] get a card wall lamp oh Danny let me actually be able to see on my ship now the door I I gotta position the ship so I can actually shoot that uh last wall there okay so this lure was fancy lure that needed the sun thing or is it here Advanced lure three scrap or three Plastics and three copper we'll have one of these getting all advanced now chancy's door murderers tonight anything special about it maybe it's because we're on a destroyed planet that we were probably in some way responsible food canola multi-doy flowers oh did I get some of those I think I had some of those oh you know what they probably went bad I did have them I need fuel for the engines too I've got 15 on me another 21. I forgot to turn the cooking station on I'm so smart okay so that last wall I'm gonna have to move my ship here a little bit if you're responsible you have to be 400 years old this game oh I am 400 years old I'm ancient say the mostly tongue-in-cheek only mostly okay down here come on let me drop the chunk of electronic components in here but that's about it foreign cockpit glass I have I don't know if I have any more synthetics here's the glass yeah I don't have any any synthetics in storage let's get some more synthetics here the job with a 15 month member message Big Mama's missed you in seven days to die yeah we'll be playing some more 70s tonight this week uh I already missed a stream day this week so I'm a little running a little behind schedule of what I wanted to play today's the day that forever Skies came out so I want to make sure we played today uh we're definitely be playing some more seven days to die this week run some moth weird as that sounds oh I literally have too many electronics now um okay I want to make this new cockpit here all right put all the metals away I'm smart there we go okay large cockpit oh that is wow that thing's huge okay but I gotta get rid of the old cockpit first otherwise I can't put the new one in Oh and it doesn't exactly Center does it that's lame I wonder if I can put them side by side okay let's um I'm gonna have to move some stuff in here container not empty oh I got my charger in here there we go there we go I'm gonna put the scanner in there oh my Lord all my decorative items my inventory is full uh uh with the controls back here for now for the moment all right so I'm assuming I can't just relocate movement mode not enough inventory space really all right I need more room in my inventory here all right foreign stupid things I picked up but large is actually small yeah but I gotta I need to make more room here first so we'll remove that and then we'll throw a room in here blocked by equipment the heck man this thing oh honestly I wonder if it's because it's sitting on the floor hold on to control the ship for a second well nope there's too a little too much left try that I'm stuck I got myself stuck there we go now we got it now we got it I'm Smurf well kite is rising with the super sticker critical hit thanks for the super sticker appreciate it what is blocking this thing isn't that stupid poster it's It's gotta be that poster there's nothing there's no other equipment in the way here what are you doing to me game all this work for such a pain in the butt it was the freaking poster in the way all right whatever it's fine we did it we did a thing everything's fine that's not what I meant to put that uh all right put a smaller one here next to it yep blocked by equipment so that's what I know is the bug catcher this time are not empty pick it up no connection to Airship what literally connect to the uh uh all right so we can't do that I thought I could do a big cockpit next to a small cockpit but it's not gonna let me connect it blocked by a piece of paper somewhere I got a dirty water bottle or this rearranging of my ship is not working the way I wanted it to what about um that middle floor we'll do catwalk out here there we go deck extractor I'll put that on this side instead since I kind of messed up and blocked the other side off I don't have a repair kit on me all right let's get a little crowd on this side but it'll work actually I can put the water on the other side oh I'm gonna have to do this can't move until I empty it gotta turn that platform into a room to be connected to the Airship yeah I guess so this one here would have to be a room I thought it could connect sideways onto the cockpit and just fill it in but that ain't working so much it's all right I should probably have this in the middle middle of the ship a little bit better for guidance or whatever um we want our scanner back here that's not useful awkward placement okay that works there's really seemed to be a benefit to having a large cockpit I mean it gives me a little bit more room when you're here to work with but I don't really have stuff to put up here so much it's really nice now you have an excuse to add a second gas bag to this to make a symmetric again oh yeah I see what you mean yeah I want to make a second engine on this thing we can go a little faster uh engine I need machine parts stuck them here somewhere there was your bed up there yeah I could do that too stay in the middle of the hallway so wouldn't hurt to move it I don't want to rotate all right there we go we can sleep in the cockpit area now gonna need to make more fuel too I guess uh I have this other poster we can stick on the ceiling just to get into my inventory printing completed [Music] it's a little bit of a tighter squeezer than I thought there we go maximum flight speed increase okay so now I can make more of the helium fuel I got a very very serious question has actually been fed oh yeah I've jumped to my death at least three times already oh and I suffocated once all in the name of entertainment I guess uh I want to make another helium fuel no I don't apparently need more synthetics again okay let's get this ship underway again two this time oh I'm curious what these question mark things are I want to go see what that is [Music] see what this is about assuming it's I guess it is that red Tower there why is this one a question mark though maybe a different variant of a tower that I haven't landed at yet Uncharted area the preliminary analysis started overgrown Tower is used to maintain communication uh they all sell their ships this Towers overgrown by mysterious plans from under the dust huge leaves of replaced platforms Vines of overgrown structures more food can be found here than in other places oh all right so it's just sort of a tower of area that's why it was a question mark I hadn't discovered it yet pushing the storm is coming of course the storm's coming where's my knife Lobster chilies I don't get blasted by lightning here thank you both oh it's significantly faster oh God no no no I was already too low pull up all right so we got a problem oh man I can't even see the tower right now there it is all right well I can't avoid getting hit by lightning here so that's fun I can't go down low enough to uh go under the pad low altitude indeed good deals with lobster chili well uh all right oh I got my tool charger taking up space too um it's really inconvenient what all right level oh okay I still have the battery in it I guess that's weird yeah the very aggressive Thunder you can make your first aid kits with the chili oh I've got all kinds of first aid though I don't even I don't even know plus 10 food plus 10 energy oh that's not bad speak another one of those bonus centers you can't hurt uh I need repair kits to fix this stuff that's damaged on my ship now there's actually too much like a damage could have sworn we got blasted by a lightning bolt but I think seems to be fine all right oh I've got my water purifier in here too still um okay I think I had already checked everything there was a check here right no or maybe not hold on I didn't go to the building up the tower in order to get the battery in I guess that's right we don't need medkits if I just die I got my health bag it's kind of the perfect solution really Elegance in its simplicity that's it nothing else here hey man I didn't grab the uh uh grab the battery to make the light stop hey Rich Dad gaming how you doing I've been all the way up here too there we go now we can leave let me go follow my death come on get in there all right uh man I'll just hit the next one fuel the bleed in one of the end and scrap I need to get um let me get some more synthetic so I can make some more fuel look at the helium pretty much like you don't need the mechanics in State of Decay yeah exactly like that I mean I just get them killed all the time anyway that was some walls ah I mean yes I like being able to see out though it's actually kind of Handy printing completed oh where's my uh let me get this thing back here let's see so if we go with the uh glass walls or whatever plastic wall window wall Ace synthetics and metals when I stash the glass it's in one of these boxes there it is uh that is all fueled up again might as well do the well actually I'll hold on to synthetics to do this window window wall there we go not enough resources what am I lacking synthetics again it's always a synthetics man I have a lot of batteries too what's that fancy uh new lure I made there the world's best why do you want to trade higher chance of falling for anything else how about the chance of falling and so just it's convenient fat dust moth though so it is a better moth there's stuff going here all right so we're cooking up a fat dust moth uh that got me 31 synthetics no I put the middle away too didn't I window wall what there we go again with the synthetics I just can't I can't keep enough synthetics on me all right I'm Gonna Keep moving on to this uh I'm close here wow like flying across this Dusty stuff super weird does it seem like you're going like way off course duh we just landed all right so wow that does moth gives 60 food that's a decent amount of food right there um I'm gonna refill my water and then we'll have a little nap by the railings I have them unlocked but I haven't built any try Learning to Fly throw yourself the ground and miss yeah okay the thing I've been trying to make all this time the upgraded tool Charter for that I need the motherboard which I have not found any of I have one Transformer so I got some Transformers too otherwise I have to make all this stuff that just takes a lot of materials it's gonna be the same kind of thing it's another Garden one so let's talk about Lobster chilies [Music] basically the same platform inventory full oh these stupid chilies [Music] uh solid storage rack oh wait a minute yeah okay so now I can I can stack my my boxes but like it doesn't give me a larger storage chest it just lets me stack them I guess that's better than nothing it's not what I want but I'll take it rather just have larger storage boxes right now um where's that battery not that I need to start oh crap uh all right bye bye chili actually you know what I'm not repair kits I got a ton of those things no it's just a large storage is it I hope it is because it looks like a storage rack well wow let's find out um I guess I have to research it first right maybe not dealer how the heck is it oh there we go oh it's not there either is it something I'm making here nope where the heck is it I checked the uh the upgrade bench but it's not here it's not in the research thing not in here large bottle I have no idea storage railings that's short railing it doesn't say storage railing need the ship workstation have that yet ah well that figures got my hopes up for a second I thought I was gonna get some decent storage solutions for once okay well that was a bust what else was I gonna make that it was oh yeah the upgraded this thing so motherboard requires three circuit boards copper and plastic let's use electric and plastic that's a lot of plastic though I have nine plastic which is not really gonna cut it man I thought I grabbed a lot more plastic than that thank you crud okay where else can we go I'm really distorted now I don't even know where where the tower was that we were using as the elevator to get down to the base level we can go hit the uh there's another question mark over here that would be another variant of a tower you hit that up and see what it is locked on target that's doing its thing we'll collect some more authentic stuff foreign stay on target stay on target this might become more severe little voice reminds me of the uh the bot from subnautica okay so it's this Tower here which looks like it's another personal resource Tower but it's another variant two engines that makes the ship go so much faster Uncharted area Uncharted excuse me analysis we got mail detected new objects requiring scanning recently two residential Towers in our sector collapsed I like the sorrowful news we're looking for volunteers willing to go under the smog to reinforce the foundations of the rest of the towers if you don't do anything we could end up uh we could end up just like them that seems like a less than awesome thing I think there's Plastics here we need to know we need a whole bunch of plastics with all the garbage bags for Plastics not paper we need Plastics I'm Gonna Leave the condenser memory behind particularly since I don't have any room uh no not that I should have cooked those Peppers while I was up there so there should be scannables here somewhere simple insect lure I guess I don't need that I realize how many of my head on me a lower all kinds of insects right now I'm like a plastic a genuine artificial emergency yeah it up there where are you down Rex shelf hanging Rec devices container for storing objects oh okay does that mean I can make a bigger container now storage just show up in here what about in here nope there it is hanging Shelf uh I need metal to unlock that thing what like around the middle oh I had no room that's why research finalized research finalized saying you're too alluring that's right I am very alluring thank you for noticing I find it comfortable the Plastics aren't as plentiful in this dystopian nightmare well not usable Plastics anyway the crappy ones are still all over really bad um like that and what else do I need for that thing Plastics of course why not more Plastics okay how big is this hanging shelf thing gonna be and where am I going to hang it maybe could hang it above this we could store food in it or something research now sounds like windshield wipers while it's going yeah gravity finds you the most alluring they're both flattered and insulted so this store is nine and these store six all right clearly I'm gonna need more of those things uh let's take the water and stuff out of here I'm gonna try to like store my food type things over there I guess all right I didn't get any more of the Transformers man still desperate to get this upgraded tool charger so I can get the stupid portable disassembly thingy working again um I got electric elements and machine parts now so I can make those machine parts electric elements are somewhere in here there we go so I can make the Transformers I need I'm gonna need two of them you gotta hanging shelves lucky I got a wall mount that Stacks the small storage box but I haven't built it yet so I don't know if it's decorative or functional but hold it apparently is like a workbench or something we need to unlock first that's what people were saying so it's kind of nice being able to build this thing like right away since I couldn't build the other one apparently kind of a nuisance yeah worry about your own diseases printing completed okay so that gives me those I have one more in storage so the motherboard I need circuit boards copper and plastic and then the Crystal's not a problem I need three of the circuit boards I'm gonna need a whole lot more Plastics definitely definitely need more Plastics that only got me one I think yeah shoot I need a I'm gonna go much more synthetics oh wait wait I'm not done here I just had a full inventory that's my game back here um bash that come on Ash Plastics I have so many repair patches okay there's another way down here I think I checked this area did I nope all these stupid patches again man earlier I was really suffering for the lack of those whoops uh lack of the machine parts but now I'm getting all kinds of them even though it's not necessarily what I want anymore uh database residential Towers I thought there was a way to see like how many things you have to scan at a given place I know I only scanned like one thing so I don't know what the other scannable is unless I misunderstood sorry go to higher the tower the higher the tier items I guess may not go up yet I don't think I did nope just another battery he's probably a Shredded Wheat kind of guy and probably pours the milk in before the cereal just my guess you talking about me or somebody else definitely don't pour the milk in before the cereal that's sacrilege all right I got a little bit more plastic but I don't know there's gonna be enough to do what I need to uh uh got me up to 11. unable to catch a live stream so big one for me welcome fender all right we gotta get out of here I wish it was a map mechanism in this game I don't remember which Tower I'm going to now the missions maybe I should have stayed closer to the tower here for a moment I'm gonna get it all blasted out of this guy foreign all the towers I think you uh you won't normally find mechanical or electrical parts of the three light purple light towers for a few of the two light towers yeah I I was uh looking for them before and like getting nothing so I'm trying to find which Tower it's still 1.28 the one that's over here whoa ah dude it's smoked my uh my extractor engine damage Max Speed reduced immunity is decreasing diseases might become more severe all right well those were parakeets I was complaining about a minute ago really coming handy foreign oh my Lord Houston we have problems okay I regret throwing away some of those repair kits now I took a lot of damage I should have stayed at that Tower that was foolish I think we'll be all right I don't know if I've been to this Tower actually this one's not flashing so I have been here uh all right so one kilometer this away engine damage Max Speed reduced that polymer while we're here brutal man all right check the other engine but I don't have any more repair kits on me so until like unless I actually make more which I'm reluctant to do since I was kind of discarding them clearly I should have been screwing around with uh like flying away from the tower in the thunderstorm one of Kirby Fox love from India welcome back Shea morning to you even though it was nighttime here for me my green tower out there low altitude as I touch down low altitude I should actually convert these walls into uh the window walls too smells like glass I need that way I can put this uh some storage lockers on there that actually hold a little bit more and then those Wall Storage Things Are metals and Plastics always the metals and Plastics foreign happy to see you live yeah I'm a bad timing though I'm gonna be logging off in a moment it's already after midnight my time I need to sleep I'm gonna work in the morning why am I moving what's going on here I'm standing still but I'm moving like I stoned heck okay I literally can't stand still my character keeps moving being pushed along all right those can go in there Plastics and stuff in here he likes to get a decent amount of storage finally I don't really need the peppers we can skip those cereal is bad period oh my God how can you say such awful things about the poor cereal it's okay cereal Aunt Dean didn't mean it feels awesome man like my late night snack item I don't eat for breakfast but late at night I love it all right that sounds clear there's not really isn't much in these ones double check up here wait a minute I missed something there's a scannable uh little Led Zeppelin there I can take all right we're hanging that up in the ship oh God don't fall okay so one of the edges was damaged is this one here this engine's fine 90 Health on the floor everything on this side of the ship seems to be okay that stuff's all fine all right I think we're good coloring fixed or something put these up here I still can't I can't stop moving stuck in a permanent state of movement on this little Island I'm on okay we're gonna put this over top of my bed because why not there we go a little flying ship inside my flying ship cryptic and thanks for jumping the two other times that did Super chats uh you're welcome it's not like I said it's not very dramatic you just sort of go splat it like tells you you're dead and then you respawn uh I'm gonna I'm gonna log out for the night though because I have to work in the morning um I did get my Airship a little bit bigger but it's still a pretty hodgepodge mess right now this is not the most stylish looking thing take a long time to get the basic resources I wanted for this thing I really want this um upgraded tool charger I've got the three Transformers now but I need a lot more Plastics to be able to make the circuit boards because it takes 15 each and that's a bit much um just double check if I have any Plastics left in here we've got eight Plastics in there that's it for the plastic so I gotta uh well I gotta collect a whole bunch more of the um oh stop sliding when I turn the light on that's weird yeah I gotta get a whole bunch more of the synthetic stuff so we can make my own plastic so I gotta find more more sources of plastic but we'll keep uh keep exploring and seeing what we can find again later thanks everyone for coming to hang out tonight I really appreciate it thank you all for all the super chats and everything this evening gifted memberships Etc uh should be live again tomorrow night I haven't decided when I'm playing just yet but then we're on 9pm Eastern Time was always cryptic Fox I'll see all of you next time
Channel: CrypticFox
Views: 27,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CrypticFox, Gameplay, forever skies, lets play forever skies, forever skies gameplay, forever skies early access, forever skies part 1, forever skies first look, forever skies survival game, survival games, forever skies ep 1, forever skies live stream
Id: nQdqnlXkrZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 207min 12sec (12432 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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