Life After Studying in Canada! Jobs, PR & House Hunt! Ft. @MrpatelHANUMAN

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Were leaving Canada before and now also Jay studied in SRM University You know who was his roommate? Who was your roommate? TechBurner if you all know, related to technology Are you still connected? Yes Hey guys, Today I'm in Toronto And we have Mr Patel here HI Jay, Can you please introduce yourself I have a youtube channel of mine called Mr Patel I usually make videos for people coming to Canada from India If you check out then you'll get the idea Rest we'll tell you all in the flow of our conversation today So you came for Masters in US, Right? yeah And especially for Because people have never heard for mechanical engineering People prefer Germany or US, About Canada nobody ever heard Now so much hype is going on of People are saying that Canada doesn't have jobs No tech jobs Let's start step by step Firstly you tell about your background and since you're Mr Patel His first question was Why you came to canada being a Patel? No, I didn't had as such plan By the way, before I was going to go in Germany only. Oh And I started learning German as well Ohhhh!! But in Germany, you need to learn upto a certain level like German is B! level langage which you should know So, you can do more things there Okay Then I thought it will take me time to reach B1 as I was bit slow in language I felt that compared to other students Then I thought to take some other country in preference Canada was not in picture Then I came to US and then to Canada In U, I tried to do mechanical I didn't know scope of mechanical in US Okay Then I met someone who was studying in And he told me that scope is very good here Then I searched about University of Windsor applied in This all I applied in mechanical otherwise my background is of Robotics related to mechatronics Then I applied in mechanical and got offer from University of Windsor Oh nice Then I came here Now tell how you liked about mechanical Because currently tech jobs in Canada are so difficult It takes people 3-4 months to get a tech job. Even though if we talk about Toronto in greater Toronto Toronto is considered as financial hub Waterloo is considered as silicon valley If you don't know, I got field job in 11 days After getting graduate, I had offer on 11th day That also in 2023? yes When tech recession started yeah When recession started then I got my job in 11 days My friends were also in shock that how I got the job Many stil haven't got Oh my god. It's very difficult to get a job right now The thing is that if you have a skill You know what you are doing, so the other person gets to know it Then it doesn;t makes sense to complain Those who know are getting the jobs Still they're getting $100k-$200k packages in IT Oh nice They have experiences If you have experience then do come and if you don't then it can be bit difficult Correct What you think? You got advantage in mechanical engineering Because there's a bit of diffculty in tech Less people come to Canada for mechanical engineering How many people were international in your batch? All In mechanical? All Like, we had batch of 80-85 So 95% people were.... One girl was from Iraq Rest all were Indians It was like that ONly 3-4 people got jobs out of that And above 1 lakh You had unique talent Who puts effort and goes for networking When you were looking for job Skill comes when you sit in front of interviewer Before that you personality and communication matters I messaged a guy on linkedin That guy fixed my direct interview with HR That person knew HR He told to set his interview and directly I got revert of HR Like my proper techical happened in person There was a written exam and then there was interview That happened after going there I got connected with you, Now I'll get to know more people through you You have made video yourself So many people are leaving Canada Firstly tell me, who are these people Alright I spoke about this in video as well mostly people who are leaving Canada They are those who are living here from 30 years plus Well settled and going to retire Some people have already retired Those people say that let's live in India Our pension is coming We'll manage well in India With pension here, survining would be bit difficult You can but bit difficult but in India, you can live a good life And he must be having savings as well So you see how he'll live there That's why maximum are those people But still acc. to stats Many people who are young They are also leaving? yeah That's why guys From all information Why they're leaving? They're not getting job? They came to do diploma? What's the reason? Came for diploma and not getting job, That I don't know but their only reason is that house prices are a lot I mean, cost of living is very high here because of which there's no meaning currently There's a problem everywhere Crying won't help Better is to take out some solution This is reason of those who are going We're going to look at houses now because the houses now Before it was like or evn if you want 1 bedroom house which was 3x of salary which you could buy in 2-3 years But now it is 6-7x of your salary savings Next is what reason that people are leaving? I have seen many people going back to Punjab who came for diploma Do they not want to switch to degree from diploma? Those who have finished their diploma study and they have got 3 years work permit If they want then they can switch But now rules are getting so strict And they're making a new rule in every 10-15th day Public private is closed Spouse visa is closed And also changed timing on spouse visa, Before it was sept 1st, now it is may 15th These things are happening, so it doesn't feels like stability at the moment Because those who are not PR got no guarantee He'll live here or not If he's not able to see his clear pathway Then I don't know how he'll survive here because it is told that here is labour shortage But there are no housing crisis in Chicago because there's supply and labour to add more houses It's not that fast in Canada Because supply is less and there's labour shortage One thing on labour shortage All the students who are coming from India They're mostly going to the sectors which they don't need That's why they're increasing CRS on those sectors CRS points are increasing for PR Yes When you apply for PR, the points that are needed Once you are above that point You get invitation and then you apply So, they need job in construction There's a lot Yes But they don't come Very rare students come and those who come are in less proportion So their information doesn't flows in market Now more are in IT, software related So you'll get to hear this and that about canada It's not that much US also have much demand in construction I was looking at data That's why salaries have increased in construction and demand is also a lot but people are not there Even here also the minumum wage is When I came it was around $15.50 NOw it is $17.50 So,if they can increase $2 in 2 years Like every year it is increasing It must be increasing on the other side also but Indians are not able to take them I will tell you with my way later on Firstly I will tell that In whichever sector you want to come Whichever province you're going, so from the website of that province On their websites it is listed that These such jobs are in demand So, if you go in them then our chances increase NOw if you ask me IF you're coming in ITand you have 6-7 years of experience only come then otherwise it's not worth it I'm talking about your software sector It is very difficult in that right now If you want to come to mechanical then now is good time to come Don't know about future I want to argue if you're talking about Athlantic province like which is Canada's east side Athlantic province There you complete your degree, apply for job and PR immediately That is very good thing There is but they are changing rules in that also You must have seen that PR was very easy in Alberta But some time back they closed those pathways also It was very easy to get in Vancouver after masters But they have stopped that also Must be very difficult now Very difficult and many students are protesting Really! You must have seen What's the diffculty Like, they're just closing the pathways The pnp pathway in Alberta also It had some requirements if you need detail then Harnoor will give you screenshots So those pathways are closed now and the stduents who are inbetween now Who went to Alberta with a particular thought If that got closed then!!! Now that person wasted his time and money Do you understand! And how many frauds have happened The colleges or universities are just two bedrooms And Canada gave visa as well I mean they did very wrong Now they're doing better Its very bad Now what they're doing is they're doing to make it better but now things have so messed up that it is even difficult for them And in last two years, there has been lot of migration Correct, very true Now let's talk about Brampton Because you live in Brampton we hear so much crimes on social media about brampton that there are thefts happening Police is saying to keep keys outside As you said that he doesn't do anything to you and goes after the theft You must be safe As a person, no one will cause any damage to you I was talking about car theft Here car theft is a lot But like you said about gun shots in US It's not that much here As compared to US it is less. There has been more mass shootings till now this year in US I saw a guy went to apple store and went with 40 phones They get caught and still do it All apple thefts get caught because privacy of apple is very good Can you tell in some detail Who are these people doing the theft Our Indians were there in the last theft happened The four guys They were from punjab or haryana side You must have seen that reel also got very viral Those 4 were Indians but I have never heard before about Indians I have mostly heard of black people Heard about other caste people but never about Indians they were students or what, I don't know! They took the car and now all are caught There is problem in Canada, I'll tell you about housing I was living in Airbnb and in that it was not allowed to do Airbnb in that apartment still that guy was doing it I request security guard to please let me go He was about to complain about me I would have had to find a hotel on the spot Hotel would have been very expensive even if I would've got refund That much that people need money Jobs are less, so people do such things People are finding sources My Airbnb called me and told me to quietly come in and don't tell anyone That is what's happening here because if prices will increase, so people will find ways that how it can be less, so that's when wrong things happen Last I want to ask about your path of PR because now you have job with mechanical engg, So, I have masters graduate stream Harnoor will show you universities and if you study in those then you can directly apply in OINP From there, you get nominated by Ontario province gives 600 points Cut off will be around 500 something You get 600 points Then you put that file in non express Then you get more points for your age, job education Then after accumulaton you get it So, you'll get PR in one year? I am expecting till next year mid About my decision that time, That's why I always say that don't come with any expectation You don't know how good or bad it'll be but you can keep a right mindset atleast If you keep that then there is no problem When people said there is no part time job I did 15 part times while studying My room mates don't have jobs for six months That's how it is I had to check on hours that I have 20 hour limit and I need to do that only That's how it was Field jobs I told you It's all about mindset bro You did networking nicely and everything was possible You bought car in 2 months Cost of car is like I have 2024 model If you go to buy this car now It is near 28 This is basic model If you go above then it comes 32-33 and hybrid goes more up This is mileage wise also best because no one will give you 700km in 50CAD Rarely a car that gives you 700km in 50CAD very good mileage But one problem is insurance How much it costs you It comes around $304 I have G license Plus I have shown training certificate also, still $305 This is less because average insurance in brampton is $500 You have given that extra safety test You have to give one exam Who are here they must know it Once that certificate comes and when you show them Your insurance gets less and one more thing If you get ticket So with ticket, insurance will come around $500-600 It's a lot At 22, insurance of my Corolla like $250 for two people Here one person is paying $300 Now obviously it is $500 now for two people But when I started under 25 age There's a lot of difference There are more accidents in Brampton, That's why Accidents are also more You have tesla, Right? That must be more You're living here since long See, when I was in windsor..I heard a lot of negatives about Brampton That it is not good this and that. When I came I liked it so much There are places which I didn't even see in windsor There has been so much negative PR like crimes, thefts There is crime, that is true To a limit that is true But still it is good Even though so many Indians are here, You won't feel like canada Silent and peaceful There are accidents sometimes but we must drive caredully Thank you so much, It was very nice to talk to you Canada's negative PR is nothing because one with strong mindset will do Like I came in contact of Harnoor So it's a right step You can also try to get in touch with right people So guys, You won't believe he's so hardworking He's going to work 24hours on weekend Not tomorrow but today it is So you'll do 12 hours in one stretch From evening 6 to morning 6? It is normal here. And you do uber as well Sometimes uber also? yes And how much you make? Like it depends on location Usually if I do in downtown You know what's good thing in Canada If you're sitting then there's no fear that someone will put gun from behind I mean, there are many cases in US/Athlanta Doing uber is scary but not here Is there fear of theft in Uber? Till now haven't heard but it is not that much
Channel: Singh in USA
Views: 46,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: study in usa, indian vlogger, hindi vlogger, Engineering in canada, Mechanical, Windsor university
Id: nZN0fhhyP4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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