Mongraal Reveals Future Plans & Daily Routine

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foreign [Music] what's up guys we're back um it's been a long break but I'm happy to be here and happy to be filming again um I was just in Spain a couple weeks ago and it kind of reignited something in me and um I'm ready to to get going now so we're going to be doing daily stuff today's a daily Vlog and in the future we're going to be doing travel videos so I'm excited I'm excited for you guys to join me okay so first of all obviously we have breakfast in the morning normally I go to the gym fasted with just a black coffee but obviously we're going to London today so there's a couple complications so we're just gonna have breakfast today I normally I have six eggs three pillars pretty healthy I'll get into my diet a bit more as the video goes on as we're cooking the breakfast but um yeah normally six eggs free pills thank you all right guys so first of all six eggs well before the eggs organic extra virgin olive oil every time very healthy so and this is this is good for you so you can douse it a lot it's not too bad I cook it quite low for eggs otherwise they get burnt all right so I'll just let this warm up and this is like this gonna take like a minute so every time I crack eggs I always get the shell in but um let's see if I can do it perfectly now that was actually a pretty good one but um the reason why I eat eggs every morning is because they're just I think they're literally the best form of protein with steak like I think you can't even compare eggs with like protein powder like I think eggs build muscle faster like I'm not even joking I'm pretty sure that's literally scientifically backed the protein is just way better we've actually done quite well actually okay so you guys have probably been wondering where I've been that's probably the main question everyone has right now to answer that so if you've been following my Instagram I've been traveling around the world solo quite a lot so I was in Japan I went to Osaka Kyoto Tokyo was in Greece went to mykono Santorini Athens I was just in Spain Cartagena I think is how you pronounce it that wasn't so much solo that was for a conference for Capital Club that was actually very good um maybe I'll talk about that another day um should actually have a podcast coming soon from there so you know stay tuned for that yeah I've been traveling around the world um I don't want to sound like too like spiritual but just like self-discovery right um I think I've been doing that for a while now but like for the past six six or 12 months I've been taking it like pretty seriously um which is another kind of reason why I go into fitness so much um you know I think that's that's helps me a lot but yeah just figuring out what I want to do next right I'm figuring out like what my purpose is and what what really you know fulfills me so I think now it's kind of been a good influence on you guys and traveling around and just filming it so I'm gonna solo travel regardless because I just love it so I think now I'm gonna try just filming it wherever I go um and take you guys along with me I want to do some like casual stuff as well like today we're going to go to London um you know do some pre-cocial stuff some fun stuff but you know not too crazy not going to China or Japan but um in the future not too far future I want to start just traveling around the world and film it and maybe you know we'll do a series around Europe around Asia and um yeah we'll see how that goes okay so breakfast is done um we're gonna go to London go gym I've got an appointment at Louis Vuitton to get some stuff tailored as well as Laura Piana what was the total sorry effects four five seven eight [Music] all right guys so we're on the way to the gym right now um just past Mayfair so just to elaborate on kind of what I've been doing like I said I've been on kind of the self-improvement route I just got in a bit more detail so yeah I've been working out for like a year and a half I go running um multiple times a week sooner every day I've got something interesting coming actually which I was hoping to get for this video but we'll leave it at a later date um it'll be a cool cool type of video to film with that um yeah soon every day running every like every other day gym basically every day like one rest day a week and yeah reading actually I've started quite recently um for the past couple of months I read a lot now I've got a set amount of time I read a day every single day no matter what um yeah mainly those things um but we're about to be in the gym and see you guys [Music] what's up guys so finally we're here in the gym I've been waiting to do this for a while now I know a lot of you guys have been waiting for this so I'm gonna be filming my gym session today push day um I might instead of shoulders do some arms instead just because I feel like it's more fun to film arms and shoulders but um yeah I'm going to be showing you guys my routine you know what I've learned over the past year and a half how I've developed my my physique and um yeah so first we warm up with some lightweight because I don't know if you guys saw but I got injured a while ago and it took me out for about three months and I think it was just due to not warming up so yeah first of all flat bench a little warm up I normally do just nine quick easy wraps get the blood flow [Music] muscles warmed up so no injuries today right so this gym doesn't go up to what I normally use I normally use 32 kg for flat bench which is like around 80 pounds I think but they go up to 30 here so I want to take the cut the pump cover off once I get a bit of a pump so let me make sure I don't just fall back and die here okay so normally I do three sets of everything so I'll do a warm-up set and then three sets I'll do that for basic everything except for like mundane stuff like shoulders I don't really warm up but for this I definitely do because it's quite a lot of weight normally I do 32 for like six to eight reps so we'll see we'll see how we do get on with these photos we should be able to do it a bit more and remember the last rep is where the most muscle was built so oh nice good fast fast set so we'll do one more then I think we'll take the pump cover off I haven't took myself in a gym because in my public gym you're not allowed to do that so I'm actually interested to see what it's like to work out without the pump cover but yeah we'll take a little break then we'll get into the second one all right [Music] because I think hi guys chest is done um we're here I'm gonna cast the incline now onto triceps um I do two tricep exercises so the first one is overhead score Crushers while I'm done and the second one will be ropes but we'll get into the after see if they hit the back so you don't want to put your arms all the way at the top you want to slightly Arch them back yes one so that you've always got tension on the tricep slowly just lower it like I said don't go too heavy don't injure yourself [Music] all right guys now onto the last part of exercise so we're done flat chest thing on chests Skull Crushers yeah so I'll do this for you know like everything else three sets um for this I recommend keeping your your elbows quite tucked in because you don't want to be moving your elbows while doing this you want to be fully just only than your tricep and make sure to try and really stretch of the bottom just pull outwards so that the tricep is really getting stretching all right so on to biceps um I do both cable biceps I don't use any dumbbells um the reason for that is just to keep tension while it goes down as well so I do normally I do like a you know the bar in the gym but they don't have it there but normally I have a bar just a flat bar and I'll just do my curls and then I do rope hammer curls which we'll do after this I've never used this attachment before so um I actually don't even know if this is for biceps I'm pretty sure it is right so I can't imagine anything else you do with this maybe triceps push down but oh right as you can see as soon as we left the gym just as we started to leave it just started pissing down with rain I want the camera guy to zoom in on like literally how deep this has penetrated you could see my my hairs through my my chinos and like I don't even want to talk about how expensive this combo is right here but this has just been drenched so we was going to go shopping anyway but now we've got even more of a reason to go because um this is just room basically this is fully drenched I'm fully drenched um yeah as you can see it's just ridiculous like it it's the UK weather yeah we'll probably go go now and uh we'll see what we can buy we're about to go to Laura piano get this tailored and some other stuff I've got from there tailored um after that Louis Vuitton we had to do a change in trousers because like you've seen before the rain just completely drenched the other ones so unfortunately I can't get these tailored today so they're quite long but I've got another pair that we're going to get tailored say hi to the Vlog hello um I called up recently I got this about uh I don't know seven months ago in January yeah and I want to get it tailored yeah yeah sure yeah this is everything else I think it's fine this one is something you you want to type yeah is that 90 pounds super short in sleeves yeah and then we charge also for the shortage houses yeah sure [Music] four days so between four and five days what do you think do you like the trousers a little bit shorter than you know this one is really depends so no new I like her quite sure yeah I think a tiny bit shorter maybe yeah I think this is good yeah yeah 675 okay it's not a thing what can I pair green with like will I be able to collect the trousers the jacket and like both jackets all at once okay yeah yeah let me see if I can do it on this if not I'll just use my record oh okay nice what was the total sorry get my trousers I have here tailored we were supposed to be getting these tailored as well but as you know if We've ran into problems with the rain so yeah we'll get these tailored we uh brought our jacket and we're a piano that was very nice um yeah get this done and then we'll go get some food nice place to put the watches I think like a tiny bit shorter maybe like a little bit shorter it says tailored get this done should be um arriving in a few days look at the difference by the way like it's just so much better when when you get stuff tailored it doesn't have to be an expensive one as well you can just buy plain jeans or plain chinos get them tailored for 15 20 pound at a local store it's basically the same thing hi guys um we put the stuff back in the car so we got the trousers tailored at Louis Vuitton and the jacket I got at Laura Piana I know some channels I've got a lot going on um the jacket is going to be tailored and I'll receive it within the next week so that's gonna be fun to pick up right now I'm going to take you to my favorite Japanese restaurant in Mayfair don't all come stealing come into my my place because it's going to be too booked but they do very good food here so I'll take you along through some nice places and maybe Japan has some connotation with some future content so stick around and we'll see all right so we're here eat Tokyo let's go in get some Ramen maybe some Mochi after let's go so yeah we just arrived here um got my favorite dish tonkatsu Ramen um kind of gives me you know reminiscence of when I was in Japan when I went to a local Ramen Shop it was very nice so it's nice to come here sit down and have some food that reminds me of that hey guys thank you for watching um it's very interesting filming today we've done a lot of good stuff I think that video turned out very well I'm very happy with it so I hope you guys enjoyed um let me know what you want to see next like I said I've got some stuff planned so I think it's gonna go well but if you've got anything you want to see me do let me know um yeah it was a great day and
Channel: Mongraal
Views: 1,668,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mongraal, faze mongraal, faze clan, faze fortnite, benjyfishy, mongraal fortnite, mongraal edit, mongraal course, mongraal rage, mongraal settings, mongraal moments, mongraal funny
Id: IT9xhLs5RC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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