Monkey Island 2's Ending EXPLAINED (SORT OF)

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hey everyone pushing of roses here and today I'm discussing the controversial ending for one of the most well loved point-and-click adventure games ever made Monkey Island 2 lechuck's revenge I'm going to be talking about some fan theories and also my interpretation of this game's ending while also giving you a quick rundown of the game as a whole and somehow if it's not clear by anything I just said this video contains spoilers big ones let me start by saying that I think lechuck's revenge is one of the funniest games I've ever played it might even be the funniest and truly laugh-out-loud games are hard to come by if you ask me and I assume you are asking me because you click on this video to get my opinion comedy is not really an established genre and video games like it is in movies and literature you find a lot of games with comedic moments but there aren't many I would look at and say ah a comedy game I'm in the mood for a comedy game tonight but if there were more defined genre I say The Monkey Island games would definitely qualify I am playing the special edition which features updated graphics but I find it plays best with the original graphics and the added voice acting I think Dominic our motto is perfect as diverse 3 foot and his performance makes the already hilarious writing come to life how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood a woodchuck could chuck no amount of wood since a woodchuck can't chuck wood but if a woodchuck could chuck in wood chuck some amount of wood what amount of wood would a woodchuck chuck even if a woodchuck could chuck wood and even if a woodchuck would chuck wood should a woodchuck chuck wood rib-tickling dialogue trees the kind that makes you want to run through every option and brilliant NPC conversation for the love of a good parrot aye a pirate's best friend to penicillin to penicillin to Santa Claus say da some party a yeah hey I wonder if she wants us oh yeah yeah and you don't need me to tell you this because if you have eyes and good taste you can plainly see how stunning this game looks especially for 1991 but we're not talking about any of that we're talking about the notorious ending and what the hell it all means in the first Monkey Island our protagonist seemingly kills his enemy the ghost pirate lechuck though it would appear he wasn't actually killed and tries to locate Irish to seek revenge lechuck's revenge because that's the name of the game after a series of moderately difficult puzzles that involve stealing random items and making people lose their jobs kibosh finds himself once again face to face with lechuck only something is off let's shut tailed guy brush they're actually brothers and in the most blatant Star Wars reference ever thanks LucasArts no that's not true that's impossible search your feelings you know it to be true [Music] divers pulled off his mask to reveal his brother Chucky a janitor then enters the room and tells them to get out as though they were kids as children they exit what appears to be a storage room for an amusement park and are greeted by their parents who scold divers for running off then thanked Chucky for hunting him down mind blown I was really thrown off by this ending as were many people and it can be interpreted several different ways but to be honest with you after reading through a few fan theories I got the impression that people wanted this ending to be juicier and way more convoluted than what made sense to me so I'm going to be focusing on the two more common explanations a guy brush and chuck are actually kids playing in a pirate themed amusement park the whole time and both Monkey Island 1 and 2 are just the imaginations of two precocious brothers playing pretend or be let's chalk to use some kind of spell casting or voodoo magic transporting them both to another dimension where they are both kids there's evidence to suggest either of those endings would work but it doesn't really matter too much since Monkey Island 3 came in and retcon to the story though people still speculate about the true ending since the development team changed between Monkey Island 2 & 3 Ron Gilbert designed the first two games and then left in 1992 to start humongous entertainment Monkey Island was designed by Larry Ahern and Jonathan Ackley who previously worked on full-throttle fans often wonder how different the third game would have been if Gilbert had stayed but he didn't and this is what we're working with now let's examine the theory that the characters are actually children initially I was not a fan of the idea that the entirety of Monkey Island was just the fabrication of a little boy playing a game of pirate it really puts a damper on the idea that you were playing a sweep though often blundering character and search for a life of adventure and I thought this game is too good to be thrown away on a meta style ending it deserves better than that but after revisiting a lot of things that transpire in those first two titles I had a very very very slight change of heart and just ending really does make a lot of sense it explains guy brushes juvenile nature him wanting to be a mighty pirate but seemingly scared of everything no paper nothing I'm a pirate top guy [Music] the way he interacts with Alleyne as though he's never seen a woman before and the way they argue as if they're throwing kindergarten potshots at each other is it my imagination or have you gained weight no it's going to be that way in it even the box art for the first game makes him look almost childlike with a look of wonder in his eye it really does seem like the first two games especially lechuck's revenge had just been foreshadowing this ending and we were just taking it as though these characters were simply bumbling on purpose even the puzzles throughout the second game especially we're on the immature side and yeah I realized that most adventure games have questionable inventory object puzzles but mostly they're just frustrating her bizarre these are flat-out silly and it's absolutely plausible that they would come from the mind of a child playing make-believe the insult sword fighting for example and the fact that there's a puzzle that involves a spitting contest something ever called my fellow students doing in elementary school also take note of the wordage this character is using to address three would he says boy and kid a lot could be more possible hitting that guy brush is a child this kid looks like a serious contender what's your name boy I am of course captain loogie there's even a dedicated animation just for a piece of spit flying against the wall and this is a different point in the game mind you this isn't even a part of the spitting contest so much spit even the names of the islands are on the elementary side foodie Island fat island dinky Island gab Island all goofy names that sound like somebody made them up all giggling proudly at themselves for being so clever dinky Island it would even explain more clearly why lechuck didn't die at the end of Monkey Island won and continued to hunt down guy brush in the sequel because he wasn't dead he was just guy brushes annoying brother Chucky whom Khyber's can get rid of temporarily by running away pretending to be on a grand adventure there's a part at the very end of this game where Alain Marley is shown on one of the islands wondering where guy brush went wasn't what's keeping guy brush hope the Chuck hasn't cost some horrible speller to him or anything her still being an adult would suggest that it's not a meta ending at all and instead a spell was cast over guy brush or him being brought to another dimension by look shocked though I think it's possible Alain is still playing waiting for him to return maybe there's a young version of her we haven't seen and we all know Ron Gilbert liked to troll and write meta jokes into his games the ending of symbol we Park for example is extremely meta to the pointed my eyes willing back into my skull Ron Gilbert gonna Ron Gilbert as they say babying me if this ending was in fact meant to be interpreted this way then I'm not the biggest fan but part of me finds it exceptionally clever and truly surprising I think the reason I don't genuinely dislike it is because I not only find a clever but also charming it's because it's still connected to a human story nothing you did was entirely in vain because at least there are still real characters here even if you are simply living vicariously through a young guy brush EE Park once so meta that nothing was real anymore the characters didn't mean as much I love symbol we park but that ending does make you feel like everything was pointless nihilism the game everything is temporary but Monkey Island still has real elements to it even if it's not the swash buckling journey you thought it that being said I don't buy it I just can't fully grasp this meta ending and there are just as many things that support the idea of the shock bringing divers into another dimension or casting some kind of Voodoo spell in Monkey Island 3 the amusement park is basically held search your feelings you know it to be true oh no it can't be but it is this is the carnival of the Damned I economy over there I don't think the appearance of guy brushes parents or the reasoning for turning him into a child were being super clear in this game but there are some other explanations there's a big emphasis on magic particularly voodoo spells where the Voodoo lady helps guy brush in his quest by teaching him how to use it one theory is that near the end of the game lechuck uses a voodoo spell to turn them both into children and transport them into an almost hallucinatory world where guy versus bears are back why no idea maybe his parents are pesky some kids feel like spending time with their parents is quite hellish or it could really be as simple as lechuck just wanting to trap him within this enchanted amusement park in his little boy form lechuck blatantly looks at the player and his eyes turn all red and demonic so i think it's way more realistic that he just cast a demonic spell over guy brush in an attempt to derail him from finding the treasure of big whoop or maybe he's just a possessed child or something I don't know I have definitely known some Chucky's that have been taken over due to evil voodoo rituals wait a minute child play has voodoo Monkey Island has voodoo the character's name is Chucky and little boy lechuck's name is Chucky huh coincidence yeah probably besides will Chuck smugly looking at the player hinting that he did something nefarious again we have the scene where Alain wonders where Guybrush went people find this to be the biggest tell that dye brush is in fact under a spell and that the characters really are well exceedingly silly the monkey island universe just consists of Daini characters and avaricious salesmen well well well I knew you'd come back my customers always do eventually I just want to say that I laughed maniacally after nailing Stan into this coffin I don't know why I just couldn't stop laughing at his terrible predicament I am a bad person The Monkey Island games are so well developed and so funny that I believe these characters are all adults with over-the-top personalities especially guy brush I feel like I'm really meant to believe the naive nature of this character and really that's what makes him so likable earlier in the game divers Falls a solid two feet and blacks out leading him to have strange vision of his dead parents who he thought abandoned him this can be taken both ways as well it could mean that his parents lost him in the amusement park and that's why Chuckie was sent to find him or it could mean that his parents really did leave him and died somewhere along the line considering dye brush seemed to hit his head pretty hard maybe he just had an untreated concussion and by the end of the game he was just hallucinating and none of it was real or maybe when divers fell from this rope he in fact died and is destined to spend the rest of his life in a hell that involved him being antagonized by his older brother for all eternity and let's be real here divers would go to hell if you died he put in a rat and a chef to vichyssoise and got him fired he's not a good person but I digress I think there are more reasons to believe The Monkey Island universe is real than not and I think the ending was meant to throw you off and later be explained in the next game even though Gilbert left after lechuck's revenge I think the curse of Monkey Island does a good job continuing the story no matter how this ending was meant to be taken doesn't matter too much to me because this game is one of the best in the adventure game genre it hits every mark successful jokes amazing art has a ghost zombie pirate and there's a monkey playing a piano like I said every mark and honestly I don't think this ending takes anything away from the game at least not for me because it is so jarring I now have a great fondness for it though people remain divisive on either loving it or hating it could be worse it could have been completely forgettable if you've never played a Monkey Island game you are truly missing out I recommend playing through all of them I promise you won't be disappointed and let me know your theories in the comments what do you make of lechuck's revenge is ending and as always look behind you a three-headed monkey this is all comes together and is explained fully I think people might not understand this ending because you have to know a lot about numerology in science there's a lot of physics are processing the Fibonacci sequence is incredibly important to this another we use hey everyone thanks for watching my video on the Chuck's revenge and hope you liked it this video was brought to you by my wonderful patrons if you want private perks which frankly sounds somewhat naughty check out my patreon campaign and if not check me out on Twitter where I complain about my parrot and as always I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: PushingUpRoses
Views: 53,886
Rating: 4.8904929 out of 5
Keywords: pushinguproses, pushinguproses review, pushinguproses let's play, DOS, gameplay, walkthrough, game footage, video game review, review commentary, female game reviewer, female game reviews, female, gamer, female reviewer, PUR, monkey island, ending, lechuck's revenge, Monkey Island 2, Ending explained, wtf, Monkey Island 2 Ending, Monkey Island ending, Monkey Island Lechuck's revenge, pushinguproses monkey island, Monkey island theory
Id: 1VOhTinyOac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2017
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