How to Get into MIT from India in 2024! *Secrets Revealed* Why mostly IITians here?

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Now let's begin with And I'll put all offcial sources with website links in description below I'm not making a powerpoint slide because information can change Many people follow 3 years old powerpoint which is wrong Choose the latest information with the link that I'm providing in the description below and you have to make habit of reading and going through the website So, Let's start with So key facts about MIT It was incorporated in 1861 and its motto was "Mens et manus" So mind and hand So, The idea was that they want to connect mind and hands to create magic in science and innovation that was the basis of MIT at that time Now talking about their selected honours You all must be knowing that they have 100 Nobel laureates So they have MIT alumni's who got nobel prize and the number is 100 One of the highest in any university Obviously if we consider in UK then its more but this is one of the highest because if you look at the list below They're no less than Noble awards either Like, if you have heard about the A.M Turing award So that is also around 60 If you add all of these then it is around which is not less than Noble prize So this is what's MITs legacy and promise to give you the talent that can become a genius in future So, That is something You have to keep in mind that if you align with values of MIT you can become like them Now to go into MIT, there are numerous ways and one of the easiest way is to not to get as a student rather there's an easier option that is to get as an MIT intern You can see official website of MIT Interships and teaching assistantship If you want to work there directly that could be easier option because Talking about MITs application success rate If you look at the data because now if you want to apply as an undergraduate student The probability is less than 5% So, let's say if you reply general then 4.8% Early action that is around 5% as well Regulation action has probability of 3.3% because So, you have less chances of getting in as undergrad student Let's see how many indian students got in this year So in 2023, acc to the data If you take data of Indian, Pakistan or Bangladesh You'll be surprised 4 years ago, when I made the video from Under graduate and around But now 4 years later, I'm making this video You'll be shocked if you see data of India It is 23 Undergraduate students getting accepted into MIT 272 for masters and pHD is even more If you look at Pakistan's of Bangladesh's So that means yes Your chances are increasing you have more chances now to get accepted Competition is also increasing So chances are very hard to calculate But yes, I can tell you one thing for sure If you're preparing for any JEE or NEET Now I also speak to Kota students Just take out 1-2 months aside With same prep, you can do olypiads plus prepare for exams needed to study abroad I study like 6hours per day for SAT Rest for IIt/JEE stuff If you save 2 months in 11th and 12th that if you don't get selected in IIT 98%, who are even in Ko ta as Now they're not going to get selected You have to accept this fact And that's why you need a backup option So let's start with process and requirement and many people in requirements say that you need TOEFL/IELTS I just want to tell you that there is very wrong information online on other articles So let's start with their first link By going through it, you'll get to know that that MIT is not like IIT that only 3 girls are in class out of 100 or 10 out of 100 No So overall in the whole under graduate department They try to match Now talking about citizenship Around 10% of total students are international not US citizens Acc to this data So this says that, student may apply during their final year of secondary education That means, if you're in 12th So that is your final year For ex-If you have started in another college So if you have been in 1st year So you'll not start Freshman application You'll start transfer application that also has different chances and you can apply just once in whole year And those 70 days will come only once in a year Step of each thing is given on side Here are 2 deadlines for each application But you can only apply once a year So deadline for that is Jan 4th During Nov 1 time, They recommened everything should be ready here Your 12th marksheet I have uploaded my all marksheets on our website There you'get all my certificates and predicted how you need to submit in MIT And if you fill form on website I am going to talk with one student for 1 hour, you can talk to me anytime You have to fill complete information that should also be done by then and if you're non native english speaker and if you come from abroad You have to do IELTS/TOEFL Now I'll come to that exam If that is also given here then its good Now if we talk about regular action So it is said that if you apply Jan 4th then till december testing date, Your SAT/ACT should be done And your supplementary scores should come till febuary because Your test should be done till november Some differences are told in this Yes probability wise if you apply early because if you get denied early you can't apply in regular then apply a bit late in which it is told that In this you have to tell a little bit of personal information and in this, remember that they want diverse class So if your ancestors are not from Africa or India If yes then definitely mention I'll tell you during my time not many students applied from CBSE board I did full breakdown that 10th GPA was out of 10 during my time not 100 Whenever you're filling these three things You need to remember mission statement of MIT So all the extra curriculars aligning with this mission So for example, if you have done If you're topper in any of the four olympiads They are more important in history If you don't have club in your school, Let's say There's no startup or computer science club which is of MIT And later if you are a violen player also which may not be big thing but still its good which you can get on our website Three ways to submit these You can even get it submitted through third party service And one problem that students face a lot Sometimes what happens is They say that get it send it through the official email of school that you can do it with their third party service that you don't have to tell to school like like my school name is Spring dale My school had email For that you have to earlier contact their customer care by which you're not praising yourself but someone else is doing And in this, My recommendation will be You'll see carefully in that Not like that this student is top 10% or you have participated a lot in your class One from school and one from outside where you have done internship If you did in 11th, 12th..You can put that as well And biggest thing of MIT is You can apply, no matter whichever stream student you are You can apply For engineering, Maths is a bit important but it is not important for other majors, If you haven't done it in 12th In tests and scores, They have given preparation material You can either meet cambridge english requirements No need to give TOEFL You can give DET which is of $50 You can give IELTS or Pearson's test of English and you can give TOEFL also Many people will decide not to give TOEFL/IELTS They're not asking for TOEFL If they say that you have satisfied And always remember that here, even for SAT and ACT Imagine first time you gave SAT You scored more in English Second time, You got more in writing So, here it's written And you'll also see in the MIT admission statistics that Your scores should be in 75% If you get marks in 95% then your chances increase that if your marks are in 75% They always consider that they want bright students Because it is writen in their profile as well Including whole academic scores, SAT and others If they are in top 75% percentile After that they see the values of MIT If all values are being aligned in a dating app Now these were simple requirements Now let me tell you the tricks with which your chances can increase that you have to choose the major You'll see here that where all students are And if you see engineering category as well So if you choose So for example you can say that I want to mix and match Many students choose 1st, 2nd and 3rd major So as per data, you can see that many people chose primary as computer science You can choose secondary major as well Shape your profile in such a way that your passion is here also where there is only one student which has less students in which urban science also comes and computer science also You can enter it because whereever you have passion because everyone wants to get into computer science And no one know that such majors also exist where competition is less They want you, so that you get into it and do some new innovation You're seeing that it is $77000 And calculating all and multiplying by 4 So, you must be thinking that it is very expensive to study in MIT It is called Aid because if you see this by family income Your cost will be around $6-$7k He also said that he was spending 4-5lakh/year And still it is valid Dollar is obviously expensive So yes, now by looking at the fees You don't need to worry from where you can get loan You only need to remember one mission Always think that I don't want to become a person who goes to IIT or MIT for showoff So this AID is only need based If you earn more then you may have to pay more Now last, with your JEE prep or if you get accepted to IIT Its reason is that whatsoever you achieve through JEE that you're nationwide talented student No.1 reason is this that this is more No.2 is, that if you have ever heard about any research professor of MIT So, brand level of IIT goes up and when I spoke about a research professor that if a university is popular then it immediately triggers that this guy is hard working And if it's not popular then profile is checked more thoroughly you can get accepted even if you're not from IIT that if you'll apply with inter disciplinary field
Channel: Harnoor Singh
Views: 76,263
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Keywords: indian vlogger, indian software engineer in usa, singh in usa
Id: Zjc7R-vAGlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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