Men & Elves Vs Isengard | 18,000 Unit Lord of the Rings Cinematic Battle

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An alliance between the men of Dorwinion, the men of  Dale and the Avari elves of Middle Earth   they have assembled an army of ten thousand  soldiers between all three factions to lay Siege   to The Fortress of Isengard, Isengard was also  known as angranost which meant iron Fortress in   sindarin it was one of the three major fortresses  of Gondor and held within it one of the Realms   palantiri or seven seeing stones of Middle Earth  Isengard was comprised of a black circular stone   wall surrounding a broad plane in the center of  which was the Tower of orthanc Isengard had only   one gate which faced South Isengard was built  in the second age around the Tower of orthanc   by the numenoreans in Exile in the days of their  power in Nan kurunier which was sindarin for the   Wizard's veil in the Misty Mountains its location  was at the Northwestern corner of the kingdom of   Gondor guarding the Fords of Isen from enemy  incursions into kalinarden and together with   the Fortress of agleron to itself protecting the  gap of kalanadam Isengard was defended by the   Uruks and larger breeds known as Uruk-hai their  numbers were slightly lower at eight thousand the Uruks muster half their forces and charge  outside of their walls attempting to destroy   the enemy's Siege equipment which if successful  would completely Break The Siege altogether   the Uruks are protected overhead by their  arches and crossbowmen on the upper walls the Alliance of men and elves send forth a force to repel this attack the alliance are successful in preventing  the Uruks from destroying their Siege   equipment though it has cost both sides  many casualties in the process leading   both forces to withdraw from  the fight back with the Uruks at the gate taken care  of the alliance reforms and mounts their   Siege Towers in battering ram and proceeds  onwards towards the walls of Isengard the walls and Gates of Isengard have been captured   the rest of the alliance Army  moved swiftly into the city the Uruk-hai have fortified  themselves at the tower of orthanc   stationed there they have heavy ballista's  and heavily armed Uruk-hai Infantry   the elite Avari elves take  point and lead the final attack the remainder of the alliance's  army joins the battle the Rangers and Elven archers swiftly charged the   flanks and rear of the engaged  Uruks catching them off guard the Uruks of Isengard are surrounded  outnumbered and outmatched whatever   remains of their forces quickly flees  the battle Isengard has been captured
Channel: Bellum et Historia
Views: 175,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lord of the rings, Total war, TotalWarAttila, Cinematic Battle, Middle earth
Id: rTJZS6xf5hM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2023
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