Month 2: All Stars Block Of The Month with Jenny Doan of Missouri Star Quilt Co (Video Tutorial)

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Jenny: Hey, Isaac. Isaac: Hey Grandma. Jenny: Isaac brought you right up the front steps of my studio. And look behind me, you get to see some of my irons. I collect these irons when I teach someplace. I like to get an iron. And I just love them and so I have a bunch. They’re fun, aren’t they? Come on into my studio. Alright. So today we’re going to film block two. We’re at block two and I”m just really excited about it. So let’s see what we’ve got here. So it is month two and we have two blocks for you today. They’re very similar so they won’t be hard at all. But this is your little box. You should have a number two on it and you should have it. So we’re going to open this up and see what’s inside. Alright, right here, of course with the cute tissue. And we’ve got this wonderful star patch pattern right here. And we are actually making two blocks so we’re making the four patch star and the star patch block. And these are those two right here. So we have this one right here and we have these little ones right here. Now you’re going to make four of these and you and I are going to sew through the whole thing. So I actually, this is my box where I started sewing these. I have some fabrics in here. But this is what you’re going to get right here. And so we have a little 2 ½ background. We have some strips here of background color and this pink strip. And they’re already cut for you so that’s really awesome. We have little squares already cut. So you’re just going to be able to sew these together. That’s going to be really fun. These bigger blocks here are going to be for our star legs. And we will go through all of this as we go along. And then this also is for the other block. So they separate them which I really like because, you know, you want to do, you want to do it just like they have it on here. And so the first block we’re going to start with today is our big four patch star. And these, we’re going to make four four patches for the middle. And we’re going to make eight of these legs right here. Now let me show you where it is in the quilt. This is it right here. And the star is, I mean, it’s just so quick and easy, you’re just going to be amazed at this. So the first thing we want to do is we want to make our star legs. Now you’re going to need eight of these. And so what I’m going to do is I’m going to take a background square right here and a colored square right here. Now we’re going to work on the wrong sides of these. Let me press them so they’re nice and flat. This one has a bunch of little fabric fluff on there and I’m going to press this one as well. And we’re going to put these right sides together. Now to make our, to make our half square triangles for the legs, you know there’s lots of ways to make half square triangles . But we are going to do this so that you get eight at a time. And I’m going to go ahead and move these things out of the way. Actually we should probably look at the directions, shouldn’t we? Ok, so I’m doing it right. I’m doing it just like they wrote it. So the first one we’re going to do is we are going to draw a line both directions like this. Alright. I hope you guys enjoyed last month and you got yours done and you’re ready for this. I was pretty excited about last month. I love seeing how everybody is using different fabrics. You know, that’s really fun to me. And so I’m drawing a line corner to corner. Sometimes I get talking and I forget to tell you what I’m doing. So I’m drawing a line corner to corner. Now what I’m going to do is I’m going to sew a quarter of an inch on both sides of these lines. Now one of the things that people always say to me is how important is that quarter of an inch? What’s mostly important is that you’re consistent. So I sew, I use the edge of my foot, my presser foot as my marker and make sure your blocks are lined up. And I set that on here. And I”m just going to sew along here. Let me make sure I’m, oh I did, I unthreaded my needle. Sometimes that happens. Alright so go back to the beginning, pull out, my foot tends to slip a little bit. So I”m just going to sew down the side on this line. Now because my little presser foot is pretty narrow my quarter of an inch of going to be narrow. But we’re going to square these up so now stress on that. So I”m going to sew down here and then I’m just going to flip this around and sew down the other side. Then I”m going to cut my thread and I’m going to do the same thing on the other line. So sew down and then we’re going to sew down this side too. Alright so now what we’re going to do to make eight of these is we’re actually going to cut this four different directions. And so we’re going to start by cutting it in half like this. And now if you have a rotating mat, that’s awesome. If you don’t let me just show you this wonderful trick right here. Look at this. Rotating mat. I’m just kidding you. Actually it works really good. If you have a small mat. Don’t ever feel like, you know, you don’t want to be cutting or doing something dangerous with your rotary cutter where it could slip or something. So just make sure that you cut it, you turn it so that it works for your hand. You know, however you’re cutting. And so I’ve cut it in half both directions. Now I’m going to cut it on the diagonal both directions like this. And I”m going to cut it on the diagonal this way. And I’m just lining it up corner to corner and making sure it goes. So what that gives you right there, is it’s going to give you eight half square triangles that are all sewn together. And so now we want to square these. Now if you’re going to use the clearly perfect slotted trimmer, these are going to be 4 ½. So it comes two pieces like this. And the clearly perfect slotted trimmer has a 4 ½ in line. And you’re going to put your stitch line on their stitch line. So here’s our little stitch line right here. We’re going to match that up on our block right here. And we are going to hold that down and trim that off. And I’m going to do a couple of these this way. So on the tool thing, I know you’ve heard me say this before but let me just say it again. If you have a tool that makes sense to your brain, your quilting, it will be so much easier for you because your brain will relax and you’ll just be able to sew. I had a hard time squaring things for a long time until this ruler came out. And now that I know I can lay my stitch line on their stitch line and just rim both sides, it makes it so easy for me. So I’m going to do four of them this way. And this one, I don’t know if you saw that, but I actually matched up perfectly on this side so I only had to trim one side. So I have four of these like this. And then the other one that I’m going to do with the bloc loc so you can see how to do that. So let’s make sure this one lines up and trim it open like this. Alright. Hey Misty, will you come press these for me? I’ve got Misty in the house today. Misty: Happy to help. Jenny: And here, if you’ll press these open. Misty: Alright. Jenny: I made you a little nest right there so you have your own little nest. Misty: Perfect. I love it. Jenny: And then if you’re going to use the bloc loc, what we’re going to do is we’re going to press these open first. So with the clearly perfect slotted trimmer, you don’t press open. With the bloc loc you do press open. And so use whichever tool works best for your brain. Misty, which is your favorite? Misty: I prefer the bloc loc. Jenny: You prefer the bloc loc. Misty: I do. Jenny: So does Natalie. And I think those that are a little bit more analytical brains. Misty: Maybe, ya. Jenny: You know, because you guys are a little more math smart that way than I am. So with the bloc loc, the way I remember to do this, and for Natalie and Misty this isn’t even a thing, but because this isn’t exactly brain friendly for me but I can make it work. So I’m going to show you, and for those of you who have this don’t feel like you have run out and get this because this will work. But the way I do it is I always press to the dark side which means I’m going to press with my dark on the top and roll this back so that my seam now is on the dark side. What that’s going to do for me is that if I did press to the other side, if this lighter fabric were a little thinner you could see that seam through that. And you know it just makes it a little more cleaner looking to do that. So then what I do is I remember that these words go on my background fabric. And this has a little shaved edge on it right here. So you just kind of put that up and you just kind of squish it in there, it won’t move. And I’m going to pull this as far down to the edge as I can and then just cut around it like this. And this is going to make it nice and straight. And so I’m going to do that to all four of these. Now if you were, and this is what trips me up a little bit. Oh this one is perfect. Look at that I’m just going to trim off little dog ears. Misty: Most of mine have been just exactly right too. Jenny: Awesome. So on this right here. If I were to put the words on this dark side because of the way it’s pressed, it doesn’t lay right. You like have a big edge over here hanging off. So if you ever find yourself cutting off a lot, stop, don’t cut, take a look at it and make sure that it’s going the right direction. You know, flip it around and try it on the other side. This one is perfect too. You guys I’m becoming a perfect half square triangle cutter. This is like a little miracle. You know what, I need a better blade. Let me see, let me try this other rotary cutter here. You know one of the most dangerous tools you can have is a rotary cutter that isn’t quite sharp enough. I feel like on my rotary cutter that I just put over there, I feel like it has like a little bit of like maybe I ran over a pin or something because it always just leaves one thread attached. Alright, so we are going to see how this is. This is pretty close as well. So I’m, oop I didn’t even need to trim it. I didn’t cut anything. There we go. Just trimming my little dog ear. Alright. Now to get this ready for our block, what I’m going to do is I am going to sew two sets of these like this so that our, so these are our star legs. And we’re going to put the white colors together. So I’m just going to sew two of these like this. And make sure when you lay them down next to each other make sure they’re, you know, you have your color on the same side and your white on the same side. Make sure they’re lined up nice and then we’re going to sew just a quarter of an inch down here. And just so you know, when I sew, when I do the legs and I sew on either side of the line I just use my presser foot. But when I sew these blocks together I have a little line on my sewing machine which you probably do also that is marked with the quarter of an inch and so I make sure that that’s right. You want to get, you know, when you’re sewing seams together you want to be consistent and you want them to be on the same. Will you iron those for me? Misty: Absolutely. Jenny: Ok, so these go together. The whites go together. And it’s going to make two of our star legs. And we’re actually going to do this to all four of our blocks, I mean to all eight of our blocks because the star legs have to be joined on all four sides. So we’re going to sew all of these together like this. So when you draw a line, when you make half square triangles like this they come out to 4 ½ which we squared them to so they’re nice and square. And so you’re going to have to have some corner squares for this block which means they have to be the same size as these blocks which means they are also going to have to be 4 ½. So I”m going to cut, use one of these and cut my corner blocks 4 ½. I should look at my pattern and see if I do this yet. Oh they don’t have me doing it yet. Should I cheat? Alright, I’m going to go ahead and cut these 4 ½. So I need four blocks that are 4 ½. And then we’ll be ready to put them together when the pattern says. Wait, my ruler is flipped over and because these rulers are etched not painted, it actually gives it a little more sticking power I think. So 4 ½ and then I’m going to cut again, 4 ½ like this. And now I’m going to turn these and I’m going to stack them, line them right up on top of each other and again I’m going to cut 4 ½. And when I’m cutting, see these little pinked edges right here, I kind of, I put my 4 ½ just on this side of those little pinked edges. And then right here I have a straight edge so I just line it up on the line. And then you can also check your line by making sure that your lines are lined up top and bottom and that will give you a nice square block. Alright so these are ready to go when we need it. Now we have to make our center. And our center is, wait where’s my little patches, right here. This is our center. And for this center. Now this is one of the things that I really want to talk to you about because it doesn’t have to be just like this. If you want it to be just like this it can but it doesn’t have to be just like this. The star, you know, nobody is going to go to your quilt and look at the picture and go, Oh you have a blue where a pink should be. Nobody is going to do that. So don’t stress over that, like if you get one that’s like the wrong direction or whatever, don’t stress over that. So I’m just going to open mine up and see where they go here because I am going to try and do it right for you. Just because, just because you know. So I’m going to lay all these colors out here so I can see them. And we’re going to make four patches which means I’m basically going to be sewing two of these together at a time. So it looks like here we have the pink and we have the dark green and then we have a gold. Probably this orangy gold and this purple. So I”m going to chain piece these through which means I’m going to line it up on my quarter line and I’m just going to sew these and let me move this for you. Misty: You want me to take it? Jenny: Ya that would be great. And I’m just going to sew these and get these two done. So because right here you can see I’ve done the pink and the green and the purple and the orange, I’m just going to do these two. And we are going to open this up like this. And see how they just, they’re in the right spots, you know, for this. So I”m just going to put these together now. And I’m going to line them up now and I’m going to make sure that one seam allowance goes one way and one seam allowance goes the other way and that my beginning is right together and my end is right together. And that’s going to make a little four patch. And we’re going to make four of these for the middle for this star. So it’s basically going to be a 16 patch block. Again there are lots of ways to do this. Could you iron that for me? Misty: Yep. Jenny: And lots of ways to make this happen so if you want to sew your whole, like all these on one side, you can do it. It’s not going to change the fact that we have a four patch. So let’s lay this out here like the picture. And we’re going to put it right here. And then we’re going to lay all the rest of our squares out to make sure we get them in the right place because some of these colors, you know, they’re pretty close and to be fair it doesn’t matter. Make four four patches, sew them together, it’s going to make a 16 block. It’s going to be perfect. But if you want to do it just like the picture you’re probably going to want to lay them out. Jenny: So what I’m going to do is I’m going to lay mine out here. And I have a gold and I have a green. And then we’ve got this chartreuse color here and a purple. And then we’re down in the bottom four. And we’ve got another one of these kind of light. Actually yep, that’s actually probably going to be right. See how close those are. That can be really confusing. Here’s our orange, going to go there. And then we’re going to do another pink and green down here. And then over here we’ve got, let’s see we’ve got the purple and we’ve got this reddish, pinkish color. And I want to tell you that these are Allison Glass Sunprints from Andover. And they are beautiful. This is a beautiful line of fabric. And they’re just so happy and colorful. So this looks pretty close to the picture so we’re going to sew it up and let the chips fall where they may. Now we’re living dangerously. So now what I’m going to do is I’m going to take these because I’ve laid them all out like this, I’m actually going to sew this whole row together. I know we’re living on the wild side now. But I will be able to make, I will be able to chain piece these which means I’m putting two together and lining them up. That’s going to be one four patch. But I’m going to go ahead and put these together as the next four patch right here. And then one here. And then we’ll stop and make these four patches so we don’t, we don’t confuse ourselves too much because that may not be a thing for you but it truly is for me. Alright so now what I’m going to do is I’m going to open these up and I’m going to make sure I’m still in the right place and I am. And I’m going to fold mine over and stitch these together. Now what I’m going to do again is I”m going to line up this very first edge right here, just exactly. And then I’m going to make these two seams go opposite directions and that’s called nesting. And so I’m going to start and what I’ll do then is I lift these open. And I make one seam goes one way and one seam goes the other. And I look to make sure they’re just right together there. And I’m just going to sew down the side. You’ll get to where, like me, I can feel with my finger that there’s no opening in between those. And that’s what you want, you want no opening. Alright so then we’re going to put these same same, where we’re going to line them up. And then if you’re lucky like me you’re going to hand these off to be pressed open. And I’m going to sew this other one together here. Now Misty is using a little bit of best press which is like a little starch spray. We use flatter, we use the best press. Some people like the starch in the can. You can also use your steam with your iron and you can also use, you know, a mister bottle. You know I have a mister bottle over here that I use all the time that I love. And just, you know, sometimes a little bit of something wet, you know, just encourages it to do what you want it to do. Alright now I’m going to try and put these right back where I got them from this one right here so let’s make sure. So turn, this is gold on the outside, green on the inside. So I”m going to sew these two together. And again we’re just sewing the 2 ½ inch squares. So we line up the first one, take a few anchoring stitches, lift it open to make sure that your seams are going opposite directions. Now this seam is not going in opposite direction which I’m going to show you what to do about that. I’m going to push it over with my fingers because I don’t want that bulk. And so I’m going to push it over with my fingers like this. So see right here we have this little fold right here. What I’m going to do is I’m just going to my little scissor and I’m just going to clip that, not clip the stitch but clip that. And then it can lay down. So then when Misty presses it, it will lay down nice. So go ahead and press those. Let me get these lined up. Make sure, yep, that’s right. Put these together. And I’m going to make this one. So this is what happens when you have a magnet watch band. Clip this one. Alright now I”m going to press this one back right here. And let’s see how we got this now. Make sure we got this going the right direction. And oop, this is on this side. This is on this side. Now let me look at this. Alright, Misty and I have both pressed our seams going the same way so I’m going to press it the opposite way right here which means now this seam is going to go down and this seam is pressed up. So see how they press together and that will help them lay nice. So what we’re going to do now is we’re going to lay these together like this. And we are going to sew these little four patches. And this makes a 16 block. And let me see here. I’m going to do these. And there’s lots of little seams to line up. What I like about all the little seams is it keeps you exactly going the right direction on all your, I mean lined up so all your little parts are matching because, you know, every time you nest you create a little, you know where it comes together it’s just perfect. Oh mine is. Jenny: Now on mistakes, if I were to make a mistake here and this was not perfect, what I would do is, like if this were just a hair off or something like that, which mine actually looks pretty good. But if it were a hair off I would go ahead and probably put my block together unless it bothered me. If my eye goes right to it like three times then I take it out and fix it. If it doesn’t and I have to search to find it, I am not going to worry about it. Alright now we’re ready to add our legs and your legs should fit exactly to your block like this. And because we went ahead and cut our corners already at 4 ½ we can put those in up here. And this is how you’re going to lay out this block. And I rarely lay out my blocks like this because I’ve done them so many times. What I do is I take my two side pieces and I sew to the middle like this. And I’m going to put one of these on either side. Ok now here’s a good little teaching moment right here. Alright, see how this isn’t perfect right here? When I put this on here I know that if I sew a quarter of an inch this is going to get caught in that quarter and nobody’s ever going to know that that kind of swooped in. Also right here, I want to show you right here. So see where, Isaac you might have to come in real close on this to see. So see where these two threads cross right here? So I have a thread going this way and I have a thread going this way. When I come across here and sew, as long as I hit that point or stay on that side, I won’t lose the point of my legs. So that’s how you keep your little points so you don’t lose them. And I’m just going to sew down here a quarter of an inch. And I have been known to like swerve a little so that I catch that point. But it looks like I don’t have to swerve on here. I want to keep my seam going that right direction. And I’m going to make sure these are lined up. And I’m going to put the one on the other side like this. See if I can do this so I don’t lose my point. Now if you lose your point, it’s not the end of the world. No one has ever checked to see on my quilt if my points are perfect, I’m pretty sure. Maybe someone has. But if they have, I don’t know. They might just be disappointed. Alright so now what we have to put the other sides on which means we’re going to add a block to either side of this, these two little legs right here. And so I am going to sew my corner blocks on these. Make sure that stays on there. And corner block on this one. And then put my corner blocks on this one as well. Now let me see. You want to iron those to the, those blocks are going to go to the, wait I can’t tell, I don’t know yet. We’ll fix it when we get to it. Alright here we go. Sometimes I don’t iron until the end because then you can really make everything go the way that it wanted to go. So here’s this right here and you can see we’re going to line it up here. We’re going to hit this joint and we’re going to hit this joint. And we’re going to make sure our seams are going. So on this one I pressed these squares to the outside. These ones are going to want to be pressed to the inside. So I’m going to go ahead and sew those down before I press them. You can do it either way. Misty has hers pressed over there for me, the other leg so it should go together real nice. And I’m just going to feel that that’s nested. I’m going to line up this one. And this one too. Now as long as your quarter of an inch seams are fairly accurate, this is going to go together really nice. Look, we’re almost there with one set of legs. See this right here, see this is off a little bit. I think I can still catch that in the quarter inch seam, but I might lose my point a little bit. But if you’re really worried about that, what you can do if you could slide this, you know, you could take out the seams, slide this fabric up to the top. I sewed it from the bottom to the top. You could sew, take out the seam, slide that part up and then the difference would be here at the bottom and you would be sure not to lose your point. I am going to live a little dangerously. I am just going to see if I can do it. See how good it comes out. I am not about total perfection. I am about pretty good, I’m about pretty good. But I do know how to make it perfect. That’s just not part of my personality. So see I’m watching this right now. I’m watching this because we’re going to lay this seam on this side, but see how this lines up here. I’m going to be able to fit that in my quarter inch seam. So I”m just coming along here, watching where I hit the crossover. And I think you’re going to be surprised that it’s going to come out pretty good. Alright, let’s press it. Actually let’s look at it first. Look at that. That’s pretty good. So I”m good with that. That does not bother me in the least and we are one and done. And this is block one. We finished the biggest block. And I feel pretty good about this. Like ta-dah about this. That looks pretty good, doesn’t it? Misty: It looks awesome. Jenny: Alright. So the next block we get to make, of wait, actually Misty: You’ve got to sash it. Jenny: I”ve got to sash it, one more thing. I didn’t turn the page so let me just turn the page. Alright so now right here you can see. This gives you actually all the colors so you know exactly what colors go where. Then we’re going to put a sashing on the side. Now what I want to do is I want to make sure that my colors are still oriented the right way to put that sashing on. Will that matter? No, because if your star is turned the other way it’s still going to look beautiful and you’re going to have a sashing on a side. You know last time I put the sashing on the wrong side and I changed it for you but in retrospect I don’t think it really matters. Alright here’s your little piece right here. And it’s a 16 ½, 1 ½ by 16. And it looks like it goes on the gold, green, orange, green. I’m being much more careful. I’m going to clip off my little selvedge edge right here. And I’m going to sew this on. Now if you do this like I’m doing it without cutting it to 16 ½. 16 ½ is that right? 16 ½. You just want to make sure that your sashing piece is on top. The feed dogs on your sewing machine will take in more fabric. So if I were to turn this over and sew it on this way, it wouldn’t lay flat. It would get a little wonky. So I”m just going to go ahead and sew this on because I believe in my 16 ½ inch piece. Quarter inch seam . And the nice thing about doing these things now is that when we’re ready to start putting these blocks together all these little pieces will be done. Alright, I’m just going to trim this off. Misty, I’ll let you iron this back. It’s going to open up just like this. And we are going to start on the other one. So the other ones, these are them right here. And I’ve done two of them because they’re the same thing over and over again. And so we, you and I are going to make the last two of these together and I have them right here. And I have these right here so get out your little pieces. Yours are going to look like this. Here, I don’t know what to do with that. Yours are going to look like this in this little bag. And you’re going to have these other little pieces in your box and we’re going to do some bordering of some of those little stars as we get to them. So we’re going to put this pattern in our fabulous pattern keeper from month one and we’re going to look at our star patch block from month two. So we’re going to open this one up and we are going to make our star patches. So I’m going to start with the green block. I’ve done a couple of blocks already and I’m going to start with the green one so look at your colors. Make sure they’re lined out. So we have a red and a chartreuse and a green and a goldy color. And I”m going to sew that four patch together. And so I’m starting with my top two. Again it’s just like we sewed the other four patches. This one is a little bit wonky. Wonky, that’s a technical term. Alright, here we go. I’m sewing these two. Make sure I’ve still got it on, oh I can flip it over. Whew, I did that on the wrong side but you can flip them over because we’re only doing two at a time. So now what I’m going to do is I’m going to take this apart and open it up and make sure it’s going the right way. So red and green this way and blue and gold this way. Correct. So now I’m going to sew these together and then I will let Misty press this. And we will get started on those legs. So just one little four patch for the middle and now we have the legs. Now when you open your pack you’ll see you have eight of the same color together and those are your legs. And something orange, gold, green and what’s the other one? Oh this yellowy color right here. And so you’re also going to have a packet of these little 2 ½ inch squares right here. And because we have two inch squares on our little corner of our star right up here when I looked through these some of them had a flower right in the middle or a bird and when I came across those if they had a little thing on it that I thought would be cute in the corner, I like set it aside and was like, you know what, see has this one has that cute little flower. I’m just going to set that one aside because the rest of these we’re going to cut in half to make four patches. So I need four of these. Let me look and see. That’s kind of a cutie. And so now I need eight legs. These are 2 ½ inch squares. And so on eight of these I’m going to draw the line from corner to corner and sew on that line. So one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. I’ll count those again. I think I was putting and looking for my ruler and trying to do too many things at a time. Alright so I”ve got just a regular pen here. Lay your ruler corner to corner. Now if you don’t want to draw the line and you want to iron the line, you can do that. You just want to make sure that you iron them this way, wrong sides together so that you’re sewing in the valley not on top of the mountain. And so there’s one, two, three, four. Oop, that one’s a little off. Now on a block this little a little off matters. So make sure that you’re like right corner to corner on that stitch line because that’s going to matter. Oop. And if your ruler is a little fat, make sure you just scooch it a little bit. You know, you just want to make sure that this goes corner to corner like this. And I have no idea how many I’ve drawn the line on on these. So I”m just going to start sewing my greens and see if I got enough. And then what you want to do is you want to make sure that these are lined up exactly because if this is off it’s still not going to equal your correct 2 ½ because whenever you want, when you want to make a half square triangle with a square and you want the square to remain the same size. So this is 2 ½ and we want it to remain 2 ½, a 2 ½ inch half square triangle, then you sew on the line. If you sewed on either side of the line this would reduce it by half an inch. So you just, you know, if you want your block to remain the same size, which we do, you want to sew right on the line. Now in the last block of the month on the Facebook group, there were lots of people who made tiny little ones with the piece they cut off which I think is amazing. Alright so I’m going to sew on the line of eight of these. I’m going to put these over here closer to me, line them up. And I’m just going to chain piece these through like this. And we are going to do all eight. Make sure they stay lined up and square. I’m really enjoying that Facebook group. I hope you guys are too. It’s pretty fun to see what everybody’s doing. I love seeing everybody’s different fabrics. I am also making one in red, white and blue. You know when you make one of these, this is so dang cute, right? You can’t help but make it in other fabrics. But people are doing them, oh I’ve seen Christmas, I just seen all different colors and I just think that’s really fun. I mean this bright happy one is going to be so beautiful but if one quilt is good well two is even better, right? Alright now we shouldn’t have to square these if we sew, if our line is accurate, if our line is accurate and our squares were matched up we shouldn’t have to square these. So we’ll just see how we did. Now I’m going to go ahead and I have one of these. Have you guys seen these? These are so cute. So these are like a little, it’s from clover and they’re like little cutters. And you can wear them like a necklace. So like if you take it, if you do handwork and stuff on the airplane, this is not scissors. But a friend of mine made this little block to put mine in and literally you can just do this. So I like these little thread cutters. And I think this little clover one is beautiful. Alright now if you want to know if your block is still going to stay square you can fold this back like this and take a look, you know, finger press it, and take a look and see if you lined up corner to corner. If you did, you’re good to go. So this one looks pretty good. I’m just going to cut off that side, let Misty press these back. And I’m just going to trust that they’re all pretty good. You notice I did not say perfect. It doesn’t have to be perfect. It has to be pretty good. Alright now some of you guys are going to save these and make tiny ones. You go. You go. Alright so now we’ve got our little four patch in the middle and we need to put some legs on it. And these again are going to be sewn on just like the other one where we put the white ones together like this. Wait, like this. And that’s going to make our legs. So I’m going to start sewing those together like this. And sew my quarter of an inch. I’ve got my background fabric together. There we go. There’s some of those. And we’re going to do, we need eight legs. So we’re going to sew four sets of these together. And we’re going to try to keep this star point up here together. And there we go. It took a few turns to get that one to line up. And alright so now we’re going to sew the last two together. Now on two of these again on like the big one we’re going to put corner blocks on. So I”m going to add my little corners on here. Oh here they are up here. And some of these were my cute ones that had cute things in the middle. This one has a shamrock. I’m going to put that on here for the green. And I’m going to do that to two of these. Misty, can you iron those open? And we will just add those to the side. So when you’re adding your sham, shamrocks, when you’re adding your cute corners to your block you can just do one side of both like this and flip them around and do both of the other side. Oh, that’s like a little rainbow. So can I just say that I think fabric designers are amazing, the fact that they can come up with all these different things. I think that’s so amazing. Let me make sure, you know all of a sudden you have that gut feeling like there’s no thread in there. I was wrong, there was thread in there. Alright, Misty if you want to, if you want to go ahead and iron those. And I’m going to attach my legs now. And again I’m going to again still keep my block oriented the way it should go. And I’m going to put these on either side. Now on this one you’ll notice, this is just a hair bigger than the top. And when that happens, this is a really good trick, if you have a side that’s a little bit bigger, then what you’re going to do is you’re going to put the big side on the bottom. Big bottoms to the bottom. And you’re going to start it, lined up like this. We’re going to sew down. And then we’re going to line up the middle. And even if the bottom has, you know, it’s a little bit bigger, it has like a little bit of an edge, the feed dogs will take that in. Just ease it in and it will look like you did it perfectly. So I”m going to do that on this side. So see how that is right there, it just comes out perfectly. And I’m going to do that on this side too. So that happens if your quarter inch isn’t perfect. You’ll have a bigger side and a smaller side. And with any luck it won’t make too much difference. Alright so now we’ve got this one. And let me see which way she pressed those. She pressed those in, so I’m going to press these out. Alright so now we’re ready to add our side pieces like this. And see how it’s all the star legs come together. And because we added our corner square then it forms a block. So I”m going to go ahead and put these on here and add this. And I’m going to look and make sure that mine line up. And then I’m going to watch this star point right here, make sure that I keep those points. And put the other one on this side. And again, I line up at every junction, you know, the place where my seams come together. I line up and it makes things, it straightens them up again. I’m going to let you iron that. And I have one more to put together. The one with the yellow. And the reason I saved this one and didn’t go ahead and do it is because I, there was a couple of pieces in my kit that looked like this. Do you see the little white edge. Now that is because when they folded their strip and trimmed the selvedge a little edge of the selvedge got in there. This is not going to bother us because we are going to cut half of this block off and that block will get cut half off. So don’t die over that. Oop, I’m getting a call from my friend. We’re just going to mute her and let her, come back to her later. So I’m going to draw my line corner to corner like this. And I’m going to do two more because I have almost all the legs done on this. But when I saw that edge, I was like, now it shouldn’t happen but don’t stress out about it because we’re cutting half of this block off. So, and that’s definitely not intentional. So what I’m going to do is I”m going to line this up on here just like this. And I’m going to sew right down the square. Now right up here at the top there will be a tiny little piece that shows but that’s going to get caught in the seam. So don’t die over that either. You know we have to make due. We’re make due girls. We have to make due with what we’ve got and make it work. We get what we get and we don’t throw a fit. I used to say that to my children all the time. And they were like, mom we know. Alright there’s that one. I’m going to go ahead and sew the rest of these together. And MIsty if you could get my four patch ready for me, line it up and it should look like this. And then what I’m going to do is when I trim these now I’m going to look and make sure that the part I’m trimming off is this part right here. So we’re going to trim that side and then this one the same. And this one didn’t have that so it’s good to go. Alright if you could iron those. Misty: Yep. Jenny: And then I’m going to sew this little four patch together right here. And she’s got it lined out for me. Now if you, if you just grab your four patches and go and they’re all different in the center, it’s not going to matter. Don’t worry about that. Don’t take anything apart, just yeah. I mean I can’t stress that enough. I mean, it’s really, at the end of the day it is not going to matter. And the people who are doing like Christmas and red, white and blue ones and you know the different colors, you know, they don’t even have a guide to go by and so it can be anything they want it to be. And that also makes it really fun. It’s pretty much a creative endeavor at that point. When I did my first star, I mean for the first block, you know how it has all those colors, where is that one, right here, see it has all these colors. When I did my patriotic one, I just used two colors. So I really, I really went out of the box and broke all the rules on that one. I’m just kidding. I don’t really consider that breaking the rules. Alright so now we have the little ones that we need to make the legs for it. And so I’m going to go ahead and do that. I’m going to sew all these together. Sets of two. You’ll have four sets of two. Make sure your whites are together or your background. Like this. Somebody asked me, you know, if there was more of this fabric available. There is. You can buy it by, you can buy yardage. You know, like if you want more background fabric. If you want to get the backing fabric. If you want, whatever fabric you want to get, you know, so you can, you know, if you want to make another one or you want to make sure you have some extra, if you make a boo boo or something like that, you can just do that. I’m going to leave two of these together and I’m going to sew my little corners on two of these. And I’ll let Misty do her magic and then I’m going to sew the other one, the other pieces on. Once you start doing it you’re going to be super surprised at how fast these go together. You’re going to be like holy smokes, I’m done. Misty, can you get me one more little 2 ½ inch square. Did you see, I almost sewed that on these. We don’t want that on these. We want two squares on each one. And then I’ve got one more here. Now if you find yourself at all short, like you have, like you’re missing a square, one thing I’ve done several times is sewn two of my squares together at once. So check that because that could be the deal. Alright, here I’ve got one more square here on the side. Alright here’s these. I’ll let you do that. And now I”m going to sew my two star legs to the side. And oh this one is way off. I’m not going to be able to catch that. So I’m actually going to take this one out and don’t try this at home. And I’m going to sew this from the top so that my points are going to line up. That one would have bothered me so if it bothers you go ahead and pull it out and do it. Now I have no idea why they lined up the second time and let me look and see if it worked. It did. It’s still a hair off but it’s actually going to be fine. So I’m going to put it on here, wait, what side. Make sure it’s going the right direction. Purple and blue. There we go, alright. Come around and sew the other side. Make that line up. Now we’re going to put the other legs on to give a four, let’s see. My points look very good. Can you see them? I’m making sure Isaac is showing you my good points. You know we’re proud of those points when we get them on there, right? Alright, again I’m going to nest this up, one seam one way, one seam the other. And again even though we’ve pressed it sometimes the seams have to go the other direction when you get them on. That’s alright, we’ll just repress. Repress doesn’t sound right, press over. We’ll press over. No we’re still good. Oh I sew so fast on this the thread will jump sometimes and will come right off that loop. I’m just going to make sure that’s still attached. That’s lined up. This one is together. I still have my point. Do you guys talk to yourself when you sew like I do? It’s like I have all these little encouraging, you can do it, you can do it. Good job, Jenny. Alright, let’s press this now. I’m going to grab me some, oh here we go. Some of this, make a nice flat star. Now I want to show you on these right here. So see how, you know, we’re a little bit wonky here. I’m just going to kind of straighten it up these sides because we are going to have to put a little bit of a piece of fabric on here. So I’m just going to kind of straighten them up. And what I do is I kind of match my ruler at the beginning and the end. And if there’s a little piece here that just barely shows I’m just going to shave that off. So it’s not like I’m changing my block size. It’s just kind of like I’m straightening it up so that it’s a little more pretty. And then things will just lay much nicer. Alright so now what you want to do is you’ve got to look at these borders. Because our orange star right here is going to have a pink border. Now this border is cut for you, 1 ½ but you’ll have to cut it to the size of your block. So let me cut my little selvedge edge off here. And let’s look at the size this one is supposed to be. So it’s a 1 ½ by 8 ½ rectangle to both sides. When I do that I’m going to cut them together because I know I’m going to have two strips that are going to be the same size on one side and two strips for the other. So stack your strips like this. And then if you have my good little ruler, what I like to do is it’s 1 ½ by 8 ½ and actually I can’t do that with my little ruler because it’s only 7 ½. So I’ll do it with the big ruler. And I like to go like this. So it’s 1 ½ right here and I”m going to put it the 8 ½ right there. And I can see that it’s like a perfect rectangle and then I’m just going to cut this once like this. And so I have two of these for the sides and then the other side is going to be 1 ½ by 10 ½. So let me cut those right now. Because each one of these little stars is getting a different little border or a piece sewn on a side. So you want to look at that and what I did was look at the legs. The orange legs get the pink border 1 ½ by 10 ½. Look twice, cut once. Alright let’s sew these on. I’m going to add both my sides. And by the way this is the way you, when you border a quilt, you do the same thing. You do the sides first and then your top and bottom. Now if your star, if you notice that it’s a hair bigger like this, again you could put that big side to the bottom. The big bottom to the bottom. I imagine there’s going to be a few comments about that, the big bottom to the bottom. And then on this side. And normally I would always put my sashings and my borders on the top but my block is just a hair short. So this, adding these little borders like this will square up your block if it’s just a little bit off. And I guess mine isn’t off once I lay it on there but I try almost always to put mine on on the top. But if it feels a little bit bigger to you then put your bigger piece on the bottom and it will square up your block. Alright now what I’m going to do is press these back and then add the top and bottom to this. The other thing I didn’t do that you might want to do is you might want to look at your middle square and make sure that it’s oriented the same way when you sew those together. Now to me, that doesn’t matter one tiny bit because I don’t care if my seams are going this way or this way. When that block is in here nobody is ever going to look and see if your seams go this way or this way. Nobody is. And so I didn’t look at that at all. And I’m ok with that. But if that bothers you, that’s something you want to make sure that you’re, you know, there are rule followers out there. And if you are a rule follower you want to make sure that you are getting those on the right sides with your four patch oriented in the right direction. I’m not even sure the colors in my four patch are the right colors. I’m not worried about it. Sarah Cray, she’s a, she does Let’s Make Art and she always says, I’m not mad about it. I love that. Alright so. Alright let’s take a look at the other blocks. I’m going to have Misty press that. Our yellow legs right here, we have an inch and a half piece across the bottom and the side. So see right here, across the bottom and the sides. So our bottom piece again is going to be 8 ½ and we’re only adding one this time. So I know my block is 8 ½ because I just measured the other block so 8 ½ right here. Alright so I”ve got a 1 ½ by 8 ½ and then on this side it’s going to be 1 ½ by 9 ½. So I”m going to cut that. And I’m going to stitch this to one side. And let me see what side I’m supposed to stitch it to. There’s my purple up here in the corner. I’m going to put it down here. Alright so I’m going to stitch this one here. Now you want to watch on this. You’ll notice we’re sewing along the edge so you want to watch if you lose your point. Oh I lost that one a tiny. That’s ok. That’s ok with me. I’m not going to die over that. But you want to watch. And if you want to watch and make sure that you come where those threads cross then you’ll put this one on the other side. Alright so let me see now 1 ½ by 9 ½ make sure that’s right. 1 ½ by 9 ½. Yep that’s right. And so I’m going to put this on here and mine looks like it’s going to be just a little bit big so I’m going to put it on this way which means I’m going to be able to look at my points. So we’re going to start here. Let the feed dogs do their work. I’ll keep kind of a firm hand on this top one. I’m going to sew down here, watch to make sure I don’t lose my point. Perfect. Pretty sure those are going to come out just, oh perfect. How did I do on that pink one? Did I lose any points? Misty: It looks really good. There’s just a couple that got cut off. Jenny: Don’t tell. Misty: I won’t. Jenny: Just don’t tell. Misty: Your secret is safe with me. Jenny: The secret is safe. Alright let’s see. Are those the only two we sew the pieces on. It looks like I have the yellow legs. Oh no the green legs get one on the top. So there’s my green legs and there’s my top right here and this is going to be a 1 ½ by 8 ½. Let me make sure. From the 1 ½ inch strip, 1 ½ by 8 ½. Alright. And I don’t know if you guys measure like this but this makes so much sense to me visually to come along here and see my 1 ½ by 8 ½. And then this is going to go on the top of this one. And I’m just going to sew and let me look at my point. Let me see how much room I have here. You know what, I’m going to be golden on this one. Let me make sure I’ve got enough. Alright now my top, my little strip is hanging over a little bit so this is a little trick. I’ve sewn half. I’m going to flip it over and sew the other half on the bottom because I want it to be exact. And again the feed dogs will just take in that little extra. And let’s look at it and make sure. See no fold, no pleat but that’s going to square up your block a little bit because maybe my block was just a little shy. Alright so here’s that one. Green. Now the other one is the golden legs. Alright so the golden one looks like it has no strips around it at all. But I’m noticing that I have this 2 ½ inch piece right here still and so I’m looking. And look on our pink one right here. So on the pattern you can see it has the 2 ½ on the bottom and another white one on this side. So don’t miss that. So if you ever have extra fabric, you know, take a look at those because it’s possible, you know, it could have been on there and you not saw it. So I notice, I’m like wait a minute, I have this. So here it is on the bottom of the pink one. So on this pink one now we’re going to add a strip over here. And it looks like it should be 1 ½ by 10 ½. And the bottom one should be 2 ½ by 11 ½. So let’s cut this one, 1 ½ by 10 ½. And now if you were to happen to cut this wrong, let’s say you made a mistake and cut it an inch short, what could you do? You could actually sew these pieces back together and recut it. You don’t have to die because you don’t have a piece. Don’t you know, if you have to do a little extra cut just don’t die over that. I mean, you know, if you have a little extra seam in there, that’s probably one of my favorite things about antique quilts is when they made a mistake or they didn’t have enough fabric, they would make tiny little seams to make that piece fit. I don’t mind that one bit. Alright, let me see. But I don’t want to cut it wrong so let me look again. 2 ½ by 11 ½. But if you did, let’s just say, if you did and you had to put a tiny seam in this one, you know, to make, to make the seam long enough nobody is going to see that. Nobody is going to see it. Alright 2 ½ by 11 ½. Alright. So this one we’re going to put on the side of this. I’m so glad I noticed that 2 ½ inch strip. And we’re going to, I’m going to go ahead and flip this over and do it on the bottom. It’s not that it’s too long, it looks like it fits but it looks like it’s got a little bit of wiggle room. Oh I didn’t look to see if I’m putting it on the right side. Let me look. Let me look here. We’re on this side. Here’s our pink over here. Nope I’m putting it on the wrong side. Oof, there we go. Now, so it goes on this side. Let’s make sure. Again I’m pretty sure that wouldn’t have mattered but, you know, I”m trying to do my best for you guys. I’m such a shoot from the hip sewer. Like, it’s all going to be fine. It’s going to be fine. And I’m trying to follow the directions and read the pattern. You know, you know me I’m just doing my best. Alright let’s see how this one is going to fit on here. Oh that one is going to be perfect. Alright so now I”m going to sew this one, wait let me make sure it’s on the right side. Pink at the top, this one. Yep. First time, right side. I love it when a plan comes together. And again these little borders when you’re making your block, these little borders are important to do now because when you go to put the quilt together it’s going to say put this one here and this one here. So look how pretty this is. Alright, let’s see how they work in the quilt. Here’s our gold one, here’s our green one, here’s our yellow legs and here’s our little bordered one with the pink right here. And so here’s our big one right up here in the corner. And you don’t have to worry about where they go yet for real because we’re just going to put them in a pile and we’ll put all those together in month 11. And so we’re going to put some extra comments on to try and answer some of your questions, give you some more tips and tricks. So watch that Facebook group. Join that if you’re not a part of that because that’s a really, it’s a fun group, great, great quilters on there. Lots of good ideas and it’s fun to see what everybody is doing and all the different fabrics. So thanks for joining us for the All Stars Block of the Month, month two and we will see you next time.
Channel: Missouri Star Quilt Company
Views: 263,794
Rating: 4.9022689 out of 5
Keywords: MSQC, Missouri Star Quilt Company, Missouri Star, Jenny Doan, quilting, quilt, quilt tutorial, quilting tutorial, free quilting tutorial, sewing, sewing tutorial, quilting precuts, sewing fabric, how to quilt, learn to quilt, quilting lessons, free quilt class, free quilting classes, how to sew, all stars block of the month, missouri star block of the month, all stars block of the month tutorials, block of the month quilt, star patch quilt, four-patch stars quilt, star quilt
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 46sec (3826 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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