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what's up everybody welcome back to the pokea TCG channel for today's video classic booster box battle action coming at you here today but not classic as it may seem we have a custom 36 pack Crown Zenith booster box today taking on the newest set here Twilight Mas grade still need a lot of special art rares from this set we'll take some gold today as well giveway winner to announce lot to get to start this music let's do this thing here y'all have some fun let's pull some fun stuff here today shall we 72 packs today and the giveaway winner to announce the June slab giveaway was this past week we were giving away this skor Neo Discovery psaa beautiful 20 was it 23-year-old holographic card the winner of this slab is bang fishy cuber 2727 congratulations my friend on winning this beautiful skor slab to claim this lab leave a comment down below with your partial email address first three or four letters screenshot that send it to just cuss television that's the only way fishy cuber 2727 can claim this slab thank you everybody ented here again like 400 entries here again this month thank you all so so much we have a member only giveaway that is live now membership Link in the description below here we go y'all happy Saturday everybody you know what we're going to spread these out here a little bit we got a lot of packs to get to and I'm getting ahead of myself I'm I'm getting ahead of myself because I you got to open up the Twilight masquerade box here cuz if you want to open up the packs you got to get to the box so here we go there is that booster box and make sure I don't put anything behind uh the packs here and come on URS saluna come on there we go there he is all right and away we go happy Saturday everybody fun little Booster Box video here for your Saturday where uh Crown denena does not normally have booster boxes so I made one I I think this is the first time I've made like a custom I mean it is cuz I made it this week poo on the first card here with a luxray non Hollow first time I've done like a custom box here of uh of crown Zenith but now we've got a non-custom box Twilight masquerade we need the goal for today with Twilight is to pull the carine special art rare or that dang Eevee I can't pull that Eevee chy en Amorous parin on the full art trainer okay so our first uh hit if you will here parin on the full art trainer garan gallery and a full art trainer here so decent start I'm hoping for some gold action out of crown today really like any gold card would be nice we haven't pulled one in such a long time paard lyan rock on the non Hollow over the Twilight 72 packs here today so while you're here do me a solid hit that like button down below it's it's it's free it's it's a fun button it's got a thumbs up down there hit that for me down below it helps the channel more than you even know it really really does I promise leave you on Monferno Alakazam or regular Holo and if you're not a subscriber yet what are you doing hit that subscribe button down below also free we run giveaways here all the time on the channel and looking to get to 20,000 subscribers here rather quickly I I got a pretty fun video planned for 20,000 if I I hope that tempts you into hitting that button down below thank you all for being here I really do appreciate everybody uh who spends time here on the Channel with me so sit back grab a drink grab some popcorn or snack come back and hang out heliolisk there we go our first art rare of the day we should have three or so of these in our booster box so kicking things off here with the helis I am not sure if this is one that I need yet I know I still need like six of the special art rares and that's like the majority of what's left and like four or five Golds too the only gold we've pulled out of Twilight masquerade is thankfully a good one buddy buddy poffin but yeah gold would be nice across the board say something here in this one I think just a v luxuray greedent on the VC card so nothing really major out of crown yet Twilight out to an early lead here and some fireworks today would be really nice Fourth of July coming up here in the US it was like two weeks or so now blue baby Greninja there on the ex this might still be okay I'm not quite sure I think it's dragapult that's the super playable card now um we got we got some fun stuff coming next week here as always here on the channel but 20,000 Subs here I'll getting back to my comment from or my thought from before Lapras Gan Gallery our first regular Holo of the day Nessa fun stuff coming at 20,000 video is planned if you miss the 10,000 subscriber video uh yeah it we're we're going to yeah we're going to do better than that okay 20,000 is going to be a lot of fun here Tatu giri H Lucha and Chandelure I'd like for Crown so here's the thing the thing about Crown is when we do these like battle videos where Crown is is going head-to-head or is in a a a a three a three set battle video whatever it may be Crown like has anxiety and I don't know why it's uh when we open up just like an ETB open up an ETB it's like oh yeah gold cards thank you so much water energy this opening can now begin here when we do these battle videos Crown tends to fade away and I I don't don't know why it's a set with really good pull rates I mean it's got really good pull rates here but when we open up uh stuff in one one uh pack too late here dragin meum it it seems to not perform Super well it's quite a bizarre phenomenon here for Crown Zena I'm hoping with 36 packs this is uh two etbs and four of the like Reggie boxes and all that I'm sure you guys have seen them at Walmart brute Bonet Ninetails and anamoros I don't know what that was early on a Saturday morning here y'all you got to forgive me all right early on a Saturday morning we got UFC coming here today we're going to go to the pool today it's going to be an awesome day here today it's like 94 degrees it's a Pikachu there we go the Kyogre Hol we're we're stepping up the Gan Gallery card to now Pooch to Lapras to Pikachu we're going to hit here momentarily we're going to hit momentarily I promise and uh what was I saying I Pikachu you got me all flustered Pikachu belly bolt Kadabra T mask ogron oh and then you got Twilight masr over here who uh not the best hit rates let's be honest also from the from the scol and bolot era here and currently winning against a set with with pretty good hit rates so you never know what you're going to get as a a wise man what's said life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you're going to get I think his name was like gorist fump or something like that Ling energy Dy litwi and he ran yeah gorist pump make this stuff up on the Hop here if you can believe that Crown Gold Card baby let's go let's let's get let's get something to the back here Crown today zashin we're about to vona find out here come on Crown this what I'm saying this is what I'm telling y'all we're like eight packs in to Crown and we've gotten three gerian galleries Grand they're getting better but nothing major here thus far what is this scen tail on the E X okay I see there a little lag going on I don't know what every now and then it does this and I I don't know why it usually fixes Itself by the time I record the next video so bear with me today here y'all yep see I don't I literally don't know why it does that we'll be all right Leon and wh Lord there okay come on Twilight masquerade let's go let's go you know what let's put a stomp into Crown today with that Eevee art rare shall we let's do it we're in this together today giraff IG it's all monkey Dory aren aren you guys proud look at the Arts and Crafts back there I'm a pretty crafty guy I feel like making these custom booster boxes Grant not the most effort I put into one of my custom booster boxes but it did the trick here psychic energy Kyogre vona again we're vona find out today for sure with crown 36 packs should give us some good stuff out of crown he says knowing he just jinxed it oh boy zaptos froy and frost la I I just jinxed it I jinxed today's video I want to I just want to go ahead and apologize on behalf of crown for the pure jinxes that I just that I just caused here this is something right dusal this time we're going backwards now we're going backwards four gallerian galleries no V's no V Maxes no V Stars no gold disappointing today thus far I got to say killow veru Infernape okay we're we're almost going too quick through these booster box today because we've gotten no hits hit that like button down below y'all hit that like button for me and Crown is about to turn this around right here come on come on Crown we're going to to we're toss and Crown code cards until we get something to the back here water energy is good don't not no not like this today Crown not like this today all right we're we're on a team here together we're we're working together here okay Ducket frost on the art rare we have pulled two art rares of Twilight masquerade before like a a full art or even just a v glaring Gallery [Laughter] what what is this Crown Zenith oh my gosh gr these are probably all like reprint boxes they're all from like Walmart and all that good stuff so there's yeah B oh and a textured energy cool what a nice card all right textured energy off to the side yeah that ain't going to the back textured energies do not go to the back nice look nice cards are pretty cool I guess but no no what do we got back here show to us ogbon EX terot card so that is okay here again scoreboard three EXs and two art rares to a V for Crown Zenith it's bad this is bad y'all we're already in danger territory with crown Zenith here Darkness energy okay oh my gosh we're saved okay Zer Ora V we got a double Banger pack Mewtwo V Star show it to us lethon on the V Star we're back we're back baby Crown Zenith is back beautiful card here from Crown the Leafeon V oh you love to see it be oh it's such a nice looking card here that that will take the just broke the dang thingy what the heck is broke a oh my gosh they are making these top loaders cheaper and cheaper every single day I swear y'all I don't know what they're doing out over there at Ultra Pro but it's just a classic was it 3 in x 4 in they are they're junk now they're like they're the flimsiest cheapest plastic I've ever seen in my life T bulbs our Manan walking wake oh oh boy get in there all right we got two more packs left here in the first half of our booster box battle these videos usually go around 25ish minutes here so I think we're we're close to being like right on track unlisted Leaf energy alaria glaring Gallery luxray non Hollow another gerian Gallery card another one another one I I told y' all this past week and uh week before that I've restocked my crown it it's such a fun set trying to get as much open as we can before like it starts actually going away which for sword and shield I'm not sure if y'all are keeping up with the market on sword and shield stuff right now but like Fusion strike booster boxes are above 200 bucks lost Origins popping off it is crazy town in the sword and shield era already it's which is I mean which is good as well when oh AG that's a holographic when it seems like scar and Violet's also starting to pick up here like a lot of the how evolved like art rares are starting to take off early Scar and violet other than Bas is really starting to uh play a little catch up here which is what you want to see there we go a spec show it to us unfair stamp there we go haven't seen this one in a while it's not secret box or whatever is out there we will take the unfair stamp we are halfway through this opening and we're back over to crowny at the start half number two Leon in half one is actually pretty good not no gold cards yet but we're we're making progress here varar energy Bey in Reverse dub du duble there we go all right du du double giving away a sign dou W as part of the member only giveaway here as well for June you got like three days to sign up here y'all three or four days to sign up if you are interested in becoming a member to get entered into to win that giveaway enamoras down there uh appreciate everybody that just comes here can hang on I really do I I love doing this this 17,000 is a number I literally never thought was going to happen and uh just constantly just just busting down those uh there's a landmark here I I'm I'm just trying to be a silver show Rox and and the glaring Gallery back there I saw a silver board and my bra was like we got we got something here a nice rock sand Rox sand from the garan gallery very nice rock sand all right Twilight it's we're in catchup mode here now you are officially getting destroyed by Crown Zenith it only it took two cards and that was it and and Crown Z was back here almost Del Leaf finery we got to see I feel like we have to see that special art rare border coming up here in the next like seven or eight packs or Twilight masquerade is in some trouble because that Eevee I don't think I'm ever going to pull that Eevee let's be honest here uh voltor glaring Galler in a sky seal stem that Eevee is going to elude me till the end of time like the ray quases out of evolving Skies Twilight masquerades Eevee there we go get on out of here you want to fall down okay we will never be pulled I remain convinced Ray for srew Palin on the ex yikes yikes come on Crown come on Crown Zenith let's go let's go we need to see gold we need to see gold say see I don't know I don't know if it comes through for y'all I see it coming through on my end mie okay I've been seeing your comments as well we did a Gengar Chase video this past week and I asked yall in that video what What Pokemon do you want us to chase next here on the channel there a lot of good answers Mewtwo and mew I've already got some stuff in the works here for a Mewtwo and mew uh Chase here including uh the test tube Mewtwo from uh from shining fate or from uh shining Legends sorry I I've already ordered some unified mines for there's Mewtwo and cards in that set tag team card so we're about to have some fun out here Leon and or Guru that's going to be a fun Chase we're going to have obviously a lot of 151 in that box I can't I can't be out here just having like a $600 box for a for a Chase video uh that's not unfortunately how it works I mean if like a thousand of y'all become members down below we can do that video every single day I don't care blissy on the full art expensive box so yeah it's going to be a fun Chase for Mewtwo and mew we'll we'll chase some of the bigger hitters unified mind shining Legends and all that and uh I've got some other surprises that we'll have in that box as well I promise you that much lost vacuum wrong spot for a varar zenta on the VAR all right Twilight we're we're getting blown out here a little bit now say the Blissey ex is uh is fine it's cute but doesn't doesn't help you with any battle videos eeve in the reverse slot not the Eevee we were looking for this is not the Eevee that we are looking for stupid Stormtroopers and away we go bed this time with a B regular Hollow thank you B for your uh you got the buck teeth you're very happy to be here and so am I very happy to be here with all of y'all on uh on your Saturday fun hot June weekend here water energy back yet again still we we just can't oh my gosh Twilight masquerade is brutal is so brutal it is such a difficult set to get hits from I did the wrong trick here it's fine it's fine y'all I I don't know what I'm doing half the time another textured energy back there in the back with a varar all right textured Lea energy this time very cool all right Twilight we got to wake up here today bud we we got to we got to see us some sort of special art rare to make this interesting at this point cuz uh it's looking Grim I literally thought for half a second that we had one we did not gerder another ogre paon ex back there those ogre ponds I tell you what they're everywhere they're everywhere ogre ponds for the back fire energy still no gold or metal energy regular holographic metal energy okay set that off to the side oh Twilight I've seen your comments as well you call it like toilet masquerade and all that I tend to agree with that this is a difficult set aom scar Marie en Amorous oh excuse me little mini hiccup there cuz Twilight's making my air not work correctly and now I said Twilight I'm doing the wrong trick that felt heavy back there in the back what do we got back here absolutely nothing okay breaking apart here y'all we're falling apart at the seams because of Twilight masquerade today we're going to toss that code card uh metal energy we got a pcha a seeking and another ogre Pond we're going to toss code cards till we get something we got to see something these sets here come on Riolu is not something d d d coming at you there yet again rolu is is not it is not it all right Twilight come on we got to this is getting out of control fast here today Twilight masquerade and it's your fault Amber palom ler on Fizz and first time back there in the back I mean Crown is in cruise control here now it knows it does I a lot of stuff to pick up after today's video it's getting dangerous out here giraff and a bell aome oh I really hope Saturday is not the curse day oh boy I I I I don't think I can I don't think I can take that watchel toal Tingo we can't going to show it to us in the second half of this box what the heck the heck is happening I didn't I want toss out I don't want to bring the the bad mojo onto this pack here I should have bow toy speaking of Mewtwo I was talking about before little Mewtwo of mechase maybe we'll throw a and a few packs of crown Zenith here just for the holographic Mewtwo maybe I don't know we'll see on this Leaf energy pincer EV art rare there it is out of Twilight to take the lead holy cow I I mean I I was not prepared for this Eevee on the art rare has finally been gold from Twilight complain you gain cuz I mean that's usually how it works here complain you gain this card is beautiful look at all of the EES on this card I absolutely love it it's gorgeous one of the best art rares of the scard out era here thus far I think that takes the lead here we got the Leafeon as well from Crown Crown you're in trouble cuz our Crown set is complete so while the Leafeon is nice Eevee has not been pulled Chase card from me out Twilight we have we have a leader in the clubhouse tangr at the reverse an Amorous we could still technically pull a gold or a special art rare out of Twilight masquerade we got to get really lucky here these last like five packs or so farfetched with a Chandelure back there in the back Crown's in trouble we got I I feel I feel re-energized because of the Eevee now now crown now Crown got a wailmer in a li part I hope you're saving the best for last today Crown cuz you are in trouble now my FR that's is what I was saying crown and battle videos it's uh it it's it tends to be an uphill battle dra Aon and it's all monkey Dory only three to go dropping the PA of crown here today oh my gosh only three to go and Crown in my opinion is losing this battle to that lightning energy oh Pikachu secret rare oh it's nice double Banger it has been a while since I have seen this Pikachu um oh yeah we're close now that is a nice looking card nice Pikachu secret rare here yeah it's probably been six months since we pulled this Pikachu and I oh my gosh cuz what are you flipping doing today we'll put that behind the leafy on okay Eevee stand up back there in the back mag mortar is nice okay that's a fun pull I have no idea how much that card is worth the value of that Pikachu secret rare but it's nice to see a card that we have not pulled in oh my gosh I it's probably been six months honestly it's been a long time since we've seen that card no special art rare here Sun flora glacon and Heatran here on EV day apparently hash second to last pack magic Crown Zenith fresh all a Pikachu pull now show me gold show me gold here Crown that's not gold Luxio reverse and a 10 growth non Hollow second to last pack magic here for Twilight I mean we pulled we're doing Ace spec at a minimum I think here so we should have an ace spec in one of these two packs but it's not here heliolisk Slugma Alakazam maybe they thought we were going to get paid off from the Eevee so they only put one ace back in the Box okay bold move cotton all right Crown last pack magic do we have it I don't think we have it I don't energy retrieval in a Volcanion Hollow this is close it comes down to Twilight Mas grade come we get a pull out of our last pack of Twilight masquerade one to the front no pixie water energy and away we go appin snow run Aon Chimchar Festival grounds glamora polyat there it is okay okay a speec survival Bruce oky doie and an Arcanine behind that so we did get okay we did get our two our two a speec cards let's go to the sleeve cards here cuz we we did decent SLE and wise survival brace magore Riolu bed do Blissey full art unfair stamp is not too bad couple energy in here Pikachu from Crown parent full our trainer okay uh I need help today I need help with this B you got to let me know down the comment section which set want say so we're going to do Pikachu secret for Crown very nice the roxan full art trainer and the Leafeon V very very nice card here okay three art rares all that we put to the back for Twilight today heliolisk W the frost last and the Eevee on the art rare I don't know y'all this is way too close you got to let me know Down Below in the comment section that will do it for today's video all thank you all again so so much for 17,000 subscribers we got videos dropping 3 days again next week Monday Wednesday Thursday and then Saturday big video here check this video right down here on your way out hope to see you guys in the next video
Channel: PokeCuz TCG
Views: 5,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon cards, pokemon, trading cards, leonhart, unlistedleaf, realbreakingnate, pokerev, evolving skies, pokemon card opening, opening pokemon cards, pokemon card giveaway, pokemon giveaway, pokemon cards opening, pokemon tcg, evolving skies opening, pokemon pack opening, pokemon mystery box, pokemon opening, pokemon 151, pokemon 151 opening, pokemon cards unboxing, cooltrainerryan, cool trainer ryan, twilight masquerade pokemon, twilight masquerade opening, temporal forces
Id: fxrta5J11A8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 21sec (1521 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2024
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