Month 5: All Stars Block Of The Month with Jenny Doan of Missouri Star Quilt Co (Video Tutorial)

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[Music] right hi everybody it's Jenny from the Missouri star quilt company and it is month five we are doing so good month five and this is the month five box and we are gonna open it up and see what is inside you know I'd love to know what you guys are doing with these boxes they're so dang cute I'll tell you what I did I actually sent some things to a little group I'm in and use these boxes to send it in there great for mailing and it's fun okay so here's our pattern for the month and this month we are making the morning star the morning star is actually down here right behind me this bottom star up here right here but I have it big over there and this is one I think for some of you it's gonna strike fear into your heart but never fear we are gonna walk through this and I'm gonna show you and when you do it you are gonna be amazed that you did this I mean we all have quilts we all have blocks where we look at them we go I can't believe I did this and this is actually one of those blocks for me all right so let's see what's in our box we have some strips here we have a green a blue and two Pink's so here's our green our two Pink's and a blue and we have some 10 inch squares so we're getting all of our goodies out of our box and then we're gonna look at our pattern and we're gonna start from there so month five this is the morning star now if you haven't seen this video the morning star video it is a great tutorial and a stunning quilt and I think you're gonna I think you're gonna be really proud of yourself when you finish up this month all right so let's open it up and our first instruction on here is cutting instruction and it's for our background squares and it says to take four of these background squares so we're going to count out four one two three four and we are going to cut them four of them to eight inches so let's get your gonna need you're gonna need your ruler you're gonna need a rotary cutter you know we've got you know just your normal stuff your mat and we're gonna lay this ruler on here and we're gonna count my ruler is five inches wide and this this is just how I count and so I'm like five six seven eight and I'm gonna go over here and we're gonna trim this part off right here and these I have a baggie for all my extra pieces and you're gonna have a couple of of good-sized background pieces leftover from this what kit so save those because you never know when you might need them to piece something again I'm going to cut this at eight so we're making four eight inch squares trim off right here my two inches and then it says to cut them on the diagonal once so I'm gonna line my ruler corner to corner like this and I'm just going to cut these once and then we're gonna stack these right over here all right now then it says take your remaining four ten inch squares and trim to six inches so we're gonna take our remaining 4 squares and I'm gonna come over here here's my five inches six inches right here we're gonna make this cut and see this is a pretty good-sized piece of leftover so you want to save that so that in case you need you know you may need a piece of the back eight background or maybe you know as we go along you'll cut something wrong and you'll be like in my baggy I have that extra piece so again six inches so this is a five inch ruler move it over one that's six inches make our cut save this piece and then again we're gonna cut diagonally corner to corner so far so good right we're doing this we got this alright so then again I'm going to take these and I'm going to stack these up here because we are gonna use these later all right now we're gonna sell some strip sets together and we have two pinks and a green and a blue now the picture on this pattern can be a little bit misleading because it only shows sewing the pink to the green but you're going to sew the pink to the green and then you're gonna sew a blue to a green so we have a green strip and a blue strip and we are going to sew each one of those to the pink background strip now in our pattern right here it shows just the green to the pink make sure you're gonna sell green to the pink and the blue to the pink those are two different strip sets so let's do that so I am going to put these right sides together my pink in my blue and it says to stagger them when you pin and I would say that would be important if you actually use the whole strip but we are not using the whole strip and so when I sewed these together I actually forgot and didn't stagger and it was just fine it was just fine so you can stagger if you want the staggering is because we're cutting them at an angle and they just want to help you save more fabric so if you're gonna stagger put it down about two about two and a half inches like this and then just sew them together if you forget like I did it's not going to matter at all because we have plenty of fabric for this block so I'm just gonna line mine up and I'm gonna sew right down the side and they're staying pretty nicely lined up all right this one is done and I'm gonna press it and I'm gonna press it my pink is on the top so I'm going to press it to that side and just lay that back so we press toward the pink on that and then we've got to sew our other set together and it's the green and the pink and again cuz I'm trying to do it right I will stagger you'll notice it's not as much of a stagger that's because I'm just a little bit of a rebel I put fabric rebel sometimes I crack my own self up line these up all right and again we're gonna press to the pink or the strawberry I think it's called the strawberry so just lift that up and and roll it back on your you know when you're pressing it and make sure that your seam goes toward the strawberry side and let me make sure my seam is going toward the strawberry side right here on this end bees all right and so then you should have two sets that look like this and now we get to cut and I am going to show you two different ways to do that so if you have a ruler any ruler that you have this is ours most of these long rulers will have a 45-degree marking line of them and you can use that to trim so what you're going to do basically is you're gonna line up this 45 line on the top of your fabric like this so I'm gonna slide it down to the end and I am going to make this cut so you can see my line right here lines up right along the edge of the fabric and I'm gonna make this cut this then becomes waste and oh I made it into the trash that was good and then we're just going to move this over two-and-a-half like this so these segments are cut at two-and-a-half on the 45 which means the slant so again my line is up here my two-and-a-half is right here I can see one two and a half right here and you this is I'm showing you this so that you can do it with any ruler that you have like even if you have like these big rulers like this see how they have all these degree marks on them that's what they're for this this kind of 45 cutting in that sort of thing but I love to use the bias binding ruler now this ruler is made for cutting binding on the bias but for me this makes it so easy so I have a thing with I have a thing with lines when there's a lot of lines or too many lines or whatever it just my vision I can't find where I'm supposed to cut so this ruler is super super helpful to me first of all it lines that run both directions and and you can line it up from several places so here's what I'm going to do right here I'm going to lay this ruler on here and and we're gonna go in a little bit closer so you can see how this lines up now see how it lines up on the seam here it lines up on the bottom edge here and it lines up here and it's exactly two and a half inches wide so I don't have to I don't have to count over squares you know on this one you have to like it's turned and you have to count over your squares I'm just cutting the width of the ruler and that's what makes this one really easy for me so I'm just gonna go along here now and I'm gonna cut and I'm gonna cut eight of these segments and so we're just gonna keep moving along oh let me tell you one other thing while we're talking about this for you who are not left-handed for you right handers out there now this this is a UPS hang on I'm cutting my cord for you who are right-handed out there you're gonna cut from the exact opposite direction I've been cutting all from this side going this way you will cut this way this will be the natural way that this will line up for you and you will cut this way and you'll see that these things they line up just the same and you'll you'll cut from this direction like this and you'll cut this way and that will be natural to you what I want you to do is depending upon what hand you used to cut with do what feels the most natural to you don't ever get in the habit of trying to do you know this or this if you're doing that flip your strip over and cut from the other side because that will make way more sense to your brain so we're just going to go along here and I have two of those cut and I'm going to continue to match up one of the things I love about this bias ruler is this right here you know it like if you need to it's easier to store because it's got this fold in it this is my friend Susan Brown who has TQM products and I just think this is a genius little product so we are going to keep cutting these little segments like this and I just sounded like a commercial I apologize but but sometimes it's nice to know what really works there's four and we need eight of each color so here is lined up six and it also helps when you're cutting on the diagonal to have a nice sharp blade one more and see how you have this I'm just cutting one more off of this and see how you have this piece left over I haven't quite decided what to do with these pieces yet but you can bet I didn't throw it out all right so now you have this piece left over you have eight of these and now we're going to cut from the green and so again I'm just going to start here and I'm going to trim off my come as close as I can to the edge right here and still have a whole piece and then this is our waste and then we come from here and we're going to cut eight of these as well so one over here and honestly this this cutting once you get the knack of this ya know it's just it's just lickety-split it's just like cutting a strip what do I have Oh throw that one away one two three four make sure I'm lined up five six it's getting too far away from me out of the way over here seven and leftover piece here's these alright now we have to put our little diamonds apart now for me this is the most challenging part and you're going to take one of each but what we're going to do is we're going to we want to make sure that our green and our blue color are at either end so this is your green out here this is your blue this is your little diamond so the two Pink's are side by side and it's easy if that confused and so you want to line them up so that you have a a green at the end and a blue at the end now they will line up beautifully you know if you do them wait now I'm angrily challenged wait for it now I can't get it wrong I'm trying to do it wrong alright anyway we're gonna do it right oh oh like this so see nope that's right because you have a colored each end so yesterday I have to tell you yesterday I was sewing practicing you know for you guys so I would get it right I literally took one apart six times because it didn't so if you have to take it apart don't feel bad even I had to take it apart and and I don't mind that all right so you're gonna line these up so you know which direction they go your color your green and your blue are at either end it doesn't matter what end it just met means that they're in your two strawberry colors are side to side then you're gonna lay this back on each other and it's this part is the part where you want to come in you want to check really closely to make sure it lines up and the first time when you start doing this I would definitely pay close attention so you want to have your quarter of an inch hanging off of either end if I'm worried about this I'm gonna stick a pin in here and my quarter inch seam sideways like this and I'm gonna open this up and see if it's going to line up and this one looks like it's gonna line up pretty good and that is dependent on that quarter of an inch little dog ear on either end there so let's go ahead and sew this together and we're gonna see we're gonna see how well this lined up and I'm just gonna watch that I have my quarter of an inch hanging over this side and put my presser foot down now another thing on this if you're worried about sewing these together because you might have to take them out set your set your stitch length a little bigger so that it's easier to pull out you know people I say what size stitch lengths do you sew with well I'm gonna sew probably closer to a three than I am to a two because I want it to be easy to take out and if it is if it's tiny you're gonna really struggle with that so so a little bit bigger stitch and then if you want to go back and reinforce them you can but I also know that I'm gonna have this quilted and a quilters going to put 80 million stitches all over this thing and it's not going to go anywhere so I I'm sewing down the side of this quarter of an inch in and I am going to just iron this and then we're gonna see if we are surprised or devastated we are so happy at this moment look how perfect that is all right now we just have to do that eight more times or seven more times alright so now we've got these two right here Oh see what's happened here now somehow now I can make the mistake there two Pink's are at either end we do not want that we want our greens at the other end so we're gonna go this way put it on the other side why could I not do that minute ago that's so funny all right now we're gonna lay this over we're gonna have a quarter inch stick off in each end and I'm just going to try it with no pin and see how close I get quarter of an inch and let's look the big reveal oh they matched up perfect yay that quarter of an inch is the key although yesterday I seriously don't know what was happening with that one because I couldn't get it to line up to save my life nope yes there we go alright so now we're gonna do this again quarter of an inch here quarter of an inch on the top now whenever you have something that looks like mmm that may not that one looks like it's sticking out a little more that's the time you want to put that pin in and check check and see if it's actually gonna line up this one I have a little more over here than I do on here but it looks mmm I think it's gonna be alright so I'm going to sew that down living on the edge now living on the edge let's make sure see here oh one of the things well let's just do this in alright let's look at it now okay this is a hair off right here just a hair off let me iron it so you can see oh no it's not I just don't have it pressed laughs so this one looks good as well if it were if it were you know I was thinking what I would tell you is if it's a hair off I'm not gonna die over that but I'm you know we're gonna we're gonna add that to the pile so let's go ahead and put a few more of these together and pink side aside and yes I literally I have to say that oh I know what I was going to talk about so when you press these the pressing is really important on this and you want to make sure that you have no folds you know when you press your strip set open you want to make sure that this is really pressed open because if there's a little fold in here it's gonna affect whether or not you have a dog ear hanging off and we want to have the dog ears hanging off so wait for it there we go and yes I do that every time so don't feel bad if you have to do that as well so I have my dog your hanging off quarter of an inch on either side and this one looks pretty good like it's just going to lace I also remember you've cut these on the bias when you cut on the 45 that's the bias when you cut on the bias it makes things stretchy you know so there's a little more stretch to it then then perhaps we'd like if you feel like yesterday I did this especially with the one that I took out several times wait there we go so what I did after you know I had one that I took out I know six or seven times but who's bragging right you know and so what I did was I ended up putting a little spray starch on it like this and and pressing it so that it was nice and flat and it gave it a little bit of stiffness you know held together really I feel I just feel like it has a little bit of substance to it and you know they feel you can feel them they feel a little stiffer and we're gonna line this up right here now and and so then I don't know it just kind of laid better and so I'm the one I was having trouble with it really helped to put a little starch on that so if you find you're having trouble with your points try the starch or the best press or whatever it is you're using and and then you can look and see now this looks like it's quarter of an inch off either end looks like it's gonna line up I peeked now this quarter of an inch down here on the end of this one it looks a little big so I'm not sure no we're still okay I thought maybe it would be off a little bit you know what's interesting yesterday I made my I made my one for this block five and I went ahead and made my red white and blue one as well and this one went together like butter I mean just every piece I got so confident I went to do that red white blue one there I bounced with several things that happened on that one it was a little bit of a little bit of a battle on that one okay so this one it's like I've got a big quarter of an inch down here and a little one down here but if I move it I'm gonna lose it so I'm gonna press this one again make sure that I've got it open all the way give it a little bit of starch right there at the seam and this is actually I learned this from making the the red white and blue one I did yesterday because if it does it if it's not lining up right there's a reason because generally you've cut them all fairly close I'm gonna relay it up this way quarter of an inch and see now I barely have let's look at this closely I barely have it sticking over here and I have a lot sticking over here but if I move this one so I have less I'm gonna lose this one altogether so I'm gonna push it back a little bit and this is one I'm gonna put a pin in and see so I'm pinning it at the quarter-inch line where I would sew on a quarter of an inch so I'm gonna open it up and it looks okay so I'm gonna go ahead and sew that I'll leave the pin in until I get a few stitches and then take that pin out and and honestly for me every every time I do one of these I'm just like please let it work so yeah that's still good all right so we're getting a pile of them here we only have two more to go colors at the top and bottom pink sideways let's line this up so a quarter of an inch down and remember so because it's on the bias it's going to be stretchy so you don't want to pull these you don't want to you don't want to I mean they can stretch so easily and you just want to sew a little careful a little more carefully whenever you have anything that's on the bias this one looks like it might be a little off nope it's still good woohoo alright last one here we go we're gonna lay those together we're gonna put it our little dog ears are sticking out a quarter of an inch on either side we're gonna sew a quarter of an inch right down the side these are all of our star legs alright let's take a look see how we did I just can't believe how well this went this doesn't usually happen to me especially on camera all right so now what I want you to do is we have eight of these I want you to put them in two piles so we're gonna have a pile here of four and a pile of four over here and line your points up so they're all going the same direction like this and I've got my green at the top let's see how do we do this yep our green is the is the is the outside part of the point whatever you want this outside point right here whatever color you know if you're when you're making these you have to think about what color you want your middle because mine are gonna go together like this now and that middle star is gonna be blue so you have to think about what color you want your middle and what color you want your points and so now we're gonna separate these in the two piles and we're going to take our triangles that we've cut and I'm just going to press these so they're flat and each pile will get one of the sixes and one of the eight oops like this and this will help you to as you're putting them together it just helps keep things lined up so that you know you have to do four because when we put these together we're putting together a side that goes to the left and a side that goes to the right and nope they will go together to form the whole star so right now I'm going to pull this side over here and let's turn the page on our pattern so we're on page four and oh and it has us so right down here in the middle we are going to take and we are going to sew our six and a half inch block that we cut on the diagonal we're going to take the long side of that piece and we are going to sew it on to where the green point is on on this side right here so this block is going to go on this side like this now when you put this on you're gonna lay this over and again you're gonna watch for a quarter-inch dog-ear right down here it's going to come way off the top over here that's okay it's going to come way off the top and we're going to just sew this on like this now you can chain piece these we're going to do the same thing to all four of these and so we're just going to sew this on like this and I just go ahead and sew down to the end and then I just going to kind of lay these here where I they go and then I'm going to grab another one of these and I'm just going to chain piece all of these so again right sides together the fabric this point right here is going to hang off just a quarter of an inch right here and we're going to slide that up under our needle and make sure the this the longest side is lined up with the edge of the diamond and again we're gonna do the same thing here and quarter inch little hang over and then make sure that it's lined up so 1/4 inch down the side there's up there's the back we got to put it right sides together and sew it on there all right all right so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna clip these apart and then we're gonna press them open like this and just I lay my I lay my background fabric on the top and I'm just gonna roll that back and we're gonna do this to all four of these now normally this block this is a little interesting fact normally this block is is has a YC minute it has you know the corner block has a little Y seam and I don't particularly love the Y seams so I decided to make it without the Y seam which I to me makes it easier I hope it helps you alright so now we have this side of our diamond but it's got this weird wonky thing over here and we're just gonna cut this off straight so you're gonna lay your ruler straight like this along the edge and just cut that off straight now we can turn this if you want if this is if you prefer to keep your ruler on your fabric and lay that ruler right along the edge of the fabric and just trim this off and we're just doing this to all four of these and we're gonna keep them in our little stack I actually like to lay my ruler along the edge and then sometimes I will do this one and I'll come down and catch that little dog here if I remember sometimes people I say do you trim your dog ears off if I remember nobody looks inside my quilt alright so now we have four of these done and we're ready to add the other side so now we have our big 8-inch square that we've cut on the diagonal triangle and for this one we are going to use this backside right here and so we're going to put this we're going to take our diamond right here and we're going to put it just like this and line that up your quarter of an inch is gonna be down here and this is going to come up now we're gonna square up this block in the end so on this particular one it actually fits right at the top but I had a lot of mine where they were off a little bit or stuck out a little bit that doesn't matter because we're just going to sew those we're gonna we're gonna trim up the whole block and so we're going to make this one like this and so again we're just going to take our piece look at the you know the short side and you should it should be able to fit and should make like a big triangle like this and so I'm gonna lay this on here you make sure that your quarter inch is sticking over on this side and then it goes right up to the top here so let's sew that on again and this can get confusing because on the other side we use this inner side and on this side we use the outer side so here's my outer side and I'm going to just sew this right down the side make sure I'm still lined up and one more on this side and we are there we go this way alright and now we're going to clip these apart and press them open and then we'll do the other side so we are halfway there all right so set these aside and now we're gonna do the other set now the other set has to go exactly the opposite so they'll sew together and for those of you who are angly challenged like I am this can be a deal and so I actually keep my block right here where I can see it and do everything the opposite way and so I'm gonna sew my little square on this side now and and again I'm just gonna watch my quarter of an inch down here on the bottom and it's easier for me to sew these where the square is on the bottom and I'm lining up my little quarter inch here and sewing down when I sewed on the other side the white block was on the top but it doesn't matter either way will work so do what works best for your we all different brains do it works best and again we're sewing on the long side of our six inch square that we've cut on the diagonal we're making sure that we have a little quarter inch sticking out down there and we are going to sew up on this side making sure that we're sewing to the point that we want to be the outer point this inner point down here we're not sewing anything to that only to the green and so then I'm just gonna bring these little half half squares over here and I'm gonna put this one on here and I'm going to make sure that my quarter inch is down there and you can see I'm looking at that other block to make sure that I'm doing them the same that is one of the things that I'm a rote sower so sadly if I make a mistake I'm gonna make that mistake forty-two times because I'm doing it just like the other one but this one is right so we go right down the side here here's the next piece and this one and we are green at the top at my top anyway and one more green at the top my little quart of an interest right there line it up and all right I kind of veered off a little bit there I was looking to see if it was going to be too big if I needed to like fix that seam but I think it's going to be all right if anything my seams tend to get a little narrow so I think I'm okay all right so I'm gonna iron that press all these back all right so oh so now I have this whole pile of them and I'm gonna look and make sure that yes indeed I did get it going the other way and that's good and now we're going to come along and cut off this little this little extra part right here and we're gonna do that on all of them the end of our triangle and I'm just gonna lay my ruler right along the edge and cut it straight up put this over here make my little stack just like that all right now we're ready to add our big triangle to the other side and again we're going to use the back edge on this one not the long one but the short edge and it's going to go on this side and so again I'm going to take my piece I'm going to take my triangle like this I'm going to make sure that my quarter of an inch hangover is happening down here and you can see on on these it fit almost exactly now on this one I've got probably a half an inch up here I am not at all sure why this happens I don't have any idea but it does and that's why we're gonna square up at the end so it doesn't matter and I'm actually glad this is I'm am able to show you this so that you can see that because on the picture you can see it shows it sticking up a little bit and for me like on some of them it sticks up and some of them it doesn't so it's one of the mysteries of the universe and you know to be honest I really don't care I'm just really don't care why because I'm gonna square it up so we're gonna do that on this one as well so down the side line it up along the edge and here's this one and I I try really hard to keep my triangle laying the way I need it to go so that I don't I don't get it on there wrong because I am such a rote sower and one more and two got to turn that like three times all right make sure you leave your quarter of an inch your little dog dog ears hanging over down here what that does is it helps line up so that when you know when you're sewing an angle it'll keep your seams all straight and you have less less of that trimming to worry about all right so now we're going to iron this open like this and I'm pressing these so the seam goes to the background fabric I'm not sure if it says which way to press but that's what I'm doing at this point all right so now we get to put these together and make our stars so this is pretty exciting we're at a pretty exciting time so now we're at the most exciting part we get to sew the star together and what we're gonna do is we're going to take one from each pile our long triangles lay them together just like this we're gonna lay this on top of each other and I'm gonna start from the point right down here because this is the part I want to line up and what you're gonna do is you are going to match up so you want this to match you want these to match up here and you can see that if you lay them right on top of each other they will match up very nicely you might have a little bit of difference down here that's not going to really matter it's these little junctions you want to line up and so we're just going to watch those and we are going to sew all four of these together and I'm just gonna look and make sure this is lined up they will lay right on top of each other and so if you you know your seams are actually going the same direction on these when you lay them up when you lay them on top of each other and so it doesn't bother me but if that bothers you you could press one one one way or one the other or even iron him open I know a lot of people when they make these types of stars iron all there seems open not me and so then let me show you this before we get on to the others see we have a whole quarter this is one quarter of our star and we're just going to press this and because we lined up those those little themes see how they see how they line up so perfect I don't know whether to show you this way I'll show you this way but they line up just perfectly and we are gonna do that with the rest of ours and again I tend to like to start from the this blue point down here and but I make sure these are lined up on top of each other before I even start so I'm gonna look in here make sure these are lined up exactly one same one way one's seen the other and you can see I have a little bit of difference down here but that's not going to really matter and so I'm just going to sew a quarter of an inch and make sure this stays lined up this takes a little bit of patience and and if you need to make those fit you know they have the bias so they have a little bit of give to them and you can make those fit now if yours that are off at all that has to do with your quarter inch seam and if you're worried about that what you want to do is you want to practice that quarter inch seam before you start if you're worried about making this block I would make it out of your scrap blocks first you know I would I would just try one to get comfortable with it yesterday when when I was practicing you know because what I do is like I'll make the block and I'll make the whole quilt and I'll make the whole tutorial but once that's gone it's out of my brain I don't think about it anymore so when I get ready to teach it again I always have to go and I always do another practice one so that I can make sure I'm remembering what I was doing because I have a I have a very busy brain that does it remember you know it just can only remember what it can remember so I have to go do it and so I always start on a scrap just to make sure unless I'm feeling super-confident which I sometimes do all right and we have why not more of these corners to sew together I'm just gonna line it up and I look at this one to make sure it's lined up right and then I'm just gonna line these up do my quarter of an inch make sure these are lined up that's actually this is one of the reasons why I really like the bias because you can make it behave you know you do have to be careful that you can make it behave all right now we're gonna press all of these open and we are gonna be able to assemble our star now as I'm pressing these I'm looking to make sure that my points lined up if my points didn't line up I would take them apart and adjust them because you want a pretty star at the end and that's something with this block that is something you'll notice and so I always look to make sure that my points have lined up fairly nicely now on this one right here see this right here where this is a little off that is not going to bother me I'm not gonna catch that you're not gonna see that in a quilt you're not going to notice that if your whole thing was really off it would bother me but that I'm okay with that but I'm okay with a little a little imperfection you know so you know there are people out there who are not and that's okay that's your personality I mean that's just what you do I'm okay with a little imperfection and I just don't die over that stuff so if you do it's okay it really is okay we're all different sewers alright now we're ready to put these together like this and it's going to go together like a four patch and again I'm gonna lay these right sides together and this time now you can actually push your seam one way you know you have a seam that goes one way and a seam that goes the other so that it lines up nicely and this one looks like it's going to and then I'm gonna where I'm sewing I'm gonna check to make sure again that these two pieces are going to line up now see how there's a little little tiny bit of a gap here if you ever have a little gap like that put that part on the bottom because the feed dogs take in more fabric on the bottom than it does on the top and that will just ease that in you'll be amazed at how that works that's one of the one of the best sewing tricks ever is you just gonna have to I'm actually gonna press this seam this other direction I think that will help me a lot so we're gonna roll that the other way and then I'm gonna lay this on here and it should lay much nicer nest up my themes and make sure these line up real nice alright now I always anchor it then I'm going to come and check this first Junction right here wait a minute I'm a little bit off down here my my my little point wasn't quite right where it needed to be there we go check this one pull these back together make sure they're lined up nice and then make sure these like alright now we're gonna open this and take a look at it up that went together very nicely you can see I'm off a little bit right here and honestly let me press this and I'm gonna shave that edge off because that's a little bit bigger than a quarter of an inch so I'm gonna take my ruler just right here and I'm just gonna kind of leave it on this pite and I'm just gonna shave this little middle right here just barely just enough so that lines up and it will continue on with my star now I'm gonna put these other two pieces together like this and then we'll sew this whole half together alright now these two are matching up very nicely so we're going to put those together like that and then I'm gonna make these line up here and make these line up here so down to the end then I'm gonna press this so it's nice and flat and this well you know if yours is a little wonky or whatever you'll be surprised it all just kind of comes together this one has a little bit of that wonk to it I'm just going to trim it just a little bit just shave it so that my my seam will lay a little flatter and see it's just this tiny little bit that I'm making it nice and straight we're gonna put these together fold them in half and now here's a little trick that I do because I want to I want mine to line up and I want to make sure that it's it's gonna gonna line up nice and go straight I'm actually gonna put these together and I'm going to sew from the middle out on this side and the middle out on that side and so for me that's helpful in lining it up if I start at an end and it's not quite right you know it then you have a lot of ripping to do I don't like to do that ripping so I'm going to start from the middle right here and I'm going to sew down and I'm gonna line everything up as I go along so make sure they stay together line them up make sure they stay together and then I'm going to put this up here now I'm just gonna flip flip it over and I'm gonna come back to the middle and I'm gonna sew down the other side and whenever I really want to make sure that I am lining things up well and it's gonna fit and work I do it this way I'll start from the center point and sew out that actually is total personal preference I mean that if there's no rule about that but for me it works it works very well so then we're just going to sew down this and here's our star and now we get to press it and we are going to starch this baby we are gonna spray starch the heck out of it so that it lays nice and flat some of you will have a block where you put it together and it's that aha moment that rarely happens for me so I want to make it lay nice and flat and you can do that with a little heat a little steam a little starch and I you know that's one of my criteria for an iron as' I want good steam you know I want to be able to push that steam button and really make it work and if yours is a little bit wonky don't worry when you get it in your quilt at the end it will quilt down very nicely so here's my star and see see that looks real pretty and so back here you know like if you want to come along you feel like maybe there's bulk maybe there's a little rise there in the middle you can open up these seams and press I'm open I'm not going to worry about that but I am going to worry about squaring up my block so this block has to be squared and it's sometimes it's hard to square up a big block but this one has to be squared let me see what it says it says it's 20 and a half unfinished and 20 finished I speak unfinished I don't speak finished so so when you go to cut a big block like this I mean 20 and a half seems like overwhelming so what we want to do is we're going to go ten and a quarter from this center seam so I'm lined up on my Center seam and I'm gonna line my Center seam up on a straight line and mine's gonna be the mine right here it says 23 on both sides and so that helps me when I come out here to the edge and so I know that this ruler is six inches and so I'm going to go 7 8 9 10 and 1/4 and so here we are at 1010 and 1/4 and 1/4 and then measure twice cut once make sure that because you cut off a little chunk of this you know so make sure that make sure your measurement is pretty close so because I'm left-handed and I like to cut from this side I'm gonna cut you know I'm going to turn my block and cut it all 4 times I'm just going to keep turning and cutting and turning and cutting and that's just because I'm more comfortable cutting on this side so again here I am at the 10 and I'm going to come over I'm going to map the 6 I'm going to come over 1 2 3 4 that makes 10 and a quarter and I'm going to line it up on the other end make sure we're all nice and straight lined up and we're gonna come down and then we're gonna turn it this way and do the same thing so I'm gonna again I'm going to line up my block so make sure my center seam is it doesn't matter what line it's on because you're just going to count ten and a quarter from that Center seam so we've got six seven eight nine ten and a quarter here we go and ten and a quarter and you want to look and make sure that you have plenty of room for your star points down here this is a pretty forgiving block as far as what we're trimming off on the outside edge here and you should have plenty of room for those star points but if they're not all exactly the same that's that's not going to matter either in the scheme of things you know we're looking at a big quilt one block in a big quilt and need to line up this right here in the middle like that and then I'm going to come over six seven eight nine ten and a quarter and ten and a quarter is that right 13 and 13 sometimes on your mat make sure make sure you're at the right number side to side before you make that cut so I'm at 23 here and this is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 and a quarter and we're just going to trim this off and that's our last cut and our star it's done and I think I think you should like be so proud of yourself about this point so if you want to pick my block apart I'm a little off here I'm a little little wavy here this stands up a little more here you know if you want to pick all these things apart but honestly at the end of the day at the end of making this I am super proud of myself because I think this looks like a great block and when you sit in a in a quilt right here they quilt right over the top of it I mean their quilting right over the top of it it's all gonna lay down it's all gonna be beautiful one of the things I worried about is that like right here in this corner right here see this seam doesn't come right out to the edge because of how we squared it it doesn't matter this one does this one almost does this one almost does but because your backgrounds are all the same none of that's going to show so for me that is completely I don't worry about it I'm not stressing about it I'm not even you know I'm not even gonna think twice about it so let me look at the one I made yesterday let me get that down here for you guys and let's kind of do a comparison and I pretty I'm sure I made all the same mistakes so at least I've consistent right these seem to line up pretty good I do feel like I have a hair of a curve here going on here but I'm super linear but it won't show because my colors are all matched up so I just want you guys to be kind to yourself when you saw this if this is the first time like me if this is the first time you've ever made a block like this I mean just know that this is a huge accomplishment and the fact that wherever you are right now you're just going to get better and better I just think that speaks volumes for our learning and our learning curve and how we learn and so I hope you enjoyed this I hope this you're able to accomplish this I can't wait to see what you do I think I should let me show you my star one so this is my this is my red white blue you guys know I'm working on another one last month I didn't have it ready for you this month I did but one of these star pieces so I can literally smooth this out and it looks pretty good but one of these I literally took apart seven times one of these to get the edges right and and but at the end of the day you know what I hung it up on my design wall and I was just like this is gonna look okay and see I mean even these corners the seam doesn't go exactly out to the edge I'm sure it's because of how I trimmed it that that happened and it's a little bit more lumpy in the middle but this is gonna once I get this block into the quilt and get the quote quilted that's gonna go away and so I'm not gonna worry about that at all so no stress over that I think it looks pretty fun it brings in a little more of the yellow you remember I told you I wasn't sure if I wanted the yellow in there Natalie saw it yesterday and she's like mom why did you put that yellow in there and I said well I'm trying to add a third color and so when I got out all my blocks and I just started playing with them and put them on the board and and I think I'm gonna keep the yellow I think it adds I'm gonna definitely add it to a couple of more blocks as we go along but I think that it's I think it's gonna look cool so I also think I may start doing one of these in Halloween because I just love the Halloween ones anyway I think this is really fun I hope you feel super proud of yourself give it a try I mean even if you're scared practice on your practice fabric give it a try and see what happens so don't forget we always do a live Q&A so if you have any questions or there was something I didn't show you in making this block that you want to see make sure that you remember those and we'll answer them in the life so have a good time have a wonderful month and we will see you next month for block six we'll see you later [Music]
Channel: Missouri Star Quilt Company
Views: 168,186
Rating: 4.9229121 out of 5
Keywords: MSQC, Missouri Star Quilt Company, Missouri Star, Jenny Doan, quilting, quilt, quilt tutorial, quilting tutorial, free quilting tutorial, sewing, sewing tutorial, quilting precuts, pre-cut fabric, sewing fabric, quilting lessons, free quilting, free quilting classes, all stars block of the month quilt, all stars quilt, block of the month quilt, all stars bom, all stars bom quilt, morning star block, lone star quilt block, how to make a lone star block, how to make a lone star
Id: Gkm6C-UbPt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 37sec (3397 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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