Monty Roberts: A Real Horse Whisperer

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foreign [Music] [Music] I'm constantly hearing wow of course that one was easy he was just a piece of cake it wouldn't work on one that wanted to resist you at all and they just scoff at me and put me down now is my chance we have a wild one this is not going to be easy a lot of people have been killed trying to break Mustangs I think he's absolutely crazy and runs a risk of being killed really honestly chances of success not very good the risks are internal injuries broken bones you see a lot of cowboys without teeth some of it had to do with that [Music] wow yeah they've broke wild horses before maybe not his men not his method that's my point they're broken you want to go with him well I will uh well now see you know I don't either my insurance company if you've ever been around a horse you know the most dangerous part of the horse is front teeth I his back feet his back feet hurt you the front feet kill you the front feet in this case belong to a Wild Mustang a man called Monty Roberts plans to take such a dangerous and untamed horse and persuaded to be saddled and ridden simply by talking to it they are wild they are wild to a degree that they would be very dangerous when you're up close but they would never want to be up close so getting up close to them is very difficult to do [Music] Mustangs are wild horses that escape from the Spanish centuries ago to roam over the western states of America although small in build they're fast very dangerous and can easily kill a man yet these are the horses that Monty hopes to talk entertainers [Music] Auntie Roberts is renowned throughout the horse world for his remarkable ability to persuade an unbroken horse to accept a saddle and Rider in less than 30 minutes a process that normally takes weeks two years ago QED showed how Monty does it perhaps because it is so amazing to watch and seems so easy some think Monty must be cheating by using partially tamed horses go ahead so to prove them wrong he's decided to put himself on the line his method will face the ultimate test as Monty tries this on a Mustang in the wild however many are convinced that this time he'll fail but there's a very happy horse it is going to happen how do I know that the horses told me for 50 years they've been telling me [Music] I wasn't in the horse business until I was three I was showing horses in competition before the age of reason my father used me as basically a calling card to his writing School if this four-year-old then five six and seven-year-old could just whip all the competition up to say 16 years of age um you ought to go to that school you know all right Talent set to go Prescott his word at all Monty grew up in the western riding tradition and as a Young Man started to compete in rodeos I won masses of championships in in Rodeo I won the National Championship in 1957. it wasn't a particularly talented Rodeo competitor I worked like heck at it and got good enough to win [Music] I enjoyed it though showing my horses and rodeoing was my life for about 22 years or so [Applause] [Music] in those days part of that Western tradition was the way a horse was broken [Music] technique was often harsh and horrified Monty when he watched it as a boy if you tie a hind leg up on a horse and you put him on a pulley high on a post and every time he jumps or fights to resist whatever you're doing with him you pull his head right up high it supposedly causes him to be so uncomfortable when he does that that he quits and and as a matter of fact he does quit um I watched my father breaking horses in what I consider to be a most abusive way and they would come gentle and ultimately they would do their job again my opinion is they didn't do their job as well as they would have done it if they did it because they wanted to not because they're forced to [Music] horse races are the ultimate invasion of a wild creature these animals are gathered in the wild trapped they're trucked to an event if someone could just start to look at it from the eyes of the horse and realize the terror that must come over them to be treated in that fashion is just it's just dead wrong I grew up watching this event I competed in this event [Music] because I got to know the Wild Horse I hated every minute of it it's wrong Monty first really got to know wild horses when he was 14. he had gone out to Nevada to trap them for a wild horse race and as he stalked them he learned something surprising about their behavior my first discovery was that the Black Stallion didn't lead the family group I always thought the stallion in the movies you know when I was a child he was in charge of everything well stallions aren't in charge of much of anything they're in charge of getting the Mayors pregnant and they're in charge of protecting their Harem from being taken away by other stallions end of story what I saw was that it's the mayor it's the female generally an older female she's the one who makes the rules she's the one who says where we'll eat today the direction will travel where we'll drink when we'll drink she will babysit with multiples of youngsters and be a role model for those youngsters telling them what was acceptable what wasn't and scolding them when they were wrong and I discovered that the scolding process was to isolate this little guy out there and leave him out there on his own and he knew somehow he knew he's supposed to stay out there being isolated from the herd is a sentence of death the Predators will come along and see an isolated Grazer within 48 to 72 hours they will die their herd instincts are incredibly strong they have power in numbers and if several Mayors are kicking out a mountain lion they can do him a lot of harm and remember that a mountain lion with his teeth kicked in is a dead mountain lion so he doesn't want to be hurt he wants the easiest prey he can find an isolated grazer is like smorgasbord the dominant mayor when she sent the cold out there she would be communicating with him that he's to stay out there and I saw how she communicated eyes on eyes Square shoulders kept him out there for maybe two hours and when she felt he'd paid enough of a price for whatever action he had done negative she would walk in a circle she'd start to make her emotions round and sort of drop her head like this and look away and he'd start to come back in and he would slip back into the group well it was a revelation to me then I'd go home and start fiddling about with it with my horses and I was wow it's right you know even my body not built like the horse would cause this reaction and response to the language Monty calls this horse language Equus he uses it when he tames a horse to take a saddle and a rider he it's the key to his success oh boy this horse is used to wearing a head collar but has not been broken in what Monty is going to do now is imitate the behavior of a dominant mare it's got a few little Battle Scars on him Monty's technique has been studied by animal behaviorist Dr Robert Miller Marty wants this horse to see him as a surrogate herd leader for example in his round pen techniques takes a a line and frightened is a horse by throwing it out that's a frightening visual stimulus the horse moves and and he keeps it moving and he keeps the horse moving until uh the horse is gone its biological flight distance roughly a quarter of a mile basically it's just a little bit farther than a lion is capable of charging eyes on eyes oh my motions Square it runs that distance and then turns around to see what it was that frightened it you run first then analyze what it was this is typical equine Behavior and then the horse will start to signal with body language lowering the head licking lips and chewing it starts to signal I'm in big trouble I've run the necessary distance that thing is still chasing me I'm afraid I'm going to die I need help I need a leader and the only game in town is the man in the center of the pan if he drops his head down near the soil it means that if we could have a meeting I'd let you be the chairman of the meeting if he licks and chews it means I'm a herbivore there's the head down so that means I'll let you be the chairman of the meeting when the horse signals a sufficient level of submissiveness Monty suddenly becomes passive and non-threatening attempt to draw him I'm going to tell you when the licking and chewing he turns away lowers his gaze he immediately becomes passive to cause him to understand that I've moved from aggressive to passive good looking and chewing is this horse then comes to him and in effect asked would you help me are you my leader I need help and he then without threatening the horse very quietly Strokes the horse round movements instead of square movements reward him now for coming to me and the horses you'll see gratefully moves its head licks his lips and says oh thank you I'm so glad then he has what he calls join up in an effort to accomplish follow-up follow-up perfect good licking and chewing then as he moves around the horse does the horse thing he follows the leader and the more he follows him the more comfortable he is horses seek comfort [Music] I want to go down here where the dogs Monty's radically different methods are very impressive however years ago when Monty is a boy first told his father of his ideas he got a very strange reaction [Music] my father was extremely upset I mean he didn't want me trying anything except what he told me to try and so what he saw was a horse that came to me stood with me and accepted its first saddle with nothing on its head it just stayed there because it wanted to and he couldn't handle it I mean if that was right and it would work it destroyed his life all things that he had done before that were wrong and he couldn't handle it and when I looked up at him he had his mouth open and his first words were what the hell am I raising and I didn't expect that I was such an idealistic child that I thought I was doing a good thing and he took a piece of chain and beat me till I was in the hospital oh sure I resented him for it if someone is grossly unfair to you and physically abusive to you you ought to resent it I don't I don't hate my father I don't hate any of the if it wasn't for my father's really tough handling of horses I probably never would have been dedicated enough to do what I'm doing so in a way he did me a great favor by swinging the pendulum so far toward pain and restraint that he caused me to have to find a better way [Music] now at the age of 62 Monty still has his critics so on Easter Sunday he set off to prove that his gentle way would work with even the wildest of horses the Mustang this time however he wasn't going to do it in the confines of a round pen but in the wide open spaces of the high desert in California what's about to happen has never been seen before and it is so demanding that whether he succeeds or fails Monty has said that he will never attempt it again keep the herd to the West don't let him come back east on us because if they come back East they're going to gather up with that Mustang again they're going to tease him back to him the Mustang was from Nevada it had been kept with a herd of semi-wild rodeo horses for several weeks and handled as little as possible the first job was to separate him from the other horses so that Monty could start to talk to him hi [Music] [Music] foreign with the Mustang free to run over miles of open territory taming this horse was going to take a lot more than 30 minutes days in fact if he could do it at all that is this Bonafide registered freeze branded Wild Mustang is Gonna Come Back to Me and say I want to be with you you're okay and I'll take this saddle I'll take this Bridle and I'll take this rider that's all I've ever said I could do and I'll do it [Music] late Easter Sunday afternoon and out in the high desert the Mustang was still not convinced it was good to talk [Music] thank you [Music] the first nearly 100 miles was fast furious wild difficult and the horse was very restless in trying to get lost you know and in the dark it's easy to lose one for Monty's technique to work he had to stay awake and ride through the night using whatever Moonlight there was to follow the Mustang by Daybreak the next morning the temperature had dropped dramatically and rain clouds loomed over the wide valleys of the high desert Monty was very tired cold and aching after a day and a night of non-stop riding but he had managed to stay close to the Mustang all through the night about 4 15 in the morning and it seemed to me that this horse could sense the daylight coming that he would re-explore his chances to get away and he took me on a tour that must have been from I don't know 7 to 12 miles exploring the Wilderness just exploring those open spaces and I felt like this is never going to end and then about an hour after Dawn long before Monty had expected it to the Mustang stopped running and began to stay close to him animal behaviorist Bob Miller particularly wanted to be here to watch this remarkable event well it's remarkable in that uh we're doing this in the open with a wild horse we've got thousands and thousands of Acres of Oakland country here but this animal is not fleeing it's responding to the round pen technique not in a round pen not in a confined area but out in the open it's verification that all of Monty's concepts are perfectly valid that horses do respond to the body language he is using they respond to Movement by accepting the leadership of whoever is moving it by now the Mustang was talking to Monty but it wasn't sweet talk it can be very dangerous very typical Mustang a small in stature don't let that fool you they are tough they're wiry the Mustang can kill you if you don't handle them properly oh boy they are so strong it's incredible um those jaws can can Crush a man's leg and let alone arm uh in an instant and that hind leg when it kicks it is frankly lethal amateurs do not belong doing this at all what an amateur doesn't know is the position to be in when the Onslaught comes when he whirls to kick you've got to try to get in front of the hind leg so it's difficult for him to really get ah got pretty angry there and it's not to say that I can't be injured either but that little move right there that little move right there is pretty angry I'll just put my arm up quickly like that and startle him off of me and then we'll have to go back to work to put him back in a better mood work now not much work but I've reinforced this contract with him that when he come when he stops or makes any attempt to be with me but I'll take the pressure off of him like that I'll take the pressure off of him so I can get him to see the value of being with me and you'll see that he's moving now in such a way so as to keep his head toward me and that's really a big uh Improvement and turn like this in such a way to show the horse that we're rewarding him and I'll oh yeah now see those mouth movements see the opening and shedding of the mouth this unfortunately this is called snapping which is a really a bad term because it it implies aggressiveness and it actually means just the opposite what it's saying is you are my leader please don't hurt me this is baby talk this horse is actually assuming infantile Behavior to convince the other horse that it is helpless vulnerable uh non-threatening and completely submissive baby foals do this all the time this is so thrilling I can't tell you how exhilarating it is when you spend 24 hours with what seems to be sheer drudgery going nowhere and then all of a sudden the communication system kicks in and he speaks Equus to you loud and clear it is so wonderful there you are there you are earlier he was prepared to defend himself but you see there's there's no sign of aggressiveness now at all it's learned that this horse although it controls his movements has never hurt him so he's reassured now he's lost a lot of the anxiety [Music] by early afternoon the rain clouds were clearing away Monte had asked Caleb a young helper who brought him fresh horses to ride on the other side of the Mustang going on here first of all this horse is responding very differently than previously because Monty's changed horses and this horse is not showing the submissive signs towards this horse this makes it much more difficult and so what they're doing is when the horse tries to move away from them they make him uncomfortable by quietly pursuing him and if he stands still they reward him by simply becoming passive easy now easy good boy he's moving in close enough where he can get the Rope around his neck easy you be nice now this is a very critical point because that horse could could blow up if he's frightened there goes the knot he's tying a bowling around his neck and it feels just hold still a few more seconds he'll have it there they must at least respect their own language and when you can speak it well enough ultimately they have to respond to it it's just in their genes they have to do it they're going to try to get that halter on him moving very slowly so as not to precipitate a flight reaction this is quite dangerous isn't that because the horse is aggressive it's just a very frightened animal and in its fear being unable to flee it could strike or kick and injure either the riders or the other horses or itself you're a tough little nut you know that right down to the wire oh that's all right the Mustang was listening to Monty but it was still wild and wary by now it was late afternoon on Easter Monday and enough for one day the tricky job of putting on a saddle could wait until the next morning this is nice [Music] everything all right good it's a great Camp you got set up here thank you what do you think um I don't know you think I can do it or not yeah I hope you can't yeah some people think that Monty's techniques based on horse language are not new they believe that even the ancient Greeks knew about them but Monty strongly disagrees I've heard the names and I've read the accounts and I've seen the evidence of what others have done and I've studied hard no information has come to me to verify that anybody else before me has ever learned this communication system next morning Monty and Caleb led the Mustang down into a nearby Canyon sheltered from the wind it was the start of a very tense day they were going to try to saddle the horse for the first time the Mustang is now bonded to the manned horse combination he recognizes them as a unit and now what has to happen is a transition must be made so that he accepts the man on the ground as his leader and that's what Monty's going to do next now he's going to work the horse from the ground and establish a new relationship foreign is a language of the body of the body position motion speed of motion and direction of motion that's the language Equus there's going to be some areas on a Mustang that are just way too sensitive to allow you in on the first day that's pretty touchy there so we won't we won't aggravate him too long there we'll come back and let him consider this up in here a reward now might get some licking and chewing here if we get him in a comfort zone there it is see it that's when he's saying everything's okay you're back there where I want you and then we'll come back here on this hip oh that's pretty touchy that's pretty touchy he backed out of it so I'll pull him pull him when he's come up of his own accord then I'll reward him and it's just amazing how quickly they come along but you've got to reward early for the slightest improvements now the times come to put a sir single on the horse Caleb see all the snorting and carrying on he's just looking at this thing on me and saying oh you're not the same guy now something different here so I'll just sneak in here and try to get him to believe that I am the same guy ah he says I think you've got a surprise for me if you rush it too much or if you can't read the horse's reactions you could get a very violent reaction on a part of the horse each time he does that he goes through a learning process but now I can go back to the spot where I was when he spooked and it's a very good idea instead of putting your hand down there and having your head bent over and everything to use this hook to get that girth with particularly on these Mustangs because they can kick a fly off the wall at 15 feet all right that's okay and you'll start to get accustomed to that girth hanging down there and you'll learn that it's not a snake or some terrible instrument of torture prey animals like the horse that defend themselves by running away they do not like to be enclosed they like open space they feel safest in an open area so the girth and the saddle uh as that girthish Titan is very frightening to the horse we don't take any unnecessary chances a flat reaction look at that horse's legs how he's poised to just jump he's up ready to bring into flight why isn't he doing it because he's already bonded and dependent upon this man as his leader to me again wearing this movement creates submissiveness and so by moving the horse he's hoping he's hoping to uh get a change of attitude I'm losing ground Caleb the alarm caused by the compression of the surf single and girth is now inhibiting his responses to being led but in just a few moments he's going to start relaxing as he desensitizes us to that pressure and he'll be responding as he was there he goes now he'll respond just like he did earlier that's nice why because they so quickly desensitize mission accomplished and we put the single aside he's got an exercise saddle no he's got different sight to see here his horse is now desensitized to Monty his hat his clothing and the surf single that he sees this saddle it's a frightening thing to him he knows it's different he knows he hasn't seen it before it's a whole new thing he's pretty sure that this is a predator I've got here he's pretty sure that there's a lot of trouble connected with it somewhere oh that's silly now you're repeating yourself oh good boy oh good boy oh good boy that's a nice boy Monty's getting to use the hook now to reach the girth and bring it under his belly but you don't have to be really tight then come there there it is alarm reaction [Music] he's intentionally moving him around so he'll become desensitized to the feel of that saddle I won't look him in the eye and I'll just step up put my hand out and he'll bring his face like reinforcement so we'll take these irons right down and let him be down there on his side like that they see something on their side and they'll try to kick it found something new didn't you huh oh boy that's a pretty spooky thing there yeah he's feeling this for the first time in his life where when something touched him it wasn't actually touching him that's a strange feeling yeah saddles or saddles but this kind of a saddle is pretty wow it's dark saddle see if he'd put this big stock saddle on initially without desensitizing him with the surf single and the little saddle he would have had a fit good job Caleb so you want to be sure you're out of the way when one starts crouching back that way he could jump and strike out with his front feet and sure enough hurt you so you get yourself in a position I don't know if the Casual Observer or the inexperienced person can appreciate it that all it would take is a wrong move on Monty's part and this horse would explode along there it's only his skill and experience that's keeping that from happening and the fact that he's so attuned to the horse's reactions so I'm in love with you this little horse is now ignoring the saddle he's uh kind of oblivious to it he's concentrating on Monty and it's kind of forgotten that he's got that saddle on his back now it was time for the final challenge getting a rider into the saddle in case of trouble he had to be light and very agile Wrangler Scott Silvera was well aware of the risks involved oh you go ahead you go ahead make you move get your halter do whatever you want now oh now oh easy now he's used to the people he's used to the saddle but he's not used to the weight of a rider on his back do it son do it son be a nice boy be a nice boy easy now easy now [Music] then you make your move you go for it [Music] hey there you go all right Monty had done it in less than three days he'd achieved what many thought was impossible that's a tenth time in it it's wonderful are you kidding me it's wonderful you know you can do it but it isn't until it happens you know just walking right on around right and left that's good that's good [Music] it's just the most wonderful feeling you could ever have I'm really happy isn't it remarkable that this was a frightened wild animal and look at it now wonderful look how much it's been accomplished and it's been done without injuring the animal uh without uh brutality it's been done by gentle psychological means Monty's dream had come true he'd proved that by talking to it in its own language even the wildest of horses will learn to respond it's been said by good Horsemen that if learning is one to ten the most important part of learning is zero to one foreign it's the same with children I believe children can hear positive things about tiny little improvements they respond very favorably at his farm in California Monty's theories about horses have been applied to raising children he and his wife Pat have three children of their own and dozens of foster children we had 47 foster children almost all of them came to us at 11 12 and 13 years of age which is long after life's patterns have already been deeply set in Steve arlano is now a successful businessman living in California but as a young teenager in San Francisco he was becoming rather Wild Steve arlano came to me at about 15 years of age he was on a course to have some real problems in his life and I'd like to think that the time that he spent with me put him on a positive course um I guess he would be the final judge as to whether that was the case or not we did some pretty silly things I was in fights on a regular basis and we lived near the University of San Francisco and we broke into buildings to play Pinball one particular time the San Francisco police came in and were chasing us and my father stepped out of the apartment and heard the officer say stop or I'll shoot [Music] Monty believes that the way he dealt with these problems was similar to the techniques he uses with his horses I wasn't until a few years ago he he had told me that well I use that technique on you at the time I didn't know what technique he was talking about the psychology isn't any different in its basic principles you don't put a child in a round pen and send him away by flicking a line at him but in human terms you do the same thing putting them to work when they're negative and giving them great positive consequences when they're positive any little thing find that thing that he can do positive and rewarding for it it may seem very unimportant to you but it may be the most important thing that that child in that child's life because it may be the first step in the right direction if you pushed me away I certainly didn't think anything poorly of it and when he pulled me back in I just enjoyed that I think you brought us in because he wanted to help kids and he didn't do it yelling screaming or any way just let me know what was what taught me wrong from right Bill Terry came to me a very aggressive sort of kid first thing he did was come up to me and say hey turkey what do you want I said what I want is that from this day forward you will call me Mr Roberts and you will not be disrespectful at all that's what I want well you're not going to get that you know yeah I probably am gonna get that but Billy I'm going to work to get you to want to give me that rather than to tell you you have to give me that so you call me whatever you want I was cocky uh I was very outgoing and I went to work on him on this very principle that we've been discussing he got negative consequences for negative actions and he spent some time digging ditches and scrubbing toilets to the point where he'd stand up in your face and say he's not going to do it you know and then you'd list the further negatives that that would get him Bill Cherry was training to be a jockey and one of his jobs was to exercise horses every day sometimes it didn't feel like riding all the horses and I remember one day uh I think I had about 10 mounts and uh when we ride the horses we used to mark it off on a sheet well I think I only wrote about eight but still marked off ten and went home took a shower and Monty approached me and says how was the ride today I said good because you dried all your horses I said yeah he goes why are you lying to me I got caught he says I want you here after school I want you to ride the horses um so that taught me never to do that again to cheat he spent some really tough time paying the price for negative consequences and it was five days until he walked up to me stuck his hand out said Mr Roberts anyway he said Mr Roberts and from that point forward I was either dad pops or Mr Roberts got a wonderful family now come to Billy Cherry in the end is the most incredible positive story you can tell [Music] today Monty still trains race horses on his farm but since 1989 his life has changed immensely it was then that the queen invited him to Windsor Castle to demonstrate his techniques as a result Monty's become known internationally especially in the world of horse racing one of Monty's ideas can help at the start of races most horses enter the starting stalls easily but some resist intensely Monty believes there's a good reason for this it's related to the way they've evolved to defend themselves from predators horses are into pressure animals no question about it unlike human beings if we touch a hot stove we'll pull away from it but when the horse feels pressure they will bring their head or their body toward it like that now in case you thought that was an accident I'll do it one more time for you horses are into pressure animals if I do it on this side you'll see that she'll bring her head this way and come into the pressure the reason they're into pressure in my opinion is that nature has dictated that when they're attacked in their vulnerable areas they shouldn't just rip away and tear the skin they should go into their attacker into their attacker and then fight him off inside the starting stall itself what you can't see there's a ledge that goes along for the jockey to put his feet on and to protect his feet from the horse's sides and it's badly designed the ledge in the starting stall is confronted by the flank of the horse they come into it like this you see into it you see so many people in the horse industry will think that the solution to this is to force the horse and that's not the answer at all it's already frightened Monty thinks a blanket is a better solution it's left behind in the Stalls as the race starts the blanket goes just behind the saddle and comes down here and protects this whole rear flank area with heavy padding and leather across there so that they don't actually feel the rail coming through it dulls off this feeling that they're being attacked as if they were being nod on by a predator you can take horses that are absolutely without solution and put that on in a matter of hours they're perfectly tranquil well here we are at flagisa Monty's Fame is not limited to the horse racing world it's even extended to the corporate world where his ideas have been useful in management training okay hi there good morning one feature of the demonstrations that Monty gives is that occasionally some women in the audience faint just light line to throw it out so that if it should hit him it can't cause him any pain like that this is like it's ranging now in demonstration form about one feigning for each 12 demonstrations that's just the name that I started calling him I had five ladies faint in the one demonstration and I predicted in my own mind before the demonstration that this one could get a fainting because it was an abused horse I showed them how she feared being he struck showed them how she feared being kicked and then I put her through my procedure and she came round beautifully and she just was so appreciative of someone treating her fairly that when she came up and joined up with me I heard kaboomp over here and I saw some people looking down and the next thing I know there were people looking down over here and then over there I've spoken I suppose with 90 of them and virtually every single one uh has been abused most of them are not uh traumatized by what they saw it's a moving experience no teachers they throw their arms around me and they tell me you can help human beings with this don't quit and they tell me that they adore what I'm doing and you know things like that but it that's not important because it isn't me it is not me I didn't create anything at all I only discovered what nature already had in place you were a great audience [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] hello little shy boy you're not so shy now are you huh we're not so shy now you're doing good I knew it was gonna happen 24 hours into it but you never know for sure well done they said it couldn't be done but you did it thank you yeah now that I've seen it they believe her out of me you knew it all along I should have listened to you a little closer well I probably will from now on they can put a man in the moon they play he can break the Mustang I guess so if that's what you said I'm happy you ready for some dinner I'm ready for some barbecue every demonstration that I do will be done with a new knowledge Within Myself that those Skeptics out there have to know now they're going to see it and they're not going to say to me well of course you know you say about these Mustangs and that they're so wild and everything but come on you know I mean I saw this one and it was a fluke this was anybody could have done this I'm just gonna smile now because the evidence is there you go for it [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Monty Roberts
Views: 41,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: H8NEekz1Ij4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 43sec (2983 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2023
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