Mongols: Western Expansion - Battles of Legnica and Mohi 1241 DOCUMENTARY

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This video was sponsored by the great courses plus go to the great courses plus. Calm today to start your free trial Genghis Khan is dead However, his sons and grandsons are now taking over his empire and the spirit of conquest within the Mongols is still strong What happened to the ruse princedoms bull gars? Kipchak s-- and others during the expedition of je vais and civet. I was just a precursor to the invasion of batu khan What started with the fall of kiev and the battles of leg Nitze and moe he would then turn into a centuries-long? nightmare for eastern europe Genghis khan passed away in 1229 and his son. Okay day became the Great Khan he was a talented administrator who transformed the Mongols from a tributary to a tax based empire and commissioned the construction of the capital Karakoram He developed the Yasir law created a postal service introduced paper currency and created civil service exams open to everyone while implementing a culture of religious tolerance This colossal shift from nomadic to bureaucratic governance. Led to a period of prosperity called the Pax, Mongolia In the next few decades Mongol conquests had three main directions central and southern China Central Asia Iran the Caucasus and the Middle East and modern-day Russia and Eastern Europe as These three were often detached theatres each of the next three videos will focus on one direction starting with the invasion of Europe In 1235 the mongol cult I decided to send a big army to conquer europe 130,000 commanded by the son of Joh qi Batou headed to the region By 1237 volga bulgaria was conquered Crimea and the lands of the Kip Jack's Alan's and others were next and by the end of summer of that year All the lands to the east of the Don River belonged to the Mongols In November that you can't sent his own voice to the court of prince yuri ii of vladimir Sisto and Demanded his allegiance It is not clear What happens during this embassy? But in February of 12 38 the capital of the princedom Vladimir was raised by the Mongols the chronology of events are open to debate, but we know that in 1238 and 12:39 many Rus princedoms were destroyed and their capitals were razed the Mongols moved fast dividing and conquering along the way not allowing the rust to unite their forces the biggest open battle of this campaign happened near the river sit and the Mongols prevailed The only major cities to escape destruction were Novgorod and piss Cove as they accepted Mongol Authority By the end of 12:39 the Mongols returned beyond the dawn But who had to send some of his forces south to help in the conquest of the Caucasus while the forces of monkey were recorded to Mongolia so the Mongols spent the spring of 1240 recruiting troops from local tribes In the summer of the same year the Mongols restarted their offensive the biggest most prosperous veracity Kiev was besieged in September The Envoy sent in were killed and the city fell after a three-month long siege All 50,000 locals were massacred With the RUS principalities belonging to the Golden Horde the Mongols now looked towards Central Europe the Venetians delivered on their deal with subbu Ty and provided him with valuable information on the kingdom's they were facing which allowed him to plan a devastating campaign against all of Europe In December of 1240 the Mongols were ready to pounce on Poland and Hungary But who sent several messengers to the high duke of poland henry ii and the king of hungary bela the fourth Both of these envoys were killed The mongols invaded Central Europe in three columns the first group was tasked with distracting Poland by da quedan and order with to humans The second mainly batty and Suba ty with three to four tumors crossed the carpathian mountains through the Varekai pass and a third followed the Danube River In late 12:40 the first force advanced against Poland with a remarkable speed of 50 miles per day sacking Lublin and Sandi Metz on the 13th of February 12 41 They then split their force 1/2 man under order moved to central Poland and another under by de and Cayden swept south Defeating a small contingent at the Battle of Kursk Oh in late February 1240 the capital of Poland Krakov was abandoned looted and then burned Then the Mongols advanced on the central city of Silesia what Slough which was left Undefended by the Polish nobility in the hope of buying more time to assemble an army While setting up for a siege of the city By day and Cayden received reports that a great host was marching towards them so they turned from what's faff to intercept the Polish army Before it got a chance to unite with the vague, bohemian army The two armies met on April 9th at the field of leg Nitze The Polish army led by henry Ii had around seven to eight thousand troops most of them from poland with contingents from Moravia bavaria and the Teutonic order while the Mongol force under by dar was slightly less numerous with around six thousand troops the Polish force consisted of heavy cavalry infantry And peasants while the Mongol force was made up of the usual horse archers and heavy Lancers The battlefield was a plane surrounded by small rivers the center of the Christian army Consisted of three lines of cavalry with infantry on the flanks and a smaller reserve under Henry in the rear By divided his troops into four divisions each with a mix of horse archers and Lancers The first line of the Polish cavalry charged against the Mongol vanguard, but was pushed back after some initial success Henry then sent the rest of his cavalry forward and this time under the pressure the Mongols began to withdraw the allied cavalry gave chase separating themselves from the infantry a Signal was given by the Mongol commander to set fire to the plants growing on the field This created a dense smoke and smell Unbearable to the Christian army and its infantry on the flanks failed to see the battlefield clearly In that moment the mongol horse archers began firing at the confused riders disorientated by the smoke The cavalry was annihilated and that left only the unarmored peasants on the flanks completely exposed With no support the polish wings were massacred and re attempted to flee from the battlefield But was caught killed and beheaded His severed head was displayed on a pike in front of the town of leg Nitzer striking fear into the populace While by dog was busy slaughtering the Polish nobility at leg Nitzer 600 kilometers to the south King Bella of Hungary was lining up his armies for battle after six days of chasing the main Mongol force under Batou and subitize in a campaign eerily similar to Kalka He ordered a fortified camp of wagons to be constructed near the siyao River refusing to take the bait While the terrain was plain the river had flooded and could only be crossed vara narrow 200 metre long bridge The Mongols had around 15 to 20 thousand troops and were outnumbered by the 40,000 strong Hungarian army of which about 15,000 were cavalry the Hungarians had contingents from Croatia, Austria and the order of the Templars After hearing that the Mongols were crossing the bridge under the veil of darkness the Hungarians moved marching seven kilometers in the dark and Descending upon the bridge at midnight The Mongol vanguard was destroyed as their horse archers were exposed during the night and unprepared for the enemy crossbowmen The Hungarian army left a small force to guard the bridge as they returned to camp to celebrate thinking that the invaders had been repulsed on the morning of April 11th 12:41 Subutai sent a force north to cross through a shallow spot in the river while he was making his way south for a makeshift bridge Meanwhile Batu ordered seven heavy catapults to bombard and distracts the prosper man guarding the bridge After stalling for a while the northern troops descended upon the bridge guards from the rear and routed them At the Hungarian camp a great argument broke out as the king was blamed for not preparing his force for another engagement This gave time for the Mongols to cross the river Still the Hungarians were once again gaining the upper hand as battle failed to organize his troops in a proper formation As the Mongols were being pushed against the river with nowhere to run subbu time Miraculously joined the engagement and attacks the Hungarians from the rear subbu Ty then rallied the troops who had seen heavy casualties and Ordered them to surround the Hungarian camp - which Bella had retreated There Mangan ELLs bombarded the camp with stones while archers shot flaming arrows The Hungarians attempted to break the encirclement on three occasions, but were repelled each time Once again the Mongols left a gap giving Hungarian troops, hope of escape Most of the defenders fled for their lives only to be chased down by more archers lying in ambush This trick meant that the Mongols would be killing the enemy while they were running Instead of fighting for their lives which allowed them to avoid extra casualties The Hungarian army ceased to exist Bella made it to safety, but the entire population of Hungary was left at the mercy of subitize troops In the span of two days the strongest kingdoms of Central Europe were defeated With free reign over Hungary the Mongols did what they did best ravaged the countryside starting with pests? More than half of the settlements in the plains of Hungary were destroyed It is said that Hungary lost around 500,000 of its population the mongols then invaded Serbia and Bulgaria these lands were ravaged and Bulgaria was forced to become a tributary to the Mongols for several decades As the situation was only getting direr the Pope called for an anti Mongol crusade Meanwhile the Holy Roman Emperor began to levy his troops and organize a defense The Mongols were planning to reach the Atlantic Ocean and there was no army strong enough to stand in their way However, this was not to occur the Great Khan Olga day passed away in December of 12 41 and Batou along with most of his troops had to return to Mongolia to participate in the elections of the next leader of the Mongol Empire Europe was saved While creating this Documentary we used the series of lectures called the barbarian empires of the steps from professor Kenneth W Howe provided by the sponsor of this video the great courses plus This very detailed 36 part series Covers the history of the nomadic peoples from the Huns to the Pechenegs From the Citians to the Bulgars with multiple episodes on the heroes of this video the Mongols You can subscribe to the great courses plus to get access to the vast library of 9,000 lectures on history science literature and other subjects from the top-notch professors from the best universities in the world The great courses plus is giving viewers a great offer of a free trial Show your support to our channel and learn more about the step peoples by subscribing to the great courses plus through the great courses plus comm forward slash kings and Generals or the short link in the description Thank you for watching the fourth video in our series on the Mongol invasions The next episode will be dedicated to the invasion of the Middle East and the Battle of angelarts We would like to express our gratitude to our patreon supporters who make the creation of our videos possible Now you can also support us directly via YouTube by pressing the sponsorship button directly below the video This is the kings and Generals Channel, and we will catch you on the next one
Channel: Kings and Generals
Views: 622,200
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Keywords: legnica, mohi, kings and generals, yehuling, subutai, world history, bazbattles, Historia Civilis, rome, ancient battle, top 10, strategy, tactic, total war rome, next total war, full documentary, thfe, lesson, study, history lesson, documentary film, extra credits history, constantinople, timur, ankara, genghis, mongols, kalka, animated documentary, jebe, war - topic, history, historical
Id: kF11uwUGZog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 11 2018
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