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oh there you are just out here Montezuma Creek making some memories how's it going well we made it down to Montezuma Creek down here driving along there's a bunch of petroglyphs along these cliffs right here so gonna get a couple of them on camera it's our last day of the trip or heading home now some of these I think are more modern because as you can see they got John Wayne on his horse up there of course this was where the real West was but this horse right here has got to be more modern I'm gonna Buffalo I'm not sure if we had Buffalo running up and down Montezuma Creek I think these are older ones right in here this guy on top of a guy and looks like he's got a bird on his head so this might be old basket weaver another guy right there you see some of those sands come down from the top covered him up a little bit but still pretty good specimen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] size six was right here [Music] [Music] [Music] one two three five ruins are soul winning there they must have had two separate ladders to get up to that come down the lower one that one lit up again to another one [Music] so this mound as you drive up Montezuma true numerous ones of easy [Music] Jinxy what was in there in the name sign [Music] yeah that's been restored [Music] we climbed to the light into another world [Music] [Music] okay I'm headed to a spot that day yeah which was a kid and as I remember it it was kind of like a Stonehenge Anasazi Stonehenge the kid came here probably 13 or 14 years old 15 years ago anyway I'm looking for it in sight and seeing this spot again I can see that there was a huge Billy chip on top of this little beaut right here so Mesa looks like like a Masada so that's gonna be fun get up in here see what we can see [Music] so here's a nice round room right here with some of the biggest rocks I've seen stacked Southwest and here are the other stacked rocks that are on hand that I remember as a kid and now I look at it looks like it's part of a wall wondering if this which direction this faces to get my GPS out check it out but you can see there was a huge complex here BBQing check this one out so it's hard to imagine the amount of strain [Music] wildlife resources around here with this large of a complex here and this is this is huge and where I'm standing I'm sure I could see that's a good shot over to there we're all up on the top up there [Music] so you see the line here [Music] from there [Music] [Music] okay so I'm gonna see if I can see which way this faces our GPS so I'm trying to shade this and it looks like this line straight that's what I thought just like that medicine will I found [Music] [Music] [Music] come on dear just play [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Derek Hunwick
Views: 165,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: petroglyphs, indian ruins, montezuma's treasure, four corners, Bears Ears, Cedar Mesa, montezuma, pictographs, anasazi
Id: 6Wth79pkwbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2019
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