Mordor Vs Noldor Elves of Middle Earth | 30,000 Unit Lord of the Rings Cinematic Battle

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the Battle of Lindon Plains "get ready for fighting".... the forces of Mordor have  marched into the Elven lands of Lindon home to the   noldor elves of Middle Earth they are led by the  ring wraiths which in Black speech meant Nazgul   The Nazgul were servants  to the dark lord Sauron   the Nazgul lead an army of 20 000 Orcs from  across the dark lands of Mordor with 20 armored   Mountain trolls known as the olog-hai within  their ranks the Noldor elves of Lindon have   a master force of ten thousand Elven soldiers to  meet the forces of Mordor on the plains of linden   although heavily outnumbered the elves have a  vast array of elite archers within their ranks   The Noldor Archers are among the finest across all  of Middle Earth and will surely even out the odds the first ranks of Mordor Advanced forward  the elves are hesitant to meet them with   their full forces they could be easily  flanked and enveloped the elves send out   a smaller Force to hold the Orcs in place while  their arches can be used to most effectiveness get out of here the front lines of the elves are dwindling the  Orcs greater numbers begin to surround them   the Elven archers respond by  unleashing thousands of arrows   directly at the massive Orcs breaking  their formations and sending them fleeing get out of here the elves are successful in pushing back   the first wave of Orcs they send  them fleeing from the battlefield but without hesitation the Nazgul leads  a second wave of Mordor Orcs towards the   elves, the first line of elves quickly  Retreat before they are slaughtered the orcs and trolls come crashing into  the lines of the Noldor spearmen before the battle had begun the elves had  formed their lines into a bow-like formation   stationing Reserve soldiers behind their  frontal lines giving the reserve Elven   soldiers a chance to quickly charge out  and enclose their enemy from the flanks   The Elven battle strategy has worked to Perfection  the forces of Mordor begin to waiver and   soon enough their entire Army collapses retreat
Channel: Bellum et Historia
Views: 761,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cinematic Battle, Middle earth, Elves, Noldor, Sauron, Nazgul
Id: plxZDg2Ghgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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