My first thrift haul for junk journal supplies.

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hey guys this is lisa from grace and old paper um this will be my first ever video on youtube uh i am relatively new to junk journaling just started it a couple of months ago um haven't actually completed a whole journal yet unless you count paper bag journals i did several of those and gave them his christmas gifts to family which and they just loved them so i am working on a really big journal um go figure my first one i start out on is a huge journal but i've also started having other creative ideas and i'm working on two others at the same time so um because i was a newbie at this i didn't have a lot of supplies um not a lot of tools um so i've had to kind of make do and struggle along and just take my time um i did get a hundred dollar gift card um you know a visa gift card for christmas and finally had the chance to go to a um it's a really big antique thrift junk store type thing that has different booths you know it's it's a it's where you go along and there's just booth after booth after booth and it's made out of an old grocery store so it's pretty good size a little ways away from me but um the the thrift store close to me is just absolutely terrible i have went there a couple of times and got what i could um so anyway i wanted to show you my thrift haul my very first thrift haul i'm very excited about it uh i only spent about half my gift card and my daughter that was with me sweetly bought me the rest and um we just had a really good time and so i want to show you what i got so here we go first of all we went by second and trolls and if y'all have a second trolls you know they always have a free band out front ours has two free bins there wasn't a whole lot in it but i helped myself to these um this just because you know it was free and it's i can collage or do something with it i'm sure so i got that these two i will probably save to make journals out of the spines are in really good shape the covers are in good shape nothing wrong with them that's wrong i am probably the only one that picked up the torn up books in the bin but look at the age look at that look how beautiful you can certainly use that in collages this is uh not written by laura ingalls wilder but based on the town and atmosphere and everything of laura ingalls wilder so i got that i'll probably just read that another torn up book you know just just about to collage with i kind of giggled at this do with me what you will and i will probably make it into collages and pockets and all that kind of good stuff um a dictionary i did not need another dictionary because where do you see my what i got from the store um but it was free and i like free so there you go so that was the stuff from second charles free ben all right here we go okay i got these two little dictionaries see dictionaries i have a thing about dictionaries apparently uh this one's newer uh this one is 1965. it's just you know just a good basic little dictionary cute little sorry if you can see that cute little um images i can tear around i figure i'll make tags and that kind of thing out of it this one is older there is no date there is no copyright um quite old i only paid four dollars for it probably shouldn't have done that but it's really more of a word journal it's just it's got teeny tiny definitions so i thought that'd be cute to use like that um i found a there was one of the booths we went to that everything was a dollar and under i love that it was like a kid in a candy store um we've had a hard time getting out of that one this is last of the mohicans i don't care about the story don't don't really care about the images that much but the the pages are buttery soft beautiful yellowed i know i can use that so i figured 50 cents why not another word book yes i do have a problem with dictionaries and word books but but look at the aging it's it's yellowed all the way around it's gorgeous i'm good with that paid a dollar i got this book from myself it's hard to show due to the lighting the guernsey literary and potato peel pie society i loved this movie so i'll be excited to read the book so that was just for me a dollar found this one mother knew best written wisdom from the moms of celebrities the first one i flipped to was elvis presley and not sure if i can find it again yeah see i probably can't find it again a little bit written on oh yeah oh well it's in there somewhere basically his mom said something about uh take this guitar don't don't that you're not getting a rifle there it is it says son take this guitar you're not going to get a rifle take it and play it and he did and did well with it so i got that found latin quips at your fingertips what i like is that it's english and then in latin so i thought this would be good for collaging and tags and things like that found this reader's digest almanac in your book 1975. i have another one of these that is 1968 and boy are these just wonderful the aging on it is gorgeous there's so many images and diagrams and articles and people and just so much in these things they're absolutely wonderful um just love it and i cut it for 50 cents so you know you can't beat that i mean look how huge how many pages is this thing a thousand twenty-four yeah good deal i got this reader's digest book um to make a journal out of and i love that it's purple and i don't know if you can see it but there is a pegasus embossed down here at the bottom that's just to make a journal with i got bible verses for busy women uh not that i'm busy but you know a guide for moments of stress joy and contemplation this year has been the stress but i love putting bible verses on things and uh i figured that would be a good one to use the big journal i'm working on my first actual official journal i started working on i went over ambitious and it is a large one um it's going to be a chunky monkey but it's about my late mother and father-in-law they were precious precious people and i love them dearly and even after all these years we still miss them so much so i'm working on a basically a love story of theirs so um i needed some stuff he was into construction and i needed something to represent him um and i spent a hard time finding construction related things but this has a lot of um building and construction uh stuff in it so you know i thought for a dollar i'd try it and see what i could find saw this for a dollar jumped on it like crazy look at the beautiful roses it's really really glossy and some new to junk journaling you know is y'all uh post in the comments if you can if if this is okay to use um do i need to do anything to it um you know is it all right i thought the roses are just beautiful though absolutely gorgeous and for a dollar why not um in the journals i have worked on the paper bag journals and even my mother-in-law father-in-law's journal i'm working on i had found a book at my thrift store it was poetry by helen steiner rice and i have actually loved using some of her poetry and i found two more books this one was a dollar fifty this one was a dollar and it's just got some of her little poems in it they're small so they're easy to use as cards on journal cards or tags this one i don't really like the artwork in it it's just not my favorite colors but i will get good use out of the poetry in it you have to understand i don't get to do this very often so we make quite a haul of it um this is a children's bible storybook i don't like tearing up bibles and won't tear up bibles but my daughter pointed out this is a storybook not quite the same thing and the pages are just oh buttery soft beautifully aged um there's this funny little piece of ephemera in it smile brush your teeth see your dentist i thought that was a funny little bookmark um but you know i if i can get myself to use it i will if not then it'll just stay in my possession from uh to me for me to read my grandchildren either way it was like i think it was a dollar or two dollars at the most i got all things bright and beautiful it was a dollar and it has lovely images to use wouldn't it be pretty in a winter journal to use as cards tags yeah oops just really pretty images there's some poetry and quotes and things loved that i got this book for one reason and one reason only it is a newer book i did pay three dollars for it but in my family we we joke around a lot we're you know we try to laugh a lot and we would just occasionally you know if somebody does something silly or funny we you know we're calling you're just such a weirdo you know weird to us is an affectionate term and it's used frequently in our home so i found this book called the weird sisters oh the clarion is terrible the weird sisters and i got it for one reason and that is to you know one day i hope to make a journal just about the funny things my daughters have done you know a humorous journal beautiful beautiful embossing right there that covers the spine is gorgeous covers in perfect condition so i thought you know how often am i gonna find one called the weird sister so i grabbed it got this big old book i love this book uh i only paid five dollars for it and i say only because that is a bit much for a junk journal book um to to you know to tear up but i love this book it's a quarter of modern literature and it says new and enlarged edition the spine is not the best it's got really some bad damage to it here um i mean it's holding up okay it's holding up okay this is really surface damage so you know i could put a piece of lace over it and it'd be gorgeous it is rather large it is like eight by eleven yeah eight by eleven so it is rather large but it's from 1935 and it is absolutely beautiful i mean look at the aging on the end pages how gorgeous huh it's again buttery soft the pages do not crack it's full of stories and poetry and um just all kinds of things i will probably sit and read through this before i do anything oh look somebody pressed a flower hmm a little tiny one so there there i was flipping through it and there is even a story in here on the titanic about the sinking of the titanic and it is um like a um news story editorial type thing really fascinating though so i thought this was a good steal of a deal i i really loved it and there's like personal handwriting in here i just loved it so like i said i'll probably sit and read through that before i bring myself to do anything with it um which will be hard i got this overboard magazine paid two dollars for it but again like i was struck i'm struggling to find things to represent my father-in-law and he was an avid fisherman for quite a long time so we we have already found a couple of items in there two years for him and this one uh the biltmore estate had some beautiful things to fussy cut and i have already torn them out so i can't show them to you right now but hey this belt more you know it's beautiful got this bundle of two quilt magazines they were bundled together so i couldn't look in them and there were three dollars for the bundle i thought well you know it might have some really good stuff in it so i went ahead and did it um and it's and it's okay um it does have some quilt patterns and things like that um a few good ads and things a few images now if i do a i don't know a country journal or something like that i can probably you know make tags out of some of these quilts so i got those my daughter picked this one up it's a country gardens because there's some beautiful flowers in here again glossy pages but got pretty i love flowers i'm sure i can make something under that we hit an aisle i mean a booth that had music and boy oh boy did they have music these books right here are big and they were a dollar a piece i guess because they didn't have covers this was copyright 1952 there's 88 pages here and look how beautifully yellowed i mean this gorgeous golden yellow absolutely absolutely love this this one's copyrighted 1928 so there's some really old music in here 31 32. love that again this one is a little lighter but still aged and beautiful use that got these two action special songs and choruses for boys and girls again aged and just gorgeous a dollar piece and i found this one that i will be sure to use in a christmas journal wasn't able to do one this year because you know i just started so i didn't have enough collected for it so i have started collecting so i can do one this next year the pages are really glossy um but i'm still gonna use them because it's just gorgeous to me just gorgeous so five dollars for all this music i i couldn't pass that up they had even more but i just couldn't bring myself to do it um for my father-in-law part of his journal pipe cleaners this was off of a 50 off booth so i paid 50 cents for it um i will probably i don't know maybe make a pocket out of it close up this end and open this one i think it's really funny that originally it was 30 cents if you can see that 30 cents and i paid 50 for it that's what happens found these playing cards it's my first playing cards to find and i was so excited almost didn't care the image but the image is beautiful there all this says glacier national park beautiful beautiful scenery so i'm good with that 50 cents not bad found these vintage postcards this one right here is from massachusetts in 1959 i thought that was beautiful the rest of these are pretty much all california but again gorgeous look at that look at that old car golden gate this is the last supper window forest lawn memorial park glendale california beautiful best tourist court hot springs national park arkansas okay this is california this one says princess snow white and her dwarves from bush this bush arroyo gardens when i get around to doing a disney journal this will have to go in it that's beautiful another place in california california california san diego that's a high school stockton california oakland that one is uh carmel by the sea i've actually been there it's beautiful place santa barbara mission place in california and the golden gate another bridge of california so i was quite happy with those i think they were 450 for the lot but i've never found vintage postcards so i was a little excited about that um found this and just jumped on it it was a little pricey but i have been looking and looking at my local thrift store for a bird book and have not been able to find one like i said mine is terrible and this was just beautiful i can use i could fussy cut look at mr owl i can use the whole pages perfect size for a journal card or a big tag been just hunting and hunting so i was very excited about this particularly since there it is my mother-in-law loved mallard ducks so this will give me something else to add to their journal it there is no date on it and as a matter of fact it starts with page 21 so somebody had torn 20 pages out of it which i really hate but i was still happy to get it i was still happy i got this and this was a pricey item it was a pricey item it was ten dollars 1956. was solid sitting on a bookshelf and i got curious about what is in a box so let me show you this is around the world program look at this oh japan we love everything about japan just think it's beautiful this apparently you put stickers in these stickers that went with them so there's just great stuff in here that you know some of the images aren't great the stickers are beautiful i may see if there's some way i could get the stickers off without damaging them and use them absolutely gorgeous matter of fact this box also had some that have not been used just how gorgeous huh madrid sevilla that gorgeous though huh and the other books are spain australia and mexico so i thought that was just great just great a little pricey but great unusual got this stack of readers digest and you know they're around here they're hard to find these are from the 60s and there's six of them i think they were four or five dollars i thought that was a good deal i will definitely be reading through those before i cut them up i love reading digest this one is a very sentimental purchase and i believe my daughter bought it for me um bobsy twins excuse the striped light coming through the sun is shining in my blinds um it's in very poor condition this is hanging on by thread but i loved the boxy twins when i was a young girl i read as many as i could get my hands on and just look at the aged pages look at that how gorgeous huh got the darkened around the edges it's got the old imagery in it i just love this one let me see what year this one is 1950 i just love that yeah it's five dollars my daughter got it because she knew i loved the boxy twins this one's another sentimental purchase the monsters i love the monsters too i thought they were great it says five dollars on it um i actually paid 250 because it was at the half price booth so that was good and i was like i don't know exactly what i'll do with it um but my youngest daughter pointed out to me she's a mom if you ever make a halloween journal you know uh chronicling the uh costumes for my grandchildren she said this would be great and i'll say yeah you're right that would be good make a funny addition to that hang on a second let me close the curtains a little bit so we'll quit having so many stripes hopefully the lighting won't get bad um i found this uh stationary package when i do a children's journal i thought this would be really cute it's got the papers and the envelopes and the little teddy bear moroccan horse so cute and i can even use the uh packaging it was just a dollar found this for a christmas album christmas journal i promised us the savior my daughter found these two these are just beautiful look at the imagery in here it's so adorable look at that little fella he's so cute and use that and this was the three bears visit goldilocks it's in bad condition but the images and everything are just so gorgeous i love it these will make adorable children's journals found this book um simply to use for collaging it's all in french i paid 50 cents can't understand a word it says so i figure that's safe for me to use and you know collaging my junk journals and things because i have no idea what it says um so if it says any bad words i don't know but hey that's good for that and yes i do seem to have a problem with dictionaries i'm gonna tell myself not to buy any more i found these this before i found the free one but it was 50 cents you know 50 cents and it's just a good dictionary it's got the good little images and i do love love tearing out and using some of the words and some of some of the things i've done played around with so you know 50 cents who can pass it up i found this big scrapbook um it is unused and i was passing by a booth on our last aisle and we were heading to the checkout and this lady had this she was standing there at the booth working and she had this in the top of the buggy that she had and i tapped it and i said it's a beautiful scrapbook and she says well thank you she said it's it's mine she said um i said how much is it she said twelve dollars and i said well i've already picked out so much and i've overspent today anyway and said i better not and she said well she said my booth is 20 off and i said yeah i still so i was starting to walk away and she said she said you know since i'm here today i can give it to you for six dollars i was like okay i'll do that nice thing is when we got up to the register the 20 still applied so i got it for four dollars and change i was quite happy about that i haven't decided if i'm just going to use the pages and junk journals or i have heard of some people have an idea books and i thought you know that's a really great idea for me because i my memory is not the best and so i need to journal all the different types of pockets and envelopes and tags and things like that you can use so i haven't decided whether to use this for the idea book or something else can't make up my mind thoughts anyone anyway i loved it a big old scrapbook oh see i got lace this little bundle you have to realize we do not have good thrift stores here i don't have any more junk stores and you know i see people on youtube and they're getting like little bags of lace for 50 cents and i'm like i wish so this was two dollars it is it's two different pieces of lace there's this one love this one for some reason it reminds me of crowns that's so pretty so that was two dollars this little bag full was oh it had these two little pieces in it too they're cute i'll use it for something i have this little bag is three dollars it's aged but isn't it pretty it's really pretty so i got that this bag was three dollars really pretty lace though there's that found at this hanky i hope you can see that how pretty that is cannot remember what i paid for that i think it was two dollars these two came together as a set of two really pretty soft gray and white butterflies that was gorgeous it was a set of two and i think it was two or three dollars this one was more pricey my daughter got it because i i was gonna put it back um because it was five dollars but it's got beautiful beautiful lace on it gorgeous i have never used handkerchiefs before so it'll be something new for me i don't exactly know how to do do it but i'm sure youtube will help me i got two of these this one is really puckered right here so i'm gonna have to see what i can do about that this one not so much yeah not so much but i figured if i have a big enough journal that these could be a page in themselves what otherwise they're just beautiful so got those those were like two dollars a piece they weren't bad i found this very odd shaped one but i figured this could be four pockets and i love love the santa claus i kind of have a thing about santa claus top of my piano was always covered in santa clauses at christmas i found this little bundle of lace it's kind of stiff lace but it will do great on the edge of pages i'm sure there's a whole bundle up for two dollars and then i picked this up and my daughter's like mom why are you getting that it's all stained and i said that doesn't matter what he died anyway look at it i can cut all of these out i possibly could even use these little pieces so a little stains doesn't matter i'm going to die of this thing love that okay the other thing we got there and i was so excited about this it actually didn't have a price on it they had to call the owner and find out how much it was but for two dollars i got this mccall's magazine from 1909 i was so excited there are so many things to fussy cut look at this lady look at her there are i mean just so many images there's like funny articles look at that i don't know what i'm gonna use men yet but i will definitely use them i just i was so excited over this book the little children's clothes the stories and articles in here are just absolutely fantastic look at those ladies jello was still in business was in business then how about that lemon jello hmm royal baking powder wow the only thing i know about royal baking powder i think was wasn't that in uh anne of green gables i think that was the stuff that was in there that they talked about but so many images adds ostrich feathers anyway i just loved this i i absolutely loved it was so excited about it two dollars i will definitely use it for two dollars the last thing i got my daughter actually bought because i couldn't bring myself to do it because it would have took a chunk out of my little gift card was this sewing machine box full of things it was fifteen dollars and you can see it is stuffed full and there have been some fantastic stuff in here i love the wooden spools this one this one and this one are not but the rest of them are wooden spools you needle like a big old thing if you can see that i'm not sure what this is but i'm sure i can put some kind of use to it so there's just there's old buttons there's a really pretty pearly one there it's an old thimble if you can see that can you see that i think it's really pretty there's all of that stuff some bobbins oh oh and some really aged bobby pins in here that would look really cute um with some little beads and then here these are all needle books i've heard some of them are collectible but i don't know if any of these are so there's that one this one's actually a needle threader because you love them that is from life of georgia interstate life and accident insurance company that's a new one this one's from the piggly weekly vehicle over that and this one's complete really pretty huh so those were in there got this pretty blue ribbon got um some rick rack with this little thing attached to it which i'm sure i can detach this black ribbon i got a bunch of it this pretty sparkly stuff you see that i hope you can it's black and silver from this old zipper it's really soft flexible i will try to figure out what to do with that i'm sure i can do something with it uh seam binding some more brown satin ribbon green lace which i will say for a christmas journal orange i think she made her own headband at some point in time a piece of trash in my opinion it looks like the end of somebody's tie or something i don't know but there's all these buttons and button cards um buttons these are like old buttons look at all these purple look at those these look like pills they're actually buttons look at these those are so chunky i don't know guys i don't know what to do with button cards like these these button cards i mean i've heard of people using them in journals do you leave the buttons on do you take the buttons off what do you do i have no clue but they're really cool these bags are just full of random buttons and that's just an empty box everything in here smelled great and it was because of this it is a victoria's secret sachet and let me tell you it smells divine it's absolutely wonderful so everything in here smells beautiful more buttons it's like they saved things off of clothing when it comes with the extra thread and the button more buttons some little beads i will probably throw out um these are actually like clothing tags that have buttons attached 132 dollars um so but i'm sure i could use them for a family and some way or another i got those uh two more zippers frosty and bone more buttons a few little pieces of fabric that i will use in some way or another yellow white pink and this green satin i'll save for christmas this pattern is a fisher price my friend mandy's gaucho outfit a little pattern for a doll and then there were these oh one thing of thread these patterns she was obviously petite um you say 18 to 20 but i don't think so 16 18 20. yeah but very vintage look at that i don't know what that one is why does that remind me of captain and to neil and i have already learned the good value of the pattern tissue pattern i've used it quite often it reminds me the brady bunch so this was my thrift haul um a little bit about me i am a mother to a mother a grandmother of two a wife daughter of god and um it's been a rough year for me and finding the junk journal world has been an entire blessing to me because it has really helped me in a lot of ways and my husband has been fully supportive of this as have my daughters and the rest of my family and so um it's just been it's been a peace of mind to me um my youngest daughter gave me this for christmas prayer box and i will be filling it up just talks between me and god um so if you have any comments leave them if you like like um since this is my first video i don't really expect much but i've had a good time doing it i'm enjoying collecting the stuff and finding bargains and putting together what i can in future i'll show you some stuff i do have some videos of where i made the paper bag journals so i may up the upload those soon so otherwise have a good and blessed day take care
Channel: Grace and Old Paper
Views: 1,563
Rating: 4.9111109 out of 5
Keywords: Thrift haul, Junk journal, Junk journaling, Grace and old paper, Thrift shopping
Id: 6oB9YTKUx6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 58sec (2338 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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