MORE Madagascar Giant Hognoses Hatching!

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look at this beautiful incubator ain't cooking the eggs of the later part of the Season we have some false chameleon eggs that I think might actually hatch we haven't hatch those in a while this is another clutch from Lily or conda lavender looks like they're not hatching quite yet that's all right there's a lot of condensation in there are you guys starting to to hatch or do uh nope no Pips yet how about oh there's a face mad Hogs mad Hogs are hatching oh my goodness baby heart noses baby giant hognosis I should say oh my gosh look at all these this was our Pokemon clutch is there a face in here oh there is but you can't see it on camera oh it looks like Mewtwo pipped and has a bunch of spit bubbles Mewtwo do you want to say hi not yet okay how about Voltorb oh Voltorb definitely pipped there's a lot of slices in that egg oh my gosh will Togepi or Dratini oh Dratini already pip too oh my gosh guys you got you're all hatching and I think we still have there's an egg at the very bottom there too okay we're gonna come back tomorrow and see if these guys are coming out all right it's been a day are these guys coming out yet yes they are oh wow there's a lot of babies out okay I think what we're gonna do is get these babies separated the ones that are out oh uh so they're not so crowded and then we can cut open the remaining eggs and see who's all still gonna come out okay babies I have a little container here that I'm just gonna put back in the incubator because I want them to stay in there for a couple more days until everybody comes out oh my God gosh there's a fish hello welcome to the world little Diglett baby that's right this was our Pokemon clutch oh you're trying to squeeze back in aren't you well let's see who all we have oh my gosh look at you beautiful babies let's get you a little bit more space come here we're gonna move you over here perfect I missed it down the paper towel so it'll keep them nice and hydrated while we wait for all their siblings to hatch there you go I'm gonna go right into that half log yep look at that hi baby welcome to the world oh my goodness you're so squiggly there okay going to the half Vlog here do you want to go in there too no yeah I think you do I think you do come on there you go okay perfect got three there and it looks like let's see Dratini hatched that baby Togepi has pipped and actually looks really good too I can see it moving perfect I haven't cut any of these I think they may have all pipped on their own oh my gosh even the one way down at the bottom I think that one hatch oh my gosh that one already hatched I'm okay so that one hatched uh Dratini hatched Mewtwo did you hatch I don't think you hatched uh yes it looks like Mewtwo has hatched okay and so those are our three babies that we just pulled out so we're still waiting for uh Diglett Togepi and Voltorb the hatch but they all picked their own eggs I'm so proud of you guys good job all right I guess we don't have to cut any eggs we'll just wait another day or two and until they all come out and then we get to look at all of you beautiful babies all right you guys have to see this the babies aren't where'd you go there they are I think they're all out now so I'm gonna bring that and the babies we've already taken out and we're going to add some siblings to your container yes and then tomorrow we'll come back and we'll set up baby bins because it's I'm kind of in a rush oh my goodness you're oh wow and you're in blue I haven't been here for two days and you're already in blue not all pipped all by yourself you didn't need my help I'm so proud of you and look now you're out doing this little tongue flicks oh my gosh okay let's get you a little bit more space you come here come here little baby you look nice and healthy here go in a cave join your siblings perfect I'm gonna add a little bit of dechlorinated water this will just be for overnight I just feel bad that they're in there and I don't want them to be super squished so they can go in there to have a little bit more space Here's another baby oh my gosh Come on come on you look healthy look at you look at those checkered sides and then last but not least well actually you might have more room now that you're by yourself and is anyone here still due to pith or come out I think everybody's out otherwise okay well cool I might leave that one in by himself overnight so he has enough room and these guys can just share this container overnight and I will be back tomorrow it isn't here we actually are moving right now um that is something else that's not these guys um we're gonna come back tomorrow and move them into baby bins but now they have a little bit more room overnight and hugs oh that way mad hugs this split up clutch which as I think it's enjoy they've enjoyed the extra space rather than all being crammed in here but now it is time to take them out and put them in baby bins but first we have to take a look at all the babies obviously of course so let's see all the babies now that they're out and uh and now that Ed is here too because um last time we filmed it was just me so I just moved some over so they weren't all crammed in here but now it's Ed's first time seeing them I'll look at them heads are the best oh my goodness so the brown stuff in here is sphagnum moss in case anybody was curious it looks like one of the eggs did you go bad you must have gone bad you look really gross all right so we have one two this was our Pokemon clutch which was one two three four five six eggs we have two babies in here so we have do we have four in here this is a gross paper towel because they've all had their first poops in it oh my goodness we have one two three four five right how how did that work okay so we have five uh did did The Moldy egg actually hatch okay so hang on how many eggs do we have did I miss count one two three four five six seven if you count that one did you hatch oh never mind there's another egg down there I didn't even see that egg whoa we didn't have to cut any of these like they had all pipped themselves or cut the eggs so I didn't have to cut any with knives but I didn't realize there was even an egg down there so that one hatched too we had seven so we had seven yeah we have seven here um one two three one two three four five six seven perfect look at that they all hatched oh and they're actually pretty calm too I just love that checkerboard pattern here yeah look at that you are so pretty seven okay I want to hold them all seven baby Madagascar giant hog noses oh my gosh oh the one on my arm is trying to be scary oh look at that oh you're so scary oh you made him flatten out even more they can flatten out down further oh my goodness oh okay if you're gonna be sassy hang on hang on Are You The Sassy one of the clutch yeah The Escape Artist over here too oh he's flattening out oh my goodness now that was The Sassy one oh you're so scary so scary look at you all flattened out as soon as you pick them up though they calm down yeah it's like well I'm not dead yet oh oh look at you now you oh you just struck hit me oh my gosh oh jerk I didn't know they would do that oh my gosh hey hey oh my gosh would you stop that ow look at that uh slightly venomous are they they are Emily is allergic to their venom I mean they're rear fanged and I don't see any big tooth holes here so what a jerk he wasn't that wasn't even just a tank he was like chomping down he's hungry gosh okay buddy I'll set you back there you wanna do that again no I think I'm good it's funny with the bull snakes yeah they they start chewing on you they don't just like trying to get that Venom into you oh maybe that maybe it was a self-defense well okay we'll check back in on this I guess in a little bit and we'll see if uh there is any allergic reaction I don't think there will be but I suppose we'll give it a little time and check back um I guess in the meantime I will clean up my hand and we'll put them in baby bins okay so instead Michael okay first before we do anything else would you just tell me about that little uh it's itchy it's itchy yeah yeah yeah it's itchy so there you go there's the first uh first check-in on her knuckle yes and also for baby bins we are down to two remaining baby bins in the baby wreck but we have a plan so we'll explain more about that in a little bit for now we're just going to set these up and put three in one and four in the other so we've got our rock is something rough we've got a little hide in the back you know YouTube doesn't like oh yeah we're gonna cover up my hands so YouTube doesn't demonetize this whole video we've got water dishes lots of plants look at that have a flower and this one hand can have two flowers oh beautiful perfect I think that'll work and obviously we will add water to the water dishes after filming this video so we're gonna put this yes Emma you can get bit again yeah really one two three in there one one two three four and that one perfect got all our babies and actually there's a surprise too we actually had a third clutch of Madagascar giant hognose eggs it was a lot smaller it was a clutch of one so we incubated big you are a big baby we incubated it with a single albino hognose snake egg uh and they both hatched so the this hog nose is gone it's in another another bin and another video already but this one just etched so here's the Madagascar shed even oh look at you fresh little baby oh you're hooding up too oh you're so you know what happens when they hit up yeah we do look at you you're so cute though okay so I think what we're gonna do instead of doing four and three babies in the bins we'll do four and four okay buddy so upset so this one is a few about a week and younger maybe five days younger than the rest because they've actually been hatched for a few days here there you go buddy fresh out of the egg and now in your baby bin now you'll have friends too they also have one that's a skating yep and one is trying to get out these guys are just trouble makers yeah they are here you go go back in there okay now we have our babies yeah oh we have three spots yeah I guess we have three open bins but we'll just do this so they're next to each other yep uh so we're making it work with the last I thought there were only two but I guess there's a third bin anyway we have all the babies in these two bins and we are selling slash shipping out like 15. like this many here to there like all of those are going out in like two days yeah so we'll kind of just uh spread them out a little bit they'll disperse into other bins as soon as those all get shipped in two days so they'll be fine for a couple days it's a little crowded so how's your finger not itchy anymore is it swelled up not yet I mean he's just a baby what all could he do put your other finger up to it I think that's slightly swelled up I don't think so not yet anyway it's a little red but it's not swollen yet it looks a little bit smaller I think we would have had to let him chew for a bit longer to actually have effects okay we'll see we'll see we'll give it more time so why is Dad back here in the first place dad gets separated from all the girls every week because he will steal all of their food big chunky man so we only feed him once every what three weeks now and it gets every three weeks so on his non-eating weeks we have to pull him from the exhibit for the day so that the females can eat and he can't steal it because they need food and he obviously doesn't need food no he's chunky as this all right buddy I suppose mom's ate all their food yeah they ate everything so it's actually safe for him to go back now he can't steal their food yeah there you go all the food is gone you can't take any anyway so good job everybody you had lots of beautiful babies this year first time breeding Madagascar giant Hogs how crazy is that we've been working at this for years two three years yes and now it finally became a reality look at him staring at us he's all offended he's like you didn't give me any food yeah now he's all mad one of your kids bit me yeah I hope you're happy he's like I'm glad you don't give me food I'm so I'm still stoked that we were able to produce these this years like we've been working so long towards it and it finally happened so anyway uh we will be reaching out to the waiting list uh once we have a couple meals in them once they have a couple meals and then yeah then we'll be able to find them good home so thank you for watching I hope you're as excited as we are over baby Madagascar giant hognosis Madagascar giant hognoses you've read those now that is amazing thank you patreon backers for your wonderful support and we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Snake Discovery
Views: 3,042,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hognose snakes, giant hognose, giant hognose snake, madagascar giant hognose, madagascar giant hognose snake, breeding snakes, breeding hognose snakes, breeding hognoses, snakes hatching, baby snakes, baby snakes hatching, snake discovery, snakes, reptiles, pets, animals, exotic animals, hognose
Id: t_SBirXStWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 03 2022
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