Monthly Expenses of Indian Students in USA in 2024! #reality

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so those still currently Indian students even me everyone around me is getting affected due to inflation in the US and worldwide I made monthly expenses video long time ago 5 six years ago and things have changed completely and many students are getting scammed who are told yeah you can do Masters in US 50 lakh rupees but most of this those agents first of all they try to get into those University where they can get commission plus those agents do not tell you the cost of actually sustaining a lifestyle in the US and I'm going to tell you the monthly expenses minimum minimum to a maximum you have to keep in mind while planning your Master's undergrad degree in the US so I'm going to tell you my perspective throughout the us because I have talked to students in Boston California Atlanta including Texas everywhere and I can give you a holisticals biggest expense you would have that is living in an apartment so I am saying why I'm able to give the answer because I am still living a student lifestyle do you know why because I am living with students around me so my fiance ktie she's also a student so I am you know surrounded by student lifestyle and I don't want to move on I just feel like you know when you're around around students you feel young all the time now starting with rent if you live on campus in an apartment if you're an undergraduate student you will spend minimum $1,200 to $1,500 per month in rent itself yeah it's a lot more than before but if you live off campus in a downtown area anywhere it'll be close to $1,000 to $1200 now things change if you are in a suburban area so this is in downtown whether you are in San Francisco downtown whether you in Boston downtown whether you are in New York downtown they are around $200 plus minus in this range but if you move to little bit suburban area or maybe far from the Midtown of your campus so Midtown means ke are wherever the heart of downtown is where your campus is where your University is so if you go a little bit far it can come down to $800 $1,000 and if you go more far it can reduce to 600 as well but majority of Indian students you must have seen IND students like in an apartment in the in one room two people live now that cut Downs to half so per person rent becomes if it was ,200 it will become 600 but if you were living on campus this cannot change but if you're living off campus yeah many apartments are okay Le they're very adjusting and I have in fact lived in a living room at the time I used to pay $330 per month by like you know cutting into half and half and half so that was there was magical time as well and I survived 3 years living in a living room somehow but it it is possible now after rent your big expense you would have is your tution fee because even though I should add it to first but many students they split their tution Fe and finance it in many University you have the ability are $50 though and you can Finance it I have done it many students around me have done it you know why because parents they don't want to put pressure on their parents suddenly give all the fees in in one day and they can split into 4 months then why not even though it takes $50 to finance it but it reduces the burden from parents and they giving monthly by monthly and students like me who wanted to stand on their own feet and they definitely choose the option of financing yeah I mean obviously if you have taken loan already just give it at once but if you have the ability have an internship lined up and if you are getting enough money through part-time job you can do by financing as well and same for health insurance I was financing and keep paying every month now number three monthly expense that is actually for for every student there that is food and it's so important many students like me in fact my schedule was peanut butter sandwich peanut butter sandwich and peanut butter sandwich I survived my whole day with peanut butter sandwich and I will eat it it was worth it free- and my grocery expenses were only $40 to $50 but now with inflation you will realize that prices have skyrocketed minimum in $100 you will be surviving one to two weeks so even if you just want to eat eggs for vegetarians maybe like just paneer and eggs and if you just want to eat milk cereal and you know if you want to consider healthy you can put Shia seed pumpkin seeds majority seeds pumpkin seeds lot of nuts dry fruits which I personally consume you can see my diet video if you want to but if you can obviously choose the healthiest options F you can see my diet video or how I quickly manage everything breakfast to dinner but that is not feasible because that is currently expensive lifestyle to cheaper canally you have to manage with sandwiches McDonald's but I will always recommend a lifestyle GE don't save money on food and workout because that will give you the strength to be mentally awake for your classes and to have the burden in your mind for applying to as many jobs as much networking and to have a healthy lifestyle and in your financial Journey are the best way you can actually save money is to choose the way you applying for studying abroad correctly a random agent don't choose that choose a wise agent who has experience and email many folks who can verify your University and I'm giving you the opportunity by just going to flywi and fill the form quickly you find free resources plus you get a call from us and you get to shortlist a university then email me that list and you will be all set to find the best choice and you will be having the streamlined process to choose the university which will actually give you value based suggestions as compared to commission based suggestions so do not miss out and go to flyth UK Germany Italy anywhere you want to that's the best way to get started now next big expense is travel and travel yeah you might think he campus May point A to point B you can either walk if you live close next option is you can take the public transport bus train buses on campus can be free but train can be you know if you have like Metro trainability 2 to2 $2.5 to $3 now the things change when you have to take Uber or caps because it can be $10 to point A to point B 3 mile radius 3 m radius and I have done in fact and I have served passengers so I can even tell you that now things change even more if you have to do Indian grocery every month so you do it with roommates four people together you split the Uber amount to do groceries in bulk for a month to may be if you split it well like $10 to $20 cap if you if you are doing alone then if pel Bas for my apartment it's really far $20 going there $20 coming back it's very expensive $40 just to do groceries is not manageable because many times Indian stores are not near public transport so bags not feasible so have the right roommates manage time well go with them together and then you will be able to save on transport now next Wi-Fi will I currently have 5G Wi-Fi at the moment and currently we pay $85 per month for 1 gbps Wi-Fi it's amazing unlimited you can also get cheaper 100 MPS for $40 as well but if you want $80 you divide by three or four roommates it's coming out to be $15 to $20 now next phone bill so especially for my phone bill I still use use mint mobile and I in my entire College time I had the $15 per month plan 4GB data for whole month obviously it was less for that you can also get the unlimited plan for $25 but the cheapest plan is good enough because 2G data unlimited and you have Wi-Fi everywhere here you have Wi-Fi throughout the whole campus area so just you know if you want to save data go to settings and turn off cellular for YouTube Tik Tok Instagram and only only browse these streaming apps on Wi-Fi and with 4GB you can survive and I was able to I mean obviously if you do video calls might be bit strugg so you can survive with $15 per month on mintmobile and you should check out sing and get the cheapest offer right away now next eating out and having fun so obviously yeah if you are standing here you have to have fun and maybe watch a Bollywood movie in a month to there are some tricks as well and if you just go to let's say Regal Theater AMC Theater to watch a movie it will cost you around $15 to $20 for a bwood movie but I since I'm an employee now use website like tickets at work not sponsor so for that I get $9 you know I get easily get any movie ticket for $9 if you know any employee near you even you can try your own student Ide at tickets at work maybe get a movie ticket for $9 and now every time you eat at a restaurant it's minimum even Chipotle it's minimum $12 Subway $12 $10 to $12 McDonald's is obviously cheaper but not healthy option so every time you want to have a full meal like considered $12 gone so that's how you have to calculate and I will tell you the total soon stay tuned for that now next expense which is even more important than any of the expense I've talked about is emergency expense because anything can go wrong at any point I remember many MacBook my MacBook went bad like almost two times in my college year and my my phone my iPhone went bad so many times in my college so you always have to consider emergency expense so in your bank account keep at least three to six times your monthly expense so you are prepared for the worst my roommate one time ran away so $600 on my burden and I couldn't sleep properly for two days because of that $600 I had to immediately pay because like like he was a su and and suddenly in one day gab so at at the time those struggles were $600 might not be big deal for many people but at the time it was so big deal for me like thinking a person like me paying $300 rent per month and suddenly have to pay double the amount of that so be careful and keep emergency funds and now adding that all up just monthly expenses it will come out to be around minimum $1,500 if you are living in in Midtown Posh elaka Posh area but if you save right you can manage at $800 $700 $800 I think if you are eating right if you are like even saving up on food you might be able to manage on with $600 as well but I think it's really hard for any student to manage under $11,000 in this area and in this era to is Ken I would recommend first of all find the right roommates and save with them and it is it is almost almost torture for example if they keep the temperature different than what you like it can be Game Changer so whenever you're finding a roommate talk about the AC temperature talk about how often they clean check their apartment how clean they are right now before they move in with you so so that you are able to save because majority of savings comes with right roommates so these were expenses but AB in this era student ke salaries be many students make around May $15 an hour $10 an hour minimum which used to be $8 an hour minimum so they are able to make around $11,000 easily and $1,500 spend per month they are paying 500 out of pocket but some students are even making $20 an hour and they are able to offset the whole amount on their own so yeah you can pay on your own still but you have to find the right jobs and live in the right area save up cut down on your apartment cost you can still possibly make it nothing is impossible students friend who are students right now they still think in 2024 it is worth coming if you have the determination to stand up on your own and fight for your rights and fight for the opportunities everything is possible if you do that so that's all y I wish you all the best and currently even with research assistantship teaching assistantship on campus jobs working in Starbucks on campus many students do that they are able to cover a lot I wish all the best and I hope you can cover your expenses on your own as well and thank you so much for [Music] watching
Channel: Harnoor Singh
Views: 16,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: indian vlogger, indian software engineer in usa, singh in usa, taxes, h1b visa, f1 visa, indian in american, hindi vlogs, traveller, america wale, indian american, indian student in usa
Id: ZSqA9ldhST4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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