EXPLODING in the Sun Bowl! | BeamNG Drive Monster Trucks

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what's going on everybody eddie soundhead back once again here with sound head entertainment at long last after another horrendous delay and i do apologize for that once again 2020 just keeps smacking me in the face every time i talk about my delays another one shows up so i think i'm just gonna stop doing that and in the meantime we have got some free styling to do because we are finally back in beam and g drive and since we've been gone some incredible additions have been made the bee monsters community seems to have grown quite a lot and there are a lot of new to me trucks for us to try out including this built for tough blue thunder super duty so with that we will fire it up and get ready to begin the show all of this stuff of course will be linked down in the description and we'll take a lap around the track just to get a look at it i've added a few obstacles here the rv that police car this bus stack and we'll start the clock as soon as we hit our first jump which we'll do right now two and a half minutes on the clock we'll start off with a wheelie there jumping into a sky wheelie right off the bat and really i should be taking this kind of easy because it has been a minute but we're gonna see if we can climb over this rv without even touching it we do land on the landing ramp a little short but we'll walk away just fine and how about the biggest jump on the track no better way to get back into it then with that right and we landed as flat as you can my spine right through the skull that's a shame not how you want to start your day a free stop but we'll try this rv from another angle here gonna clip it a little bit that's gonna set me on an angle we'll land on that tailgate a bit should i do the backflip this is a dangerous kind of early backflip but we'll land it throw it in reverse maybe get a little moonwalk out of it just keep the reverse rolling over the jump i think we might have jumped a little bit over that rv but not totally let's back it up and go forwards over this stack kind of do the same line and clear the entire mound there not bad all right a minute and 30 left let's try this bus stack out see what it's all about these beautiful muscle cars they're not gonna be looking so beautiful anymore unfortunately we got over that fairly nicely those things are gonna keep moving on us too which is gonna be interesting oh this is a rough landing this is interesting oh boy oh man these are i'm hitting these jumps at weird times just gas out of it beautiful i'd love to claim skill right now but i absolutely cannot let's just throw it up here minute left to go all right what else can we do i feel like we've hit just about everything this is a modern day monster jam track for you if there ever was one we'll go over that stack again cleared the rv again and we got to try something kind of unique here how about a little bicycle move here if i can make oh i want to look too far here we go oh come on drive out of it save it beautifully done that would i might claim a little bit of skill on that one i had to be careful with come on i got this rv lined up right here maybe we'll take it a little bit lower we still just jump clean over the thing with less than 25 seconds to go now let's see we'll run over our own hood oh the hood got tossed over the jump and everything oh my god it went into the stands oh duck in cover that is dangerous got to watch out for that this bus got to watch out for me and i'm crashing into these big tanks oh come on we got a little bit of tire can we throw one more backflip into this thing let's try it oh boy oh my goodness land on the wheels yes oh that is sick and now that is a good way to end the run right there i don't know if that one counts but it looked like it was pretty close i'll consider it a buzzer beater right now and i can't believe it i actually get to drive the truck back to the pits i didn't expect this so that's neat well speaking of new trucks man how about a childhood classic and check this out maybe the coolest gimmick i've ever seen ever in anything so uh that's pretty dope the fact that i can actually do that but this body is dope the fact that we actually have el tor loco is making my inner child scream so let's just go ahead and jump right into this rv because we didn't even touch it at all last time so let's touch it up right from the start get that thing going out of my life and we'll hit the big jump here just kind of slide it around send it up there you go oh a little bit of a sideways landing here but nothing we can't control we'll slide this thing around man i love the fact that this body is in here that is sick just well done to the creators i got to decide where i want to go with this thing back to the bus stack up and over a little bit of like a rear wheel stand there over it but we'll take it and clean up over that jumper we're gonna send it into another one i'm gonna save you right there got me over those dangerous parts of the rv that thing will shred tires based on our history i don't know if that's been fixed or not but i don't know it didn't seem to kill us yet so i'll hold out hope for it so we hit a couple of small jumps here and that bus is getting knocked around that thing is out of shape here and i've been kind of forgetting about this police car over here see if we can run this thing kind of over yeah although obstacles i moved aren't like stuck to the ground or anything they just got to move around we crunched that thing pretty good and this jumpers just stood me up oh mike we just turned that thing on a dime now it's kind of sick hit the little smoke for that there you go kind of love this man this is awesome we might have to do this more often maybe not this oh no there was part of the there was one of the horns oh no one of the horns we hardly knew you throw it into a backflip and we'll lose the other one we actually did now it's a random landing but we got it up over the rv again this is dangerous and that's exactly what i've been terrified of that is exactly it oh my god we've exploded and the wheel is gone just gonna send it now boys you don't have much of a choice oh my well that's the first catastrophic failure we've had since our return that's nice oh oh come on come on we're gonna lose that other horn if we're not careful here come on i just gotta have to babysit this thing around here do i wanna send it into something and just flail around like a fool for these last 20 seconds it might not be a bad idea i'm running over my own tire oh my the hood just went to space have fun going to the space force but oh man we are going the wrong way we are running out of time i think this one has seen enough old el toro loco has gotten beaten up this poor bowl and with only eight seconds left on the clock man tough scene well how about this for a nice little retro truck we got the dodge mopar magic i remember from when i was a kid this thing's pretty sick so we'll go ahead and fire it up listen to that engine roar and we'll pull out onto the track and get this one started we'll go this way this time and maybe hit this jump right here in front of us to get this thing started count down the clock land it hard on the rear suspension and uh just let that thing know that it's about to go to work as we're gonna land that thing all kinds of crooked will get a chance to straighten this bus stack back out or just glide over top of it clean as you please we're about the same color as that those are probably some mobar cars laying there by the looks of things what about this rv we'll just jump right over top and skyrocket skyrocketed oh man we're going up over and gonna land it that was beautiful not gonna find reverse okay hopefully they don't the duck points for this but maybe they want to find the slamming into something let's see or not slamming in but maybe slam it over i'll take that too that rv is a little bit low we need to double stack that rv if we really had oh man some skills in this thing come on bus oh don't want to hit the stairs don't hit the stairs that'll improve one of your tires as well let's hit the big jump get some massive air probably the biggest air of the day right there into a bit of a bicycle but we get it settled down and spun around here minute third to go i've been forgetting about this police car again we'll smash that one up here it's going to come with us we'll take you on a bit of a journey mr police car that's no problem i want to backflip now that we're winding down this run a little bit oh we are getting all kinds of twisted up and the wheels gone broken right off and that is going to hinder these last a minute and five-ish seconds and it goes some more of the suspension didn't need it we got parts flailing around here and that's pretty much what i'm going to be reduced to once again as well here can i run it into the rv can i even get there on three wheels maybe not how about some donuts instead that we've actually already started them come on i don't want to blow the engine up but this is not a bad way to get some style points this tire out of my way get oh it's it's fighting man the tire just tires got me i might be stuck oh my goodness i don't know what that was but it worked it's working it's not working i'm dead i'm not dead i probably should be this come on oh we might be done now this is atrocious another catastrophic combustion in the engine and in my soul in a way man we have destroyed mopar magic f in the chat well i don't know too much about this truck obsessed other than i absolutely love this body style and that's why i'm picking it next up i'm pretty sure we've used the skin before indeed but never on this body style which is just a beaut so we're gonna let it roll here and we gotta switch it up with a different uh different something to start this up and this ramp looks like it's destined to be used for something weird so let's try it out let's try something here and that is that is nothing that's just an abomination is what that is that was worthless to everybody who's muted that is just not oh my god then i've thrown myself into a loop here and we're swallowing our hood only for it to be free and then recaptured in the suspension all right just gonna send it then we'll just keep flying around this thing freeze itself otherwise it's gonna rip off something as the trailer is getting all behind me crush that thing down pretty good i see four parts flapping we finally lost the hood that's good at least let's see just run into the bus over here literally running into the bus just crashing into the bus oh man i might not be able to get out of this although i do kind of lucky there look one of my tires didn't catch on that i'm gonna have to slap all this stuff back into place oh boy no i do not want to run into these stairs come on gotta back over the bus that's not gonna help me they're gonna get away from this this is a problem barry i'll reset that later we got time to make up oh this is not great and there goes the rest of the body it's gonna go hang out with my soul from the last run and the big freestyle in the sky man what a bummer that is i'm gonna make this truck the big truck in the sky here did we get a terrible landing that wouldn't hurt i'm just gonna keep setting it now man i'm bummed i was loving looking at this body and i destroyed it immediately and i'm going to crash into the wall don't catch my tire it did it has done it oh we got lucky oh we got it let's try it let's send it over the gap we actually made it holy crap over to another wall back it up oh we're in the seats we are in the aisle that is tragic can i still start this thing my engine shut off but this might not be oh god oh no so coming back with a little bit more modern truck now we have overkill evolution a truck that i have always loved to look up and now we even have the correct body to match so that is really really awesome just take a look at this thing i don't know about you guys but i just love the look of this thing the colors the body style everything i just really like it it just really speaks to me so we'll go ahead and get this run started and hopefully give this truck a good run as you can see here we've uh reset the bus stack and uh not actually reset it because the damage is still there but i put it back in line and i'm gonna have to reverse out of this one because that tanker is just there to ruin my name apparently so why don't we take some of that aggression out on this rv by just kind of rolling through it a little bit and drive it over and drag it behind us and come busted again another explosion the third of the day oh no and i have taken this entire rv with me back flip it off of me maybe oh not even close not even close well maybe hold on we got a little bit of rotation here i have got a serious fire burn in the back of this thing and i think i'm gonna be losing some suspension if this keeps up that does not look promising back there maybe try it again come on loosen up get out of there oh man these are quotes too by the way come on come on oh this is that suspension is getting destroyed back there we are just gonna have to do the classic fling in a round for the rest of the time there goes the tailgate even it pieced down and said i don't want any part of this and i can't blame it over the bus as crooked as you possibly can i i want to hit this police car but i don't want to die let's do it why not oh we're dragging it that's what i was scared of i was like this thing's going to come with me too i just knew it oh man stick it straight up on the nose baby let's do some tricks with the front of the truck man the back end is toast come on just playing this thing around i hope everything comes off i don't even know where i'm going anymore i'm boxing myself into a bit of a corner here oh come on there to jump over these walls if i blow my tires i swear in my life now we're finally out of the corner let's hit something here can i stand it up on the nose get into a little bit of a stand it's the board over and there it is and there goes that weakened suspension the wheel just comes right off and the engine says i've seen enough and i don't think it's re-firing well time to kick it back a little bit once again here to bounty hunter as i remember it from my youth uh which really wasn't that long ago i guess but this truck has changed quite a lot over the years and uh it looks pretty sick now to be honest with you so we'll go ahead and air it out for the fact that this truck is still alive and kicking which is a lot more than a lot of trucks from this era i can say it feels like so yay for you jimmy green way to go way to keep it alive after all these years we'll give you some air for it there you go that was flatland that didn't sound good or feel good i would imagine and this one's gonna come off a little crooked as well and i'm gonna have a tough time getting out of this turning radius a little shot to the to the tanker there but no problem we'll kiss the top of the camper a little bit and that is camper too i've been calling that an rv like this whole time haven't i i just call them stupid let's get into some donuts and hopefully we all forget about that put the camper not an rv all right now that i've got my couple of brain cells actually working together and functioning and not flipping the truck over doing donuts let's try a backflip because that'll go so much better oh we're gonna gonna have a consecutive one going here oh not quite put a little bit of a twist on that one but we are still able to drive away and that's what matters through the racing lane oh kind of no standing there it's been so long i don't even remember like the vocabulary for the names of each move anymore so i'm sorry if i'm just getting these terribly wrong but i know big air when i see it i know a bad landing when i see it i know trouble and this is it oh come on catch a wheel no it's gonna turtle instead and we are gonna be beached with a lot of time left on the clock too that is a bummer it only took me like five years of playing beam but i finally learned how to flip the trucks over too so that's nice it does re-fire so there we'll drive it back to the pits or should i just throw on a little encore maybe i'll throw an encore on as i go back to the pits i'll hit a little kind of wheel stand or something off of this like yeah there we go am i gonna clip this yes i am oh no i hit the rear steering the wrong way save it come on we gotta get into the pits oh this is i laid on the gas way too hard right there oh my fps is dying but we land on the wheels count it so next up we'll have wild hair here and i do remember this truck a little bit but not much i think i might have only seen it a handful of times on tv and one of those times i very vividly remember it flipping over so maybe we ought to take it a little easy out here but i do think this truck looks awesome so we'll just kind of baby it over a car to begin with and now maybe we'll turn it up i don't want to it with a truck called it's got wild in the name we got to be wild with it don't we that's kind of kind of goes without saying so maybe we should turn it up maybe the scene turned around giants go straight for the camper again take the top of it oh we kind of created a ramp out of it and we got a wild landing out of it how about a backflip oh boy we're gonna get the consecutive oh not quite what that dirt mouth is gonna help us as we get a little gravity save how about that the hood's off the hood it's gotta back up in my face and there it goes as we're kind of rock crawling over these dirt jumps we'll take the bus on at a crooked angle again on the back end we'll just come flying the top of the truck's coming off am i going to lose it right here so we get some massive air all right now we're starting to live up to the name here all right let's get some more air here i got whatever this piece is like clipping through my engine that's gonna be another fire here shortly let's try to knock it loose oh we're flying we are in the air and down on our head hard and we are still gonna land on the wheels oh my grave bodily injuries have surely been dealt to my driver but we are gonna carry on like nothing happened can i get a weird bounce out of this turned into something on the front end oh and hawk away we're going over can i flip it back use a little momentum here get the gas let's go look at that and there goes that piece freedom at last with a minute left to go this run has gone out of control and that i don't know what i was hoping to gain with that i just crashed into the back up with a backflip ramp and bounced off of it into a weird set of flips and we still land on the wheels it's all about the momentum if you can control that momentum you can do anything you might not be able to do this though oh god yeah this takes a certain amount of skill right here ladies and gentlemen do not try this at home certain amounts of skill and ignorance are required and we're still gonna get it back on the wheels and it's posing for the camera look at that suspension just sitting oh that's beautiful i don't care how much time's left on the clock we're done take a picture well how about this for another classic we have got king crunch to me this is one of the earlier versions of the truck i remember some of the later paint jobs and designs and bodies that he used but this one is definitely one of them so we will roll off with it and get things started with a nice jump right off the bat a beautiful landing on the back side of that ramp could have done that much better if you tried and i can feel my fps starting to dip a little bit too and oh boy we are working out that suspension over the ramps what about this kind of wheelie ramp what about this right into the camper we're gonna be crunching that thing down that was a bit of an awkward landing i was hoping it wouldn't snag and luckily it did not but we have to do a bit of an ugly reverse job out of that and that might cost us a little bit in the eyes of the non-existent judges bam might make up for it though as we were completely up and down let's line it up for the bus come on walk it over the bus if we have to not hit that tank or that thing we finish off the rv or should we go for the cop car i am thinking about the cop car i have to stop calling that thing an rv i just realized i slipped again i can see the comments now but the cop car got it this jump will get it let's see hopefully our suspension won't get it are we gonna hit this one again should we try to do one of those crazy things again let's try and see what happens oh come on land this oh we smashed in the front end but we did it the backflip is complete let's throw it in reverse unbelievable we gotta lose this hood or maybe we'll just re-fasten it one of the two i'll just keep throwing it in reverse over stuff until something happens i'm gonna crash oh we've blown up again i crashed into the track workers and it blew up again and now we're just we're destroying the camper just an absolute spasm behind the wheel at the moment we're gonna drive away ablaze but like nothing happened and with a tattered and torn truck we're just gonna let it fly and let the wheels fly off into a flip and we stuck the landing once again get out the cameras take a picture what a shot well after those last few destructive runs i think we could all use our day saved and luckily superman is here kate and all ready to roll except that the engine just died when i tried to fire her up there it is let's get this thing cranking should we start right for the police car superman versus the police come on go right over it no chance no chance just don't bring out the kryptonite hopefully that's not what that green on the back flip ramp is that would be a problem the camper is not only glide over it and hit a bounce right out of it we'll hit the freestanding jump over here oh i was gonna try to hit a little wheelie off of that but we got crooked we'll just toss it up this lane instead and see what happens so we light it up for the bus we got an engine smoking over here in one of these muscle cars those things are busted up pretty good but the show's not over they got a couple more beatings to take i feel nice little clearing of the mound there we'll get over that turn this thing around don't hit those tanks we gotta reach into the bag of tricks here what can we think of differently can i just smash right through that there we go that's a nice little smash of the camper let's see if we can get back up the bus to the other side we don't that thing's starting to bend like a banana we didn't get a very good shot at it right there just kind of dripped off the side we'll take a big old jump right afterwards nonetheless oh this is gonna be an awkward bounce yes it is oh my god the wheels busted and it's stuck well this this is worse than if it had just broken off because now i can't do anything with this other than smash it into stuff which is pretty much what i was gonna do anyway and there it goes it's like oh really okay we'll have that and that i gotta be a man of my work but not if i flip over before i could do it and we pulled it back let's see what can i think of here to do what can we try a backflip a three-wheeled backflip how about it let's see oh it's going nowhere it's just a spin it's just a nice way to turn around is off oh no it's a nice way to get stuck back on the wheels we are again though i don't know i'm just gonna send it at stuff and see what happens at this point we're gonna get that stuck in the suspension luckily we didn't let's see we can run over our own wheel again there we go see you later thanks for leaving the family you jerk let's just send it up here see what happens might get up here the hard way come on back on the wheels please ah we're gonna be turtled and i think superman has finally met his match with only 20 seconds to go too [Music] well you had to know that for the last truck of the day we'd reach in and grab something like son of a digger i have reset the track let's get to it up and away let's tear it down one last time the tenth truck of the night and for some reason it looks like it has tiny tires but i think it's because the body's just so big it's like an optical illusion we get over the bus nice and easy no matter what size the tires are and let's slam it up this dirt ramp the big one clip a little bit of that backflip ramp all right into another ramp gonna squeak by the camper lose our flag and wheelie out of it all see if we can whip this thing around slam it into this dirt ramp get some more air we gotta just let it all hang out here throw it into a bicycle very fitting very very fitting we gotta give this bus some more dents we can't leave them let let them leave unscarred after resetting it and send it into a nosedive see about this camper over here as we just fly over top of it why not buzz the tower set it into a huge sky wheelie we got to tear that thing up too come on let's just go right back for it let's cause some damage oh we got a bit of a weird angle there we're going to slice and dice the front of it into another little nose dive and come on we can't let it live we got to go smash it one more time i know we're playing with our life here i don't want to get snagged but i want to just destroy it and crunched it is all right let's see what else can we do with this minute and seven left this police cars right for the smashing we're gonna come back at the bus the other way why not oh my god we said it so hard we just went up and through and getting a weird landing to the wheels shed the skin who needs the body 50 seconds to go one of the greatest saves you might ever see come on don't hook on any of that stuff we are gonna go for it up and into the backflip ramp big time and into like a cyclone twist what the heck was that i don't even know i don't know if there's a name for what we just did but there should be that was incredible what about this i've learned that smashing into this does nothing let's just go up gently can we get the consecutives oh we're going to rub up against the chassis it's not going to be clean but nothing is at this point in the run 15 seconds to go come on what can we do smash into more stuff get more crazy landings can we pull out one more save come on we got to be able to do it we did it as the clock hits zero i'm running into the wall i'm smashing myself out of this arena after a beautiful save i'm parking it that was 10 trucks tearing it down here at the sun bowl and what a way to cap it all off so guys be sure to head down to the comments and let me know which truck you think won this event who tore it up the best in freestyle let us know down in the comments and of course feel free to give us some more suggestions of trucks and tracks to use for future installments maybe i'll get a little list going and of course don't worry all you reckfest lovers out there the gauntlet 2 is still in production it's coming and i appreciate all your patience thank you so much with that ladies and gentlemen we'll wrap it up thank you so much for watching as always and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Soundhead Entertainment
Views: 255,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BeamNG, BeamNG Drive, BeamMP, Monster Trucks, Monster Jam, Grave Digger, Bigfoot, Freestyle, World Finals, Sun Bowl, beamng monster trucks, beamng monster jam, sun bowl, son uva digger, el toro loco, blue thunder, overkill evolution, mopar magic, racing, tricks, beamng, beamng drive realistic crashes, beamng drive plane crashes, beamng drive multiplayer, beamng multiplayer, beamng crashes, beamng drive police chase, beamng drive crashes, beamng drive movie, wreckfest, gauntlet 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 8sec (1628 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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