Money Will Flow Like Crazy | DO THIS! BEFORE OCTOBER 2021 | Joe Dispenza, Abraham Hicks & Louise Hay

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the brain only learns by only we only see reality based on pattern recognition i memorize your face now i know lewis and if the pattern matches i know but if you're creating a future and you're not clear on that future and you want all these things but you haven't addressed all those circuits and behaviors and emotions and chemicals of the past you won't recognize the pattern you'll walk right past the relationship you'll never see it so so i think that there's the preparation for the relationship the overcoming and overcoming and overcoming and overcoming and overcoming and becoming all of a sudden now says i am worthy and the universe only gives us what we think we're worthy of receiving so when you're worthy to receive it's not going to be on when you're looking at body parts and whatever else this is going to be like energy wow like that came out of nowhere because when you're in survival and you're in separation and you're in lack and you're forcing and controlling and trying to predict outcomes your matter trying to change matter and of course it's going to take time for this to happen because you're creating a three-dimensional reality and everything in three-dimensional reality takes time but when you're creating from the heart with a coherent brain and a coherent heart and you got that 5g wi-fi signal it's it's not like you go anywhere now the experiences are coming to you're drawing the event to you so so we spend a lot of time [Music] bonding with our future emotionally i have colleagues of mine who look at our our data on oxytocin and they're like uh listen oxytocin levels go up during uh you know when i'm in a relationship the honeymoon stage of relationship and monogamy is created because of those chemicals or a female mammal is bonding with our offspring that's exactly right i want our people our students to bond and fall in love with their future just like they do with somebody else and when you're bonded to your future no person no circumstance no thing is going to remove you from it so then if you fall from grace during the day then the next question is what person what circumstance caused me to disconnect from my love in the future and let me rehearse in my mind if i have that same circumstance how i'm going to overcome it open your eyes and be in the initiation of life and stay in that place and just know that your future is going to happen so so being able to activate the heart and breathe in there and get the body out of survival and start working with it like it feels safe enough to create once energy makes it here you're going to get some really good ideas you're going to see things you never thought of seeing you're going to feel things you never thought you'd feel and the the images that you're creating what are they doing the thoughts that you're creating they're making more of those chemicals and now you're feeling more of the feeling of your future before it happens you're giving your body a sampling a taste of the future before it's happened keep doing that enough times and that feeling is going to become very familiar to you there was a researcher out of yale university that in the 1940s that was studying electromagnetic fields around living organisms and in the 1940s and at yale university nobody was doing this and he was a vitalist he wanted to understand the unseen fields around living organisms so he started studying eggs all kinds of eggs chicken eggs swallow eggs reptile eggs snake eggs salamander exos all kinds of eggs and he was using a magnetometer and what he found was what a hundred percent of the time no matter what a he measured the positive charge was always at the head and the negative charge was always at the tail well if you have positive charge on one end the negative charge on the other end you got a external electromagnetic field called the magnetic field that's a magnet right what happens with human beings is every thought has a frequency every thought produces a chemical so if you keep obsessing about your lack your lack of finances your lack of time your lack of energy lack like likewise and those thoughts i don't have this what what are the chemicals you're feeding your body you're taking thought it's producing a frequency and that frequency in the form of chemistry is storing that thought emotionally right in your second center you feel guilty you feel unhappy the moment you feel unhappy then you generate more thoughts equal to that feeling which makes more chemicals and you keep taking energy from the brain and storing it in the body if you react to people in your life and you feel anger frustration whether it's traffic the news whatever it is parents whatever you're drawing from this field this electromagnetic field you're tapping that resource and you're making chemistry out of it and the field shrinks so now by doing that and living in survival the body no longer is a magnet so now you have very little energy in the brain in fact five percent of the energy is in the brain then 95 percent is stored in the body now the body's been conditioned emotionally so a lot of energy in the body very little in the brain focus on what you want and you'll get more of it and that is actually true whatever you focus on you move towards which is why it is so important to focus on what you want and do not focus on what you don't want after all if you were having an injection in your arm and you look at it and think about it it's more painful than if you read a message on your phone and take your attention elsewhere so i absolutely believe and science has proven that when you focus on something you go towards it but the thing i think lets people down in the law of attraction is that it doesn't ever talk about application it kind of says you want the best partner in the world focus on it think about it imagine they're there and they will turn up and i'm like well not really if you never leave the couch how are they going to turn up you see if i want a new home i can think about the home i want i can imagine but i also know i've got to go and look at it i've got to go on to websites and look at homes and then go and view that home if i wanted a new job i can think about the new job imagine the new job and believe i can manifest it but i also need to apply for that new job go for interviews put myself out there let's imagine you want the career of your dreams or maybe you want to start your own business and that's all good and you can use the law of attraction to visualize the career of your dreams to visualize someone funding your business setting up your startup and it's a great visualization you can use vision boards you can use meditation you can use so many things to excite your imagination to fire off those neurons and go hey i can do this but you still have to take action the best plan in the world may not work if you don't work too you see i had an idea to write a book and i knew i was going to sit down and write a book and i did sit down and write a book but i had to also find an agent speak to people i was very lucky that as i was beginning to write my book i went to a dinner party sat next to someone happened to be an agent which was very useful then i started to tell one of my clients i was writing a book and she said you know the best agent in town is one of your patients i'm like really oh yeah so i contacted him he came to my house he ended up being my agent but i also had to do work i had to write that book i had to have the confidence it was an amazing book and agents will tell people go oh hey i could do a harry potter i've written a book here it is and they go actually no it's not quite right the side you are worth it that is so important it's one of the most but not the most important step decide you're worth it and then decide what you are going to do to get it what are the steps you are going to take to make that law of attraction real what are you going to do if you hit a roadblock and the first thing you hear is no so remember you must take the action you must be committed you must be disciplined you must have belief and faith and a very strong work ethic too because the best plan in the world may not work if you don't work with it once you start appreciating your boss your clients they appreciate you back so in my 20s the reason why i i was successful was i was little unique in so many different different things for example when i was doing accounting consulting i divided my uh clients to two groups one i do regular job the other i always bring something whenever i got to meet them just a herb tea japanese tea like a book or just not super expensive so in six months i got so many referrals from the the gift giving groups you know i didn't ask for any clients right but they gave me uh so many referrals and the second you know a group uh not so much so i recommend everybody to start giving more something a little extra nuts like 30 percent more but something to to show appreciation and uh it doesn't really matter if you're florist or cleaners or business lawyers or a dentist if you start giving something you get more so this is the law i think if you give more um you receive more and then there's one more extra reason to appreciate about so you you your life would shift so your whole energy would be so different and so content and i think people want to do business with happier people you know people don't want to go with people who are very depressed so the people with the radiance of appreciation often attracts more people and more opportunities so this is not a new age or a spiritual thing it's a practice to to um to appreciate more so what you appreciate appreciates and i think it's it's so simple so start appreciating about money is the first step and then second step is start appreciating what you have and if you start sharing what you have i call it gift all of us have gifts i've written probably like half of my books 20 books on how to discover your gifts and monetize them because we're born each of us is born with a special gift and something to be shared with this planet and if you can find it and if you can uh improve it and you can you can polish it and just share with a society i think that translates into money so i wrote a national bestseller do what you love and make sure money follows you so it's very important you have to have both you can't want something that you don't have and be a vibrational match to it you have to be what you want and then you can have it in other words you have to feel prosperity equivalent to your request you got to get in the vortex the vortex has to be familiar to you and the thing that's so interesting about that is you tune yourself to the frequency of the vortex and you're not saying i want to win the jackpot you're saying money's flowing to me in abundance it comes in as fast as it can go out i have no need for money money is flowing in it's like air i breathe it in and i breathe it out and i breathe it in and i breathe it out and i breathe it in and i breathe it out in and out in and out and out it just comes to me naturally you see you got to get into the vortex and then the vortex gives you everything that you need to figure it out as you go i believe that these dollars are there for me i believe that there's a path to them that will be an easy path for me i believe that the path is through the vortex i believe the path is through my emotions i believe the path is through the alignment with source energy that is really the larger part of me i believe that my emotions tell me truly i believe that when i'm frustrated i'm not there i believe that when i'm hopeful i'm closer i believe that when i'm happy i'm there i believe that when i appreciate i'm there i believe that when i make peace with what is i'm there i believe that when i appreciate the process of my life that caused me to put this solution there that i'm there i love every struggle that i've lived because that's been the fodder that put this there i believe that the well-being that i've lived and the well-being that hasn't felt so much like well-being has put it there for me i know that i'm the creator of my own reality i know that these things are true i know that i get to live the manifestational version of all of that i believe that i can live the manifestational version of that i think there's evidence all over this planet of people who stood right where i'm standing in terms of finances who had a vortex just like i do that was all queued up for them and they just found the way in and i don't have to find the identical way in i don't have to run around and look for people and say how'd you get your money how'd you get your money how did you get your money because it's different for every one of us but one thing is a common denominator about anyone who has succeeded in anything that they have been reaching for they found a way to be a vibrational match to what they were asking for and that's all i've got to do you can never create prosperity by talking or thinking about your lack of money this is wasted thinking and cannot bring you abundance dwelling on lack only creates more lack poverty thinking brings more poverty and gratitude thinking brings abundance there are a few affirmations and attitudes that are guaranteed to keep prosperity beyond reach resenting other people for the amount of money they may have just puts up a wall between you and your own flow open your consciousness to new ideas about money and it will be yours there is never enough money now that is a terrible affirmation to use also the one money goes out faster than it comes in this is poverty thinking of the worst kind the universe can only respond to what you believe about yourself and about life if you think that winning the lottery will solve all of your problems you are greatly mistaken because it doesn't involve changing consciousness in effect you're saying to the universe i don't deserve to have good in my life except by a fluke chance if you would only change your consciousness your thinking to allow the abundance of the universe to flow through your experience you could have all the things you think the lottery can bring you and you'd be able to keep them because they would be yours by right of consciousness affirming declaring deserving and allowing are the steps to demonstrating riches far greater than you could ever win in a lottery another thing that can keep you from prospering is being dishonest whatever you give out in life comes back to you always and if you take from life then life will take from you it is that simple you may feel that you don't steal but are you counting the paper clips and stamps you may take from the office or are you a person who steals time or robs others of respect or perhaps steals relationships all these things count and are a way of saying to the universe i don't really deserve the good in life i have to sneak around and take it so become aware of the beliefs that may be blocking the flow of money in your life and then change those beliefs and begin to create new abundant thinking even if no one else in your family has done this you can open your mind to the concept of money flowing into your life if we want to prosper then we must use prosperity thinking i have two prosperity affirmations i've used for many years and they work well for me they'll also work for you one my income is constantly increasing and two i prosper wherever i turn i had very little money when i started using them but consistent practice has made them come true for me you know for a long time i believe that business is a place where we bless and prosper each other i've never understood the concept of cutthroat business where you try to cheat and put one over on the other person that doesn't sound like a joyous way to live there is so much abundance in this world if we would but just share it at hay house my publishing firm we have always been honest honorable we live up to our word we do our work well and treat others with respect and generosity when you live that way it is impossible to keep the money away the universe rewards you at every possible turn today we have a fabulous reputation in the publishing world and so much business that we are turning it away we do not want to grow so big that we lose the personal touch now if i an abused child who did not finish high school can do it so can you once a day stand with your arms open wide and say with joy i am open and receptive to all the good and abundance in the universe and thank you life life will hear you and respond the source of abundance is infinite why because the source of every experience is consciousness and consciousness is by definition non-local has no form and therefore it's infinite and the source of all experience is infinite and therefore it can never be in short supply so if we think deeply about this first law the source of abundance is infinite then of course we want to get in touch with that source and that source is our innermost being which is the field of all possibilities the field of unpredictability and the source of intention and desire the field of that is evolving in the direction of truth goodness beauty harmony and love the field that is inexhaustible as a source for ongoing creativity and abundance and it is simple to get in touch with the source by transcending the mind through meditation through self-awareness through self-reflection through self-inquiry through mindful awareness of every experience mindful awareness of body mindful awareness of the processes of the mind mindful awareness of the web of relationship mindful awareness of mental space and to engage this source of infinite possibilities by asking questions and receiving answers i've been in the habit of doing that every day all my life and reviewing this process every night before i go to sleep whatever you want to receive start by giving so we can you know start with simple things if you want attention you pay attention to others if you want respect you give respect to others if you want love you give your love to everyone that you meet and respect love attention affection appreciation acceptance are very simple things to start with but if you want to generate wealth then figure out a way to generate wealth for others and also figure out how you can activate abundance consciousness in others and one way to do this is also to experience gratitude so when you experience gratitude it opens the door to abundance consciousness so think of all the things you're grateful for material things relationships health on and on career and as you open the door of gratitude it leads to the realm of abundance start with giving once in a while when i'm in new york city i go to the bank and i get some cash and then i walk around the city um giving cash or dollars to homeless people on the street and don't do it uh casually do it sincerely look them in the eyes talk to them and see their reaction when you give them twenty dollars or whatever you'll see the gratitude in your eyes and you feel a connection between spirit and spirit and so this exchange by the way that's what money is also called the exchange the currency of exchange so start with that process and live in that process don't stop the flow of abundance by holding money if you hold money it's of no use we had a thanksgiving where literally we had no food and we wouldn't have starved but we weren't gonna have a thanksgiving dinner and uh there was a knock at the door and that knock changed my life because it was someone who delivered food for us it was just a delivery man the person who actually sent it didn't acknowledge who they were and the man said this is just a gift for you and your family my father didn't react very well to it at the time um didn't want charity but out of necessity took it in and i just remember at that time thinking to myself why is it that my father worked so hard because he did work he wasn't unemployed and yet here we are with no money on thanksgiving not even for food and it's just my whole life had been that way and i just i couldn't understand why we were living on the other side of the tracks i lived in what i thought was a rich community it was actually a middle class community lower middle class but everybody else we live right next the railroad tracks quite literally and everyone seemed like living a different lifestyle and i couldn't understand my father i felt was as good as their fathers as a person why did we have such lack why was there such scarcity why did they have so much abundance in us not have any and i really didn't have the answer until i sat in that room with jim rohn and he asked a question he said you know what does it really take to do well financially what does it take to have real economic abundance and he said you must bring value to the marketplace i'll never forget and i thought what the hell is he talking about value to the marketplace and he made it very clear that we all have value in our own souls but that's not what we get paid for we also get paid for effort we don't get paid for our time we get paid to find a way to add value and the question he asked at the time was how is it possible that some people earn twice as much money as you do or four times or five times or ten times as much money in the same amount of time and he said the answer is because they found a way to add more value that is the secret to abundance do more for others than anyone else on earth and if you can do that you can build a brand you can build a company you can build a life you can build friendships that are beyond compare and so that simple little philosophy was really simple he went a little deeper he was very specific he said you know if you look at it i remember at the time he said if you work for mcdonald's in those days he said you make 250 an hour and i remember he said you know somebody's working making 250 now and they're barely surviving today working mcdonald's you make eight dollars an hour by contrast a little inflation but this is 1977. and he said so why do these people make so little and somebody that he gave the example back then of the gentleman who was the head of disney and he's made 52 million dollars in the same year one person's making 250 an hour somebody just makes 52 million so how is that possible isn't that fair isn't that unfair and i remember at the time in pausing and saying well anybody can learn within an hour how to really do the numbers and use a cash register in fact today you don't even know the numbers you just push a button with a picture on it right so anybody can do that it's not being disrespectful so there's not a lot of added value in fact soon robotics will probably take most of that over because it's it's not something that expands the human spirit it's not a complex task that makes us expand or grow and offer something but he said you know the guy that figured out how to turn disney around with having trouble it's worth 52 million because he's bringing joy and happiness and love and laughter to millions and millions of people so if you help millions of people you're gonna do well in the bible it says if you wish to become great learn to become the servant of many which as jim used to say is you know that means there's nothing wrong with wanting to be great but greatness comes from serving a large number of people or at a deep level one of the two and so you look at it today and today the story is the same you work at mcdonald's it's eight dollars an hour and i just got finished writing a book where i interviewed 50 of the most successful financial people on earth that started with nothing and you look at a guy last year david tepper was the highest paid hedge fund guy he got paid 3.5 billion dollars last year now that looks like incredibly unjust experience you know it's insane it's insane to think that that man's going to make 3.5 and someone else is going to make 15 000 a year at 8 an hour basically how could you justify that well if you find a way to add more value you can earn more and you can be abundant he figured a way to get a 40 return for people in a world where most people are putting their money in a savings account getting 33 basis points one third of one percent if you got people one percent return he'd be having 300 more value but he's adding 12 000 more value for his investors these people have taken their money and they're able to do things for their families for their businesses for the causes they care about because he's growing it at a multiplied level because he developed this incredible set of skills and how did he do it the way jim rohn teaches he learned to work harder on himself he learned to master skills no one else had that could add value to others so introducing you to jim rohn in abundance i just want to mark out that you can earn 10 times more 20 times more 100 times more in the same amount of time if you work harder in yourself than anything else if you find a way to do more for others than anyone else and then it goes beyond money then it goes to understanding abundance as an emotion like love like joy it's the most amazing thing the more of it that we give the more of it we experience inside now i've got a special bonus clip that i think you're going to enjoy but before that it's time for the question of the day i want to know what was your single biggest takeaway from this video and your plan of action for the next week when you watch a video and just get motivated you have a 35 chance of actually following through that's what the science says and that is not good enough believe nation we need to do better when you actually get motivated and then create a specific plan of action for what you're going to do this week you have a 91 chance of following through and when you publicly commit to somebody else like leaving a comment below on this video it jumps even higher so i want that for you i want to know your single biggest takeaway from this video and your plan of action for the next week so i can celebrate with you guys joshua keep this law book on your lips joshua was a young guy just like you wanted to do something good in life god says here's the secret keep this book of the law on your lips meditate on it day and night he says and be careful to do everything written in it and then he says the result is this you will make your way prosperous and you will have good success the two things you're trying to get are related to law you think it's ready to you related to work hard working room no no no no no you can work hard and still be broke ask the person next to you don't look right don't look right now [Applause] highly hard work that does it slaves work hard study history slaves are hard-working people they don't even own themselves so working hard is not the secret his laws if you keep my laws meditate talk about them on the on your lips he says they will what you will make your way prosperous that means you make your own prosperity by what doing the laws you only use your car to go to work something wrong with that you could serve some people with your car pick an old lady up from the jerry i could take out every week once a week use your car that's there's a law [Applause] he says you will make your way prosperous you have good success look at jeremiah god says 29 11 i know the plans i have for you god says plans to prosper you what kind of god is this now why is he wanting to prosper namesake i plan for my product to prosper he says what else not to harm you why because my name is on you i can't have a broken product that's that's bad for my reputation as a company you know i pray when i have a need i say lord this ain't good for you i can tell everybody and the needs keep being met you don't pray for your sake i have a plan he says for you a plan to prosper you not to harm you i plan to give you what hope and i got to make sure you make it to the destiny what's the destiny the destiny for bird is to fly i got to make sure you make it to flight it just never seed is to become a tree with fruit i got to make sure you make it to the fruit bearing stage i have to make sure you make it to your end because my name is on the line when you get lost you can even smell what ain't gonna work success is not luck you got to make sure you keep obeying laws when i come to people i would tell them look you violated the law look you know okay listen you want this marriage to work you gotta there's some laws ain't no magic i can't pray if you have a good marriage there's some laws involved in this ain't no devil in this you all your marriage got law problems i was blaming the devil for things [Applause] lost if the axe is what dull much strength is needed with no success but with skill success comes out even quickly the guy said two minutes finish now the problem is when he's finished see you on prosper okay prosperity come from what laws the guy brought some laws to the car now he gonna prosper you ain't gonna prosper you're losing if you didn't know the laws of a car yourself he wouldn't get you money so you'll be prospering yourself take your money to a dentist because you can't fix your teeth you take your money to the doctor because you can't fix your body you take your money to the lawyer because you can't understand the contract in other words when a person developed their skill you take their money to them it's a law so why would the nfl call me they saw a skill and believe me your skill is developed for a long time without pay just keep working on it just keep working sometimes you got to work with the children first you know some of you won't be big right away no go work in children's church for just work on it i learned to teach by talking to kids who didn't know when i messed up let me say it again you won't be a public speaker go teach in children's church the kids don't know when you don't do right go work in the nursery talk to them babies tell them about god they don't know if you mess it up practice your gift at every opportunity stop looking for a check look for an opportunity work your gift work your gift so he says if the axe is dull the edge is unsharpened you got to work hard and get nothing done but with laws skill makes it successful if you want to shift from a scarcity to an abundance mindset check out the video right there next to me i think you'll love it continue to believe and i'll see you there one of the most important things i tell people is you don't need to be an expert in the technology you need to be an expert in the problem part of where we're going is going from a world of scarcity to a world of abundance right
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 51,498
Rating: 4.8896551 out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, yt:cc=on, evancarmichael, do this everyday, money will flow like crazy, joe dispenza advice, how to get rich, success routine, tony robbins, deepak chopra, open your eyes
Id: 3sAaGltTgO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 57sec (2217 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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