Driving MONSTER TRUCK SUPERCARS on a Dangerous BRIDGE in BeamNG Drive Mods!

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so today me and spikes are going to be doing some impossible stunts here on the crash grounds map we're going to grind a camper down a rail we've got the world's fastest police cars and we try to launch a pigeon out of the back of a truck so stay tuned hit that thumbs up button and let's jump in all right spy you're probably wondering why I brought you up to this glorious mountain with a uh a nuclear submarine on the side of it yeah I am uh why why are we camping up here well I mean you wanted a scenic view right like look at that view it's so nice wa oh watch your step there you don't want to roll your ball off the uh the side of the cliff there look there's even a little Lighthouse a lighthouse yeah you see that it's lovely this is so high up so I got a problem okay I think I might have damaged my motor a little bit trying to pull up the side of this Cliff so we need a quick way down because I really want to go to the 7-Eleven and go get me some uh sod Waters well look behind you because we got a grind rail wait we're about to take a a camper dude I brought my squad bought it truck here it is there's no way it's getting down that grind rail you want to go first I'll go first okay I'm going to stand to the side here and I'm just going to watch this happen Okay okay I got this I'm a professional camper polar dude so if you don't make it I'm going to rethink my strategy about even like driving down this because it might be not a great one oh my goodness this is going to be bad okay here we go you got this buddy or no oh no line it up line it up no that's lineing it up I tried wait a second wait a second wait a second I'm doing it I'm not doing it I'm not doing it oh no um oh uh so yeah don't go fast down that okay well I guess I'll give it a go here with the squaded vehicle this is fine you feeling okay down there or no I at least I'm down the hill I mean this is true all right time to send my vehicle to an early grave if I can get traction I went with the like the lowest profile like uh wheel Wills here because you know squ you have to yeah um you know the one thing about this squat yeah the one good thing about the squat though it was easy to hook up the fifth wheel because it was already lowered that is true all right here you go all right here we go just going to angle this down okay he said do it slow right do it very slow so you don't jump over it oh wait a second wait a second wait what wait what wait how does that give a little push give it a little push how do you give it a little push I think the rear the okay you know here we'll just there you go there you go what do there we go on my screen my cab just flew off oh here we go if you need to you could always just disconnect uh you think so hold on I I swear I could do this I can just okay maybe oh here we go wait there you go woo I mean I don't have a cab on my screen anymore but woo um are you still in there um uhoh hold on I got this you think I can drive away still or definitely once you hit the very end start driving um we got a problem I'm hitting the gas and I don't oh you just got squished I mean I made it somewhat down you know what maybe I didn't want to go camping anyway wait how did I end up over here wait what no we don't we don't want to go camping um yeah yeah no let's not go camping let's let's go do something else all right so uh we have changed what we're doing you like these long boys wao these are perfect for hauling very tiny big trucks yeah yeah these are perfect so uh I want to get these big little Vehicles out in the back so uh we need to go down this slightly dangerous cliff and if you take a left uh this will lead you all the way down to the main road oh okay I mean did did you want to race here let's race okay CIS in okay three two one pickups go pickups go oh oh wow oh wow oh you hear the turbo in him okay oh I didn't strap my little big truck down yeah I don't have toaster trps that was too cheap for him okay got to take a left here braks don't flip don't flip don't F don't flip don't flip I'm going to flip I'm going to flip no I'm not I'm doing this yeah this is surprisingly working better than I pictured it would oh gosh I got some speed oh my goodness okay oh oh slide would have been funny if I went too fast and hit that jump that would have been pretty hilarious but we're here for the competition spy oh yeah I forgot it was a competition let me pass you yeah you're going to smoke that quarter wait a minute so the light bulb in my tiny PE brain just went off okay so you saw how you flew off the cliff there did you see how the pigeon flew wait I did that was glorious wait we have pigeons with wings what if we were to load one of those up in this long boy go down a massive ramp do you think you could launch out and fly you know what I could do it by the way where Did We End oh never mind I landed in a tree but I'm back up here and ready for this awesome stunt oh yeah no this is going to be the best stunt hold on let me make sure this is the optimal location for this I I think you want to go down and survive and not immed oh never mind there's a ramp here we could totally do it right here so do you want to drive the truck or do you want to drive the pigeon you know what I'll grab the pigeon okay um here you just load up in my truck then just remove your truck we'll load you up in the back and then we'll see if you can fly okay I got this little guy have faith this is going to oh my goodness I'm sorry it hasn't sinked yet I might have just taken you out did I take your wings oh my goodness okay I'm going to go back this way Wings it's kind of weird cuz all I saw was the long boy truck on here it goes uh oh my goodness so here's a question can you get that in the back of here um I'm going to try here let me let me try to make this as easy as possible I'm going to line up right to you you know what I lift it you load it okay hold on let me lift it yeah just lift it okay back up back up back up I probably should put the tail this how you do it in real life back up yep yep forget using like ramps or anything oh that is pretty darn close hey you're oh oh you're pushing me a little bit okay you good let me put this on a little better yeah it looks like you're morphed into the bed a little bit no this is totally fine you got this byy hey just get that will in I mean you don't need Wheels I'm your Wills you just need the flight controls the propeller and the wings being in one tag that's true being intact yeah just don't destroy those it does not look right what you're what's happening to the back of my truck I think I'm in I think I'm in do you think okay here we go I think I'm okay the propeller still works it does still work does your lift controls like can you actually like oh like it okay hold on when do I take off no no you're not taking off till I hit the ramp take it off by itself wait what oh no if we can get you to stay in you know there is a figon oh uh the wigon that one might work a little better oh I'm flying by the way um I hit the ramp oh no I see that uhoh hey there's a taret Target down oh I missed it you almost hit that Target okay go get the figon we can move that one a little easier into the back of this I swear this is going to work I just need to slowly go down it that way you don't catch air under the wings until we actually hit the ramp all right uh this is the the flight test uh you look at a little wobbly back there you good little wobbly okay I won't start the engines until you hit the jump I'm I'm going to be really slow at first until we get into a straight line that way you don't fly and go to the right and we're going to if we can get you enough speed to get air under your wings and lift off sounds good let's do this this is science right here spy this is science by the way you owe me a back window you blew mine out on my screen uhoh sorry about that uhoh brakes I'm holding the brakes I'm holding the brakes holding the brakes I mean we should have done this on a straight ramp there's like a ton of ramps on this map but we chose it says my drive belt is broken but I don't know if I need that it took off goodness no oh no what are you flying though are you like actually still going I think something's broken in this but I'm still I'm flying oh I see you over there oh oh that doesn't look good um oh no spy oh can we get a uh an F in the chat what if we were to you know maybe hit one of the straight ramps that way we don't have to turn in the middle of it I think this is a good idea we need wings I mean you don't necessarily need wings I was just saying they might get you some lift I found a ramp that's straight all we got to do is go down it and that's it yeah there's no way we can not get that well I mean I don't know if I would say that spy but you know all right SP we got this straight line I'm hoping it doesn't release you until we actually get to the end of this so I'm going to not go too fast yet yeah don't go fast at all I don't know what like what mile per hour you LIF might want hit the brakes I think about around here no I'm hitting the brakes that's only oh the engine started the engine started you're fine you're fine okay Full Throttle here Full Throttle oh my no what did you say about the not screwing this up part uh um I think I screwed it up I think we both screwed it up there maybe we need more speed maybe we do I wish we had tie downs that we could quick release that would be great I could I mean technically I just don't think you're getting the nodes apart in time that actually was a lot better placement that time I just have the middle Mouse button okay you going to hold it down okay hold on let me attach I think we're attached okay are you going to be able to detach it I might be okay well if not I mean I'll just you could probably hit the throttle here in a second that way maybe you can lift the truck off too oh uhoh I think it broke I think it broke wait did you take off the dude I mean we didn't do it with the ramp but I mean you took off and I could see you crashing yep you can follow me down right into the ground oh that was a rock that was a good crash that was a good crash uh that was a great crash so that's how you take off an airplane with a short takeoff yeah yeah no that's totally and they do do that to 737s and stuff you ever seen that at the airport yeah in the back truck go down a ramp and they take it off within about 20 ft that's genius totally not a lie all right let's move on okay I'm still in the air Komodo wait where are you oh wait I think still in the air I haven't landed way over oh there you are hey I got a police car it's called The Mix speed oh we didn't break any laws today there's no proof of it yeah there's no breaking spy no come on I just boom Oh My Gosh um was good I can still drive too I think that was good you want to see something cool check this out I'm fast boy oh wow that doesn't seem that fast oh wait wait what did you say wait it doesn't seem fast that car doesn't match the speed something is not happening like correctly here with physics because this should not what the oh I got a short bed should we should we race those yeah know these seem to be perfectly reasonable uh to race I'll stick with the police car you go get your own vehicle oh okay so spy you sure you didn't want to get a mixed speed here no no no I got a super car but drag form I mean come on I feel like you're not going to be able why are you even doing that what what look at this this thing's fast this thing's fast I just did you just die no I was showing off I heard I heard a banging noise I I swear you just C oh okay you know a plane here I'll let you take off police chase time just just go ahead and go okay I'm going let you go a little further a little further hold on this thing's fast though oh it's fast but you have not seen mix speed mix speed that's what it says on the back of this it says BX oh my go wait why did it immediately flip well I'm going to go get myself a MC Burger okay I don't have name tags on so if you want to go hide I'm totally okay I just I know I can't take Corners in this thing because the random grip that it's got okay looks like a uh yeah I'm still going you're still going hm wait I could have swear I just heard something no wait where are you you don't hear anything you don't hear a thing hold on there's a uh where is he uh did he go down there did he go down there did he go down there no you totally know where I am no I don't know where you're at okay come on let's do this oh no this thing is not for turning oh my goodness that thing is so fast so there's something wrong with the grip in this vehicle cuz if you Tred to turn it flips over but I did eat you off a cliff so that is true oh my goodness wait how are you on a palm tree I landed in it it's my secret ability um totally survive death yeah uh you almost hit that wooden bridge above you that would have been kind of fun oh that doesn't that doesn't actually look like a very fun road oh my goodness okay look at this I I like how we're going to go drive on this narrow small bridge but we chose like possibly the biggest vehicles to do this in that's true true but we also have speed why do you need speed here spy have you seen the trail that's ahead of us yeah it doesn't look very it's actually hard to drive down here yeah this was a mistake why couldn't we have just grabbed a nice offroader what happened uh yeah go down that Hill go down that Hill okay I I can't even make I think I turn on rear steer here rear steer okay yeah rear steer if you hit B I like how the monster truck tires are so big it's already ripped my bumper off when I turn wait I'm good I'm good still oh yeah I'm coming down oh this is stupid oh it's got mon monster truck strength monster truck oh oh oh oh oh okay here we go okay this is probably a horrible idea yeah this is pretty horrible but you know what I'm here for it I'm having fun right now we got we got a bridge we got this bridge that barely fits us does it fit kind of oh no oh no oh no oh oh no my tire yeah the big monster truck tires like to get stuck in guard rails spy you're in my way um just give me a little push okay oh my goodness you're not afraid of heights here oh no oh my goodness uh wait wait it caught itself so do you want to remind me how like this was not a good idea this yeah just full speed it's spy there we go oh wait what what is happening right now I don't know yeah how about we get a vehicle that's reasonable and we try to drive down this Trail yeah that's probably good idea reasonable spy reasonable all right spy so you ready to go here we got something a lot more reasonable these are cool yeah these these look like they can handle a off-road Bridge off-road brid yes that makes sense all right go ahead Le let's do this you take off all right here we go oh you almost just drove right off the cliff there no that's the point have you seen those rally races where they're going like 60 down a dirt road and they almost run into a bunch of people yes that's me that's you without running into people all about say what are we talking about here Spide you want to explain nothing okay oh okay these are kind of cool this road sucks though it's like we need to call the city tell them come repave this thing or something city we're in the middle of a jungle hey there's probably a city out here there's like City Hall and all that just go complain oh can we even get over that oh yep we got this this car is awesome okay here we go there we go oh man oh grip grip grip grip grip yeah as long as it doesn't break like the oil pan or radiator I think we'll be fine here oh no there's a VW bus here help me wait there's a VW wait you you sound like it's attacking you or something it did attack me oh I see it I think it's hang it up there on the side of the cliff on I'm on my way up there it took me a second to get over those rocks I'm respawning wait did you fall off yeah the VW bus pushed me off wait the VW bus the bus was way off the path it did it again what do you mean it's attacking you it's attacking me that makes zero sense by it's it's just sitting there minding its own business on the side of the cliff okay maybe I attacked it I about to say that's what it sounds more like what happened by the way I haven't even reset I'm uh I'm doing I'm totally not didn't YouTuber reset two times already uh yeah this was a race right uh I'm going to go ahead and say it is now because I'm winning uh if I was in the lead I'd be like no this is just a leisurely uh trip oh okay I can hear you buzzing back there like I know you're not that far behind me oh you look at this oh no what happened spy is that the end well I'll wait for you to catch I mean we could race down this road until one person dies I mean that's normally how racing works right okay I'm on the road look at that let's go okay I'm right behind you oh yeah got to do got to do a little little bit of slide oh I don't think I want to slide right here might need to slide up here and I'm not sliding I'm driving oh okay this thing I think it's an all wheeel drive like this thing does not slide very well it feels good though it's got grip it's got grip but not good turning okay here that's oh wait where does this go Dodge that DOD did you see that my engine I had it locked down the whole time and I still couldn't get around oh no we're still good good though wait these are pretty strong yeah they're pretty good okay okay I'm going to win okay we play now I'm going to win where are we going uh we're going till somebody dies okay oh you saying so I think something was broken on the steering I was trying to send it into you to push you into the barrier but my car would not turn at all oh really hi hey wait come on so good wait is that a ramp SP it is a ramp that is a ramp that that feels like a finale here like if we hit this ramp full send wait there's like a return all you got to do is clear the gigantic cliff thing okay first person to clear it wins the whole video I mean I kind of want to use the extreme police car cuz I feel like that one might actually work yeah we might need some speed I mean we could try these to begin with you never know this one might surprise you uh wait for me wait for me wait for me okay so let's just follow each other here that way if we you know you go in front that way if you miss the ramp I get to make fun of you and blame you for leading me into that okay I'm going all right good okay we we can't miss this ramp where's the ramp right here you just say where's the ramp we can't miss the ramp where's the ramp oh my goodness we need speed you know we made it further than I thought we would to be honest that jump is pretty hard though oh with mix speed nothing's hard let's get some mix speed that sounds questionable all right spot we got the mix speed here oh ow ouch all right I'm ready okay 3 two 1 go watch taking the corner this thing likes to flip okay H there we go oh no I don't think I'm going to okay I followed you right into that it's fine oh my goodness well okay this is turned into a total catastrophe here this is going to be really hard I get a good drift I get a good drift ow did it did it not work I don't like you need much of a run up with this thing just no why is the ramp around the ow did you hit it yet no hold on there is an that did not mean to hit it like that there's an angle you can hit this thing at you just got to go straight I did it but it didn't go very far wait you didn't go far hold watch this okay so if you're right here all you got to do is go straight straight from there yeah look where I'm at it's a perfect angle all right here we [Music] go whoa holy man it's I can't even it can't even hang oh it's not enough spy I think I I hit the other Cliff okay here we go oh how's it going up there I'm having trouble just hitting it maybe some things are just not meant to be this is a straight shot oh I think that was I think wor that worse than the first attempt yeah hey you hit the other side though some things can't be jump some things can't be jump I really want to put that on a t-shirt
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 208,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diesel trucks, monster truck bus, beamng monster truck bus, beamng drive, beamng, monster truck, beamng monster truck, slides, giant slide, beamng drive crashes, cars vs potholes, testing, testing cars, testing expensive cars, beamng crashes, beamng drive gameplay, beamng police crashes, beamng drive car crashes, beamng drive mods, beamng funny moments, car crash, video game, police chase, camodo gaming, random parts, police chases, beamng high speed, beamng dropping cars
Id: Yk7-pA8pZW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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