MASSIVE HUMANOID BONES Found in the Ozarks | Search for Lost Giants (S1, E2) | Full Episode

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[music playing] NARRATOR: Tonight on "Search for the Lost Giants." JIM VIEIRA: The account, it's like a treasure map. It's going to be some work. Look up there. Wow. There's an 8-foot giant dug out right over there. JAMES CLARY: Wow, look at that. This is like a gold mine. JAMES CLARY: I can say without reservation, that's a game changer. BILL VIEIRA: Brad, Check this out. Jim, you're not going to believe what we found up here. To get to the bottom of this mystery, we got to go to the bottom of the lake. NARRATOR: For millennia, humankind has told tales of giants that once walked the Earth. JIM VIEIRA: Those are caves in Arkansas-- 9 foot, Provo, Utah, are 8 foot 6". NARRATOR: Jim Viera believes it may be more than just myth. JIM VIEIRA: It's big mystery. Where are the bones? NARRATOR: Jim and his brother, Bill-- Here we go, brother. NARRATOR: --want to get to the truth. JIM VIEIRA: It just seems it slipped through the hands of history. Whoa. Holy. Wow. That's wicked cool. BILL VIEIRA: Unbelievable. Whoa. JIM VIEIRA: Let's do it. [music playing] Ozarks-- Parks can't believe we're in the Deep South looking for Giants. It's amazing. Yeehaw. Oh man. NARRATOR: After spending years compiling historical accounts that point to the possibility of an ancient race of giants, brothers and stonemason's Jim and Bill Vieira are hitting the road, following a trail that they hope will lead them to evidence and the truth. BILL VIEIRA: You know, I'm excited. But I'm nervous. You know, you come all this way. You don't want to swing and a miss on this one, right? JIM VIEIRA: Yeah. NARRATOR: The brothers are tapping into their savings in order to dedicate two months to their quest, which began in their native New England, where they've investigated a mysterious structure in Western Massachusetts called the Goshen Tunnel. Inside, they may have uncovered a secret chamber that is similar to other sites where giant skeletons were allegedly found. They reported their findings to archaeologists at the University of Massachusetts hoping to interest the scientific establishment in conducting a full out excavation at the site. We're getting close. I'm totally pumped. NARRATOR: But the verdict will take time. So the brothers turn their attention to the next best lead they have-- two accounts of giant skeletons in the rugged Ozarks, where Native American lore says a race of cannibalistic giants once dwelled. Paiute Indians, the Shoshone, the Choctaw, the Cherokee-- they talk about an ancient enemy that they warred and they battled with-- cannibals that basically trapped and feasted on Native Americans. NARRATOR: But is it possible that these stories are more than mere legend? JIM VIEIRA: This is Gerard Fowke, the field explorer for the Smithsonian. BILL VIEIRA: Yep. He investigated hundreds of caves. And he found people living in them thousands of years ago. NARRATOR: During his exploration of caves in the Ozarks, archaeologist Gerard Fowke found multiple instances of cannibalism, human bones that had been cracked for the extraction of the marrow. Were these victims of an ancient giant enemy? Cannibalistic giants-- crazy. I know, it's-- it's pretty freaky is what it is. So there's a million clues here. This account is from the '30s-- summer '33. I mean, it's just like-- it feels like yesterday. NARRATOR: In 1933, a boy named Billy Harman was on a hike in the Ozarks of southwestern Missouri searching along the Merrimack River for arrowheads when he stumbled upon Puckett's Cave. Inside the cave, Billy unearthed a few treasured arrowheads. But as he continued to dig, he found something shocking-- the 8 and 1/2 foot frame of an Ozark Goliath. The Vieira's first step is to find the cave itself. Sweet. Yeah. NARRATOR: And Jim knows another giant hunter who says he has an idea where the cave is but has yet to explore it. JAMES CLARY: Hey. Sup, James. JAMES CLARY: Jim, how are you? Finally, we meet, bro. Yes, nice to meet you. BILL VIEIRA: James Clary saw Jimmy's presentations online. 9 foot, double rows of teeth, 9 foot high-- both more than 10 feet. BILL VIEIRA: And he contacted Jimmy. You can find these accounts in the historical records. You inspired me, your work. Awesome. Fellow giant hunter. JAMES CLARY: Absolutely, man. You ready? I'm fired up. Let's go, man. We're going to find it if we have to hack our way through to get there, I'm telling you. JIM VIEIRA: There's a lot of speculation about this being a cannibalized a giant. In different caves, they found cannibalistic behavior. Right. NARRATOR: Because this account is more recent, Jim and Bill are hoping to find not only corroborative proof that a skeleton was found here-- Look up there. NARRATOR: --but possibly eyewitnesses, photographs, and maybe even actual physical evidence. I'll go along and see if I can get up there. Whoa. Yeah. JIM VIEIRA: Thinking, as I hike up the bluff, of the ancient tribesmen who were here hunting deer or rabbit. And they're going up the bluff, chasing their prey. And they keep going up the bluff. Wow. And they realize they're at the front door of the giant. And they're the prey. I'm speechless. Very close to all the descriptions. BILL VIEIRA: Now it's time to verify to make sure that this is the cave. We've got to see if we can find the spot where they dug the skeleton up. Give me the report, Jim. A corner on the north wall formed the giant's tomb in this niche. Which way's the north, Bill? This is our north wall. It has to be. It could be anywhere along here. Let's see if we can find any evidence. We would be looking for a niche. JAMES CLARY: Whoa. Look at that over there, guys. This right here, there's a depression. It looks like it's been excavated. JIM VIEIRA: Whoa. Yep. BILL VIEIRA: There's a notch in the north wall, just like the account talks about. You could tell somebody took something out of there. There's soil all around the edges. NARRATOR: According to the account, the skeleton was found in a kneeling position-- it severed skull face down. Beside the body, an arrowhead, which the account speculates might have been the cause of the giants death. Why? What happened. In the Bible, you hear about Goliath killed by David. Maybe this giant ended up meeting a similar fate. NARRATOR: The writer of the account echoes Jim's analysis, drawing a comparison between this giant and Goliath and wondering if the creature was slain by a David of the Missouri hill country. BILL VIEIRA: Our giant could have come right out of this hole right here. JAMES CLARY: I'm thinking about that kid finding a skull. We have to come back, no question. It needs to be looked over with a fine-tooth comb. NARRATOR: The next day-- JIM VIEIRA: For your homework assignment, that's for you. Yes. He's read many accounts. NARRATOR: --James Clary's friend Brad H'Doubler joins the team. BRAD H'DOUBLER: Got some tools we can use. And I have a metal detector. Let's do it. Let's do it. Their plan is to split up. Nice, huh? Yeah. Yeehaw. NARRATOR: Bill and Brad, a trained geologist, will head back to the cave to scour for evidence. Ready to roll. NARRATOR: While Jim and James will hunt for clues in nearby Steelville, Missouri. It's a small town. It was only 1933, so-- You know, somebody around here's got to know somebody or remember something about it. NARRATOR: Steelville is the hometown of the boy who discovered the bones, Billy Harman, and also the place where the skeleton was reportedly assembled and wired together by a local physician named R. C. Parker. The internet is filled with hoaxes, misidentifications, misrepresentations. You really-- you can't get to the truth of the matter unless you walk out in the field-- Hey, how are you? JIM VIEIRA: --interview real people, ask questions about Billy Harman, Dr. Parker to see if this is all reality. I have an odd request. We're looking to an account of an 8-foot skeleton. I've been told by skeptics that giant skeleton finds are hoaxes or imaginations of somebody who's up to no good. I never really heard about this. But I'm interested in it now. JIM VIEIRA: So we want to see if we can verify this account. We're in town researching an 8-foot giant skeleton that was unearthed in the 1930s. Oh my goodness. Hey, Lloyd. JIM VIEIRA: Jim Vieira, nice to meet you, sir. There's a list of people that are associated with the find. Doc Parker was the only doctor in town at the time. Do you remember him? Oh, yeah, he doctored me a lot. JIM VIEIRA: Dr. Parker was your personal doctor when you were younger? Yeah. Sure was. This old-timer actually said that he had his rib repaired by Doc Parker. Was he well-respected in town? Yeah, he was just an old country doctor. JIM VIEIRA: So we start finding that people in town have heard of Doc Parker. We still have quite a few Harmans in Steelville. Is that right? And they know Harmans. Harmans? Oh, I know about five or six brothers. Let's see what we can find. Yeah, hi. Is this Mr. Harman? NARRATOR: Jim and James reach out to Harmans residing in the Steelville area-- JAMES CLARY: Found In the cave back in the '30s. NARRATOR: --hoping to find one related to Billy Harman. Let's try another one. NARRATOR: Which could be their best chance of tracking down the giant bones. Bye. This is Ed Harman. Has the same last name as you. Oh, you are? Really? JIM VIEIRA: Ed Harman, a live relative of Billy Harman. Listen, is there any way we could come by and talk to you? That would be awesome. He invites us down his farm. We're going to get a chance to talk to somebody who's not far removed from the event. Listen, is there any way we could come by and talk to you? NARRATOR: Giant hunters Jim Vieira and James Clary are searching for evidence of an 8-foot skeleton reportedly discovered in the 1930s by a teenager named Billy Harman. Bye. Ed Harman. Let's go. NARRATOR: They now head towards a farm on the outskirts of town to meet with a living relative of Billy Harman. For Jim, this is an opportunity to shed light not only on this giant account, but to further his quest to prove the existence of a forgotten race of giants. JIM VIEIRA: It's really nerve wracking because you're just diving into this crazy subject. And people like, you know, you're out of your mind, dude. You know? JAMES CLARY: You must be Ed. Yep. Nice to meet you guys. Good to meet you. Come on in. JIM VIEIRA: But, you know, one person to the next, it seems like something is working with us to tell the story. JAMES CLARY: It's just beautiful. JIM VIEIRA: So we're just wondering if you, being a Harman, what connection you had to Billy Harman or if you know anything about Puckett's Cave or the story? Well, my grandfather Sam Harman was a cousin to Billy. And my grandfather relayed the story to me as a child, you know. He took me through the cave and all that, showed me where the skeleton was found. My grandfather said he was a very-- extremely tall person, you know, approximately 8-foot tall. JIM VIEIRA: Ed's telling us the story and I look over at James and I'm like, this is a gold mine. JAMES CLARY: It was a true story. It wasn't a hoax, correct? Correct, because my grandfather was the type of person that whatever he told you a story, he never embellished on anything. I mean, when he told you something, then it was factual. It was something you could take to the bank. So we're trying to hunt down basically what happened to the bombs, right? There's an 8-foot skeleton stretched out in R. C. Parker's office. Right. Most of the details are pretty ironclad in this. But what happened to the bones is not. Right. Right. And I couldn't tell you that for sure. I really don't know. JIM VIEIRA: Now, we have a relative of Billy Harman that corroborates the account. Thank you, my friend. JIM VIEIRA: But where are the bones? And that's what we want to find out. We need to find evidence, documentation of photographs of the skeleton actually existing, being in a place, being wired together to see if this is all a reality. NARRATOR: Meanwhile, 10 miles north-- This is it. NARRATOR: --Bill and geologist Brad H'Doubler-- Wow. NARRATOR: --have returned to Puckett's Cave. Prominent niche in the north wall. NARRATOR: The Vieiras have identified the spot where the giant may have been buried. I'm going to pull these rocks out of here, get them out of your way. OK. NARRATOR: But today, Bill and Brad hope to prove it. Presumably, back in the '30s, Billy Harman didn't have a metal detector in here. BILL VIEIRA: When you start talking about giants, the one thing that's lacking is physical evidence-- something that we can have DNA tested or carbon dated that would really corroborate a lot of our theories, push us over the top. NARRATOR: Throughout history, there have been instances where theories and beliefs were dismissed as myth but were later proven true by physical evidence. For years, the biblical tale of the Great Flood was widely regarded by scientists as mere legend. But after recent discoveries reveal that a rapid flooding of the Black Sea occurred around 5,000 BC, some academics now believe that the story of a massive flood could be based in fact. Could the same be true about the existence of Giants? BILL VIEIRA: Our hope is that we find something copper because that's the one associated with these giant accounts. Yes. BILL VIEIRA: In a perfect world, we'd get a giant copper axe. NARRATOR: Copper is important because according to some accounts, giant skeletons have been found buried with copper jewelry, crowns, and even weapons, like a 27 pound giant axe head reportedly discovered in Ohio in 1893. Looks like we got something in here. [metal detector sounds] Nailed it. NARRATOR: According to the original account, the boy who discovered the bones, Billy Harman, also found a series of disparate artifacts buried in the floor of the cave. Look at this-- shotgun shell. just get this ominous feeling here, like I'm following in Billy Harman's footsteps. I feel like we're on the right track. NARRATOR: But the cave will need to yield more if the brothers are going to prove Billy Harman's story. It's going to be a long day, my friend. Yeah. NARRATOR: And further their quest for giants. The search continues. NARRATOR: Meanwhile, back in Steelville, Jim and James continue their hunt. JIM VIEIRA: We were looking into records. Rainy C. Parker had an 8-foot skeleton in his office. Well, we do have a genealogy section back here. Great. Thank you. NARRATOR: They hope the town library might contain clues about what happened to the skeleton. See, hopefully, you can find something here. Crawford County genealogy. Small town libraries are a treasure trove of information. There might be a story, actually. It was such a buzz in the town, right? Handwritten notes, diaries, personal correspondence-- it's not on the internet. It's never been published. You can't find it anywhere else in the world. I'm going to see if I find anything related to the giant skeleton. JIM VIEIRA: So we're digging. This looks like microfiche here. And I see there are boxes of microfilm from of "Steelville Ledger," the local newspaper. Wow. OK. NARRATOR: They load the microfilm from the year the skeleton was discovered. Check all these articles. We go through the paper and see if there's any mention of this account. Keep going. Oh. Oh. Look at that. Oh, man. We find the front page of the "Steelville Ledger," June 15, 1933. "Ancient Skeleton Found in Cave Near Steelville." JAMES CLARY: OK, now wait a minute. That's a photograph. JIM VIEIRA: Oh, man. That's wild. JAMES CLARY: That's amazing. JIM VIEIRA: On it is a picture of a 6-foot guy next to the 8-foot skeleton. I'm thinking, this could be the giant cannibal of Puckett's Cave. JAMES CLARY: I can say without reservation, that is a photo. That's a game changer. [music playing] Oh, look at that. JIM VIEIRA: Oh, man. "Ancient Skeleton Found in Cave Near Steelville." NARRATOR: Giant hunters Jim Vieira and James Clary have just uncovered an astounding clue in their investigation into an 8-foot giant-- JAMES CLARY: That's a photograph. That's wild. NARRATOR: --reportedly unearthed in a cave in the 1930s. JAMES CLARY: That's amazing. JIM VIEIRA: On it is a picture of a 6-foot guy next to the 8-foot skeleton in Doc Parker's office. JAMES CLARY: I can say without reservation, that is a photo. And That-- that's a game changer in my book. JIM VIEIRA: We're blown away. Could you please take a picture of that? JAMES CLARY: Yeah. Look at that. JIM VIEIRA: The skeleton-- a 6-foot guy next to it. It's like, what can you say to it? Here you go. Let's continue to roll through here. NARRATOR: Jim and James may be close to answering the most important question of all. JIM VIEIRA: Where did the skeleton go? So, we're poring through this report-- oh, look. "The skeleton is now on exhibition at the office of Dr. R. C. Parker." We see the name of Doc Parker-- "Dr. Parker is in receipt of a letter from Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C.--" "--and requested that he ship the skeleton to Washington for study by the experts, as they think it is that of a giant of prehistoric times." Holy [bleep]. Wow. The path leads to the Smithsonian. NARRATOR: The Smithsonian Institution, established for the increase and diffusion of knowledge, was created by the federal government in 1846 and has been a center for scientific research and a depository for the nation's most prized treasures ever since. "Dr. Parker made shipment--" "--the first of the week, carefully wrapping the bones." The account tells us the Smithsonian received the remains. They were boxed up by Dr. Parker and shipped there. The weird part is that a lot of museums like the Smithsonian say that giants, they don't even exist. They're delusions of explorers-- misidentified mastodon remains and hoaxes. That mentality went all the way to some of the top anthropologists in the country, like Dr. Hrdlicka. NARRATOR: Dr. Ales Hrdlicka, a physician and physical anthropologist-- he headed the Smithsonian's department of anthropology from 1903 and remained its director for nearly 40 years. As director, Hrdlicka possessed great influence on the scientists that work beneath him and was the ultimate decider of what was to be fact or fiction. JIM VIEIRA: Dr. Hrdlicka really said this-- this whole idea was not just not a reality, but very foolish and idiotic and a career ruiner if you were to delve into it. NARRATOR: But why were museums and scientists like Hrdlicka so opposed to investigating certain remains? Some may have been merely protecting their reputations in the aftermath of hoaxes, like Piltdown Man. In 1912, amateur archaeologist Charles Dawson claimed he'd found unusual skeletal remains, remnants of one of the crucial links between ape and man. But others, like Hrdlicka were wary of the claims. And this time, they were right. Dawson had merely combined the jaw of an orangutan with a human skull. Piltdown Man was a fake. JIM VIEIRA: I think hoaxes like Piltdown Man closed a lot of minds because, you know, nobody wants to look like a fool. NARRATOR: Jim believes that countless giant bones may have been routinely dismissed as hoaxes as well and, as a result, were cast aside or buried deep in museum archives. Did specimens like the Ozark Goliath presented truth that was to radically outside the status quo of the scientific community? This is great. JIM VIEIRA: Down the rabbit hole. It's possible science may have excluded a lot of this information. All the reports add up to nothing if there's no physical remains to back them up. It's very disconcerting. And it's a good question to ask. Where are the bones? That is the main question. Where are they? NARRATOR: A question that Jim intends to present to his academic contacts back East as soon as possible. JAMES CLARY: I don't want to miss this opportunity. Good work. NARRATOR: Meanwhile, back in Puckett's Cave, Bill and Brad have come upon their fourth hour of scouring for clues. BILL VIEIRA: If we could find any physical evidence, that's really what we're looking for-- something that we can have DNA tested or carbon dated to see what was happening with this human that was 8-foot tall. There's actually a neat little cavern under here. [music playing] [metal detector sounds] Brad. Brad, check this out. So we're going up and down the north wall. I'm pushing aside leaves. And out of the corner of my eye, I see something white. What did you find? Look. When we take a closer look at this thing, we're dumbstruck. That's a tooth. It's huge. It's a big one. So Brad and I are going back and forth speculating about what it might be. Could it be a bear tooth? Doesn't seem sharp enough. A deer? A cow? We're 70 feet up in a shelter cave. It kind of looks human to me. That would be one big human. Brad and I are looking at each other. And we think it looks like a human incisor. My mind is racing. I'm thinking about all these accounts we have-- giant skulls, massive jawbones, double rows of teeth. If this thing is an ancient giant tooth, we might have just hit the jackpot. It could change the game. NARRATOR: In the Ozarks, the Vieira brothers are on an extraordinary quest to find out if giants once existed in North America. And now at Puckett's Cave, the site where an 8-foot Goliath was unearthed over 80 years ago, Bill Vieira and geologist Brad H'Doubler may have found an important clue. BILL VIEIRA: I mean, it's huge. It's a big one. NARRATOR: A large tooth, possibly an incisor. Kind of looks human to me. That would be one big human. NARRATOR: If the tooth is an incisor, the jawbone and skull that it would match would be considerably larger than that of the average adult human male. BILL VIEIRA: Big Jim. JIM VIEIRA (ON PHONE): Sup, Bill? Yeah, you're not going to believe what we found up here. JIM VIEIRA (ON PHONE): What? A big ass tooth. JIM VIEIRA: Bill drops a bomb on me. And my mind starts racing. You serious? I'm just like, what the hell? This might be a part of the skeleton. The report mentioned that the skull had several teeth missing. A tooth is one of the best things we could find. You can precisely date the enamel. The root has DNA in it. But just the very idea of finding something like this is pretty remarkable. OK, man. Bye. He said, document everything. Sounds like a good plan. Let me take a picture. NARRATOR: According to the law, any time potential human remains are found, they must be reported to the local medical examiner. We decided to be safe. There's a chance it might be a human tooth. So we need to call the coroner. What a find. It's crazy. NARRATOR: The brothers reunite and head to the office of the local coroner-- PAUL HUDSON: Crawford County coroner, Paul Hudson. NARRATOR: --in hopes that he might be able to shed some light on whether the tooth is human or something else. [music playing] It's definitely big. It's pretty large in diameter. I think it's probably an incisor to-- one of these teeth, like a biter. I mean, to us, it looked like a human tooth but only much bigger. PAUL HUDSON: Exactly. It definitely has the characteristics of a human tooth. But I-- I really don't know what it is. NARRATOR: Archeologists around the world have discovered a number of teeth with human properties that didn't belong to modern man. In 2000, a tooth was found in the Denisova Cave in Siberia. When analyzed, scientists found that the DNA was different from both Neanderthal and modern man. That tooth led science to proclaim a discovery of a new previously unknown species of ancient man they named the Denisovans. JIM VIEIRA: We're blown away. It's really starting to look pretty mysterious. We're definitely going to get it thoroughly tested by a professional lab. Well, that's great. Fingers are crossed our thousand-mile trek might all pay off because we're coming out of the Ozarks with a giant tooth. NARRATOR: The brothers came to the Ozarks with two promising leads-- two accounts of giant skeleton finds. I think we're near the state line, actually. Arkansas. NARRATOR: So far, the first has paid off with possible physical evidence. Now, Jim plans to investigate the account of a giant reported to be even more massive than the one in Puckett's Cave. It's like a culmination of a long trip if we could actually find this cave. NARRATOR: The Vieiras are on the trail of an explorer and writer from the early 20th century named Victor Schoffelmayer. In 1913, Schoffelmayer traveled to the Ozarks. He writes an article in "The New Age Magazine," "White River Trails," about interviewing hillbillies essentially before they die off. NARRATOR: One of the men Schoffelmayer interviewed claimed to have unearthed something peculiar and one of the shelter caves nearby-- several giant skulls and a skeleton that measured to a startling 10 feet in length. 10 foot. I know. It's straight out of "The Twilight Zone." NARRATOR: The brothers' goal is to find the cave where the bones were discovered in hopes of gathering additional evidence. But locating it may be difficult. In the 1960s, Beaver Dam was constructed right near the cave Schoffelmayer wrote about. And now that cave is 35 feet under water. To get to the bottom of this shelter cave, we've got to go to the bottom of the lake. NARRATOR: The brothers head to a dive shop on the shore of Beaver Lake. Hey, Mike. Hey, Alan. How are you doing? Hey, buddy. This is Jim. What's up, Mike? How are you doing, buddy? Pleasure to meet you. And maybe you can help them out. NARRATOR: They have enlisted the help of Alan Bland, a park ranger with US Army Corps of Engineers, and Mike Young, a professional master cave diver. I actually have some photos. This is a skull in the Yucatan. Wow. MIKE YOUNG: It was gorgeous. BILL VIEIRA: Mike Young has been all over the world doing cave dives. We're hoping that Mike can help us pinpoint where this cave is. We're looking for this cave where there's a lot of giant skeletons. We're going off a report from 1913. So we tell Mike about the account and the area we're looking for. MIKE YOUNG: Well, actually, I think I might know the area. JIM VIEIRA: And Mike says he has a location in mind. MIKE YOUNG: I'm not sure exactly where the entrance is at. But we could go and look for it. - Yes. - OK. Let's do it. NARRATOR: Mike leads the brothers to a largely unexplored portion of Beaver Lake. Wow, look at the area. Nice. NARRATOR: These rocky outcroppings were once bluffs hundreds of feet above the White River. JIM VIEIRA: It's so awesome to be in this area of this account that's fascinated me for years. It's really haunting. Here's a wet suit. NARRATOR: Bill is a certified diver and will be the one to join Mike in the underwater hunt for the Schoffelmayer cave. JIM VIEIRA: The fact that Bill is here with me, following my strange quest, especially doing something so dangerous, it's really cool. I couldn't ask for more out of my brother. BILL VIEIRA: I'm nervous. I haven't done in a long time. Cave diving is super dangerous. People die all the time in it. You know, you get in that cave, you kick up some silt, you lose your line, you get your leg wedged under something-- there's a lot of ways that you can wind up not coming out of that cave. Good luck. BILL VIEIRA: It's on me to go down and find out what's in this cave for both of us. You relaxed? Yep. All right. Let's go. NARRATOR: Brothers Jim and Bill Vieira are searching for an underwater cave where, in 1913, a man was reported to have made a shocking discovery-- giant skulls and a massive 10-foot skeleton. JIM VIEIRA: If we're lucky enough to find a cave down there, we're looking for different signs that you find at other giant sites. You may find artifacts, pictographs, or stone structures of some kind-- stone tombs, stone walls, something like in Deerfield that we found. That's what we're looking for. BILL VIEIRA: We're going from 10 feet down to about 40 feet down. And it's pretty murky. Visibility is about 10 feet. We're kicking up sediment. We're not really finding anything. Going around the floor, then all of a sudden, boom. We see a cave. The first thing that sticks out-- obvious stacked stones. As a stonemason, I can tell those stones were put there as a wall. Woo, we found the cave. JIM VIEIRA: Yeah, baby. BILL VIEIRA: Giant shelter cave. There's like a made berm. JIM VIEIRA: Billy's all excited. He starts describing a stone wall near the mouth of the cave. NARRATOR: Was this remnant of stacked stones once part of a 10-foot giant's burial chamber, one that was discovered by an Ozark man over 100 years ago? Perhaps. But the brothers will need more evidence if they're going to verify that this is the cave that Schoffelmayer described in his account. There you go-- anything you can film in there. NARRATOR: The brothers equip Mike with an underwater camera capable of capturing high resolution images even in the murkiest low light conditions in hopes that the camera will reveal clues that remain shrouded to the naked eye-- clues that could help the brothers prove that towering giants that have sprung from the pages of storybooks once existed. JIM VIEIRA: So it's all in Mike's hands now, which is great because he's the one with the most experience. NARRATOR: Mike exhaustively documents the interior of the cave. JIM VIEIRA: What did you see? MIKE YOUNG: Conditions were horrible. Back in there, man, it's really silty. You'll-- you'll see the footage. NARRATOR: Mike is uncertain which images the camera was able to capture. JIM VIEIRA: This is like Christmas morning right here. NARRATOR: That night, the brothers review Mike's footage. That's killer. BILL VIEIRA: What we're looking for is pictographs, obviously any artifacts, or even bones. NARRATOR: They scour the footage it's possible the cave may have been picked or washed clean, any evidence of giants swallowed by time. Whoa, whoa. Stop that. Look at that. Looks like a carved head, doesn't it? Right? Yeah. JIM VIEIRA: On the wall, I saw what I thought was a potential pictograph-- what looks like a large face. And my mind starts turning. Cave drawings are associated with giant burials. I don't want to pretend to be seeing things, but that, right? The nose. BILL VIEIRA: Two eyes, a nose, and a mouth. JIM VIEIRA: Whoa, whoa. Stop that. Look at that. Right? BILL VIEIRA: Yeah. NARRATOR: In their search for evidence of a lost race of giants, Jim and Bill Vieira have hit on a possible clue filmed in an underwater cave thought to be a burial place of giant skulls and a 10-foot skeleton. I don't want to pretend to be seeing things. But that, right? The nose. BILL VIEIRA: Two eyes, a nose, and a mouth. JIM VIEIRA: On the left side of the wall, I saw what I thought was a large face and then, right next to it, something that really looks like the head of a wolf. I'm wondering, are these pictographs in the wall? NARRATOR: Primitive cave paintings and rock art have oftentimes been associated with giant skeleton finds. JIM VIEIRA: There is this petroglyph site up at Rockingham, Vermont right out of the Connecticut River-- these skull-like faces, strange and haunting. And over on the other side of the river, in 1849 a giant native chief was unearthed. Let's do it again. Right there. NARRATOR: If these are rock carvings, is it possible they were created to signal that this cave was special? And could it be that the man Victor Schoffelmayer wrote about in his account was telling the truth about what he found here back in 1913? JIM VIEIRA: Got the feeling and the clear intuition that this was the burial site of a giant. Moving forward. NARRATOR: The brothers study every frame of the footage looking for artifacts or bones. Just the walls. NARRATOR: The cave offers no leads. Frustrating. NARRATOR: Their Arkansas trip is a dead end. But the Vieiras are batting 500 in the Ozarks. That's wild. NARRATOR: They're returning home with a photograph of what could be a giant skeleton and, most importantly, possible physical evidence that they can genetically test. Cool? Killer. Todd Disotell said, give me physical evidence. And we feel like we might have that physical evidence in our hands. NARRATOR: Two days later-- Country boys in the big city, Jim? It's very vertical. Yeah. NARRATOR: --Jim and Bill arrive in New York City to share their findings with Todd Disotell-- Here's my conference room. NARRATOR: --an anthropologist with New York University's Center for the Study of Human Origins. Let's see what you brought. NARRATOR: The brothers hope Todd might be able to offer some insight as to the fate of the Ozark Goliath reportedly sent to the Smithsonian. JIM VIEIRA: So I'm wondering, did they receive this? Did they not receive the skeleton? You know, questions like that of the ones we have you. You know, things say that it was donated to the Smithsonian. You know, hundreds of thousands, millions of items have been donated over 100 plus years. JIM VIEIRA: Yep. TODD DISOTELL: But I would say if the Smithsonian had massive 8-foot individuals, double rows of teeth, we would be seeing them on display. OK. TODD DISOTELL: You know, I want to see this. I like the interesting, the weird, the fascinating, et cetera. So you know, I-- I would pay money to go to an exhibit that had these things on display. So we need more than it was shipped to the Smithsonian. JIM VIEIRA: You have something for Todd? Yes. Here it is. Weird. It's big. You found it in a cave? I'm pretty sure it's not human. But if it's human, it's an extraordinarily large human. We want to get it tested and get a definitive answer of what it is. There's no reason not to pursue it. I look forward to continuing this conversation. That's great. Awesome, man. Thank you so much for your time. With every step of this journey, we know we're going to be getting closer to the truth. JIM VIEIRA: But we've only just scratched the surface in our quest. We have a lot of ground to cover and a lot of things to dig into if we hope to get to the bottom of this mystery. NARRATOR: Next week on "Search for the Lost Giants." JIM VIEIRA: They exhumed a native chief of giant stature. And the teeth were all double. BILL VIEIRA: That, to me, is the type of sand that is not found in Goshen. This early remarkable. BILL VIEIRA: The tunnel is playing mind games with us. Whoa. That skeleton could even be in this house. All right, shield you eyes.
Channel: HISTORY
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, search for the lost giants, history search for the lost giants, search for the lost giants show, search for the lost giants full episodes, search for the lost giants clips, full episodes, watch search for the lost giants, giants, are giants real, were giants real, giant skeleton found, season 1, giant skeleton's tomb unearthed, Jim and Bill Vieira, Unravelling the Mystery, hidden chambers, Ozarks, photo, tooth, truth
Id: WHn2GWjlK9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 54sec (2574 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 01 2021
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